The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, September 05, 1871, Page 3, Image 3

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    .i.i.i.-iiv ,-ii-n: , .h j tti
.?4:hy.j u;a Ta vi e.:(::.TJia.'H'jr
A Villi Aaanvftm....
Hand or Machine Sewe it, Whole 8 took and Double
Warfahtecf tfttJjy.Entirt Sat'rsfectioiJ
'Manufactured and Cof Bale to the Trade tif
' i, t. .,., ,., YORK. " PA. .'. -
' .-I - l-'-l- I .. ... .'. 1 ..1,1 .
- j -1 , , , A lull Assortment of
: Boots, Shoes and
'At 'I v ' .
j -'Constantly on Hand.""
.: wspe(Hal Attention Paid to Order -S i
- "' ' ' ... . . ' ,-
Xew Millinery I &OQd&
, . . - ,-l :. ; i
..ii. -t i .:... ..M, il,:
I BEO tolnform tneffflMte1 lhat I have just re
turned from Philadelphia, with a full assort-
uimi oi uie latest siyies oi
i I : i ,
Alt I-
' ' ftlBBONi,' i-RENCrf iWeR8,
r! I.
FEAT1IE1W, ;Jt ;;' , 1 " , '
' 1 ti
U.II,.-. (..:, KOTIONS. I'
3"! ' I fl'
And all artlolf usually found in a nm-elass Mil
linery Kstabllxhmant. All orders promptly at
tended to. - -We will sell all goods as Cheap as
can be got elsewhere..- v , t.. - . ,,
DRESS-MAKING done to order' and in the la
tost style, as I get the latest Faxhlons from New
York every montli. , Gotlorlng done to order, In
all widths. I will warrant all my work to give gut
la faction. All work done as low as possible.
AHNIE ICKES, , t j . ; ..i
Cherry Street, near the Station,
61913 l"'" " -vi,' '-.r Newport, Pa.
lowest priced,
RTPT.T AP l)ut being much the best l In
t lie enfl bv far the cheapest.
Do not fall to give It a trial
and you will use uu other.
u ,ii, i .: ,
TUB alarming Inerease la the number of (right
ful accUleiit-t, fvsultlng In terrible deaths
and tlieoVstnietUm-of valuable property, Baiiaed
by tfeoindlscrlmlnate usaolclla, ksMiwn aiuit Uie
name of petroleum, prompts us to call your spe
cial attention to an article which will, wherever
llHEUt remove Uie CAUbU oi. such oeldeuta-
We allude to ; i - i ,.,. ,ii (i ,
-CairemiStdUiv1 ' Oil
''i'v't 'i r'-' ,, ron '' '."" ' '
The proprietor ef 4bls Oil has Jos several years
fell the necessity M psovfdlug lor, and presenting
to the public, as a substitute for the dangerous
compuunoj vrjuon are.seni;
broadcast - over the
try. an oil that is HAKE and DKILLIANT.
aim euureiy rmLiwn.v!JniOT long series oi laoo-
rlous and costly exiierlineuts. he has succeeded lu
providing, and now offers to the public, such a
substitute In "CARSON'S BTELLAlt OUU", It,
snoum oeusea oy every ianmy,-'r,1 v,, ,,;,; ,
18T, Because It Is safe beyond, a question. ,1 lie
primary purpose Uvthe preparation of BTELtAR
OIL baa been to make It PERFECTLY SAKE,
. thus Insuring the Ilres and property of those who
."use .! y . I .i:;:- i ..ti. i .. nt
SD, Because It Is the most BUILLTANT liquid ll-
lumlnator now known. , . , j ,r, , ., ,
SD, j Because tto jnore (economical, hr the long
run, ban any of Hip dangerous 'oils dud 'fluids
now ui too common use.,, , , :,, , yyiAt , (
4TH, Because It Is Intensely BRILLIANT, and
therefore economical, giving the greatest poaal
- ble light at the least expenditure to the eontam
er. Its present standard of 8AFETV AITD
BRILLIANCY will always be nialntalued, for
' upon tlus the proprfetor dopends' for sustaining
the high reputation the- STELLAR 'OH now
enjoys.' " ' " "
- To nrevent the adultnrAtlon nf this with lliiTsr"
plosive compounds now known unj.T tlw name of
Kerosene, etc., ate., a is put up ror family nse 1
Five liallon cans, -each enu being sealed, an
uiiif,i vMiin. -cnvii mil uvillf ITCiuieil, KlIU
Stamped with the trade-mark of the proprkitori It
cannot be tamiiered with between the manufa
tiirer and eonsiimer, None is genuine without the
j. n n i irvimviviY. ... . , ,,. .
STELLAR OIL Is sold only by weight, eaehean
cimminiiiK rv unuvu ui six aim a nail poul
each, thus securing to every purchaser full me
ure. Jt Is the duty and Interest of alt dealers and
consumers of llhimlnatlngoll ttne the b'XEl.LAH
OI I may, bociuse It jtop.t Is kuown top safe and
,A11 orders shoiUd b addressed to
yt--uV" 5fi6LEsij.Yri:f:
' .'i-A-i ii'lM toiitt' Froutf8lui,
1 5Ty PhllaaelpUa.
O.t Iliau SriiErr, Vast or Caiiijbi.i sr.,
1 - Xcw Bloom field, Pcnn'a.
i .1
TflE subscrllwr has' built i'large' and' conimodl
ous Hhopon High St., East 4)1 CarllHle Street,
pbw iiuoiuiieui, i a
ufacture tovrdcy ,
- ' l l ur i 1 1
Oa r r i t fg o
Of every descrlptloit, out of the bent niaterlul.
-' Sloiglis of every Stile,",
built to order, and Mulshed lu the most arthttlc and
auraoienianuer ;j fj I ' 4 If I
, . Having suiicrlor workmen, lio Is prepared
to furnish work Unit will compare favorably with
Uie best City Work, and much mure durable, uud
lit uiuio icatiiiuMuiu imwo. , , ,
XV REPAIRING of all kinds neatly and prompt
ly done. A call In solicited. , " ' ' ; -j.
x . .. ; ' SAMUEL SMITH.
,;tltf,::'-.. i' -, ; ;
Stoves, Tlu and Sheet Iron Vnrfl
Ncn Itloomfluld, Terry co.
T7"EKFH constantly on band every article usually
Kun iu uinfr-viaoB'oevMuiiaiiituJuv. it .. ,
, , All the latest styles and. most lmroved
l'arlor and Kitchen Hove
tn. Spouting nd UooOug put up In the most
uoruoia muuuiir. aoo a( rtsanouaoiu prices., uau
Huaexamuie uisicg. j.j j i, ; 81
'ynr.-j:' :-,T- v'-'''r;r-r;-i-'-;;t v
io.;.'t oiii1
Why ere we'so Impatient of dislny,'1
j Longing forerer fbr tBe time to bet ,u "'
Fdt'thtis We llTetd-mdrroW In lO'daft" 1 1 tu I
Yea, sad to-morrows o may never see.:" Lit
We aro too'iastyj are not Reconciled !
' To lot kind nattiro do hct work dlone1
We plant our seed, and like a fodlteU Child
We dig It top to see If It has 'grown.' f-ii
The good that Is to be we covet now, f ,
.We cannot Walt for the appointed ho'ur '("''
Before the fruit Is ripe, we shake the bongh, "'
) And seize th6 bud that folds away the flower.
U hen midnight darkness rclgnt we do not see ,..
' That the sad night Is mother of the morn ( ,,
We cannot think our own sharp agony' . ,,'
' May be the birth-pang of a Joy unborn. '
Intotho dust we see our Idols cast, , ,. ,.i
And cr j that death has trlamphed.llfe Is Told,
Wo do not trust the promise, that the last
Of all our enemies shall be destroyed 1 1 ,''jr
With rest almost In sjght the spirit fatcU, , ,
i And heart and flesh grow weary ht the last, :
Our feet would walk the city of the saints, ,.,,
Even before the silent gate is passed.,, , yn
Teaeh tts to wnit until Thou shalt appear
I To know that all Thy ways and times arejust,
Thou seest that wo do believe, and fear.
Lord make us also to bolleve and trust.;
Searoh for Happiness. ' i I
A wealtBy5 epicure ar-ptiod 16' in Arra-
biaq doctor for prescription that would
rostoro his body to health and give , hap
piness to his mind.; Jhe physician ad
vised him to exohange shirts with man
Who was perfectly contented with his tot,'
Whereupon-the patient sot out irf pursuit
of such a person. ' 'After-many months
spent without accomplishing his object,
he was told, ot a certain cobblor of who m
every one had spokon as a model of con
tentment and happiness. 1 ursuing the
direction given, the ; traveller, wag lat
length rewarded with the sight of tho'
cobbler enjoying a comfortable )ap on a
board. Without ccremon he was arous
ed from his slumbers, and .the important
interrogatory, whether he was -oontcnted
with his lot, was answered in the affirm
ative. I rr' .' 'L.x"',.i.,-V '.....';'
" Then," said the socker after hapni-
ncss. "I have one small boon to ask . at
yonr hands. ' It is that yon ' exohange
shirt with me, that by this moans, I may
also beconio contented and happy' ;.
.'' Most dadly would I aeoede to your
request " replied, the cobbler, but" '
Way refuse me not," interrupted the
man of wealth any sum that .thou mayst
name shall be ; thine." i " 'm
" I seek not thine ' wealth,", said , the
cobbler; '." but but-'' : ;
' uut wnatr . m .!
The truth face Iw fhirl? , ;
The Order, for the ' Execution of, Jesus
.... v.u ,1. ..... Christ. ,..
I K.iio .i. 10 mi '.. , .i, ,..(! ;w: .1
Amonff tho -! manuscripts .' which ' were
probably burned In the reoeno conflagra
tion of the archiepisco'pal palaoe'at Bour
gos.'ln France, tho most remarkable was.
without doubt, the order tor the. oxecu
tion of Josus Christ, Which was tho .per
son ut property of Do la .Tourd' Anvergno.
Tho order runs thus iltl'w'.'.-t. L. ''r.
Jesus of Nazareth of -the Jewish tribe
of Judea, convicted of imposture and re
bellion against, the .divine authority ,'pf
i iberius Augustus, rimperor of 1 the 1 Ko-
man s, having tot this eaenlege been con
detuned to die on the ' CTowby sentence
of"; the'' judge; 'I'bntius 'Pilate,"-oil' the
prosecution ot our lord, llerod,', lieutenr
ant ot the Luiperor in Judea, shall bo,uiQrrywtuioruinf:,xthg 23d day of
tholdcs of March1, to theHiBua place "of
puuiiibmont, under the csoortot a . coiu
pny fi 09 'raetoniup. f uacd r Tlie f
called king of the 'Jews shall, to, taken
out, by the Struneari cate,' ,'AU tho'pubi.
lio officers and tho subjects of the Em pel
ror are directed to lond their aid to -the
exdbbtion f 'tiibilsententfe. H II rl'
(Signed,) ; ,u i t. Capel.
Jerusalem 23d gtny pf the list of March,
yeor-ot KotnaTcJ. vwj.f-n 'in
1 IT
i if.,
Love la the Household.
There is one place whero love fs more
pearly supreme than anywhero else, and
tlmf a where buccess liasi obberr F.aphicvad
more nenrlv than anvwhero elwa. I refor
to the houbehoId.V '.Therd ' the fiiuntuin of
love is pevcr scaled.' ' There, love is more
nearly on us pattora of love in heaven
than abywhere else. ' That is the' bright
Wpot of- human ' history. . While nations
have gone , on, voluminous, vast,, ,(lurk
with desolation on vtry hand, groaning
and travailing in pain. uutil. now while
thoro havo Lcco putvard conflicts inhum-
erable : whilo'tho world has been full of
confusion and crying i and misery,, thpre
have been in all landu houses with limn
lies secluded in thou.-: .And that ,whioh
the Stuto. lacked, and, .bunlncM Jacked
and ell men outnido of tlie household has
possewed, Kauity, justice, T' forgiveness.
have flduruihed in ibe hoiibeUuki,l(j
,. ar lyomiorta ol the 04od Uhrietuin
fright fuilh, high hopes, clear !waitlier
shadows all pointing towards the eternal
morning.' n n. ; , si r,-. w ; ,
' ' .- -I:' , .1 ,1 .11- Si
JtvU company bj , Lke 'tuboeeo
hDKike von cuDnot be lung iu its prcs
cuue wmiDui carry ins awaY a taint out
1 11 ,iWu"4 lw -i'i ,.ti M I
milftEKglils 'drf'mi'olIei'inili'oTe'ry
f ' ','X' neii r'oonit'' There'' ati " oradl 6f
uiv writiric ror'ebo'montb.'lat'TnftHf. t"
I Kenneth lloet bushed his'fittners Intrl a
roonfused, Mp; and lighted (f cigar 'in it
soft of quiet despair: ,.. ;
I " There 1s my cousin Flot, 'Alice Ay
mer, and Kosii' Fernkll blue eyes,'- black
eves, and: the! ting grey; '' By- the - way,
that little monkey Kosa isn't bad looking.
I rather fancy that peonliar shade of filbert-brown
hair, and big grey eyes, and
oheeks where the blood flutter like pink
pennon: -if Rosai Fernall ' would I make a
tolerable study for my next heroine, j J
may ad well put her. to some useful pur
pose. UeighoP'.. H.ut ii r ' f hi.
, Kenneth Boss paused a moment, as the
peal of girlish laughtor echoed in the ad
joining apartment. .,., .. , ,: ,
,'Mheyre laughing at me, 1'Jl . wager
my opal scarf-pin, , Girls always .think . a
bachelor fair game ; they've no . more re
spect tor the dignity ot man than so ma
ny Brazilian monkeys!"
' - And Mr. Boss looked ratner '.compla
cently in the mirror opposite, whioh re
fleotod an Oval broWn face,' With shining :
black hair and mustache;' brilliant dark
eyes, and a mirthful spirited mouth.' '
Tap 1 tap I tap ! sounded softly on ' the
pannel of his door, evcii while he was en
gaged in taking this personal' survey1 'of
himself, abd he had just time to take his
heels off the table before Miss Flora Edg
worth put her sunshiny little head into
the room. '"' :ii!iij i-fi; , ,
u C6usin Konneth, are you there?" .
'"Yefcvf'.jwi ji 'I .h ,:rV .
,' May we oouio in ?',' , ,
i V Why; VQu'll oomo in. whether I grant
permission or not, and I may as well . say
yes.". " od -. - ( .-...'i ,,
" 1 just want tho girls to see what a
dear little scholarly den you've got hero,
all hung with pictures and 'mcerchaums'
and, deer horns, and darling 'dismal skulls
and" 1 ' 7;' " T "
Flora threw open the door, and admit
ted her companions rosy, laughing dam
sels bf t'ghtooti and twnfy-one.: ' "'
iiere ne is, gins; tue oia Dacnoior,
,s ho'a'ppcars in his native wilds!" ' ' '
. ' Now. I tell vou what, vouncr ladies."
said Mr. Boss, throwing his - half-smoked
cicar' deliberately out of thd window,
i" I'll trouble .you to be a little less uncer
emonious I I-'",-. I 11' ! . ' E 11.
' For Alice and Elota had 1 ponnecd on
his loosd tnanuscript,''-and ' Were already
laughing over the rathor illegible chiro
graphyi jtrMW.t jJ; t rum! rt-t-.'t i:
: Miss fernall stood near the door, a lit
tle - confused, and i very pretty, in . her
blushes and uncertainty:.: ,:i w'Unt
" Alice I flora ; don 1 1 lie; appealed.
,, 'f It's no use, Miss Bosa 1'! said Ken
neth; despairingly. Girls, will yqu be
so kind Ioaye . my writing-desk
alone? There's po uso iu looking into
that drawer,' either, unless Vou are par
ticularly interested in" blacking 'brushes
nA nl.l lw. .'-' '
" IIow' can you,' Flora?" 'pleaded "the
shocked Bosa. ' ' " "'-'
"'Oh, my 1 girls'," twittered MissEdie-
worth: ecstatically," " here's a bottle of
real ' Farina ' Cologne; -' ; Out with i your
pocket. hnndkorchiefs quick! .' Go on,'
Ken : what were rou savini t:'. -i i
But Mr; Boss preserved a i stately, si
lence, f-n Mi.fil i..,! -. t. ', ,f .
'(Don't be cross, Konneth," said Flora,
sprinkling a scented dew. on .her yellow
curls iroui the slender, foreign-shaped
bottle. ; ('. We're goiug tQ the post-oflice
nowV! Bosa Fernall has written a twelve-
pago letter; to, her sweet-heart out in
Canada-", s ., '.,'.',. ,'.",'i-
i Flora," exclaimed Bosa l'eruull.turu-.
ing soarlot..;-!,,, ., .. .. ,,'..,,
And," pursued tlio relentless flora,
"we're going to. post it. Come, girl's j
the sun is getting wore oppressive every
moment' .i, r , ... . ,
. And tlie next moment Mr. Koss was
loft alone in tho summer Bilencd of the
room', with hcavy' musk roses 'bodding 'at
11..' - -L.ILi .L.l it. J ,
iuu,upeu I'aneuiuni,, aim wic urcauiy mur
mur oi mapio boughs and far-on bees in
hikenr'." 'f ' H ' " .''
" A 'twelve-page letter to her ' 'sweeb-
v . . i - 1 ......
ncari . ponaered jir: Kenneth, with
Very ominous ' contraction or -his 'eye
brows. She tnust -have had something
very interesting to Write. .1 wonder who
he is1;1 L'ariada,'eh ? ! I wish it was Van
Dieman 8 Land !""' ''T
Mr. Boss rose from his easy chair,' and
began to walk up and down- tho- noon. -.
" it's too eonfoundod hot . to ' breathe
here l'1 he said, impatiently taking op his
straw hat.' "1 11 go and take a tramp in
tho woods. Twelve pages ! what could
Bhe hare found Jo fill up twelve 'pages ?"
t lora Jvlgeworth uau suooecued . in
planting a rankling thorn n her cousin's
breast, all unc,ouscious though she . .had
. . Thb sun was low' in' Ifie cloudless. Wes
tern hlyVheu Kenneth " Boss 'returned
from hw abstracted ramble id the1 vt-oods,
anu mo wiuo, oiu-iusnioned country house
wu's Very fitill, hs he escedded the1 oaken
staircase. aod : wen absently 'alohg-- the
corridor toward bib own apartment.1 "
' " Hallo !" ''' i'"i .t.
lit; Boss' gated Vacantly 'round ,'the
room witli something -of the bewildered
feelings' that might have Wongod to the
Boatern prince, when he found ' himself
transported from-lo to pole
cbinted drcam.'I-"' '" '"
e in an en
h'.tliu:!! I
i r, . . j . . - " i. . i . . ...
i in iu me wrong -roour, iaa 'believe
-!-for there, iSj .Flora, Edgcworth's ' white
gephyr shawl on "The " Bod 'and ''BosaB
black velvet Derby hat, and nd refld ' of
ribbons, afad gloves, and lace1 collars on
the bureau.'1 I don't see how I ever eame
to make such a blunder--I j must' whare
been in a brown study 1'f U In.d .f f :
i He balanced the- coquettish little black
velvet " Derby hat", on; bis hand .as: te
Bpoke. : ,. !! i;: Mj,fl.. i.i,jn', u,c i
"So this is tho. fashionablo . style of
chapeau, eh ? . It certainly is a fact that
women borrow their chief dress .ideas
nowadays fronj. the nobler sex. , This hat
is just a fao simile pf my last summer's
tile,, and that litlo sacque with ' the' big
horn buttons is my .'cut-away coaf over
again 1 ' I wondor now whether BosaY
little hat would fit me?". " "
! Mf. BoNs adjusted the''afUolo'of dress
jauntily OH One side of his' curls, 'and
viewed himself, not ill-pleased in the mir-'
rot1.'''" ' - ' '- '' Jih
" Upon my word it don't look so lad.
only this long, flapping veil is 'confound
edly in the way.' And bow Where's, the
saeqne ? A little tight in the sleeve, but
otherwise quite a decent i fit, if I fellow
holds his arms well baok. ...There's Al
ice's blue muslin dress., I've , two minds
and a half to put it on, just for, the joke
of the thingi'V,; .,:,.. ,:
.A momentary, snonce ensued, ( broken
by the rustling of muslin. ". . ,' . "'",,.
'Don't meet round'j.the' waist! by ' a
good six inches, but I can hold it up.. ' I
wonaer what makes .the thing draw On
the floor and cling round one's legs so !' '
Oh, I know the ctiuolino' ought to go
under." " ' ' ' ' - "'-!"'?-
For the " dignity of manhood.'' we
are reluctant to chronicle - the fact 'that
our hero, intent on his tableau tolitaire,
did actually then and there : proceed ' to
the closet, and piratically take down -a
hoop-skirt, which ho solemnly put on. i ;
"Jupiter! how comical it feels 1' he
ejaculated, with an' amused face. u Why
I shouldn t dare to go within a yard of a
vase or a statuotte, and I'm quite certain
I should swamp all the chairs and,, tables
I oame noar 1 , Bother this trailioe mus-
in always in the way I" . 'in.; i
for iUr. Itoss bad unthinkingly plung
ed his masculine foot through,, the ..deli
cate fabrio pf the dress. ... , ., ,',,;".,' ....
"I'm not certainbut that I should
make quite a nice-looking woman," mus
ed Kenneth, , strutting backwards and
forwards before the mirror, with his, Der
by hat balanced daintily, ' and the " blue
muslin revealing about a foot and a half
of calf-skin boot and trousers. On ' the
whole Tomb bf the prophet f is that the
girls?:"' ',;' ", "'"
Mt. Koss gave a blindly desperate jerk
at his J sacque,' and a pull ' at the crino
line, but all in vain."' '''" 11
Tho sweet gay' Voices,' intermingled
here and there with a ringing laugh, or a
snatcn ot song, drew nearer -and nearer,
for an instant Mr.' Boss" wildly.' con.
templated a rush through the hall to: his
own door, but a moment s reflection con
vinced him that suoh a retreat! would, bo
simply impossible.. c i-t -ir .-.,( n l.;., .; .
" I must stay and face it out,'; be then
thought, with a pold perspiration . break
ing out on ins torencad ; ' , but - pold ont
there's the closet.; It's just possible they
will only stay hero a minute or two,." lu
And Mr. Kenneth Boss, totally oblivi-i
ous ot he " majesty of man, , fled pre
cipitatciy into the closet, tumbling over
his crinoline and muslin in a most disas
trous -manner, and hopelessly ,. splitting
open too seams oi poor Alice a sacquo;i (
" Why tho douce didn't I think to se
cure, tho key I", he thought, as the girls
streamed into the room, r However, I can
uoiu tigui on to me aoor-nanuie
if. any
ouo aneujuio w gus i,7 roy.jove-
- . t is r !
tnc girls should see uie iu. this rig.
should never hear tho last of ,'it. I dc
see either why I'm not obliged to play
eavesdropper against my will."''' '.'J ' '.
" lie' leaned up against the shelves; and,
breathlessly awaited the progress', of Jhe
events! 1 " '" " " ' ' ' 't-
" Why." eiaculafed a 'soft voice--Bo-
sa's own '' where's my Derby ? " Waaf I
careless enough td leave it idown'i itairs?
flora, you have hidden it'-i .
" I wonder what you 11 accuse!. me of
next?" said Flora iu an injured voice...!
; " ion told Mr. Boss, that! Cousin.. i St
mon's letter was to-to--" ,.. i.'i ( , i
: " Your sweetheart? Well. he.oughtto
be, X iu sure.- Wr. nbuuoq Montrose is
llha lnn.lunn.a. T 1
VU uHKMBVuiuoiriiuug utrtu llu w ',,
;"Uh, i florae hp don jt. compare ; with
Mr. Boss." . ,., -t,., ( , , ', ;..
, Bosa Feruall, bo lionest.".'said iio'r'a,
speaking distinctly, with two or three
hair-pins in her, cherry mouth ;, " which
uo yuu iiae ueui- i. puBin JCU or onuou
"Flora!" ' " '. "" ' ' J :
" Tell me now, hohc'stly." u
. Uhe answer enme in a low. half Jnau-
bio Voioo ' 'v ' ""J - "'
K " Ifnnnitli f 1 '1 ..'! J..''i :H.'
J Thd heart under Arieo's eaoue'gavo-' i
great joyous ' lump. " ' ' "
Mr. Kenneth Boss's head tame in'eon
tact whh something on the upper- sholf
and down eome a tsln'of band boxes., on
his bcoiput.'''-' 'j'f ' i" ti!.ii:i
There was an instant's terrified silence!
and then all the girls began to scream in
chorus. ' r;"'l'' '" ''"' ' Ai
' Mercy r lejaoulated -Alice. " "What
b It?1'1 i " '' 'i .U ni i ii...u
k How silly we all are " -said Bosa
i tremulously, 'fTt s bnly. tho cat7..l . mi
. " . . .
( ."As ir. a cat coma make suen a
ora. "Call Uuclo"
John. B
rinjj a reyplrer ! Alioe, do looJcA
and seewhat
" No ; yott look," faltered
Alice, rej
treating behind the bureau
" I'll look myself," sajd Bosa . Fernall,
bravely advancing to tlio"re9cub '
i when (he door-handle refused to
turn,' even she was scared. " r. f
l " Bom otae is holding lh door insidei
Call the pen,", , :r '
1 ." .there is no-necessity,'?. fluotlk a voioej
from behind the pannels. ' ' i.uo.xi
Arid he next moment (he "closet door
flow open, disolosina a toll ; forni .in bW '
muslin and crinoline, and a counUnarjeoo
whose litter sheepishness cat! ' n6verl t&
described. - ' - --"
" Cousin Kin H VlrieCSd Flora. 'WAX
"Mr. Boss 1" fultored Miss Fernall.
" Whyi it can't be. possible t',iaiaoula-
ted Alien, L
And then tho three girls clung to each
other id irrepressible paroxysms of laugh- ,
; " The' fact " i8, . ladies," ' eommebce'd
Kenneth," Cobfuscdly, want some one '1
to help me off with this mouse-trap of a' 1
hoop-skirt! , Miss Allcot I'm very .sorry
I've split your saque open, but Well, if
yon don't stop laughing, can't"explain;:
that's the long and the short of it." Ll
But Bosa Fernall had stopped" lauen-'
ing already abd the pink of - her ' cheeks '
was deepening into scarlet."' "'
She had' just remembered the' Words1
carelessly spoken in that Very .'room. not '
fire minutes ago.-' lr-i t''"8 "'"i" 1 .i9
In a remarkable short ' spitoo of time ''-
Mr. Boss had torn Off his feminine adorn- n
menu, and fled ignominionsly, followed i
by the peals of laughter of his cousin
and Alice AymerJ i i ,'i ?it:;i. ,.i .. .;T
l Bosa strange little piece of conUadler 3
tionhad began -to, cry.. v 1 ir.-n iu ,
l 1' Poor little thing I, she's , hysterical,", ,.!
said Annt Meg, who had. just appeared r
on the saeno..i..i. , . u v... , .,, ... r ....
. But,Bosa Fernall was p.hysterici.,.'
The full, delicious -moon of., summer .
was in .the .. mid-heaven, . .that. . nightr as '
Kenneth Boss strolled into. , the garden,.
moodily puffing at a cigar,', and 'contem-'",.
plating the feasibility' of leaving . quiet'
Warburgh to avoid the girls' sarcasm. ,
"I was a fool," quoth, Kenneth' aloud, 1
"butr Who's there?'' A t ', " '
It wai Bosa,' with two' Or"th'ree ' white-
clovb pinks in hCr hand, 'coming from' the 1
lower part of ' the gardeti: :"'"Jt -:!-' .--
, ' And, by the full, brilliant ' boonlight, '
Kenneth saw the traces of tears on her
cheek: -,J ' 'I e-IT .t iwf I.T v-tryAt
" Bosa, you have been crying !'' tttiiA . !
" No, J haven't r Z ' .
"And.-to nrove the truth -of. her! assetiv
tion, Bosa began tolry afres1.
y,f Lok here, Bosa," said, the young
man, gravely, ',' I have been thinking 'oS
leaving Warburgl to-mortow," ,"u..,'v'.
Bosa cried on., - '.'7 ' j '.'
, But! pursued Mr, Poss,vii ril'stay;1
ifif you'll only tell ' me to," my 1 face '
what jou told my dousin' wherj' lwashld-'
den'away'like b great foolish rat in a trap,
Itcfsa. Kpcatto me litflo onS."1
WTiat shall ' I toll 'you lv faltered-
Rosa?''''' -" " ' " !"?'!" "'
That you love mel that- you '-will' be'
mywiter' "" ' . xt, t..iv-'j
And she told mm so, in the- language
lovers best like to hear. ' ii ' n i'v.!,ti
"'And Mr. Konneth Boss stayed in War; 1
burgh, 'and braved the ridicule of Alice I
and Flora, with little. Bosa marshalled on.'
his side-; i-ihf .! f i t ,'''.-i h -r .
But he never read the girls: any, more,
homilies on the dignity . of . manhood -or,
the msjosty of; h umnu, nature VJ . ,
,,To use Miss . Flora's. , expressive . lauj
guagc, "it wouiuq;t have gone down. '
Tiiifrnmiliiar' MnnLpTaJ'"' t'
,:: ;": n 1 -rr-o ; -",.;. I . . ,-,r,j
,; We are sorry tj ,lam ' that monkeys,
whose dignity has been somewhat Increas
ed of late by certain philosophical discus-'
sionsj are not altdgether beyond tho reach
of the vices' and temptations' Which" be
set their degenerate posterity.; In' DarJ
four and Pcni"t'',''A-fr'ca, Wo are' told the
natives make an intoxicating ! drink of
which the monkeys aro exceedingly fond.
A'mean advantage is taken (of this weaki
ncss by the negroes to take captive its
unwary victims.. t Vessels 'of this, drink
aro sot out where monkeys most da (Con
gregate, end soon a company ot revelers
will gather and screech aud .get - fuddled
in almost as disgraceful a manner- as that
which is so common among young nen.
When the little fools have lost all power
to comprehend their situation,' or to con
trol their movements, in come tho .wicked
persons who placed temptation in, . their
way, and each man will tako a monkey
by tho paw -and lead him away, eveu as
misguided youth' in ia, similar ;.couditiou
are led away to ruin f auother will .catch
bold of; this one for support, and. so. on
uu til the negro has in tow a line of twelve
prj fifteen-etaggoring -apes, which .he se- .
cures ix a ougq before they know, .what is
going on,;or recover tho oontrol, of llmfr
loE". 1
jtayThe newest 1 thing in the way ef
medical adviee is to wear goggles, for the
purpose1 of preventing 1. lunitroko tho
theory of some ibeorisiug savan. being
that these attacks are due to! the action
of Jight Upon jthe braini exerted through
the, eye, cud .not, as is generally believed,
to an elevation of. the temperature. -.I'os-
(j siUy so, 7 ..-But hjt us .- look 'at, the case
ns that !" sobbed
irowboth sides, v, ,VouJdn t healthy,
full-riggpd, scusilVi man ' rather bo auu
struck.jUan wear, gogglus J.'j ;
JlvS Jv iofjuj C III L- i f.J