riiotogfaplis I riiotosraphs JACOB COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, VENN' A. THE subscriber would respectfully on!l tlio nt tendon (it the citizens. n( this count v to t tie fact that lie Is prepared, to taltft 1'HOTOURA l'HS in the best style of the art. Ills long experience enables him to prnduco PICTURES WHICH CAXXOT HE EX CELT, 1:1). All persons nrc requested to call at Ills rooms and examine specimens. 1'artlcular attention given to copying likenesses or deceased persons, nnd great care will bo taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOII COBLE, Artist, Newport, Terry Co., To Bloomfield Academy ! An English ami Classical School FOll LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Young Men Prepared For College. A Normal Scluml and a School of Art. FALL TERM COMMENCES On Monday, the 2$ih of Aiiyust, 1871 AS the aliove school has recently been le-organ-ized, students canenter any lime. I'rnf. VM. II. DILL, a graduate of Itutger's Col lege, N. .1.. 1'rlncipal. Miss ANN A K. AVOSPl'IiflKlt, a graduate of Esther Institute, Columbus, Ohio, teacher of Mu sic, Painting, Drawing, French and German, lively facility for the training of the youth of both sexes In all that constitutes a liberal and thorough education. Tlio I'ollegintc Department embraces all the higher branches, Including the Latin and Greek Languages, Kngiueei liig, Practi cal Surveying, Literature, Natural Science and ad vanced Mathematics. Vacations: July and August, nnd ono week at Christ mas. Terms: For Hoarding, Furnished Itoom, Wash lug. Tuition in Latin, Greek, Hnglish liranchesand Mathematics, lor the scholastic year, Sltw. in vacations. J-JOO.IX). The Hoarding Department Is at the institution, under the supervision of Willam (iiier. iisq., by whom good and substantial board will be fur nished: and the pupils will be under the strict care of tlio Principal. Address W. If. DILL, A. M. Principal, VYII.IilAlM 1,1111'.".. New Bloomllcld, Terry county, I1. NATUltK'H Hair Restorative I Contains NO I, AO HULPHUR No HUG Alt OF I.KAD No LITHAIIGK No NITKATK OP hi l.VKK.and Is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health-destroying Drugs used In other Hair Preparations. Transparent and clear as crystal, It will not soil the finest fabric norfeetly BAPK, -'LKAN, and KKF1C1KNT desldcratuius LONG BOUGHT I'Oit AND. FOUND AT LAST 1 It restores and prevents the Hair from becom ing Gray, Imparts a soft, glossy apiiearance, re moves Dandrult, Is cool and refreshing to the head, checks the Hair from falling otf, and restores It to a great extent when prematurely lost, pre vents Headaches cures all H uniiirs, Cutaneous Krutitlons, and tinniitural Heat AH A DHUHH lN(i FOlt THE HA1K1T IS THE BEAT AH'llC'LK IN THE MAKKEi. Dr. o. Hmlth, Patentee, Groton Junction, Mass. Preparel only by Procter Ill-others, Gloucester, llnss. The Genuine Is put up In a panel bottle, made expressly for It, with the name of the article blown In the glass. Ask yo ur Druggist for Na ture's llulr llestoratlve, and take no oilier. . fend a three cent Ktamp to Trocter Bros, for a Treatise ou the Human Hair. The Information It contains Is worth f&uu 00 to any person, CHEAP GOODS! T il K subsci-lber havtuir onened a new Store, one doorKastof Hweeer's Hotel, solicits a share of the public patronage. He has Just received a lull supply of 3V Ci v O- O O 1 H , and will constantly keep on hand, a complete as sortment of DRYOOODS, , QUEEX8WARB BOOTS A SHOES, GROCERIES HARDWARE. JIATSdiCAFS. A lid Everything else usually kept la Stores. ir Call and see my stock. ROIl'T. N. WILLIS, New Bloomfield, P. 42 ASPI.EXI)IT i NNDHTMKNm D RY - GOOD CI It Y. GOOD O Suited to the Season, Are Now Offered for Bale by T. MORTIMEB, & CO. ! ALL KINDS of Printing neatly executed at the f IlsuomriiCLO Timm" brain JOB Orrius. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY S Dr. WALKER'S OALIFOILNIA VINEG-AR BITTERS sfi Hundreds of Thousands g J u Bear testimony to their Wonder- & 2 o lul (jurutlvs Effects. 8 f SEs' WHAT ARE THEV9 SSI gsf g si :n lii V 05 J L TOUT AT.K NOT A VILE ,11 FANCY DRINK, Msdoof Poor Itnm, Whiskey, Provf t'plrlts mid Kcfuao l.lqiiurM doctored, spiced nndswixt tned to please tho tasto, cnllod"Tontc8,""Api)ci;. crE," ' Itcstorcrs," c, that lend tho tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, bet tiro a trno Medicine, r.is;:o from the Katlvo Boots and Herbs of California, free from till Alcolivllo ritltnulnntn. Thcycro t!:o UltF.AT BI.OOD PL'KIl'lIClt mid A MI'i; UIVINU l'RlNt'Il'l.F.oporact Hcr.ovntor r...J Invlgorator of l!io Kj'ttc:n, carrying o!T all po!Eor.o:.j matter and restoring tho blood to n healthy coiuilt'.c.:. Ko person can tako thesa Bitters accorilloK to Llric tton and remain long unwell. 8100 will bo glvcnforan Incurable cam, rr.v!i'.l tlio bones are not destroyed by miner:.! ii'l:i cr other means, and tho vital orgnus wasted btyoi.u t'..o point of repair. For lnfliiniiiiiitoi-y nnd Clirouio ltliciiinn tintn nnd (Jout, Dyspepsln, r Indigestion, DIUciuh, Iteiiilnciit nnd Intermittent 1'ovurn Discust of (be lltood, I.lver, Kidneys, nnd Hludilcr tlieso JtlitcrB have been inobt success ful. rueh Dlsenncs nro cr.nctd by Vi! luted Hlofid, vliich Is generally produced by dcranuimtut Of tho DiaCKllvo Ol'KUUH. DVSPlil'SilA 1NDIGESTIOX, Head ache. Pain la tho bliouU ore, couctas, TiKhtucos of llio Chest, Dizziness, bocr Kructatlons cf tho fctonmclt, liad tnsto In the Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, Inflammation of tlioLnngn, Tain in tho regions of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other pkjilul eyuptcms.nro tho oUsirlngoof Drspcpsto. . - They lnvlgorr.ta tho Stomach and etimutnto tue tor pid liver and bowels, which render them of ancquallcd efficacy In cleansing the blood of all lmpurltlco, and Imparting new Ule nnd viyor to tho wliolo syctcni. Kilt SKIN DISEAbEfS, Ernptlons, Tetter, Ealt lthcum, HlotthcB, tSpote, I'lniplcs, Puctulcs, Dolls, Cor banclcs, itlng-Worms, Ecalti-Uead, Coro Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, EcnrfH,' ll8ooloratlona of tho Bkin, Humors and TJlscaBCB of the bklu, of whatovcr namo or naturo, aro literally d'Jg up and carried out or tho system In a short tlrou By the woof Uieso Ultters. Ono bottle In each cases will convlnco tho most Incredulous of their curattvo effect. Clcanso tho Vitiated Dloort whenover you nnd Its Impurities bursting tlironi;h tho skin In I'lmplos, Erup tions or BorcB ; clounuo it when you And It obstructed and elogidsh In tho veins t clcanso it when It la foul, and your fctllnns will tell youwlion. Keep tlio blood pure and tho health of tho syctcm will follow, r PIN TAPIS end oUior WOKIHW, lurking In tho system of so many thoiisando, aro effectually destroy ed and removed, l or full lUructiuns, read carefully tho elrcnlur around oneh bottle, printed lu fuur lou guogos Kuglltih.lioriimu, Froncli and Bpanislu J. WALKER, Proprietor. It. II. McDON ALD Si CO., Druggists and Ccn. Agents, Enn Francisco, Ctl and 83 and 84 Couiuiureo Street, Kcw York. trSQU) DT ALL DUUUCISTS AND DEALEU8. 1780 TAKE NOTICE. 1871 Aro You Afflicted or Sick ? U8E PAHBNEY'S BLOOD CLEANSER on P A N A C K A ! AN Alterative and Cathartic, or Tonic and Purge, for diseases arising from bad blood. llils preparation was established In 1870,and lias been prepared In liquid form for more than 1 years. In January or February, 1870, anoth er party commenced to prepare a bluillnr article which Is Inferior to the genuine, and which should not be mistaken for ours. Ask for "Dit. Faiiiiney'8 Blood Cleanbkii oh Fanacea," and accept no others. i lie Trade Mark ot the oldest and genuine, Is printed In green on a yellow wrapper, hav InK also the elguuturo off. Fahrney, M. D., Chlcngo. " J)r. r. Fahrney' t Health Mciienrjer" gives the history and uses of the Blood Cleanser, testimonials, and other information, sent free charge. Address Dit. P. FAiinxEr's BitoTnAs & Co.,. Waynesboro, Franklin County, Pa. Ask for Dr. Fahrncy's Blood Cleanser and CLKANSE YOUlt 11LOOU, RT 8old everywhere and In New Bloomfield by F. Moutimeh & Co., only. 5 18 CLOTHING MADE TO OliDEU! A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF Always on hand, from which to select. Clothin MADE TO ORDER CLOTIIIXU READY-MADE CLOTHING of Superior Quality always on hand. JP, Mortimer tC Co., March 16, '!. New BloouiUeld.l'a. A Perfectly Non-Explosive Lamp I PEKKIN8 IIOUHK'H PATENT LAMPS are the only Ijnnp that (iivts iEHYVA j Hafetit with ail KiNi'xor oil. i ncy are inuiie 01 mass, aua win last a uieiime, muaiiig inem ine CHEAPEST LAMP IN THE WORLD. The undersigned are A Rents for Perry County, and will minilv Merchant at the MunuftuitururM' puce, l'ermuis wuntliig a good articlo are re- quesiea to exauiiue tins mini). F. MOUTIMEB II CO., , New Bloomfield, Ta. v Ageuts wanted to canvass the County. V" ! VwW' I if! "oil's S . jjlsgfl Heady ml In Made CONSUMPTION. ITS CURE AND ITS PREVENTIVE. By J. E. S0I1EK0K, M. D. Kiinv a hnmnn belnir has paused nwny fhr whose lleatn there wks noolherreiuion than the ncitleetof known and IndHpulahly proven niCHiK of cure. Those near nnd dear to family nnd friends are ninepins; the dreamless slumber luto which, basl t ln-v calm I r adopted ik. joneiii ii. wrirKwrK'st Ninpi.R THKAT.H EKT, nd ftrntled themsi'ives of his wonderfully etuca cliiiis mellclnm, they would not have nilli'n. lr. Hehenck has In his own eote proved tlmt wlinrever miltlolent vllitltlv rnmalns, flint vitality, hy IiIh medlrinen und hh dfreclious for their use, la quickened Into healthful vlK'ir. In this statement there is tiothlnft presumptuous. To the faith of the Invalid Is made no representation that Is not a thommiri time sulMtantlated bv llvitiir and visible works. The theory of tho euro hy Ifr. Hrlienrk'a niKllclnos Is as simple m It is nnfnltluir. Its philosopby rwiuln-H no argumeiit. Itlaself-utf-surlnir. RPli-eonvlru'hip. TheMea-weed 'i'onlennd Mandrake Pitts are the first two weapons with whlrh tlio citadel of the malady Is assailed. Two-thlrtls ofthe cases of con sumption orlKinate In dyspepsia nnd a fmietionnllv disordered liver. With this eondltlnn thebronrlilul tulies " sympathize" with the stomneh. Thev re Hinnd to lliemorhlllcnellonofthe liver. Hero then comes the culiiiluntiUK result, and the Setting iu, wlttl ull Its dlstressinir svmptoms nf (s( ni-riov. The Mandrake rills are composed of one of ?f o tnre's noblest glfta the Poilophlllnm lvlialuui. They possess nil the btood-Krarelihiff, alterative uropertles of calomH, hilt, unlike ralomel. tbey "l.t:VK NO KTI1 IIKIIIM." The work of cure Is now lHilnnhiir. Ttie vitiated and mucous deposit in the bowels nnd In the ali mentary eunal are ejected. The liver, like acloek, ts wound up. It. arouses from its torpidity. The sloinaeh acta responsive iv, and tho patient begins tu fuel Hint be Is Knttlnv, at last, a Ni i'i-i.v liimn m.oon. The Hea-weed 'IVmle, In eoiijnnclloii with tlin Pills, permeates and assimilates with Ibe food. Chvlin. cntlou Is now proxressliiK without its previous tor tures. DlKestlon heeotnes puinless, and tliecureis seen to be at luuid. There fs no more Itatnlenee. no ejaeerbntlon or Itie stomach. A u appetite seta In. Now comes the greatest lllood Further ever vet given hy an Indulgent luiber to sintering mini. Sclienck's l'lilmonh' Hyrnp comes 111 to perform its functions nnd U) hasten and complete the cure. It enters at onee upon its work. Nature can not lie cheated. It collects and ripens the Impaired nnd diseased portions of Ibe hulk's, lu the form of KalherhiKs, It prepares them for expectoration, and lol in a very short time the malady Is vanquished, the rotten throne that It occupied Is renovated and made new, nnd the patient, in all thedlirnlty of re gained vigor, steps forth to enjoy tho uuwhuod or womanhood that was , ivt:st TP AS LOST. The second Ihlng Is, tlio patients must Slav In ft warm muni until lliey net well ; II Is almost Impos sible In prevent laklnn cold when the Iiiiiks are dis eased, but It must be prevented or a cure can not be cited ed. fresh air and ridlim out. especial I v In this section of the country, In the fall and whiter sen son, are ail wromr. PhvslcliuiH who recommend that eoiinso loae their patients, If their longs are tunlty diseased; and vet, because thev nro In tlio ' house they must not sit down unlet; thev must walk about Ihe room as murh and as fust as the strength will bear. In gut up a good circulation orhlood. The patients must keep In good spirits be determined to gel well, This bus a great deal to do with tho appetite, and i i the groat point to gain. To despair of cure after such evidence of IIS pos. stbllltv In tho worst cnwi-s, ami moral rertnllltv in till others. Is sinful. Jir. Hehenck's personal si'ale nient to the Faculty of his own euro was in the.'ie modest words : "ill any years ago I was hi the last stan-os of con sumption: confined 10 my bed, ami al one time niv lihyslrlinistbouglillbat looiild not ll eaweek; the.i. liken drowning man catching nt straws, I heard of and obtained Ihe preparations which 1 now odor to the publlo, und they made u perfeet cure of mo. It seamed 10 me that. I conhl feel them penetrate niv whole system. They anon ripened theinntter In my lungs, nnd I would spit up more thnmi plnlorollcu slvu yellow matter every morning lor a long time. "As soon as that began to subside, mv cough, fever, pains, nnd night-sweats all began to leave me, and my appetite became so great that it was with dllllculty Hint I could keep from eating too much. 1 soon gained uiy strength, and have grown in llesh ever since. . , . " I was weighed shortty after mr reoeverv," added the Iloetor, "Ihen tookingllkoaiuaraskeleljnii; my weight was only uliiety-seven pounds; my present weight Is two hundred and twentv-flveOi'.ia) pounds, and for years I haveoujnyed uninterrupted health.'1 Dr. Sebonck has discontinued Ills professional visits to tw York and lloston. R a or his son. Dr. V-i fehenck, Jr., still continue to seo patients at their Oltlce, No. IS North Mljitli Ktreet, Philadelphia, every (Saturday from 9 a.m. to p.m. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Mesplrn nieterwlll bechnrgisHfi. The Resplrometer declares the exact condition of the lungs, and patients can readily learn whether they are curable or not. The directions for taking the medlcinaa are adapt ed to the Intelligence even of ft child. Follow tlioso directions, and kind Nature will do the rest, except ing that In some cases the .Mandrake pills are to be taken In Increased doses; the three medicines need no other accompaniments than the ample Instruc tions that accompany them: First create appetite, (if returning health, hunger Is the most welcome symptom. When It enmos, as It will come, lot the despairing at once be of good cheer. Oood blood at once follows, the cough loosens, the night-sweat Is abated. In a short time, both of these morbid nam. toms are gone forever. Dr. Hehenck's medicines are constantly kept In tens of thousands of families. As a laxative or pur gative, the Mandrake Pills are a standard prepara tion; wh ile the Pulmonic Hyrup, as a curt oT coughs and colds, may tie regarded as a prophjrlacturlo against consumption in any of Its forms. I'rlce of the Pulmonic ayrup aud Hea-weed Tonic. JV-Vl a bottle, or 7.&0 a half down. Mandrake Pills Ii cen ts a box. For sale by all druggist and dealers. Mrs 1ttivaMi tlni i 1 v Jl. rVMi,f.i.u aoo ,...l Btrcet, I'lilhuiu'liililii', Wholesale Agents.' 6 i!3 ly 3STEW YORK C ON TIN ENT A L Life 1 Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK,' ' STIIJCTLY M VTVAL t AhhcIm, ,., J IHSliKSallthenew firrms of Policies, and jr sents as favuruble terms as any cuiniiuiiy lu the United Mates, The (Jompauy will iniOte .temjicriiry hsjne on Its Policies. Thirty days' grace allowed nn each payment, nnd the policy held good during that time. Policies Issued by this Company are min-forfclt-ure. No extra charges are made fur traveling iierinlts. Policy holders share In Hie annual prolllsol the Oouipany. iiinl have n, voice 111 the elections and management of theOoiupaiiy. JNo pulley or medical fee charged. Justus I.awhf.nck. Pres't. M. B. WvNBixip, Vice Pres't J. F.ItooEUS, Bec'y, J. K. KATON, (icnciitl Agent, ' No. 6 North Third Htreet, 4.2V yl College llluck, Ilarrlsburg, Pa. ' S300 , COMMUTATION MONEY, The above amount will be refou tided to all sol diers who were drafted while In live service, and who paid 1'UiUconiniiitaltiin money ; und also to all persons who paid cumuiutallon money who were not legally liable tn draft. Claims must be tilled before the 1st of March, 1871 . Cull on. or addrctg, I.F.W1H 1'0'ITEH. Attorney for Chilniaiits, New llloomlleld, Pa. OTIC E. Notice Is hereby Riven that nil persons are nuDitiuen to enter the vine- yard of the aulncrllx-r without his permission All nersona found therein without li person nmnu iiirrem niuiuub ins license are siilifnc.t to a fine for tresliassillul. No visltora ara 1 allowed In the Vineyard upon the Muhbath day. All visitors are heartily welcome upon auy other day of the week. " BENJAMIN RICK, Jr. Klllottsburg, Pa SJSteow English Hoofing Felt Is found to stand well In all climates, hclng; ex tensively used for Roofing; Houses, Out-Dtilld-lngs and Bhods; for Laying Flat Roofs, Gutters, Lining Granaries, Storehouses, er Walls, (either outsldo or inside), and for placing un der Slates or Tiles. It Is also a cheap and effective Celling on the underneath side of raf ters of a Slated or Tiled Roof, nnd as a Celling to Iron Roofs, counteracting Heat, Frott, and Condensation of Moisture. The English Felt Is put up In rolls of 25 yards lu length, by 83 Inches in width, and containing a sttrfneo of 200 square feet. THREE-PLY FELT FOR ROOFINO. In Rolls, 20 Inches wide, by 60 feet iu length; each roll will cover a Btirfaco 10 feet square, or 100 square fcot. It Is to be laid across tho roof, shingle fash ion, with a lnp of two inches, and secured by nailing the edges with 3d nails aud tin caps. When laid, the Felt is to be painted with Mnstlc Roof Coating, and Snndcd. , The Mas tic lioof Coating Is mixed, rendy for use, and is applied witli a brush. TARRED ROOFING FELT. Vsed extensively for Sheathing Houses, nnd for Tur nnd Gravel Rooting, also for placing under Slate, Tin nnd Shingle lioollng. It is used in packing Woolens nnd Furs to protect them from moths. Put up In rolls weighing 45 pounds each. 15 pounds Felt will cover a surface, of 100 square fect. TWO - PLY FELT, For Sheathing Houses, Roofing Temporary Buildings, making Wuter,Tlght Floors, und for placing under Slate and ShlngleH. In rolls, 20 inches wide by 50 feet in length. Ench roll will cover a surface of 10 fect square or 100 square fect. For Sheathing It can bo nulled upon the stud ding, milking a perfectly nlr tight sheathing, nnd sure protection from dampness. Ruts, mice, or vermin will not go near it. MICA CANVAS ROOFING, Iu rolls containing 250 squnro feet. Is to lie laid across the roof, and lapped shingle fash ion with a lap of two Inches, nnd secured by nailing tho edges with 20 oz. tacks. This Is the only Composition Hooting that docs not require a lliiiulilng cotit of paint or cement. VNTARRED SHEATHING FELT, For Carpet Lining, Domiciling Floors, and for putting under Slate, Tin nnd Shingle Rooling. Put tip lu rolls weighing 100 pounds. 10 pounds Felt will cover a surface 10 feet square, or 100 square feet. MANUFACTURED BY THE PENN ROOFING CO., 103 South 2nd Street, 5 33 l!iit l'lIII.ADKI.l'IUA, l'A. irAJimVAltE! ILUlDWAllE! rpHE subscribers have on hand at all times, as complcto an assortment of Hardware as can be found lu the county. NAILS, HINGES, LOCKS, GLASS, ' l'AlNTS & OILS, and ft tlno assortment of all styles of Builders J fa rdivare, ' " Also, - CAllPENTEIt TOOLS, TABLE CUTLERY, COFFEE MILLS, " SPOONS, SHOVELS, HOES, , and a full stock of ' Hardware of Every Description, All of which will bo sold at the lowest market prices. Persons wanting any article in this line nre requested to call and exnmtneourstocK F. MORTIMER & CO., New Bloomfield, Pa. The Colby Wringer WITIf Moulton's Patent Rolls. The Most Perfect ! The Cheapest I ' And lkt S'rhcier in the 'World Rolls arc pure white Rubber. Frame can never rot, rust or wear out. It takes less room than any other, Is lighter, fastens Itself to the tun, runs easier, and Is THIS FAMILY FAVORITE wherever used, It Is WARRANTED In everv case. We want ' LIVE ACENTS to canvass In every town, to whom good wagos are Insured. Full Instructions and particulars given upon application to Colby Uko's s lo., 508 Broudway. N. Y. 6 32 a 13. Pensions, Bounties, &c. stwtnmra mat ..- iilii.Im. HI . .1 1. nr. 17.. , Ku..- &c.,of Soldiers who were killed or died of disease contracted In tne rservice 01 me uniteo kihIm ..mm now mukH annlicatlon for Tension. Also Moldiers who contracted disease or were wounded, ruptured, or lu any way disabled In the 1UU1 of 1KI11 , When widows die or re-marry, the child or children under sixteen years of age are cntiUcd to a Pension. The time for mint; claims for additional bounty has been extended six mouths. Particular attention Rlventoold suspended case In the dltterent departments al Washington, 1. C If you have, or think you have a claim UKulnst the Government, call on or address the uiulersiKued. ISO cbarne fur Information. J.EWIl POTTKU, ) Attorney (or Claimants, 4 SI NEW BLOOM FIELD, FA HUMOROUS ITEMS. JfcSy Out West a trunk fuotorv was changed into a saloon. The keeper mere ly made a I) out of tho T in the first word ot tho Bigu. iS3S Whnt is the difference between an entrance to a barn, onda loafer in a print ing omce. une is a Darn door and tho other is a darn bore. JBSy A " gent" was onco aftkod what iind of a " gnl" he preferred for a wifo. ;)nc, ho said, that wasn't prodi-ift?, but ru-ffitl, a truc-ynl, and suited to his con-VL-rjal taste. BfiS-A fashionable ladv latolv ilmnnnil one of her eyebrows in tho church pew, and dreadfully frightened a young man sitting next to her, who thought it was his moustache. t&" Children nro inquisitive bodies for instanco : " What docs cleave mean, father?" " It means unite together." " Docs John unito wood when ho cleaves it ?" " Hem, well it means to separate." "Well, father, docs a man scparato from his wifo when ho cleaves to her ?" " Hem, hem, don't ask so many foolish questions, child." J56S" " I once dreamed," said l'at, "that called upon tho President, nnd be axed mo mo wud I drink. I told him I didn't care if I tuk a drop of punch." "Cold or hot ?" axed tho President. " Hot, yer excellency," said I ; nnd ho stepped down in the kitchen for some bilin' wa ter ; and before ho got back, I woke straight up ; and now it's distressin' mo that I didn't take it could." tfoy A thirsty gent enters the bar-room of u first-class hotel early in tho day. " .Landlord. 1 guess 1 vo got senso etiouch to tnko n drink this morning." Obsequious bur-tender furnishes the desired beverage, and tlio thirsty gent smiles, smacks his lips, and remarks : " ell, old fop, thats prime, but I m cussed if I've got cents enough to pay for it." ' IStf A Clcrgym au in the country had a stranger preaching for him ono day and meeting his beadlo, ho said to him : " Well, Saunders, how did you like tho sermon to-dny ?" " I watna, sir, it was rather o cr plain and simplo for me," replied tho beadle. ' 1 like sermons that bcjuuihlo tho ludg- ment and confound the sense ; od, sir, I never saw one that could could come up to yourself at that." BSy " Bo my soul," says l'at, picking up a pair of snuflcrs, and examining them, " Thnt's a quare scissors !" "Scis sors, darlin," responded his companion, " sure thnt's no scissors; that's what they call snuffers.". " Suuffors for what's that?" " Sure for snuffing tho candle." O oo oo oo, says l'at, " 1 have it now," and suiting the action to the word, he forthwith pulled tho snuff from tho eandlo with his fingers, deposited it in tho box, shutting the snultera together, exclaiming with wonder-staring eyes " Be me soul, but it's a nate invention, isn't it?" USy " Bridget, bring me tho castor-oil; tho baby is sick." ' " It's nil gone, inarm ; there's not a drop left." ' ' " All gone ! Why I we have not opened the bottle." " Sure, you have had it every day, and I have seen you uso it myself, on your salad." . . . " Why, you don t moan to say we havo been eating castor oil every day during, the season ?" " Sure you have." " But didn't you see tho bottlo was labeled caster oil V " Sure an' I did ma'am, and didn't I put it into the castor every day?" A ncw-funglod system of singing the hymns has crept into some of our churches of late years, which frequently leads to positions, which, but for the sa credness of the occasion, would go very far toward the ludicrous. Tho favorite repetition ofthe first syllable has not un frequently beon known to result in such, doubtful harmonies as these : ' r "My poor pol-, My poor pol-, My poor polluted heart." And , . " Our great sal-, . ; Our great sal-, Our great salvation comes." Again a stranger was surprised to hear a choir sing to the best of their ability : , " Wo'll catch the floe-, , We'll catch the Hee-, We'll catch the fleeting hours." It is hoped nobody was bitten. We are aocustouied to regard the Yankee character as combining more of a certain kind of ingenuity iu small things than any other. If, however, the fol lowing bo truo, wo must own that a Ger man can ever compote with a Yankee in this particular. It is said that a German horse trainer gainod a great reputation for making his horses acquire a lofty im posing tread. ihis lie accomplished without cruelty, and ly some means un known to his competitors, until at last, it was discovered thut he drove his horses with magnifying goggles, which mado the stones of the pavement look so large that tbe horses in the effort to step over them acquired the high step for which tbey were famous.