ic imc0, Ncm Bloomftcl )a. Bloomfiold Academy! An English and Classical School Fon LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Young Men Prepared For College, A Kornutl ijchonl and a School of Art. FALL TEHM COMMENCES On Monday, the 2Sih of August, 1871 AHtlie above school lias recently been re-organ-Izcd, students ennentor any time. , , J'rof. VM. II. 1)11,1., a graduate of ItutKcr's,Col leire, N. .1., l'rineip.il. Miss ANNA H. AlKlSl'l'iHiKH, a graduate of Kstlier Institute. Columbus, Oliln, teacher of Mu sic, rainling, Drawing, French and (lennaii. Kvery facility for the training of the youth of hoth sexes in all that constitutes u liberal and thorough education. Tlio Colloglntc Department embraces nil tho higher branches. Including thn Latin and (ireek Languages. Engineering, rraell. eal Purveying, l.ilerainre, Natural Science undad yaneed Mathematics. Vacations: July and August, and one week at Christmas. Terms: For Hoarding. Furnished lioom, ash ing. Tuition in Latin, lireek, Knglish Ilrnnrhesaiid laiiieinaucs, inr inn scuoinsuu aenr, cioo. i ill vacations. S'Jdd.on. 1, I U.,nrf,n,t la nl 41. n 1 1, ut 1 1 I 1 1 1 J lit' 1, I" ('ill llll, II, I - 111 mi' I nr., ,, mi, ,n, under the supervision of Wiliam drier, Ksq., liy whom good and substantial board will lie fur nished : and the pupils will be under the strict euro of the i'linciiial. Address W. If. DILL. A. M. Principal, WILLIAM liMKl!. fit New ltloomlleld, Terry county, Pa. Photographs ! Pliotosraiilis ! JACOli COJiLlJ, Photographic Artist, NE WJ'OJl T, l'EXX'A. Til E subscriber would respectfully call the at tendon of tho citizens of this county to tho laet. that ho Is prepared to take I'llOTUU'RAPHH in the best style of the art. His long experience enables him to produce riCTURKS wiiwit caxxot jsn i:x- (JELLED. All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. J'artlciilar attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great care will be taken to furnish Good Pictures cf Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, anil for sale at low prices. J A COli COBLE, Artist, Kewport, Perry Co., Pa THE BEST IN USE THE PAR HAM NEW FAMILY S e w I n g Ma c h i n e IT combines all the best lettturcs of other good machines, with New and Valuable Improvements, which make It THK EASIKKT AND MOST QUIET KUNNIN'iJ an well as the Ut Simple Machine lu IV. ir H ILL HEM IT WILL JlliAW, IT WILL TUCK, IT WILL GATHER, IT WILL QUILT, and will use either 811k, Cotton, or Linen Thread with equal ease. Jtusesa straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON BOTU SIDES. 'J he priucliial ofllce of the company is at Vo, 701 Chettnut Street, J-IIILAUELI'IIIA. These machine are for sale In 1'erry Comity by JAMES L. DIVEN, Landisburg. F. 1'IOETIMEE & CO., New Eloomfleld. -7Ve public are invited to call at either of the vlme placet und tee a Machine in operation. Pensions, Bounties, &c. ! WIDOWS, Minor Children, Mothers, Fathers.! tie., of Soldiers w ho were killed or died of disease contracted In the Kei-vlc, of the United : btjiles, can now make aiillcatioit for 1'enslon. , Also ivjiiiiers who couiracieii uisease or were wounded, ruptured, or lu any way disabled In the war of When widows die or re-marry, the child or children under sixteen years of age are entitled to a I'enslou. The time for riling claims for additional bounty lias been extended six mouths. Particular attention Riven toold suspended case in the dllterent departments at Washlniitoii, D. C If you have, or tliluk you have a claim auainst the ioverniiient, call on or address the undersigned. .No charge for Information. Limn roTTKii, Attorney for Claimants, 4 31 ' NEW BLOOMFIHLD, PA f A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY 9 Sr. WAT.KrR'3 CALIFORNIA VINEG-AE BITTERS Hundreds of Thousands Bear testimony to their Wonder fill Curative Ktfccts. It? S 9 oh it TltEt AltK KOT A VILE C - "'-- Al.JJi Ally V1J-.GI ' j 8 si FANCY DRINK.it! Mariner Poor Kum. Wtilnftcr, Frf Fnlritn nml JlefUao lilqiiura doctored, r,plccd nnd w. tt. tucd to pleaootho tnatc, or.llcd " Tonlcp,"" jipt:: ct'L-," ' iU'Etorcre," ac, tli&t lead tlio tippler en to urunl;nncG8 ond ruin, but oroctn:c Medicine, i: from tlio Katlvo I Coots and Ilcrbiior CilKor::la, frva I'rmii nil Alcoholic tStimiiimitu. Tt.cvtio GKKAT KliOOU PCH Il'lUIt nml A 1.1 1 C GIVING VJt I N CI TLB a perfect HcMovi'tjr i::-.a Jnvlgorator of tho tjbUn:, carryJug oti all ioif-oru;;:.j matter und rcttorina tlio blyotl to it liecltdy ccndltlrn. y.o person cl.ii taUo thtr.o Jiitturo liccordii-u iu tiivi tloo nnd romninlcng unwell. ' - 6100 wtllbo clvenforoa InnnraMo cw, rn.vV.a: the bom-s Bro cit destroyed by in!iui..l -!i :i cr other means, and tho vital organs waeud b. yo:.,l point of repair. Vur Inllaniiiiutory nml Chronic lMicninri t.nm nml Uaut9 DyHpcpwln. ttv IndiucMiioo, liilidiiH, ltomlitcut and litrcrniitli'iit Fevcru IHMcaKOB ol' tli Itlond, lAvevt lvidncya, ni:;l Itlatldur, thcBO Hitters huvo been moet bucccc fill. Mtch lilscnHi'fi oro cr.utcd ly Viiitttrtl liluod, which isKeneriilly produced bj dLiangoutiit, ol the IJi'CHiIvc Orimiin. ache, Polu In tho bhouK.evti, Couuhn, Tjglitnci a ol tha Chest, Uizzlnccg, Bour liructatlons of tlio fctcmach, l;ad taste in tlio Mouth, EUouj Attucl, I'alpltation of tho Heart, Xnftaniniatlcn of tho Lungs, Tamil tha regions of tho Kidneys, nnd a hundred other piwilul Byinptoms, nro tho ouprln;r3 cf Dyt peptk' . Thty lnvlRorcto tho BtouiacU tud Btimnlato tnu tor pid Uvcr cad bowelc, which render them of unequal let'. cClcacylu clean ting tho blood of til Impuritlco, und Imparting new llfo and vii;or to tho wholo cyntcm. 1-OIt MtIN IHt Lruptlons, Totter, Bolt Hhcum, Blctchcu, Bpots I'lmplcp, l'usiult 8(Doll8, Ccr bancleo, Iil:iG-Y.'oiii:n, beftld-Uend, Coro Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Bcurlfe, lJincoloratloiia of tho t3kin, iiumora and DIbciwcs of tho bldn, of whr.tovor name or nature, oro literally cVjs up aiidci-.nled out of thotyotcmln a short time by tho uao of these Hitters, Ono bottlo In such cubcb will convince tho mout Incredulous oi their curative ofloct, Clcaueo tho Vitiated Jiftod wlicnovor you find Us Impurities burBthiK throuRh tho sklu In Pimples, Erup tions or boTi.o ; tic anno It when you And It obstructed and MukkIpIi lu tho veins; clcnusa it when It Is foul, and your fecltu;;8 will loll you when. Kcp tho blood pure and tho htMth uttlic byt tem will follow. PIN, TAriitir.dothcrWOIMliS, lurhius In tlio system of bo many thousands. :vru cflcotunlly destroy ed and removed. J or lull directions, read carefully tho circular urcuud each bottlu, printed In Hur lan guages EnpllMi.tJcniiLn, i'n ucli aud bpaulalu J.WALEKn, ProprlLU;r. II. II. Mc DONALD & CO., Druggists and Uen. Agents, tun 1'ruucibco, Col,, and 63 and Si Coinuierco Struct, Hew York. tVSOLD DT ALL intUOGIKTS AXO 1EALEU3. 1780 TAKE JNOTICE. 1871 Are You Afflicted or Sick ? P AHRNE Y'S BLOOD CLEANSER on 1 A N A C K A. Z AN Alterative and Cathartic, or Tonic and Purtfc, lor diseases arising from bad Mood. Tliis preparation was established In 18T0,and lias been prepared In ii'uW form for more than 18 years. In Junuary or February, 1870, anoth er party commenced to prepare a similar artlclo which 1b Inferior to the genuine, and which should not be mistaken for ours. Ask for"Dit. FAiiKNEv'ti Blood Cleans). n on Fanacea," and accept no others. The Trade Mark of the oldest and genuine, is printed In green on a yellow wrapper, hav ing also the signature of 1'. Fahruey, M. D., Chicago. " iJr. r. Fahmcy't Health Mcttcnger" gives the history and uses of the Blood CleatiHEH, testimonials, und other information, scut free charge. Address Dh. P. Fahkney's Bhotiikhh & Co., Waynesboro, Franklin County, Pa. Ask for Dr. Fabrney'g Blood Cleunser and CLEANSE YOUIt BI.OOI). t-f Sold everywhere and In Now Blootnlleld by F. MonTlMRii & Co., only. 5 18 CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER! A CHOICE AfcSOKTMF.NT OF CASSI3IK11ES, Always on hand, from which to select. Clotliiiit; MADE TO Made ORDER- 41 H . JTi I CI.0T1I IN(J READY-MADE CLOTHING of Bupcrlor Quality always on hand. J Mortimer ,0 Co., Murcb lfl, 'CO. New Blooinlleld, I'a. f Perfectly Non - Explosive Lamp! PKKKINM& IIOUHKrATKNT I.AMI'H are the only Ijimp that (Iivks PKitrrx-r Hapkty with ai.i. kiniis or on. 1 hey are maile ol hrass, and will last lifetime, making them the CHEAPEST LAMP IN THE WORLD. The iiuderslisned are Agents for Perry County, and will supply Merchants at the Manufacturers' juice. Persons wanting a good article are re quested to examine this lamp. V. MOHTIMKU CO., New IUoonitteld, To. tS. Agents wanted to canvass the County. a. r, i . . . WHAI AKt THEY? g t Hi ls rlEF CONSUMPTION. ITS CURE AND ITS PREVENTIVE. J. H. SCHEHCK, M. B. Msnp a human hetnjr tins pased nwny for whoso death there whs another renson than tlienrKleetuf known und lndtspiitaldy proven ihmuiis ot' care. Those near and dear to rnmlly nnd friends are rdecplnj? th dreamless shluihur Into which, had thev calmly adopted iic josei'ii if. KnirsrrK'si Ninri.E TMKiTHKNT, and availed tlipniselves or his wondorfally elTtca clons niedlelnes, they would not have fallen. Ilr. behenek lias lu tits own ease proved that wtierever snfllclent vltiililv renialns, Unit, vitality, hy his medicines and his directions lor their use, Is quickened Into heallhnil vior. In this statement there Is nothing presumptuous. To ttie faith of the Invalid Is made no representation that Is not ft thousand times nolmlantiated hvllvtlifr and vIMhlo works. The theorv of tho care liv Jlr. Hchenck's medielaes ts as simple as It Is mini'lllm-'. Its phllnsnjihy re(nlres no argnmeut. It Is sull-us-siirhifr, spll-convlncla-c. The Sea-weed Tonleand Mandrake Pills are tlio first two weapons with which the citadel of tlio maladv Is assailed. Two-thirds of tlie cases of con snnipllnn ordinate In dyspepsia and a functionally disordered liver. Willi tills condition the bronchial tubes "sympathize" with the stomach. Thev re spond to iheinorlillleactlon ot'the liver. Itere'then ionics the eiilmlnathiK result, and tho setting in, with all lu, Uistrc-ln svmploms of 4'0N!.1II'TI4IS, The Mandrake Pills are ctanposecl of one of Na tnre's nohiest nifts-tlio l'odophilhmi ivltntiim. llo'.v posness all the hlooil-scarchliiK, allerative propertlen r,r ealonicl. lint, niiltke ealnmel, they "I.EAVF, SIO STIXJ ItKII IM." The work of cure is now lieuliialnif. The vitiated and mucous deposits In the how-els and In the ali inenlary canal are ejected. Tho liver, like n clock. Is wound up. Jt srouses from lis torpidilv. 'I'ho stomach acts lespiiNsivelv, and the patient Ueuius ' to l'cel that he 't ceitinir, at IiimI, A HI I'I'I.V ' 4'l m.oon. The Sea-weed Toole. In ronliiiieilou W illi the Pltls, lermi'ates and aslmilales with the rood, t'hylili cation ts now pmnre.sslii'- willinut Us previous" tor tures. Dljiestion hecomes painless, and tliccnrois seen to ImmiI hand. Tle-n- is no more flatulence, no exacerbation or the stnmaeh. An appetite sets lu. Now comes the rreatcst Ulnod J'lirillet' ever vet plven by an lii'luieent father to sullerliig man. Sehenck's Piilmoiilc Syrup enmes In to perform Its inactions ami lo hasten and complete the cure. It enters ut once upon lis work. Mature can not tie cheated. It oollocls and ripens the Impaired and ilineased portions of ih Iiiuks. In the form of catherlnirs. It prepares them for expectoration, and lo! In a very short lime the malady Is vaiuiuWhed, the rotten throne that It. occupied Is renovated and made new, and the lialient, lu all thndlunitvnr re (rained vlitor, slops forth to enjoy the uiuuliood or womanhood that was avi: n as i.omt. The second llilnir Is, the patients must Slav In a warm room until they ixel well ; it Is almost lin pos sible to prevent h.kliiKcold when tho Innits are dis eased, Imt It must he prevented or a cure can not he elici ted, Tresli air mid ridincoiit, espcclallv III Ibis section ot'the country, lu tho fall und whiter sea son, aro all v.ronr. I'hvteians who recommend that course lose their patients. If their limns am hailly dif eased; and vol, because thevareln the house they mast not sit down tjuiet: thev must walk "bout Ihe room as much and us fast a.s the streliKIll will hear, to k-et up a xood eln nlation ol' blood. Thn pallcnt must keep lu k I spirits be determined to K'l well. This has a ureal ileal to do with tin, upliollle. and Is the ureal j oint to (tain. To despair of cure aller such evidence of Its pos sibility lu the worst cases, and moral certainly In all others is sbn'ul. Ilr. Kcln nek'H personal state ment to tlio l aculty of Ids own euro was iu theso modest words : " Many years airn T was In the last staires of con sumption; confined to my bed, and at one time mv physicians tlioiiKhtthat 1 could not llveaweck; then, like adniwnliiK man eatctilc); at si raws, I heard of and obtained the preparations which I now offer to the public, and they made a perfect cure of me. It peeuied to mo that I could ftsa them penetrate my Molo system. They soon ripened the matter lu my 1 Wiirs, and I would spit up more tliauaplntofoireu aive yol low mailer every uioriilnir for a lonif time. "As soon us that beitau to subside, my coiiith, fever, jialns, and ulkdit-sweats all lieiran to leave me, and mv appetllo became so Kroat that It was with allliculty that I could keep from eHtlaij too much. I oon Kalued my alroutftli, und have grown iu llesh ever since. "I tus welched shortly after my rccovcrv," added the Iioclor, " tlien hniklng like a mere skclclon ; my welirht was only nlnetv-seven pounds; my present welts-lit Is two hundred and twentv-flve pounds, nnd for years I huve enjoyed uninterrupted health." nr. Schenek lias discontinued Ilia professional visits to .New York and Ilostnu. Jle or his son, Dr. J. H. Schenek, Jr.. sllll coulltuie to see patients at their Utile, No. 15 North slith Htreet, I'hlladelphla, every Saturday from 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. Those who wish a thorough examination with tho Kcsnlro nieterwlll bechuritiHl tj.1. The Resplrometerdeclares the exact condition of the luiijrs, and pntlenta can readily learn whether they are curable or not. 'I lie directions for taking the misllclnen ure adapt ed to the lutnlllirelice even or a child. Follow theso directions, and kind Nature will do the rest, except ing; that In some cases the Mandrake Pills art to be taken In Increased doses; the three medicines need no other accompaniments than the ample Instruc tions that accompany thenit First creal-e appetite. Of returning health, hunger Is the most welcome symptom. When It cornea, as it will come, let the ilesiialrlng at once he of good cheer, aood blood at once follows, the cough loosens, the night-sweat Is abated. Ins short time both of these morbid ivmn. toms are gone forever. Ilr. hchenck's medicines are eonatantij. kept In tens of thousands of families. As a laxative or pur gallve, the Mandrake Pllla are a standard prepara tion; while I be Pulmonic Hyrup, as a cureof cougba and colds, may lie regarded as a prophylaclerlo against consumption lu any of Its forms. 1'rlcs of the Pulmonic Syrup and Hea-weed Tonic. .riO a bottle, or $7.60 a half doren. M andrake PIIIb. Zi ceuts a hox. For sale by all druggists and dealers. J-Joiinson, IlohixiwAY ! Cow'dks, 602 Arch Hlici't, l'hilaileliihia, Wholesale Agents. 5 23 ly ISTEW YORK CONTINENTAL , . i . , .7 Life Insurance Company, OK NEW YORK, STlilCTL V M VTUA L ! AHKt'tH, s l,r , ! IHHliKH Blithe new forms of rollcles, and rc" tu'iits as favorable turum as any company in Hie United Hlntcs. 'I he Conipany will make temporary loans on Its rollcles. Thirty days' urace allowed on each payment, and tlio jKillcy held kihhI diirlni; Hint time. I'oliclos issued hy tills Company arc nun-forfeiture. No extra charees arp made for traveling nRrmlts. Policy. holders share lu the annual profits o( the Company, and have a vnloe lu tlie elections und IiiuiiaKemi-iit of tlii'Coiupany. No policy or medical fee churned. .Irert s LAwaitNi k, l'rcs't. M. H. Wknkoop, Vice l'les'L J. r.lttxiEiut, Hec'y. J. K. JCATON. (icuciul Agent, No. ' North Third Street, 4.2wyl Collt ye llloi, HaiTlshurg, l'a. 1 ? V. I. S O H AND . r SUN UMBRELLAS, WE HAVE THEM. F. MORTIMER & CO., NEW ItUJOMKIKIJ), fA. $300 COMMUTATION WOJtUY, The alHive amount will b refotmded to all sol diers wlio were drafted while In the service, and who paid t.'iou commutation money; and also to all liersons who paid commutation money w ho were not legally liable to draft. Claims must be tilled before the 1st of March, 1871. Call on, or addrets, LEWlh) 1'OTTEK. Attorney for Clulinanls. New blooinlleld, Pa. Hair llcstorative I Contains Nf) I.Aft Sfl.riunt No SCOAU OK J.KAD No I.ITHAlttlK No N1TKATK OK SI I ,V V.W. a ml Is entirely frcn t'rom tlie l'olsonous nnd lleiillh-ilcstro.viiiK 'J)nigs used in other Hair rrcpiirutioiis. Ti anspnrent and clear as crystal. It will not soil the finest fiibric perlcctlv SAP'H, CI, HAN, and KKKICIUNT ilcsiilcnituins LON'li SUUdilT foil AND. FOUND AT J.ANT 1 It, rostorrsand prevents the Hair from hecom lim dray, imparts a soft, (.'lossy appearance, re moves Duiiilrult, Is cool and refreshing to tlio head, checks Ihe Hair from falllne; oil, and restores It ton (treat extent when pieniaturely lost, pre vents Headaches, cures all Humors, Culancoiis Kruptinns. and tinnaf iinil Ileal. AS A UltKSS IX(i FOItTIIKllAUilT IH'i'HKllKST AUTICL1S IN I'lllijMAliivia'. Dr. !. Sinitli, l'atcnleo. (Iiotnn duuctlon, Mass. Prepared only hy Procter llrolhcrs, (ilottcester, Muss. The (ienuine ts put uji in a panel buttle, made expressly for It, w ith tlieiiaino of tlio article blown In Hie class. Ask yo ur Druwlst for Na ture's Hair llcstorutive, and take no oilier. Send a throe cent stamp to Proctor linn, for a Treatise on the Human Hair. The luformatloii it contains is worth SoUO 00 to any person, 500 VOLUMES IN ONE. Afjcuts Wauled. roil THE LIBRARY OF POETRY AND SONG lli iny Choice Sclccliom l-'roin tii Jlcul I'oct, ljiirlMi, St'olclt, Irish nml American. With an Introduction BY AVIl.MA.M I Ll.I.l'V HltYANT. I'ntlar wliaxc crltlvnt ,oj,ct.oii the rolumc irrm CHHliH'l. The handsomest and cheapest subscription book extant. Over SOU pages, beautifully printed, choicely illustrated, handsomely hound. Library of over 50U volume in one book, whoso contents of no ephemeral nntiiro or Interest, will never tcrow old or stale. It can be, nnd will be, read and re-rend witli pleasure by old and young, us lone; as its leaves hold to gether. " A perfect surprise. Scarcely anything at all a favorite, or at all worthy of place here, is neglected. It lea book for every household.' X, Y. Mail. " IVe know of no tlmilur collection in the Kiuj Mali language which, in copioutttteHH and felicity of selection and arrangement, can at all compare vith U."X. Y. Time. Termt liberal. Belling very rapidly. Send for circular and Terms to J. B. FOUD & Co., 27 Park Place, N. Y. NPKOUT & KIIV, MAMUFACTUKEKS OP DOORS, Moulding 8 1 Lt! Balusters, Newel Posts, Scroll, Sawing, CIKCULAIt WORK, Ac., &c., Made and Warranted from drii material, and all common sizes ot DOORS -A Nt) SASH , Kept on hand and for sale by the undersigned a-Send tor I.lst of Prices to Sl'HOCT AS KJI)V, . P1CTUHE ItOCKS, I 'A. Lycoming county, Pa. w i x t iTit in ploy in o n t, ! J'KltKJNS 6i IIOISE'S PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE METALLIC KEE0SE1TE LAMP. Is ahkolutkly safe from explosion or break Iiiki Iniriis any Coal Oil, kihmI or bad ; gives moiik liout, no odor, and uses less oil , "It Imperfectly non-erplmlre . The light Is bet. tor than Is produced by any oilier lanm." W. N. (icrk, President u) Mumtchwsctts Agricultural cuttctyc, "It Is perfectly non-cxploslve, Rives a better lluht and is more econooticnf than unv other lainn iu use." W. W. H'els, ((e Huperlntewtent of j-WHtc acnoota, umcuyo. The aiKtllhin deaths nnd tires from glass lamps exploding and breaking create a urcat demand for this lamp. It Ifiin to soil It. Hold by OincttsMrs; AdKNTS WANTKU KVKKVWIIF.UE . Mend for a CllCU. lar and terms to Montgomery Jt Co. , Cleveland, O. it Barclay Htreet, New York. ARPI.KMIITY A KSOItTMKNm SJ'I.K.NHlXJ ij5SiOKTMEN X. OK DUY-nOODQ 111'. GOOD O, Suited to the Season, Are Now Offered for Sule by T. MORTIMER, & C0. IViirVV STOlMi ! CIJEAP GOODS! Til li subscriber liavinu opened a new Btore. one door Kastol Bweger s Hotel, solicits a share of the public imtruiinge. He has Just received a tun supply oi TV v Goods, and will constantly keep on hand, a complete as- soriiueutoi PRY-GOODS,. .... GROCERIES QUEEX8WARE HARDWARE, BOOTH & HJI0E8, HATS CATS. And Everything elae usuully kept In Stores. Call and see my stock. KOB'T. N. WILLIS, New Illoomfleld, Pa. 42 HUMOROUS ITEMS. SfaT- An old Yankee bachelor, who edits a paper somcwhero down East, puts " Melancholy Accidents " as a head for marriages in his paper. Bra?" The question of tho day is, whether it is moro difficult for a girl of tho period to get her clothes in her trunk or her trunk in her clothes. 8S5"" " Tho blessed mnn who preached for us last Sunday," said Mrs. l'urtington " served the Lord for thirty years first its a circus rider, then as a locust preach er, nud last as exhauster. B" " You'd better look out for your boss' feet abovo hero, Mister." said a rag ged boyto a riding travoler. " Why?" said tho gentleman, nervously pulling up. ' Cos there's a fork iu the road there," was tho candid reply. tif A liuk-bov nsked Dr. IJurcess, tho prencher, if ho would have a light. " Xo, child," says tho doctor.. "I am ono of tho lights of tho world." " I wish, then, replied the boy, " you were hung at the end of our alley, for it is a very dark one." SSii? Quabble.H, an old bachelor shows his stockings which ho had just darned, to a maiden lady, who contemptuously remarks, " l'rctty good for a man darner." Whereupon tjuabbles rejoins, "iesgood enough for a woman too, darn her." jrKS'A dandy of twenty-six, having been termed an " old bachelor," npbcaled to an elderly gentleman to decide whether he should bo called old or not, giving his age. " Twenty-six !'' said tho elderly gentleman, " it is owing to how you take it. Now, for a man it is young enough ; but for a goose it is rather old." U-a?" . Josh Billiugs says: " Most any man will coincide that it looks foolish to see a boy drag a hoavy sled up a hill for the licet iu pleasuro ot ridm down again ; but it appears to mo that tho boy is a sago by tlio sido of tho young man who works hard all the week, and drinks up his wages on Saturday night." Bis?" " My dear, como in and go to bed," said tho wife of a jolly son of Erin, who had just returned Irom tho iutr in a decidedly how-conic-you so state, " you must bo dreadful tired, sure, with your walk of six miles." " Arrah ! get away with your nonsense." t?aid I'at, " it wasn't the length of tha way, at all, that fatigued me ; " twas tho Ireudth of it." fifAn attornov-at-law. who wished to show his smartness by quizzing an old lurnicr, Dcgan ty asking mm it tncre were many "iris in his neighborhood. " Yes," replied tho oid gentleman, " there's a dreadful lot of 'em ; so many there isn't half enough respectable hus bands for all, and go some of 'em are begining to take up with lawyers !" Tho attorney didn't follow up tho subject. JBaF A few years ago, at a negro camp nicetin held near Flushing tho colored preacher said : " I tell you, bclubcd brcdern, dat tho debblo is a big hog, an' one of dese days he'll como along an' root you all out." An old negro in one of the anxious pews raised himself from the straw, and clasping bis hands, exclaimod in the cgony of his tears. " King him 1 ring him !" jfj Old Deacon Sharp never told a lie but he used to relate this : lie was standing one day before a frog-pond, and saw a large garter snake make an attack upon an enormous bull-frog. The snake seized on the frog's hind legs, and the frog, to be on a par with his snakesbip, caught him by the tail, and both com menced swallowing one another, and con tinued this carniverous operation until nothing was left of them. I?A certain citizen in Edinburgh, noted for his parsimoniousncss, had oc casion to bury his mother in the family cemetery in the Highlands. lie hired a hearse for tho purpose, and on his return to the city from the funeral, filled the hearse with smuggled whiskey. A friend reproved him for his dishonest conduct under the circumstances, when the canny Soot replied. "Wou, man, there's nae harm done. I only took uwa' the body and brought back the speerit." jiaT Tho first thing a young man learns' when he begins to " clerk it " in a store, is to enquire " Anything else ?" and it is generally the last thing he forgets. There is a story of a defunct dry goods clerk who, after the funeral services were over, and the undertakor had put the final screw in the lid of the coffin perparatory to interment was heard to say in faint and muffled tones, " Anything else V a most remarkable illustration of ruling passion strong in death. tl&- A Colorado saloon-keeper said of a rough crowd : " I could'nt got their whiskey strong enough for them, so, after trying every way, I at lost made a mixt ure of poisen oak and butternut. That fetched them. I called it the shoop herdcr's delight, and it was a popular drink. The first Tike I tried it on yelled with delight; the next one took two drinks and turned a doublo somerset ia the road before the house. A pedler came along, and after he took several drinks of my sheep-herder's delight, he went off ana stole his own pack and hid it in the woods." .