BloomfioM Academy! An English and Classical School ron LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Young Men Prepared For College, -1 Normal School anil a School of Art. FALL TERM COMMENCES On Monday, the 23 th of Angust, 1371 AS tlio almvc school lias recently lwcn re-organ-' Izcd, students caiientor nnv time. Prof. WM. II. MIX, a graduate of ltutgcr's Col loco, N. .1., Principal. Sllss ANNA H. AUORPrHOKU, a erndtiato of Esther Institute, C'olumlms, tiliin, teacher ol IIu sic, J lit i n lt. Drawing, French and (ierman. livery facility for the training of the youth of both Hexes In all that constitutes a liberal ami tliorouuli education. The Colleglnto Department embraces nil the. hlplier branches, Including the Latin and Hroek Latmuagcs, Kiifrlneeiinir, Praitl eal HnrveyliiK, Literature, Natural Science and ad vanced Mathematics. Vacations: July and August, and one week at Christmas. Terms: For Hoarding, Furnished Hoom, wash ing. Tuition In Latin, (ireck, English llraiiclicsand .Mathematics, for the scholastlo year, S1S0. In vacations. tM).W. The Hoarding Kejiarttneiit Is at the Institution, tinder tlio supervision of Wlliam tiller. Esq., by whom good and milistaiitlal hoard will lie fur. nished : and t lie pupils w ill bo under thestrict caro of the Trinclpal. Address W. If. 1)1 1.L, A. M. rrlnclpal, or WILLIAM Gill lilt. Jit (New Ulooiulield, l'crry county, Ta. Thotographs ! Fhotosrnphs ! fmwm JACOli COJiLli, Photographic Artist, ! NEWPORT, PENN' A. THE subscriber would respectfully call the at tention of thn citizens of this count v to the fact that he Is prepared to take PJIOTUURAPHS In the best style of the art. His long experience enables him to produce PICTURES WHICH CANXOT BE ' EX CELLED. All persons ore requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great care will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, Artist, .Newport, Perry Co., Pa THE BEST IN USE THE PAR HAM NEW FAMILY -" Sctoing Ma c hi n e IT combines ell the beat features of other good machines, with. .., , New and Valuable Improvements, . ', .', which audte It ' THK EABIEST AND MOST QUIET 11UNNIJIO .. , r at welt M tilt '' "I- .' Most Simple Machine In Ufte IT WILL HEM '.'..:,' ',';'" IT WILL BRAID, 1 ' " ' 'V ' IT WILL TUCK,.. '..':'.:. i '..'n '.'v. I - IT WILL GATHER, .'. .'IV. '. IT WILL QUILT, and will use either Silk, Cotton, or Linen Thread .wJihfquiieaw,, ( .,. ,n,U Ituseia itralijUt. ueedfl and makes a stitch ' TP J n n J n ihe principal" office dl the company If at t,.-,,. A'o, TGI Cltertnut Afreet, -' " " PHILADELPHIA . These rnacliliies are for sale In Perry County by JAMES L DIVEN, ' ' ' Landisburg. ; F. MOBTIMEB & CO., - ' " ' ' T-x o t New Bloomfield. tar The public art inrtlt ti call at' either if the above place and tee a Jfachlnt in operation. Penfciond, Bountled,' &c. uriruiwu n....,.. Uiiium vttl. &e., of 'soldier who were killed or died oc disease contracted In the Service of the Hulled blalea. can now make anullcatlon for lenlou. . Also Soldiers who contracted dlseasa or were woundedrutHprca ur lauv; way tjlsabled In the When wldown die : or re-marry, tha ehlld or children uudur niitteu years of age ara eutiUed to a Pensiou. '1 he tinui for tlllnf claim for addltjoual boiaty IIM UWU DAheUUtXl 111 I11U11IUS. ' 1 ' Particular attention d vet tnold insoended ease in the diHerent di-part limits at Washington, 1. C f f yon have, ur think yuu hate a elalin against the s.overuniHiii. call on or aaureu uie uauersiguea. uuarge mw luiormaiion . ' ' . ' . . . . ; ' ; , lewis pqttfu, , : i , . . . Attorney for ClalBauta, il MiW I3LO0WF1ELD, PA A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Sr. WAXKER'B CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds of Thousands Bear testimony to their Wonder ful Curailva KtTocU. is S & WHAT ARE THEV9 m a III 0 5 111 THEY AltB NOT A VILE H r A it a u r n i ti i ' r a ii w y ininN, Modoof Poor Itnm, Whlslicy, Pronf Hplrtrn uud Kct'iiBO Llqiiur doctored, spiced nnd sweet ened to plcasotho tafito, callod" Toulc8,,,MAt:put; tro," " P.cstorers," c, tlint lead tlio tippler en to drunkcDncsB and ruin, bat ro a tnie Mcdlctno, made frcin tlio Kctlvo liooteoml Ucrbeof California, frco from nil Alcolitillo Htlmulmirs. Tiicynro t!rj OltlSAT HfXIOIl FUKIPIEU nnd A LIFE f.IV INt; FUINCIP1LK a perfect ltenorutor K:A InvlRorator of, carrying off all polLonor.o matter and restoring tho blood lo a healthy condition. Ko person cun taUo thceo Blltors aocordiLg to direc tion and remain long unwell. 8100 wlllbo glveuforan lnrarnblo cnno, rrovltlcd tbo bono are not doetroyed by mineral if-.iic:i or other means, and tho vital organs vested toyouj t::o point of ropalr. Fur Iuflnminiilnry mid Chronic ltbcumn tlm nnd (icut, Ilyauotishi, rr IndtEPntloti, lillloun, Keuilttent nnd Intcinilllcut Fcrera UticitHce ol the Illood, Liver, Kidueya, cud Kindlier, three Illlters t&vo been mott tucccEc ful. Buch DlKcnKCB aro caaEed by Vllintid llload, which Is generally produced by deranueinont ol tho Diuolivc Ol KQUH. UYSFEFrilA O't INDlflEHTlOX, Head echo, Pain In tho fchoulueiB, Coiii'lii, TlKhtnonn of tha Chest, Dlrzlnesa, fiour Eructations of tlio Etorsach, lad tasto In tho Moulh, Ulllous Attacks, Palpitation of tha Heart, Inflammation of the Langs, Pain li tho regions of tho Kidneys, and a hundred othor paJul symptoms, aro tho offsprings of Dyspcpefei. Tticy InTigornto tho fitomooh and stimulate tnu tor pid liver and bowels, widen render them cf unequalled cutcacy tn cleansing tho blood of all Impurities, and Imparting new Ufa and vigor to tho wholo system. FOUPK1X IHWEASKS, Eruptions, Tottcr.Balt Ilheum, Blotches, Bpote, Ilmplce, PuGtuUs, Bolls, Car buncles, lilnc-Worms, Scald-Head, Cora Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Ecurfti, Illficoloratlons of thoeUn,Ilumora and Diseases of tho t-kln, of whutcver namo or aaturo, aro literally d'js up and curried out of tho system In a short time by tho ueo of thcsoBttMrs.1 Ono bottle In Bach cases will 'convince tho mo&t incredulous of tholr curatlvo ofToot. Clcansu tho Vitlatod Blood vheaover you find Its Impurities bursting throunh tlio stln In Punplcs, Erup tions or Sorts i cleanse it when you find it obstructed and slugirlHi In tho veins i cleanso it whon it to foul, and your fecllr.i.-s will tell you whon. Kop tho blood rare and tl: hstlih oftho system will follow. ; ' FIN, TAFEtud othor WOIt.lIM, lurklut in tho system of so many thousandc, clfcctually destroy ed sad removed. I or f ull directions, read cortfulry the elrculcr nronnd each bottlo! printed lu four lao silages Lnirllfth, German, Frcneb aud tipaulsh. J. WALEEH, Proprietor. I!. U. McUONALD CO., Dragglsta and Gen. Agents, Can Francisco, Cal and 83 and 84 Comuorco Dtroet , Kow York ' 1 1 aVSOLD BT ALL UllUOQISTS AND DEALERS. 1780 : TAKE NOTICE. . 4871 Aro You Afflicted or Sick ? : TJtSK P AHENEY' S BLOOD CLEANSER OB ' " (' ' ' I W .,j I wsY ,N C VZ i AN Alterative and Cathartic, or Tonic end Purge, for diseases arising from bad blood. This preparation was established In lfc)70,and haa been prepared In l(7ii(f form for more than 18 yean. In January or February, 1870, anoth er party commenced to prepare a similar article huilu iinuriui iio iuu teuisiivji hihi i uieu should not be mistaken for oura. Ask for "Dr. FiimnEf'B m.Kv'ft ANVi on Panacea," and accept no others. The Trade Mark of the oldest and genuine, la printed in green on a yellow wrapper, har lng also the signature of P. Tahrncy, M.P., Chicago. . i i " Dr. r. Fahrney't Health Meuenger" gives the history and usee of the Blood i'LHAnntrft, testimonials, and other information, tent free charge. Address , . , . l)n. P. Faiiiikkt'8 BnoTnaa Jfc Co., Waynesboro, Franklin County, Pa. Ask for Dr. Fahrnejr's; Blood Cleanser and CLEANSE YOUIl BLOOD. Bold everywhere and In Kew Bloomfield by F. Moiitimeh & Co., only. 6 18 cidtiitxd 'made to order Alwuye ofaliuudfroin i lllotl ti stkii'. ' ) r. Clothing' MADE T'Q i i i i i Slade ORDER CLOTHING , BEAPY-MADE XXOTHIN of BnpWlor Quality always on hand. " ' " ' jF. Mortimer Jt Co,,' March 18, '9. New Bloomfield, Pa, ' I v i j. i ; .i'i.i ,' Perfectly Non - Explo i';.i .'i osive Lamp I PKKKIN8 IIOfHK'H PATENT J. AMI'S are the only Lamp t hut Oivxa l'anKT Hafhtt with all KiMiie or oil. They ara made of btus, and will last a lifetime, making them Ihe j CHEAPE8T Lamp in THK world. . Tha Htii1rlanAil in In TV. mt ('....). and will supply Merchants at the Manufaetiirera' lirlce. Persona wantlns a good article ara re- iuesveu w euuinue una laniu, , . , - . : , T , , , ,, ., ; i . - .l F. MOBTIHKB CO., ' . ' Kew BloomUeld, Pa. a. Agents wanted to canvass the County. ill l S3 PTIiWSK s BBS" j!A: Ml If Big pFsr-7 s a ! Vff-' P. Si Wsf jfrUr,&f ' lit1 6i?h.. . Zl-i ft. ass f'tfctT J ' Head? CONSUMPTION. ITS CURE AND ITS PREVENTIVE. By t. B. tOHiaoi, sc. S. ifany a hnmsn hi-lna has pwicd away fhr whrwe dstti there ww no ot tier renson tliati tlio neglect of knnwn and Indisputably proven mmns or cure. Those near and dear to family and friends are slpcplna the dreamless slumber luto which, bad thev cnlmlv adopted TKS3T.TIBST. and avatlM themnelv of lil wondprnitly efllca Clous ninlleliK'S. ttipy would not havn fHllen. IJr. Hchenck has lit his own eaae proved that wherover siilllclfiit vitality ri'niniiin, that vltalltv, hy his medlrlnofl and bis directions for their use, la quickened Into hoalthhil viKor. In this statement tliere fs nothlnir prosumptnmn. To the faltii of the Invalid Is made no representation that Is not a thousand tims substnnllnted liy livliis; aiul vlnltile works. The theory of the euro by Dr. Hi'henrk's niwllrlnea Is as simple an it Is nnfalllnBr. Il philosopliy requlrui no argument. It la self-as-stirllifr, self-convincing;. ' The Hea-weod Tonic and Mandrake Pills are the first two weapons Willi which tho citadel of the malady Is assailed. Two-thirds of the cases of con sumption origitmlo In dvspepsla nnd a functionally Unordered liver. With this condition the bronchial tuhes "sympathize" with tho stomach. Thev re spend to themorhlflonclionortlie liver. Here then conies the riilmliintlnK result, and the scttiua lu, with all Its distressing svmntnms of (OVM jiitiuy. The Mandrake I'llLs are composed of one of Na ture's noblest (firta tho I'odophillnm l'ellatlini. They possess nil the hlood-seiirehliiir, alterntlvo properties of calomel, but, unlike calomel, they "M:tvi: ,o si i iNj iii;iiiii." The work of cure Is now hcKlnnlog. The vitiated and mucous deposit In the bowels nnd In the all nientnry canal aro ejected, The liver, like a clock, Is wound up. It arouses from lis torpidity. The stomach acts responslvolv, and the putieut begins to led that lie Is uilliiitr, nL hist, A st i'ri.v or unen Kt.oon. The Hea-wced Tonic In conjunction with tho PUIS, permeates nnd asslnnliites with the food, t'hylill cnllou Is now proKrt'ssinir without Its jirevloos' tor tures. Digestion heonmes painless, and thecurels seen te be at hand. There Is no more tlntnlence, no exacerbation of the stomach. An appetite sets In. Now comes the greatest illood Purllier ever vet Riven by ml Indulgent, father to HUllerliu' man. Sfhenek's lMilnionic svritp ennes hi to pernrni its functions and to hasten and complete the cure. It enters at once upon its work. Xnturo.onn not ho cheated. It collects and ripens the impaired aiul diseased portions of the lungs, in the form of gatherings. It prepares them for expectoration, and lo! In a very short time tlio malady Is vanquished, the rotten throne Hint It occupied Is renovated and made new, and the imtlent, In all the dimity of re gitlned vigor, steps forth to enjoy the uiuuhuod or wouiuuhuud that was t'lVDN ri AM I.OT. The second tiling Is, the patient must Slav In a wnnn room until tfiey get well; it Is almost Impos sible, to prevent taking cold when the lungs are dis eased, hut It must ho prevented or a cure can not lie ellceted. l resh air nnd riding out, especially In this section of the country. In the. fall and whiter sea son, aro all wrong, l'hyslclans who recommend that course Iofo their patients, If their lungs aro badly diseased; and yet. Iiecause. they aro hi tho house they in list not sit down quiet; they must walk about the room as much and as fiist as Ihe strength will lienr, to get up a good circulation of blood. Tho patients must keep In good spirits be determined to get well. This haa a grout deal to do with tile appetite, and Is the great point lo g:iln. 'lo despair of cure niler such evidence of Its pos sibility lu the Worst costs, and moral certainly In all others is sinful. Ilr. Mchenck's personal stain nir ni to the Faculty of his owu euro wus lu thtso modest words; " .Many years ago I was In the Inst stages of con sumption; cotilfued loniv bed. and at one time my physicians tlioiiglitthat 1 could not llveRweok; then, like a drowning man catching at straws, I heard of nnd obtained tho preparations which I nowoifer lo the public, and they made a perfect euro of me. It seemed to me Mint I could feel them penetrate my whole sysUim. They soon ritened the matter In my lungs, and I would spit up more thaiiaplntoforren i ye yellow matter every morning lor a long time. "As soon as that began to subside, my cough, rever. pnlns, and ulgliUiweats all began to leave me, and my appetite became so great that it was with difficulty that 1 could keep from eating too much, I soon gained my strength, aud havegrown lu llesh ever since. " I was weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor, " then looking like a mere skeleton I my we glit was only ninety-seven pounds; my present weight Is two hundred and twenty-nve (2ill pounds, and for years I have enjoyed uninterrupted health.'1 Iir. tschenck haa discontinued his professional visits to r,ew York and lloston. He or his son, Dr. r.' V'KV,"',K'lc' Jr- "tnl continue lo see patlenta at tlielrOllice. No. If, North With Street, l'lilladolphla, every Saturday from a.m. to p.m. TlmTa who wish a thorough examination Willi tha Kexplro meterwillhechargedO'i. The Ilesplrometer declares the exact condition of the lungs, and patlenta can readily learn whether they are curable or not. 1 he directions for Inking the medlclnns are adapt ed to the Intelligence even of a child. Follow times directions, and kind Nature will do the rest, excepts lug that hi some casea the Mandrake Pills are to be taken In Increased doses; Ihe three mediclnos need nootlier accompaniments than the ample instruc tions that accompany them: First create appetite. Of returning health, hunger la the most welcome symptom. When it cornea, aa It will come, let the despairing at once be of good cheer. Oood blood at enco follows, the cough loosens, the night-sweat la abated. In a short time both of these morbid symn. -tonis are gone forever. Dr. Sohsnck's medicines are constantly kept In tens of thousands of fhrnlllm A . i...ii. . saliva, the Mandrake 1'llls area standard prepara-' ( tloli; while the Pulmonic Hyrup, as a oureof coughs uu wm., uiay us rwgaruea a a propnyiacuirlo against consumption in any of lu forms; aVI'cV.V, i'moule 8;rup aud Hea-weed Tonle, W-a DOttle.or 7.&0a halfdoMOi. Manrfr-k. Dili. ' Xceuts a box. For sale by all druggists and dealers i SW-Johkww. HoixowaT ft CownKW. 1102 Arch Btreet, PhilMdeljihla, WholeHitle Agents. 6 23 ly 3STEW YORK C O K. T I ti JIX T A L i . 1 ' . 1 :' " 'mi .. i. , f.H Wlli. asT.; () Life Insurance , ' , .Company, OT NEW, YQRK, SXItJCTLV M UTUAL ISSUES all the new forms of Policies, and pre sents as favorable terms aottny oouiiiany In the United Htatca. The Company wll) tiake VmjJoTary loans on Its Thirty days' green allowed on eaob payment, and the wduiv held uimhI duvluu- thiit.Uiiw. ie rouciea isaueu uy tu uoiuiuuiy aif nvn-wiieit- ure. No extra charges ara made for traveling permits. Policy-holders share In the annual iirolitaof the Company, and have a voice In the elections aud management ot ma company. . ... i No pulley or medical fee charged. 1 tul-n ..' .It'sTue l,witkBi I'ree't. U. It, Vi Naoop, yleei j'reii't, i. F.ltouEMS, See'y. " " " ( ' ' " ...... ..: t: K.'EATtn, - . ' i 1 i Mlcnerul Agent, . No, 6 urth Third Ktwwt, , .- 4.2y yl Col lone- tilook, ,IIarrlsburg, I'a. - " ' -; ,n rT-rrrTT'iT '' i.. r- AND SUN UMBRIITjIJAs, ",!:;', ;.'. we ! may? ;jhi iyivitr,T., P.'MORTIMER&'CO.i";, I-1 ' new HvtHmmve: fa. " 1 i i .1 in ; Rankruptty. ' ' " Kjtstern district of Pennsylvanlak H. ' At Mew Klnolntteld the lHth duv of Jan. 1S71. THK undersiKiied hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as assignee of William H. Klce of Havllle twp. lu the comity of Perry, and rU.t of Pennsylvania within said district, Who Bits been adjudged ay Ilankrnpt tton his own petition by uie uisirici court 01 aaru uistnoi. i '. Jotm BlXLBB, 3 1- Asalgue Hair - Restorative ! Contains NO T.AO KTTt.nilill No SV'JATt OF I,KAI No I,ITH Attn K No N IT It AT K OF rllLVlilt.nnd Isenllrclv free from the Poisonous nnd Health-destroying llntBS used In other Hair Preparations. Transparent nnd clear as crystal, It will not soil the tlnrst fabric perfectly SAI'K, CLKAN. and KKFICIKNT df'Hideiiitiiins LuNU SOUGHT foil ANU.FOUNO ATJ.AUT I ' It rostorcs and prevents tho Half from becotn Iiik (irny, Imparts a miff, (jlossy appearance, re nmves lliiiiilnill, is cool and rcfri-shinic to the head, checks tho Half froiufallliiK oil. iiuil restori's It to a extent when Iiii'iiiiilurcly lost, pre vents Headaches, elites all Humors, Cutaneous Kruptlons, and tiiiiiatinal Hent, AS A !!KSS 1NO FOR THK II AlltlT IS THE BEST AHTICLK INTHUjMAHKKT. Dr. O. Hmlth, Patentee, Orntoti Junction, Mass. Prepared only by Procter Brother", Oloiieester, Mass. The (ieniiiiie. is put up In a panel bottle, made expressly for It Willi tlinnaino of the article blown in the glass. Ask yo ur llrugcist lor Na ture's Hair Itcstoratlve, and take no oilier. Send ft three cent stamp to rrocterOlroj. for n Treatise on tile Human 1 1 a 1 r. The llifoiiiiHtion it ctintalns Is worth iOO 00 to any person.. ... 5,00 VOLUMES IN ONE. Agents Wanted. THE LIBRARY OF POETRY AND SONG Ilslnff Cliilcc Sulcctiona From the Bel Foils, ' English, Setitch, Ii'lslt mid Aincrlcnii. - - .With nn Introduction ' . iiv vi t-L'iA.M "euiii.EN' hhyavf. Unilcr vltose critical ntjwrvinion the volume ic cuinjulvtt. The handsomest nnd cheapest subscription book extant. Over 800 panes, beautifully printed, choicely illustrated, handsomely bound. A Library ofoi'cr 500 volumes in ojw book, whose contcute'of no ephcincrttl nature or interest, will never growoU! or stale.. It can be, and will be, read and rc-rcad with pleasure by old nnd young, as long aa its leaves hold to gether. .. , -, , " A perfect surprise; Scnreely anything nt all a favorite, or at all worthy oi' plucs here, is neglected. It 1b n book for every household.' X. Y. Mnll. -- , ::' '. " We hioK ef to eiiiiiliiri collection in the Eng lish language which, in coplowmexe anil felicity of selection ami arrangement, can at all compare fith U."V. Y. Timm. ' Terms liberal. Belling very rnpltlly. Bend for clrculnrnml Terms to J.B. FOKl) & Co., U7 Park Place, N. Y. . , . . , . - -4- , ; i MANCFACTtniEfts OP DOORS, IlililKlK, Jl j M o u I d ings , Balusters,. Newel Posts, Scroll, Sawing, v -' 1 " ; CIRCULAR WORK. &c ' &c. ' ' ' Made and Tfarrnnfed from drw material, and . r . an common sizes oi ... t DOORS AND SASH,' Kept oa hand and for sale by the undersigned 7-6end for List of Prices to I t ' i ' SPllOUT te JEDDV, ' ., I : ;,'"j,ictijkb B0CK8,' 431, ''. - ''' '' LyoomliiR county,' Ta. ' XKUKIN'S Ik HOUSE'S PATENT i', NON - EXPLOSIVE ' METALLIC ZEECSE1TE LAHP. Is Anaoi.UTET.T SATTs from eiloslon or lireaklnjis burns any Coal OH, good or bad ; gives moue Hou r, no odor, and uses less oil.' 1 ' . '' "It Is perfectly hon-ezptosire The light 'In' oet ter than is produced by any other lamp." IV.. V. iter. Preilitvnt' ef JuastachHtetU Agricultuml Cotlete. . "It is perfectly non-explosive, jrlves a better llitht and is more economical tlutn anv other ssftin In use." W. W. Welle, late Huptrinlendent . qf The apalllnp deaths and flreit frdra glass lamps exploding and breaking create a great demand for this lamp. It I'ays to sell It. o by Cunvutsert; AUENT8 wantkd ivcHYWriKBC. ' Heiul for a circu lar and terms to Montgomery it to. , Cleveland, O. 2 Barclay btreet, New York . .... . . ' I '' '' A;mLENiixs HsouTMKNrri tiPZuyVlU .JVsJeiOXMliNX f.f' -till , - ' Vi lll.'l ' t,i . H . , ! i"'. - !,, . ' cvn i .iii"Oy t . -mi mi ,i M- (so . ijini -S Mih 1 "t-i 'i t I : ,1t, .IK '.'Vtift . Suited 'to' the Season, ,"('l ,1 lollii I 11 1 ' .. 1-, Are Now Offered Cor Sale bji ii '..i I Ti'i 1 .,' 1 . T". ,t " o n ' i' i ' 'v pmT 1 THE IMPROVED it!; A .V.t .Vt I . .' ,. Ct . .. -i i" ) KOTARy, . " .i.e. ...'; rhotograpie ndlhumn prewfr'vVs IttifVVrtitetltil the pictures, Is a very con venient, atUm llvo and ornuuieutal receptacle ttr lilvtun-aof tlfur rela Uvea ad friends and beltig not liable to get out. ol order. ;,. ' S.t - 1, ... . . 11,1 (iK "I '1 ' ' '' IT Id THK PEST, AtBUM' EVElt ' ' 1..MI . . 'i t OFKERED TO THE TUBUO It la edWiW with VlVet'r)r' Morocco and orna mnated In a variety ol styles aud at? low prlcesj He what the June numlier uf " JVia JecAnolOff;" says of it and aend laou for a nice sampla to , THE KQTAIIV THOTO. AI.BI M MF'O. CO,.' ' ", 26 a 3m, , ,1? jTJimr.UpUiiU A lurk.., ' . Ladies, Attention I "', , w. ; fiend Tim Cent! nd a Btaup for a valuable secret, which every young lady should know., CHARLES V. ALLB07, 61413t Pittsburgh, Pit. HUMOROUS ITEMS. BSy An old lady in Georgia who saw a locomotive for tlio first timo recently, looked at it curiously for a while, and then, as it came purling along, inquired anxiously what " pushed tho darned thing alonjr." . Bfy Where was I, ma," said a little urchin to his mother, as he stood Razing at his drunken and prostrate father, " whero was I when you . married pa ? Why didn't you take mo along? I could have picked out a hotter man than he is." fiifiy" In a squire's office, the othor dny, ttn attorney was examing a surety touch ing his qualifications as bondsman. "You havo property, you say ?" " Yes." "Did your wife bring you anything?" " Yes." " What ?" " Thrco children, sir." A gentleman in Chicago, who was arrested for cruelty to a miserable horse, was asked if ho ever fed him. Ever fed him? That's a good tin," was the reply. " He's got a bushel and a hulf of oats at homo now, only ho ain't got timo to cat 'cm!" r Is it wrong for mo to use rouge ?" anked a homely spinster of her clergy man. " What do you use it for ?" " To to make mo handsome." " Woll,mad am, I guess it will do no harm for you to use rouge, for you uro homely enough even with it." CST" Tho writer of nn obituary notice of an estimable lady said that the be reaved husband was hardly able to bear the demise of his wife. Imagino ' his disgust on reading in print that the bc reavedh unban d was hardly able to wear tho chemise of his wifo. tSS" A noble lord asked a clergyman once at tho bottom of his tablo, " why the goose, if there was one, was always placed next the parson. " Really," re plied tho clergyman, " I can give no rea son for it; but your question is so odd that I shall never see a goose again with out thinking of your lordship." JK3 Mrs. II., a young mother, was ex hibiting with considerable pride to a num ber of admiring friends her first baby. Finally approaching littlo Dan, a boy of fivo years, the happy pareut said, " Dan, is not this a dear littlo baby ?" Dan hes itated a moment, turned up his eyes, and answered, " Yes, but it's bald-headed." An old toper who had attended a scientific lecturo, where tho learned pro fessor caused several explosions to take place from the gasses produced by water, said : " You don't catch mo putting wa ter in my liquor after this. ' I had no idea before that water was so dangerous, though I never liked to take too much, of it." . . . L . III! V, ! . I I. IKS" A romantic genius seeing a hand Bonio girl passing along the 'streot, . the other day, went home and ponned this poetical gushing of his palpitating heart : " I've seen her out walking, with, a hat bound round with blue, and it ain't no use in talking, she's pumpkins and a few. She glides along in beauty, like a duck upon the lake ; oh, I'd be all love and du ty, if I only was her drake." ,MF After a loud preface of ," O, yes," pronounced most audibly three times, . in the High Street,. at New Market, the lute Lord liartrymore, having collected a num ber of persons together, niado the follow ing proposal to the gapers : .". W,ho wants a horse that can walk five iniles an hour, trot eighteen, and ' gallop twenty V' " " I do," said a gentleman, '.with manifest "ear nestness. " Then," replied Lord Barry more,' "if I see any such 'amimaKto be sold, I will bo sure to let you know."" ' ' '.. . ,;. . " - '"J 1ST; Recently, in one , of the .North Carolina .courts,, the grand, jury, as is now usually the case, was composed part ly of negroes. , After being , " charged" in the usual way by. his honor, ,, tho jury retired to 'their, room, when one pt the white' jurors ventured to ,asfc ! a' colored associate if lie 'understood the charge ' of the judge. ' "Golly," exclaimed the as tonished amendment, "he don't charge us nuflin for dut, does be 7 I thought .we was gwine to. get pay' i, , ,i i. - j ' l7 Martha,' dost tlio'u' love ' mef" asked a Quaker youth ' of one at ' whose shrine his fondest' heart's ' feelings had been offered up;" u Why,' Seth; We" aro commanded to love One another, ' are ' we not?''' she answered.'' " Ah Martha, but doet thou Togard ' me with that feeling which the world calls' love V ' I hardly know what to tell thee, Seth. -I have tried to bestow my love npou all; but I sometimes think thou art. gottiog more than thy share." , "'. ii . a :. !. -'"hi , tQF.A certain clergyman of Vermont, a few years since, visited New York, and was invited to fill a city pulpit,. lie had never had the privilege of listening to a church organ, and was unacquainted with the fashion of hiring, a fe w to do the sing ing," , Giving out hw first hymn, , the, or ganist playing a fancy prelude, and in the highest style of art rendered, the, , hymn. Addressing the throne of grace in a man ner that stamped Lira as a man , of, intel lect and power, he coolly re-opened the hymn-book, and said: "The audience will now join with me in singing a good old Methodist hymn! and those persons running that bag of wind in the gallery will please not interrupt."