7: Philadelphia Advertisements. John Lucas & Co., Solo 1111(1 THE ONLY MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPERIAL FRENCH, ' AND PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Furo While lal ami Color JIAXL'FA CTURERS, Nos, 111 and 113 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. There Were Sold in the Year 1870, or Blatchley's Cucumber TKADE (jjjj) MARK. WOOD PUMPS, Measuring 21o,5(T feet in length, or stitllclent in thu ablegate lor A WELL OVEE 40 MILES DEEP, SimjiU in Construction Easy in Operation itu'ing no jane w wt naicr jjii- . table and Cheap. Those intnps am their own host recommendation. i-or sale iy j'caiers in itarowaremm jhiv rieultii ml lmoli-im-nts. Plumbers. I'nino Makers. Kc.. throughout the country. Circulars. lurnish- il ntiitii iiiiiillc.-itioii hv mall or otherwise. Single pumps forwarded to parties in towns I wnere 1 nave no aueius upon me iccciia, 01 mu retail price. In buying, be careful that your pump bears my trade mark us above, us 1 guarantee no other. 3,0lllce and Ware-room, Nos. (Wl and sal Filbert Street, 513rfl PHILADELPHIA, TA. a-These Pumps can be ordered of the Manu facturer, or F. Mortimer & Co., New lilooinlleld. SOWER, BARNES & POTTS, V IV bJtAi.H,. And Dealers in CURTAIN AND WALL.PAPJIS, Nos. 530 Market and 523 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. . rnhllshers of Sanders' New Headers, and Brooks' Arithmeties. Also, Hubert's History of the Li lilted states, i-eiion outline juap.s, &,c. IILANK HOOKS Always on hand, and made to Order. 31t MILLER & ELDER, ItookKclIci'H and Stationers BLAXK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, And Dealers in WINDOW CURTAINS AND WALL I'APEIl, No. 430, Market Street, ill PHILADELPHIA, A. CHARLES MAGARGE & CO., Wholesale Dealers In Nos. 30, 32, and 34, South Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. I'uiier any Hixn, Wel)lit, Color and Quality, made to order, at short notice. !Uly41 LOt'IIMAN'N Writing: Xluil! miHH KI.UII) is warranted F.OUAL to Arnold's. 1 and In sold at mueli less 01 Ice. The nioliev will be nfuiKd to Uiose buying it. If it does not Jiroveeiitiiviy mmniaeiory. (S. For sale by F. Mortimer, New Bloointleld. MILLER & ELDER, Hole Agents, 430 Market Street, 2.1031 I'lilladelphla. A. L. Kalb J. E. Fketmihk. KAUIS & FItY.IIIlti:, iMl'OHTEKS AMD JOBBEHS OP C II i 11 tl , Gr lllMH AND QUEENSWA11E, 801 and 808, Cherry St., between Arcb 4 Race, PHILADELPHIA. ,. CT Constantly on band, Original Assorted Packages. 18. 9. ly 10 Philadelphia Advertisements. BARCROFT & CO., t Importers and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, ; Cloths, . Cassimcrcs, Blankets, Linens, White Goods', Hosiery, &c, Nos. 40,r)nnd 407 MARKET STREIiT, (Ahovo Fourth, North Side,) IMiilKtlclpliia. WRIGHT & S1DDALL, Wholesale Druggi sts, AND DEA1.E11S IK Patent Medicines, 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FRONT, Philiidelplii.i, Pa. A FULL STOCK of evcrthing conneeted with the business, of the best ciualily, and at very (ow prices. A good location for business, with a ow rent and light expenses, enables us to oiler 'In ducements to buyers, and makes it worth their While to givo ns n trial. Philadelphia, 3. 81 f. . WAVES IAlSOXt ! Saves Time !, SAVES MONEY! "yAINRlGHT .t CO'S Labor-Saving Soap Will bo found the best in use. With this Soap washing may be done w ith half, the labor required when any other Is used, and the saving in wear to clothes is really astonishing. It will cost only Fif teen Cents to try It, and after that you will use no other. t9- For sale by all (irocers, and by F. Mortimer, New lilooinlleld, l'a. 17 jlAYIILYj V CO., Wholesale Dealers In Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, . Wadding, Twines, &c, And a Hue assortment of Wood and Willow Ware, No. 343, North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. January 1, lSfif. John ghaffner, Jr. K. S. Zlegler. Theo. Kuinel S1IAFFXER, ZIECLER & CO., Successors to SHAFFNF.H, ZIKGLKR & CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, f Ioves, Kibhoiis, Suspenders, THREADS, COMBS, , and every variety of TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Ayenta for Lancatitei' Combs. W. F. ItOIILKIC, JOBBER IN Hats, Caps, Furs, Stra w - Gr o o 1 , 153;NORTll third btreet, 8 91yl0 PHILADELPHIA. H. 11. TAY'LOIt, wiTn WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Comer of 2nd and Arch Street?, Philadelphia Pa II OAR, McCONKEY & CO., euccessors to AVM. W. PAUL & CO., WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, C23 Market St. and 614 Commerce Street, Philadelphia, Penn'a. : WHOLESALE -wfti . sw H GROCERS January I, 1669. LLOYD, KUPPLEE, ft WALTON, WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE, No. 625 Market Street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia Advertisements. . 1 KXIUUT fc ISItO'S, Wholesale "Dealers in FISH, CllOOHO AM' ' 1 ' ; I'roviwioiis, 114 South Delaware . Avcnnc, Below Chestnut St., rillLAbELl'llIA, PA. Agents for Colling, (ieddes & t'o's Cnimetl Fruits. jOIKf A. B. Cunningham. J. II. Lcwnrs. J. S.Glolm. Cunningham, Gleim & Co., WlIOLESALB DnAI.EllS IN Tobacco, Scgars, &c, NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH STltEKT, riIILAlKLlIIIA. 32310 WPJI. H. KENNEDY, WITH Hemphill cV Chandler,, DEALERS IN Tobacco, Scgars, &, No. 2! MARKET STREET, , I'lIILADEH'IIIA.. l'A. " A full Stock of the Celebrated Monitoii Na vy, always on hand. l :;2 li lu W. A. Atwood. Isaac W. Hanck ATWOOD, 11AXCK ii CO., Coiiiinission lereliants, , " ' AND ' 1 Wholesale Dealers In all kinds of Tickled and Salt No. 210 North Wharves, above Kaec Street,. 3 40 finiO PI II LA DELPHI A , l'A. PATTERSON & NEWLIN, Wholesale roeers, AND CUM MISSION M E 11 C II A NTS No. 120 A11CH STKEET, rUiUulelphla. fl-Thesulo of Ffc'gs, Seeds, Grain nnd Wool a snichill v. 31 lTvase send for a Circular. 48 For the Farm and Garden! "JpUItK (j HOUND HONF:, HUl'ElM'HOSl'HATE OF I.IME, ANIMAL COMI'OST, AND (iltOUND FLASTEK, Manufactured by tho Harrlsburj! Fertilizer Com pany, liarrlsiniri;, ra. for saie by 1!. H. FICKES i 11110., 5 9, 13 Newport, l'a. LONGEST ROOF In the United States is on Itlnek's Rons' Factory. Kaston. l'a., one third of u mile lonn, and is cov. end witli READY ROOFING, CHEAP. DritAflI.E and easily applied. Send for circular and samples to the manufacturers. HEADY HOOFING CO., 4 23 lya No.64CourtlandSt.New York. rX7o SliooiiinJioi'H. THE subscribers keep constantly on hand, a FINE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH CALF Sh'IXS, PIXK LIXIXGS, ROAN S , MOROCCOS, SHOE THREAD, PEGS, A WLS, and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe makers. F MORTIMER A CO. HTUHKOKCOPKH, VIEWS, AI.IIUMS, CHltOMOS, FRAMES. K. di II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 691 Droudway, Kew York, nvlto the attention of the Trade to their exten ive assortment of the above (!ku1h, of their own Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and ORAl'HOSCOrKS. NEW VIEWS OF VOSEM1TK. E. ii II. T. ASTHOXY & CO., 601 BllOADWAY, NEW YOltK, OpiHislte Metropolitan Hotel, Importers and Manufacturers ol l'liotojjrrnpHici 3IntcrlulM. 6iai3 UNCAN SHERMAN ii CO,, 1SAISIO01CH, No. 11 Nassau Street, NEW YOUK, Issue circular Notes and circular Letter of credit available In any part of the world. f Current accounts received on such terms as may be agreed upon. (Stftf 1,1. KINDS) OF JOB HUNTING Neatlv executed at the lilocinlleld Times ' eutt Uce. steam jod vm 11EX11Y T.JIELMJiOLD'S Compound Xluitl EXTRACT CATAWBA GllAPE PILLS. Comjioteul Parts Fluid Extract Rhu barb und Fluid Extract Cataw ba Grape Juice. FOlt LIVF.lt COMPLAINTS. JAUNDICE. W llirs AFFECTIONS, SICK, (lit NEIlVOI'S HEADACHE, COSTIVKNKSS, ETC. l'l'KEI.Y VKCIKTAUI.K. CONTAININO NO MEIICUUY, MINERALS, OR DKLHTKIIIOCS DKUCiS. IX These Fills are the most delightfully pleasant purnatlve, supereeiliiiK castor oil, salts, numnesia, eie Tliere Is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They Hive tone, and cause neither nau sea nor uripluK pains. They are composed of the finest innrcdiciits. After a few days' use of tliein. such an InviKorallou of the entire system takes place ns to appear miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether arrislng from imprudence or disease. II. T. Helmbold'K Compound Fluid Ex tract Catawba Crape Fills are not. sntjar-coated, from the fact that suuar-coaled pills do lint dis solve, hilt, pass through the stomach without dis. solving, eiinseipHMitly do not produce the desired effect. The Catawba drape ('ills, bcinij pleasant 111 taste and odor, do not necessitate their beinu sunar-eoateil. l'KICK FIFTY CENTS I'Elt l'.OX. in HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S 1IIOHI.Y CONCENTRATED COMPOfNTI EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will radically exterminate from the system Scrofula. Svphllls. Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Eves, Soro Lcirs, 8orc Mouth, 8oro Head, Bron chitis, 8kln Diseases, Suit Klieuin, Cankers, Hiinninir from tho Ear, White Swellinirs, Tu mors, Cancerous Affections, Nodes, liiekets, (ilundular Swellings, Nltflit Sweats, Ilnsh, Tet ter, Humors of nil Kinds, Chronic lthcnma tism, Dyspepsia, and nil diseases that have been established lu thu system for years. Reins prepared expressly for the above com- laints. its blood-piirifvini; properties a re trrcat- r than nnv other preparation of snrsaparilla. It elves tlio'complexion n clear and healthy col or and restores tho patient to a stato of lienlth nd purity. For pnrilynifr the blood, removing 11 chronic constitutional tnsensos arisini; iroiti an impure state of the blood, and tho only reli able and effectual well known remedy for the lire ot pains nnd swelliiifr ol the bones, incep tions ol the tliroat nnd less, tilotehcs, jinn ies on the lace, erysipelas and all scaly crup- ions on the skin, and beautifying the complex ion. 31 HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTHATED Fluid Extract liuchu, THE GREAT DIURETIC, hns cured every case of Diabetes In which it lias icen iriven, irritation oi mo iicck oi ino uiaii- der and Inllumatiou of the kidneys and bladder, retention of urino, diseases ot tho Prostrate Gland, stono In the bladder, calculous, grayel, nnd mucous or milky discharges, nnd tor enfee bled nnd dellcnto constitutions of both sexes, attended with tho following symptoms : Indis position to Exertion, Loss ot rower, loss ot Memory, Difilcnlty of Rrcatlilng, Weak Nerves, 1 fcmbliug Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Puin in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of tho Body, Dryness of the Skin, ErnjHlon of tho Fnce, Pallid Counte nance. Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, etc. Used by persons from tho ages of eighteen to twenty-live, auu trom tiiirty-iive to llttv-nve or in the declino or clianno ot me i al ter confinement or labor pains ; bed-wetting In children. X3 Helinbold's Extract Buchu is Diuretic and blood-purifying, nnd cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation, ana nmirudcnecs in life, impurities of tho blood, etc. Superseding cojiailia in ali'cctlons for which it is used, and syphilitic ailection lu tueso uisenscs useu in connection with llelnibold's Roso Wubu. LADIES. In many affections peculiar to ladles, the Ex tract of Buchu is uncqunllca by uuy oilier rem edy as iu Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Puinfulness or Suppression of Customary Evac nations, nnd complaints Incident to the sex. It is prescribed extensively uy tuo most cininincni physicians and nnuwivcs lor cuiccuicu nnu uei catc constitutions, of both sexes and all ages (attended with any of tho above diseases or symptoms. o II. T. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BU CHU CURES DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPRUDENCES, HAblTB UJ) DISSIPATION. ETC., In all their stnircs. at little expense little or no change in diet, no Inconvenience, and no expo sure. It causes a frequent desire, aud gives strenirth to Unirnte, thereby removing Obstruc tions. Preventing: and Curiuir Strictures of the Urethra, Alloying Pain and InUamntion, so fre quent in this class of diseases, and expelling all poisonous matter. Thousands who have been tho victims of Incompetent persons, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they have been deceived, and that the " poison" has, by the use of " power nil ustrlnircntB." boon arieu up in me system to break out lu a more aggravated form, and perhaps alter marrlugo. Use Helinbold's Ex tract Buchu for all utlections and Diseases o tract buchu for all utlections and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing In male or female, from whatever cause originniing. und no matter now long suiuuing HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH cannot be surpassed as a Face Wash, and will be lounu tne only sjiccitie rcnicay in every spe cies of Cutaneous ailection. It speedily eradi cates Pimples, Sjiols, Scorcutlc Dryness, ludu rations or the Cutaneous Membrane, etc x Full and explicit directions accompany tho medicines. Evidence of the most responsible and reliable character furnished ou application, with hundreds of thousands of living witness es, and upward of 30,000 unsolicited certifi cates and recommendatory letters, many of which are from the highest sources, Including eminent Phvsiclans, Clergymen, Sntesmcn, etc. The projirletor has bus never resorted to their publication In tho newspapers j he docs not do this from the fact that his articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need to be projijicd up by certificates. Henry T. Hulmbold'HGen- Delivered to any address. Secure, from ob servation. Eituhllshed upward of twenty years. Bold by Druggists everywhere. Address letters for information, in confidence to HENRY T. HELMBOLD, Druggist and Chemist. Only depots i H. T. HELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse. No. 6l4 Broadway, New York, or to II. T. HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot, OW South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS. Ask for HENRY T. HELMBOLD'81 TAKE NO OTHER. 4 2aiyp. , HUiUOBOUS ITEMS. A youn doctor being recently risked to danco tho " Lancers," said lio was more nblo to lauco the dancers. 63-Jake Hlififkiiis says, "My wife's the most poetical woman alive ; leastways, she's nlwuys a verse to mc, you bet !" 87- " Com bread ?" said an Irish wait er, " we havn't got it ; an' isn't it corn bafo yo mane ?'' BQT" Yotinr chaps wlio carry canes, say they have bible authority for so doing, as even Adam is represented ns having u Cain, when quite young. tif Au apt reply. " I'm a broken man 1'' exclaimed a poet. " So, I think," was tho auswer, " for I have seen your pieces." Bfu5-: 'i'ho easiest way to get a living," says a vagabond poet, " is to sit ou agate, and wait fur good luck. In case good luck don't come along, you arc no tyorso off than ynu were before." A simple but ingenious enigma for the young people is tho following : In my first, my second sat ; My third and fourth I ato. 1 lio answer is, insatiate. C?i5"' A Hibernian gcutlcniau, when told by his nephew that he had just en tered college with a view to tho Church, said : " I hope that I may live to hear you preach my funeral sermon." E3" Little Howard 11 camo into the room where bis mother had just hung up a clean curtain, and made the astute observation, "Oh ma, the window has got on a clean shirt." COT" " Martha," said James, "what letter iu the alphabet do you like best?" Martha din't like to say, but the young man insisted. 1 Well," was her final answer, as she lrov.ped her eves, " I think I like U best." COT"" Is your father at home?" inquir ed a man of a little gill who admitted . inn. " Is your name Bill?" " Some people call mo so." " Then lie is not at home ; for I heard , lim tell John, if any bill came, to say lio is not at home." CS?" A married lady who was in the habit of spending most of her timo in society of her neighbors, happened ouo day to be taken ill, nnd sent her husband in great haste lor a physician. I he hus band ran a short distance, and then re turned, exclaiming, "My dear, whore shall I find you when I come back ?" B Thomas Winchester, from Con necticut, a low days since, was riding a mule near Macon, Georgia. The iiiulo balked and would not go. Thomas dis mounted nnd kicked the object of his wrath a few times. The object kicked back. The next day tho colored boys di vided what property Thomas leftj buried one of tho kickers iu a littlo shallow grave, and set the other to plowing corn round. 63? A lady hud been cautioning her son, a bright littlo boy, iu the matter of taking cold. . " You know, my child, sho said, " 1 cannot help being anxious and troubled about you when you are ill. Ah 1 Fred dy, you have no idea of the feelings of a mother." " No, mother," replied tho dear littlo fellow, with genuine earnestness ; " but I may know something of the feelings of a father!" JQy A youug lady saw iu a wicked pa per that if two young ladies would each take a pole of a galvanio battery in one hand, aud then complete tho circuit by kissing, that tho sensation upon tho lips was exactly that of the pressure of the moustache. he immediately communi cated the fact to a number ot friends ; a battery was secured, and tho experiment tried, and found to work like a charm.- A largo number of pocket batteries have been ordered, so that hereafter when tho Indies meet and kiss, as is their custom, they each shut their eyes and fully enjoy tho satisfaction of feeling a gentleman's lips pressed to theirs. T v -Wii.., T 1 1 iJUii.il t jouu.ii. I'iuuy people spcuu much of dheir vages in der vhiskcy stores, and den sit down und fret pekaus dheir nnpors gets along more pettcr ash detn. The only mark dut some men vill ever maken in dis vorlt vill pe do mark of dheir pools in der mud. Hiches vas ouo ding, and religion anodcr, but you can't say dat you alvays see de two togedder. Every clean berson pesure vashes his eyes out every morning. Now, I likes to find it out how he gets dem in again. Memory ish der food of olt age. Blenty beeples detest life pekaus dhcy vas too lazy to vorken for a living. A man vot sits town to vait for goot luck to come along, alvays looks to me like der fool who sat on der panks of o river vaiten for it to dry ub, go he could valken over rait de oder side. Beeplos vot vill ghango dheir religion for tho sake of brolit ish better mitout ony. ,