The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, June 20, 1871, Page 5, Image 5

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    I)C imc0, New Bloomficlir, pa
Tuesday, June, 20, JS71.
h O V A 1j 1) li I'A Jl T M 13 N T.
Are One Dollar a Year in Advance
l-i" Go to rt'r.KTZ if you want a neat pair
of Hoots, Shoes or Gaiters made to order. Re
pairing done promptly, at fair rates.
Wanderer. Vour communication will
appear next week. Will bo f;Ial,to hour
front you again. ('(iinmuiiii:atuii.s should
lo handed in by Sutunlay, nt the latest, or
tlicy must lay over for a week.
A Call Accented. Hew V. I.. KrcnlVM I
has aecepted a call from the Lutheran con
gregations comprising the following: charejc :
Newport, St. Samuel's and Buck's Valley.
Wc call attention to the advertisement of
l)r, Sehcnek, which will be found in anoth
er column. To Consumptives it, will lie
found particularly important.
Early Harvest. On Friday last in some
places in this county the formers were cut
ting wheat. This we think is the earliest
dale nt which grain has been cut in this sec
tion for many years.
y Kicked. A icmaikalily lino two-year old
colt,owiicd by Mr. John Bi ickley.of Tyrone
twp., w as kicked by a mule, whilo in pas
ture, on Wednesday last, and hurt so badly
that it died in a few minutes.
A C'oticcrt will bo given in the Muthodist
church, in J.andisburg, on Friday and Sat
urday evenings of this week. It is to bo
given by tho singing-class of Mr. ('. It.
.tones, and tho proceeds are to be used for
the repair of that church.
y Sudden Death. On Monday of last week,
a daughter of Win. Foose, a resident of
Newport, was taken with spasms and died
in a short time. Whether tho spasms which
raused her death were brought on by a fall
from a swing, or from eating somo drug,
(both of which incidents had occurred in
Hie afternoon) is not known. The child
was about 0 years of age.
The 1'tttriurclin and Prophets. This is
tho title of u book descriptive of the lives of
the Patriarchs and tho Prophets. It is a
book worthy a place in every library. Tho
contents aro not only instructive but are of
a character calculated to please both young
and old. Tho work is now being sold by
Mr. T). I). Heamcr who will soon call on
our citizens with n copy of tho work giving
them a chance to subscribe.
Itorlug For Coal. Another vein of coal
about two inches thick was struck on Fri
day lnrft by Mr. Geo. AV. Fhoibly who is
boring for tho Little Germany coal Com
pany. Tins vein was reached at a depth of
100 feet. Tho intention is to sink tho hole
000 feet deep providing tho prospects for
eoal continued good. Mr. Sheibly states
that tho black rock in which he is now bor
ing is the same kind bh that under which
he generally found coal in Ohio.
Too Willing. We have received "an ad
vertisement for some lottery enterprise,
tiignod by Martin ii Co., which ho asks
vm to publish, and says "We have licreto
tufore done our business through agents,
Irut now propose to do it direct with the
Mihlishers." It takes two to make a bar
gain, and as we don't propose to have any
of Messrs. Martin fe Co., business, unless
1 lie money accompanies the order, they will
probably do no business with us. . .. .
The Crops. Farmers in this vicinity re
Krt wheat to promise a fair crop, though
the late wheat is being injured by the weevil.
Kye will be a good average yield. Oats
w ill be short in the Mtraw and probably
much below the average crop. Corn Is
.backward but is now growing finely. Clover
will be very short and there will not be over
two thirds a crop. Other hay though short
is quite thick on the ground which will
perhaps make tho crop about a fair avor
ge. f m
Melancholy Occurrence. A Huntingdon
Co., pajer says: On Saturday evening last
Miss Mollie Itutlcdgo, daughter of Alex
ander Kutlodge, Esq., of Williamsburg,
this connty,' went to the cellar with h coal
oil lamp, and whilst in the cellar let the
lamp fall. The fire fiom the lamp commu
nicated with her clothing, and by the time
hhe got up the stairs, the lira was blazing
above her head. Ju a few moments her
clothing was almost entirely consumed, and
the young lady horribly burned. She ling
ered until about; l o'ajock next day, when
death ended her sufferings.' ' She was aged
about eighteen years, and was an amiable
and interesting young lady.' The parents
and friends have the sympathy of the whole
community jn this saijaud hewtitlt calam
.'I ,!.! -;iu:l...'l "'1 ,. )
A Sad Accident. -On Saturday morning
the 10th Inst., a two horse team belonging to
Wm. Mctz while crossing tho track at
Haley's Station was struck by a passenger
train running cast. Tho train runs at a
rapid rate, and struck at tho front tho
wngon breaking the polo off allowing the
horses to escape. Isaac Mctz a lad eleven
years of ago was in tho wagon and thrown
amid tho wreck of the wagon to quite a
distance. Ho was picked up and taken into
a store near by where his injuries wore at
tended toby Dr. Travcr after which ho was
taken home. Should the boy recover it
would be a remarkable escapo from death.
, ' A Fatal Accident. On Monday morning
last as tho Union freight lino cast, was
passing Millerstown, a sou of Mr. W. 0.
ltothrnck agent of the 11. It. Co., at that
place was run over and instantly killed.
The boy was with his nude, who, just as
tho train was coming stopped to speak to
some person and at that moment it is sup
posed the bd attempted to cross tho track
to speak to some men on tho other side
when ho was knocked down by the engine
tho entire train passing over him. lie was
a bright boy about, ten years of age, and
the accident is a sad nlllictinntohis parents
who have tho sympathy of the whole com
munity. Sorfons Kesiill of a Ula'st. On Friday
morning a week, tho rockincn engaged in
blasting on Section ft of tho railroad, just
below Hartley's mill in Snake Spring twp.,
sot oil' a heavy blast directly opposite the
house of Geo. Smousc, Esq. A stone weigh
ing bet ween 100 and 1.10 pounds was throw n
high into tho air and descended upon the
roof of the houso just beyond the comb
and passing through tho roof and two
floors fell into the kitchen, breaking tho
(loor there also. It would have gono to tho
cellar if it had not struck tho wall and win
dow facing before it struck tho floor. It
was almost miraculous that nono of tho
family were killed, as it, passed through a
bedroom within two feet of a bed, in which
a child of three or four years was sleeping,
cutting oft two heavy joists, ono in the Moor
above and one beneath, and scattering lath,
plastering, and splinters in every direction.
Mrs. Smouso had just left the kitchen a few
minutes before and gono to the collar and
sent two or three children that wcro with
her out of doors. Bedford Inquirer.
Suicides in York County. John Iteam, a
Gorman, aged about 25 years, a potter in
tho employ of tho Messrs. PfaltzgrofT, in
whose employ ho was for a long timo, com
mitted suicide by drowning himself in tho
dam of Mr. David Bcntzel's mill, in Man
chester township, on Monday evening of
last week.
' Mr. Jesse lirodheck, near Jefferson of that
county, committed suicide on Thursday
morning, by hanging himself in his barn.
Diiiicaimoii Items. Our correspondent
from that place sends the following items :
-Kodney Shearer, a boy ten years of age,
fell from a cherry treo on Saturday, tho
10th inst., and broke his arm.
.-Tho community was terrified by tho re
port of a mad dpg being at largo, on tho
evening of tho 12th. The report proved
true, and tho owner of tho dog, Mr. "Wil
liam Whitmiro, found and shot him, about
nine o'clock that evetiing. Several dogs
have been shot since, that were supposed
to havo been bitten. There are entirely too
many worthless dogs about town, and tho
community would be safer if it were rid of
The Lutheran Congregation of this place
held a Strawberry Festival, in tho Parlors
of the Pennsylvania Houso, on Friday, Sat
urday, Monday and Tuesday evenings and
realized a handsome profit.
The several orders of this place, intend to
unite in celebrating the 4th of July, but in
what way has not be en deckled as yet.
Two men indulged in a list fight, on
Wednesday near the Rolling milt, rather
one of them did, whilo the other gave leg
William Whitmirc, lias given the Me
chanics Hall, two more coats of white paint
this week, improving its appearance, con
siderable. Subscriptions have lieen carried around
for the purpose of raising money to build a
Baptist Church, on one of the Clark farm
lots, we understand that tho Church is to
bo commenced soon. , ' ; " '
A new coat, was bet, by a crazy man
this week, that there would be a railroad,
between Duncannon, and Bloomficld, inside
of fifteen months, I hope tho crazy man
will win. We wish thcro were more such
crazy men. El).
Church Notice.
Preaching in the Methodist (lunch on
Sunday evening next.
In the lleform Church, communion next
Sabbath at 10 o'clock. Preparatory servi
ces on Saturday at 2 V p. in.
y Presbyterian pitac.fiihg' in' the Court
room next Sunday at 11 in the morning,
and at 8 in the evening. ' ' -
i T "r: ri TTTf'-
' " Try It '
Every person wbd It troubled with dyspepsia,
debility, or the. disease consequent .upon the
Spring changei,should nee Kohrer' Cherry To
ole Hitters. It will invigorate, restore tbe ap
petite, and generally improve tbe health. Try
It. . For sale by F, MorUuier & Co., and tbe
teres generally throughout tbe United States.
Fatal Railroad Accident.
A railroad accidont occurred to tho up
train, on the Lebanon and Pinegrovo rail
road, about 8 o'clock Friday evening, by
which tho conductor, Joseph It. Thomas,
was instantly killed and several persons
more or less injured. Tho train, consisting
Of three passenger cars, when within about
threo ijinilcs of Pinegrovo, in passing
through a cut, ran into a herd of cattle,
killing and mangling a number. Tho en
gine and cars wcro thrown by tho forco of
tho collision off the track against tho em
bankment, the conductor falling under ono
of the cars and being horribly mutilated,
death of course rosulting immediately.
Harry Turner, baggago master, standing
on platform at the time, was thrown by the
concussion through tho door of a car, and
severely bruised. A lady passenger, Mrs.
Miller, of Pinegrovo, was slightly injured,
Two children in her chargo were injured
one having an arm fractured and tho other
its back broken. Mr. Thomas tho conduc
tor killed, was widely and favorably known
in this city, and enjoyed a largo circlo of
friends. For a number of years ho was
conductor on the Schuylkill and Susquo
haima railroad between thiscity and Potts,
villc. Ho leaves a wife and threo chil
dren. He had an insurance of $2,000 on
his'life. , .' . .
ILiOoal trie Cm.
Those Key-Kings sold by JohnO. Moore,
aro just tho thing, (ret one and have your
name on it.
Dennis McCarty, aged ft.i years, a rail
road watchman, at tho Juniata bridge, at
Huntingdon, fell oil' the bridge, on Tuesday
evening, and was instantly killed. His
neck was broken and right leg fractured.
"sC- load of bark containing over LH cords
was, last week, hauled into Mr. McXeal's
tannery, at Main. It was drawn bv six
mules, tho team being driven by James
Crownovor, who has the name of being tho
best driver in the county.
Vehtz, next door to Derrick's Hotel, linn al
on hand a largo assortment of Hoots, Shoes,
Gaiters, Slippers, Trunks, A:c. Give him a call.
I?7"Tlic papers say that arrcat preparations
nre belm; made at Wananiuker & brown's for
t lie coming Spring.
County Trice Current.
l!i.00MFir.i.r, .liuielfi, 1871.
Fkix-Scert S2 00
Potatoes 70aS5 cents.
llutter V pound :, "
Eggs yt dozen 1," "
Dried Apples V pound 8 all) "
Dried Peaches 15 (H 1.ricts.!B.
Pealed Peaches 18 22 cts. "
Cherries q (j o cts. "
" Pitted 15 18 cts. "
niaektierrles 8 10 ets. "
Onions V bushel 75 "
I Corrected Weekly bv Konnh. Kniiiler t Co.
Xkwpout, June It), 1871.
Flour. Extra 8tl 00
ltcd Wheat 115 0123
Uye 8)
Corn, i',5 (j G5
Oats V 32 pounds 6:1
Clover Seed 5 (10 5 00
Timothy Seed 3 00
Flax Seed, 1 75
Potatoes 1 15 1 15
(.round Aluinii Salt 2 (X)
Mmejmrner's Coal 2 40
Ktovo Coal 6 6 00
Pea Coal 3 40
Smith Conl 25 cts. V bus.
Cross'Tles,8J4 feet Ioiir 45 45 cents
Philadelphia Price Current.
OHveefftf Weekly by Janney it Andrew.
No. 123 Mauket Stiieet.
Philadelphia, June 17, 1871.
Wheat 1 41 1 65
Kye 1100110
Corn 7470
Oats 6I307
Clover Need fl10perlb.
Timothy Heed 3 (10 5 00
Flax Soul 2 10 2 25
Country Lard 8 i
Egt! 19 20
llutter, dull sain 10 13
Washed Wool 60 cents per lb.
Rowu BixLKn At the residence of the
bride's father Mr. Jacob Blxlcr, on the svenlng
of the 16th inst., by Rev. Shoemaker, Dr. J.
Wesley Rowe, of Waterloo, to Miss Sarah E.
Rlxlcr, of Center Mills, this county. :
flussi.iii On the 6th Inst., in Center town
ship, Mr. W. II. Gustier, aged 27 years, 0
months and 15 days.
Mooiik. In Centre township, on tbe 10th of
Jnne, 1871, Muudle Dern, lut'unt diuiifhter of
nonert sua Aiiuie Moore, sgea o momn bdh
14 duys. , .... ,
Two little linodt on tho white bosom luy ;
Two little foot tlist ne'er more ahull piny j
Two little Hps that tightly are pressed i
In a little white robe she simply is dressed.
Muudle baa left us gone to Who gave her
. (iont to the Ono who long since died to save
her j .. ., .
Why should we weep ( She has gone to her
Maker t . u ....
Bow to It meekly, if He choscs to tukeher.
fold up her Ureases she'll need them no
, morep , ,
Her dreaa is fur brighter on that beuutiful
i tThe small crib is.empty beside the larg bed)
' 'Twill alwaya be empty for Maudie la dead I
Sasmi Y. In this borough, on the 18th Ins.,
Tommy B..lnfuntton of I), r. and M. E. Shei
bly, aged i mouths and 8 days. ,, .
cj Uona.iotb fraeU our loved one h o
Gone with the youthful bloom)
' Lowly we beud o'er our little friend,! ,.'
', rlg away to the totuU. , , i
Little Tonuny, ko to heaven,
Dwell In everlasting light,
1 Yon eternal life is given
i U to glory ever bright.''".'-
JVcw Advertisements.
I71HTRAY. There enme on to the premises of
li the subscriber near Donnally's Mills, Perry
county, I'a., a few (lavs since, a stiny cow. The
niiimal was sold over a year niio lit the anient
Win. Wee. Tho owner is hereby notilled to claim
his property, pny eharires and take her away, or
she will be sold according to law.
24 31 JOHN RICE.
In Itnnkrnptcy.
Eastern district nf l'ennsvlvanla S. H.
At New lllonintlctd the I8II1 day of Jan. 1871.
rpilli undersigned hereby (jives notice of his up
X uolninient ns assUince ot William S. Kicnof
Savlllfl twp. In the county of Perry, and State of
Pennsylvania within sulci district, who bus been
ndjiidtted a Hiinknipt iiMin his own petition by
tho district court of said district.
3 1- Assiiuico
TIIAVE on hand, and for sale tills fall nt my
nursery In Tuseurora twp., Perry Comity
I'll., a splendid lot of frnit trees cipml to any
to bo hud clacwhero and by fur surpushlm;
ninny of the trees oll'ered for salo by traveling
nursery men. Apple trees from 15 to U0 cents
npleco and other trees In proportion.
l'ost-Ofllec Address Ickcsliurg, l'a.
Hoots I
Boots I
A Full Assortment of
Hand or Machine Sewed, Whole Stock and Double
Sole and
Warranted to Give Entire Satisfaction,
Manufactured and For Sale to the Trade by
full Assortment of
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers
Constantly on Hand.
-.S';C'','nf Alli nlinn l'ciil to "Stl
o 2;) 2ii.
The Colby Wi iHfer
Moulton's Patent Rolls.
The Most Perfect!
The Cheapest I
Iryl 'i iniir in tin: Vi'urlil
Kolls are pure white liiibbcr. Frame can
never rot, nift or wear out. It takes less
room than any other, is lighter, fastens Itself
to tbe tub, runs easier, and is THE FAMILY
FAVOKITE wherever used,
It Is WARRANTED In every case. We want
j?ood active
to canvass hi every town, to whom good wnecs
are insured. Full Instructions and particulars
tfiven upon application to Coliiy lino s 61 Co.,
508 Broadway, N. V. 6 83 a 1U.
hu thftdellPBte and rtfi-rntilng
C0y, IViigriine of ffnuln Farina
bQA 7J'I Wwp, mnt la
Tt" tAll -sA
tk T.IM SO Ay, T
sad Vealen In PEIir IIMEK vT
: zj a si
H O 9 O C C K !
(Jj'J'T'fX A MONTH Expenses paid
ipO J-Malc or Fcmalo agents Horse and
outlit furnlbhcd. Address Saco Novelty it Co.
Suco. Me. . 23 4 w d.
AGENTS J.OOK!.!. to J'20. l'EK DAY.
Eusy Kcnteel and protitablo business. A little
novelty which everybody wants, srccEss sure.
Send for circulars. Churchill & Templcton,
MnnufV 015 B'dwuy , N. Y. 'ii 4 w d.
rilHIS IB NO HUMBUG I By sending 85 cts.,
JL with ago, height, color of eyes and hair,
you will receive by return mail, a correct pic
ture of your future husband or wife, with name
and date of marrlago. Address W. FOX, P. O.
Drawer, No. 84 Fultonvlllo, N. Y. 23 4 w d.
WITH tbe (iHKEN TKA KI.AVOK. Warranted
to suit all tastes. For Halo Kvery where. And for
side, wholesale only by the (iltKAT ATLANTIC
AM) PACIMU TKA CO.. 8 Church Hu, New York.
1". O. HON Mod. Heutl for Tiiea-Nectau L'iiicu
lab. 6 2i d 4t
The Northwestern Colonization and Free Home
stead company Chartered by the Htute of Miiuic
ota furnishes cheap rates of fare, and locates
free homesteads. Send lor free pamphlets, giving
- niniui j m nioiimsoia, us resources, nrouress,
fertility slid advantages. Address K. PA(iK
DAVIS. CommlsHloiier of Inimlgratlnii for the
Htate of Minnesota, and (ienerul Agent for the N.
W. Col. Co., Ntt las Uroudway, N. 9. Active and
reliable agents wanted in everv locality. 21 4w U
It contains over let) Hue engravings of Ilattle
scenes and incidents In the war, snd Is the only
authentic and onlclal history of that great con-
success, selling from M to 411 copies er tlay, and It
is published In Ixith Knullsh ami (lei-uiaii. .
met. Agenut are nieeiiug wiiu uiimeceoeiiicti
CAUTION. Inferior histories are being circula
See that the book yen buy contains 100 Sue
enuravliiir snd 740 naues.
see our terms, and a full dtwcrlntion of the work,
nenil lor circular, mm
j'hiiuiieipiiia, l'a. 4wi
TADIE8 AND (ifcVfTLEMEN, If you wish
J to marry,, address tbe undersigned, who
will send yon valuable information, that will
enable yon to marry happily and speedily, Ir
respective or ago, wealth or beauty, , This in
formation will cost you nothing, and If yon
wish to marry, I will - cheerfully assist you,
The desired Information sent by relnm mall.
Addross, '. Basah B I.amiibht, Orcen point,
Kings uouiny, rt. 1 . o io.a
A Million of poildrst
Hhrewd but rii1et Ineir can' make fortune by
revealing the secret of the business to no one.
. ddr .., . C. K. WKL1KIN, .
..,. i,l Broadway, New York.
Wantlnii oinplovineiit, at from jri 10 S1P0 a monthi
should address '.Y.WA.V.V. & McCLItDY. 1G So. 6th
St., I'hlladelphlu, I'll. d4w
1() FHOM fiO t'KNTM.
12 samples sent, postace paid, for HI cents that
retail readily for S1U. R. 1,. WOI.COTT, 181 Chat
ham Si., N. Y. Uw
A lmcket prosKctns of the best Illustrated fam
ily llililc, published in hutli EiiL'lisb and (icinian,
cnntainlnir Ullvln Histnrv. Dictionary. Analysis,
llarinnny.and History of Religions. V. HJk'f &
CO. & South 7lli St., Philadelphia, I'a. i!4w
WrANTr.D A(ilCM-H.-i20 a day. to sell tho
V eelehrated Home Hhuttle KcwIiir Machine,
lias the under feed, makes Ihe lock-stitch"
on both sides and fullv licensed. The cheapest
and best family scwiiiK machine In the market.
Address JOHNSON, CI. A UK ((; Co., llostou.Muss..
l'iltsbuiK, l'a.,Chlca(?o,lll.,orrit. Louis.Mo. 'A'mUw
AfiKNTH WANTED for the wittv brilliant book
and icxtnisiTfoxsi,
By Olive I.opan. l'!easesever.vbMly; will sell Im
mensely; Is Kcninl, Jaunty mill iiiue lolied: has
title In 6 colors, and pi tint Illustrations. Nothing
like it! CanvassiiiK-llonk a rare beauty. NKVV
WoiM.D I'l P.LIslllMi CO., 7lh and .Market St.,
Philadelphia. d254w
These Tablets present the Acid In Combination
will) other cllti ieut rcinediei. In a popular lorm,
for the cure of nil throat and Iiihk diseases.
Hoarseness anil ulceration of the throat aro Im
mediately relieved, and slalenienls are consUiully
beliiK si'iit to Ihe proprietor of relief in eases
of throat dillleulties of years slamliliit.
('ACTION. Don't lieilccelvcd by worthless im
itations. Oct only Well's Carbolic Tablets.
Price 2;") cents per box. JOHN y. KICI.l.OO,
l'latt St. N. Y., Side ukciiIs tor I . S. d 2.3 4vv
iti:iircTioN of ritici:s
1!Y (JKTTINd I P tT.l'llH.
3"Send for our New Trice list, and a club
form will accompany It. coutnininu full directions,
making u luru;e savini? to consumer and rcintiner
allve to cluli ortfaniciN.
r. O. box 31 & ;tj Vesey Street, New York, 4w
Ti'iiiiuphK ol" 10n i-jviHC,
A new book, 7H0 octavo pau'es, well lllusl rated. In
tensely interestini.'. and very Instructive. JCxelu
sive territory nivcii.
Applv to us and see ir tliev are not.
A. s. IIAI.IC& Co., Hartford, Conn,
d 2." 4w. or W.M. II. ICVAN.i, Pliila., Pa.
WONDICIil'T'L Sl'CClCSS!!! 2.-.000
copies of llrockett's History of the Franco-Cer-iiiiiii
War, sold llrst (jo days. It will soon contain
a full history of the bloody rebellion In Paris,
makiiui nearly six hundred paues. and 1MI elegant
illustral ions, and will sell !i limes faster than
heretofore. Price only Ji.K). lncoinplctc works
written in the interest of the Irish and French
are bcliii! ollered with old cuts, and for want of
merit liii'inhiK to be onlclal, etc. Pewareof such,
llrockett's in both English and Herman, is tho
most impartial, popular, reliable, cheap, and fast
scllinK work extant. 1,00k to your interests, and
st rike quickly, you can coin Money. Circular (let)
and terms excelled bv none.
A. H. lll'llllAHI), Publisher,
d 25 4w. 41 HI Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
J U II U 1 E A
It Is a Sure and Perfect Kemcdy for all Diseases of
LIVER, DROPSY, Sl.t'(i(iISfl
Dr. Wells having become aware of the extraor
dinary medicinal proierties of the South Ameri
can Plant, called
sent as a special commission to that country to
procure it in Its native purity, and having found
its wonderful curative proiwrtles to even exceed
the antleipat Ions formed by its great reputation,
has concluded to oiler It to the public, and is
happy to state that he has a crfect arrangement
for a regular monthly supply of this wonderful
plant, lie has sjicnt much time exis'iimentlng
and investigating as to the most clllcluut prepara
tion from it, for popular use, and has for soma
time used In his own practice with the most happy
results, t lie effectual medicine now presented to
public us
and bo eonlldently recommends It to evcrv family
as a household remedy which should be freely ta
ken as a blood purilier in all deraugements of tho
system and to animate and fortify all weak and
lymphatic temperaments.,
JOHN Q. KELUMi. l'latt St.. N. Y.
Hole agent for the United States.
Price One Dollar per Bottle. Send fur cirular. 4W
(Formerly kept by Woodruff and Turbctt,)
-Vw Bloomfltld, Perry County, I'a. .
AMOS ROBINSON, Proprietor.
This well known and pleasantly located hotel
has been leased for a number of years by the pres
ent proprietor, and he will spare no pains to accom
modate Ills guests. The rooms are comfortable,
tlie table well furnished with the best In the mar
ket, and the bar stocked with choice Honors. A
careful and attentive hostler will be In attendance.
A good livery stable will be kept by the proprietor.
April 3. 1871. tf
Perry County, lVnu'a.
HAVING purchased the hotel formerly occu
pied by David B. Luiifer, situated 011 North
Carlisle Street adjoining the Court House, I am
prepared to receive transient guests or regular
To all who favor me with their custom, I shall
endeavor to furnish Hrst class accommodations. A
call Is solicited.
Bloomtleld, March 9, 1869.
(3 10 ly 5
'Hie greatest Invention of the Age for printing
on Fier, Wotxl, Metal, e. .
Kvery business man, needs one. . 1'rlces 3.00 to
Priced designs sent free. Agents wsnted.
6 20 s 4 l(, ds Courtlandt ht, New Ycrk.
'' 'i -i Manufacturers of '" '
First premium received, at American Institute
Fair, 1S70. Reversible Hydrant Filters, price t&OO.
Also, ftyphou Filters for country use,
,.' i.i 1. 11 fFRFKCT IN ACTION,,
i; , 1 I DURABLE IN USE. j
' . . The Kyplion Filter '
on Which a Filter can be made.'' Agents wanted.
Bend for a circular. ,
6 20 a 13 Office It Dey8t.,Mtw York.