8 Miscellaneous News Items. t3T Some one says tho bost way to tr.iiu up a child in tlio way lio should go, is for tho person to travel that way occasionally himself. A Wisconsin postmaster lias written to Washington for "som eternal revenu stamps," saying ho has "sovral cols for them." W Laura D. Fair, recently convicted of murder in California, has been sentenced to bo hung on tho 28th of July, a now trial being refused. W Mr. John Furlong and daughter, of Franklin Borough. Cambridgo county, wore struck by light ing a few days sinco. They were seriously but not fatally injured. C2TB. F. Alward, of Danville, whilo eating his breakfast on Wednesday morn ing last, fell over insensible and expired in a few moments. The physician pronounced tho discaso apoplexy. tW Tho houso of Thomas Gordon, nt Kouscv'ille, Pa., was burned down recently, with $ 200 in money, and a young lady was also scorched sevorcly. It was tho old, old story, of Kcrosono and wet kindling wood. t2T Thos. D. MafTatt, convicted of cheat ing in selling lands in Iowa, has been sen tenced to jail four months, and fined $100. The criminal court denied his motion for a now trial. Tho latest news of Dr. Livingston scorn to indicato that ho is not a Ijijijijijij'i but at Yxyxyxyxyxyxy. Moreover, ho is in a destitute condition. Since he last wroto there had boon no changes to noto and no notes to change. ZW A few days since, tho residence of F.W.Sloan, at Elizabcth.N.J., was entered by an unknown man, who, under threat of death, if sho mado a noise, outraged tho la dy of tho houso. Tho scoundrel then mado his escape, and all oflbrts to affect his arrest have provon fruitless. tW Tho polico are endoavoring to arrest a gang of boys who stoned to death an in oilonsive Chinaman, in San Francisco, last week. Dozens of people witnessed tho as sault, and did not interfere until tho mur der was complete, and no attempt was then made to arrest the murderers. tW A negro girl of Pascack, Bergen county, recently purchased somo second hand clothing in New York, and as a re sult, cloven inmates of tho houso into which sho took it, have been seized with tho small pox, three aro already dead, but tho others, it is hoped, will survive t2T A Connecticut man has a hen that oxhibits strong evidences of insanity. For a year past (with raro exceptions) sho has "been fooling round," and dropping eggs no larger than a robbin's I until twenty one of them are held in a " paper-collar box" tho funniest looking objects you over saw ! That hen is a fraud. t3J" A nico young man at Portland kept looking into tho window of a married lady until ho saw hor shako a handkerchief, when ho called at her room. After being picked up at the bottom of the stairs, and having his bones sot, it was explained that sho was only shaking somo applo-pcclings from a napkin. C3? A young lady of Moultonboro, N. II., was outraged recently by II. V. Smith, dentist, of Meredith villugo, whilo having hor teeth filled under tho influence of ether. An exposure of tho case was mado, and Smith lied to tho woods. Nearly all the people in the neighborhood are hunting him. CUT A physician of Springfield, Mass., was hurriedly called away from the diuner tablo recently by a messengor who made the following request : " There has a child fallen into a drain and got drowned; we've got the wator out of him, and now wo want you to coiao out and got tho mud out of him." 127" Rodnoy S. Church, a lawyer, and at one tiuio a prominent local politician, is dead. IIo was 70 years of ago. IIo head ed a crowd which broke up a mooting of the Tammany Democracy in 1834. Tho lights woro put out, and every man belong ing to tho chorch faction produced acandlo and a box of loco-foco matches. From this term "looo-foco" was applied to the extrome Democrats at that timo. C2?" Rocently while some mon woro drag ging for tho body of William Bowman, who was drowned in Pen Horn Creek on Fri day, two Canadians approached and pro posed to try an experiment. Accordingly, a number of bottles wore filled with (juick timo, tightly-corked, and thrown into tho crock. In about an hour ono of tho bottles burst with a startling detonation, and soon tho body roso. The Canadians said that when a bottle of quicklime floats over a corpse it will explode. tW In Troy a few days ago, a witness in a slander suit became highly indignant at tho humorous comments of a lawyer upon tho facts elicited in the course- of the trial, that one of the lady witnesses was the ob ject of his heart's adoration. After the adjournment of the Court tho aggrioved iudividual lay in wait for the facetious counsel, and would have materially altered tho expression of his countenance had it not been for the opportune interposition of sev eral bystanders. HIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS PAID .-Tho Travelers 'Life and Accident Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut, paid 30,(XX)oii W. II. Forbush and Win. C. Carry, vie tlms of the New Hamburg railroad ac cldcnt s IB.000 on tlio late Jas. B. Rlakc, mayor of Worcester, Mass., and $5,000 on the late 8. II. Lewis, Jr.. of St. Albans, Vt. All these Accidents occurred, and tho Insurance was paid within three months each claim being paid about sixty days before It was duo by tho policy. Tho Travelers has paid seven hundred dollars a day in bcnellts to Its policy holders, for deatli or Injury by accident, for every working day during the past seven years. The Travelers Life and Accident Insuranco Co., of Hartford, Conn., grants all the usual forms of Life and Endowment Folluicles, on exceedingly favorable terms. Ample security and low rates. IIOLIDAYSEUHG SEMINARY, HOLIDAYSBURC, PA. A remedy which has been test ed for 10 years, and proved In thousands of eases capable of curing nil diseases of tlio 111 runt and lungs; jicrforining many re. markahlo cures, merits a trial from all who aro Hollering from similar affections and whovalnly seek relief. Will you let prcj uilico prevent you from being 1h. Crook's WINE OK TAR , Established cureu aiso. Coughs and Colds. The Druggists say It cures them all. Asthma. Tile relief and cures of It are marvel ous. Itronchltls. Every sufferer will II nd relief and cure. Throat aliments require only a few doses. I.ung Diseases. Has cured eases pronounced in curable. Debility. In renovates and Invigorates the sys. to 1 1 1 . l.lver Complaint. Most effective regulator of this organ. Dyspepsia. Its healthy action on tho stomach cures It. ApiHitizcr. It Is health-giving and appetite re storing. Urinary Organs. Action on thein Is marked and prompt. Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar Is rich In the medicinal qualities of tar, combined with vegetable Ingredi ents of undoubted value, which make it unsur- I Kissed, not only for the complaints enumerated, nit it raiiidly restores exhausted strength, clean ses the stomach, relaxes the liver and puts them to work, causes the food to digest, and makes pure blood, and begets u vivacity appreciated by both sound and sick. If you are allllcled ill any way, we know If you try the life-giving tonic properties of Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar, you will add your testimony to Us great value In correcting any " Ills that llesh Is heir to." l'rcpared only by OI.l V Ell CROOK. : CO. Sold by druggists every where. For Scrofula, Scrofulous Tumors, Scrof ulous Diseases of I lie Eyes, or Scrofula ill any form, ltlieumatism, Diseases of the Liver, Diseases of the Skin, Erup tions, l'lmpies.llolls.Tetter, Scald Head, Ulcers, and old Sores, or any disease depending on a depraved condition of the blood, take Dr. Crook's Compound Syrupof Poke Root. Itls combined with tho best tonic preparations of Iron known, and thebestaltcrativeaud blood Further made. Cleanse your lllood. Try ono bottle. Sold by druggists, l'rc pared only by Ulivkk Crook St CO., Dayton, O. CIIF.A1 ADVKKTISIN'H. We will Insert an advertisement in EKIHT HUNDHED American Ncwspaicrs for six dollars, per line lier week. One fine ono week will cost six dollars two lines will cost twelvo dollars, and ten lines will cost sixty dollars. Send for a printed list. Address (ilio. I'. KOWEI.I. & CO., Advertising Agents, No. 41 l'ark Kow, New York. The Vice of our age is Fraud. Nevertheless, there are live honest Patent agents even, at the Capital, one of whom Is the undersign ed. Patents for I" years obtained at reasonable rates. Agents wanted. Send forcirculars. iEO. E. nitoWN, Counsellor-at-Law, el" U Street, cor.Uth, Washington, D. C. FRAGRANT SAPOLIENE Cleans Kid Cloves and all kinds of Cloths and Clothing; removes Taint, Creese, Tar, etc., in stantly, without tlio least Injury to the llncst cam brie. Sold by druggists and fancy goods dealers. FRAGRANT SAPOL1ENK CO., 33 Barclay Street, Chicago. Agents! Head This! WK Will PAY AGF.NTS A SALAltY of y:iO per week and expenses, or ollow a large commission, to sell our new and wonderful Inventions, Address M. W At; NEK & CO., Mar shall, Mich. SIO A 1)A Y FOIt ALL. with Stencil tools. Address, A. E.U HAJIA.M, Springlleld, Vt. Buy tho Apple Purer, Corcr and Slicer, price 82 00. 8325 freilT Me. A MONTH, Horso and Carriage fur nished, expenses paid. 11. Shaw, Al- A 3IillloH of Dollars! Shrew d but quiet men can make a fortune by revealing the secret of the business to no one. Address O. K. WELDON, 1,201 Broadway, New York. TW. VANVAMEK, M. I)., successfully treats all classes of Chronic and Acute Dis eases. Scud stamp for circular containing partic ulars and testimonials. Address Box Wit), New York 6 21 r 4t OTICK. The undersigned cautions all per sons against, trespassing on his land, for muting. Ilstilng. cutting timlier. or for anv tnir- pose whatever, under penally of the law. DANIEL WARD. Oreeuwood twp., May 23,1871. OHflrtn AGENTS WANTED. A J)v)J Watch given gratis to ev ery person, male or female, anil terms scut free, to clear from (15 to $i5 per day, sure. Business new. Can be done at homo or travel ing. W. II. CHIDESTEH, 2G7 Broadway, New York. a 15 4. JOBINSON HOUSE, (Formerly kept by Woodruff and Turbett,) Neui Bloomfltld, Ttrry County, ra. AMOS ROBINSON, Proprietor. This well known and pleasantly located hotel has been leased for a number of years by the pres ent iiroprietor.and he will spare no pains to accom niodato his guests. The rooms ure comfortable, the table well furnished with tho best in the mar ket, and the bar stocked with choice liquors. A careful and attentive hostler will he Inal tendance. A good livery stable will be kept by the proprietor. April 3, 1S7L U JjJAGLE HOTEL NEW BLOOMFIELD, Perry County, Pcuu'a. n A VI NO purchased the hotel formerly oecu pled by David II. Lupfcr, situated on North Carlisle Street adjoining the Court House, 1 am prepared to receive transient guests or regulur boarders. To all who favor mo with their custom, I shall endeavor to furnish first class uccomiiiodutlons. A call Is solicited. GEOR OR DERR ICK. Rloonilield, IMurch 9, 19(19. 3 10 ly 6 JfJLABTHJ HAND STAMPS III "The greatest Invention of the Ago for printing on Fajwr, Wood. Metal, &. laoo1? business muu ueeda one. Prices Kl.00 to Triced designs sent free. Agents wanted. . m , HMlTH.llAI.LiCO., 6 80 4 68 Courtlandt St., New Ycrk. Eli! REAL ESTATE NOTICES. VALUABLE Farm at Private Sale. T IMC undersigned offers at private sale, a farm in uyeiownsnip,i'erry county, ra,, comaiiiiiig rf ACIIEH. The land Is the best In tho nighborhood, with run ning water In every Held, Is under good fence, and has thereon erected a new Frame Dwelling House. There Is also a thrifty Young OKCIIAllDon the place. This land lies along two public roads the Fishing Creek road and flie Lamb's Cap road ; the last named divides the land In two parts .'t0on the one side and on the other; on the 2115-4 acre piece is a New Frame Dwelling House, and on the other a FRAME 22 x 28, erected for a house, with a never falling Spring of water. This land will lie sold as a w hole, or In two Tracts, to suit purchasers. i, Persons desiring to purchase a farm will do well to exainlno this ono before Investing else where, as It lies within four miles of Marysville. and tho Pennsylvania Itallroad one of tho best markets in the eouiitv. Further Information can be had by ad dressing Dr. .1011 N USAW, Jenner X ltoads, 12 Somerset county, Pa. VALUABLK PROPERTY At Private Sale. THE subscriber ofTers at private sale his prop, city In Savillo township. Perry county, Pa., consisting of :i71 ACHEH of Land, 35 Acres of which aro cleared, and well Improved having thereon a One and Half Story Log House, LOG BARN, and other out buildings, with a flno YOUNG OUCH AltD. The balance of tho land is well tim bered. For further Information address or apply to HENUY KLECKENEIt, 4 43 Ickcsburg, Perry county, Ta. Two Valuable Farms LOCATED IN JUNIATA COUNTY', PA., A t Privnto Hulc. ONE of the farms contains SiJO ACIIKS of well-Improved land, with good buildings, and good water near the door. Willi lino fruit, and many other Improvements. Stores, Mill, and Churches within sight. The other contains 1150 ACHES of well-lm-proved laud, good buildings, lino Spring of water near the door, and excellent fruit of many varie ties. The land is In a high state of cultivation, and of tho best quality. These are desirable farms and will be sold. For further particulars call on or address " TIMES OFFCM," 4 4tf New Bloomileld, Perry CO., Pa. LEBANON Mutnnl Fire Insurance Company, OF JoiicHto-wn, X'eim'tt. POLICIES PERPETUAL at Low Itates. No Steam risks taken. This Is one of the best conducted ami most reliable Companies in the State. Country property Insured Perpetually at 84 00 per thousand, and Town property at go U0 per thousand. The Pennsylvania Cattle Insurance Company, OF POTTS V I I'LK, PKNX'A., INSURES HOUSES AND CATTLE AGAINST Death, Theft, or Accident, at very Low liates. Call on or address LEWIS POTTER, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA., Agent for Perry County. From the Daily Miners' Journal 0 July 22, 1870. Yesterday James II. Oi ler, Agent of the Leb anon Mutual Fire Insurance Company, promptly paid I,cwls Harris (ISO, his Insurance policy In full, which he lost by lire on Itallroad Street, last Fli day. Mr. Orlcr also paid John Pettlnger (SO. his In surance policy In lull, which was on a Horse that died last Saturday, uud was Insured 111 the Penn sylvania Cuttle Insuranco Company, of Potts vllle. 410 IV1UW STORE! CHEAP GOODS! Til E subscriber having opened a new Store, one door East of Swcgcr's Hotel, solicits a share of the public patronage. Ho has just received a full supply of TV o "v CJc o o (1 h , and will constantly keep on hand, a complete as sortment of DRY-GOODS, QUEEXSWARE BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES HARDWARE, HATS A CAPS And Everything else usually kept lu Stores. $rw Call and see my stock. KOIl'T. N. WILLIS, New llloomlleld. Pa. 42 tj300 COMMUTATION MONEY'. The above amount will lie refounded to all sol diers who were drafted while In the service, and who paid (too commutation money; and also to ull Iicrsons who paid commutation money who were not legally liable to draft. Cluims must be tilled before tlio 1st of March, 1871. Call on, or address, LEWIS POTT Kit. Attorney for Claimants, New Rloointlold, Pa. AHI'I.K1)I-r A HSOnTMKNm tSPLENUlU iVHSOHTMKN'X DRY-(1001) CJ it v-a oo j) O Suited to the Season, Aro Now Offered for Bule by P. MORTIMER, & CO. READY-MADE vW CLOTnoa The Largest Stock; Xthe Finest Goods; In Boys' the Newest Styles : m Wear we have A manship; the everv kind Greatest Va - mm lanT of material &lJL riety, at every variety of farlct style, suitable for and Youth from 16 to 20, JL&. 6th. Boys from 9 to I6, TP! and Children from to 9 years, all Jt& V curable & strong, . ... . .i maae wun special jyi reference to rough We lusage. In this de have fl M partment our i made prices are as our Es tonishingly tab!i8hment low. THE HEAD Market QUARTERS OF and r .COUNTRY TRADE'a Gth. vin Clothing, andyJJJ i we can assure nnr friends from .u.N, kOf town thaf thoA i need look no fur ther than OakHallN Our for satisfactory CustomX T7"- JFy wothing & satis Work is factory prices. ofthevery Full stock all best character. Easy rules for o u n d. measurement, M it JUdr7cct prices, &o., sent nil free to any part of J 6th. niiiviivHfiiiiu yvvuiil. t fluaranfeerJ. TTn.v1f.ei and Gth Streets, PHILADELPHIA. New Carriage Maiuifuciorj', On Htaii Stueet, Eabt op Caw.isi.e St., New Bloom field, I'cnu'u. THE subserlber has built a large and eommodl ous Shop on High St., East of Carlisle (street, New llloomlleld, Pa., where he Is prepared to man ufacture to order di i i i ix c; k Of every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, built to order, and finished In the most artistic and durable manner. . . Havlni? snnorlnr workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work (hat will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. 4-ltEP.AlltIN0 of all kinds neatly and prompt ly douo. A call Is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH. 31tf A. IMow Leather, Harness and Oil Store At lHmcannon, 1'enn'a. THE subscriber has Just opened In Duneannon, Jerry county, Pa., opposite the tiutloual Hotel, a luruo uud splendid assortment of LEATHER, 8ADULERY, OILS, T11UNK8, WIUE-KINBINGS,4tO. He Is prepared to fill orders at the shortest notice and in the best manner. A number of the Iwst workmen are employed, and repairing Is dime Without delay and on tho most reasonohle terms. HKKINEU OIL tire test by the barrel, or In luruer lots. l.tlllltlCATINO and other OILS of the best quality. In lets to suit purchasers. The O AMI paid for Ilark, Hides and Skins of all marketable kinds. . Please eull and examine our stock before purchasing eUuwheru. JOH. M. HAWI.EV. Duneannon, 6 4 tf Clocks. Another new lot of 80 liour and 8 (lay Clocks juat received by l Moil TniBit & Co. Now LlooniUold. Perry County Dank! Kponslcr, Juiikfii fc Co. TH E iinderslRned, ImvliiK formed a Itankinf? As soclatloii under the above name and stylo, are now ready to do a Oencral Hanking business at their new Ranking House, on Centre Square, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. Wo receive money on deposit and pay back on demand. We discount notes for a period of not over 60 days, and sell Oralis on Philadelphia and New York. On tlmo Deposits, llvo per cent, for any time over four months; and for four months four per cent. Wc aro well provided with all and every facility for doing a Ranking Ruslness; and knowing, and for some years, feeling the great Inconvenience un. der which the people of this County labored for the want of a Rank of Discount and Deposit, we have have determined to supply the want ;and this being tho first Rank ever established In Terry county, we hope we will be sustained in our efforts, by all th business men, farmers and mechanics. This Ranking Association Is composed of the fol lowing named partners: W. A. Rponsi.eh, RIoomtleld, Terry county, Ta. R. F. Junkin, " " A. O. Mii.i.er, Shlppcnsburg, Cumberland co.,Ta. John Wondekuch, " " " Hknuy Itmir, " " " Wm. IL Miller, Carlisle, " OFFICERS; W. A. 8PONSLER, President. William Willis, Cashier. New RIoomtleld, 3 5 ly n:nit county Ileal Estate, Insurance, AND CLAIM AGENCY. LEWIS POTTER & CO., Real Estate linkers. Insurance, Sc Claim Agents A'ew Itloomliclcl, ln. TTE INVITE tho attention of buyers and sell TV ers to the advantages we otter them In pur chasing or disposing of real estate through our of fice. We have a very large list of desirable property, consisting of farms, town proiierty, mills, store and tavern stands, and real estate of any descrip tion which we are prepared to otter at great bar- f tains. We advertise our property very extensive y, and use all our elforts, skill, and dilligence to effect a sale. We make no charges unless tlio property Is sold while registered witli us. We also draw up deeds, bonds, mortgages, andull legal pa pers at moderate rates. Home of the best, cheapest, and most reliable Arc. life, and cattle Insurance companies in the United Stales are represented at (Ills agency. Property Insured either on the cash or mutual plan, and perpetually at 84 and 85 per thousand. Pensions, bounties, and all kinds of war claims collected. There are thousands of soldiers and heirs of soldiers who are entitled to pensions and bounty, who have never made application. Sol diers, if you were wounded, ruptured, oreontract ed a disease in the service from which you are dis abled, you are entitled to a pension. When widows of soldiers die or marry, the minor children are entitled to the pension. Parties having any business to transact In our lino, aro respectfully Invited to give us a call, as we are confident we can render satisfaction in any brunch of our business. No charge for Information. 4 201y LEWIS POTTEH & CO. Professional Cards. LKWIS POTTKIt, Attounky-at-Law & Notary Pimi.ic, JVeto lltoomjleld, l'erry Uountii, J'e.nn'a. 0i- Special attention given to Collections of all kinds, to the settlement of estates, &e., and all other legal business prosecuted with fidelity and dispatch. Also, Depositions, Allldavlts and Ac knowledgments taken. -Olllco live doors West of Sutoh's hotel. 321y. B r. McINTIltF. Attornev at Law. nnil DIs. trict Attorney of Perry county. Oltlco with . T. Mciutire, New Rloonilield, l'enu'a. W7"M. N. SElRHltT, Attorney-at Law, TV New Rloonilield, Perry CO., Pa. llloomlleld, 3 33 ly. WM. M. HUTCH, Attomey-at-Law, and Mili tary Claim Agent, New RIoomtleld. Perrv co., Pa. a-0lllce Two doors West of t Mortimer's Store 3 7 ly T7"M. A. HPONSLEIt, Attorney-at Law, TV Olllee adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New Ulooinlleld, Perry co., Pa. 3 2 ly SII, GALRKAITH. Attornevat-Ijiw, New Rlnoiullcfd, Perry co., Ta. -Pensions, Rounties, Rack Pav. and all Claims against the Government, promptly collect ed. Olllee with Wm. A. Sponsler, Esq. 3 2 ly. CLICK MURRAY, Attomey-at-Law, and Real Kstute Agent, New llloomlleld, Perry Co., Pa. -ontce with Hon. H. F. Junkin, South Car lisle street, New llluiulleld, Pa. 3 2 ly. CHA8. A. .HARNETT, Attorney-at Law, New llloomlleld, Perry co., Pa. S-Ofllce adjoining Mortimer's Store. 3 2 ly CHAS. J. T, McINTIItE, Attorney-at Law, New llloomlleld, l'erry co.. Pa. 4-All professional business promptly and faith fully attended to. 3 21V. JOHN O. BIIATTO, Surgeon Dentist, New Rloonilield, l'erry co Pa. tislry All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den orlces.doneiii the best manner, and at reasonable VOIllce over Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly l)i s. I. N. Shatto & W. I). Louder, Hui-Kon Dcnllttftet, NKAVPOHT, PA. ALL operations In connection with Dentistry, skillfully performed at moderate churges. -Satlsfuctiou guaranteed luull possible cases, or no charge. Oltlce on Fourth Street, Newport, Fa., op posite the Reformed Church. 4 6-ti Dully Express and Freight Line I5KTWEKN BLOOMFIELD & NEWPORT! THE subscriber wishes to notify the citizen ot RIoomtleld and Newport that he Is running a Dally Line between these two places. and will haul Freight of auy kind, or promptly deliver packages or messages entrusted to his care. -Orders may be left for liiiu at the stores of F. Mortimer & Co., New RIoomtleld, or Mllliguu& Musser, Newport, Pa. .1. 8. WHITMOltE. RIoomtleld, January 25, 1870. PEIIRY HOUSE, New Blooiuflcld, Pa. THE subscriber having purchased tho property on the comer of Maine and Carlisle streets, opposite the Court House, Invites all his friends and former oustomeni U give him a call as he Is determined t ) furnish first class accommodations. THOMAS NUTCJf, 8 ltf. Proprietor. ALL, KIND OK JOB PKINTINO Neatly executed at the RIoomtleld Time bteum Job Olllee.