The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, June 06, 1871, Page 5, Image 5

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    - ft ii
.fV1 V.'i : ' V.I
Tuesday, Jvne G, 1871.
Are One Dollar a Year In, Advance
Strawberries and Iec-rrenm.
A Grand Festival will bo given by the Ladies
of the Lutheran Congregation for tlio benefit
of their Sunday School on Tuesday and Wednes
day evenings in the Court House yard.
Improved. Tlio Yoik True Democrat
camo to lis last week in an entire new
ilress. Their new typo gives tlio paper a
very clean and pretty appearance. Wo
think they must luivo n new lot of ink too.
Merchants should read and make a noto
i if tlio advertisement of Mr. M. 15. Spliar,
manufacturer of the celebrated York boots.
It will bo found in nnothcr column.
The First quarterly meeting of tho New
Hloomfleld circuit, will bo held in tho M.
E. Church at Blain, on Saturday and Sun
day next. Tho Quarterly C'onfercnco will
meet on Saturday at 3 i. in., and Doctor
Hamlin will preach in the evening. Tho
doctor will also preach on Sabbath morn
ing, and administer tho Lord's Supper.
NA Sliigtnff School. Mr. II. 0. Jones pro
pones to form a class, in this borough ,
for instructions in vocal music. For
this purpose a meeting will bo held in tho
court houso, on Thursday evening, when all
aro invited to bo present. His terms nro
extromoly low. Mr. Jones has just com
pleted a course of instruction for a class at
Laiuliaburg, and so well satisfied aro tho
citizens with his success that they havo
engaged him for another term.
A Valiialilc Paper. The New York
Mercantile Journal is without doubt tho
most valuable commercial pa per published.
The editorials aro exccllont, tlio selections
are of tho best, and tho market Reports and
quotations, aro complete and perfectly reli
able. Wo can hardly see how any country
merchant can do without it. It is publish
ed by tho New York Mcrcantilo Journal Co.
at 350 Pearl St.
Valuable Discovery. Mr. Benjamin
Chandlers has discovered on his farm near
tho Red Bridge, east of Cluimbersburg, a
vein of beautiful black mottled marble, also
a vein of gray marble. Mr. Jan. King pro
nounces both kinds to bo of lino quality,
and tlio gray variety particularly well adapt
ed for monumental purposes. Mr. King
dressed a pieco of the mottled variety, aud
it takes a very flno polish. It is not known
to what extent these marbles may bo found
possibly in largo quantities, which will
open a new enterprise
Boring For Cool. Tho directors and
' president of the Little Germany coal com
pany held a meeting last Tuesday to decide
whether they should continue to 1oro in
the hole which has been started or com
mence at Homo other place. It was agreed
that two more holes be sunk each 100 feet
deep after which tho balanco of money bo
spent in which ever hole appeared to givo
tho liest prospects for coal. Since striking a
three inch vein no more coal has been
found. A committee of eight was appoint
ed to select a place for sinking the next two
Stnto Sunday-School Convention. The
seventh annual convention of tho l'ennsyl
nir State Sabbath School Association will bo
held at Allontown, Pa., on Tuesday, Wed
nesday and Thursday, tho lath, 14th and
15th of Juno. All tho earnest Sunday
school workers of the Kcystono State aro
cordially invited to be present. Each Evan
gelical school is reqnestod to send two or
moro delegates. Those who propose to at
tend should notify A. J. Broinig, Allen
town, Pa., who is chairman of Local Com
mittee of Arrangements, on or boforo tho
7th of Juno, so that entertainment may bo
secured, and orders for excursion tickets
procured and forwarded.
X Overcome With The Heat On Monday
' of last week some fat cattle belonging to
Capt. Loy of Madison twp., wore drivon to
this borough. Part of them wore for Mr.
(icorgo Hoffman and while in driving thorn
from here to his farm, two of thorn died
about a milo and a half from this borough
and anothor was left at Oliver Rice's so
nearly exhausted that it was feared ho
would dio. The other two were for Messrs.
Reeder & Yohn at Newport, and one of
them lay down about a mile thin side of
Newport unablo to go farther. The other
they succeeded ill getting homo and
slaughtered it tho next morning. Wo
would not fancy that kind of meat for our
Tald Out. Tho twenty thousand dollars
appropriated by the legislature to aid tho
suflcrers by tho largo flro atMilllintownhas
beon paid out and tho committee have tnado
a report. This we publish below, as many of
our readers may like to see where the money
wont. We hope that this action of tlio
Legislature will not bo a precedent for
futuro appropriations.
Alex Ellis, ?50 00. J. C. Moscr, 8300 00.
James W. Stewart, 50 00. Myers Troup, 250 00.
James Robinson, 2,413 50. William Walton,
500. William Ellis, 60 00. John M. Wlmer,
80 00. Samuol Bridge, 100 00. John Dcltrlek,
350 00. William Egolf, 400 00. Joh W.
Emory, 30 00. J. K. Stump, SO 00. James
McGraw, 15 00. O. P. Kobblson, 75 00.
William Noble, 350 00. George Hock, 12 00.
B. Browau, 1500. Lavlna Hurrell, 23 00.
A. B. Faslek, 20 00. T. W. Aukor, 600 00.
O. N. Goshen, 25 00. John E. SehatTer, 60 00.
William Wise, 500 00. Jacob Wagner, 1000.
Honry S. Goshen, 12,00 00. Mrs. Faslek, 705
00. Alfred Steel, 200 00. Simou Albright,
350 00. Mrs. Oswalt, 250 00. Saruli Spitler,
30 00. Cornelius McClellau, 300 00. James
McClcllun, 75 00. T. W. Hamilton, 300 00.
Sarah A. Albright, 251 00. Daniel Troup, 25,
00. Samuel Stimellng, 675 00. Mrs. Maria
Rues, 725 00. Emma Horning, 75 00. Mrs. E.
Greer, 600 00. Mrs. E. O. Westfull, 500 00.
Mrs. McCalinn, 150 00. Emory McCnhan,
15000. Mrs. Samuel Boll, 260 00. Mrs. Ellis,
30 00. Jesso Howe, 400 00. Amos G. Boneall,
800 00. Mrs. Sarah Dolin, 10000. Thomas
Roes, 100 00. F. C. Maxwell, 15 00. Thomas
U. Parker, 100 00. John Buzzard, 550 00.
Wm. J. Juckiuun, 50 00. Mrs. Stambaugh,
850 00, John Ilotrman, 2S0 00. W. W. Wil
son, 10000. Gcorgo Jacob, 150 00. R. E.
Parker, 75 00. John ' C.raybill, 700 00. Ed
mund S. Doty,l,500 00. Jacob SuloutT,l,000 00.
James M. Sellers, 1,000 00. Mrs. Young, 25,
00. John llollobaugh, 200 00. Tho Com
mittee, for services, each one hundred dol
lars, 600 00. Tho Secretary of Committee,
50 00. For Incidental expenses, 20 50.
Total amount, 8'0,000 00.
Sorrowful Accident. On Saturday after
noon last, our citizens were shocked and
startleil by tho intelligence that Fairman
C. Flcnncr, son of John Flenner, Esq., of
this place, aged about eighteen years, was
drowned in tho dam at tho mouth of tho
Raystown Branch, about 2$ milos below
Tho deceased was an npprcntico in tho
Monitor printing oilice, and, in company
with threo other boys, started on a fishing
excursion to tlio dam, about tho middle of
tho forenoon. It nppears that while there
tho boys had stripped for a bath, tho water
being very deep at that place and young
Flcnncr being no swimmer, ho had not gone
into tho deep water but was standing on
tho breast of tho dam when his feet slipped
and ho fell over,and almost immediately dis
appeared beneath the surface, tho forco of
the reacting current carrying him under tho
sheeting of tho dam. Search was immedi
ately mado for tho body, but it was not till
Sunday morning that it was recovered and
delivered to his heart-broken friends.
Huntingdon Journal.
A (iood Law. Tlio law to prevent fre
quent changes in school books has passed
both branches of the legislature, and will no
doubt bo signed by tho governor. If such
a law had been passed ten years ago it
would have saved tho citizens of this
county many a dollar, and the school direc
tors many a cm sing. Below wo publish
the law as passed :
Suction 1. That, hereafter tho Isiard
of directors of any district, the controllers
in cities and boroughs or any school super
intendent, shall not order or mako any
fhango in tho school books or series of text
books used in any school under his or their
superintendence, direction or control moro
than onco in every period of 3 years, and any
laws or parts of law inconsistent herewith
shall bo and the samo are herebv repealed.
Skction 2. Any school director or su
perintendent who shall violate the provis
ions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof
shall bo sentenced by tho court to pay a
line not exceeding two hundred dollars and
be deprived of his oilice.
Trlbuto of . Respect.
' At a stated meeting of New Buffalo
Lodge No, 402;i. O. of (. T. held .May 31st
1871, tho following resolutions wero unani
mously adopted.
Whereas death has como in our midst in
which God, in his mysterious Providence,
has removed from us our sister Adah
Middaugh, therefore.
Resolved. That in this ntllict inr disnen-
sation of Providence, wo are reminded of
the uncertainty of life aud ot the necessity
of a preparation for that lifo which Is eter
nal ; and that we so livo, that when death
shall como upon us wo may go homo with
tho assurance, that eternal rest and peace
shall be ours.
Resolved. That while we deeply sympa
thize wim tuo nusuaim ami lrioiuls of our
departed sister in this their bercavinent,
we rejoico that she though early taken
away from earth, has, we trust and hope,
found a happier home in Heaven.
Resolved. That the members of this
Lodgo wear tho usual badgo of mourning
for twenty days and that tho charter and
hull bo draped in mourning for the same
Resolved. That a copy of these resolu
tions bo Presented to tho bereaved friends,
be recorded in tho minutes of this meeting
aiiu puuiisiico in inn liioomiieiu itmet.
WM. E. JONKH, Committee.
Very Pretty. All the ladies who have
seen them, say tho Summer styles of prints
and other dry goods juyt opened by F.
Mortimer & Co., nre very pretty. Call and
One Hundred Dollars Reward. Tho fol
lowing singular letter is vonchod for as
being gonuino : -; . ,
For the apprehension of Enos Tnttle, a
tall man, about fifty years of ago, has con
siderable money and a forehead, lang-faccd
and lantern-jawed man, a bad man with a
fist like a giant, and has often beat me, and
I want him to end his days in a penitentiary
whoro ho belong, and he wears a grey
coat with a very largo mouth, and ono bluo
eye, and a hideous looking man, aud now
living with tho seventh woman, and mo
having one child to him brought slap up
in tho law with bluo pants. Ho ought to bo
arrested, and has ono hundred dollars of
my money, and a bald-headed rascal, full
of flattery and deceit, nnd sho is a bad
woman, and her little girl calls him ' papa,'
and is called Eliza Jano Tillis, and a boy
blind of ono eye, and ho is not a man who
has got any too much sense, nor hor. And
ho stolo a hundred dollars from mo and
some of my gold and silver, and ought to
bo caught, and 1 will never live with him
again, no never, ho is a disgrace, and I
would liko to him caught up and compelled
to maintain me and his child, as I am his
lawful wedded wife, and havo tho certificate
of marriago in my possession.
Nancy Tutti.e.
"Fixi.F.Yvn.M5, April, 1871."'
Arrested. Tho man "Eagen," who, a
few weeks since, mado his exit from town,
hastened by soino young men armed with
horse-whips, for abducting and attempting
to outrage a little son of Henry Shafer's,
has been arrested and held to bail on tho
charge. Tho arrest was made by Constable
Messimer, who found tho job no easy task,
as both Eagen and tho old woman with
whom ho is staying, mado a desperato re
sistance. No charge had been mado against
him until last week, as it was generally
considered that tho punishment ho had al
ready received would prevent him from
committing such a deed again.
A few days since, probably at tho insti
gation of some porson or persons, Eagen
made a chargo and procured tho arrest
of tiioso implicated in administering jus
tice to him, on tho evening referred to,
which is tho reason why tho chargo and
arrest is now made.
High Heels. Dr. Paneoast, of Philadel
phia, recently performed a painful opera
tion on a little girl whoso feet had been de
formed by wearing high-heeled boots, nnd
expressed his opinion that it was only the
beginning of a largo harvest of such cases.
It so happens that extremely high heels aro
going out of fashion ; but there is still room
for much improvement in this direction.
Large Lond. A correspondent says
that last week a load of bark measuring
ten cords and twonty feet, was delivered at
Newport. It was drawn by two horses and
four mules. It is tho largest load of bark
wo ever heard of being hauled on a wagon,
and hardly believe that it would weigh
" over a ton to tho cord," which ono of our
exchanges says should bo the standard.
Loonl Xii'lvVm.
Tho commencement exercises take place
at Dickinson College on Thursday of this
A lad named Thadcus JclTers aged about
10 years was drowned in tlio Tuscarora
creek at Perrysvillo on Tuesday last.
Huntingdon has a doc which catches fish.
On tho occasion of tho race being drawn off
lie caught 17 and carried them on to tho
A lad about fifteen years of ago son of
David lc. i lei r was downed on Thursday
last whilo bathing in tlio canal at llarris
burg. Tho pretty Unco story brick front dwel
ling and store now being erected by Mr.
Feustemaker on tho lot adjoining tho bank
is a great improvement to Carlislo St.
Two Girls filled burning lamps with coal
oil last week iu Ohio and have now rested
from their labors and sleep in tho prettiest
place in tho cemetery. Had they used
"Carsons Steller Oil," they would still be
performing tho drugery incident to lifo in
tins world.
ytt barn belonging to John Stephens of
itiitialo township on tho larm where lie
lives was struck with liLditciiintr last Wed
nesday afternoon. Tho lluid entered the
cast gublo end ol tho barn knocked oft soino
weather boarding broko a rafter and in
jured tho roof somewhat. The stroke was
Church Xutlceg.
Preaching In the Reformed Church on Bun
duy tho 18th Inst., at 7 o'clock P. M., by tho
Rev. Mr. Crawford.
Preaching In tho M. E. Church In this bor
ough oa Sunday evening next by Dr. B. B.
NOTK'K. The undersigned caution nil wr
Moim Hgalust trespassing upon llieir lauds fur
mo iurHs in ii 1 1 in n i u nr inning, aim nil persons
violating this notice will ho dealt Willi according
lu law. (.I.OIKiK kick,
John men.
May 30, 1S71 :it
County Price Current.
Uuiomfikld. JutieS, 1371.
Flax-Seed J2 U)
Potatoes 7uaS5 cents.
Butter V pound If,
Kick V doen io "
Dried Apples V pound 8 all) "
Dried Peaches 1,1 jj If, t-ts.llb.
J-emeu reaches IK tS 32 eta.
Cherries 0MO cts.
" 1'ltted 15 is 18 cts.
Blackberries, - 8 Niels.
Onions V bushel,..., 75"
lOomcted Weekly by Kmgh, Snyder t Co.
Nrwpoht. .lunn R. 1871.
Flour, Extra J6 oo
lied Wheat 1 l.r.l 25
Kyc t , 85
Corn ' - 65 05
Oats V 32 pounds, 53
Clover Seed 5(106500
Timothy Seed 3 00
Flax Heed 1 75
Fotatoes 1 15 1 15
Oround Allium Salt 8 00
I.lmeburner's Coal 2 40
Htovo Coal 5 (It 0 00
l'ea Coal 3 40
8ml th Coal 25 cts. V bus.
Cross Tlos.RJi feet long 45 0 45 cents
Philadelphia Price Current.
Corrected Weekly by Jtinney A Andrew,
No. 123 Maiiket Stheet.
I'mi.ADUi.i'iiu, June 3. 1871.',
White Wheat $ 1 45 1 r,2
lied Wheat 1 41 1 67
llye ll(i110
Corn 77078
Oats G5G7
Clover Seed 7M per lb.
Timothy Seed 3 00 0 5 00
Flax Seed 2 10 & 2 10
Country Lard, 10 11
Eggs 8fj) io
But ter, dull sale 10 (3 22
Washed Wool 65eents per lb.
DEATHS. At Millerstown. on the. UOth ult..
Helen, daughter of James L. M. (illfllen,
aged about IS mouths.
Hick In Spring township, on tho SStli lilt.,
Catherine, wile of John Mice, aged S3 years, 5
mouths, and 13 days.
Weep not for the mother whose spirit hath lied
lothc rather ol Inllnlte J.ove ;
She dwells with the livlngnnd not with the dead
in the munsions ol glory above.
JlAlit In Carroll township, on the 21st of
May, of Scarlet Fever, Annie 8. need 3 years,
2 months aud 10 days, nnd on tho 25th ult.,
Clara E. aged 1 year, 5 months aud 4 days,
children of David and Ellen Hair.
Xcw Advertlacments.
I HAVE on hand, and for sale this fall at my
nursery In Tuscarora twp.. l'orry Countv
l'a., a splendid lot of fruit trees equal to any
to be hud elsewhere and by fur surpassing
ninny of tho trees offered for salo by traveling
nurserymen. Apple trees from 15 to 'M cents
nplcco and other trees In proportion.
ftyiffit. KOBS liESUll.
VST" Fost-OOlcc Address lekesburg, Pa.
Boots I
Boots I
A Full Assortment of
Hand or Machine Sewed, Whole Stock nnd Double
sole ami
Warranted to Give Entire Satisfaction,
Manufactured and For Sale to the Trade by
A full Assortment of
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers
Constantly on Hand.
Sr,V)ee((J Attention raid to Orders.-
5 23 2i'.
The Colby Wringer
Moulton's Patent Rolls.
The Most Perfect I
The Cheapest!
And Jhtt Wriiiycr in the World
Kolls aro pure whlto Rubber. Frame can
never rot, rust or wenr out. It takes less
room than any other, Is lighter, fastens Itself
to the tub, runs easier, and Is ill. iAMlLl
EAVOKITE wherever used.
It Is WARRANTED In every case. Wo want
good activo
to ranvnss hi every town, to wliom good wnccs
are insured. Full Instructions and particulars
Civcn upon npimcntiou to Colhy Ijko'b fe to.,
tm Broadway, N. Y. 6 122 a 13.
" 1 1 hr 111 dflli'iiH' iiikI rffrt-Mnff
CQr Z-Truarronfe of genuine Kurt nit
QA h -'loue U lr. and U
th. Toti. t SOjin .i-GGmh-
iery l.Jr or Ofn'-'iX, "tf
tli'iNim. Hold br limrrl.t
nd Itealen In l-KHHiMKHV.
6 -a d bl
O C K !
Ci'iT A 1IONTl1 Expenses paid
ijJV) I tJ.Wnle or Fcmalo agents Horse nnd
outUt furnished. Address Saco NoVklty ifct'o.
Saco. Me. !!3 4 w d.
Easy genteel and protltublo business. A littlo
novelty which everybody wants, success buhk.
Send for circulars. Churchill & Templeton,
ManufV 615B'dway,N. Y. i.3 4wd.
rpiUS 18 NO HUMUUOI By scndlug-85 ets.,
1 with age, height, color of eyes and hair,
you will receive by return mull, a correct pic
ture of your futuro husband or wife, with name
nnd dale of marriago. Address W. FOX, F. O.
Drawer, No. 24 Fultonvlllo, N. Y. 23 4 w d.
is a rvitu
WITH the tiltKUN THA FLAVOR. Warranted
to suit all tiisu-ii. Fur Sule Kvt-i ywlu-ro. And for
sal wholesale only by the CiKKAT ATLANTIC
AN1 I'ACIFK) TEA ()!.. Cliureli Ht.,New York.
1'. O. MUX .WKI.
L.AH. 6 22 d -H
tiend for TllBA-NKOTAlt Clitcu-
The Northwestern Colonisation ami Free Homo
Mraci eoiiiiiiiny Chartered by the State of Minne.
sola fuiiilslies cheap rates of faro, and locales
free Iiciiih'iumuh. rx-uii ior nee pamplilew, glvliiK
a history or Minnesota, us resources, progress,
fertility and ndvaiitaues. Address K. PACK
DAVIS, Couimissluiier of Immigration for tho
male of Minnesota, and Ceneral Agent for the N.
W. Col. Co., No. 1a Broadway, N. V. Active and
reliable agents wanted lu every locality, ti 4w U
WAR in ciiRnne
It contains over Km tine enirravhnrs of lliotln
seniles mid Ineldents In t lie war, midls tlio only
authentic and olllclal history of that (treat eon
lliet. AK-ntH are meeting with unprecedented
success, selling from 20 to 41) copies per day, and it
Ispulillslii-d In both F.ntilisli nnd (iei'innn.
CAUTION. Inferior histories aro bring circula
ted. See that tlio hook you buy contains loo lino
cnnraving and"40 pnifes. Send for circular, and
see our terms, and a full description 'of the work.
Philadelphia, l'a. 22 4wd.
Wanting employment, at from m to Sinn a month,
should address Zl'.IUI.lCll & MoUliltDY, Philadel
phia, l'a. ,uw
For "Convent Life 1'nvelled." by Kdllli O'flnr
ninn, escaped nun, whose disclosures are thrilling
and starl.1 lug. Franklin Publishing Company. 712
Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. . d4w
-TirANTKD ACF.NTS.-sai a dav. to sell tho
y celebrated Ilonin Shuttle. Hewing Machine. '
Has tho under-feed, -makes the "loek-slitch"
oil belli sides and fully licensed. Tho chcac;'t
iuiuuiv.b ill, M-nillH iii.i r III lilt, mill lCL.
Address .lollNSON.CLAItli &('().. Boston. Mass..
lMltul. r 1.. 'III...,. Ill .... Ut I milu X,..
2 S i n
1 (i IJS
sal os man iitor near linint; to m.ike from $" to $20
"i ii,y m-iiuiK din new t:tNl-?M I aim, VIIUO NYtrO
l..tln 1 Inoj l,.i r., w. ij i..- e . . .
i ioiii'.-i nun i.ii in .tci. rxiiMtn- inn:. .Ad
dress HikImou Kiver Wire works i;tu Maiden Lane,
cnr. Water ht., N. V., or J'J Dearborn Street, t'lit
eago. 4W
mmV PM A WpU'lllun.wl n limiil
f XJti JL J NO" i'rOHIH'CtUH Ot
Olll Vew 1 histi-sife.l
Family llilile con
taining over 200 lino
Scriptural Illustra
tions to any Book
Agent free of charge.
Address Xiitiitliiil Piililisbliiir CoiintfLiiiv.
4W delphla, Pa.
The -Bible Hand Book,
No teacher, student, or Bible reader should bo
willioul a copy, as the price places it within tho
reach of all. Agents (to whom liberal commis
sions will be given) wanted In every town and
county in the land Will furnish a sample copy,
Willi terms to agents, by mail, postage prepaid, on
receipt of the list price. SI. Ml. K. M. BltlX'K, No.
18 N. 7th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 4w
These Tablets present tlio Acid 111 Combination
Willi other cllleicnt ri'inedles. In a popular form,
for the cure of all throat and lung diseases.
Hoarseness and ulceration of I lie throat are Im
mediately relieved, and statements are constantly
being scut to the proprietor of relief lu vases
of throat dllllcultics of years standing.
("ACTION. Don't be deceived bv worthless im
itations, (let only Well's Carbolic Tablets.
Price 'Si cents per box. JOHN Q. KULLOO,
l'latt St. N. Y., Sole agents for U. S. 4w
-Send for our New Prlco list, and a chili
form will accompany it, containing full directions,
making a large saving to consumers and remuner
ative to cluo organiers.
P. O. box 5043, 31 & M Ve.scy Street, New York, 4w
ACENTS WANTED. Unusual Terms. Creak
Fortunes. Crows steadily 111 public favor.
It Is the I k for tho dav. aud sells readily despite
hard limes. Seventh edition now ready. A recent
agent's report is 6U orders In one day. Professor
John T. Heed says of It, "1 know of no hook savo
the Bible, tha t 1 can recommend so earnestly ami
conscientiously to all classes." Prospectuses of
this book, also of the ever popular "Physical Life
ot Woman," and the latest, best, and eheaest il
lustrated family Bibles free to all who mean work.
NOTICE. Successful agents will receive llrst
choice of territory on ltev. Henry Ward Becch
er's coming great work ' Life of Jesus, the Christ.'
Write at once to (iEO. MACLEAN, Publisher,
Till Sausoiu St., Philadelphia. 4w
J U 11 U 15 E B A
It Is a Sure and Perfect ltemcdy for all Diseases of
Dr. Wells having become aware of the extraor
dinary medicinal properties of the South Ameri
can Plant, called
sent as a special commission to that country to
procure It in Its native purity, and having found
Its wonderful curative properties to even exceed
the anticipations formed by Its great reputation,
has concluded to tiller It to tho public, and is
happy to slate that he has a icrfcct arrangement
for a regular monthly supply of this wonderful
plant, lie lias sicnt much time experimenting
and Investigating as to the most efllcieut prcparu
Hon from II, for popular use, and has for some
time used iu his own practice with the most happy
results, the etleetual medicine now presented lu
public as
nnd he confidently recommends It to overv family
as a household remedy which should be freely ta
ken as a blood puriller lu all derangements of the
system and to animate aud fortify all weak and
lymphatic temperaments.,
Sole agent for the United states,
l'rlce One Dollar per Bottle. Send for eirular. 4W
j to marry, address the undersigned, who
will send you valuable Information, that will
enable you to marry happily and speedily, Ir
respective of age, wealth or beauty. This In
formation will cost you nothing, and If you
wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you.
The desired Information sent by return mail.
Address, 8 ah ah B. I.amiieiit, (ireenpoiut,
Kings County, N. Y. 5 15.a
The IfutehkUt it JJtim Patent Improved Jlrick
Will make 200,000 Bricks of Superior Qunllty
In a working day, which can bo hacked right
from the Machine. It Is simple aud durable
and Bricks can bo made by It cheaper than by
any other process.
For making Drain Tlio It Is also unrivalled,
t-t-f Machines, State, County and Yard liights
for Salo.
19 Cliff Street, Room 7, New York. 5 15 lma
Manufacturers of
First premium received at American Institute
Fair, IHiO. Reversible Hydrant Filters, price VS.UU
Also, Syphon Fillers for country use,
The Syphon Filter
on which a Filter can bo made. Agents wanted,
bend for a circular,
fc 21) u 13 Ofllce 18 Dc St., New York.