etlje irncs, New Bloomftelir, Jcu 6 fUromfitttr (pints. Tuesday, May 23, 1871. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS We fnWte commtmicnfinnsfrom all permnwhonre interested in matters properly belonging to tliit department. For The Moomfleld Timet. A Horse's I'lilse and its Indications. Tho condition or the pulse is a consid eration of the utmost importance to tho veterinary practitioner. In most diseases lie has no other means equally ns good of determining tho actual stato ot his pa tient's system, and there is nothing which will guide him so well in forming his opinion in regard to tho necessity of bleeding. There can bo no considerable excitement of the system, from exercise, intense emotion, or disease, without caus iug a corresponding increased action of tho heart. This is ascertained by the pulse, and tho presence of disease is thus readily detected. The pulse may be dis covered and counted in several places on the horse's body, but nowhere is it so eas ily found as upon the underside of tho lower jaw-bone. Here the sub-maxillary artery passes over tho edge of tho bone, and feels like a small cord under the skin. Jy pressing the fingers upon it steadily, tho pulsations may bo felt pushing their way along at tho rate of about thirty-five to forty-five per minute, in tho farm horse. One great advantage of resorting to the suu-maxillary artery to find the pulse is this : that the pressure upon the hard bone beneath enables ono to determine, not only tho rapidity of the pulse, but also its strength and other characteristics. Fifty beats to the min ute, when tho horse is not laboring un der muscular or nervous agitation, consti tutes a diseased pulse, and seventy or eighty betrays a most fearful state of ex citement. Such is the case iu blind staggers. In inflamation of the lungs and bowels, seventy boats per minuto is about the maximum attained in the great majority of cases. In health the pulsa tions are slow and soft, making an im pression that is readily recognized when the pressure of the finger is applied, but not hard and tense, by any means. l)ut as fever and inflamation come on, tho vein becomes more turgid, the blood be comes more heated, the action of the heart is lightened, and the pulse increas ed in proportion. It is sometimes tho case that the blood is thick when there is but very littlo fever ; but the amount of the latter is always indicated by the quickness of the pulse. Tho quick, throbbing pulse speaks of inflamation somewhere ; tho bard pulse of some chronic or long standing disease Some times we find the pulse to present both of these conditions simultaneously, and then the case is an alarming one, calling for prompt and vigorous measures, or death will probably remove the necessity of fur ther efforts. Besides the terms employed above, there are others in general use among horsemen, to distinguish the vari ous kinds of pulsation recognizable un der tho influence of disease. Tho hard pulse is that in which the beats give evi dence of powerful or over action of the heart, but without much disturbance of the circulation otherwise. In tho wiry pulse they appear small, ns to volume, but hard and jerking, causing great irri tability in the region of the heart, so that the ventricles act too Boon,beforo the veins are properly filled. Immodiato dan ger does not lurk behind this, but advances with it boldly, defiantly, and with rapid strides, indeed it betokens acute inflama tion, especially of tho bowels, or some times of the urinary organs. The op pressed pulse exists when tho arteries are too full or overloaded with blood, thrown out from the heart, but returning to it with difficulty. Inflamation of the lungs or a sudden and violent attack of pneumouia is generally the cause of this phenome non, and in this case, bleeding, if not carried to excess, will actually increase the strength of the pulsations instead of weakening them ; it will be a proper re course in all the conditions of the pulse thus far enumerated. Not so, however, in the case of the weak pulse, for here there is debility and exhaustion, and the heart beats but feebly, while the blood is poor and thin, us well as defieient in quantity. Such accompanies all diseases that tend to prostrate the system, aud at Other times may indicate the very near approach of doath. Some persons bleed for every ailment, and others not at all. There must be discrimination in this, as in every thing else. When the horse is well, it is absolute folly and cruelty to bleed, and we should let woll enough alone, liut when the veins aro turgid with blood, and the pulse under tho stiui ulous of fever aud inflamation, is hard, wiry, or oppressed, the practitioner who endeavor to cure the horse by means of medication only, generally finds himself entirely at fault, and meets with no suc cess. For the more convenient reference of the reader, I will here recapitulate tho various states of the pulse in diseases, with the general indications of each, and instructions concerning blooding. Quick, throbbing pulse, iu inflamation, bleed freely; hard pulse, feverish excite ment, bleed freely ; full, eorded pulso, chronic or long stuuding disease bleed moderately, two or tlireo times, about ten days apart ; small, wiry pulse usually in dicates inflamation of tlio bowels bleed copiously ; oppressed pulse generally indi cates innuuiution of tlio lungs, bleed pro fusely; weak pulse, debility do not bleed at all. Several things are to be taken into account in forming an opinion as to the frequency of tho pulse, which will bo made tho subject of another article. Seasoning Wood. Small pieces of non-resinous wood may be perfectly seasoned by boiling four or five hours. Sash-frames of Spanish chest nut "have been wedged up" within six weeks of tho tree beingfelled, which have stood to admiration. The boiling seems to take tho sap out of tho wood, which shrinks nearly 1-10 in the process. It is also woll worth knowing that trees felled whilst in lull leaf in Juno or July, and allowed to lie with their tops and lops on till every leaf has fallen, aro then very nearly dry, as tho loaves will not drop off themselves till they have drawn up and exhausted all tho sap in tho tree. Tho timo required is from a month to six weeks, according as tho weather is dry or moist. Trees so treated will never push again, or show leaves, as the stocks of winter-felled timber almost invariably do if allowed to lie, and thus prove that they have lost that vitality which tho latter retains. The floor of a mill laid with poplar so treated and cut up and put in place in less than a month after tho leaves fell, has never shown tho slighest symptom of shrinkage or other indication ot not being perfectly seasoned. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS 2 & o 3 Hundreds of Thousands Bear tcBtlmony to tholr 'Wonder iui uurativo iiucis. Hi WHAT ARE THEY? Igi; BIS 1 U ?. I K THEY ARE NOT A VILE 11 fancy drink; Mado or Poor Ititm, Whiskey, Proiif Splrltn nnd Hvfuso I.Iquurs doctored, spiced nndsv;ct ca?d to plcssotho tosto, celled "Tonics,"" Appetis ers," Restorers," AC., that lead tlio tippler ca u drunkenness and rata, bat are a trno Mrdiclnc, laai'.j from the Katlve ltoota Bad Ilerbi or California, free from nil A Icoliolio Htlniiiliiiits. Thcy&ro tui Git EAT BLOOD Pl'UIPIUlt and A l.U 1! GIVINU I'll N CI 1'I.K a perfect liocovstnr a .l lnvlgorator ol t!io System, carrying off all polror.o-tj matter and restoring tUo bluod to a heolttiy cc-r.Clilc:;. puraon can take thesu Hitters according to erec tion and remain lon$ unwell. 8100 wlllba given for an lnmralila c:ta, rr.vhl.xl the bones are not destroyed by nilaeral -c!so:i or other moans, and tho vital organs wasted byo.. t:.a point of repair. For Inllamuiittorr nnd Chronic ltbcnmn tlnin nod Gout, Dynpoptiln, ur Indigestion, Ulltoim, Kcmlltunt mid Intermittent Puvcra Diseases of tlio lllood, Liver, Kidneys, and llludder. those lllttom have boen most success ful, bucu Dim-niwit aro caused by Titlnted lllood, which Is gnncrally producsd by derangement of tho JUIttestlve Oi'c:tutt. DYSPEPSIA Oil INDIGESTION, Head ache, Fain tn tho ShoalUors, Coughs, Tight-acts of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad taste In tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Talpltatlcn of the Heart, InUamn-.atlon of tlio LuigB, rain In tho regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other paUuul ytnptome, aro the offsprings cf Dyspepsia. They Invigorate tho Btomach and Btlmulato tnu tor pid liver and bowels, which render thorn of unequalled elDcaoy In cleansing tho blood of all Impurities, and imparting now llfo and vigor to tho wholo system. FOB 8K1N Dial! A MILS, Eruptions, Tottor, Salt Itheum, Blotches, Epots, I'luiplcs, 1 ustules. Bolls, Car buncles, Itlng-Worius, Scald-Uead, Bore Eyes. Erysip elas, Itch, Bcurfs, Discoloration of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the bkln, of whatovor namo or nature, are literally d'ag up ond carried out of the aystom in a hort tlmo by the usu of tlieuu Hitters. Ono bottlo in such easel will convlnco tlio most Incredulous of their curative effect. Cloanso the YitJatud Blood whonovor you find Us Impurities bursting through tho slcln Inl'lmplos, Erup tions or Soros f cleanse it when you find It obstructed and slogKlsli lis the volus ; ck'nn:io it whon it la foul, and your feelings will to. 1 you when. Keep tho blood pure and the bcaltli of tiu a.:l m will follow. PIN, TAl'Kanilothur WOH.K, lurking In tlio system of so mauy thousands, uro elTuutiialty destroy ed and removed, lor fill dirnutlous, ruad carefully the clrcnlur u:xh bottlo, printed In tour lan guages English, tiurmaa, .'.-'reliuh aad tipuulsa. J. WALKER, Proprietor. It. II. MoDOKALD 4s CO., Druggists and Hon. Agents, Ban Francisco, C'd , and W and W Comuioroo street, New York. J-BOLD BT ALL DIlUOUUiT AJIU DIIALLIUa. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER ! A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF Always on baud, from wlilcti to select. Clothing MADE TO ORDER - CLOTH INtt READY-MADE CLOTHING of Superior Quality always on band. F, Mortimer C Co., March 10, '69. Nuw llloouitluUl, I'tt. III S X IP 3 0 IsSS VA-jA t B?3 She lJr J g?s M - in 1 f I It C(1ARLE3 A. DANA, Editor. to JloUitv WafcUj $im A Newspaper ol the Present Times. Intended for Peoplo Now on Earth. Including Farmers, Mechanics, Merchants, Pro fessional Men, Workers, Thinkers, and all Man ner of Honest Folks, and the Wives, Bons, and Daughters of all such. ONLY ONE DOLLAll A YEA It I ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOR. 850. Or loss than One Cent Copy. Let there be a 850 Club at every Post Office. SEMI-WEEKLY BUN, 9a A YEAR, of tho same size and general character as THE WEEKLY, bnt with a greater variety of miscellaneous readme;, and furnishing tbe news to its subscribers with greater freshness, because It comes twice a week Instead of once only. THE DAILY BUN, 80 A YEAR. A preeminently roadohlo newspaper, with the largest circulation in the world. Preo, Inde pendent, and fearlosR In politics. All tho news from overywhoro. Two cents a Copy by mall, 00 cents mouth, or 80 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY HUN. Five coplos, one year, separately addressed. Four Dollar. Ten copies, one yesr, separately addressed (and an extra copy tothegettor up of club). Eight Dollar. Twenty copies, one year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to the getter up of club). . Fifteen Dollar. FHty copies, one year, to one address (and the Beml-Weekly ono yenr to getter up of club). Thirty-three Dollar. Fifty copies, ono year, separately addressed (and the Beml-Weekly one yearto getter up of cluh). Thirty-live Dollnra. One hundred coplos, ono year, to one address (and tha Dally for ono year to the getter up of dub). Fifty Dollurs. One hundred copies, ono year, separately ad dressed (nnd tho Dally tor one year to the vettor upofclubj, Sixty Dollara. TnE SEMI-WEEKLY SUN. Flvo copies, one year, separately addressed. tltlht Dollar. Ten copies, one year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to goiter up nf cluh), Sixteen Dollar. BEND YOUR MONEY In Post Offleo orders, cheeks, or drafts on New York, wherever convenient. If not, then register tho letters coutatulng money. Address I. W. ENGLAND, Pnbllfher, Buu olUco, Mew York Cltv. 3STEW YORK C CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK, STRICTLY M VTUAJL I AHHotM, 1,600,000 : TSSUES all the new forms of Policies, nnd ore. X sents as liivorublu tenns as any company in the United States. The Company will make temporary loans on Its Policies. Thirty days' grace allowed on each payment, and the policy held uckhI during, that time. Policies issued by tills Company ate non-Iorfeit- Ul V. No extra charges are made for traveling nermlts. Policy-holders share In the annual prutlts ol the Company, and have a voice In the elections and management ot the company. No policy or medical f ee charged. .JUBTLS I.AWIIKNCK. Pl'PS't. M. H. Wynkoop, Vice Ptvs't. J. P.ltociEits, Sec'y. J. K. EATON. (funeral Agent, No. 6 North Third Htreet, 4.2a ylj College lllock, Harrlsburg, Pa. B. M. EE Y, Wholesale aud ltutail Dealer in AND MEDICINES, OlieiiiioiilM, CONCENTRATED REMEDIES, ESSENTIAL OILS, Patent Medicines, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal and Hacramental Purposes. A Splendid Assortment of PERFUMERY HAIR OILS, BRUSHES, AND FANCY ARTICLES, Always ou baud, which will be sold at low prices 637" Order from Physicians promptly nuuuuuu io wim great care. 33. 1VE. EB-SrT, , Newport, Perry County, Pena'a. 1 0 15 35 INS' ELECTRIC SOAP, The Best in the World t STRICTLY PURE ! NO BAND ! NO KOSIN I NO CLAY I NO ADULTERATION OF ANY KIND ! Children Can Do l''ie Washing. JV'o Washboard Required. iS'o Hotting Needed. By the use of the Vnequaled and Unapproachable Dobbins Electric Soap, Clothes, Money, Fuel, Labor, Tlmo nml Temper, ALL ARE SAVED! Try It ence, nnd use It ever afterward. Every urocer Bens it. .tvery family uses it. NO ONE CAN DO WITHOUT IT ! Be sure that tlio wrapper has on it tlio cut ot Mrs. lintrvnn.l Alt ir..l ...... ..I.... 41. I.. "r.? '' ..... a.,,, .-, .i i;ai;il i,,n 19 stamped Willi the name of tlio Inventor and originator, J. II. DoimiNS, as none ,llll..l- Id , ,!, Like everything ot p;ivat value, it is extensively t'lllMltoi-f.lil.i.l n.wl ll.n 1.... .III... I ...III. 111.11111,111111 l.U,, JIiVIIM:L lllll-U Willi false and worthless lilectric Soaps, not worth house-room, and dear . even it t;iven awav. Tho Finest American Toilet Soap, fully equal to i ii;m.ii niaiiu 17 a X'lUlHWl NUiipiliaKLT in tlio same manner as the French soaps are made, and sold at one-fourth their price. Is TRIPLE SCENTED Dobbins' Toilet Soap! NO TOILET IS COMPLETE WITHOUT IT ! Tho nest Emollient in the Market! It Is given tlio preference at every wateriiiR place iu the country, aud Is lor sale everywhere. ricnt-to lToi- It Don't be put oft with any cheap common soap. Try it, and sec how much iili'i'T'liU It Is The only Hoot Polish that will produce a lli llilau and LastiiiKShine, nnd, at the same timo preserve the Leather, Is Dobbins' Electric Boot Polish, Makes Old Boots Look Like New Ones, And Calf-Skin Like Patent Leatiieh. It Is put up In a Tatent box, the greatest novelty ol tlio age, The box alone Is wortli more to keep than the price of Box aud Pol ish combined. "KRUGHAT," The Rennine TtaiKisii Bath compound, used In all Oriental countries. In the bath, and manufactured by us on a license and royalty, in exact style, odor and quality from the original receipt, as that made In Constantinople, and import duties, prelum on gold, etc., saved, thus enabling us to sell It at a very low price, lly its use a batli becomes Indeed a luxury. Very highly scented, and producing miraculous ellects upon the skin. It Is really wortli a trial. If you want to enjoy life and drive away dull care, use for yout Clothes ELECTRIC SOAP! Use for your persou DOBBINS' TRIPLE SCENTED Toilet Soap ! use for your boots Dobbins' Electric Boot Tolisii. Use In the Bath " IilMJ GIIAT. ' ' And Subscribe for the " Electric Messenger," a Beautiful Fashion Pawr, sent FItEE to all who will seud their names to the Sole Proprietors, J. L. CllAQIN tt- CO., 119 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, 103 Barclay Street, NEW Yokk. 144 State Street, Boston. taTThls ISoap Is for Sale by F. Mortimer & Co., New Boomtluld, l'a. 4 8T ly riiotograplis ! Photographs t JACOB ' COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, PENN'A. THE subscriber would respectfully call the at tention of the citizens of this county to the fact that he Is prepared to take PHO TUGllA PHti In the best style of tho art. His long experience enables him to produce PICTURES WIITVIT CANNOT HE EX CELLED. All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great care will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, Artist, Newport, Perry Co., Pa Bloomlicld Academy! An English and Classical School von LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Young Men Prepared For College. A Normal School and a School of Art. FALL TEKM COMMENCES On Monday, the 29fA of August, 1870 ASthe above school has recently been re-organized, students canenter anv time. Prof. VM. 11. D1I.L, a graduate of itutger's Col lege, N. ,T., Principal. Miss ANNA K. AUfiRPmiflKK, a graduate of Esther Institute, Columbus, Ohio, teacner of Mu sic, Painting, Drawing, French and German. Every facility for the training of tlio youth of both sexes in all that constitutes a liberal and thorough education. Tlio CoIIcbIhIo Department embraces all the higher branches. Including the Latin and Greek Languages, Engineering, Practi cal Surveying, Literature, Natural Science and ad vanced Mathematics. Vacations: July and August, and ono week at Christmas. Terms: For Boarding, Furnished Room, Wash Ing, Tuition iu Latin, Creek, English Branches and Mathematics, for the scholastic year, 8180. in vacations. faio.oo. The Boarding Department Is at tlio institution, under tho supervision of Wllinm drier, Esq., bv whom good and substantial board will be fur nished: and the pupils will be under the strict care of the Principal. Address W. If. DILL. A. M. Principal, or WILLIAM (iHIKK. 4itfl (New Bloomlleld, Terry county, Pa. THE BEST IK USE THE PABHAI NEW FAMILY Sewing Machine T combines all the best features of other good L machines, with New and Valuable Improvements, which make It THE EASIEST AND MOST QUIET HUNNINtt as well as the Most Simple Machine in Uses IT WILL HEX IT WILL BRAID, IT WILL TUCK, IT WILL GATHER, IT WILL QUILT, and will use either Silk, Cotton, or Linen Thread with equal ease. It uses a straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES. Tho principal olllce of the company Is at No, 704 Chetlnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. These machines are for sale In Terry County by JAMES L. DIVEN, Landisburg. F. MORTIMER & CO., New Bloomfield. -27ie puMc are tmited to call at either of the aboveplaees and tee a Machine in operation. Pensions, Bounties, &o. WIDOWS, Minor Children, Mothers, Fathers, 6.e. , of Soldiers who were killed or died of disease contracted In the Rervlce of I lie United Status, can now make application for Pension. Also Soldiers who contracted disease or were wounded, ruptured, or iu any way disabled lu the war of 1861. When widows die or re-marry, the child or children under sixteen years of age are entitled to a Pension. The time forming claims for additional bounty has been extended six mouths. Particular attention given toold suspended cases In the different departments at Washington, D. C. If you have, or think you have a claim against the Government, cull on or address the uiiucrslKued. Mo charge for Information. LEWI! rOTTKU, Attorney for Claimants, 4 31 NEW BLOOMFIKLD, PA.