The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, May 16, 1871, Page 8, Image 8

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lje imc0, New 8Ioomftcli, Ja.
Miscellaneous News Items.
flfeir A very nged couple, Koubcn Ma
son ami his wii'o, after living tojiotlicr lor
sixty-fivo yearn in Morrisvillc, Vt., dioil
suddenly u few days since she (; 11
o'clock in tho morning and ho only ton
minutes later.
&ffTho silver ore tlmt was sunk liist
February, near Long Island shore, when
tho city of Manchester ran down tho
barge Sturtovuut, is now being recovered.
( )f about six thousand sacks, two-thirds
have already been taken from tho bottom
of tho river.
B2f A sad accident happened to a lit
tle girl named Jane Forrest in Springfield
111., on tho 8th inst. She was passing
along tha street when an enraged cow at
tacked her, goring her badly and it is
feared fatally.
JteJrA woman recently tried in Head
ing, I'a., on n charge of murdering her
son, a boy ten years of age, was acquitted,
it being unexpectedly proved that tho
boy is alive and well. Circumstantial
evidence was strongly against her.
Suicide statistics state that more
men kill themselves than women. AVoincn
prefer drowning; men blow their brains
out. More single persons commit suicide
than married ones, and mora divorced
persons than widowed.
R-jj" President McCosli of Princeton
is preparing an answer to Darwin's theory
about (ho human race, which, it is said,
so uses up Darwin that those who have
apprehended that their original parents
were monkeys may now breathe freely.
bkiY" Levi Lynmn, a rich old man at
Walpole, iS'. 11., is disposing of his prop
erty in little bciiiusls among his friends
while he lives, instead of leaving it to bo
quarreled over alter his death. andliuds it
much more agicealvle than the other plan.
It is stated us a fact by one who
knows, that there bus been no intoxicat
ing liquor sold in i'otter county in this
State, lor uineteeu years, that there has
been not a single prisoner in goal there
for the last three years, nor is there any
house for tho support of the poor within
its limits, and none is needed. This is
truly remarkable, and ought to bo gener
ally known.
Ctiy Knoxville, Term., boasts of a
young Samson named Louis Kuekert.
One of his feats is to lie flat on his back
on tho floor ; and stretch his arms t.bove
his bead, with the palms of his hands up
ward, and for a heavy man to place a foot
iu cither hand, when he will raise him
easily, getting up on his leet at the samo
time. He bus iu this manner lifted men
weighing nearly 200 pouuds.
fliuy A man in Peabody. Mass., had
boon treated for nioro than a year for
paralysis of the throat, and was for Homo
time unable to take any other than liquid
food. At last, to the greut astonishment
of himself nnd friends, the causo of the
trouble wus revealed by his coughing up
nn upper set of false teeth, which bo had
swallowed in bis sleep lit teen months be
fore. The teeth were missed at the time,
hunted fir, but never found and nobody
hud euspeeted the place of their conceal
ment. fray The caisson for tho New York
side of tho Kant river bridge was success
fully launched lust Monday. It weighs
2!!,000 tons. A scone of great excite
ment ensued, as tho ponderous body pass
ed downward into tho water. A sniull
boat, containing two men, was caught by
'un immense wuve and dashed forward at
a rapid rate of speed but fortunately both
1 were saved. A large vessol near, reeled
as in a storm, and the return wave par
partiully washed over the docks, which
were crowded with people, but no lives
were lost.
J5ty At noon on the 7th inst.,' a ter
rible accident in the Sing Sing Prison
imperilled the lives of eighty-six convicts.
The men wero marching to the mess room
for dinner, and while they wero crossing
over, gallery floor tho structure gave way,
precipitating several of the men to tho
pavement forty feet beneuth. Others
dropped to the gallery below, and sus
tained sevcro injuries. A scene of wild
excitement ensued, during which numer
ous attempts to escape were made by tho
prisoners. The prison officials acted
promptly and coolly, however, aud in a
short time extricated the victims from
debris. The causo of the accident was
the breaking of one of the Irou braces
which supported the gulltiry. It is feared
that two of tho men are fatally injured. 1
fcay.f. M. Kimball, former oweuer of
the abstract of Itock county, 111., and
nnder indictment by the grend jury for
forgery, committed suicide on Moudav
last in his cell, by use of morphine. Ills
life wus insured for $11,000, in favor of
his wife aud children. Tho evculng prior
fo bis death he wroto several letters ; one
to tho district attorney, one to the grand
jury, one to his wife, and one to the
woman who wag tho cause of his down
fall. . ; '
Later information has just been receiv
ed, that tho wife of James Kimball, the
forger, who committed suicide on Monday
of last week, died ut Clinton, Iowa, of
a' broken heart.' This leaves four or
phen children, the eldest only nine
years of age. . . 1
Pennsylvania R. R. Time Table.
tin nnd after Mny14lli, 1H71, Passenger trains
will run as follows:
Cincinnati Express (Han) ii.W A. M dally.
Wny Passenger, a. m., daily.
Midi Ill r. m. dally except Sunday.
A mixed trnln Willi passenger ear attached, will
leave llarrlsburg at ft o'clock p. in., and iNeupoit
at 0.40 p.. ... HAST,
llarrlsburg Accom ll.fia a. m., daily " Sunday.
Mail 7.43 P. M., dally except Sunday
.1. J. BAKCLAY, Agent.
On and after Sunday, Dee, 4tli, 1S70, trains will
leave Duiicaunon, aslolinws :
Fast I.lne, (Flag) 4.44 A. M., daily except Monday
llarrlsburg Accom. 12.119 . M., daily " Sunday
Mail HMr.M.. dally " .Sunday
Wav Passenger. 3.M A. M., daily except Monday
Mall, I.Mi P. M dally except Sunday
Thro' Freight, Pass. Car attached, p. M.
1VSI.C, KINd, Agent
Stage Line Hot ween Newport and New
STACKH leave New (ierinantown dally at four
o'clock a. iu. Liindlsbnrgat 7. 30 n. in. (.ireeu
park at S a. in. New lllnomllcld it t 'J", a. in.
Arriving at Newport to connect with tho Ac
commodation train East.
Kctiinilnir leaves Newport on the arrival of tho
Mail Train from Philadelphia, at 2.:w p. in.
Z. KICK, Proprietor.
Jluuriay, April Iril, 1&71.
J mil Norlh-Wcst for Philadelphia, New York,
Headline. Pottsville, Tamauuu. Aslihiiid.Kliaiiiokiu,
l,chauVn, Alli ntowM. Easlon, Epluuta, I. Hi, Lan
caster, Columbia, ivo.
Trains leave I lurrisburg for New York, as follows:
At 3.10, H. lo, a. M and 2.0O, r. in., connecting
with similar trains on I lie Pennsylvania liailroail,
and arriving at New York at 10:10 a. in., 3.;u,
anil lii:00 p. in., rcsicctlvclv.
Sleeping curs accompany the 3.10 a. in., train
without change.
Jietui nlug : Leave New York at 9 a. m., 12.0,"
noon, and Tip. in., Philadelphia at T.IIti, s.llu a. iu.
3.3IU'. m. Sleeping cars accompany the ft 1'. M.,
train from New York, without change.
Ia'Uvc llurrlshiirg for Heading, pntisvillc, Tniim
qua. Mlnersville, Aslihuul, Sliamokiu, Allen,
town, and Philadelphia. atS.lO.A. M., aud 2.1m, and
4.O."). p. .v., stopping at Lebanon and principal way
stations; the 4.0") p. in. train cniinccling for Phila
delphia, Pottsville and Columbia only. For Potts,
vllle, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill
nnd Susquehanna liailioail, leave ilarrisburg at
3.411 p. M.
Way passenger train leaves Philadelphia
A. m., connecting w ith siuiilar trainon East Peiiu'a
liailroail, returning from Beading at (1.2U p. .,
stopping at all Stations.
l-eavii i'ollsvlllo at nine o'clock In the morning,
anil 2.311p.m.: ilerndon at 10.IKI o'clock A. M.,
Shamokln at ft.40 and 11.15 a. m. ; Ashland, 7.0f a.
m. aud 12.43 noon : Mnliony citv at 7,ol A. M., aud
1.20 p. M. i Taiiiauua at S.3." a. m. and 2.1up. m. for
Philadelphia aud New York, Beading, Harris,
burn. &c.
Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susquehanna
Pall road at 8.15 a.m., for Ilarrisburg. and);; :W) noon
for Pine (trove and Trcmnnt.
Beading itccnmiiindntioii train: leaves FoUsvllle
at 5.40 A. M., passing Heading at 7.3U A. M., arriving
at Philadelphia at 10.20 a.m., returning leaves
Philadelphia at S.1S p. M. passing Heading ut 7.55
P.M.. arriving at Pottsville ut 9.40 P. M.
Poltstowu Avcoiiiiiimlut lou train : leaves I'otts
towu att.3Uit. in. ,retiirnini, leaves riiiladclpliiuat
Columbia ltnllroad trains leave Heading at 7.20
a. in. uud 0.16 p. iu. fur Lphiata, 1,11 iz, l.aucastor,
Columbia. &c.
I'erklomen ItnllroadtralnslcavePcrklomen Junc
tion at 7.1ft, and D.uft a. ni., 3.uo and U.UU p. 111. lf
turnliiK. leaves .Hcliwcnksvllle at 6.3U a. M.,aud S.1U
a. 111. uud 12.ftt) iiiHin,and 4:30 p. m., colinecllliK
with similar trains 011 lieadinitroad.
Colebrookdale Hallroad train leaves Puttstownat
9.40a. 111., and 1.15 and (i.4ft p. in., retiiniliic, leave
Mt. Pleasant at 7, and 11 a. ill., and 3.00 p. in.,
connecting Willi similar trains on Heading It. it.
Chester Valley Uailroad I rains leave iU UfgciHii t
at 8.30 a. m., 2.O.") and 5.32 p. in. IWIurnliiK. leave
UowiiiUKtown at 0.40 a. 111., 12.4ft, ikmui, and 5.2ft
p. iii.,cunncctluf with trains on Pending Railroad.
On Sundavs; Leave New York ut f. p.m.;
I'lilla. at 8 a. 111. And. 1.15 p. m. ;lboSa. m. train rcin
11I11K only to lteadlnc; 1'ottsvillc 8 a. m. ; iliirris
bur 3.10 a. III., and 2.U0 p. in. : leave Allcniown at
8.45 u. in. : leave licadiiig at 7:15 a, 111., and 10.05 v.
M., for llarrlsburg, at S:U0 a. m., for New York
at 9:40 a. ni., and 4.1ft p. in., for l'hiudelplila.
Coniiniitatlon, Mileage, Season, School and Kx
cursioa Xickeln tu aim I10111 all poiuts ut reduced
IiaRgaKe checked through, 100 pounds allowed
each passenger.
Asst. Supt. ti ling. Macli'ry.
Heading, Pa., April 3. 171.
Northern (leulral Railway.
Tttrouph and Direct Rmite to and from Wanhina
tun, Jlattimore. Klmiru,. Krie, JUiffulo,
Hochenlxr and Niagara tiU.
1871, the trains on the Northern (Antral Hall
way will run as follows :
L"uvu3 llaltimore, 83U a.111. 1 llarrlnlmrg. 2.)op. m
Wllllunisporl 0.26 p. in., and arr. at Klmlia,
Leaves Balllinore.10.10p.iu. llairtshnrg. 2.25 a.m.
Wllllaiiisport, la. in. Hlmlrn, 11.35 noon.
Arrives at Cauaiidalguu at 3.10 p.111.
leaves Baltimore 12.40 p. 111. llarrlsburg 4.3ft p.m.
Arr. at and Frio at 7.40 a. 111.
Leaves ar. llarrlsburg 12.01a. m.
Leaves York ut 6.40a. in., arr. at llarrlsburg 8 .45a.
Kuilgrunt Train with passenger car attached,
leaving Harrisburg at 7.30 a. 111., arrives at Sun
bury at 11.16 a. m.
leaves Klmlia S.fiOa. m. I WilllauiNport 9.15 a. in.
Uarrtsburg 1.25 p. in, f Ar.ll.iltliuoie all)
leaves Canaiidalgua 4.15 p. 111., Flmlra X'M p.m.
Wlllluiiisjiort 12.20a. in., llarrlshiuir ut MIS a. in.
Arrived at llaltimore at 9.15 a. in.
leaves llurrlsbiirlu.4.' p.m., Ar. Baltimore 2.30 a. m
Lvs. Suubury 10.20 a. ni., Ar.llai rlsliuig LOO p.m.
I.vt. Hurrlsbaiu 11.35 a.m., Ar. llaltimore 3.05p.m.
Lvs. lianlsburg 6.45 p. 111., Arr. at York 7.2op. 111.
- Mail Train north and south. Fast l.tneimrtli.
and York aud llumshurg Accoiumodution north
and south, and F.rle Kxpress. Frl Mail south, Clu
clnnatl Knpresii imrtli, l'aollle LxpreM bouIIi, and
Kmlgraiit north daily except Sunday.
llultalo Kxpress north and wmth daily.
Clnelnnnti LxoreHH hiiiiIIi dnilv execol Ritiirdnv.
I For further Information apply at tliu TUket
1 ulllcu. Pi'uns)lvuula Uailroad ix iiot. ,
A1.I'U1I It. r IhK I.,
Ueneial ituiH'rinteudeut.
" Why KeeiTThat Cough?
When a bottle of Koliror's Lung lialsam w ill
euro It. It It plenant to take, and more ctlcc
llve than any other cough medicine. Try It.
For tale by F. Mortimer & Co., New lllooiu
fleld,nnd uiost other it ore In the county, tf.
Farm, at Private Sale.
TllHiinderslsnedofrerint private sale, a farm
In ltyctowiifliip.l'crry county, l'a., cuiitaluiiig
rr ac it k h .
The land Is tho hest In the tilglihorliood, with run
ning water In every Held, Is under good fence, uud
lias thereon erected a new
Frame Dwelling House.
There Is also a thrifty Youm; OltCltAlll) 011 the
place. 'I his land lies along two public roads tho
l'lslilim Creek road and the Lamb's (;ap road : the
last named divides the land In two parts 3U'; on
the one side and 2ti'ou the other: on tho 2n!4
acre piece Is a New I' nunc levelling House, uud on
the other a
FRAME 22 X 28,
erected for a house, w ith a never falling Spring of
water. This laud will lie sold as u whole, or lutno
Tracts, to suit purchasers.
Persons desiring to purchase a farm will do
Weil lo examine Ibis one before Investing else.
wliere, as it lies within four miles of Marysville.
and the Pennsylvania ltnllroad one ot the best
markets In the county.
-Further Inhu mation can lo had bv ad
dressing Dr. .IOHN t!SAW,
leaner X Itoads,
12 Somerset county, Pa.
A t P r i v a t a S ale.
T II H subscriber olfors at private sale his prop
ci ty In Saville township, Perry county, J'a.,
eonsisliug of
of Land, 35 Acres of which are cleared, and well
improved having thereon a
One nnd - Half Story Log House,
and other out-bulldinirs, with a fine YOUM3
oitcilAUD. 'J lie balance of the land is well tim
bered. - For further Information address or applyto
4 43 lekesburg. Perry county, l'a.
Two Valuable Farms
ONF.of the farms contains 'i'.Ut ACliKS of
well-improved land, wltli good buildings, and
good waler near the door. Willi Hue fruit, and
many other iniproveiueuts. .Stoics, .Mill, uud
Churches within sight.
The other contains 1 no AC ltl.s of wcll lm
proved land, good buildings, tine Spring of water
near the door, uud excellent fruit of many varie
ties. The land is in a high state of cultivation,
and of the besi quality. '1 lieseuredesiralile fauns
and w ill be sold. For further particulars call on
or auu 1 ess
" TlMKft OFFrCK"
4 4if New lilooinlicld, Perry co.,l'a.
A Desirable Farm for Sale.
Viril.L be sold at a bargain, a FA KM situated
V ill Centre township, about 2 miles North
West nf llloonitleld borough, containing Uti
AC It KS, well timbered, and the balance clear
ed, and under a high slate of cultivation. There
are 011 the premises a LO(l Hill Si:, plastered, con
taining 7 rooms :a good HANK UAltN, a good
- For further Information apply to
C. A. ISAKN'KTT, Att',
New Itlonmllchl, Pa.,
Oron the premises to Mrs. lltuicccA GuoFij43jSt
Horse and Cat Powders,
Tills preparation, lonjr and favorably
1 known, will tborouulilv rc-invlKorut
broken down and low -spirited liorsei,
hy itrnKtliening and cleansing the
stomach and intustlnri.
It Is a sure preventive of all dUcasos
incident to this animal, such as LUNU
ENERGY, Ac. Its use Improve!
the wind, Increases tho piHjtlt
gives a smooth and glossy skinand
transiorms tha miserable skeleton
into a fine-looking and spirited borse.
To kepera of Cowl tht prepara
tion Is Invaluable, His a sure pre-
I ventive against Rinderpest, Hollow
Horn, tic. It baa been proven by
actual experiment to Increase tho
quantity of milk and cream twenty
percent, and make the butter arm
Th kltulni. ..III. I
t-lves them an appetite, loosenj their hide, and makes
thorn tbri ra much Cuter.
In all diseases of Swine, such as Cough, TTlcen In
me bungs, laver, so., wis arucie acia
as a specific. By putting from one
balf a paper to a paper In a barrel of
owltl Uie ahove diseases will be eradi
cated or entirely prevented. If given
In time, a oertain oreventira and
curs for tho Hug Cholera,
DATID Et FOl'TZ, Proprietor,
Fnr ! lr nroiitl.U md (tunkMira througbout
11m Pnlwd 8UM, UuudM nd dsuth Amaric.
1 . .
A Groat Variety of Notions,
A Vine AHtrtmeiit of Hardware
And a great variety of other goods, all
of which will be sold
at jiti;n itii;iixs.
I. .-tlorliiiit-i- cV Vo.
Sen IllouiufU'Id.
Tim iiImiva fiimiiiiil u-lll lie refimiideil In nlt luil
dlern who were dialled while In tliu service, and
who paid (.'Uxicoiiiiiiiitallnii money; and also to all
pernios who paid comiiiuLit inn money who were
not legally liable to draft. Clulins must be tilled
before llio 1st of March, 1M7I . 'all 011, or addrcw,
l.l.W IH I'Ol 1 Kit. Attorney for Claliimnts.
New lllooiiilleld, l'u.
1, '
vTho Largest Stock;
Lthe Finest Goods;
the Newest Styles;
Vthe Best Work-
iinanshlp; the
Greatest Va
riety, at
every variety of
stvle. suitable for
Youth from 16 to 20, JSA.
Boys from 9 to 16, "IT1
and Children from
5 to 9 years, all
V durable & strong,
imaae witn special)
reference to rough
In this de-
partment our
prices are. as
our Es
a 11 d
im Clothinn. and
we can assure our
friends from out
Vof town fhnt fhoA Id
art 'Via
need look no fur-
Mherthan Oak Hall
for satisfactory
Clothing & satis
Work is
factory prices
of the very
Full stock all
brst character,
Tfjrthe year
Easy rules for
prtces, &.O., sent
free to any part of Jj
America, and good fits
guaranteed. Markets
land 6th Streets,
IVcw Carriage Maiuilactorj ,
' ' On Hkiii Ktukkt, East or C'aiii.isi.k Ht.,
New Bloomlleld, I'cnn'a.
THKsubscrllier has built a large and eoinmodl.
ous Khop on High Ht., East of Carlislo Ktreet,
Mew lllooiiilleld, l'a., where lie is prepared to man
ufacture to order
Oil 1 1 i II 9 M
Of every description, out of tho best material.
Sleighs of every Style,
built to order, and Mulshed la the most artlstlo and
durable manner.
t Having superior workmen, I10 Is prepared
to furnish work (lint will compare favorably with
the best City Work, and much mora durable, and
at much more reasonable rates.
M-KKPAJUINU of all klndsncatlyand prompt
ly done. A call Is solicited.
3 m
Leather, Harness and Oil Store
At J)nncaiuiou, I'enn'a.
T II K subscriber has Just opened In Duncunnon,
l'erry county, l'a opposite the MnUoiuil
Hotel, u large aud splendid assortment of
. OIL8.
. ' - ' ' . . THUKKS,
.-. ' ' fSHOK-FINDINGS. 4SC.
He Is propareil lo II 11 orders at the shortest notice
and In II u) bostmanner. A niiiiihcr of tliu best
workmen nra employed, and repairing is done
without delay and ou the most reasonable terms.
liKr'IMOD 011,-ttre Usl by tho barrel, or In
larin-r lots.
U IIUIl'ATINU and other OILS (if the best
quality, III lets to suit purchasers.
'1 lie CAHH paid for Hark, Hides and Skins of all
htarkohthlo kiiids. .
Please call and examine our stock before
purcliasiiig elsewhere,
, Duuuaiiuon.M tf ,
Clocks. Another new lot of 80 liour
and 8 dny Clock jnt received by F. Moit
HMKjt & Co.Nuw jHopmllold.
TciTJ' County Bank!
TI1H midofslRiicd, having fonnoil a Haiikliic Ah
Hocliillun iindur tliu almve nmiw and stylu, are
now ready to do a Ccncral Banking business at
their new Hanking Ilouso, on Centre Square,
orrosiTTi Tim court j to us k,
Wo receive money on deposit and pay back 011
demand. We discount notes for a period of not
over GO days, aud sell Drarts on Philadelphia and
Kow York.
On time Deposits, live per cent, for any tlmo over
our mouths; and for four months four per cent
We arc well provided with all and every facility
rordoluga Hanking lliisluess; aud knowing, and
for some years, feeling the greal inconvenience un
der which the people of this County labored fortho
want of a Bank of Discount and Deposit, we have
have determined to supply tho want :and this being
the first Bank ever established in l'erry county, we
hope wo will lie sustained in our efforts, by all th
business men, farmers and mechanics.
This Banking Association Is composed ot tho fol
lowing named partners:
W. A. 8roNsi.rn, Bloomlleld, I'errv county. Pa.
It. I'. Junkin, " ""
A. (I., ShlppensbuiB, Cumberland co.,I'a.
John Wonupikmcii, " " "
IIp.niiv Knur, " " "
Wm. II. Mii.i.eii, Carlisle, "
W. A. sroNKI.KR, PreMcnt.
William Wili.ih, Vaslilcr.
New Bloom Held, 3 0 ly
Ileal Ftitate, Insurance,
lVnl Exlatt llrokrm. Insurance, it Claim Affcntn
Mew JUooitilU'ld, la.
"ItTKlNVlTK the attention of buyers nnd sell
T V ers to the aihaiilaiscs we otlcr them ill pur
cliasiiig or disposing of real estate through our of
llee. We have a very larsc list of desirable propcrtv,
consisting if farms, town property, mills, store
nnd tavern stands, aud real estate of any descrip
tion which we are prepared lo oiler at great bar-
inns, up ativeni-ic our properly very extensive-
', and use all our efforts, skill, and dillluence to
elleet a sale. We make no chartes unless the
Iiroperty is sold while registered Willi us. We also
draw up deeds, bonds, mortgages, andall legal pa
pers at moderate rales.
Home of tho best, cheapest, and most reliable
tire, life, and cattle insurance companies in the
United Stales are represented at this agency.
l'roiH'ity insured cither 011 the cash or mutual
plan, and perpetually at SI and &r tier thousand.
Pensions, bounties, and all kinds of war claims
collected. There are thousands of soldiers and
heirs of soldiers who are entitled to pensions and
bounty, who have never made application. Sol
diers, if you were wounded, ruptured, oicontract
ed a disease in the service from which you are dis
abled, you are entitled to a pension.
When widows of soldiers die or marry, the minor
children aru entitled to the pension.
Parties having any business to transact In our
line, are respectfully invited to give us a call, as
we are contlilent we can render satisfaction ill any
branch of our business.
No charge for Information.
4 2uly LEWIS 1'OTTElt & CO.
Froi'essioiisil Curds.
Nnn ittotmiflelil, l'crnj Omntii, Yim'o.
Bit Special attention given to Collections of all
kinds, to the settlement of estates, &., and all
ot tier legal business prosecuted with fidelity ami
dispatch. Also, Depositions, AtlidaviU and Ac
knowledgments taken.
-Otllce tlvedoors West of Sutch's hotel. 321y.
31. MoINTIKK Attorney tit Law, and DIs-
trict Attorney of Perry county. Olllce Willi
J. T. Mclutire, New BloomlleUl, I'enn'a.
M. N. SEIHKltT,,
New ltlnoliilketil. I'ei'i'v en.. I'a.
liloomflcld, 3 .13 ly.
WM. M. KI'TCII, Attorney-nt-Law, and Mili
tary Claim Agent,
New lllonnitleld, Perry Co., m.
-0(llce Two doors West of F. Mortimer's
Store 3 7 ly
TTM. A. 81'ONSI.EH, Attoiney at-Iiw,
fV Olllce adjoining his residence, on East
Main street, New Ulooiulleld, l'erry Co., l'a. 3 2 ly
Q IL GALBHAITH, Attorney-at-Law, !
O New lllooinlleld, l'erry co., l'a.
Tensions, llounlles. Back I'av, and all
Claims against the Government, promptly collect
ed. Olllce with Win. A. bpousler, Es(j. 3 2 ly.
Cl.EK MLKHAY,, and Keal
Estate Agent,
New Bloomlleld, Perry co., Pa.
-Omccwlth Hon. It. 1'. Junkln, South Car
lisle street, Iscw Ulomlleld, 3 2 ly.
CIIAS. A. BAKNKTT. Attorney-at-Law
New Bloomlleld, l'erry co., I'a.
tl-Ofllee adjoining Mortimer's Store. 3 2 ly
CIIAS. J. T, McINTIKR, Attorney at I.avf,
New Bloomlleld, l'erry co.. I'a.
44" All professional business promptly and faith
fully attended to. 3 2 lv.
JOHN O. HHATTO, Surgeon Dentist.
New Bloomlleld, l'erry co., Pa.
tistry All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Deu
Drices.done Iu the best manner, and at reasonable
SOUIu) over Morlliuer's store. 3 i ly
Drs. I. N. Shatto & W. . louder,
'.;., .
Hui-y-n DeutiHtM,
ALL oerutloni In connection Willi Dentistry,
skillfully performed at moderate charges.
-.satlsfactiun guuiuiiteed In all possible vases,
or no charge.
Olllce on Fourth Street, Newport, Pa., op
posite the lteformed Church. 4 6-tf
Daily Express and Freight Line
THE subscriber wishes to notify the citizens of
Bloomlleld and Newport that be Is running a
Dally Line between these two places. and will haul
Freight of auykmd.or promptly deliver packages
or message entrusted to his care.
.Orders may lie left for him at the stores of
F. Mortimer & Co., New Blooiutield, or .MilllgunS.
Minuter, Newport, l'a.
.?. 8. W1I1TMOUK.
Bloomlleld, January 25, 1870.
New IMoomflcld, l'a.
THE submrlber having purchased the property
on the joi ner of Maine anil Carlisle streets,
opioslt the Court House, Invites all his friends
and former customers to give him a call as he is
determined lo furnish Ills! class accommodations.
S ltf. Proprietor.
Neatly executed at the Bloomlleld Time
btcain Job omco. r