STljc tmcs; Nctu Bloomftclir, JJa. Philadelphia Advertisements. There Were Sold in the Year 1870, OF Blatchley's Cucumber TRADE (( ' M.YIUC. WOOD PUMPS, Measuring 213,566 feet in length, or sufficient in tho agri-gate lor A WELL OVER 40 MILES DEEP, Ximpla in Conttrurtion Eat; in Operation diving no Taxte to tlu Water Du rable and Cheap, These pumps arc their own bost recommendation. For tale by Dealers in Hardware and AtirluultH- ral Iiiinic nl, Plumbers, pump Makers, ;:., throughout the country. Circulars, ttn., furnish ed upon application liy mall or otherwise. Kingle pumps forwarded to parties In towns where I have no agents upon the receipt of the retail price. In buying, be careful that your pump bears my trade mark as above, as I guarantee no other. 3. Olllce ami Ware-room, Kos. 024 and (iii Filbert St reet, SlHtfl PHILADELPHIA, PA. S-Thesc Pumps can be ordered of the Mann lacturer, or F. Mortimer & Co., Ixew llloomllcld. SOWER, BABNES & POTTS, ItooliKclIors & Slatioiti-i's, And Dealers in CURTAIN AND WALL-PAPERS, Nos. 530 Market and 523 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. . Publishers of Sanders' New Headers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of the United States, Feltou's Outline Maps, &c It I, AX It IS WO KM Always on band, and made to Order. 3H MILLER & ELDER, Itooksrllers anil .Stationers, HLASK HOOK MASUFACTUIIEES, And Dealers In i WINDOW CURTAINS AND WALT 1APF.K, No. 4:50, Market Street, 81 PHILADELPHIA, A. CHARLES MAGABGE & CO., Wholesale Dealers In Ptipor, ItagM, Scc., Nos. 30, 32, and 34, South Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. - Paper any Size, Weight, Color and Quality, made to order, at short notice. 101y41 L.OC1I MAX'S Writing- liuicl! - ' . v.1' THIS FLUID Is warranted EQUAL to Aunold's, and is sold at much less price. The money will be refunded to those buying it, If It does nut prove entirely satisfactory. 9. For sale by V, Mortimer, New Vloomueld. MILLER & ELD Ell, Sole Agents, 430 Market Street, . 28931 Philadelphia. A. L. Kaub ' ' ' ' J. E. FhetmIhi. Bi ll It fc 1'JtYJIIKi:, , ImPOHTKHS AMD JOHBEUS OF i O It i n it, , CS 1 ii is m AND QUEENS AVA11E, 301 and 303, Cherry Bt., between Arch & Baco, PHILADELPHIA. f IP Constantly oo hand, Original Assorted Packages. 3. 9. ly 10 John Lucas & Co., Sole and ' THE OX LI' MANUFACTUKKU8 or TUB IMPERIAL FRENCH, ANU PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Pure White lal and Color MANUFACTURERS, Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. Philadelphia Advertisements. WRIGHT & SIDDALL, Wholosalo Druggi sts, AND MSALKKB IN . I Patent Medicines, 1 110 MARKET STREET, NEAR FRONT, Philadelphia, Pn. ! A 1'' '''' STOCK of cverthlntr connected with I -a V the business.of the best quality, and at vary low prices. A good location for business, with a ow rent and light expenses, enables us to offer In. duceincnts to buyers, and makes It worth their while to give us a trial. 1 Philadelphia, 3. 8tf. ' avi:m i.aisois i .Sore Time ! SAVINS MOXB'IY! yyAiNituiiiT & co's Labor-Saving Soap found tho best in use. With this Soap washing may be done with half the labor required when any other Is used, and the saving- in wear to clothes is really astonishing it will cost only Fif teen Cents to try It. and after (hat you will use no other. S.For sale by all firoccrs, and by F. Mnrtmer, New Itloonilleld, l'a. :tl7 Wholesale Dealers In Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Butting, Wiidding, Twines, &c, And a tine assortment of Wood and Willow Ware, No. 343, North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. January 1, ll!. John Shalfner, Jr. K. S. Zlealer. . Theo. Ktiniel SHAFFXEK, ZIEGLKR & CO., Successors to 81 1 AFFN Kit, ZI KG & CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, Ioves, EtlbhoiiN, Suspenders, T II R E A 1) S , (J O Al li S , and every variety of TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Ayenta for iMncanter Combs. BARCROFT & CO., - Importers ami Jobbers , . . Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, -' Cfissimcrcs, ' c: ,' Blankets, Linen, White Goods, Hosiery, &o,, Nos. 405 and 407 MAUKKT KTHHET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) ) - Philadelphia. i , ' : ' I'X.Til ".''. ft IT i ' I 1 - w. f. koiiijhiv ...... . JOBBER IN , Hats Caps, Furs, AMD Straw - CjJ o I w , 153;?JOKTn THIRD 8TKEET, ' ' 8 9 ly 10 PHILADELPHIA. H. IS. TAYLOlli WITH WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and Arch KtreetT, Philadelphia ' Pa nOAR,McCONKEY&CO., Buccensors to WM. AV. rAUt & CO., WUOLISALR i BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, C23 Market Bt. and 014 C'ommerco Struct Philadelphia, Penn'a. WHOLESALE . January 1. 18C9. LLOYD, KUrPLEE, & WALTON, WHOLES ALB HARDWARE HOUSE, No. 626 Market Street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia Advertisements. a. IV. It VSSJ1LL, No. 22 North Sixth Street, opposite Commerce, PHILADELPHIA, Importer and Dealer in FINfc WATCHES, French and American Clocks, GOLD JEWELRY ANU SILVER-WARE. Particular attention paid to Flno Watch and Clock HcpairiiiK. 49-Agent for STEVENS' PATENT TII11HKT CLOCK, the best and cheapest Turret Clock in the United States. - lniuii'ics by rnall for Information recanting Clocks or Watches will be cheerfully answered. Philadelphia, lololy WM. H. KENNEDY, j WITH j llemjiliill .V Cliundler, di:ai r.ns in Tobacco, Sega i's, tVrc, No. 2S MARKET STREET, I'llII.ADELl'IIIA, 1A -A full Stock of the Celebrated Mositou Na- vv, uiwavs on nanu. 1 si iiiu VV. B. METCALFE, WITH James Jlusscl Co., Wholesale Dkai.eiis in Tobacco and Cigars, Xv. 11, South rront Street, Philadelphia. W Agents for Cclelnaftd Star Navy. 4 2Jly Wholesale Dealers in I S II CIlOOHO AND Xi'ovitsionH. 114 South Delaware; Avenue, 15elow Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Collins, (ieddcs & Co's Cuuued Fruits. VMllf A. B. Cunningham. J, II. Lewars. J. 8. Glelra. Cunningham, Gleim & Co., Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco, Segars, &c, NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 83310 Books I ISoolcs ! liooks I PEkklNPINEfe HIGGINS, M SOU Til FO Vlt Til STItEET, ; Philadelphia, . ;.t .. F.KP CONSTANTLY ON 1IANU a fulf supply of the latest and best I. iiutAitv iiaokr ri-,,m the leading Societies and Publishers. We nuikn our selections with irreat care, and guarantee the moral and rellclous character of the books, cheer, fully exchaiiKliiK any that may not be natinfactory, selling at Publishers lrlces, and, wherever practi cable, making liberaldlBcnunt to Schools. 3" A full assortment of MUUIO HOOKS. Sjieller, Quertirm anil teuton Rook. Mapt, Med- alt, Jieicard (WKln, mm ktioaretf, Ht'to Diction urivH, OtrtljtmtUs Illankn, Library EffMern, Necrrtarlca' and Hu)iertnte.ivknt' lliKikn, Motive, Nvrlvtnre ic lurut, Jittunt C'lamihtnvalx, and everythiUKjiew and Useful for Kabbafn-school use kept on liand or HiiiMiiied tfl order. We have been cliKUKed in tills Hpecial branch of business for years past, and have acquired an exiierience w hich we think our customers uniformly llnd lien etlclal to their Interests. A Descriptive and Illus trated Catalogue, containing names and prices of several thousand volumes, sent free toany address on application. Philadelphia, April 5, 1870. W. A. Atwood. Isaac W. IUnck .-'; :'. , " ; '. w. t ATWOOD, RAXCK & CO., CoiiimisKioii itlerehanlN, Wholesale Healers In all kinds of Pickled and Salt . 1 I SII, No. 210 North Wharvefl, above Race Street, 3 40 0m6 PHILADELPHIA, PA. r-'' PATTERSON & NEWLIN, WholeNule ro'ors, ! '' 'l l ' '. ami COMMISSION M KUCHA NTS No. 130 ARCH STREET, Philadelphia. r The sale of, Sci-ds, (iraln and Wool a siM-elalty. lany. -Please send for a Circular. 48 For the Farm and Garden! JUI1K (IHOUM) HON K, Wl PEll PUOSPHATE OK LIME. ANIMAL COMPOST. " ANU GROUND PLASTER, Manufactured by the Harrinburc Fcrlllicr Com, puny, llai rlsburn, l'a. For tale by B. II. FICKKS & I1RO,, Nerport, l'a. 9, 13 IIEXKY t. helmhold's Compound Xlnicl EXTRACT CATAWBA GltAPE PILLS. ComptitriU Pttrtx Fluid F.rtrmt Riu bnrh mid Fluid Extract Cataw ba Crape Juice. FOR l.lVEIt COMPLAINTS. JAUNDICE. HIL IOCS AFFECTIONS. SICK, OR NERVOI S IIEAnACIIH,UOSTlVENEsS, Etc. 1TRELY ';- f A. I I . I-:. CONTAIMNO NO MERCr KY, MINERALS, OR DELETERIOUS DRUOS. II These Pills aio the most delightfully pleasant luircatlve, superceding castor ull, salts, inairnesia, etc There Is nothinir more neceptabln to tho stomach. They (live tone, and cause neither nau sea nor cripiiiK pains. They are composed of the finest ingredients. Altera few days' use of them, such an Invicoiatloii of the entire system lakes place us to appear miraculous to tho weak and enervated, w hether ari isiug from imprudence or disease. II. T. Ilelnihold's Compound Fluid Ex tract Catawba (.rape, Pills are not sugar-coated, from the lad that sugar-coated pills do not dis solve, but pass through the stomach without dis solving, consequently do not produce tho desired effect. The Cataw ba Crape Pills. bciiiK pleasant In taste mid oiler, do nut necessitate their being siiar coaled. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER HoX. HENRY T. IIELMBOLD'S IlIlilll.T CONCENTIIATEI1 COMPOUND EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will radically exterminate from tho system Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Bore Kyes, Sore Lees, Sore Mouth, Sore Head, Bron chitis, Skin Discuses, Salt Rheum, Cankers, Runnlii!; from the, White Swellings, Tu mors, Cancerous Affections, Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swellings, Nltfht Sweats, Rash, Tet ter, Humors of ull Kini'.s, Chronic Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that liavo been established in the system for years. Belntr prepared expressly for the above com plaints, its blond-piiril'yinK properties are great er than any other preparation of snrsujiarilia. It n'vcs the complexion u clear and healthy col or and restores the patient to a state of health and purity. For purifying the blood, removing all chronic constitutional diseases arising from an Impure state of the blood, and the only reli able and cll'ecluul well known remedy for tho cure of pains and swelling of the bones, ulcer ations of the throat and legs, blotches, pim ples on the face, erysipelas and all scaly erup tions on the skin, and beautifying the complex ion, HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S CONCENT It ATEI Fluid Extract Jiuchu, THE GREAT DIURETIC, lias cured every cuse of Diabetes In which It has been given, Irritation of the neck of the blad der and iullamaliou of the kidneys mid bladder, retention of urlno, diseases of tho Prostruto Ulaml, 610U0 in the bladder, calculous, gravel, and mucous or milky discharges, and for enfee bled and delicate constitutions of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms i Indis position to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of .memory, unucuity of urcathing, weak Nerves, '1 .'cinbling Horror of Diseuse, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of tho Skin, Eruption of the Fuce, Pallid Counte nance, Universal Lassitude of tho Muscular System, etc. Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to twenty-live, and from thirty-five to Ulty-livuor iu the decline or ehuugo of life ; af ter confinement or labor pains ; bed-wetting In children. 15 Ilelmbold's Extract Bucbu Is Diuretic and blood-purifying, and cures all diseases arising from lull) its of dissipation, and Imprudences In life, Impurities of the blood, etc. Superseding copuiba iu affections for which it Is used, and syphilitic uUection In these diseases used in connection with Ilelmbold's Rose Wash, LADIES. In many ahectlous peculiar to ladies, the Ex tract of Bucbu Is unequalled by any other rem edy us In Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Pulnfulnt'BS or Suppression of Customary Evac uations, and complaints incident to tho sex. It is prescribed extensively by the most emmlnent physicians and mldwlvcs for enfeebled and dul Icate constitutions, of both sexes and all ages (attended with any of the abovo diseases or symptoms.) o II. T. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BU CHU CURES D1SEA8E8 ARISING FROM IMPRUDENCES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC., . In all their stuges, ut little expense little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, and no expo sure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strength to L'nlrate, thereby removing Obstruc tions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Alluyiug Puln and Iullumutlon, so fre quent in this cluss of diseases, and expelling all poisonous matter. Thousands who have been the victims of incompetent persons, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they have been deceived, and that the " poison" has, by the use of " power ful astringents," been dried up In the system, to break out in a more aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage. Use Ilelmbold's Ex tract Buchn for all affections and Diseases of tho Urinary Organs, whether existing In male or female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter bow long standing. ' I. IIENIiT T. HELMBOLD'B IMPROVED ROSE WASH ' cannot be surpassed as a Face Wash, aud will be found the only specific remedy In every spe cies of Cutuncous affection. It speedily eradi cates Pimples, Sjiols, Hcorcutlo Dryness, Indu rations of the Cutaneous Membrane, etc. It Full and explicit directions accompany tho medicines. Evidence of tho most responsible and reliable character furnished on application, w nu uuuurous oi tuousancis or living witness es, and upwurd of 80,(100 unsolicited certifi cates aud recommendatory letters, many of which are from the highest sources. Including eminent Pbysiciuus, Clergymen, Sntesinon, etc. 1 nc proprietor has has never resorted to lliclr publication lu the newspapers he docs not do tills from the fuel that his articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need to bo propped up by certitlcutcs. Henry T. TrelmtiohVrt don- Hlll I'l-Opttl'iltiOUM Delivered to any addross. Secure from ob servation. Established upward of twenty years. Bold bv Druggists everywhere. Address letters for ! r..-...nln l. Imi.H.ln.... ,A TIPUUV m II ELM BOLD, Druggist and Chemist. Oulv depots: H. T. 11 ELM HOLD'S Druir anil Chemical Warehouse. No. tAH Broadway, New York, or to II. T. IIELMBOLD'a Medical Depot, blii South Tontti Street, Philadelphia, Pu. BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS. Ask for HENRY T. IIELMBOLD'S I TAKE NO OTHER. 4 !28 lyp. jnUM0B0US ITEMS. US?"" Deacon," said a minister, uf'tcr a hcuvy Bcrnion, " I'm very tired.'' " In dued," replied tho deacon, then you know how to pity us." te2r" Where's your filial gratitude, you nnttglity boy- Wliut would you have been without your kiud father and mother ?" " 1 'sposo I'd been an orphan sir." fST A ficntlctnnn expressed to a lady his admiration of her toilet. She Baid she supposed lie had been impressed by her angel sleeves. Ho answered with effusion : " No; but he'd liko to be." l&if" A friend inquires : " May not the iippearance, on Saturday last, of a colored buy in the House of Representa tives at Washington, in the capacity of page, ho termed " a dark pago in Ameri can history ?" J5S5 A jewelry establishment in Indi anapolis was oloscd the other day, mid tho following placard in large printed letters explained the of tho suspen sion of business : "On a jury. Will bo back when wo hang the cuss." IvSy An Indiana man, who traded off his wife lor u peek of beans and a watch was disgusted at linding tho beans mouldy and tho watch oroide. Rut ho says the other man will find tho wife worse than the beans und oroider than tho watch. fliiy A thick -headed' sipiirc, being worsted by Sydney Smith in an argu ment, took his revenge by exclaiming : ' If I bud u son who was un idiot, by Jove, I'd make him a parson " " Very probable," replied Sydney, " but I see that your father was of a different mind." A young lady onco observed, " When I go to the theatre, I am very careless of my dress, as the audience arc too attentive to the play to observo my wardrobe; but when 1 go to church I am very particular in my outward nppearanco as most people go thero to see how their neighbors dress und deport themselves." You haven't got such a thing as a pair of old trousers, have you 't" "No, my man," said the merchant. "I don't keep my wardrobe iu my counting house. " Where do you livo t" rejoined Put, " and I'll call iu tho morning for the ould pair you've got on." SfSy " That man," said a wag, " came to Nashua forty years ago, purchased a basket, and couimo'iced gathering rags. How much do you suppose ho is worth now?" It wns u conundrum we could not answer. " Nothing," ho continued, after a pause, "and he owes for tho bas ket," Thero is un old story that a Jew, while indulging a morsel of forbidden food, hud his meul interrupted by a ter rific thunder storm, and that as the thun der roared and the lightning flashed around him, he exclaimed ; " l'lesh my soul, vod a boddcr shust aboud a leotle bork !" Odr On the occasion of a tax collector making his appearance, Hook immediate ly said : " Hero comes Mr. Wyntcr, surveyor of tuxes ; I advise you to givo him whatever ho axes, And that, ton, without any nousense or flummery, For though his name's Wynter, his ac tions aro summary." Jka A gentleman in the eity observed a man he did not care to see coming toward his door, and hurriedly instructed Bridget to tell tho person ho wag not . at home. " All right, sir," said Bridget as she uiado husto to answer the door bell. "Is Mr. at 'homo?" inquired the caller. " Faith an' he's gone out," re sponded the obedient servant. " When will ho be at home ?" asked tho man at tho door; " Mould on a minit," put in Bridget, " an' I'll ax him !" Jfcf An Irishman, being recently on triul for some offence, pleaded "not guilty ;" aud, the jury being in the box, tho State solicitor proceeded to cull Mr. Furkisson as a witness. With tho ut uobt innocence, Patrick turned his fuce to the Court and said : "Do I understand, your houor, that Mr. Furkisson is to be a witness fbrcnonst me again. ' " , The Judgo said dryly, " It seomod so." . " Well, then, your honor, I plade guilty ; sure, an' your honor plaiso, not because I am guilty for I'm us innocent as yer honor's sucking baby, but just on account of saving Mr. Kurkisson's vtwt 1" M? " Now, gentleman," said a peripa tetic lecturer to a somewhat noisy crowd who had gathered at one of his seances in an eastern villugo " how would you liko a good blackguard story ? AH iu favor will raiso their hands." Nino tenths of the dexter paws present instant ly went up, and there was a sudden hush of all coiey demonstration. The lecturer went on with his originul subject for a few minutes, when sonio incautious indi vidual broke out, "Say, whero's the story V " Bless you," was the reply. " I did not intend to tell any such story. I only wanted to know h6w many black guards are present." You might have heard a pin drop any time during the lecture after that.