4 6 jc mco, New Bloomfttlii, )a. Tuesday, May 16, 1871. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS We invite communientlons.from all personsiehoare interested inmatlert properly belonging to this aepanmcni, tST" Tho following little story, with its moral, though written for the Macon (Geor gia) Telegraph, is quite too good to be en joyed by tho farmers of the South nlone : I know a man, and he lived In Jonca Which Jones is a count; of red hills and stones, And he lived pretty much by getting of loans, And lila mulca were nothing but skin and bones. 4nd hla hogs were flat na his corn-bread poncB, And he had 'bout a thouaand acrca of lund. This man and Ills namo was also Jones Ho eworo he'd lenvo thcra red hllle and atonea, For ho couldn't miikonothln' butyollowish cot ton, And little of that for his fences were rotten. And what little cotton he had, that was bough ten, And he couldn't get a living from the land. And tho longer he Bworo the madder ho got, And ho roso and walked to tho stablo lot, And ho hnllooed to Tom to como there and hitch, I'or to emigrate somewhere where the land waB rich, And to quit raising cockburrs, thistles, and eich, And wasting their time on barren land. flo him nnd Tom they hitched up their mules, Protesting that folks were mighty big fools That 'ud stay in Georgia their lifetime out, Jest scratching a living, when all of them mought Cot places in Texas where cotton would sprout By the time yon could plant It In tho land. And he drove whero a man named Brown Was living, not far from tho edge of town, And ho bantered Brown to buy his place, And Bald that seeing as money was skacc. And seeing ns sheriffs were hard to face, Two dollurs an aero would get tho laud. j They closed at a dollar and fifty cents, And Jones he bought him a wagon and tents, And loaded his corn, and his women, and truck, And moved to Texas, which it took JliB entire pile, with the best of luck, And get him a little lund. But Brown moved out on tho old Jones furm, And ho rolled up his breeches and bared his arm, And ho picked all tho rocks from oflT the ground, And he rooted It up nnd ploughed It down, And sowed his corn and wheat in the land. five years gild by, and Brown one day (Who got so fat that ho wouldn't weigh) Was a Bitting down, sorter lazily, To the bulllcst dinner you ever did sco, When one of the children Jumpcdonhls kneo, And aayB, " Yah's Jones, which you bought liia land." And there was Jonea,, stpndlug out at tbo fence, And ho hadn't no wagon, nor mulca, nor tenia, For ho had left Texas afoot and come To Georgia to see If he couldn't get some Rmploymcnt, and he waa looking aa humblo As If he had never owned any land. liut Brown he asked him In, and ho sot Him down to his tletuale smoking hot", ' ' And when ho had filled himself and tho floor, Brown looked at him sharp and rove and Bworo That " whether a man's land was rich or poor, j There was more tn the man than thero wnl "In tho land.",' V '3 p How to Bit Colt. All that you can possibly accomplish with the old fashioned bitting bridle, that is to teach the horse . to hold down his head, and to the right and to the loft at the touch of the rein can be ncoom plinlied with the bridlo' described telo( in forty minutes. If nature has not des ignated the horse to havo Btylish head snd carriage, no art of man can alter' it, and the old fashioned way of strainiug up the neck in an unnatural position, and oaviiig, It' thcw for hours; nine times, out of ten results iu a heavy' headed lugger on the bite', ' ' ' " ' ' , ; , , Take a cord and fix a loop upon the end, just like one used to go over the jaw, ouly big enough to go over the neck and 6t down rather tight where the collar is worn j now bring your cord forward, put through the numtb from the off side, and briug back on the near side, and put through the loop around the neck ; now pull upon this cord and the head will be drawn back to the breast. You are now prepared to bit, simply pull open the cord little, and as goon as he curbs his bead well, relieve him, that teaches him it is there you waut it. When you waut to raise his bead, lift quickly on the cord and you elevate his head finely. ,: You should pot V't over five minutes at a time, and then put it away, and in forty-live minutes' time, dividing each bitting into five minutes each, you can bit jour colt Well. ' .V !:;. sW Mackerel can be boiled without aoukingby washing .them, and putting them in cold water, with a tcaspoonful of soda, and letting them boil for a few minutes. Then pour off the water and put in sufficient cold water to boil it, omitting the soda. In a few minutes it will be dune, almost surpassing tho soak iug process. ; . . DOBBIN8' ELECTRIC SOAP, The Best in the World! STRICTLY PURE ! NO SAND I NO ROSIN ( NO CLAY ! NO ADULTERATION OF ANY KIND! Oiildren Can 1)0 The Washing. No Washboard Kequircd. No Boiling Needed. Hll the use o the Unequaled and Unapproachable Dobbins9 Electric Soap, Clothes, Money, Fuel, Labor, Time and Temper, ALL ARE SAVED I Try it once, and use it ever afterward. Every urocor doub 11. nvcry ramiiy uses it. NO ONE CAN DO WITHOUT IT ! He sure Hint tho wrapper has on It the cut of Mrs Fogy and Mr. Knlernrisn, and that each bar is stamiied with the nam.) of I he Inventor and originator, J. 11. iiohihns, as none other in irmniiii Llke everything of great value. It Is extensively false anil worthless Electric Moans, not worth house-room, and dear even if given awav. The 'Finest A merlcan Toilet Soap, fully equal to : "" ".v u rreiirn KnapmaKor III the same manner as the French soaps are made, am! sold at one-fourth their price, Is TRIPLE SCENTED Dobbins9 Toilet Soap! NO TOILET IS COMPLETE WITHOUT IT I The Best emollient in the Market! It Is given the preference at every warring place in the country, and Is for sale evory where. Plcnwo -A-nilt I;i- it D011TrlMil,,MOi,Lw".h nny chcAP ommon soap, lry il.unii sco how minli BETTKK it is than wo say. The only Hoot Polish that will produce a Itrilllan aiidLastingKhliie.am, ut the same time preserve tliu Leather, is Dobbins' Electric Boot Polish, Makks Old Hoots Look Like New ones. And Calf-Skin Lik Patent LruTiir.ii. It Is put up In a Fatent box, tho greatest novelty of the age. The box alone Is worth more to keep than the price of Hox and I'ol. Uli combined. I iUif Kit U Gil AT," r The Genuine Turkish Hath compound, used In all Oriental countries, In the bath, and manufactured by us on a license and royalty, In exact style, odor and quality from the original receipt, as that made lu Constantinople, and import duties, prelum on gold, etc., saved, thus enabling us to sell It at a very low price. Ity its use a bath becomes Indeed a luxury. Very highly scented, and producing miraculous effects upon the skin. It Is really worth atrial. , r , -, , i If you want to enjoy life and drive away dull care, use (or youi Clothes DOBUIKN' ELECTRIC SOAP! -1 1 1 -. i .-. i Use Tor your person DOBBINS v r TRIPLE SCENTED Toilet Soap ! ube for your boots ' Dobbins' Electric, Boot Polish. Use In the Bath ; -t I. And Kuhwrlbe for the . , " Electric Messenger," a Heautlfiil Fashion Par, sent FKKK to all wlio will send their names to tlie Hole l'roii letors, J I. L. C 11 AO IN & CO., )10 8ontU Fourth Btroct, riin.ADEl.l'iiiA. ' 103 Burclay Btroet, Nw Youk. 144 Bute Street, Boston, ' laaTTbls ISoap Is for Bale by F. Mortimer Co., Nvw Boomtkld, I'a. 4 87 1 j A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Sr. WALKER'S OJILIFOBNZA VINEGAR BITTERS u 6 Hundreds of Thousands . Bear testimony to their Wonder. fulCuratlvs Efforts. WHAT ARE THEY? 9 B R P Hi B- 3 f 111 lit ' THEY ARE NOT A VILE ' f f 1 FANCY DRINK,!!? Made of Poor Rum, Whisker, Proif Spirits unci Kcliiso Liquors doctorod, tpicod and sweet ened to pleneotho tasto, eallcd"Tonlc,""Appct::. crs," " Kcstorors," c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, bn! are a trno Mnllclnc, moda from tho Native Hoots and Herbs of California, frco from nil Alcoliolia (stlmulnnis. They arc tho OltKAT 1JI.OOI) I'lKlHIilt nnd A 1.1VK fclVINtJ I'UINCII'LE a perfect Henovntor n:rj Invlnoratcr of tho Brnem, carrying off all poisnroua mutter und reutorlng tho llnod to a healthy condition. No parson can talis tlic3o lllltcrs accordlLe to illree tlo:i aud remain long unwell. HCO wlllbo given roran Incnralto enf e, pn.viUI tlio hones aro not destroyed by mineral j-. u n or other means, snd tho vital orcaus trusted hcu..dtho point of repair. iMirliiflnniiiiiitorr ami Chronic Ifhcnmn. tinm nud ;out, Dyspetinlni r lodlgemloo, liiliouti, lteinlilciit ami lutcrmittcnt l ovcrn DinciiHcsot'ilioIiliiod, l.lvcr, litdiicys, and Itlntliier, theua lsitturn havo been nioEt succcw fu!. butli DlNcnncs aro cnuccd ty Vlllntcil Illood, trhlclilsyeaerr.lly produced by dernnjittncnt e-rtlu Dli iiilvu Urcnui). IIYttl'Ll'CilA OU INDIGESTION, Ilcod chc, l'aiu In tho Bhouldora, CouKlM.TightiiCM of tho Chest, Dizziness, Bonr Kructatlons of tho fAoniach, Bad toatu lu tho Mouth, B.lloua Attacks, rolpitatlcn of tho 11 curt, lnllamn:aUen or tho Lungs, l'aln In tho regions of tho Mdncys, nnd a hundred other rr. mul u.ptomii,are tho oftuprlsKBuf EjspcpeKi. Tin y llivlgorato tho 8touinch and ellmulato tao tor. pld liver and bowels, which render t'.itfm of aucqnallcd efflcacy In donating the blood of all Imparities, and Imparting new life and vlijor to tho wholo Bystcm. 1'OIt Bli I N I; IsSE AS i:s, Lrnptlona, Totter, Bait I'.lieuni, Llotehis, tpou., 1 in.plco. I uutuies. Boils, Car. bnncles, i:ini:-Vr urnn, Ecclu-licnd, toro Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Scurfii, liiBcoloratlona of tbo Bhln, Humors and Diseases of tho hltin, of v. hatcvcr namo or nature, aro literally t' lg epnndcanlwloutof tho system in a short Brno by tho use ef thuio l::ttcrs. Cno bol'lo la such cases will conMncu tho inont Incredulous oi tholr curatlvo effect. CIcuubo tho it:u.-.il Elood whenever you find Its Impurities turstlns t:i.-ou;h tho El;ln In rimplcB, Erup tlonB or Boiea i clccnui It when you find It obtractcd and slugKlsh la tho vcliai j clennno It when It Is fonl, and your foe!lni:B n i:i t..:i juueliw Kip tho blood puro and tho health of tho -stein m ;il follow. PIN, 'i'A Tli and other VO:t3W, lurlilm? In tin syBtcm of bo many thoutnuilu. r.ra elluitiiaily destroy ed and removed, f or rail dlruollons, read carefully tho circular around cauh botllo, printed la four luu-guagos-Englluli, German, rreuchaud Spunuili. J. WALKER, Proprietor. T.. U. McDONAJ.D ij CO., DrugglBts and Ocn. AocnlB, liun FraneiBco, Col,, and W aud W Commeioo Btrget, Kow Torii. tVSOLO BT ALL DllUtiOU; 13 ASU DLALHK8. LEBANON Mutual Fire Insurance Company, OF JoncMtown, X'onii'rt. I0I,iriE8 PKRPKTUAL at Low Itates. No Steam risks taken. This Is one of tho best conducted and most reliable Companies In tho Ktate. Country property insured l'ericttially at S4 00 per tliousand, and Town property at 85 00 per thousand. Tlie Pennsylvania Cattle Insurance Company, POTrsyiLLK, PKNN'A., '. "VNAITlllrH TinilMPa ivn r k tti xr iiiivaT JL Ueath, Theft, or Occident,, at very Low Kales. Call on or address , . LEWIS POTTER, NEW BLOOMKIELD, I'A , """" Agent for Perry County. " From the Daily irinera' Journal of July 23, 1870. Yesterday James H. firier, Airent of tlie I.en. anon Mutual Fire Insurance Company, promptly paid Iwls Harris liii, his insurance policy In full, which he lost by lire on Kailroad Street, last Fri day. Mr. drier also paid John Pcttlnger $R0. Ills In surance policy In full, which was on a norse that died last Saturday, and was insured lu the Penn sylvania Cattle Insurance Company, of Potts vllle. 416 CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER i A. CIIOICE ASSORTMENT OF Always on hand, from which to select. Clothing MADE TO ORDER. CLOTHLVU READY-MADE CLOTHING of Suporlor Quality always on hand. F. Mortimer C Co., March 19, 0. New Bloomflold, Pa. ' JAGLE HOTEL NEW BLOOMFIELD, Terry Comity, Peuu'a. HAVINd purchased the hotel formerly oceu. pled by lluvld H. I.uiifer, situated ou North CurllsleHtieetadJolnlnn tlie Court House, I am prepared to receive trunnion t guests or regular boarders. To all who favor me with their custom, I shall endeavor to furnish first class accommodations. A call Is solicited. OEORQB DERRICK. Dloopilleld.lMarca a, m. 3 10 ly IS Ill Pi f y I VI Made CDARLBi A. DANA, Editor. A Newspaper ot the Present Tines. Intended for People Now ton Earth. Including Farmers, Mechanics. Merchants, Pro fMslonal Hon, Workers, Thinkers, and all Man ner of Honest Folks, sad the Wives, Boas, snd Daughter, of all inch. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR I ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOR SSO, Or less than One Cent a Copy. Let there be a 950 Club at every Post Offlce. SEMI-WEEKLY BUN, S3 A TEAR, of tho same alts and general character as THK WEEKLY, bnt with a greater variety of miscellaneous reading, and furnishing the nws toltsinoscrlberawlth greater frethnew, became It comes twice s week Instead of once only. THE DAILY SUN, 80 A YEAR. t.$,m,tt!!!,ne?t? '"d'hle newipaper. wlta the JSSIi.'""?'?"0? ln. th world Kre. Inda-E-n"" fnd k,ear"J ,n Pontics. All the news from everywhere. Two cents a eopr i b mall. 00 cents a mouth, or $8 a year. x ' TERMS TO CLUBS, THE DOLLAR WEEKLY BUN. Fire copies, one year, separately addresspd. Four Dollars, Ten copies, one ynsr, senarstelyaddrcesed (and an exiraoopy tothegeltor up ofclun). Elatat Dollars. Twonty eopies, one yesr. sepnratelv addreued (aud an extra copy to the jtettcr up of cinb). Fifteen Dollars. uJL.'SrT-,0119 ,ei,r- on 'Idrnes land the Boml.Weekly one yesr tn (tetter up of club), Thirty-throe Dollars. tV.I e!!,iVl,ynT- "enaratalT aodressed (and the Beml-Wceklyoueyearto irettor un oi cluh), , v , Thlrty.flTe Dollan. one hundred eonlcs, one year, to on aitrirnna c?Sb,! " JJa"J,for a " toho?etup or One hundred cool, one year, epnarntelT n". up of club;, (sixty Dollars. THE SEMI-WEEKLY SUN. Five copies, one year, sepnratelv (ldreei. Eight Dollars. -!i-V.. onvcsr .separately addressed (and aa extra copy to setter up of dull), 1 bixtceo Dollars, 8ESD YOUR MONEY vJ?S",?ffl''J orders, cheeks, or drafts on New ?,r,k'.7,hereer convenient. If not. tnen reKlsicr the leuon containing inonoy. Addres. "lswr I. W. ENGLAND, Pnbllthor, Bun ofllce, Mew York Cltr. 3STEW "stok: CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YOUK, sritici'L r m vtual r,. jLHfoitH, M,oo,ooo r . i ' . ,i - y i ,. I8SUK8 all the new forms of Policies, and pro mints as favorable terms as any company in the United Htat. s. The Company will make temporary loans on Its Policies. Thirty days' grace allowed on each payment, and the policy held good during that time. PoUoios issued by this Company are non-forfelt- No extra charges are made for traveling permits. Policy-holders share in the annual prolitsof the Company, and have a voice lu tlie elections and management of theC Inpany. No pulley or medical fee charged. ' ' ' Justi;s Lawkencb, Pros't. M. B. Wynkoop, Vice Pres't J. P.RooEits, Bec'y. . J.K.EATON., No-eNorthVlilMStreet. G"'erai Ael". 4.2!ylJ , Collego Mlock, Ilarrisburg, Pa. B . MV E B Y, t Wholesale and Itetuil Dealer In OftUGS - AND ' MEDICINES, CJiomioiilw, CONCENTRATE!) REMEDIES, ESSENTIAL OILS, Patent Medicines, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medlolnal and Sacramental Purposes. A Splendid Assortment of PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, BRUSHES, . AND FANCY ARTICLES, Always on hand, which will be sold at low prices ty Orders from Physicians promptly attended to with great care, 33. Is. EDETSfT, Newport, Perry County, Pean'a. ,. Bloomflold Academy! An English and Classical School POIl LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Young Men Prepared For College, A Normal School and a Sihool of Art. FALL TERM COMMENCES On Monday, the 29 of Amjmt, 1870 AS the above school has recently lieen re orgau Ized, students can enter any time. Prof. WM. H. 1)11.1,, a graduate of ItutRer's Col lege N. J., Principal. Miss ANNA K. A1TOSPUKOEU, a graduate of Esther Institute, Columbus, Ohio, teacher of Mu sic, Painting. Drawing, French and German. Every facility for the training of tlie youth of both sexes in all that constitutes a liberal and thorough education. The Collegiate Department embraces all the higher branches. Including the Latin and (ireek Languages, Engineering, Practi cal Surveying, Literature, Natural Science and ad vanced Mathematics. Vacations: duly and August, and one week at Christmas. Terms: For Hoarding, Furnished Room, Wash ing. Tuition in Latin, (ireek. English Branches and Mathematics, for the scholastic year, J180. In vacations. 8200.OI. The Hoarding Department Is at the institution, under the supervision of Wlliam Grier, Esq., by whom good and substantial hoard will bo fur nished: and the pupils will be under the strict care of the Frluelnul. Address w. M. DIM,. A. m. Principal, or WILLIAM till I Kit. 4ltfl (New Uloomlleld, Perry county, Ta. Photographs I riiotoffrawhs ! JA COB COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, PENN'A . THE subscriber would respectfully call the at tention of the citizens of this county to the fact that he Is prepared to take PHOTOURA PHH In the best style of tho art. Ilia long; experience enables him to produce PICTURES WHICH CANNOT RE EX CELLED. All persons are requested to call at bis rooms aud examine siecimcns. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great caro will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, Artist, Newport, Perry Co., Pa THE BEST IN USE THE PARHAM NEW FAMILY S cwing 'Machine T combines all the best features of other good machines, with i ; .. New and Valuable Improvements, which make It ; , , THK EASIEST AND MOST QUIET HUNNINli as well as the Most Simple Machine in, t IT WILL HEM IT WILL BRAID, IT WILL TUCK, . : IT WILL GATHER, IT WILL QUILT, and wlU use either Silk, Cotton, or Linen Thread witu equal ease, . , , It uses a straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON BOTH SIDED. The principal ofllce of the company Is at No, TM CTiesfnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. These machines are for sale In Perry County by JAMES L. DIVEN, Landisburg. P. MOETIHES & CO., New Bloomflold. fThe fnMlc are inrtted to call at either of Un above places and toe a Machine in operation. Pensions, Bounties, &o. WIIMWH, Minor Children, Mothers, Pathem, Ac, of Soldiers who were killed or died oi d seasecontiaeUHl in the Service of tho Dulled Slatos, can now make application f,.r Pension Also Soldiers who contracted dlseae or wm warloeiH;',.Ui,tU''ea, r "' 8"y ul"ulf " e When widows die or re marry, the child or children under sixteen years of age are entitled to II I r I1HIOII. The time for tiling claims for additional bounty has boeu extended six months. y i.wartlmllBr l'0"""" given toold suspended cases In the dlllerent depart menls at Washington. D (T If you have, or thmk on have a claim iga i Vt the' "ov".r "' cal on or addiess the nndVrf agned No charge for lulormatlon. K " 1,KWIS IMWTEU, Attorney for Claimants, MW BLOOM MlfI-l,!,A. 4 31