The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, May 16, 1871, Page 5, Image 5

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- .. ,. (ZiuKma-t!fyts. f. Vj.-.ft
Titrnday, Mill JO, JS71.
LWAh n 1: r a n r m k jv r.
.Tre Our- IhtUarn W ar in Advance
Our s;iLk:i iiicm will notice? tlicir ud
ilicss is now printc'I c:i a little ticket,
which is pasUil mi llie'ir paper by n uia
citinc. Olio l'c;i( mc o!' (liis Mylc of ad
dress is Unit it tells each euWribcr the.
time ip to which tlio subsi .-riptloii is paid.
, Tor instance : X. S.nitli, H?72,"
means that, X. loith's subscription ex
pirea ou the 1 lib dav of January 1ST
and " I,. Jones, !) r 71," uioaim that L
Jones should renew his subscription by
the Oth of June, 1S71, if bo wishes to
have bis paper continued.
The linrcH cun.-tituie a receipt for
subscription up to their date, and eonse
ipiently no other receipts are ueces.-'ary.
I'crsons wishing tbo paper continued will
confer a favor by notifying us in time to
save us the trouble of taking their uame
from the list and replacing it.
I I ! I II I Pill I II II 111,1,1 I wlHIIMWLt 111 I
A Narrow l-'srupp. On Friday morning
last a little child about two years old sou
of Mr. Andrew C'omp was knocked down by
a Iioi-fo and had tho cap of bin knee badly
injured by the foot of tho animal. One of
tbo other feet of tho horse was placed to
close on to the bead of tho child that some
of the hair was out ofl' by the iron shoe.
' Another Accident. On Friday morning,
Mr. Robert C. Clark, of Contro township,
was injured by a horse rcaiing up and strik
ing him on tho bead. Hiss bead was dan
gerously cut, and his shoulder was knocked
out of joint, and for a timo it was feared be
was fatally hurt, but wo learn that ho is
in a fair way to recover.
We Have Rccelted from Dolvin & Co.,
tho well-known clothiers of N. Y. an Illus
trated guide to that city, which they pres
ent to all who apply for a copy, eithor by
mail or by person, at one of their stoics.
A man of tho citv and vicinity accomnanios
(A tbo book, making it a very cheap and con
venient hand-book for strangers visiting
th e metropolis.
Liquor. Tho bill repealing the act of
1800 which forbid the issuing of license for
Duncannon has been finally passed. A
bill has also been passed and signed by the
Governor leaving the question of granting
licenses in the twenty-third ward of Phila
delphia (which is Gormantowu) to a vote of
the people of that ward. The vote is to be
taken every third year, the first rote to be
taken next fall, i : V'j
A Donghtcr of Dr. Brandt, of Mechanics
burg, Cumberland county," fell dead on
Friday evening a week from excessive rope
jumping. 6he attempted to jump 200 times
probably on a wager, with tbo above fatal
result. She had been frequently warned,
and prohibited by her parent against ex
cessive indulgence of. tho pastime. Jfl4
pendent. Since the above was in type we see tho
report of the death of the child contradict'
fd. ,
TlMRxlilblUom The Whlbitlon given
by the young folks connected with the Pres
byterian congregation of this boreugb,
was an entire success. For two evenings,
(Wednesday and Thursday,) they enter
tained large Rudienccs, in a manner which
gave great satisfaction. The acting was
very creditablo to all who took part in the
fetformances, and the arrangement of the
Htage and acenory, considering the room,
that could be devoted to that purpose, was
very complete and showed much mechani
cal skill. The money that was raised is to
be given to the Mite Socioty of that congre
gation. The amount cleared is about sixty-six
dollars. ,
Ou Tuesday Last, two fat steers belong
ing to Mr. Samuel Ilcrtztor, near Shepherds
town, were turned into the barn yard with
halter chains on their necks. While playing
tbo chains became entangled and fastened
together, the efforts of the animals to ex
tricate themselves only served to tighten
and shorten the chains, and it was found
that there was immediate danger of the
steers being choked to death. With great
presence of mind Mr. Ilertzlor quickly pro.
cured an axo, and in three or four blows
cut of tho head of ono, thoruby saving the
one steer alive, and tbo other for beef. Tbo
lieef when dressed weighed 800 pounds,
Independent. ;
Very Pretty. All the ladies who have
seen them, say tho Spring stylos of prints
and other dry goods just opened by F.
Mortimer & Co,, are very pretty. Call and
examine them.
Kond Proceedings bail at May Term, 1871.
William Wright, Ksq., John .iden itnd
Jacob vMler appointed to view rolul from
u point at or near the folks of the creek on
the land of James Harkley to near John Pat
terson's saw mill dam, ou tliu rond leading
from Montgomery's Ferry tu turnpike, at
John Patterson's on tho Juniata river. '
Samuel Liggett, William blind and Wm.
Hower,' appointed to review road IV'oin Mtir
klevilleto northwest end of Fourth street,
in Newport.
George Beaver, Isaac Harlow' and Dan
iel Zeiglcr to view proposed extension of
Greenwood Street, to borough line, adjoin
ing lands of Thomas P. Cochran's lot on
road from Milloistown to Liverpool in the
borough of Milleistown.
George S. Harnett, S. II. G.ilbraitb and
William Crier, to view proposed ex
tension or continuation of High street, in
iJiiucaiiiion, to intersect public load near
Cornelius liankiiis' farm house and llui Ju
niata Bridge station on the l'ciiua. Hail
roud. George Hunch, Jacob Ilixlor nnd Andrew
Loytoview road from near Thomas Mor
row's to near William Liglitnm's on tliu
Dublin Gap road, in Tyrone township.'
Samuel Shelter, Irwin Cliisholin and
Daniel ltife, to view proposed road from
the Martin house, in Allen's Covo, to Hall's
mill dam, on the Blooinliuld ami Carlisle
road, in Kyo township.
John Wright, Ksq., Wm. 15 Leas, Ksq.,
and John Patterson, toultcr, vacate, grade,
&:., from Dutiklo's mill to tho Onion
Church to avoid tho steepness of the hill
at Daniel Liddirk's bouse, in litill'alo twp.
Isaac Meek, M. B. Ilolmau and John
Detriek to view private road petitioned, for
by Jacob Bair, of Buffalo township.
Dr. Louis Ellerinun, Jacob Shearer nnd
Henry Kincsniith, to view site for bridge
across Big Buffalo creek, at. cross roads
near tho tan yard of Hev. J. J. Hamilton,
in Savillc township.
The viewers appointed to view situ for
bridge across Fishing Creek, near llart
niau's mill, in Ityo township, report that it
is indispensably necessary that it should be
there built, and that the petitioners, or Kye
township should pay f- V) toward its elec
tion. Aproved id at.
Tho report of reviewers, granting road
from Gen. Winter's land to end of Bull's
lane, in Peun township, is coiiiiruied upon
tho damages assessed to Lewis Smith and
Hugh Bull being first paid by the petitioners
and other persons interested in tho road, as
tho Court is of tliu opinion that the public
interest will not bo subserved by the open
ing of the road, and by tho county ; and no
order to issue for tho opening of the road
until tho damages bo first paid. And tho
report of tho reviewers to assess damages
on said road, awarding to Hugh Bull $101),
and Lewis Smith $11. SO, is confirmed, sub
ject to tho proceeding order.
lleport of reviewers granting tho sumo
road as did tho original viewers from Gut
shall's tannery to Baltosser's foundry, in
Jackson township, approved ni n.
Kcort granting road from point of lands
of Gritlith Jones and Duncannon Iron
Company, to corner of land of said Jones
and li. Passmore, in Pcun township, con
firmed. Report of reviewers refusing to grant
road from Ickesburg to Newport continued.
Hopoit of viewers granting road from E.
T. Williams' tenant bouse, in Miller town
ship, to M. Ilartzcll's barn, in Oliver town
ship, continued.
lteport of viewers io lay out, widen nnd
grade the Juniata Creek road from Dun
cannon to Bloomllcld, returning a road, ap
proved ni si.
Report of viewers changing location of
road from near Ferguson's sliop to rocks
noar Cool springs, to avoid three bridges,
in Centra township, approved ni si.
Hon. Joseph Bailey, James Everhart and
W. 8. Mitchell, to review road leading from
northwest end of Cherry street in Duncan
non, to intersect road ou land of W. Bos
ler. in Penn twp.
Both the reports of tho viewers and re
viewers on road from George McMillan's to
Andrew Loy's spring house, in Madison
township, was disapproved and set aside
The report of reviewers of road from
Duncannon to Marysville was continued to
next term. The counsel for and against
this road seem to be of the opinion that a
satisfactory arrangement cau bo made with
the P. It. II. Co., by which travelers may
not be no much exposed to the dangers
which threaten them at present by the rail
road. . ,
Xjoeal Uriel'.
8eo new "timo tablo" on the Pennsylva
nia railroad,, which went into efl'oct yester
day, j , i w s -. '' 4
Tho salary of the borough council of
Newport, last year, seems to have been $4,
which was paid in oysters at the end of the
term. . .
Among tho divorces granted by tbo Leg
islature, was the divorce of Winfleld S.
Dunbaiyof. Newport, from his wil'o Han
nah.' Mrs. F., A. Tannehill will give one of her
Interesting "Parlor Entertainments," in
tho court Tiouse, in this borough,- on Thurs
day evening next. Those who attend will,
no doubt, have a plcassnt eveoiug, ; , -
Some of our exchanges say that "fash,
iouablo ladies of New York now wear gar
ters of blue velvet mounted with gold. '
What troubles us is to know how they
found that out.
One of our exchanges says "a fanner
laid au egg on our tablo that measured
nearly nine inches in circumference"
What Is to become of tho bens if fanners
are going to lay their own eggs ?
Has Duncannon dried up and blown
away, or wlmt is tho matter? We have
nut beard from our corresxviidont at. thnt
place for toveral weeks. Wo alway ap.
predate his letters, and hoim to receive
them more regularly. " '
An exchange says' " it is not good taste
for young men to stay after 10 o'clock when
visiting yoang ladies." Our Devil says bo
never noticed any difference in tho taste af
ter 10 o'clock. , Ho says it tastes good any
XVoung men In the vicinity of Bluin,
when they serenade nowly man-led peoplw,
get treated with rod boot juice swoeted with
black molasses, and think it is wine. That
is not expensive liquor, and If they do drink
three or liour glasses apjeco, it won't hurt
"An attempt was made to rob Hie Nation,
al bank; at Northumberland on Tuesday
night last. Abuut 11 o.clock the' .watch
man heard seteml persons at . work snoring
into tho door which is lined withtroti.
Instead of making an effort to noef tbo vil
lains ho fired live shots from his revolver
against the door, nnd thus frightened them
away. ; - . i w ' ; -
An net lias passed the hniiM authorizing
the school directors of tho Northwestern
district of Madison township, to appropriate
so much of the tax assessed for building
purposes to tliu payment of Iho debt, and
for the .school year ending Juno 1870 and
1871. '. , , ;: : ,
The implements for boring coal in Spring
township passed through bore on their way
up last. Thursday. ' There were pipes and
tools required for boring two hundred feet.
Wo will now soon know whether wo have
coal in that part of tlio county or not.
A little girl residing in Carlisle recently
died from lock jaw caused by running a
splinter in her foot while going barefooted.
Church Xollces.
In the Lutheran Church, prayer-meeting
on Wednesday evening. Preaching next
Sabbath at !ij o'clock p. in.
Presbyterian Service. No preaching in
(ho morning. Preaching at Milleistown
instead. Evening service nt. 8 o'clock.
Subject" Parable of tho Virgins."
Wall Paper A hnautiful a-s-inrhueut of
Wall Papers and Borders is now ou hand
and for sale by F. Moiui.u;it, it Co.
Prices low. tf.
F.7"TiIAT ;))) niiii rofoc wlilcli ren
ders your hah- so coiispiriioiM, can easily lie
remedied ty uxing a bottle or two of NA
County Frieo Current.
r.i.oo.MFini.'D. .May 11, 1S71.
Max Seeil S2 (io
Potatoes, 7ua5 cents.
flutter 1? pound in "
l'f;s W dozen, Vi "
Dried Apple pound Sail) "
Dried Peaches 1"3 l!icts.t!Bi.
Pealed Peaches IS facets. "
Cherries 0 fS 0 cts. "
I'itted 15 fa) IS cts. "
lSlac'klierrles, 8 Wots. "
Onions Ut bnslicl 75 "
I ttorreclxd Weekly by Kmi'li, Knurfnr t Co.
NEiveoitT, May 15, lb, 1.
Flour. Extra tii ou
Hcd Wheat 1 00 3 1 sr,
Kye 8
Cor 62 (i 01
Oats V 32 pounds 52
Clover Heed 0 (X) 5 00
Timothy Seed i 00
Flax Seed 1 75
Potatoes mm 00
(i round Allium Salt 2 25
I.linebiirncr's Coal, 2 40
Stovo Coal 5 0 OU
Pea Coal 3 40
Smith Coal,.., 25 cts. V bus.
Cross Tles,8!-i feet lonu, ' 45 0 45 cents
Philadelphia Price Cnrrent.
Corrected Weekly by Junney ndrcicj,
No. 123 Mauket Street.
1'uii.ADKi.riiiA, May 13, 1871.
White Wheat 1 1 55 Q 1 65
Bed Wheat 1 41 1 67
Kye 1150120
Corn, 7778
Oats .-. 63
Clover Heed, 7!49 per lb.
Timothy Heed, 6 50 6 75
Flaxseed, 2 10 Q 2 10 '
Country Lard,... 10 0 11
HgRS 16 9 17
Putter, dull sale 10 0 22
Washed Wool, SOcents per lb.
Tvryv nniAOBs. , .
BaoTHERS Barb On Monday, May 8th,
1 871, at the residence of tho bride's mother, by
Rev. J. A. Bowman, Mr. Joseph M. Brothers,
of Franklin, Pa., fornnrly of Duncannon,
Pa., to Miss Laura M. Burr, of gallna, Pa.
Buss Marshall At the residence of H.
If. Henderson, Fort Scott, Kansas, Tuesday ,'
May 9th, 1871, by Rev. T. Y. Gardner, Mr. R.
W. Bliss to Mies June R. Marshall, former
ly of this county.
ItorrMAN On the 10th Inst., In Centre twp.,
Alfred, infant son of Mr. Ucorge UoJfuiao,
aged 1 month fthd 13 days. '
DohicM.i.r At Donnelly's Mills, on the 10th
Inst., Charles Reed, son of William and Martha
J. Donnelly , aged 4 years, 3 months and 4 duys.
Xew Advertlnement-H.
- . . i ) i t i
The greatest Invention of the Age for printing
on I'aiier, W'oikI, Metal, (to.
Kvury business man needs one. Prices 13.00 to
la oo.
rrleeu assigns sent Tree. Agents wauled.
. 1:
o20 a 4
Gd t'oiirtluudt Ht., New York.
Manufacturers of
First premium received nt American Institute
Fair, 1870. KevcrsflHe Hydrant Killers, price liuo.
Also, Hyphen Fillers for country use,
, Jll'KAllI.K IS DHK.
The Byphoii Killer ,
AttuniVTULr run uest vniscrrt.K
on which a Filter cnu 1)0 iiiiuIh. Agents wanted.
Send for a ctreular.
6 20 a 13 Office 18 Dcy St.. New York.
Dissolution of Co-Partiiershlp.
OTH'KlSIIKttiaiYfllVF.N that tho firm of
W. Kol iiiiik Hons is Hits day dissolved.
WM. Kin ;m.
, W. U. KOI Ull, , ,
' ,f. W. H. KOI (iff.
Newport, April 6, 1871; ' 1
The business of the Into nrm will Iw willed by
V. II Kougli and J. YV. H. Kougli, who v.111 con.
tiiius the laislnew lie conneotlou with W. H. Sny
der, under the hull of
mm en, nx k co. ; 2
Newport, April 23, 1871.
"I )Y mutual consent, Ike Co-partnortlilp ex
J) lntliiK between tbo undei-nincd, lu the
Mercantile business was dissolved on the Silst
of February, WI.
Mllford, May 8, 1X71
Xew Millinery Goods
; AtilVcwporl) 3a, , ,
' , . . 1 . It , t
TREO to Infiirin the public that I have uM re
turneil from l'hllailelplua, wit li a lull assort,
luent of Lite latest stylus of
HAIU AN1 .l'.O.NNKT.S, ...
Itlt'.lIONS, FltENCH I'LOWI-Its.
And all artie!e. usually found lu a llrsl-clnss .Mil.
linery Estalilishmenl. All orders promiilly at
teniledlii. u-Ve will sell all goods as Cheap as
can be iol. elsewhere,
DliESS MAKIM! done to order and lu the la
test style, n I get the latest Fashions from New
York every mouth, (jollerlng done to order, in
all widths. I mil warrant all my work toeivc sat
isfaction. Ail work done as low as possible.
Cherry Street, near tile Station,
Newport, Pa.
1780 TAKE NOTICE. 1871
Arc You Afflicted or Sick ?
15 I,() () I) C T, K A X S E K
i a i ,v o i ; a :
4 N A Iterative and Cathartic, or Tonic and
l'ui'ljc, for diseases arisinc; from had blood.
Tills preparation was established in 1870,iuhI
lins been prepared in liquid form for more than
1H years. In January or February, 1 M70, anoth
er party commenced to prepare n'simHm-article
which is Interior tn tlio ccniiiue, and which
should not be mistaken for ours. Ask for'I.)i:.
Faiiksey's Bi.oon Ci.nANsi it ou Panacea,"
anil accept no others.
The Trade Mark of tlio oldest and irenuinc,
Is printed ill ijrmi on a yellow- wrapper, hav
ing also lliu bif,rnuturu of 1'. Fahriuy, M. 1).,
' Dr. 7'. I'lihrnHj't JImUIi .Vtssentfcr" tivrs
the history and uses of the lii.oon Ci.f.ansi:u,
testimonials, and other information, cent frcu
elnirL'c. Address
i)ll. P. KaIIUNKV'S lillOTIIKUS & Co.,
Waynesboro, Franklin County, Pa.
Ask for Ur. Fnhrucy's Wood Cleanser and
CI.KAXSE Y'Ol'll lit.OOI).
fs7" Sold everywhere und In New Blooinflcld
by F. Mobtimkii ifc Co., cnf;. 5 18
Is Aiisoi.tvrKi.v safe from explosion or breaklntt;
burns any Coal Oil, pood or bad ; k1vcs.moiiui.iuut,
no odor, and uses oil.
"It Is itrrfertlfi noiWKrptosiv!. Thought Is Is't.
ter than Is produced by any other lamp." IF. N.
Cierk, President oj MmmchiiieU Atirfcultttrol
"It Is iKirfcclly non-explosive, kIvcs a liettpr
IlKht and Is more ecniiomletil than any other lamp
In use." W. W. Well, lute Hujierintenitcnt oj
J'uUic School, Oiicayo.
The ajmlllna deaths and tires from Rlass lamps
exnliHling and breaking create a (treat demand for
this lamp. It fi to sell It. Huhl ft Uimwuers;
lar and terms to Mnntyomery Ji Ou., Cleveland, O.
'i Uarvlay Street, New York.
oUUUlJ Watch given gratis to ev
ery person, male or female, and terms sent
free, to clcur from $15 to per day, sure
Business new. Can be done at home or travel
ing. W. H. C1UDESTER, 207 Broadway,
New York, s ; . - - a 15 4.
K. & IT, ?'. ANTIIOS Y & CO.,
501 Broadway, New York,
Invite the attention of the Trade to their exten
sive assortment of the above (roods, of their oica
puWfcaffon, tnaiiiidcfuire and Imfiortutlon.
. and .
K. A H. T. ASl'IlOSYJt CO.,
, ,891 11SOADWAI, NlW YOHK,
Opposlto Metropolitan Hotel,
i- J IinporuirsaiidMaiiufuetarerspf j
llio( (f i-n plilo Mai 01-lnlM.
5 10. 13
1 to marry, address the nndersigncd, who
will send you vuluublo Information, that will
enable you to marry happily and speedily, Ir
respective of age, wealth or beauty. This In
formation will cost you nothing, and If you
wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you.
The desired Information sent by return mall.
Address, Bauah B. Lamiikht, Greenpolnt,
Kings Couuty, N, X. 5 15.a
The Jfutclikif it Bun Patent Improved Jirlck
Will make 200,000 Bricks of Superior Quality
In a working day, which cau be backed right
from tho Machine. It Is simple, and durable
and Bricks cun b'e made by It .cheaper than by
any othor process. - i . '
For making Drain Tlio It Is also unrivalled.
tf Machines, State, County aud Yard lllghtu
for Hale.
19 Cliff Street, Room T, New York. 5 151ma
(Formerly kept by Woodrnif and Turbctt,)
.Yi lilootnfleld, 1'crry County, ret.
.XV AMOft UflBINSOM, Proprietor. "s A
This well known and pleasantly located hotel
has Ix'Cll leased for a number of years by the pres
ent proprietor. and he will spare no pains to accom
modate Ills guests. The rooms are comfortable,
the table well furnished with the best In tlio mar
ket, sad the bar stocked with choice Illinois. A
careful and attentive hostler will be In attendance.
A goon livery stable will be kept by the proprietor.
April 3, lb-Ltf
Xvw Advert ixcmpnls.
More largely patronized 1)V Y011113 Men than nnv
oilier folk llnsiiics. or A.Mdi mle lidnentinn is.
lybUuan College, 1' V.. It is tlio
olili si ami niosi ma .onab'e practical srhool In tlie
toiled Mules, nudum only uuo piomhnu situa-.
(Ions for liia.limlii's Uefor to patrons in the .Male.;
Addreis II. (;. EA.vr.ilAN.I I . !.. President.
lS'tli Year, coil Acre). 1:1 (Ircenhou-ies. Lai-Resf.
AssoiIiih ui all !. 1 ;e.. stock ! Low I'rices!
Would you know Wlmt. When. Ilnw to Plant t
I'riiil, Slnide. l:viii':;i'eiMi Trees, Jhsit Oralis, -Sued .
lillUs. Osjiue Plants. Apple Seed. V ,rlv ltn-e polii
tocs. MirulH, Koies. Oivciihousn nnd Oarden,
I'lanls. .(.. c. FLOWIilt AND YI-.OETAIJLK
SI.I.Ds! Finest, l'.esl. Collci-lion Soi ls and ouaM
ty. Send llieeiils for New, Illustrated, fiescrip-'
live Cataloi.'ue !KI pans. send Ftamp, each, for
Catalogues of .Seeds with plain dirccl ions i',l
pa','cs; IWalilintc nnd ftarden Plants ::2 paces
and Wholesale Price List '-'f paces. AddicsS'
E. K. I'IPl.MX, riooiiiinj.-toii, Illinois.
A renifiiy which has been test
ed lor lu years, and proved In
thousands ol eases eapaiili; oi
eiirlii'r all diseases of the throat,
nnd lunc.s; pi-i loi mini; many re
markable eincs, i.ichis a Irijil
from all w ho are siilVcrint; from
similar allivtious and h tin vainly
seek relief. Will von Id pre J-
III!. CllOOk'S
I i 1 ieiii-o hi'..'mi. joii ironi oein
them all.
and Colds. The Prus-Ms say it cures'
AHIuiia. Tla
' relief and cures of it arc marvel-
lironchitis. tin
el-j Millerer will lind relief and
Throat ailments require only a few dos-s.
Luiii: Diseases. Has cured ea-cs pronounced in
curable. Hi liilily. In renovates and Invigorates tho sjs
Icm. Liver Coinplaiiil. Most illecliMi renulator of
this oruan.
Dyspepsia. Its hcalthv action on the stomach
cures it.
Appetizer. II I s licii'.lh -','ivim; and appetite re-'
I ' rinary Orjiaii!.. Action on them is ma i ked and
Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar Is rich in the medicinal
dualities of tar, combined with u-jretable nitsicill
enlsot undoubted value, winch loiikii it uiisiu--nasscd.
not oiny tor the compla'nts eniuucralcd.
but it rapdiy rcdores exliausled strountli. clean
ses Hie sloaiaeh, relaxes tiie liver and puts I hem lo
work, causes the food Io ilcsl, and makes pure
blood, and begets a vivacity jiiireeiated liy oolli
sound and sick. II you an: anuctcd in nnv way,
we know if you try Iho life-civun; tonic properl es.
of Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar, you will ailil vour
tesllinony lo It'i j.ieal value in eoireeiiii' any
ills thai llesh is heir to." Prepared only hv CHUOIt co. s;ohl by (linguists every
where. For Scrofula. Scrofulous Tumors. Scrol
nlous Diseases of Ihc Lyes, or Scrofula
In any foi 111. KlieiiinallVlii, Diseases ot
the Liver, Diseases of the Skin. Krup.'
(ions. l'iiiiples.Holls.Tctler, Scald Head,
Clccrs, and old Soles, or any discaso
lepending on a (k-piavcd condition of
,he b'Ood. take Dr. Crook's Compound
syiupof 1'okcHoot. lliseomUiiiedwitli
Die bcsl loiue prcpaiatious or Iron
know 11. mid tliebestalterativeand blood
I'uriticr made. Cleanse your lllood. Try
one bol tie. Sold by druggisls. l'lo
parcd only by
Ouviat C11001; & Co., Dayton, O.
Usn Tin: red iroirsK powdkhs
(2n and 4il packs, Ited Horse Trailo Mark.)
Horses cured of islanders. Aaron Snydces, U. h.
Assistant Assessor, Mount :tuii. Pa., C. Bacon's
Livery and Exchange stable, suiibnry, l'ciin.
Horses cured ot Founder. Wolf & Wilhelins.Dan
vllfe, Pa.. A. Ellis's Merchant, Washlngtonvllle,
l'a., . I. Nice Sloanoker's Jersey Shore, Pa. Horsu
cured of Lung Fever. Hess i Uro's, lwlsbui g,
l'a. Horse cured of Colic. Thos. Cllngan's Union
county. Pa. Hogs cured of Cholera. II. ISarrV,
11. A. Cullader's, Milton. Cows cured. Dr. A.
MeClcery, J. A. McCoriniek's, Milton, Pa, Chick-,
ens cured of Cholera and Capes. Dr. D.T. Krebs',
Watsoiitoivn, Pa., Dr. U. y. Davis, C. W. Strieker,
John and .lames Finney's. Milton, Pa. Hundreds
more could be cited whose stock was saved by us
ing the Ited Horse Powder prepared by CYRU8
BROWN. Druggist, Chemist and Horseman, at
his Wholesale and Retail Drug and Chemical
Emporium, Broadway, MM ton, l'a., to whom all
orders should be addressed.
We will Insert an advertisement '
In One Hundred and Fifty-five First-class
Pennsylvania Newspapers, '
Including Eleven Dallies.
We refer to the publisher of this paper, to whom
our responsibility Is well known.
Address GEO. 1". 110WJ21.L, dfc CO.,
Advehtisino Agents, . ,
Son. 40 and 41 l'arlt Row, Vert York.
The old standard remedy for Coughs,Colds,ur Con
sumption. XollUnu better. L'UTLfiu Uuos. & Co.,
Boston, Mass,
Cleans Kid Gloves and all kinds of Cloths and
Clothing; removes Paint, Ureese, Tar, etc., In-,
slaiitly, without the least Injury to the finest cam
brio. Hold by druggist and fancy goods dealers.
FRAGRANT H APoLLKN E CO., 33 Barclay Street.
A DAY FOIl AI.,1, with Stencil tools.
Address, A. E. tilt AH AM, Springtleld.VtJ
Buy the Apple i'arer, Oorer and Slleer, price S2 00.
A MONTH. Horse nnd Carriage fur.
ulslied, expenses paid. 11. Miuw, ai-
Agents! -Head This !
of :iO iht week and exiienses. or allow a
large commission, to sell our new and wonderful
Inventions. Address M. WAUNER SCO., Mar
shall, Mich.
Cut rriiiH Out
And send twenty-llvo cents for a ticket and get a
watch, piaiio.sewlng-iiuchlne or some article of
value. No blanks. Six for one dollar. Address,
PACKARD m CO., (Illiolmitl, Ohio.
AVOIU QCACKH. A victim of early Indis
cretion, causing nervous debility, premature
decay, ic, having died In vain every advertised
remedy, has a simple means of self-cure, which he
will send free to Ills fcllow-suftorcrs. Address .1.
H. TUTTLE, 78 Nassau t New York. r 5J7
?l Perfectly Non - Explosive Lamp
the only Lamp that llivts l'Mtrmrr Sakhtt
with am. KiNiis or on. They are made of brass,
and will last a lifetime, making them the
The undersigned are Agents for Ferry County,
and will supply Merchants at the Manufacturers'
price. Persons warning a good article are re
quested to examine this lamp.
New Bloomtleld, Pa.
. Agents wanted to canvass the County.
HKIUNKK'H NOTIOR. Notlee Is herehy
J, given, that Henry Coiup, of perry County,
Pa., Slid Hiisau his wife, by deed ef voluntary as.
slgnniiiiit, have assigned all the estate. Real and
Peisonul, of the said Henry Coiup to Daniel Mey
ers und H. B. Kalinestock of Ferry county. Fa., In
trust for the benellt of the eredllors of the said
Itenry Coiup. AIIersoiis therefore Indebted to
the said lienryiiomii will make payment to Hie
said Assignees, and those having claims or de
mands will make known I lie same, without delay.
March 29, 18TL Asslguees.