Ijc . Wants? Wcto Bloomftclii, JJn. 15 i I lit loomfitlb imt$. Tuesday, May 3, 1871. local nisPAnrMKAyr. OUR TERMS Are Onepvllara Year in Advance Hark Solicc Tho highest market price will he paid forhurk delivered at the Bloom field Tannery. 2t Concert. An entertainment consisting of vocal and instrumental mimic will ho given hy Prof. J. II. Kurzcnknabe's music class, (75 voices) in this borough, on Tues day evening, May Oth, 1871. . Tho programme consists of quartettes, choruses, charades,ctc. : Tickets 25 cents, children 15 cents. The Carlisle Barracks. Orders have been issuod to the officers in chargo of tho Barracks at Carlislo to remove the proper ty and tho funds to St. Louis, and tho sta tion at Carlisle will bo no longer used as a sub depot for recruiting. Tho order di rects Surgeon Wright nnd an ordinance S crgcant to remain and take chargo of tho premises. , A Good Joke. A lady near this borough recently had a prescription' prepared by a physician; and after taking several doses With much apparent benefit, was" surprised to find tho bottlo full and that tho doses taken wcro from a similar bottlo filled with soapy water which had boon loft in J to cleanse it. Her husband cousiderod it too good a joko to keep. A Fight for the Flag. A few days since a couple of young gents of Centre twp., had a warm discussion over thot propriety of raising a flag over their premises, one being in favor of so doing, while tho other objected. Words soon brought on blows, and tho result was what- we always hopo will bo tho case, tho supporter of tho star spangled banner camo off victorious, and tho flag still floats over the premises. Long may it wave. t Revenue Fraud. Tho York Republican says : During the past week tho Bovcnuo officers of this county have mado afraid on parties engaged in tho manufacture of cigars, without having given bond and otherwise compiled with -tho laws. .This illicit trado was confined to tho county. Among the chief offenders was a man named Sterner who was detected almost in the act by Deputy Collootor Stahlo and Assistant Assessor Bittinger, one day last week and about 200 pounds of leaf tobacco and several thousand -unstamped cigars wcro seized upon Ms premises. Sterner who resides in Jackson township, has been furnishing 'cheap cigars' tdl tho inhabitants of tho surrounding country for tho past year, .Recognizing tho gravity of his of fence, he has fled to parts unknown. A Good BilL A bill, is now, before the Senate, providing that thcro'shall bo no change in school books in any part of the Stato for the space of three years. We hope this bill will pass as wo arewoll aware of tho troublo and expense persons aro put to by the frequent changes. The system for some time past has been all wrong. Publish ers of books will mako very liberal offers to directors who will promise to iutroduco a now series of books, and further agrco to furnish them to the scholars one season at extremely low rates. But all that is taken off of tho price for the first season, is fully added to the price of tho books tho next year. We would like to see the timo dur ing which all changes are forbidden made five years instead of three. It would not only le a saving to parents in the number of books they are now compelled to buy, but would enable school books to be fur nished at less cost, as larger editions could be printed with less risk. From an Ohio Farmer. Mr. Israel Smith, formerly a resident of this county, but now a resident of McCoiub, Hancock county, Ohio, sends the following record of what he raised on twenty acres. If some of our large farmers can show as good a re port he would like to see it : Number of acres farmed I Wheat. 8 acres, 4 bushel at 11.10, $45.60 Buckwheat, VA 1 43 " 75, 41.50 Outs, 3 80 " 60 " 4UO 13 tons 4tf gul. 40, B3.0X) SO, 85.00 Potatoes, Corn. Hay, Borguw, 7 e 40, 190,00 8.00, V0.0U 1,00, 40.00 A cres, 20 From acres of the meadow mown, I re ceived 8 bushels of clover seed, the price of which was to.SO. $53.00 From com ground I received 80 loads of pumpkins, worth 60 cts. per load, 1 15.00 Total from 20 acres, 8544.60 From my pastures I sold stock to the amount of $200, and stock Is in better condition this spring than a year ago. How I would like to hear from some farmers in Ferry, large or small. I intend to keep a correct Hat the com log season. ISRAEL SMITH. s3J' The following is a list of tho Collectors of Stato and County Taxes for 1871 J Toboyue township John C. W. Collins. Jackson township Wm. Kochondcrfcr. Madison township Jan. T. Dobbs. Handy Hill Jacob Wain. Tyrone township Philip Gcnslor. Spring township Goo. ltcibcr. ' Savillo twp. Martin Dum. Tuscarora twp. D. S. Wommcr. Juniata twp. Samuel Tresslor. Carroll twp John Hotilo. Hyo twp Amos S. Green. 1'enn twp. Sylvanus Green. Miller twp. Joseph Bailey. Oliver twp. llananiah Gantt. Howe twp Jacob Frank. Greenwood twp Jacob Kipp. Liverpool twp. Wm. A. Grubb. Bull'iflo twp. Samuel Bair, sen. Watts twp. John Lccdy. Landlsburff borough James Murray. Liverpool bor. John Nagle, sen. Millorstown bor. David Snyder. Newport bor. Jonathan Allen. Duncannon bor. Nathan Vanfosscn Bloomflcld bor. William Rice. Now Buft'aloe bor.-Jolin Garnett. Terrible Accident. A most distressing accident occurred at Peach Bottom, this county on Thursday last, in a small smith shop at tho Slate quarries of Jeremiah Brown. It appears that David Williams tho smith, was repairing a drill for ono of tho workman in the quarries when another workman brought into tho shop a keg con taining about ten pounds of blasting pow der, which ho sat down besido a keg of water, upon which tho other workman was sitting. ' Mr. Williams intended to plungo the heated drill into the keg of water for tho purposo of tempering it, but mistook tho powilorkeg for it, and into itho plunged the iron. A tcrriblo explosion ensued, toaring out the end of tho shop, destroying tlio Bight of both Mr. Williams eyes, and burning him so terribly all over tho head and body that at lust accounts his life was despaired of. , Tho other two men in tho shop whoso names aro Kdward Lloyd and John Owens were also badly burned, though not fatally. Lancet'ter Intelligencer; y$crc at Liverpool. Yesterday morning tho stables belonging to Mrs. Lutz, Mimuoi Dorr, and Frederick Howo, in Liverpool, wcro discovered to he on fire. Tho inllam- able naturo of tho -0011101118 mado it im nossiblo to extinguish tho flames until tho buildings wcro entirely consumed. In Mr. Howe's stahlo was a large lot of lumber, worked for flooring, thrco or four hundred bushels of corn, and two buggies, making his loss over three thousand dollars in excess of his' insurance. Shortly after this firo was discovered, flames wcro seen to coino from a barn belonging to Mrs. Bair, which was situated quito a distance from tho other stables, and which was 1111 doubtcdly tho work of. incendiaries, as three men were seen coming from the barn just beforo tho fire was discovered. Mr. Howe hud a small insuranco in tho Millers- burg company, and Mrs. Bair had an insu. ranco in tho Pony Mutual, but to what amount we did not learn. . A Chance for Printers. Tho Bedford county l'ren a thrifty Hepublican paper is offered for salo at a groat bargain. Tho material is all now and the paper is in prosperous condition. For further particu lars address D. S. Elliot Bloody Bun Pa, For The Bloomfleld Timet. Apkil 20th, 1871. Mr. Editor In a former communication I called attention to the fact that some per sons were endeavoring to establish a ' 'loan association" on a mutual plan. I will now redeem the promise I then mado, to state what the proposed plan of operation is. The intention is to get as many as favor the incorporation of such an association, to sign articles or agreement, pledging them. selves to pay into the treasury of the society the sum of five dollars each ncr month, for the Rpaco of six months, and at the end of that tune, if a sumcient number join tho enterprise, there will be a good working cash capital. Each share-holder is then to enter into a bond, making himself respons ible tor tho (lohts or the association to the amount of t500, which will bo a reserve fund and a guarantee to those who deposit their money with the compauy. If five hundred men sign the articles of agree ment, and enter into tho bonds as proposed, it would give a working cash' capital of $15,000 and a reserve capital of $250,000, which would make it as responsible an in. slitntion as there is in the State. This is tho plan talked of, but the friends of the enterprise are ready to receive suggestions, entirely new or a modification of the pro posed arrangement, , . , , cash. Lot Mil Ur)efM. We have a man in this borough who has a rat-bait so powerful that he has to take a club to keep the rats away while he sots the trap. An entertainment to bo given by the young people of this borough, in aid of the 1'resbyterian Sunday School, promises to be a rich treat, judging by the preprations being made. y - Quito a revival is in progress in "Tho rri....i. r fA ii . r ;..i:..i.... ti.. church is under the charge of Itev. Seil- hamer. An act has passed the house authorizing the supervisors of Bye twp., to assess and collect an additional road. The village of Lykens in Dauphin coun ty is about asumlng the dignity or a bor. ough title, a charter for that purpose hav ing been granted. daughter of B. T. Hoover, who residua near Ickesburg, died on the 21st ult., from drinking a small quantity of lye. She was an interesting child not yet two years old. The May term of court is now in session. Full particulars of the proceedings will be given next week. Sa young man named Willis Scott was I ' 1 j 1 , i. e . 1 . 1 1 1 nrrcsrea 111 mis ikiiuuii on narumuy mgub hist, for lciug drunk and disorderly. J-Jsmiire (Jlousor lined lilm slxly-soven cents and costs. We hopo others of tho young men who are accustomed to getting drunk and creating disturbance will receive tho attentions of tho constable, and bo formally introduced to tho 'Squire. . It is timo A stop was put to these drunken scrapes. Tho chicken cholora is very destructive 4 1. ; ..l. fi., i ku euicKuun in Linn vii;iui,jr vuu ittuuut 111 Centre township lias lost over one liunurcu within tho past two weeks, aim olhors count. their losses by tho dozen. Quito a large delegation from , tho "Masonic fraternity" went from this bor ough on Wednesday last to attend tho fu neral ot JUr. Ulysses a. Kecly at -Millers- town. - citizens at the upper end of town ap pear to be determined on a general fixing up. Nearly every house is receiving a coat of paint or a new roof, adding very much to the appearance of that portion of tho borough. A scamp having concealed himself in a clothes-press in ti tavern in Hollldaysburg and upon being discovered by a girl rushed upon her, brandishing a large knife, when sho screamed, and in tho excitement that ensued ho escaped. Several sevcro frosts have visited this lo cality within tho past ten days, no doubt loing consiucramo damago to tho inut. Wo noticed on Tuesday morning last that tho peach trco blossoms iu our garden wcro all black, and tho .leaves of the trees look ed as if they had been touched by fire. J Some person who was stealing corn from tho premises of Mr. Chas. Wright, iu Greenwood township, last week, was sup plied witli a gratuitous chargo of shot, which was forcibly ejected into his body. W e hope othors who procure articles in tho absence of the proper owner will get a similar dose. Church Xoticcs. Prexbvterian preaching in tho Court room next Sunday at 11 in tho morning, and at 7 in tho evening. Evening Subject : "JNaaman s I'rirle." 11 rungs, n, 13. Preaching in tho M. K. Church on Sun day morning next, nt 10 o'clock a. in. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening. J n tho .Lutheran l.liurcli, preaching on Sunday at 10 o'clock a. 111. Prayer meet ing on Wednesday evening. Tub Monthly Novelette fok Mav. Tim Jlav number of " Tho Monthly Novletfc" is issued with a splendid list of contents, such as will please readers of all classes. There aro sea stories, lovo stories, limiting adventures, humorous tales, and one great (tory, a gnrllla encounter ot tho lute war, written lor "llio Monthly Novlette,-' by tlio celebrated "M. Ound." of the Detroit, press, Michigan, tho same gentleman whose express trip on a loco motive last winter caused sueli a sensation an through the country. Buy this book and read It nnd you will be pleased with it. 1 Homes X. Talbot, 63 Congress street, Boston, itro tlio pub lishers, it is lor snic at ail 1110 periodicals uo pots In the country. County Trice Current. Dloomfielp, May 2, 1871. f2 00 7daS5 cents. : " 12 " Flax-Seed, Potatoes, Butter f) pound, . Kks V dozen, . Dried Apples 11 pound 8 iilll " ' Dried Peaches 15 15 cts.Kllk. Pealed Peaches 18 22 cts. " Cherries ,, 00 cts. " Pitted, 15 18 cts. " Blackberries, 8 & 10 cts. " Unions bushel 75 " ', XEWl'OUX MAltKK'l'H. Corrected Weekly by Kotigh, Snyder &Uo. Newpout. Mav 2. 1871, Flour, Extra (Hi ou Kcd Wheat 1 00 Ql 25 ltye 8) Com, 62 G 61 Oats f) 32 pounds 52 Clover Seed 5 00 5 00 Timothy Heed 4 00 Flax Sued 1 75 Potatoes W) 1 00 D33ATHS. Papkn. In Havllle twii.. 011 the lsth ult.. Win. I'nili.n Mirpil Nil vi'iit'H t miititliH tilwl A ilflVK. Howek. In Centre twp., nil the 25th'ult., John IKiwer hki'U v years 4 nioiiius nnu 1 nay. r.siiEi.MAN. n ine mn tin., 111 I'arroii twp., John W. KHliclmitn son of Jacob and Hiisunuh KHheliiian, au (l 1 year. K mouths and 21 days. IIkniikil On I tie 20th ult.. in Carroll twn.. Hannah Mender aged 75 years, 7 months uud 23 uuvh. Hoover At lekcsbiirs. on the 21st ult.. Luis. daughter ot II. F. Hoover, aged 1 year, 3 mouths unit H Hays. iwareii 1.11111, mou nasi wit us, And thy hiss we deeply feel, But Hindu we hope to meet thee W here 110 furewell tear Is shed. TVT A TUIIACH3S. HMEinti Lackey. At thn residence of tliPhrlrfeB parents m the loth ult., by Itev. W J. Heamer Mr. rr in: hineiifii 10 miss licit HnielKh to Miss Anns. Lackey, both ol Carroll twp., Hits county, MiCLiMTocK Mu.i.uouse-Oii the 2111I1 ult.. at the resldenoe of M. M. Jones, Ksq., Hy ltev. W. I. lleuiner, Mr. Joseph MeOllntoi k, of Carroll twp., Perry county, to Miss J.ydlu MUlhuuse, ol llur rlHliiirii. 1'r. Nankviu.e IUwn At Concord, 011 the 20th ult.. by itev. K. A. CrevelhiK, Mr. Tho. Nnnkvllle, of Mlllerstown, Perry county, to Miss Martha Ami Hawn, of llmitliiKUon county. Mtkkhktt Hui'K-At the residence ot the bride's iimlher.ln this borotiKh.on Thursday niorn- UiK. the mill ult, ny licv. jonii r.tiur, ir. w. n, HUirrett, of Juniata co., to Miss Jennie K. Black. yew AtlverliBementti. Dissolution of Co-Partuershlp. . "VTOTtf'K IK HKKKHY GIVKN that the firm of W. Kotoiisi Hons Is this day dissolved. WM. KOIKIH. W. II. KOI Oll, J. W. H. KOUUil. Newport, April 6, 1871. The business of the late llrm will be settled by w. 11. noiiKii aim j. . n. noiiKii, who win eon, tiiiue the business in eonnecllou with W. ti. Huy uer, uiuier uie nnu 01 KOI'QH, HNVDHK ft CO. Newport, April 22, 171. A HHK JY. glvei Pa., and I HHIUNKK'M NOT1C K.-Notlee Is hereby en. iimt jteury i'unii, 01 rerry JUiuy, nusitu in wuu. ur uifu 01 voiunuir try a ai nd HUiiimeni. nave aitsmncu an me esiuui. iceal Perwinul, of the aula Henry Comp to Daniel Me' n u.,,1 U 11 l..l...ut.u.Lr nf l'..,u Iu 1... trust fur the beuellt of the creditors of the wild Henry Comp. All persons therefore Indebted to me aaiu iiruryiinip win muse payment to me said Assignees, sod those having claiins or de mands will make known the same, without delay. UAftir.li me. veil's, jr. H. M. FAH.NKH'KK K, March 20, 1871. Assignees. 1780 TAKE NOTICE.' 4 1871 Are You Afflicted or Sick ? PAIIRNEY'S BLOOD CLEANSER OH 1 A IN A C TZ .V I VN Alterative and Cathartic, or Tonic anil Purge, for diseases arising from bad blood. This preparation was established In 1870,nnd has been prepared In liquid form for more than 18 years. 1 n January or February, 1 870, anoth er party commenced to prepare a similar article which is Inferior to tho genuine, and which should not be mistaken for ours. Ask for"Dit. FAnnNKT's Blood Cleanser on Pasacea," and accept no others. Tho Trado Mark of tho oldest nnd genuine, Is printed In green on a yellow wrapper, hav inir also the elgnuturo of 1. Fahrncy, M.D., Chicago. " Dr. P. Fiihrney'$ Health MoMCntier" gives the history and lines of tlio Blood Cleanser, testimonials, and other information, Bent free charge. Address DH. I'. AIIUNEY S IIIIOTIIKIIS fc Co., Waynesboro, Franklin County, Pa. AkU for Dr. Fahrney's Blood Cleanser and C'LEANSK VOIIB Ul001. , s tr Sold everywhere and In New Bloomfleld by F. Moiitimkk & Co., only. 5 18 Notice In Bankruptcy. U. S. Marshal's Ofllco, E. T). of Pennsylvania. IMillndelphla, April 11, 1H71. rpillS IS TO GIVE NOTICE : That on tho I nth day of April, A. D.. 1H71. a Warrant In Bankruptcy was Issued against tho cstuto of ncnry nicckncr 01 savillo township iu tho County of Perry and Stato of Pennsylvania, who has boon adjudged a Bankrupt, on his own Petition 1 that tlio payment of any Debts and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him, or lor his use, and tho trans fer of any property by him, nro lorblddcu by law 5 that a meeting of tho Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose 0110 niuro assignees of his Estate, will bo held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be lioldcn nt his ollleo Id the boronh of Bloomtiold, Perry county. Pn., before Charles A. Mnrnett, Esq., Keirlster, on WKlMfEMUAl, tho 10th day of May, A. u., 1N71, at 10 o'clock A. ,M. IS. M. OKKOOUY, U. 8. Marshal, as Messenger April 18, 1S71 lit Xcw Millinery Vt 1V-vi ttvi , Goods In. TltliO to Inform the pulilli; Unit 1 have Jvclt re turned from Philadelphia, with a full assort ment of the latest style's of MII.MNKltV (iOOI)S. II ATS AND BONNETS, ItllUlONS, FUENC1I Fl.OWUItS, FEATH Kits, CHICNONH, I.ACE CAPES, NOTIONS, And all article usually found In a first-class Mil linery Establishment. All orders promptly at- lenuiMi to. -e will sell all guous as uncap a can bo got elsewhere . llllESS-MAKINtf done to order and In the la test style, a i net tho latest Fashions from New York every month, (totlerlnir done to order, in all widths. 1 will warrant all my work toive sat isfaction. All work done a low as possible. ANNIE K'KES, Cherry Street, near the Htation, 5 1013 Newport, Pa. DISSOLUTION OF CO-lAIlT.NKHSIIIl Y mutual consent, tho Co-partnership ex isting between tho undersigned, lu tho Mercantile business was dissolved on tho 21st of February, 1S71. FICKE8 & SMITH". Slllford, May 2, 1871 20000 AGENTS WANTED. A Watch clveu eratis to ev ery person, malo or temalc, and terms scut free, to clcur from $15 to $25 per day, sure. Business new. Can lie done at homo or travel ing. W. II. C1UDE8TEK, 207 Broadway, Now York. , . a 15 4. HTKltKOSCOPKH, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CI1ROMOS, , FRAMES. K. fc II. T. ANTHONY A CO., 601 ltroadwny, New York, Invito the attention of the Trado to their exten sive assortment of tho ubovo k'hhIs, of their own publication, tnamtfuctim anil imjiortation. Also, PHOTO I.ANTEltN SLIDES and OKAPHOSCOPKS. NEW VIEWS OF VOSEMITE. M 4 II. T. ANTHONY fc CO., 501 Bkoadway, New Youk, Opposite MctroiKjIitan Hotel, Importers and Manufacturers of llioto)St;raill BCtilci-lulM. 610. 13 LOVE AND MATRIMONY. TADIE8 AND GENTLEMEN, If you wish j to marry, address the undersigned,' who will send you valuable Information, that will enable you to marry huppily and speedily, ir respective of ago, wealth or beauty. This In formation will cost you nothing, and If you wUh to marry. I will cheerfully assist you. The desired Information sent by return mall. Address, Bakah B. I.ahhekt, Grecnpolnt, Kings County, N. Y. 5 15.a 1HUCKH. Tin Hotehkitt 4 Sun Patent Improved Brick Machine Will make 200,000 Bricks of Superior Quality In a working day, which can be hacked right from the Machine. It Is simple and durable 1 and Bricks can be made by It cheaper than by any other process. For making Drain Tile it is also nnrivalled. tf" Machines, State, County aud Yard Rights for Bale. Address, FERRY FARM BRICK WORKS, 19 CUtf Street, Room 7, New York 5 15 lrua JOBINSON HOUSE, (Formerly kept by Woodruff and Turhett,) Xiu lilootnJUld, Ptrry County, Pa. AMOS ROBINSON, Proprietor. This well known and pleasantly located hotel has been leased for a number of years by the pres ent proprietor, and he will spare no pains to accom modate his guest. The rooms are comfortable, the table well furnished with the best In the mar ket, and the liar stocked with choice liquors. A careful and attentive hostler will be In attendance. A good livery stable will 1st kept by the proprietor. April 3, 1D71. tf yew Advertisements. SCHOOL Moro larirelv natronlr.ed hv Younir Men than anv other for a Business or Academic Kdueatlon Is Kastman Colleaa, Fmnthkepsio, N. Y.i n is tho oldest and most reasonable practical school In tho lumen Mates, and the only one providing situa tions for Ciratlnutes. Itefer to patron In the Stale. Address II. o. KA.STMAN.L. L.U.. President. IIOLIMYSBUII& SEMINARY, HOLIDAYSBURC, PA. BLOOMINGTON (ILL.) NURSERY. Wth Year, fioo Acres, lit (ireenhouse. Tjirpiest Assortinent all size. ' Best Stock I J.ow Prices! Would you know What. When, How to Plant! Fruit, Hliadc, livergieen Trees, Hoot Orafts, Heed Hubs, Osane Plant, Apple Heed, Early ltose Pota toes, Shrubs, Hoses, (ireenhflusu and (iarden PlnnK&C&o. FI.OWKll AND VKOETA11I.K HKliDSt Finest, Best Collection Sorts and quali- tv. Send 10 1'elit for New. Illustrated, llescrln. tlve Catalogue (It) pages. Semi stamp, each, for catalogues 01 ecis, won piam directions 111 paues; licilillll' anil liartten riaius and Wholesale Price 1.1124 panes. V. K. P1KKNIX, BlooniliiBton, Blinoi. 82 liases Aifdress A remedy which has been test ed Tor to year, and proved In thousands of case capable of curl ok all diseases of the throat and Iuuks; perfurmltie many re markable cures, merits a trial from all who are nullerinn from similar affections and who vainly seek relief. Will you let prej udice prevent you from being Dlt. ('HOOK'S WINE op TAR Established cured also. (roughs and Colds. Tho Druggists say It cures llieui all. Asthma. Tho relief and cures of It are marVel ou. Bronchitis. Every sufferer will find relief and cure. Throat, aliment require oidy a few doses. I.niiK Disease. Has cured eases pronounced In curable. Debility. In renovates and Invigorates the sys tem. Liver Complaint. Most effective regulator of this organ. 1 . Dyspepsia. Its healthy action on tho stomach cures it. Appetizer. It Is health-giving and appetito re storing. Urinary Organs. Action on them is inarkedand prompt. Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar is rich in the medicinal qualities of tar, combined with vegetable Ingredi ent of undoubted value, which inaku It unsur passed, not, only for the complaints enumerated, hut it rapidly restore exhausted strength, clean ses the stomach, relaxes the liver and puts them to work, causes the food to digest, and make niiro blood, anil begets a vivacity appreciated hy laitll sound aud sick. If you are alllictcd III any way, wo know If you try the life-giving tonic properties of Dr. (.'rook' Wino of 'far, you will add your testimony to Its great value In correcting any "Ills that flesh Is heir to." Prepared only by OLIVER CKOOK&CO. Sold by diuggisl every where. , For Scrofula, Scrofulous Tumors, Scrof ulous Diseases of the Eyes, or Scrofula in any form, Itheumatism, Diseases of tho Liver, Diseases of the Skin, Erup tions. Pimple. Hoils.Tetter, Scald Head, Lit er, aud old Sores, or any disease depending on a depraved condition of the blood, take Dr. Crook's Compound Syrtinof Poke Root. It Is combined witli tho nest tonic preparations of Iron known. ami thehesl alterative anil blood Purifier made. Cleanse your Blood. Try one bottle. Sold by itruggisls. ' Pre oared onlv bv Ouvuit Chook & Co., Dayton', O. UHH TIIK RKI) iroitSK POVVDims. (0 aud 40 packs, Red llnr.se Trado Mark.) Horses cured of glanders. Aaron snyilces, I'. ,s. Assistant Assessor, Mount vEtna, Pa., (!. Bacon's iverv and l.xclianire Stable, suuburv. 1'enn. Horses cured of Founder. Wolf & Wllhelnis.Dan ville, Pa., A. Ellis's Merchant, Wasbingtonviile, Pa.,.f. Nice Sloanoker's Jersey Shore, Pa. ilorso cured of Lung Fever. Hess Jit llro's. Lewlslnirg, ra, noi se cured 01 uo id. 1 no, c inuau s un on county, Pa. Hog cured of Cholera. II. Hair's, H. t A. Callader's, Milton. Cows cured. Dr. A. MeCleery, J. A. McConnick'a, Milton, Pa. Chick en cured of Cholera and (Janes. Dr. D.T. Krebs', Watsontown, Pa., Dr. U. Q. Davis, V. W. Strieker, lohn and James Munev . M ton. l'a. 1 1 11 1 11 reds more could be cited whose stock was saved by us ing the Red Horse Powder prepared by CYRUS BROWN. Drueic st. Chemist and Horseman, nt his Wholesale and Retail Drug and Chemical I'.initoriuni. Broadwav. M ltun. Pa., to whom all orders should be addressed, FOR S7 PER LINE, We will Insert an advertisement ONK IOINTII In Ono Hundred and Fifty-five First-class Pennsylvania Newspapers, ' Including Eleven Dallies. We refer to the publisher of tills paper, to whom our resiHjiisibllity is well known. LIWT Tuition. Address OHO, 1 ItOWKLL fc CO., ADVEHTIBlHO AliENTB, Nos. 40 and 41 l'ark Row, New York. "I OOP CSK THE VF.flTABLK "I Qf7f jLcWO PULMONARY BALSAM. lO I VJ The uld standard remedy for Cough,(!olds,or Con numntioii. Nothina better. Cutleii Biuis. 61 Co.. f Boston, Mass. : 1 : FRAGRANT SAPOLIENE Cleans Kid Gloves and all kvtnds of Cloths and Clothing; removes Paint, (iriiese. Tar, etc,, in stautly, wltliuut the least Injury to the tlnest cam bric. Sold by druggists and fancy goods dealers. FRAGRANT SAPOIJENIC CO., Sii Barclay Btreet, Chicago. t1 f A HAY foil ALL with Steilell tools. Address, A. E.GRA1IAM, Springtleld.Vt. Buy the Apite Purer, Oorer and Sltcer, price ti 00. A MONTH. Horse and Carriage fur tj ui.Hhed, expenses paid. 11. bliaw, Al- I red. Me. Agents! Read This! WK WILL PAY AGKNTS A 8ALAHY of per week and expenses, or ullow a large commission, to sell our new and wonderful Inventions. Address M. WAGNER & CO., Mar shall, Mich. Cut T'liin Out And send twenty-live cents for a ticket and get a watch, piano. sewing-machine or some article ot value. No blanks. Six for one dollar. Address, PACKARD it CO., Cluciuati, Ohio. A deca VOID QUAC'KH A victim of esrlylndls. cretkm. causlna nervous debility, nrcmature ay, &e., having tried In vain every advertised remedy, nas a simple means 01 sen-cure, wmeu do will send free to hi fellow-sulterer. Address J. H. TUTTLK,78Nassust.,New York. r 5 17 UNCAN SHERMAN & CO,, No. 11 Nassau Streot, NEW YORK, Issue circular Notes and circular Letters of credit available In any part of the world. f Current accounts received on such terms as may be agreed upon-. V 2U A Perfectly Non Explosive Lamp! PERKINS HOUflK'8 PATENT LAMPS are the only lamp that (Iivks Pkiikeit Hirsir with all kinds or oil. They sre mode ot brass, aud will last a lifetime, making them the CHKAPK8T LAMP IN THE WORLD. The undersigned are Agents for Perry County, and will supply Merchants at the Manufacturers1 price. Persons wanting a good article are re quested to examine tills Gimp. F. MORTIMER ft CO., New Bloomfleld, Pa, 3- Agents wanted to canvass the County.