ljc imc0, NciU'BlaomftcliJ, flew lt Ioomfitltr faints. ADVERTISING 'JtATKSl Transient 8 Cents per line Tor one Insertion. 13 " " twolnscrtlrms 15 " " " three Inscrtlone. Business Notices In Local Column 10 Cents per lino. Notices of Marriages or Denths Inserted free. Tributes of ltcspoct, &c., Ten cents per line. Ohituury notices over live lines. 6 cents per line. . YEAni.Y ADVERTISEMENTS. ' ' One Bquarc, ono year $13 00 Two Squares per year, 20 00 For longer advertisements a reasonable dis count will be mndc. Ten Line Nonpareil or one Inch, is one squaro. NEW BLOOMFIELD, I'ENN'A. Tuesday, April 25, 1S71. Conoress hits adjourned.' The session has Dot boon productive of tulich good. It is a pity thut tho state legislature does nut follow their example and adjourn too. They might as well for all tho good they appear to he doing. ';' The Ku Klux bill was passed hy con gress previous to their ndjouruuieut uud was ut ouco siguod by tho President uud has therefore become u hw. . .Tiuie, only, will bhow wliclher uuy good will renult from the bill. - . .... The Ari'OHTio.N vi ent Hill'. After 'a Ions; struggle in which both the TIouso and Senate seemed determined hot to yield, a compromise bill has been agreed upon, and was finally pasted on Friday night. Under tho nev bill the Senate is to consist of thirty members, , and this and tho surroundiug counties aro appor-., tioned as follows : ' ' . ' jj Perry'' is in the 17th district, whicn is comprised of l'crry,' Snyder, Northum berland, ami Union counties electing one Senator. Cumberland and Franklin together form the 1 nineteenth district, and elect oue Senator, Adams and York comprise the 20lh district,' an elect 'ono Senator "'Tlie 22d district is' coiiiprised of Juniata,' Mifflin, Huntingdon, . and Centre, and elect one Senator.' The House is to consist of ouclitiudrcd members. Dauphin and Ferry, together, arc to elect three members. Cumberland, Franklin, Adams, and Huntingdon are each to elect ono member. Snyder ami Union together elect ono member. York elects two members. Having finally disposed of this trouble come question, it js to bo hoped that both Houses will go to work in earnest, or elsd adjourn. There is no doubt,' liowever, but what an adjournment wonld really be tho moFt acceptable to the people of tho State, if the doings so far this winter aro a specimen of what wo may continue to expect. ' 1 '' ' ' To the I'olei'aptaiu Hall's Kew Arctic , i Expedition. . Mr. John Morrison, an old whaler uud shipping ugout, resident of this city, hut been authorized to make the requisite ship ment of men, materials, &c., by Captain Hull, forhis new Arcttecxpeditioti. Upon application yesterday at his office, ;at No. 100 South street, Mr. Morrison stated that a powerful Government tug-boat lying ut the Washington navy yard, is shortly expected in this city. Her burden has lately been increased from 325 to 400 tons. On her voyage here it is pre posed that a putont application of oil for feeding her furnaces be used, which, if it should prove successful, will cnablo hr to dispense with other foel. Captain 3. (J. liurdington, from Grotou, in Connecticut, who has spent his life in whaling, is to have charge of the Polarii, which i the name of the craft. i A scientific corfiswill accompany the. expedition,', including tho eminent chemist, Dr. licssolhv of' lieideltmrg, who arrived here1 a few days since from Germany, and who formed one of tho scientific corps on board the last North German expedition. ' The chief engineer ii Emil Schumau, a Suxton, aud his assistant, a Scotchman named John Wilson the wuges 1 of tho former is $70 a month, and of the latter 810. i A phenomenon goes out with them in the shape of a Swede, named F. V Berggren, who is shipped tbr blacksmith and fireman; the doctor who examined him previous to his signing the articles stated he had never seen such muscular develop ment. The shoes he wears "measure Fij inches in length. The name of tho first nhln-ltCHi inn ROHiiinn ram.torml S' W .Tnti. sup. of Hull, England. " 1 The wages for the period for1 which the men onpage, five years, is $25 a month : but it is understood that the trip will Jiardly exceed three years. Carpenters .are to bo engaged at tho Washington .navy yard, while tho steward, named Malon, who was with Captain Hall in his :tivo years' exploration returns. The 12 men who go before the mast are all chos en sailors, and able to navigate, if re quired. The engineers have been ap proved by Henry It. Urevoort.of Uroad way. It ia expected by Captain Hall thut the expedition will leave this port by th 25th of next month. N. Y. Timet. fair Marie Aotoinno, au Italian beg gar, was arrested in Hoboken, recently, charged with iticking pin into her in fant child to create sympathy, The in funt was a muju of sores from the treat ment it had been subjected to. The cru el woman way locked up. , A Large Bond Robbery The ritindor returned by Mail. Tho New York Hun of tho 20th iust says : Messrs. William F. Iloppin and Fred erick H Whitomore aro the joint guardi ans of tho cstalo of the late Isaao C. Whitemoro.and their office is in the third story of .V.I Fine street. It is the custom of these gentlemen to examine tho assets and accounts of the estato at stated peri od, and us the bulk of the property is in registered securities, tho examination ne cessitates n visit to tho bauk whero tho bonds are deposited. On the third of Novomber lust Mr. Whitemoro went to the llauk of America ut 1 F. M. nnd drew therefrom a tin box containing the bonds tin J securities afore said. . lie took it to Mr. Hoppiu's office, and not finding that gentleman, placed tho box in tho open vault in tho outer office, and leaving word that ho would re turn in hull' au hour, went out. Scarcely hud he reached tho foot of the stairs wbcu two well dressed strangers who hud followed him from tho bank entered tho office and asked for Mr. Hoppiu. Not finding him one of them wont into tho small rear office to write him a unto, us he stiid, while tho other stood in tho main' office. . Stranger No. 1 was accompanied by tho only clerk in tho office, while tho other Visitor was ulono with the book keeier. Tho latter being intent on his books did not notice tho stealt hy move ment of tho thief to tho vuult, . uud was equally unobservant oi' his exit with the vuluable tin box. As stranger No. 2 re tired, stranger No. 1 hurriedly folded his note, loft it on Mr. Hoppiu's desk, and with a polito " good afternoon," followed him. Whon Mr. Whitemore rcturuud he missed tho box, and rau to tho New street Folice Station and gave tho ularm. Detective J oyle wnsdetuiled to work up the case, but having only the unsub stantial data above given, could of course clicct nothuig. , From thut day until Mon lay last the fate of the tin box and its contents wus one of the unsolved mysteries. V on Monday afternoon, while Mr. iloppin wus seated in his ollico, u Fost Office letter currier, laden with packages like those so liberally sent by otir niemberB of Congress at the Government's exponse, camo puff ing in nnd laid his load on 6 tabic. There were oight largo packages covered with stamps and when Mr. Iloppin opened them he found all I ho stolon securities, without a single word of explanation. The packages have a city post mark, and were: directed in a passably good hand. Tho amount of the securities is about $.'150,000. ... . ... Tho return of the bonds is attributed to tho fact that they aro not negotiable without danger of detection. '. i ItSr The editor of tho Newark Courier read, in the account of the wedding of the Princess Louise, a description of the chapel in which tho writer suid thut 'the nave wus decorated in the most gorgeous manner in honor of the eveut, the wa ving of u cloud of banners by those who stood by, making tho beuuty of the nave most conspicuous.' ' When this Newark editor perused these words, his republicuu soul was tilled with indignation at the honor done by royaty to what he thought was a " knave," and so he seized his pen, uud wrote fiercely:. "After this, who oan have any respect for (Jticeu Victoria? At the very wedding of her daughter she deliberately ( selected a, notorious knave sotnti' villainous ofishoot of , a' blouted and debauched aristocruey, with out doubt placed him iu the most coin spieuous portion of the church, dressed him up to attract attention to him, aud, employed persons to wave banners over bim. Prom tho hideous picture ve turn away with loathing aud horror, und cling more earnestly to our beloved republicuu simplicity.' Thank heaveu! wo' hud u Washington to teach us to despise this debauched royalty. Tho American eaglu sorcauis forth his hatred of its corrup tion, , and tho bright beams of tho sun of Liberty seems more beautifully golden when contrasted with its black ness. The Newark man whoso honored a knave publicly, at his daughter's wed ding, would bo hooted from the town." sir-Natchez had a shower of sulphur lately. It rained furiously, hailed some littlo, und tho lightning and thunder was almost incessant. The most curious phe nomenon, however, was a shower of sul phur, sufficient of which f ell to niuko a thick couting upon tho surface of tho water which flowed from the shower into tho cisUirus. A citizen skimmed some of it from tho water and wit fire to it, und it burned reudily with a blue ' flume and gave out suflbcatiug fumes. . ' Wf A brave girl, tho daughter ' of John Fields of St. Alban's, Vermont, cn tered her father's burning barn, lust week and whilo tho fire was dropping upon her head, burning it to a blister, released sev eral head of cattle and three horses. Sho also weilded an axe with the strength of an athletic man, demolishing a hog pen ad driving the inmates from danger. Mr Mrs. Partington wunts to know if it were not intended that women should drivo their husbands, why are they put through the bridal ceremony f There seems to be something plausible iu the supposition, for nearly all the ludies ure providing themselves with switches. Married Iter Step Fntheri A merchant doing business it St. Louis died two years ago, leaving a widow and daughter of twenty. The principal clerk had been for sonto time sweet, on the younger lady ; but shortly after papa's demise several passage of a saeharine nature passed between mamma nnd tho clerk. Mamma had one great attraction that Mi;'s did not, she hnd tho business, which was a paying one. Therefore be fore long tho young lady was outraged at1' tho want of refpeet duo her father's memory that permitted his shoes to bo filled by tho late clerk. As pupa No. 2, her lover was unbearable and the jilted daughter left the house. Tho mother enjoyed her matrimonial fe licity about eight months, when sho had a loud call, probably from tho defunct, for she answered promptly in that, direc tion. J ho quondam clerk,' With a heart rending weed on his spring lint,' set' sail for his old love, the daughter of his late wl'e, and whether the laws of this glori ous land ndmit the deed or not, tho fool of a girl is going to marry licr step-father. And that is a step-father in the matrimo nial direction that wo ever heard of be fore. ' ' ' 'Strange Casualty. . The body of a man in an advanced stage of decomposition was discovered on Wed nesday!' near' Petroleum ''Centre, a few yards from 'tho path leading up what is known ns ''' Wild Cat 'Hollow." Soveral dollars in money and papers were round upon the body, which showed his name to be John Gldsky, ii workman in that vicinity who had, bcon'inissing )iir several mouths. ! ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' .A coroner's .Jury was , impuiinellcd,; j which had lint .rendered a verdict at tho j time our jul'omilint lo't; but from circum stances connected with tho finding , and position u-f the body it appeared that the uufortuuato ,had attempted to commit suicide, for his undershirt was torn into shreds to make a ropo,,which wus around his neck. i , . .u , llut it would also seem that in endeav oring to climb a tree for ;thn purpose ; of affixing tho opposite end of the rope, ho had fullcu to tho ground,, broakiug his neck instantly. Providence thus preven ted aBuicidc's net. lln head was doubled in undcrhis body", 'and tho neeleliad been dislocated. The remains hud probubly lain whore discovered nil 'winter.- One hand was missing;. . . -.v ! Important Derision. The' Supremo Court of Pennsylvania has decided Judge Sharswood delivering tho'opinlon that a purchaser at Sheriff' sale is not bound to look beyond the judg ment dofcket to' ascertain whether tho en ties thereon are properly made by author ity, and that where thero is a defective entry of judgment,1 or ' till unauthorized entry of an action, the prothohotary is liable for the damages to the party injur ed Hence, 'where thq prdthonotury, with out authority of tho court, entered on' his docket against n judgment, satisfied a fl. fa," it was held that the: entry was per fectly regular and cbnclusiyo as to third persons to whom the judgment itself rcg ularly docketed was conclusive notice, nnd that it was not necessary to search further' and ascertain whether there waS any rec ord of an order of the court directing such satisfaction. ' , " ' ' "" ' .... :.. . ' .. 1 ' - WT Wo find tho followiug in oiio of our exchanges,1 nnd if true Johnstown ninsf bo a hard pluco for strungers : . A young muu who fell from a train at Johnstown, Pcnn., and wus severely, iu jured, wus discovered ami arrested Dy a policeman and locked up on u charge of drunkenness. Ho was,tried, found guilty, fined, and, being without .frUjnds, wus re turned to jail., Meantime his father hoard of tho arresi and went to pay the bis line, but when lie found in what con dition his sou was, ho gave expression to. his indignation and was fined $. for con tempt, uud was himself locked up, . Final ly both were released und went home, and there within a day or two tho son died from tho effects of his injuries. , ' ., Sed"Au aged, und renpectablu citizen of New Albany, Indiana, not having heard from an absent son for oiuht years, wus induced to believe him dead, having been so advised by Spiritualists, who pro fessed to buvo hud eoiiimnuicutiiiu with the deceased. The futher was himself a Spiiituulist, uud believed that ho frequent ly held communication .with his deud sou. Hut a few weeks since he received a letter auuouuuing thut his son was alive uud in good hculth, residing iu Austruliu. Faith in Spiritualism has becu most decidedly shaken in Now Albany by the circum stauco. . . . liar An Allegheny county mail, Mont gomery by name, recently playod ell on his wife in a way sho despised. He bet her ten dollars, when they went to bod, thut she would get up and umko the tire in the morning, and sho took tho let. In the morning sho found that he had ehok ed himself to deuth with the throat lutch of a bridle. Deif Jessio aud Jared Darlington, at Darlington station, Chester county, have in their dairy 102 cows of superior stock. Within o few weeks they have lost sev enteen by pleuro pneumonia. A Strange Story. ' Two daughters of a Southern planter! aro now slaves in Kraxil. lhe planter emigrated thither at the cloA of tho war, and was unsuccessful.' Tho Brazilian laws nro snoh that when a citizen becomes in debt, if ho has no property, fh children are sold tis slaves, tho prices they bring going to the payment of tho obligation. Our, friend, snys tho Nashvillo RpitLlie an Jimttifr, when ho reached ltrnzil, un wisely bcenmo naturalized and a South American citizen, and subject to tho laws, thus, by his own volition, expatriating himself from his liativo country and its protections He became involved in debt to some lirnzilinns. His children wore sold as slaves. Thus, his two daughters, now grown Tennessee young ladies, aro slaves, doing moniul work for unlettered masters and mistresses iti JJiuzil, their price paying a devoted but unfortunate father's debt. Tho amount of tho debt, we understand, is 81,200 ,in gold, and steps have been taken to havo tho amount placed in the hands of tho father. fli& Quito an exciting sceno occurred ou tho floor of the V. H. House of llep rosentatives just before tho adjournment, between Messers. Itutler and Farosworth and ut one time the parties einue near a personal collision, i Furnsworth : charged liutlcr with embezzlement of the funds of the Nutionul Soldiers' Asylum,' uud perjury. . . ;'. . .: . .! , This whole ufl'aif was not' only a dis grace to those engaged in it, but , may be looked upon us a disgraco to the nation. If . their charges ure true, both men properly belong iu tho penitentiary,,. and if not true,. men who uso such bmguago are unlit for any other place. , 8S5J Tho official count of the vote for Governor in Connecticut was completed oh Friday last; and resulted' in showing that IMiglisli, tho lleniocratio candidate, was elected by ONE VOTE. Probably there are hundreds of men iu that Stuto who will now suy, " Had 1 1 only kuown thut my vote was so. badly needed I would uot Jbuvo neglected going to the polls." . Every man can learn from tins, tlie importance of doing his duty on olectiou days, us tho neglect Of ono ludi- vidual sometimes does bring defeat to tho party ho desires to see victorious. ..taarThe Bourd of Arbitrutors selected to settle the differences between tho coul operators and the miners met on Wednes day last, nnd discussed the points of diff erence. ' The umpire has decided strongly against tho miners in regard to their oon trolling tho mines, which effectually sot tics thut point. : i i , i Nothing else definite was arrived at thut day. I he Hoard adjourned to meet at tho call of the president.' The proba. bilities of au early resumption ia a few districts by local arbitration aro gaining ground. - liay About ouo o'clock on the uiorning of tho 30th iust., the frame house of Mr Loyd on the Darby roud, ..near the vit iligo of Durby .Delaware, eouuty, was CU; tirely destroyed by fire. ' . It Is reported thut the house was rob bed by burglars of about $i,000 in U. 8. bouds, and to cover traces of their crime they set firo to the building.', .Engines 5 und 10 of the new department were on the ground, but too lute to save the structure. , ( t " Jkajr- Aludy of Springfield, - Illinois, gives us a fino exuinplo of legislative manners in the statement thut a Chicugo member of tho Legislature of Illinois wus so lost the other day to the ordinury .de cencies of litu as to stand in his place in the House, . face the. gallery, tilled with ladies, and with a whisky bottle iu ' his hand, and u grotesqne .bow to the guller ics, toss .tutu his mouth a portion of the bottle's contents. ,,, . . . , ir At Omaha a lew days ugu, Daniel E. liadden was found dead in a boardiug houso with a pistol shot through his heart. From tho evidence before the ooroner's jury, it uppeureil that lie hud committed suicide, uud such was the verdict, ilo cently an inmate of tho house, Flora Clin ton, called uu officer, uud asserted that sho shot Hadden ut his request. ( She had at.temptod, suicide since, but hail, fail ed. It is believed that sho bus unju.stly accused herself of the crime that she may dio by the law. ,,.,,.,' - i ftr lleeently, ' George M.' Ellis died in Chester county, in his !)2d year. Ho is reported to havo had tho consumption nearly nil his life, his physieiun huving assurod him, before he wus twenty, that ho could not survive tho next two years. Ii His was so palo and thin for forty years previous to his decease that ho wus kuowu as the wulking skeleton; and yot hois believed to buvo boon, with two except ions, the oldest man iu tho county. tar As Mr. George C. Wylund, bluck smith at Cokey villo, wus splitting rails tho other day he camo upon a bund of iron, with four nails through it, right in the heart of the tree. ' It had evidently been put around the tree when very small, as a bingo for a gate or a bar post Seme Ladles suffer dreadfully with tho headache and this causes their hair to fado. Nature's Hair Itostorative Is a suro remedy for the ache and will restore tho color of blanched, gray, or faded hair. Bco advertisement. NEW XrAOII3 ! CHEAT GOODS! fill! K subscriber having opened a new 'htore.'nue JL iloor Kast of Kwckoi-'s Vlotcl, solicits a sluuo of tht- public nulroiiage jio nas just received n ' . .1 t luu ;uij- oi IV O AAr ;j O 1 H V , . , i; nnd will constantly koop on band, a complete as sortment nf ... DJIYVOOIM, anovKitim HOOTS ASIIOEH, " IA TS St CaIPS. Anil Everyf hlny else usually kept In Stores. Call anil see my stock. ; ' ' . i!'" - IIOD'T. N. VILLI, ' ' 2 New Blooiutlel, I'a. SEE WHAT $2 WILL DO! ' A Jlcwlmmfi JVnn $o stoH Knirm-lnn awl a Prl.e vorltrtw Sf ou to S25,W)0, , ; 1IOTH FOIl livery ticket draws a prize.' No 'blanks. With parti ticket you set ut lhe time of imreliasliiK it either l-urli-y a Icucml oi Mm liliine, (lie Kisiuher Iteil, Or tho Child Christ 'which ure lejialdcd by dealers or experts lh handsomest and best Htedl KiiKiavliiKS ever ollered at .r.,oti.. They are li.24. I.acli of lliein I a ueni of art, ttonicnibcr every ticket holder will positively draw ono of the fol lowing prizes. . . , Tllli LAlMKltHK HOTKt, I1ENTO??, MU, conialninij twenty-six rooms, ull modern coiiven. leneuit, uutllt slock, &C., worth, GU4h, - - M.UDO. ' THE riCTl'RK HILL FARM, 1 of 103 acres on the Chuptank rivet, having a atcntn Imat wharf on It, with a lime kiln. - Shi.onu. 'lhe Colli Spilim Farm I of ftonuies; worth nK.oiNJ. The Carter Farm ! with fcu acres, choice land fc&.ixm. A House in DentiWI . . ii.txiO. , aw HTANDAltD SEWING M ACHI N KM I Worth from . - . 4u to 3100. m WALTHAM AVATCHliSI Each worth from - . . . . - JlOtoJUlO. 4 1'iaiitw. 10 Orpins aud Meloileoas. One. cash Sinn 1 s:i,ihi. ( iu Ca-sh sum - tl.odd. One Cash Hum - 4, .1 -. .. ., jftjo. 'iliroeUaita muin each .1 - 1 1 jkki. Four Cash hums -eaeli - - i. 1 (50 4'.l,li7U CIFTS, consisting of WasliinR Machlnos, VMinnci's, stuiulurd Hooks, Works of An, and other household uud valuable articles; none of them can bo purchased, at retail, for less than l,0y, lillo some arc win til tl.j.uo and more. . , 1 TI10 drawliiK will taku piuue as soon as en Kiavint!senoimh are todist iiluto the tickets, lie lore as many tickets hohlers as clioo.se to bo pres ent, uud to be under their control, at Denton, iMd.. The Carol iue County Land Association i a cor poratcd body, chartered iu lhe Slato of Maivlauii and has a xubscrlhcd uiistal of &u0,nou Win. Fell, of Denton, ii. K. liieliaidson, hherill of thu county. Denton, Maiyluud: Jacob AlbuiKer, Fost niaslcr, Denton, Atarylaud, aud others, aro ainoni! the stockholders. , . . . , The purpose of this sale Is simply to realize tho cash 011 merchandise on hand, and on tho real es tato. 1 OFFICERS, ' J .Inmes E. Illpnntt, Attoi ney at Law, President, Ileni-y H. Mant ha, (of tho ilrm of Mancha (4. Bro., lieul Estate Brokers, Hlduely, Md.,) lecro tary. ... , , . o. ratronl. Treasurer and Manager,' . ., . .. ieorne II. llussum. Counsel. Itefer ulso to Charles (ioodini?, Esq., Speaker of the Delaware Senate, the Clerks of both branches of the Delaware lnislature, all tlie leadiiiK men, the lianks, the F.dilois of this 1'aiHjr, uuU llio press of tho I'euinnnlft gx-iiorally. Club UL'cnts wanted. One ticket ami eiwuviiiK given tree for every club of four with the money l ml. Send all your orders to our general oftlco, thus: VAJtOLIXB CO, ViA A'i) tASNOCfA TTOff, 1 Sixth and King W reels, Wllinington, Del. j ... JTHE CABOI.INE I'EAULi : Will be sent to nil purchasers free for ono H.iarler on application. It will give a detailed account of our proceedings from time to time. Newspapers wishing to advert or us, will plcaso send us their lowest rates. 6 11 52 b I CARSON'S STELLAR OIL. This Is not the lowest priced, but being much the best is iu the end by fur tho clieaiiest. Do not fail to givo it a trial, and you will uso 110 other. THE alarmlne increase in tho number of fright ful 'iiccidrnK resulting in terrible deaths aud tho destruction of valuable properly, caused by the Indiscriminate useof oils, known under thft name of ietroleuin. prompts us to call your fte elal attention to un article which will, wherever I'SKD, remove the CAUSE of such accidents. Wo allude to Car sou1 s Stellar 1 Oil Fon ILUUMINATINC PURPOSES. The proprietor of this Oil has Tor several years felt the neeessityof wuvidiiig foi and iresBtiag to the public, us a substitute for the dangerous couiH)unds which are sent broadcast over tlm eouutry.au oil that is SAFE nnd IIH1LLI ANT, uud entirely reliable. After a long series of labo. rious aud costly exerlineiits, lie lias succeeded Ilk pmviiliugk. aud now-oltew to the ipubllr, such u substitute In "CAKSON'H STEi,LAlt UJL. It should ue ased by evary fftmlly,-. TIT 1ST, lleeause It Is sufe beyond a question. The primary puiKu lu theiuupitmtionof STELLA K OIL has been to make It I'EIIFECTLY SAFE, tlius Insuring the lives and property of thoso who use it. , 21), lleeause It Is tho most Hltll.LIANT liquid Il luminator now known. il), MecaiiHB II is more economical, m the tons run, than any of the dangerous oils and fluids now in too common use. JUT, Tiecauso1 It rs Intensely Bill Ll.I ANT, 'anil theroforo ouonoinlonl, 'giving the greatest' kwsI lile light at the least expenditure to the consiun er. Its present stuiulurd of SAFETY AND HlilLI.IANCY will always bo maintained, for iiihui this the proprietor tleiH'iuUi fur sustaining tho high reputation tho ST ELLA K OIL now enjoys. To prevent the adulteration of 'this with the x- Iuoslve eumiHiundk now known under lhe name n( leroseue. Ce., &e., it is put up for family use In Five Oullon cans, eacli can being, seuled, and slumped Willi the trade-mark of tile proprietor! It cannot be tamiered with between the ninnufae. turer und consumer. None is genuine without the TUADK-M AUK. HTULLAIl OIL Issoldonly by weight, each can containing five gallons of six and a half ihiiiuiU each, thus securing to every purchaser full meas ure. It Is the duly and interest of ull dealers and consumers of llluiulnutlngntl to use the Ki l l, I, Alt OIL only, because it atone is known to be safe und . reliable. 9. All orders should be addressed to jaiiii:x Jk CO., WHOLESALE A4E.NTS, 1!X South Front Street, 1 3 ly Philadelphia. . Try It. Every person who la troubled with dyspepslu, . debility, or tho disease consequent upon the Spring chuugc,i)liould uae Kuhrer' Cherry To ulo Bitters. It will Invigorate, reatora the ap petite, and generally Improve the health. Try It. For tale by F, Mortimer & Co., and the torei generally throughout the United Btatee.