6 mt flloomfidto Stmts. Tuesday, April 11, 1871. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Wt invite communimtiontfrom all permnttBhoare interented in mailcrt property belonging to thin department. For The Bloomfield Timet. Letters Descriptive of Kansas Its CIl mute. Productions, &c. CONCtUDED. Tho coal fields of Northern Kansas are thin, but id tho South-eastern part of tho stato tho beds are not only numerous, but many arc thick. Tho thickness of tho beds is one foot and over, furnishing an avcrugo of over twenty-five feet. There is also good authority for asserting, that thick beds of good, brown coal exist in a largo area of Western Kansas. Tho coal treasures of Southern Kansas extend Westward, under tho Pesmian rocks, to aa - unknown extent. Perhaps also through tho entire central and Western portions. The quality of a largo part of the coal is good. Are thero any salt beds in tho state ? soino one may ask. It has been found that there is salt enough in several Western and Southern counties to supply the whole, Mississippi valley for many years to come. The common schools of the state are already numerous; there arc also many of the higher grades. A largo quantity of tuo public luntt was reserved tor school purposes. There are alse many churches belonging to several christian denomina tions. A number of railroads extend many miles, in various directions, through the state. There is yet much land in the Western and Southern part of the state that can be taken by homestead, or pre emption. Nearly every town of consid erable size has also one or more land agents. Among these there is none whom I more willingly recommend, to land buy ers, for honesty and reliability than Mr. Talbot, of Atchison. lie has a great amount of improved and unimproved land in the market; land lying in many differ ent counties. Allow mo, in conclusion, to state that I will cheerfully comply with his request to give letters of introduction to him, to any one in case they apply, who will go to Atchison to purchase from him. ANDREW K1STLEB. Draining Warms tho Soil. The following extract is from a prize essay on under draining by Mr. J. Miller: " Experiments made in England showed that land, that had been under-drained had a temperature of 6 J degrees higher than similar land that had not been under drained. ' In this country the difference is much greator in clear weather, from tho more direct rays of the sun. An experiment that I made on the 26th day of April last, on soil exactly tho same, except a part that had been under drained, showed a difference of 13 de gree at a depth of four inches, and a lit tle more at the surface. ' This experiment was made late in the afternoon. The thermometer had been up to 66 degrees in the shade, but was at 63 de grees then. That of tho drained land was the tame, temperature that would germinate Indian corn. Subsequent experiments showed not muoh difference, as the water gradually dried no on the under-drained rur Tho probability is that during a severe arougnt, wnen sucii a sou becomes thoroncrhlv dried and oracked. n if will p 1 i the temperature becomes the highest, and l-i.-iri.-. i .. . .. uiucu u9 uign ; so mucn so mat, it ex tracts no moisture from the air during the night.' ' This is not so with the drained lund it always contains some moisture, and nn- i i.ii . . . . aouDiouiy extracts a great amount iron) i the air on cloudy days and nights. A trial in December, after a severe freeze, showed a temperature of five de grees to six degrees above freezing, at a few inches below frott." Fireproof Wash for Shingles. A wash composed of lime, salt, und fine 6and or wood ashes, put on in the or dinary way of whitewashing, renders the roof filty per cent, more secure against taking fire from falling cinders, in case of fire in the vicinity. , It pays the ex pense a hundred fold in its preserving in fluence against tho effects of tho weather. The older and more weather-beaten the shinglo, the more benefit derived. Such shingles goucrully become more or less warped, rough, and cracked; tho oppli. cation of the wash, by wetting tho uppor surface restores them at ouco to thoir original or first form, thereby cloning ' up the space between tho shingles, und tho lime and sand by filling up tho - cracks and pores in the shingle itself, prevents its warping. - - :.. . : ,i tif An eminent French physician iim. cribes the decrease of dyspepsia and bil lions disorders in Paris to tho greater consumption of apples, which ho deems an admiruble propliluctio and tonic, as well as a very uutritious and easily di gested articlo of food. It is estimated that tho Parisians devour ono hundred million of apples every winter. dobbins: ELECTRIC SOAP, The Best in the World, STRICTLY PURE ! NO SAND I NO ROSIN! NO CLAY I NO ADULTERATION OF ANT KIND ! Ctililrcn Can Ho Vie Wathing. No Washboard Required. No Rolling Needed. By the use of the Unequalcd and Uiiajiproathuble Dobbins1 Electric Soap, Clothes, Money, Fuel, Labor, Time and Temper, ALL ARE 8AVED! Try it once, and uso It ever afterward. Every Grocer Bells It. Every Family Uses It. NO ONE CAN DO WITHOUT IT ! Be sure tliat the wrapper has on It tho cut of Mrs. Fogy and Mr. Enterprise, and that each bar lit stumped with the name of the Inventor and originator, ,T. B. DonniNS, as nunu other Is genuine. Like everything of great value, It is extensively counterfeited, and the market tilled with false and worthiest) Electrle Soaps, not worth house-room, and dear even if given away. The Finest American Toilet Soap, fully emial to the French made by a French soapmaker In the same manner as the French soaps are marie, and sold at one-fourth their price, is TRIPLE SCENTED Dobbins1 Toilet Soap! NO TOILET IS COMPLETE WITHOUT IT I The Best Emollient in the Market! It is given the preference at every watering place In tho couulry, and Is fur sale everywhere. Please A.tli JTor It Don't 1 put off with any cheap common soap. Try It, and see how much BET TEK it Is than we say. . The only Boot Polish that will produce a Brllllan nnd Lasting Shine, and, at the same time preserve the Leather, 1h Dobbins' Electrio Boot Polish, Makes Old Boots Look Liks New Ones, And CAi.r-MKiN Like Patrnt Lkathek. It is put up in a Patent box, the greatest novelty of the age. The box alone Is worth more to keep than the price of Box and Pol ish combined. . . (t K 11 UGH AT, 9 9 The Genuine Tuukimi Bath compound, used In all Oriental countries. In the bath, and manufactured by us on a license and royalty, in exact style, odor and quality from the original receipt, as that made lu Constantinople, and Import duties, prelum on gold, etc., saved, thus enabling us to sell It at a very low price. By its use a bath becomes Indeed a luxury. Very highly scented, and producing miraculous ettccts upon the skin. It Is really worth atrial, If you want to enjoy life and drive away dull care, use for youi Clothes UOUHII.K ELECTRIC SOAP! ."Use for your person , DOBBINS' f I TRIPLE SCENTED " Toilet Soap! USE FOR YOUR BOOTS Doismns' Electric Boot Tolisii. Use lu the Bath ' !'')' . . I01I70IIAT.' ' And Subscribe for the " Klectrlc Messenger," ' . .1 ; ' ; l - . i ' : a Beautiful Fashion Paper, sent FREE to all who will scud their uumestu the bole Proprietors, . ,. CJIAGIN & CO., 119 South Fourth Street, Puii.adei.I'Uia. 103 Barclay Street, New York. 144 State Street, Boston. laTThls ISoap U for Sale by F. Mortimer A Co., New Uoomlleld, l'a. 4 87 Jy A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY ' Sr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS g 4 Hundreds of Thonsandi 5 Hear testimony to th.tr Wondor- nil uurstiv urii. WHAT ARE THEY? fgj OSj THEY ARB KOI A V1LB J" 3 1 FANCY DRINK. Made or Poor Ram, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refum Liquor doctored, spiced ond sweet ened to please the tuts, tolled" Tonics," " Appeal er.," ' Restorers," JrC, that lead tho tippler on to drunkannoM and ruin, bnt arc a true Medicine, made from the Native Boots and Berht of California, fTco from fill Alcohullc Htlmalnnt. Thorare the GREAT BLOOD PCRIFIER and A LIFE tnVINU PRINCIPLE perfect Renovator and In t Igorotor of the Bjittm, carrying off all poisonoas matter and restoring tho blood to a healthy condition. No person can take those Bitten according to direc tion and remain long unwell. 100 will bo gl.enforan Incurable coso, provided the bones ore not destroyed by mineral pcUon or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond tho point of repair. For Inflammatory nnd Chronic Rheuma tism nnd Clout, Drspcpnln, r Indigestion, Billon., Remittent nnd Intermittent Fevers Dlscn.sc of the Blood, Liver, Kidney, nnd Bladder, those Bitter nave been most sneects fnl. Hack Disease are caused by V Hinted Blood, which Is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organ. DYSPEPSIA Olt IN DIGESTION, Dead ache. Pain In the Shoulders, Cooghs, Tightness of the Chest, Dlulneas, Bour Eructation of tho Stomach, Bad taste In tho Mouth, Billons Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inuammatlon of the Lang, Pain In tho region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are th offspring of Dytpepsav. Tbry Invigorate th Stomach and stimulate tne tor pid liver and bowels, which render them of un equalled efficacy In cleansing th blood of all Impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOB SKIN DISEASES, EropHoa,Tettor,Blt Rheum, Blotches, Bpots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, Car buncles, King-Worms, Ecald-lload, Sore Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration of tho Skin, Humor and Disease of th bkln, of whatever name or nature, are literally dig up and carried ont of the system In a hort tune by the use of those Dlttors. On bottle In ach ees will eonvlno tho most laereduloni of their curative effect. Clssnso the Vitiated Blood whenever yoa and It imparities bursting through tho Bkln In Pimples, Erup tions or Bores ; cleanse It when yoa nnd It obstructed and alugirtsh in the veins i cleanse It when It la foal, and your toolings will tall you when. Keep the blood pure and the health or the system will follow. PIH, TA PK and othor WO RIMS, lurking In the ystem of so many thousands, are effectually destroy ed and removed. For full directions, road carefully the circular around each bottle, printed In (our lan guagea EngluUi, German, Freneb and Spanish, ' J.WALKER. Proprietor. B. H. MoDOSAXD a. CO, Druggist and Oen. Agents, San Fronolaco, Cal and S) and M Commeroe Btroet , New York. (JTBOLD BT ALL DUUUOIKTS ANO DEALEBa. LEB J. XT O 1ST Mutual Eire Insurance Company, op Jonestown, TV'jm'it . P0MCIE9 PEKPETUAI. at jan Rated. No Hteam risk takeu. This Is one of the best conducted and most reliable Com pun leu In the 8Uto. Country proporty Insured Perpetually at H 00 per tlioimnd, aud Town pro(icrty at to 00 per thousand. The PeniiMylvanlu Cattle Insurance Company, Of POTTSVILLK, l'KNNJA., INSURES HOUSES AND CATTLE AGAINST Death, Tliett, or Accident, at very Low Kate... Call on or addreiw LEWIS POTTER, NEW BLOOMFIEI.I), PA., Agent for Terry County. from the Daily Miner? Journal o July 22, 1870. Yesterday .lame K. Orler, Anent of the I"l anon Mutual Fire Inxurnnre l.tmipany, promntly paid Lewis Harris (1SU, his Insurance iuliey In lull, which ha lost by lira on Kuilroad Mrcet, la .t Fri day, it..,"'. ., Mr. Orler also paid John PellluKer HO. his In. surance policy In full, which was ou a norse that died last tlaturday, and was insured lu thu Peiiit sylvaula Cattle Iusuranco Company, ot Potts vllle. tie CLOTHING MADE TO 0RDEH ! a. Liiuivii, abbuui Jitix i ur OJSHX!IJi21Mi:H, Always on bund, from which to select. Clothing MADE TO Heady rtlude ORDER .-J L'LOXIII-NU READY-MADK CLOTinNQ of Superior Quality always on hand. I Mortimer C'o. . March 16, '00. . New Bloomlteld, l'a. JAGLE HOTEL ' NEW BLOOMFIELD, rerrjr Couutjr, Pcun'tt. nAVINU purchaoed th hotel formerly own pled by David 11. l.uiifer, situated ou North Carlisle Street adjoining the Court House, I am prepared to receive transient guest or regular boarders. To all who favor me with their custom, I shall endeavor to t urulsh Urat class accommodations. A call 1 solicited. QKOXQK DERRICK. Bloomtleld, March , 18.9. 3101y6 1 Is CBARLES A. DAK A, Editor. A Newppcr of the Prroent Time. Intended for People Now on Earth, Inolndlng Former. Mechanics, Merchants, Pro fessional Men, Worker, Thinker, and all Man ner of Honest Polks, and the Wives, 8ou, and Daughters of all tnch. ONLT ONE DOLLAR A YEAR J ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOB 30. Or leu than One Cent a Copy. Let there be a 50 Club at every Post Oflloe. SE.TII.WEEKLY SUN, t'i A YEAR, ' of the asm else and general character as THE WEEKLY, bnt with a greater variety of miscellaneous readme, and furnishing th new to Its suoocrlbsts with greater frethneai, bscsute ' It come twice week Instead of one only. . THE DAILY SUN, SS A YEAR. A preeminently readable newspaper, with th unrest circulation in the world. Free, Inde pendent, end .earless In politics. All the newe from everywhere. Two cents a copy ; by mall, AO cents a month, or f O a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SUN. Five copies, one year, eeparately addressed, I. star Dollar. Ten copies, one year, seoarately addressed (and n uut copy to the getter op of club), Slant Dalian. Twenty copies, one yesr, separately addreased (and an extra copy to the getter op of club). Fifteen Dollars. yKty eople. one year, to one address land th Semi-Weekly one year to getter np of club). Thirty-three Dalian. Fifty copies, one year, separaielv sad rested (and the Beml-Weeklyoneyearto getter np otcinb), Thlny.Sva Dalian. One hundred eoples, one year, to on sddress (and the Daily for ono year to the getter up of lab). Fin. Doll.r.. One hundred copies, one year, separately ad dressed (and the Dally for one year to the getter ttlztr Dalian. TUB BErtll. WEEKLY SUN. Flv copies, on yew, separately addrewed, Eight Dollar. Ten copies, on year, separaielv addressed (and an extra copy to getter up of club), Sixteen Dollar. SEND YOUR MONEY In Pott Oflleo erdert, cheeks, or drafts on Hew York, wherever convenient, if not. tnen register the letters containing money. Address L W. ENGLAND, Publisher, Sua office. Mew York Cltv. IKTEW YORK CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK, ' HTJRICTL V M VTVAIj t AMHOtMi iriH ,f00,00 ! ISSUES all the new forms of Policies, and pre sents as favorable terms as any company in the United State. The Company will mako temporary loans on Its Policies. Thirty days' grace allowed on each payment, and the policy held good during that time. Policies issued by this Company arc hon forlclt ure. No extra oharge are made for traveling permits. Policy-holders share In the annual profits ot the Comi any, and have a voice In the elections aud management of the Company. No policy or medical fee charged. . Idbtur Lawhknce, Prest. M. 11. Wxkxuop, Vice Prcs't. J. P.KcxiEim, Hcc'y. J. F. EATON. (jleueral Acout. No. 6 (North Third Street, b i.2UylJ Colleiie Hlock, Harrlsburg, Pa. B. M. E BY, Wholesale and Hctull Dealer in oauos MEDICINES, OliomionlH, CONCENTRATED REMEDIES, ESSENTIAL OILS, Patent Medicines, PURE, WINES "' AND ' , LIQUORS, . l'or Medicinal and Saerauieulal Purposes. A Splendid Assortment of PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, BRUSHES, AND FANCY ARTICLES, Always on hand, which will bo sold at low prices tSTOrdort from riijrsl-Ians promptly alU'iided to with great cure. 13. m:. EBY, Newport, Perry County, Pona'a. rhotographs ! rhotographs t JACOlt I COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, PENN'A. TIlKsubscrilwr would respectfully call tho at tention ot the citizens ot this county to the inci inav no is preparea to laae rjiUTUUKAriia in the best style of the art. Ills Ions: exnerienoa enables him to produce PICTURES WHICH CANNOT BB EX CELLED. All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great care will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children, Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, Artist, Newport, Perry Co., Pa THE BEST IN USE THE PARHAM NEW FAMILY Sewing 3Iac7iine IT oomblnes all the best features of other good machines, with New and Valuable Improvements, which mako It THE EASIEST AND MOST (JUIET RUNWN'.J as well as ths Host Slinplo Machine lu Use. IT WILL HEM IT WILL BRAID, IT WILL TUCK, IT WILL GATHER, IT WILL QUILT, and will use either Silk, Cotton, or Linen Thread with equal ease. It uses a straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES. The principal office of the company is at No, 704 Clicstnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. These machines are for sale in Ferry County by JAMES L. DIVEN, Landisburg. F. MORTIMER & CO., . New Bloomfield. larThe public are invited to call at either of the above placet and see a Machine in operation. Bloomfield Academy! An English and Classical School FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I Young Men Prepared For College. A Normal School an J a School of Art. FALL TERM COMMENCES " On Monday, the 29th of Augxitt, 1870 ABthe above school ha recently been reorgan ized, students can enter any time. trot. WM. H. KILL, a graduate of ltutger's Col lege, N. J., Principal. Miss ANNA E. AUGSPCROEK, a graduate of Esther Institute, Columbus, Ohio, teacher of Mu sic, I'alntine, Drawing, French and German. Evory facility for the training of the youth of both sexes In all that constitute a liberal aud thorough education. The Collegiate Department embraces all the higher branches. Including the Latin and (.reek Languages, Engineering, Practi cal Surveying, Literature, Kutuial Science audud vaneed Mathematics. Vacations: July and August, and one week at Christmas. Terms: For Boarding, Furnished Room, Wash ing. Tuition bi Latin, Greek, English Branches aud Mathematics, for the scholastic year, Uau, in vacation. JU0,00. The Hoarding Department Is at the institution, under the supervision of Wlliam drier. Esq., by whom good and aubstuntlnl board will be fur nished; and (lie pupils will be uuder the strict euro of th Principal. Address W. if. DILL. A. M. Principal, or WILLIAM GHIEK. 4 It 1 1 f ttew Uluo'iilteld, Perry county, fa. Pensions, Bounties, &o. WIDOWS, Minor Children, Mothers, Fathers, etc., of Soldiers who were killed or died of disease contracted In the Service of tho United Status, can now make application for Pension. Also Soldier who contracted disease or were wounded, ruptured, or in any way disabled in the war ot lt)L - When widows die or re-marry, the child or children under sixteen year of uge are entitled to a Pension. The time for filing claims for additional bounty has beeu extended six mouths. Particular attention given to old suspended cases. In the dlflorent departments at Washington, D. U. If you have, or think you have a claim against the Government, call on or address the undersigned. No charge for information. ' LKWll POTTEK, Attorney for Claimants,: 181 NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA.