6 I)c mcs, Ncuj Bloomftctir, JJcu Tuenday, March 2S, 1871. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS We inrlte commvnlc.atlomfrom all permnufhoare interertcd in mutters properly belonging to this department. For the Bloomfield Timet. Letters Descriptive, of Kansas Its Cli mate, rrodiiftions, &c. Mil. Editor It is a littlo over three months since. I left the State of Kansas. Wo intended before making our exit from it, to write concerning its soil, climate, productions, nnd other topics, but did not take time to doso. Since it may be advan tageous, or at least interesting to many of your readers to hear something about that State, from one who has traveled over different portions of it. wo have conclu ded to commence to carry out that inten tion. Wo had the gratification, as well ns pleasure, of seeing largo portions of Northern nud Southern Kansas, and can truly say that wo wcro greatly pleased with much that wo saw and heard while there. Tho settled portions of organized coun ties cover at least 25,000 square miles. The general slope of tho country is East, with a slight inclination to the South this can reasonably be inferred by tho goneral course of tho principal rivers and creeks, which is from West to East, and from North-west to South-east. It is in place here to notice that streams of tho size of creeks in the East, are usually in the West called rivers, ns well as those to which the name properly belongs. Tho mouth of tho Kansas or Kaw lliver, which flows into tho Missouri in the East central part of the State, is 850 feet above tho ocean. Tho rise of the land duo West to the Manhattan, 107 miles, is very uniform and gradual, and is a lit tle over two feet to tho mile; thence West erly tho rise is similar, and but littlo more rapid, liut the avcrago height of the Eastern border is about 900 feet above the level of the soa, and gradually as scends toward tho West, at tho rate of about three feet to the mile. There is much similarity in several respects, iu the general appearanco of tho country of most of the State. It in general, with the exception of the slopes referred to, resembles Iowa more than any Western Stato that I saw. Like Iowa, it consists of gently undulating prairies, or prairies without manyjlargo hills interspersed As in the latter, the timber is mostly along tho streams. Tho soil is also, in general, the same as that of Iowa. Most of the streams flow in narrow beds, and have, in many places along their course, high banks, either on one or both sides. No State in the Union has a better natu ral drainage. Tho descent of the beds of tho streams is, for the most part, suffi ciently great to produce tolerably rapid currents. There is almost an entire ab sence of lakes, swamps, or marshes. Tak iug these things into consideration, in connection with some mound-like hills and ridges, tho country, it can truly be imagined, in tho spring and summer, when tho surface is covered with a carpet of green, presents a very beautiful and picturesque appearance. So much for tho typography of tho country. As to the soil : Along the streams it is in a great measure of alluvial or fresh water origin. The same is true iu regard to tho prairies. It is mixed with sands, clays, etc. The vegetablo mould or hu mus of the high prairies is from one to three foot deep. It is a fine dark, brown or black rich lofm, mixed with deposits from tho different kinds of rocks. The humus is deposits of decayed vegetable matter. The soil along the streams is commonly from five to twenty-five feet deep. It is said iu some places to be more than the latter depthXKftiiproved land is general ly sold at from five to fifteeu dollars per acre, and improved from ton to thirty five dollars per aero, according to quality of soil, location, and improvements. Min erals in almost evory county, i ree-stone, otherwise called sandstones, aro found. Good houses have been built with them ; they have also been used in ornamental carving At least nearly every county, if not all, has plenty of limestone A great many houses have been built of this material. Marble, which is but a nice variety of limestone, jM found in sev eral localities of tho State. It is of such a Cue, soft, uuifonu grain that it can bo cut with knives or saws without injuring them. It is susocptiblo of a high degree of polish. Fiue-loukiug houses have been built of it. As to lead : It is sup posed by those best acquainted, that there is but little of this ore iu tho State, Gypsum, or sulphate ot lime, commonly called "plaster of Paris" or " plaster," is found in numerous places in the State, aud exists in tolerably lurgo quantities. Iron ore, suitable for munufacturiug pur poses, has been found iu largo quantities, only in the South-eastern part of tho State. With reference to the amount of coal, we can say that largo quantities of it have been found ; but the bods aro nei ther as numerous uor thick as those in Pennsylvania. The coal bearing rocks are two thousand feet thick, and underlie an area of over teventcen thousand square miles. Continued next week.' DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP, The llcst In the World I STRICTLY PURE! NO 8AXD! NO ROSIN! NO CLAY I NO ADULTERATION OF ANY KIND ! Otlldrcn Can Do T'ie Washing, A'o Wtmhtioard Eeinlrcd. A'o Boiling A'eedttl. I Jill the uk o the Vncqualed and I'napiirouchalilc Dobbins Electric Soap, Clothes, Money, Fuel, Labor, Time anil Temper, ALL AUE SAVED! Try it once, and use It ever afterward. Every Grocer Bells Jt. Every Family Uses It. NO ONE CAN DO WITHOUT IT ! Be sure that the wrap)ier has on It the cut of Mis. Tony and Mr. Enterprise, and that each bur I t stamped Willi the name of the inventor and originator, J. II. Domii.Ns, as none, other is genuine. Like everything of great value, It Is extensively counterfeited, and tho market tilled with false nnd worthless Electric Soaps, not worth house-room, and dear even if given away. The Finest American Toilet Moan, fully equal to j nil! Kronen mane ny it rreneii soapmuKcr in the same manner ns the French soaps are made, nnd sold lit one-fourth their price, is TRIPLE SCENTED Dobbins' Toilet Soup! NO TOILET IS COMPLETE WITHOUT IT ! The Best Emollient in the Market! It Is given the preference at every watering place in the country, and is for sale everywhere. lletiHO AnU IToi It Don't be put off w ltli any cheap common soap. Try It, and see liow much DETTKK It is than we say. The only Hoot Polish that will produce a It rllllatl and LaslingShine, and, at the same time preserve the Leather, Is Dobbins' Electric Boot Polish, Makes Old Hoots Look Like New Ones, And Cai.f-Skin Like Patent Leather. It Is put up In a Patent box, the greatest novelty of the axe, The box alone is north more to keep than I lie price ol Box ami Pol ish combined. ii Kit UGH AT, 9 9 The (ienuliie TntKisil Hath compound, lined In all Oriental countries, In the bath, and maiiutaoturcd by u on a license and royalty, in exact style, odor mid mutiny Irom the original receipt, as that made In Constantinople, und Import duties, prelum mi gold, etc., saved, thus enabling us to sell it lit it very low price. Jty Its use u linlh becomes indeed a luxury. Very highly scented, ami producing miraculous ellects upon the skin. It Is really worth a trial. If you want to enjoy life and drive away dull care, me for youi Clothe O It It IAS ELECTRIC SOAP! Uso for your iersoii DOBBINS' I TRIPLE SCENTED Toilot Soap ! t'SE FOIl YOUR BOOTS Dobbins' Electric Boot 1'olisii. Use In the Bath " K J ,UG -IIAT.M Aud Hiihicrtbe for the u Electric Messenger," u lteautlfiil Kinlilon l'liper, Scut Kit KH to nil who . will send their uauicslo Ihe de l'loprleliiis, I. X. CJIAGIX tt' CO., UU SoutU Fourth Btrcct, Fiiu.aiiki.piiia. 10a Barclay Btrcct, New Yuiik. 144 Stato Utrcet, Boston. tiTTlilt ISoap Is for Bale by F. Mortimer & Co., Now BoouillcUl, l'u. 4 87 ly A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'S CiLIFOItNIA VINEQAR BITTERS Hundreds of Thousands ? j Bear tr-stlmony to their TVondcr- at? tuKJurotlvo Lllccts. S g ' WHAT ARE THEY? f bs o 3 S3 o " s Si m o a mi fftrpiP ft tit vr-n a ttt n I a FANCY DRINK, PI Made or Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Hpirlrn and Hcfuio Liquor doctored, spiced and sweet caed to plcosotho taste, etllod"Tonlc1,,"A!pct:z crc," ' HcBtorcrs," ic, that lead tlio tippler cu to drunkenness and ruin, but are a truo Mcillclnc, made from tho Katlvo Roots and Herbs of Culll'ornla, frco iriini nil Alcobvllo Htiimilnnts. Tbcyaro thu GREAT lil.OOU l'UIUVIKIt nud A LIFE G1VINU l'UINCIl'LE a perfect Renovator n:-.d Invlgorator of tlio Syutim, carrying off all polsonov.a matter und restoring tlio blood to a healthy conditlc :. Ho person cantako theso Blttora according to direc tion nnd remain long unwell. SlOO wUlbo given foran IncnraMoccsc.rruvlccd tho bones are not destroyed by mineral .c!c:i oi other means, and tho vital organs wautid bcyo.-dtlic point or repair. For lnlliunmiitoi y nnd Chronlo lthcunm tisin nud tJoul, Dyapopnln, tir Indigestion, llilloiiB, Kcinlttcnt nnd Intermittent l'ovcm Disomies of the Illood, Liver, Kidneys, nud IJlnddcr, these Itinera l:avo been most success ful, buck Discnses aro caused by Tltlntcd Blood, which Is generally produced by deraugement of tlio Digestive Ol'guus. UYSl'IiPHIA OK. lNDlnESTION, Head actio, Fain In tho BlioulJors, Coughs, Tlglitncus of tho Chest, Dizziness, Bonr Ernctatlons of tho Btomach, Bad tasto In tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of tho Ilourt, Inuainmatlon of the Lungs, Pain In tho regions of tho Uldncys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro the offsprings of Dyspcpcla. They Invlgornto tho Stomach aud stlmulato tno tor pid liver and bowels, TVhlch render thorn of unoquallcd cnlcacy In cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and Imparting now llfo and vigor to tho wholo system. FOIL SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Totter, Bait liheum, Blotches, Spots, I'lmples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles, Rlng.Woruis, Scald-Head, Coro Eyas, Eryslp elan. Itch, BcnrH, Dlncolorotlona of tho Skin, Humor and Diseases ot tho bkin, of whatover namo or nature, aro literally dig up and carrlod out of tho system in a bhort tlmo by tho use of theso Blttors. One bottle In euch cases will convlnco tho most incredulous of their cnratlvo effoct. Clcunso tho Vitlatod Blood whonovor you find Us Impurities bursting through tho skin in I'lmples, Erup tions or Bores t clcauuo it when yoa find it obstraatcd and slngglsh In tlio veins i climnso it wlion It Is foul, and your feelings will toll youwhon. Koop tho blood pure and tho health of tho system will follow. PIN, TAPE and othor WOltMS, lurking In tho system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroy ed and removed. For full directions, road carefully tho circular around ouch bottle, printed la tour lan guages LngllHh.Ciuriiiuu, French aud Bpunlsu. J. WALKER, rroprlutor. It. II.McDONA.LD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cel., and 83 and 84 Cominoroo Btroct, Now Tork. Ear-BOLD BT ALL UltUOGIBTS A'D DEALERS. LEBANON Mutual Fire Insuraneo Coniimiiy, OF .Toiiowtowii, I'l'llll'll. POMDIES PKHPKTlTAL at Low Kates. No Ktcnm risks- taken. This Is one of the best conducted and most reliable Coiiipunii's in the State. Country proiertv Insured I'crietiially ut S4 00 (N-r tliuusiiiid, and l'own ricrty ut $1 U0 1st thousand. Tho 1'eniiN Ivuiila Cattle Insurance Company, OP I'OTTSVII.I.K, 1'KXX'A,, INHl ltKM liOUSKH AND CATTLE AliAINHT Death, Theft, or Accident, ut very Low Itales. Call on or address LEWIS POTTER, NEW IILOOMKIHLD, PA., Agent for Perry County. from the Dully Minert' Journal of July 22, 1870. Yestorduy .lames II. firler. Agent of the I'b nuou Mutual Fire Insurance Coiiipiiny, iroiuiitly iald I'Wls lliirrls 81MI, Ills lusuriini e policy In full, which lie lost by lire on ltullroad Street, hist Fri day. Mr. (irler also paid John IYttliiKcr W. his In surance policy In full, which was on ll nurse tliut died last Hatiirday. and was insured iu the IVim svlvauhi Cutllu Insurance Coiupauy, of I'otts vllle. 410 CLOTHING MADE TO OltDEIl! ! A CHOICE ASSOUTMENT OF j Always on liancl, from which to select. Clothing MADK TO ! ORDER. CLOTH 1XU READY-MADE CLOTHING of Superior Quality always oil lmnd. F. Mortimer t(- Co,, Murcb 16, '0U. New Bloomlleld.l'u. JAGLE HOTEL NEW BLOOMFIELD, Perry Couiitjr, lVnii'a. nAVlNtl purchased the hotel formerly occu pied by David It. l.uiifer, situated on North Carlisle Wtieet mlJolnliiK the Court House, I am prepared to receive transient guests or regular boarders. To all who favor me with their custom, I hull endeavor to furnish first class accommodations. A call is solicited. fl ,vl in : v n t" i u i ri. Bloomlleld. March 9. ISfift. rs 10 1 v fi M 1 3 &8 ' I i ml Mi up SIS - - 5ls 7 ii? 1 V- c e off. CIIAItLEJ A. DANA, Editor. 2rhc Jloltav iVtittij . A Newspaper of the Present Times. Intended lor People Now on Eurth. Including Fsrmers. Mechanics, Morchants, Pro fessional Men, Workers, Thinkers, and all Man ner of Honest Folks, and the Wlvei, Bona, and Daughters of all such. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A VEAH t ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOR 950, Or less than One Cent a Copy. Let there be a 8SO Club at every Post Office. HEMI-WEERLY BDN, 89 A YEAR, of tho same size and goneral character as TUB WEEKLY, but with greater variety of miscellaneous readmit, and furnishing the news to Its suDscribsrs with greater freshness, because It comes twice a weok lnstoad of onca only. THE DAILY SUN, 80 A YEAR. A preeminently readable newnpaper, with the areest circulation in the world, f'ree, Inde pendent, and fcarleca In politics. All the news from everywhere. Twn cents a copy i by mall. 00 cents a month, or 80 a year, TERMS TO CLTJBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SUN. Five Ooplos, one year, separately addrosspd. Four Dollars. Ten conies, one year, sonnratelr addressed (and an extra copy to the getter up of club). Elsbt Ilollnrii. Twenty copies, ono yenr, separately addressed (aud an extra copy to the getter up or club), Fifteen Dollar. FWf FW1!-on8 war, to ono address ennd the Bernl-Weekly one year to getter up ofclub), Thlrly-thrco Dollars. Fifty copies, one year, separately addressed (and the Bemt-Weekly one yearto getter up or club), Thirty-Ave Dollars. One hundred conies, one year, to one address (and the Dally for one year to the getter up ot clu,' Fifty Dollar. One hundred copies, ono year, separately ad dressed (anil the Dally lor one year to theireltor upofolubj, tiUtr Dollar. THE 8EMI.WEEKLY SUN. Five conies, one year, separately aitdrotupri. Eight Dollar. Ten conies, one year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to getter up of club), Sixteen Dollar. SEND YOUtt MONEY In Post pfflco orders, checks, or drafts on New York, wherever conveolont. If not, men register the letters containing money. Address I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, Bun oitlco, Mew York City. NEW YOBK CON TIN ENT al Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YOHK, 8 Til TCTL Y MIT I'A L ! AHKotH, H i ,roo,ooo ! THSUKHiill the new forms of Policies, nnd nro- 1 scuts us favorable teiiim aniuiy comiiaiiy in the United Htates. The Coinimny will luako teniiHirary loans on Its Policies. Thirty days' Ki ace allowed on each payment, and lie policy ueiu goon iiuritiK lliul nine. 1'ulieles issued by tills Coiiiauy ate non-forfeiture. No extra chnrir.es are made for travellna tiermlts. Polley-lioiders share iu the annua! protits of the Company, and have a voice iu the elections and inauatti'iuenc oi tneiMimpany. tio policy or medical fee churned. ll'STUB Lawkenih. 1'lCH't. M. H. Wynkoop, 'lce Pres't. J. I'.ltixiKiis, Hee'y. J. K. KATOX, lienerul Agent, No. fl 'North Third Ktreet, 4.ftiylJ C'olleue lllock, Harrisburn, Pa. VALUABLE Farm at Private Sale. T UK uiiderslKiied otters at private sale, n farm iu Kyetovvnshlp.rerry county, fa., containing f5T A. OH 10W. The laud Is the best In the iiIhIiIxii IiikhI, with run iilnit water in every Held, Is under good fence, aud has thereon erected n new Frame Dwelling ouse. There Is also a thrifty Yoiiiik 011(11 A HI) on the Iilace. This land Ill's along two public roads Ihe 'Ishlng (.'reek road and the Lamb's (jap road t the last named divides Ihe land 111 two parts :!! on the one side und 'JD' jon the oilier i on the 'A acre piece Is a Jew 1' i aine Dwelling House, and on the other a FRAME 22 x 28, erected for a house, vs II li a never falling Spring of water'. This land will lie sold as a w hule, or in two Tracts, to suit purchasers. Persons desiring to purchase a farm will do well fo examine this ono befoin Investing else where, as il lie within four miles ot Marvsvllle, and the l'enusylvunU ltailrnud one ol the best markets In the county. star- Kuitlicr Information can he had by ad dressing Dr. JOHN 1 SAW, limner X Koads, ft 12 Homersut county, Pu. A Perfectly Non - Explosive Lamp I 1)KlthlX& HOI'rllO'S PATENT LAMPH are . the only Lump that (Uvea Pkukkit maketv with Ai l. ki.Mis of un. Thi'y mo made of brass, and will last a lifetime, making them Ihe CHEAPEST LAMP IN THE WORLD. The tinderslgneil are Agenls for Perry County, and will supply Merchants at the AlauufacluiviV price. Persona wunting a good article are re quested tu examine this lamp. F. MOUTIMKK 4 CO., New Illoonirleld, Pa. x. Agents Mauled to canvass the County. ojsV js Photographs ! TliotORrnphs JACOB COliLE, Pliotograpliic Artist, NEWPORT, VENN' A. THE subscriber would respectrnllv call the at tention of the citizens of this county to the fact that he Is prepared to take PHOTUNllA PUH In the best style of the art. His long experience enables 111 ill to produce pictures wnrcir CAXXOT be ex celled. All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great caro will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Fl aming material and a good assortment of f rallies always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, Arm, Newport, Perry Co., Pa THE BEST INlJSE THE PARHAM NEW FAMILY aS' e w i n g Ma c h i n e IT combines nil the best features of other good machines, witli New and Valuable Improvements, which make it THE EASIEST AND MOST QUIET ItCNNINi.S as well as tlio Most Simple Jlaclilnc In Use. IT WILL HEM IT WILL BIIAID, IT WILL TUCK, IT WILL OATIIEU, IT WILL QUILT, and will use either Silk, Cotton, or Linen Thread with equal ease. It uses a straight needle and makes a stitcli ALIKE ON BOTH BIDES. The principal olllce of the company Is at Xo, 701 Chestnut Street, PHI LA DELPHI A . These machines are for salo in Perry County by JAMES L DIVEN, Landisburg. F. MORTIMER & CO., New Bloomlleld. The pulilic are invited to call at either of the aimveplacet and tee a Machine in operation. Bloomfield Academy! An EnffliMh and Cl(innir(tl School KOU LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Young Men Prepared For College, A Normal School and a School of Art. FALL TEHM COMMEN'CES On Monday, the 20A of Aututt, 1870 AS the above school has recently lieen re-orgau-l.ed, students eanenter any time. Prof. VVM. 11. DILL, a graduate of Itutger's Col lege, N. J., Principal. Miss ANNA E. AIKISPUHOEK, a graduate or Esther Institute, Columbus, Ohio, teacher of Mu sic, Painting, Drawing, French and Oerinan. Kvery facility for the training or the youth of both sexes In all that constitutes a liberal and thorough education. The Collegiate Depnrtiiiciit embraces all the higher branches, Including the Latin and (ireek Languages, Knglneering, Practi cal Surveying, Literature, Natural Science and ad vanced rtlutheiuatlcs. Vacations: July and August, aud one week at Christmas. Tennsi For Hoarding, furnished Room, Wash lug. Tuition in Latin, (ireek, English llranchesaiid Mathematics, for (he scholastic year, 8 ISO. Ill vacations. $am,ix). The Boarding Department Is at the Institution, under the supervision ot Wlllnui (irler. Esq., by whom good and substantial board will lie fur nished: and the pupils will be under the strict care of the Principal. Address W. 11. DILL, A. M. Principal, or WILLIAM (iltlKlt. 4ltfl , Ncw Bloouillcld, Perry county, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, &c. WIDOWS, Minor Children, Mothers, Fathers, &c, of Soldiers who Here killed or died of disease contracted III the Servlco of the l ulled States, can now make application for Pension. Also Soldiers ulio contracted disease or were wounded, ruptured, or In any wuy disabled in the war of ltuil. When widows die or re-ninrry, the child or children under sixteen years of age are entitled to a Pension. The time for tiling claims for additional bounty lias been extended six mouths. - Particular attention given toold suspended cases In the dlflere nl departments at Washington, D. C. If you have, or think you have a claim uuainst the Oovcrnnic lit, call on or address the undersigned. No clutrge for luforinuliou. I.KWIS 1'OTXKH, Attorney tor Claimants, 4 31 NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA.