The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, March 14, 1871, Page 5, Image 5

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    l)c hues, Nciu Bloomftclb, )a.
Tuesday, March 14, 1871.
-4re One Dollar a Year in Advance
CORRESPONDENTS will please bear In
mintl Hi. it idlers received later than Salurdayeve
nlng, or the down million Monday morning have
to lay over until the following week.
Lost Time. Persons who Rend us anon
ymous communications aro just fooling
away tho timo they tako in writing them.
Send your name, not for publication, but as
a guarantees of good faith.
Temperance. Itov. Richmond will lec
ture, on temperance, in tho Littlo Germany
church, on Sunday evening noxt.
Wen. James Porter died quite suddenly
at tho Bolton Houso in Harrisburg, on last
Thursday night. His remains taken
to his former residence, at Lowistown.
A limn from the neighborhood of Millers
town, named Zciglcr, was arrested last week
and committed to jail, in Juniata county,
for horso stealing.
'ecd Fixing. Tho furnaces in tho court
houso need somo attention, as tho escaping
gas gives tho court room a very unhealthy
A Festival will bo held in tho basement
of tho 51. K. Church in this place, on
AVcdncsday and Thursday evenings next,
for tho benefit of tho M. K. Sunday School.
Proceeds to bo devoted to purchasing a li
brary. Admission Ten Cents.
C3T Tickets for salo at tho Post-0 fllco.
Our Dutchman must havo gone to Ship
pensburg, as wo sco by their local papers
that tho samo remark was mado by a
Dutchman there in regard to Washington's
With day. It's queer, don't he?"
Tcry Pretty. All tho ladies who havo
seen them, say tho Spring styles of prints
and other dry goods just oponed by F.
Mortimer & Co., aro very pretty. Call and
oxaniine thorn.
On Thursday Evening Mr. David Brown,
tho market man, drove off tho bridgo at
Elliottsburg, upsetting his wagon and mak
ing a sudden fall in eggs. Tho fall was
only temporary, however.
VTdirly. Wo sco several persons already
'at house-cleaning, and even "making gar
den" has boon began by some. Thunder have also put in their Spring ap
poaraucc, one of them occurring on Sun
day morning.
Delegates. D. AV. Woods, of Lewis
town, and Kirk Haines, of Mil!erstown,
havo been selected to represent this Sena
torial District in tho Stato Convention.
They aro instructed to vote for W. P. Wil
son, of Bellofonto, as candidate for Survey
or Genoral.
Killed. On Tuesday evening last, as the
Mail train was approaching Huntington, it
struck a man named John Long, killing
him instantly. Ho had a bottle of whisky
in bis possession.
Petty tlilcves are quite frequent in New
port. Several instances of collars and
waro-rooms having been broken into, have
recontly occurred.
The Dill authorizing the County Com
missioners of Perry county to borrow mon
ey to build a poor houso has passed, and
has been signed by the Governor. There
was a remonstrance containing a long list of
signers sent in against it, but it came a day
too Into.
A Reward of 15,000 has been offered for
tho apprehension of tho murderers of Hof
man, at Mt. Carmol a step taken in tho
right direction to bring to justice tho das
tardly villains. It is gonerally believed
that the reward will bo increased to a much
larger amount.
Scyercly Bitten. On Friday last, Nellie,
youngest daughter of Joseph Ogilby, esq.,
residing on South Bedford street, while
sweeping the pavoment in front of the
house was attacked by a terrier ;dog, be
longing to a neighbor lady, and her left arm
lacerated terribly. Dr. Zitzer was called
in, but the littlo girl suffers severely from
tho injuries sustained. Carliile Herald.
A Boy Accidentally Shot. Last week
Mr. Thomas Barnard, of Beale township,
loaded several chambers of the gun, a six
shooter, for somo purpose, but they
wore not discharged. Ho did not remove
the loads from the chambers, and a day or
two after, while from home, a son about 0
years of age got the gun and was handling
it in the family sitting room. A chamber
was accidentally discharged, the contents
of which, a half ounce ball, passed through
the fleshy part of the thigh of neighbor's
son, about 16 years of age, who was in the
room. It fortunately only proved to bo a
ilesh wound. The bone was not touched.
The ball lodged in the facing of a window.
Dr. Sterret was called and gave the
wounded boy the proper attention. Ju
niata Sentinel.
Evangelical Conference. Tho central
Pennsylvania Conference of tho Evangelical
Association, representing tho central part
of Pennsylvania, Eastern part of Maryland,
and tho District of Columbia, a body com
posed of 02 Ministers, closed thoir annual
session last week, which was held in their
church on North Queen street, in tho bor
ough of York.
Tho stationing committee mado tho fol
lowing appointments for tho Carlislo Dis
trict :
C. F. Dciningcr, P. E. Perry circuit,
S. AV. Peibert and It. C. Bowersox; Marys
villo circuit, J. H. Young; Liverpool cir
cuit, D. A. Kcpncr ; Port Trovertou circuit,
D. H. Miller; Carlislo Mission, H. K.
Hartzler ; Jacob Bous, member of Carlislo
quarterly Conference ; Big Spring circuit,
A. AV. Krcmor and G. L. Burson ; Cumber
land circuit, J. G. Ale, Sivenglo ; Bonders
villo circuit, J. M. Price ; Concwago cir
cuit, H. A. Dcitrick ; Hagcrstown circuit,
II. II. Beam ; Middlo creek circuit, S. E.
Davis and S. Ycarich ; Troxlcvillo circuit,
S. Aurand ; New Berlin circuit, A. Uearick ;
Union Seminary, Prof. D. Denlingcr, also
member of New Berlin (Quarterly Confer
ence. The following delegates wore elected as
representatives of this body to tho General
Conference, which is to assemblo in thoir
first church in Naporvillo Illinois, on tho
first Thursday in October, 1871 : Carothcrs,
8. Smith, Jacob Young, C. F. Deiuinger,
S. AV. Seibcrt, Jacob Hartzler, and E.
Tho General Conference is tho highest
representative body in this church, and as
sembles once in every four years, and Leg
islates for tho entire church both in Europe
and America.
Highway Bobbery. On Saturday night
last as Mr. Joseph Hostettcr was going
to his homo in Juniata co., when walk
ing along the road near tho Locust Grovo
schoolhouse, iu Milford township, ho was
approached by two men who presented a
pistol at his head and demanded his money
and watch. Ho told them ho had no watch,
but handed them his pocket-book which
contained a $10 bill and somo papers.
Ho told them tho papers wcro of no uso to
them, when they handed tho papers back to
him. Tho ono who had discovered tho ton
dollar bill was holding it up to tho light,
probably to sco what amount it was, when
Mr. Hostettcr mado a grab to regain it, at
tho same timo stabbing tho fellow in tho
back with a pocket-knife. They both fell
to tho ground. The other party then camo
to tho rescue of his comrade, when Mr.
Hostettcr regained his feet and ran down
tho road. A pistol shot was fired after
him by ono of tho party, tho ball passing
through his cap. Tho men were both stran
gers to Mr. Hostettcr. Democrat and Reg
ister. Another Improvement. A bill has pass
ed the House of Representatives at Har
riBburg incorporating " Tho Pordrix Mar
ket and Manufacturing Company of Perry
County." The incorporators aro S. A.
Black, and several others connected with
tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and
tho object of tho bill is to enable them to
establish the stock yard now at Harrisburg,
abovo and near tho junction of tho two
railroads at Murysvillc, and also to build a
tannery, gluo factory, and to generally util
ize the ofl'al which collects at a stock yard.
The company is empowered to own laud
not exceeding three hundrod acres, and to
erect switches, turnouts.and tracks,with all
necessary buildings. Tho stock of the
company is not bo less than $30,000 and
may bo increased to $500,000.
"The Local Option Bill" which allows
each ward, township or borough, to voto
on tho question of licensing liquor selling,
has passed tho Houso. AVhy any one
should object to a law, which allows
each locality to settlo this important ques
tion by a majority of thoir own voters, is
what wo cannot understand, unless such
person has somo pecuniary interest at stake.
AVo aie sorry to see that one of tho mem
bers from this district, Mr. Skinner, voted
against it. The member from this county,
Dr. Milliken, was at AVashington, when
the final vote was taken.
A Correspondent at Elliottsburg com
plains that the meetings at the Church of
God at that place are frequently disturbed
by young persons who run In and out dur
ing service. Ho wants to publish thoir
names. I low will the young people like
Notice to Settle. All persons knowing
themselves indebted to mo are hereby noti
fied to settlo before the 1st of April. At
tention to this notice will save cost.
Bemcniber. Persons who wish their
post office address changed on our mailing
book, should remember to mention where
their paper 7ut$ been sent, as well as whoro
thoy wish it to go in future. Falling to do
this they must not bhune us if the change
is not mado.
Where Is Itl We have heard a man ask
where Independence Hall Is, but we have
never yet met one who d id not know that
the Great Oak Hull clothing house of Wan
amukcr & Brown is at the south east corner
of Sixth mid Market streets Philadelphia.
Cold closed on Saturday at 111.
For the Bloomftcld Timo.
IcKEsnuno, March 7, 1871.
Mr. Editor I will forward to you tho re
port of the "Stationing Committee" of tho
Pennsylvania Annual Conference of tho
Church of tho United Brethren in Christ.
Conference convened in tho city of IJalti
more, on tho 22nd of February, and ad
journed on Monday tho 27th. Tho noxt
session of conference will bo held at Dun
cannon, this county; Chainbersburg Dis
trict, by A. Colestock, Presiding Elder;
Ohambersburg station, AV. F. Lower ;
Grccncastlo station, J. T. Shaffer ; Orris
town station, J. P. Anthony ; Rocky Spring
station, P. Coil ; Mechanicsburg station,
8. A. Mowers ; Shippensburg station, J. X.
Quigley ; Ncwvillo station, J. II. Young;
Big Spring station, J. C. AVeidlor ; Alto
Dale circuit, L. A. AVicklcy and AVm. O.
Smith ; Mercorsburg, J. 8. AVents; Ship
pensburg circuit, A. Lackey ; Carlislo, H.
Brown ; Path Valley, A. II. Rice ; J. Dick
son, Bishop of the AYcst Mississippi dis
trict; York district, J. C. Smith, Presiding
Elder ; York station, AV. B. Ruber ; Shcr
inanstown station, B. G. lluber ; AVcst
Fairvicw station, J. T. Bradford ; Duncau
non station, G. AV. Lightnor; Manchester
circuit, J. R. Hutchison ; York circuit, 8.
Dillcr, by the Presiding Elder ; Liverpool
circuit, AV. II. Cramer ; Perry circuit, AV.
J. Reamer ; Ickcsburg circuit, AV. Quiglcy ;
York Spring circuit, J. Neigdig ; Benders
villo circuit, J. B. Jones ; Littlestown, AV.
Owen j Jell'erson circuit, F. Grim ; Golds
boro circuit, A. Fripnor ; Harmony Grovo
circuit, A. Rudisil ; Bnltimoro Bocond
Church, C. F. Steam ; Fourth Church, II.
A. Schlichtcr ; First and Third to bo sup
plied by East German Conference ; Cot
tago Hill Femalo College, Rev. Prof. D.
Eborly, A. M. Yours, B. G. II.
Continental Lire Insurance Company of
New York.
Its Statement shows that the Company
has issued moro Policies during 1870 than
any other Life Company in tho world, and
at its present rato of progress it is certain
ly fully entitled to its acknowledged statu
in the estimation of tho public, as ono of
tho first of theso benelicient Institutions.
Though young in years, tho Continental is
recognized ns taking rank among tho vet
erans of ho Life Insurauco, in tho wisdom
of its management, tho magnitiido of its
business, and its safety as a channel for in
vestment. J. F. Eaton, General Agent,
Harrisburg, Pa.
Church Notices.
Prcsbytorian preaching in tho Court
room next Sunday at 11 in tho morning,
and at 7 intho evening. Prayer meeting
will bo held on AVcdncsday evening at tho
houso of tho pastor.
Subject on Sunday evening ' Novel
Tailor AVuntctl, to whom steady work,
and good wages will bo given. Apply to
F. Mortimer & Co.
New Bloomfleld.
ltealMry of Sales.
Bills for tho following sales havo been print
ed at this olllco :
On March 17th, AVm. Rough fc Bous will sell
on the premises iu Juniata township, 8 horses,
1 mule, 2 milch cows, 4 head of young cattle,
2 good wagons and a lot of farming imple
ments. AIbo 1 spring wagon, gears, &c. Also,
a lot of household und kitchen furniture will
he offered for sale.
On AVcdncsday, the 22nd of March, 1871,
David AVcntzel will sell nt his residence, y,
miles South of Blnln, 4 horses, two2-ycar old
colts, 4 cows, 6 steers, hogs, 1 largo wagon,
farming implements, household and kitchen
furniture, Scc.
On Friday, tho 24th day of March, 1871,
Rolicrt Gibson, Esq., will oiler for sale at his
residence at Falling Springs, Spring township,
three lino Horses, three Cows, ono springing,
a lot of Young Cuttle, 1 Sow and figs, 15 head
of Sheep, 3 Wagons, Household and Kitchen
Furniture and many other articles.
" Fob Eveiiybodv." AVc have rocclvcd the
first number of a new monthly, bearing tho
above quaint title, und do not hesitate to .'pro
nounce it a line specimen of newspaper typo
graphy. It is an illustrated paper, tho en
gravings being of the finest order, and the
subjects such as will, for the most part, have a
lusting value. In addition to a large amount
of other original and scloctcd mutter, It con
tains a humorous poem, entitled " Our Civil
Bervlco," written exprcBsly for tho new paper
by Matilda Fletcher, so well known throughout
tho Went as a lecturess, and ono of thooditorial
staff of the Des Moines Daily ItetjMir. Tho
illustrations accompanying tho Poem aro by
Stephens, late of 1'unchlnelio and Jim Grimily,
ana aro in his happiest vein.
The publisher wishes to obtain the largest
circulation of any monthly In the country, and
tho plan ho has adopted must certainly ac
complish It, for be oilers prizes direct to sub
scribers of such magnitude and ou such plan
thut.lf thoy wcro not fully guaranteed by highly
responsible houses, would seem iucredible.
Sample copies, containing full particulars, will
lo sent on receipt of tlftccn cents. Address
Henry II. Hugo, Publisher, 20 Allen street,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Baixou's Magazine foh Afhil. The April
number of this superb family magazine is ul
rcady Issued, and contains a list of contents
tueh as will please every one, old and young.
" Tho Rivals on tho Dee)," which will be found
in the April number, alone is worth moro than
the price of tho whole magazine.
Thomes & Talbot, 03 Congress Street, Bos
ton aro the publishers, but "Ilallou's Mugu
zinc" is for sale at all the periodical depots In
tho country at 15 cents per copy, or 81 50 per
year and It Is clubbed with ''Tub Monthly
Novelette" for $3 00.
uew tailor biiop. Ueorge 11. wallers
lias 'opened a Now Shop In this borough, on
Carlisle street, just above tho Foundry J lie
asks a share of publlo putrouugo. 3t
Try IU
Every person who Is troubled with dyspepsia,
debility, or tho diseases consequent upon the
Spring chunges, should use Rohrer's Cherry
Pectorul. Ir will invigorate, restore the ap
petite, and generally improve the health. Try
it. For salo by V, Mortimer & Co., and the
stores generally throughout tho Uultcd States.
Why Keep That Cough P
When a bottle of Rohrer's Lung Balsam will
cure it. It Is pleasant to tuke, and mors effec
tive than any other cough medicine. Try It.
For sale by F. Mortimer & C'o.,;New Blooin
fleld,and most other stores iu the county, tf.
Bale Bills All orders for sale bills by
mall, will bo promptly attended to.
County Price Current.
Bloom field, March 13, 1871.
FInx-Secd J2 00
Potatoes, no cents.
Butter V pound, 25 "
Eggs V dozen 00 "
Dried Apples V pound 6 a 8 "
Dried Peaches 15 15cts.fl.
Pealed Peaches 18 22 cts. "
Cherries 0 0 cts. "
" Pitted 15 18 cts. "
Blackberries, 8 10 cts. "
Onions l bushel, 75 "
Corrected Weekly by Wm. Koagh it ons.
JiBWFOKT, March 13, 1S71.
Flour, Extra mi uo
lted 'Wheat 1 00 0 1 15
Bye 75
Corn CO O 6)
Oats 32 pounds 45
Clover Seed BOO 06 00
Timothy Seed, 3 50
Flax Seed 1 75
Potatoes 70 85
(.round Allium Salt 2 25
Liincburiicr's Coal, 2 40
Ktovo Coal, 6 0 00
Pea Coal 3 40
Smith Coal 25 cts. !p by.s.
Cross Tlos.SJ feet long 45 ti 45 cents.
Dressed Hogs 8 cts. V ft
New Advertisements.
Spring Trade,
A Splendid Assortment of
Suitable for the Season aro now for Sale by tho
Will be found the most com
plete of any in the County.
Also, A Splendid Assortment of
JEANS, &o., &c,
For Spring and Summer AVear.
For the Farm and Garden!
Manufactured by the Harrisburg Fertilizer Com
pany, Harrisburg, Pa, For sale by
6 9, 13 Newport, Pa.
K. 6i H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
601 Broadway, Kew York,
Invito the attention of the Trade to their exten
sive assortment of the abovo goods, of their own
publication, mamtacture und Imiiorlallon.
B. it T. ANTHONY & CO.,
591 Uiioadway, New Yoiik,
Opposite Metropolitan Hotel,
Importers and Manufacturers of
l'liotoffi'tiplilo ZMulei-lul.
Aia 13
To the Ladies I
A Circular for married or single Indies, contain
ing desirable Information uH)ii nmtlers never be
fore made public, mailed free. Those who wish to
give It a careful perusal may address,
6 9 13 a Wlllluiusburg, N. Y.
The oldest and best conducted Mercantile College
Iu the Country. For circulars, write to
P. DUFK & HONS. Plttsburnh, Pa.
t.fSy.'A?."8' KU1T,ON u DUFF'S &K)k.
ihKI'lN(J. 400 pp. Contains National Bank,
Rail Rood Book-keeping, &a.
DU. H. 8. FITCJI'H Family Physlelant SO
pages 1 sent by mall free. Tenches how to
cure all diseases of the person 1 skin, lml r, eyes,
complexion. Write to 71i Broadway, New Vork.
Tho extensive use of these watches for the last
llfteen years by Railway Conductors, Engineers
and Expressmen, the most exacting of watch
wearers, has thoroughly demonstrated tho strength
steadiness, durability and accuracy of the Wal
tlmm Watch. To satisfy that class In nil these
respects, Is to decldo the question ns to tho real
value of theso time keepers.
More than B0O,00O of theso watches aro now
spenklim for themselves In tho pockets of the
lwople a proof and a guarantee of their superior
ity over all others.
The superior organization and great extent of
the Company's Works at Waltham, enables them
to produce w atches nt a price which renders com
petition futile, and those who buy any otherwatch
merely pay from 25 to 60 per cent, moro for their
watches than Is necessary.
These time-pieces combine every Improvement
that a long experience has proved of real practi
cal use. Having had tho refusal of nearly every
Invention In wateh-niaklng originating In this
country or In Europe, only those were finally
adopted which severe testing by tho most skilful
artisans In our works, and long uso on the part
public, demonstrated to be essential to correct and
enduring time-keeping.
Among the many Improvements wo would par
ticularize !
The Invention and use of a centre pinion of pe
culiar construction, to prevent damage to the train
by the breakage of main-springs, is original Willi
the American WatehConiiiany, who, having had
tho refusal of all other contrivances, adopted
Fogg's patent pinion as being the best, and lault
less. Hardened and tempered halr-sprlngs, now uni
versally admitled by Watchmakers to be the best,
are used In all grades of Waltham Watches.
All Wallham Watches have dust-proof cans,
protecting the movement from dust, and lessening
the necessity of the frequent cleaning necessary
In other watches. J
Our new patent stem-winder, or keyless watch
Is already a decided success, and a great Improve
ment on any stem-winding watch in tho American
market, and by far the cheapest watch of its qual
ity now ollered to the public. To tlmso living In
portions of the United states where watchmakers
do not abound, watches with tho above mentioned
improvements which tend to ensure accuracy,
cleanliness, durability and convenience, in 11st prove
The trademarks of the various styles mado by
the Company are as follows :
American Watch (b., Walthnm, Mass.
Ainn. Watch Co., Waltham, Maim. '
American Watch Co., Crescent St., W'Mham
Apvlcton, Tracy c Co., Waltham, Mm:.
Waltham Watch. Co., Waltham, Mass.
P. H. Ilnrtklt, Waltham, Musk.
Wm. Ellcry, Waltham, Mass.
J tome Watch Co., lioston, Mass.
Examine tho spelling of theso names carefully
before buying. Any variation even ol a single
letter. Indicates a counterfeit.
For sale by all leading Jewelers. No watches re
tailed by the Company.
All Illustrated history of watch-making, con
taining much useful Information to wnlch-wearcrs
sent to any address 011 application.
Genehal Auents foh Ameiucan Watch Co., 18)8
BuoADWAY, New ionic.
19th Year. GOO Acres. 13 Greenhouses. Largest
Assortment all sizes. Best Stock I Low Prices I
Would you know What, When, How to Plant I
Fruit, Shade, Evergreen Trees, Root Oralis, Seed
lings, Osage Plants, Apple Seed, Early Rose Pota
toes, Shrubs, Buses, Greenhouse and Garden
SEEDSI Finest, Best Collection Sorts and quali
ty. Send 10 cents for New, Illustrated, Descrip
tive Catalogue M0 pages. Send stamp, each, for
Catalogues of Seeds, with plain directions 01
pages: Bedding and Garden Plants 33 pages
and Wholesale Trice List 2i pages. Address
F. K. PIKliNiX, Bloomiiigtoii, Illinois.
A Great OffcrtBWfifc.
will dispose of One Hundred Pianos, Melodeons,
and Organs of six first-class makers, Including
Waters; at extremely low prices, for Cash, during
this month, or will take a part cash and balance In
monthly or quarterly instalments.
We will insert an advertisement
om: month
In Ono nundrcd ana Flfty-flvo First-class
Pennsylvania Newspapers,
Including Eleven Dailies.
We refer to tho publisher of this paper, to w hom
our responsibility is well known.
LIHT HliNT 311
Address UKO. 1. HOWELL, fc CO.,
Adveutisino Agents,
Nos. 40 and 41 Park Row, New York.
$5 TO $10 PER DAY. mv3mE!&
HOY S( and GIIIL8 w ho engage In our new busl
less make from 85 to lu iwr day in their own lo
calities. Full particulars and Instructions sent
free by mall. Those ill need of permanent, protlt
ablo work, should address at once, GEOROK
HT1NSON & CO., Portland Maine.
An Independent Fortune
Can be made In a quiet way by men that aro ca
pable of keeping the secret. Address JAM ES
(iOOmviN, OT Krchannr. I'lace. Nno York.
x iiu ihii muimaru reiueuy lor i;ougns,i;ni(is,or l on-
nuiiiiaiuu. wiunyvtwir.
t'LTUill Bitos. & Co.,
Boston, Muss,
5 ? ? ? ? P 9 ?
TO THE WORKING CLASS. We are now pre
pared to furnish all classes with constant employ
ment at home, tho whole of the time or for the
spare moments. Business new, light, and protlta
ble. Persons of eil her sex easily earn from SOc. to
fT per evening, and a proHrtlonalsiim by devoting
their whole time to the business. Boys and girls
earn nearly as much as men. That all who see
this notice may send their address, and test the
business, we make the unparalleled oiler: To such
ns are not well satislled, we will pay tl for
the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable
Biunple which will do to commence work 011, nnd a
copy of The J'eoile't Literary Companion vno ol
the largest and best family newspaper ever publish
ed till sent free by mall. Reader, If you want
permanent, profitable work, address
K. C. ALLli.N te CO., Augusta, Maine, r
QOA 8ALAHV I' Kit WEEK, and ex
iJ'pU penses paid Agents, to sell new and use
ful discoveries. AddressB. SWEET (5.CO., Marsh
all, Michigan, r
AVOID Q.UACKB. A victim of early Indis
cretion, causing nervous debility, premature
decay, having tried In vuln every advertised
remedy, has a simple means of self-cure, which he
will send free to his fellow-sullerers. Address J.
II. X UTILE, 78 Nussau St., New Vork. r
SECRETS for Ladles and Gents. Sent free
for 2 stumps. Dr. Bonaparte 61 Co., Cluoliiuull.O.r
A Portfolloof first class Wit and Humor, contain
ing the Richest Comical Stories, Cruel Sells, Hide
Splitting Jokes, Humorous Poetry, Quaint Paro
dies, Burlesuue Sermons, New Conundrums and
Mirth-Provoking Speeches ever published. Inter
spersed with Curious Puzzles, Amusing Card
Tricks, Feats ol Parlor Magic, and uearly'AtO Fun
ny Engravings, Illustrated Cover. Price IS cts.
Sent by mail, postage paid, to any part of the Uni
ted States, on receipt of price. DICK & FITZ
GERALD, Publishers, Is Anu-st., N. Y.