8 l)c imcs, New Dloomficfo, )a. Miscellaneous News Items. BQy An inexperienced (iirmcr tried to make good corucd beef by giving his ox en whisky. J6ST A Mr. Wood was fuund dead ro ccntly in his house on Clinton street. Hudson city. The family were nbsent, and the cnuso of his death is not known. ASS" Ladies' paper skirts, an Eastern paper says, arc beconiim; common.. They cost but fifteen cents. Tlio paper is of great tenacity, and docs not tear easily. JftSy On the 21st iust.. a boy aj;ud 13, named Morrison Welsh, in Cincinnati, kicked a mule which was being led by n farmer,' and was kicked in return by the animal, and killed. fiST" A wolf entered n 1'uluth church recently, and was much affected by the services and an ounce of lead. He was converted before he went out into a corpse. Bfejy- Mr. Henry Denecko, of Chicago, loft a nolo for the Coroner, explaining that his suicido was an act of consideratc ncss for his wife, who was " in great want of another husband." Jtgy- The Cambria iron company sup port four night schools for the benelit of boys in their employ. Of these, two arc located in Johnstown, one in Cambria borough, and another in Millvillo bor ough. Sf Frederic Coombs, the great grape grower in California, shot his wife on Tuesday, at his residence at Napa, and then kiilod himself. Jealousy is suppos ed to have been the causo. Women are scarce in California, and Mrs. Coombs was handsome. B8 A lady residing in a German city, complains that the cost of living is so much increased in eousc(uenco of the war, that she has to pay Go cents for a pair of kid gloves " with two buttons," and that a new silk bonnet costs nearly a dollar in gold. gtg- I'hc coal miners of St. Clair and Madison counties, Illinois, opposite St. Louis have suspended work in conse quence of the reduction of wages. The operators will bring coal from other mines and sell at present prices before they will accede to the demands of tho miners. BSJ Claude Freeman, formerly rail road agent at Lexington, Ky., who ab sconded somo months ago with a large amount of money belonging to the com pany by which he was employed, was ar rested at Guthrie, Iowa, on Saturday, and taken to Lexington, whore he will be held for trial. B While firing a salute in Mahanoy City, iu honor of Washington's birthday, James Smith, David Liddle, and Edward llichiel were injured by tho premature dischargo of a cannon. Smith's skull was fractured and an cyo cut out, and it is thought ho will die. Tho others will recover. ftoSf- A Western paper says: Wo re ported that Mr. 1). A. Dodd's wife had (even pair of twins and two odd children during ten years of married life. We were wrong. Mr. Dodd, just iu our of fice, informs us there are eight pair of twins and three odd oues, nineteen in all ten girls and nine boys in fourteen yoars, and they are all living. Jif" A man recently went to a revival meeting near Lyonvillo, Iowa, and was making fun of the penitents when he fell to the floor and was carried out in an insensiblo condition. A day or two af terward he attempted to renew his sport in the samo place, when ho was stricken with paralysis, aud at last accounts ho had no use of tongue or limbs. Jftgr On the lGth inst., a hurricane de stroyed or damaged a majority of the buildings left by tho recent tiro at Helena, Arkansas. Mrs. Stewart, a widow, was fatally injured, and her little son instant ly killed. The Baptist church was de molished, aud a largo number of other buildings either demolished or badly in jured. Tho loss is estimated at from $75, 000 to $100,000. ficir" llartison county cun boast tho mealiest man iu Indiana. A farmer iu the north part of that county has his aged father living with him, and employ ed at low wages Lust week tho farm er's child died, and naturally enough tho old ui.iu attended tho funeral of his grand child. Tho dutiful son, in settling with his father a few duys after the funeral, docked him for tho time ho hud lost in attending the child's burial. SkiT A man returning to his homo ut Monroe, Wis., saw through tho window his wife and child lying on the floor mur dered, and three mcu in possession of the premises, who were blacked and other wise disguitsod. lie stealthily entered the house, got his gun, and shot two of them, and beat the other to death with a club. One of thorn proved to bo a neigh bor; tho othors ho did not know.. Bfciy- A dog was recently shut up in a church iu Taunton, Mass., und after five days' close confinement was discovered and released. In that timo tho half starved animal had niado sud havoc with a number of hymn books, liiblcs ond cushions, in his vain search for food. Tho poor starving cuuine could find no meat and took to leather, the nearest to it. The estimated duuiuge isubnut$100. READY-MADE CLOTIIINO. The Largest Stock; In A tha Finest Coorla; -"- Boys'X tho Newest Styles: rm. We a r the Best Work we have J manship; the every kl)ld Greatest Va of material & every variety of style, suitable for Youth from 16 to 20, Boys from 9 to 16, and Children from 5 to 9 years, n Jh durable & strong, maae with special Jj reference to rough usage. In this de partment our made prices are as our Es tonishingly tablishment low. I I ffiTTTi rn ft IMii lliiAJJ- TV QUARTERS (A Market and .COUNTRY TRADE"" Gth. vin Clothing, andTJJ l we can assure our Jriends from .an: l Of town fha fhu 9T1 f .. . 'YO need look no fur-1 A ther than Oak Hall ior satisfactory Customx TT" . . XUlothing & satis Work la tactory prices. ofthevery t ruii biock an - JJth0 year Easy rules for round. measurement. A JA. Mar7eet Drioes. &.O.. sent and free to any part of J iGtli. Amerioa, and good ftts guaranteed. Markets and Gth Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Sew Carriage Munu fit dory, On High Btuekt, East or Cauxisi.h St., New Uloomflcld, l'enn'a. THEsubscrllier liasbullt a largs nurl commodi ous Shop on High SI,, East of Carlisle Street, New Blooinllcld, l'n., where lie is prepared tomaa ufacture to order On i" i i si (z i t- Of every description, out of the best material. Slolslis of every Style, built to order, and finished in the must artistic and durable manner. . IlavlliK superior workmen, ho Is prepared to furnish work (hat will compare favorably with the best City Wink, and much more durable, unit nt much more reasonable rules. 49-ltEPAIKING of allklnilsncutlyandprompt ly done. A cull is solicited. SAMUKL SMITH. J lit -A. INo-w Leather, Harness and Oil Store At liuncannon, l'enn'a. TIIK subscriber has Just oiened ill Duncaunou, Terry county, I'a., opposite (lie National I Hotel, a large and splendid assortment of ! LEATIIEH. HADDLEItY, OILS, Til I N KM, ' SHOE F1NDINGH.S.C. He Is prepared to fill orders at the shortest mil ire mid hi I hu best liiuiinrr. A luiiulter of the best workmen nre employed, aud repairing Is done without delay and on the most reasonable terms. HEI'INED Oil, lire, test by the banel, or in larger lots. Ll'IIKlCATING and oilier OILS of the best quality, in lels to mill purchasers. J lie CASH lmld lor lnt i k, Hides and Skins of all inarkelulile kinds. . l'lease eall aud examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ... JON. M. IIAWI.KY. DiiiK'aumui, S i If Clockg. Another now lot of JtO hour and 8 day Clocks jimt received by F. Moil timkii & Co.New Ulooiniiuld. CHEAP GOODS! TTl K siilicrlbor liavlnst onoiiod a now Htoro, ono '!' Kiwt (if Swt'Ki'n Hotel, rmlieitH a Nhare inn supiny vi TV AV Cjt ) ) (1 H , and will constantly keep on hand, a complete as sortment of DllY-OOOfiX, QVKEXSWAHE liOOTX & SlIOllS. VliOCKllIKH lTAlUnVAMi, J 1 ATS A CAJ'S. i Anil Everything else usually kepi in Stores, i r Call and see my stock. liOll'T. N. AVII.I.1S, 12 New IlloomlloUl, l'a. Gil EAT BARGAINS IN DRY-COODS. GREAT BARGAINS IN CROCERIES. A Great Variety of Notions, AT VERY LOW PRICES. A Fine Annortmcnt of Hardware CHEAV roit CASH. WOOD & WILLOW WARE, QUEEXSWARE, STATIONERY, And a great variety of other goods, all of which will be sold F. JIoi-H iner A: Co. Xi'iv Itloomlield. Ill Office, 7 SO I lillcox&Gift y Chestnut J Silent 31 Street, (Philadelphia "I give ray hearty preference to the Wilcox & Oibui Silent Sewing Machine." Fanky Fern. "The weight of reliable evidence being overwhelming for that of theWillcoz & Gibbs Silent Sewing Machine, I decided upon it, procured it, and am more than tatUjied." Giucu Ukeumwood, " I have the Wheeler A Wilson, the Grovcr fc Baker, and tho Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machinoa In my family, I use the Willcox & Gibbs most frequently, thinking it far superior to either of the others." Mks. IIknky Waiid Bbechbr. " My wife would not accept a Sewing Machine of any other patent as a gift, if she must receive it on condition of giving up the Willcox & Gibbs." Rev. Oliver Crank. Csrbondals, " The Willcox A Gibbs is the only Sewing Machine whose working is so sure and simple that I could venture to introduce it into fyria." Eev. A. T. Pratt, MlMlonsry American Board. " We have used various Sewing Machines within our family, but it is the urumimoxtt opinion of the household, that the Willcox A Gibbs is the best of them all." Kliv, J. S. IToi.mk, Brooklyn, N.Y. "For simplicity and mechanical accuracy of construction, I have seen no Sewing Machine equal to the Willcox A Gibbs." Enoch I.kwis, Of th PouuaylvauU Ceutral R. R. A correspondence on the subject of Hewing Machines is respectful ly solicited. D. 8. BWIKG, 720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. i 52 12t JQQ COMMUTATION' MUSKY. The alHive amount will lie refouiuled to all sol diers who were ilraried while In llio Hervlce, and who paid S'limcoiiiuiulutlou money; and also to all liersoiiH who piild commutation money who were mil legally liable to drafl. Claim must I hi tilled be fore I be 1st of March, 1M71. Cull on. or ndilrewt, i,lSWlS 1'Ol'l KU. Attorney for Claimants, New lllnoinllcld, l'a. PERRY HOUSE, New Dlooinfleld, Va. TIIK hiiIis'I'IIkt bavins piiri'hased the property on tlieiiornei'of Maine and Carlisle Htreels, opposite the Court ilouse, ilivlles all his friends mid fiirmer oiistoinei H to Klve blin a call lis lie Is determined ti furnish first class accommodations. TJ1UMAH NUTfll, 3 Itf. rioprictor. A Perfectly Non - Explosive Lamp I I)KHK1NH IIOITHK'H 1'ATKNT I.AMPH are the only Ijiiiiii (hat (Iivks I'KKFK.i r Sakktv w ith am. KlNlmoroiL. They are inaile of brass, and will last a lifetime, llmkiuu them I he CHEAPEST LAMP IN THE WORLD. ' The underslKiied are Acents fur l'erry County, ' ami will Hiipply Mercliiiufs ut the Manufacturers' price. I'ei'Hous Mauling a good arllcle are re- ' uucsted to examine this ITi nip. , I'. MOIIYIMKIt ti CO., ! New llloolulleld, I'a. I . Agents wanted to canvas the Comity. ! n W MA S U THE BESTIN USE THE PAR HAM NEW FAMILY Hewing Machine IT combines all the best features of other Rood machines, with " New and Valuable Improvements, which make it TIIK KAHIEST AND HOST (JU1ICT KUNMNtf as well as the Most Simple Machine In Use. IT WILL 1IJ3.V IT WILL lilt AM, IT WILL TUCK', IT WILL OATIIKli, IT WILL QUILT, and will use cither Hllk, Cotton, or Mncn Thread with equal ease. It uses a straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON JiOTII SIDES. The principal olllce of the company Is at Ab, 701 Clicatmtt Utreet, PHILADELPHIA. These machines are for sale In l'erry County by JAMES L. DIVEN, Landisburg. P. MORTIMER & CO., New Bloomfield. SV The public are tnrltcd to call at either of the aborcplaccs anil see a Machine in oiieratlon. Bloomfield Academy! An English mid Classical School FOH LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I Young Men Prepared For College. A Normal Sfhtl ami a School of Art. FALL TERM COMMENCES On Monday, the 29lh of August, 1870 AS the above school has recently lieen ra-oruan-. '" i "1" canenter any time. lew ii i iv " ""' wm- SilSS ANNA K. AlICSI'ITUflKIt n irrn.lnnfn f .I,. i'fii,,ti, . ?. ' jI "l Estl ll.,,'r,,I'?lltl"n' t'oliunbus, Ohio, teaeiier of Mil- - 111' j'""'iik, riein:ii una uermnn. hvery fac li y for the tralnlnii of the youth of both sexes In all that constitutes a liberal and thorough education. The Collegiate Department embraees all tho higher branches, Including th Latin and (Ireek Languages, Engineering, J'raetl cal Hiirviwlng, l.ltei atiire, Natural Science and ad vanced Mathemalics. Vacations: July and August, and one week at Christmas. Terms: For Boarding, Furnished Itoom, Wash KR:.r"IH,.,,n ' I-,ltl- Oreek, Kngllsh llrancliesand Mathematics, for the scholastic year, 81H0. In vacations. g-."ii,iio. The Hoarding Department Is at the Institution, under the supervision of Wlliam ;rier. liso by whom good and substantial board will be fur nished : and tin; pupils will be under the strict caro of the i'rlnclpal. Address W. H DII.I., A. M. I'rlnclpal, or Wl I.I.I AM (JltlKlt, 4ltfl fNew llloomileld, Terry county, Pa. JO A. J I K H , Tho Victoria or Ladies' fleni Is the great Invention long and earnetilu wished for by your nex. We de. sire smart anil energetic lady agents to Introduce inn iKipuinr iiiki iiisny ceteiirateil artic e In civru VIUiiiik, 'Joirn, and City in the World, It Is highly approved of, endorsed and adopted by all Ladles of taste and rell a cut, aud is now A (JltlSAT FAVOltlTK WITH Til EM ; it is what every Lady has wished for, gives uurfect FltEEDON OF ACTION, AND 1'ltEVE.NTS CATCIIINi COLD AT A CltlTIOAL l'EKIOD. Endorsed and reecommended by all eminent PHYSICIANS AND DIVINES Every Lady ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES and will purcliaao ONE at siht ; Its merits arc apparent at a CLANCE. Druggists, milliners, dressmakers, and those who keep fancy stores w ill Und oar excellent Invent ion gives perfect mtlnfactlon, anil sells very rapidly, and netting enormous prollts to agents and deal ers. Town aud county rights givenree to all who desire engaging in an honnmUe, renjieotable, and projltiUite business, and at the same time, doing good lo these suffering companions Iu life. Ham pies 1, sent free by mail on receipt of price, bend for wholesale circulars. Address, VICTOltIA MANl FACTCHINri CO., 17 l'ark 1'lace, New York. Pensions, Bounties, &c. WIDOWS. Minor Children, Mothers, Fathers, . . , ... ........... ...... ,,, m, i, -,i ,,i -ii i,i disease contracted iu the Hervlce of the l ulled , ,,n inane application ior Tension. Also Soldiers who contracted disease or wer wounded, ruptured, or In any way disabled Iu the win of IK)). When widows die or re-marry, the child or children under sixteen years of ue are entitled to a I'ensloii. The time for tiling claims for additional bounty has been extended six mouths. Particular attention given toold suspended cases In the dilleient deiiarl incuts at Washington, D. C. If you have, or think you have a claim against tin, (.ovcrnmciit, call on or address the undersigned. No charge for information. i I.KWIS l'OTTEK, Attorney for Claimants, 4 31 NEW 1II.OOME1ELD, PA. For Hanil-bills,, or Job work of any kind, go to the 7'imei Office. Our "Steam Power I'reKs,." will jnint a larger bill than any lress iu the county. reimsylviinh II. R. Time Tabic. NEwroirr station. On and after Dee. 4th 1870, rasscngcr trains will run as follows: WEST. Plttsb'g Expr's. (Flagj&.il a. m. dally exe't Rundaj1. Way Passenger, IL.'jii a. v., dallv except Monday, Mall 2.3) I', m. daily except Sundav. A mixed train with passenger ear attached, w ill leave llarrisburg at 6 o'clock n. m., and Newport at l).5i) p. m. EAST. Fast Line 4.18 A. M., dallv except Monday. ' llarrisburg Accom. 11.. a. M., daily " Sundav. Mall, 7.48 I'. M., dallv "except Sunday J. J. lUllt'LAY, Agent. DLNCAKNON STATION. and after Sunday, Dee, 4th, 1870, trains will Duncaniiou, as follows : On leave EASTWAIID. Line, (Flag) 4.44 A. m., daily except Monday lsbtirg Accom. 12.uyi. m., daily Sundav -SiU I', m.. daily " Sunday WESTWARD. Passenger. 3.55 a.m., dallv except Monday 1.5li K M ,l-,'ill ,.v,.,.nl U.iii.I i,. Fast II an Mail, Wav Mail, Thro Freight, Pass. Car attached, 'i.ir.l v. M. W,M. C. KING, Agent Stnire Line Ilelvteeu Newport nnd Sew Uerinuiilown. STAtiES leave New (ierinanlown dally at four o clock a. m. Landisburg at 7. 30 a. in. Green park at 8 a. in. New llloolulleld at a. in. Arriving at Newport to connect Willi tho Ac commodation train East. , liettu'iiliiB leaves Newport on the arrival or tho Mail J. rain from Philadelphia, at 2.30 p. in. Z. ItlCE, Proprietor. lta,AIHJ 1MII.-IIAI. WINTER AlUUNGEMENT, ?IoiMla.V, Xov. 21t, 170. rltEAT TRUNK LINE FIt()M THE NOItTH VT ami North-west for Philadelphia, New York, Lei" ,o5' ai 1 "''"i'lua.Ash'l.-in J, Nhainokin f.'im!0cmimblaW&,,1, li"",1,t"' Lltlz' A1iii'ol,ii1(,'ilvS!.li-!!'1'lsb,ll'B for Ncw York. s follows: At All, 8.10. In. 50 a. M.,and 2.50, p.m., connect- V 1 1 Bl r vlug at New York at 1U:10 a. in., 3if), 5:51) and llianj p. in., respectively. wutillge. aCC0,M1,ll,,y alUa- ,- tral" and ''A"".'.""'? !. Xf.V, Yu,rk nt 9 A- M- 12 noon, H e x. Jfr.ii., l,lli,,k',',n1'1 at 815 A- M- a"'l t,F: i ' wll,l"P.ears accompany the 5 p. M.. train from New York, without change, n, f li'i ",,rl";,l"1K ("r ltea.llng, Pottsvllle, Tama qua, Mlnersv lie, Ashland, Sliamoklii, Pine (irove, Allen own, Philadelphia, at 8. 10, a. m. biiiI2.SU, and si ,ti,.;,i."Vr?.,.',,,,,,'l''K Ht V'bi1"0" 11,1,1 Principal way st, lions; the 4.W; p. m. train connecting for Plilla. de Iphhi, Pot tsv lie and Columbia only. 8For Potts villc, Schuylkill Haven amlAiiliui n, via Schuylkill all! IS'jluulm,l,ll, Railroad, leave llarrisburg at Way passengcrtralii leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 A. M., connecting with similar traiiion East l'enn'a 1 ailroad, reluiiilng from Heading at 0.20 p. m.. stopping at all Station: leave Pottsvllle at 9 a. M. and 3. 10 p. m. ; llerudoii at 10.15 o'clock A. M.; Shaniokin at5.40 ami 11.20 a. m.: Ashland, 7.05 a m. and 12.5U noon ; Tamaoua at 8.33 A. m. and 2.4U p. m. for Philadelphia and New York, Heading, liar, rlsburg, ;e. p.,n,i.lve1l',ltut,,vrill via Sehuylklll and Susquehanna jtailioad at8.15 A. m. for llarrlsburg,aud 12:05a. m. for Pine Grove and Treniont. lieailingaccomniodatioii train: leaves Tottsvlllo at 5.40 a- passing Heading at 7.30 a. M., arriving m.iV. 1 11 l,'!l,1,iiJ at 10.20 a. m., returning leaves Phlladel Una at 4.45 p. m. passing Heading at 7.25 p.m.. arriving at Pottsvllle at D.lo p. m. lottstown Accommodation train : Leaves Potts town at 7.00 a. m.,returuing, leavesl'hlladclphiaat Vitni p. in, Columbia ltallroad trains leave Heading at 7.20 Comini'ai'c.P' "' '"r Kl,l,mtu' UIU Lahcaster, Perkliimen Hallroadtralnsleave rerkloinen June timi at 7.45, and D.Uoa. m., 3.IXJ and 5.30 p. m. He turning, eaves Scliwenksville at 7.00 A. .v., and 8.20 ?.'i!'.,,a,,"1l2"?0 nn, and 4:30 p. in., connecting with similar trains on Heading road. Colcbrookdale Hailroad train leaves Pottstownat 9.41) a. in. and 0.20 p. in., returning leave Mt. Pleas ant at 7, and 11 :25a.m., eonnectlng wlUi similar trains on Heading It. It. Cliester Valley Hailroad trains leave Bridgeport at 8..HJ a. m.,2.05aml5.u2i). m. Heturnlng, leave DowiilngtoSMi at 0.5ii a. in., 12.45, noon, and 6.15 p. in., connecting with trains on Heading Hailroad. ,,, " Hundays; U'ave New York at 5 p. in.; Phila. at, 8 a. in. and3.15 p. m. ; tlic8a. in. train run! Hug only to Heading; Pottsvllle 8 a. in.; Harris burg 3.10 a. in., ami 4.05p. iu. ; and Heading at 7:15 a. Hi., and 10:05 p. in., for llarrisburg, at 5:00 a. m. for New York nt. ll'io n , a k ,, ii.i, yj, ' " , I" ., iu, i IlllilUCl- Coinmutatlon, Mileage, Season, School and Ex r"tes lickets to aud from all points at reduced liaggage checked through, 100 pounds allowed each passenger. (J. A.NICOI.LS, Oen'lSitp't. Northern Central Railway. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Tlirouah ana Direct llnute to and from nWitio. on, lhdthmtre, Elmlra, Erie, Itutlalo Hoctenter ami Niagara txatt. ON AND AFTElt SUNDAY. DEO. 4th. 18i it, the trains on the Northern Centrul ltnii. way will run as follows ; NORTHWARD. " MAIL TltAlN. leaves Haltlmnre, aaia.m. I llarrisburg, 1.55p. m Wllllamsport 7.0U p. in., and arr. at Elmlra, 10.30 HUFFALOEXPHESS. Leaves Baltlmorc,lu.20p.sn. llarrisburg, 2.25 a m Wllllamsport, 0.55 a. m. Elmlra, 11.35 noon. ' Arrives at Cauandaigua at 3.10 p.m. FAST LINE. Leaves Baltimore 12.40 p. in. llarrisburg 4.a5 d.iii Arr.at Wlllhuiisiiorl8.lup.iii., and Erie ut 7.40 a. in CINCINNATI EXI'HESS. Leaves naltimore 7.40 p.m. ar. llarrisburg 12.01a.m. YOKE. AND HAHHISltUHG ACCOMMODATION Leaves York at0.1oa. in., air. at llarrisburg 7.15a. Emigrant Train with passenger ear attached, caving llarrisburg at 7.30 a. in., arrives at Sun bury at 11. lo a. in. sourmvAiiD. MAIL TltAIN. Leaves Elmlra fl.0u a. in. I Wllliamsisirt 9.30 a. m. llarrisburg 1.27 p. m. Ar. Baltimore atO. 15 p.m teiy f-ananilalgiia 4.45 p. in., Elmlra 8.40 p. m. Wllllamsport 12.21) a. m., llarrisburg at 6.35 a. In. Arrives at Baltimore at 9.16 a. in. BUFFALO EXI'HESS. CINCINNATI KKl'itVKM. lA?avcslIarrlbui'gl0.45p.m., Ar.Balllmoro2.30a.in EH IK EXPHESH. Lvs. Stinbury 10.20 a. in., Ar.llariisburg 1.00 p.m. PACIFIC EXPHESH. Lvs. llarrisburg 11.35 a.m., Ar.ilaltnuore 3.05 p.m. Y'OltK ANH llAUIllHlirUU AnOOMMOIlATION. Lvs. llarrisburg 6.26 p. in., Arr, at York 7.1op. in. 49-Mull Train north and south. Fast Line north, and York and llarrisburg Accommodation ninth and south, and Erie Express. Erie Mail soiilh, Cin cinnati Express north, Pacille Express south, and Emigrant north daily except Sundav. Bulialo Express north and south dally. Cincinnati Express south daily except Saturday. For furlher Inlorinalion apply at Hie Ticket olllce Pennsylvania Hailroad Depot. AI.FHED H. FISKE, General Superintendent. A Desirable Farm for Sale. "triLL lie sold at a bargain, a FAKM situated V iu Centre township, about 2 miles North West of Bloouitleld borough, containing 1(1 ACHES, 37 well timbered, aud the balance clear ed, and under a high slate of cultivation. There are on the premises a LOO IIOCSE, plastered, con taining 7 rooms i a good BANK BAltN, a good SAW MILL and 2 LIME ljUAHHIES. 49 For further Information apply to C. A. BAltNETT, Atfy-at-lJiw, New llloolulleld. Pa., Or on the premises to Mrs. IIeuecca Gitorir.l358t-