I)C tmcs, New Bloomftcllr, )cu 6 Tuesday, February 2S, 1871. FAEM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Wc inrllr communications from, all pcrsonsvhoare interested in matters proiierly belonging to litis department. How to Hulso Sweet Totiitocs. A correspondence of JfmrlJiainl Home. given tho following method of mining these plants : About tho 10th of April, for tho lati tudo of Missouri, procuro as many bush els of tho seed potatoes ns jou wish to grow, and niako a hot-bud ol fresh stable manure, about three feet in depth, and largo enough to receive tho potatoes. Over this put four inches of rich soil and sand, in about equal parts. Let it remain a few days until tho first heat passes off. Then place your potatoes cm the top, side and nide, and cover them with similar soil and sand two inches, and in a few days water gently. Keep some plank convenient to lay over tho bed at night and during cool or rainy days. The rain must not ho permitted to fall on the bed. After tho plants show themselves water (not cold) siiould bo applied every evening about sunset. Caro must bo ta ken not to let tho hot manure burn tho potatoes; which can bo prevented by oc casionally running a stick down tho bot tom of the bed in several places, thus permitting tho accumulated heat to pass of more readily. When the plants arc largo enough to " draw," water tho bed thoroughly. Tho operation is performed by placing the lingers of one hand around tho plant you wish to remove, pressing tho earth down while you draw with tho thumb and forefinger of tho other hand. This will keep tho potato from coming up also, and tho tuber will, in a short time furnish other plants equally as good as tho first, and so on " until tho potato is exhausted." l'lant tho slips ns soon af ter drawing as convenient, and if tho ground is not wet, make it so by pouring water into tho bolo you make for tho plant. Tho Great Farmer of Illinois. Tho following statistics of tho ini menso farms of Mr. John T. Alexander tho great farmer and stock dealer of Mor gan County, 111., will bo found highly in teresting. Number of acres of improved lands on his farms, 34,000 ; number of acres of unimproved lands, 300 j total number of acres of improved lands, 300; total number of acres of land, 3-1,-300. Aggrcgato value of lands, 1, 085, 000 ; value of implements in uso on his farms $50,000 ; uuiount paid for wages during tho past year to bauds employed on 1' is farms, $70,800. Number of live stock on his farms, 90 mules, iiO cows, 150 horses, 200 oxen, and 7,000 other cattle, and 700 hogs. Total value of live stock, 8530,000. Product of his farms in 1800, 277,500 bushels corn, 7,000 bushels wheat, 8,000 bushels oats 2,000 bushels rye, 1,000 bushels potatoes, 34,000 tons hay. Value of animals sold on his farms during tho past year, $193, 400. Mr. Alexander has two farms one of near 8,000 acres, in Morgan County, twelve miles cast of Jacksonville, upou which ho resides; and tho other of about 27,000 acres, in Champaign Couuty, 111., Ia addition to his vast busiuess as a farmer, Mr. Alexander buys sheep and sells as dealer over 50,000 head of cattlo annually. - Coaling for Outside M alls. Tho following coating for rough brick walls is used for painting lighthouses, and it effectually prevents moisture from striking through : Tako of fresh Kosen dale cement threo parte, and of clean, fine sand oue part ; mix with fresh water thoroughly. This gives a gray or granite color, dark or light, according to the color of the cement. If brick color is dc sired, add enough Venetian red to tho mixture to produce tho color. If a very light color is desired, lime may be used with the cement and sand. Care must be tuken to have all tho ingredients well mixed together. Id applying tho wash the wall must bo wet with clean fresh water ; then follow immediately with the cement wash. This prevents the bricks from absorbing the wuter from the wash too rapidly, uud gives time for tho cement to set. The wash must be well stirred during the application. The mixturo is , to be made us thick as can be applied conveniently with a whitewash brush. It is admirably suited for brickirork, fences, etc., but it cannot be used to advautage over paint or whitewash. Hints ou Horse Flesh. As five yours urt required for tho com pletion of the bone structure of the horso It In important mat lie va uureiunjr usuu , until that age. If he is early overworked I the ligaments which unite his ono huu-1 drod und thirty bones ure prevented from i Vinnrillillicv fiudicinilt.lv fi rail 111 the frame. ! - n v - ' and he is dwarfed, oud wears out or dies long before reaching tho full twenty-five years which should be the average dura tion of his life and vigor. The muscles of a fine horse ought to bo thick and very long; thickness ensures strength, and length, extended sweep of limb. DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP, The Best in the World! STRICTLY PURE 1 NO SAND! NO ROSIN! NO CLAY! NO ADULTERATION OF ANY KIND ! Odlilrcn Can Do T'te Washing. iN'o Wasliboard , Required. ..Yo Jloiling Speeded. lly tic uk o) the Une'i'ialed and Unajiproachablc Dobbins' Electric Soap, Clothes, Money, Fuel, Labor, Time anil Temper, ALL ARE SAVED! Try it once, mul uso it ever afterward. Every Ciroeer Sells It. .Every Fumlly Uses It. NO ONE CAN DO WITHOUT IT ! Bo sure tliat the wrapper lias on It Hie cat of Mrs. Fogy and Mr. Enterprise, and lh.it each liar Is stamped with (lie name of the inventor and originator, ,T. II. DnnuiNg, as none other is Pennine. Like everything of pricnt value, it Is extensively counterfeited, unci tlin market Idled Willi false and worthless Electric Snaps, notworlh house-room, and dear even If given away. The Finest Ainerlean Toilet Soap, fullv efiual to the Kreneh made liv a Freneh sou'pinakor ill the samo manner as the French soaps are made, anil sold at one-fourth their price, is TRIPLE SCENTED Dobbins' Toilet Soap! NO TOILET IS COMPLETE 'WITHOUT IT ! I'ie Iiest Emollient in the Market I It is given the preference at every watering placo in tliu country, and is for sale everywhere. 11oiho VhIc For It Don't lie put olf wllh any cheap common soan. iry it, and see how iniieli BETTER it is than we say. The only Hoot Polish that will produce a !rlllian undLastingSlilue, and, at tho same time reserve tho Leather, is Dobbins' Electric Boot Polish, Makes Old Hoots Look Like New Ones, And Calf-Skin Like Patent Lkathek. It Is put up in a Patent box, the greatest novelty of tlie age, Th box alone is wurlli more to keep than 1c price of Box and Pol ish combined. K 11 U G II AT," The nenuine TntKisii Hath compound, used In all Oriental countries. In the bath, and manufactured by us on a license ami royalty, in exact style, odor and quality from the original receipt, as that made In Constantinople, and importdutics. prelum on gold, etc., saved, thus enabling us to sell it at n very low price, lly its use a bath becomes Indeed a luxury. Very highly scented, and producing miraculous effects upon the skin. It Is really worth a trial. If you want to enjoy life and drive away dull care, use for youi Clothes J O IS It I X IS ELECTRIC SOAP! Use for your person DOBBINS' TRIPLE SCENTED Toilet Soap ! USE FOR YOUR BOOTS Dobbins' Electric Boot Polish. Use In the Hath Ami Htibserlbe for the " Electric Messenger," .Beautiful Fashion Paper, sent Fit UK to all who will send their names to the Sole Proprietors, 7. L. CJIAGIN & CO., 110 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. 103 Burclay Street, New Yohk. 144 State Street, Boston. tJTTlils ISoap U for Bala by F. Mot timer A Co., Now Boomtleld, Pa. 4 ST ly A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'S O-ILIFORNIA VINEG-AE BITTERS Hundreds of Thousands 2 Bear testimony to their Wonder- fi P. 3 luiuurullve nuccu. n WHAT ARE THEY? "e?S a! j S d 3 t " i a I Zi it gla sll "S S 8 ass NIfancy drink, PI? Undo or Poor Rtim, Whlnltcr, Prof Hplritn uud llcf'uBO I.iqnurs doctored, eptccd nndBwcct ened to ploaBOtho tasto, cr.llcd" Tonics," "Aiipcti: crc," " licstorure," 40., that lead tho tlppkr en to drunUounccs and ruin, bnt nro a tmo Medicine, made from tho Nntlvo Iiooto anil llcrta of California, t ree from nil Alcoholic Hlimulnntu, Tlicyaro f.13 OKKAT Ilf.OOI) I'UIflFlElt. and A MFC UIVINU VKIKCIl'L.Eapcr&ct Innovator r.r.d lnvlgorator of tho Syutcr.i, currying off all polsoiiou3 Innttcr and ro&torlnic tlio tlood to a healthy cor.Ultxr.. person can tako tlicuo Blltcra accordii:; toCli vC tlon and remain long unwell. S10O 71bo given for an Inmrablo cmc, rrnvlucd tho bones aro not destroyed by miscrl p. Uc:i o. othcr tncana, and tUu vital oryana vatiUd bcyoudtl.o point of repair. For Iufliiinniutflvy nud Chronic l:iicuma tisni nud Uout, Dyspcpnin, r Iudisestlnu, UiliutiH, lteiultleut uud Inleriiiittcut Fevers DfHviiMrB ol' tliu lllood, l.ivor, llidueys, und Illadder, tlicpo Itittovs hnvo been moet fiucccrs fnl. 8uch Dlscuscn aro caurcd by Vitiated Blood, which 1b generally, produced by derangement of tho Dlmwilve Omnnn. DYSFEFfSlA Vlt 1XD1GESTXOX, Tlctd echo, Pain In tho Bliosldors, Coughs, TlRlitiicss of tho . Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations cf tho Stomach, Bad tasto In tho Moulli, Bilious Attacks, I'alpltatloa of tho Ueart, lullamnintlon or tho Lungs, 1'aln In tho regions of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptomB, aro tho vllsprlnga of Eyspcpsia. They lnvlgornto tho Btomach and stimulate tuo tor pid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy la cleansing tho blood of all Impurities, and Imparting now Ufa and vigor to tho wholo system. FOlt SKIN DISEASFS, Eruptions, Totter, Salt ItUcum, Blotches, Spots, l'imples, rustulcs, Bolls, Car buncles, itlng-Worms, ticuld-llcad, Boro Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Scurfs, DlscoloratloiiB of tho Sklu, numors and Dlseusca of tho bkln, of whatovor namo or natuio, aro literally d ig up and carried out of tho system in a short tlmo by tho uso cf theso Bitters. Ono bottlo In Buch casoB will convlnco tho most Incredulous of their curatlvo olToct. Cloanso tho Vitiatod Blood whenever ;ou find its ImparltloB buretlng through tho skin In Flmplcs, Erup tions or bores ; cleansu It when you find It obstructed and BlugKlsIt in tho veins t clcanso It whon It Is foul, and your fccllUKS will tell you whon. Kop tho blood puro and tho health of tho system will follow. PIN, TAPlinndothor WOItlJIS, lurklngln tho system of so many thousands, uro effectually destroy ed and removed. Tor full directions, road carefully tho circular around ouch bottlo, printed In four lan guages English, Goriuiiu, French und Spuulsu. J. WALKER, Proprietor. It. U. McDON AXD & CO., Druggists and Oen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal and 8J and W Commorco Street , New YorU. tareoLD dt all duuugists and dealers. LEBAN O 1ST Mutual Tire Insurance Company, OF JoncHtown, l'onii'n. PO1.I0IK..S PKItPKTUAT. at Low Itates. No Steam risks taken. This is ono of the best conducted and most reliable Coinpaules ill the Mate. Country propei-tv Insured I'erjietiially tit 4 no per thousand, and Town properly at $5 00 per thousand. The Pennsylvania Cattle Insurance Company, OF rOTTSVlM-E, l'KNX'A,, INHUKKS 71()1!SKH AND CATTLE AGAINST Death, Tbidt, or Accident, at very Low liatt-s. Call on or address LEWIS POTTER, M5W BLOOM FIELD, PA.. Agent for I'urry County. From the Dully Miners' Journal o July 22, 1870. Yesterday , Inmes If. (irler, Attent of the I'b nnon Mutual Flro Insurance Coniany, prnmntly pahl Lewis Harris S15I). his Insurance policy In full, which lie lost by lire on Hailroad Street, last Fri day. Mr. Grleralso paid John PettiiiKer JHh. Ills In surance policy In full, which was on a nurse that dieil last Saturday, and was Insured 111 the Penn sylvania Cutllu Insurance Company, of Potts Villo. 4X0 CLOTHING MADE TO OKDEIl! A. CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF Alwuya on bund, front which to select. Clothing MADE TO ORDER CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING of Superior Quality alwuya on bund. F. Mortimer P Co., March 10, '09. New Blooinfleld, l'u. JJAGLE HOTEL NEW 11LOOMFIELD, Terry County, Feiiu'u. nAVINO purchased tlie hotel formerly occu pied by David It. Lupfer, sit unled on North Carlisle Street adjoining the Court House, I am prepared to receive transient guests or regular boarders. To all who favor me with their custom, I shall endeavor to furnish llrst class accommodations. A cull is solicited, O SOU OB DEJtJi WK. Blooinfleld, March , 1869. 3 10 ly t a 5 S5 ft mmrn tit 'el's 3 K- ti fji iteiy JUL CtlAItLEd A. DAKA, Editor. A Ncnspnpcr ot the Present Times. Intended for Pcoplo Novr on Enrtb. Including Farmers, Mechanics, Merchants, Pro fessional Men, Workers, Thinkers, and all Man ner of Honest Folks, and tho Wives, Bans, and Daughters of all such. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A If EA II I ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOR 130, Or less thnn Ono Cont a Copy. Let thcro bo a 830 Club at every Post Office. SEMI-WEEKLY BUN, 93 A TEAR, of tho snme slro and general character as THE WEEKLY", but with a greater variety of miscellaneous rcadlncr, and furnishing tho news to Its subscribers with greater froshnoss, bocauso it comes twico a week Instead of once only. TIIE DAILY SUN, 0 A YEAR. A preeminently roadahlo newspaper, wltti tho largest circulation in tho world. l''rPO, Inde pendent, and fcnrlcps In politics. All tho news from everywhere. Two cents a copy ; by mull, 30 couts a mouth, or 80 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY HUN. FlTO coplos, ono yoar, separately addressrd. Four Dollnm. Ten copies, ono year. Rcnnrntcly addressed (and an extra copy to tlie fcticr up orchil)). V Klulil Dollar. Twenty copies, ono year, separately addressed (and an oxtrncopy to the itetter up of club). Fifteen Dollars. Fifty copies, ono year, to ono address land tho Beml-Weekly one year to cotter up of club). Thirty. tlireo Dollars. Fifty copies, one year, "cparntcly undressed (and ths Bouil- Weekly onoyeur to Better up ol club). Thirty. nvo Dollars. Ono hundred conies, ono year, to ono sddross (and tho Uolly for ouo ycur to the getter unor Ci")' Fitly Dollars. Ono hundred copies, one year, separately ad dressed (and tho Dally tor ouo your to t lie ircttcr up of club), blxty Dollars. TIIE SEMI-WEEKLY SUN. Flvo copies, one year, separately nrtdreepprl. fclilht Dollnrs. Ten conies, ono venr. separately addressed (and an extra copy to sottcr up of cln h ), Sixteen Dollars. SEND YOUR MONEY In Post Ofllro orders, cheeks, or drafts on New ork, whersver convenient. If not, then register tho letters oootalulng money. Addross . " L W. E.VOLAND, Publisher, Bun office. New York Cttv t, Z ? ? 1 87 Dec'r. 1 87 A Splendid Assortment of DRY -goods, Suitable for the Season nro now for Sale by tho ounseriuers, A.T LOW 1'llICES ! OUll STOCK O F Shawls and Casimores Will be found the most com plctc of any in the County. Also, A Splendid Assortment of ClotllH,, T13 A.IN N Ace, FOR FALL AND WINTER. F. MORTIMER & CO., NEW BLOOMPIELD, PA. NEW YORK CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YOMC, STllICTLV M IT UAL t AhmoIh, ift- t ,500,000 ! TSHUKS nil the new forms of Policies, and pre. scuts as favorable tei ius as any company in the United States. The Company will make temporary loans ou Its Policies. Thirty days' grace allowed 1111 each payment, and the M)lcy held good during that time. Policies Issued by tills Company are lion forfeit ure. No extra charges are made for traveling permits. Policy-holders share In the annual prolltsol the Company, uud have a voice In the elections and management of tlieOmpuny. No policy or medical fi eeharged. ,ll'HTI S I.aviikn k, Pres't. M. 11. Wvnkooi', Vice Pres't, J. P.ItooERS, Sec'y. J. K. EATON. Uencrul Agent, No. North Third Street, 4.2V y I College Block, llairlsbui g, P. PKItSJY COUNTY Ileal Estate, Insurance, AND CLAIM AGENCY. LEWIS POTTER & CO., Ileal IMate llrokers, Insurance, ! Claim Agent IVe-w 1 Jloomliolcl, I'm,. WE INVITE tltn attention of buyers and sell ers to the advantages we oiler tliem in pur eliaslnu: or disposing of leal estate through our of- nee. we liavc a verv larcc stof tleslramp property. consisting of farms, town property, mills, store nud tavern stands, nnd real estate of any deserip tlon wlileli we are prepared to oiler at itreat bar- tins. c advertise our properly very extensive- V, and use all our ellorts, skill, and dllilitonee to 'lleet a sale. We make 110 rbarees unless the property Is sold while registered witli us. We also draw up deeds, bonds, mortgages, andall legal pa pers at moderate rates. wane 01 ine uesr, eneapesr, ana most reiiaoio lire. Hie. nud cattle Insurance companies 111 the United Stales nro represented at this np;eney. Property Insured either on the cash or mutual plan, and perpetually at 9-1 and ?.' per thousand. Pensions, bounties, nud all kinds of war claims eolleeted. There are thousands of soldiers and heirs of soldiers who are entitled to pensions and bounty, who have never made application. Mol diers. If you were wounded, ruptured, oreontraet ed a disease in tlie service from which you are dis abled, you are entitled to a pension. When w idows of soldiers die or marry, the minor children are entitled to tlie pension. l ames navinn any uusinessto transnei in our line, are respectfully Invited to give lis a call, ns we are conlldent we can render satisfaction in any branch of our business. jrNo charge lor information. 4 !2U ly LliVYIH POTTER & CO. Perry County Bank! NjMUssIcr, .Jiuiliiit & Co. THU undersigned, having formed a Hanking As sociation under the above name and style, aro now ready to do a (ieneral Hanking business at their new Hanking House, on Centre Square, OPPOSITE TUB COURT HOUSE, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. We receive money on deposit and pay back on demand. We discount notes for a period of not over 00 days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and New York. On time Deposits, live percent, for any time over four months; and for four months four per cent. We aro well provided with all nnd every facility for doing a Hanking Business; nnd knowing, and for some years, feeling tlie great Inconvenience un der which the people of this County labored for tin want of a Hank of Discount nnd Deposit, we have have determined to supply the want sand tills belli the llrst Bank ever established in Terry county, we hope we w 111 be sustained in our ellorts, by all th business men, farmers nnd mechanics. This Hanking Association Is composed of ths fol lowing named partners: W. A. Sponsi.eu, Blooinllcld, Perry county, Ta. li. F. .ItJMilN, " A. (I. AI11.1.KH, Hhipiicnsburg,CunibeTlandco.,ra. John WoNDiaiucu, " " " HicNiiv ltt nv, " " " Wu. 11. Miller, Carlisle, " " OFFICEKS: W. A. 8PONSLER, PretideM. William Wilms, Cashier. New Bloomlleld, 3 5 ly Professional Cards. LKWIS I'OTTKll, Attouney-at-Law & Notaut Ptmr.io, JY?o llloomltrtil, Jfrrji Omntii, J'enn'a. n- Special attention given to Collections of nil kinds, to the settlement of estates, &e., and all other legal business prosecuted with fidelity and dispatch. Also, Depositions, Ailldavlts and Ac knowledgments taken. -Olllce live doors West of Stitch's hotel. 32Iy. B P. MoINTIKE Attorney nt Law. and DIs- trict Attorney of Perrv eouut v. Otilce with J. X. Mclntire. New llloonilleld, Penu'a. M. N. BEIBHHT. Attorney-nt-Lnw, New Blooinllcld. Perry co., Va. llloonilleld, 3 33 ly. WM. M. KUTCH, Attorney-nt-Lnw, and Mili tary Claim Agent. New llioomlteld, Perry Co., Pa. S-Olllee Two doors West of P. Mortimer's Store 3 7 ly "VtrM. A. SPONSLH11, Attorney-at-Law, y Olllce adjoining Ids residence, on East Main street, New llloonilleld, Perry Co., Pa. 3 2 ly II. OALBltAlTH, Attorney.at Ijiw, New Blooinllcld, Perry co., Pa. 4 Pensions, Bounties, Hack Pay. and nil Claims against the (ioveriiinent, promptly collect ed. Olllce with Win. A. SiHinsler, Esip a 2 ly. CLEE MUH11AY, Attorney-at-lJiw, and Real Kstate Agent, New Bloomlleld, Terry co.. Pa. W Olllce with Hon. B. F. Junkin, South Cur lisle street, New Blointleld, l'u. 3 2 ly. CI1A8. A. HARNETT, Atlornny-nt-Iw, New Bloonilleld, Perry CO., Pa. S,Ofllce adjoining Mortimer's Store. 3 2 ly C(IIAS. J. T, McINTIKE, Attorney-at-Law, j New llloonillfld. Perry co.. Pa. S All professional business promptly and faith fully attended to. 3 2 ly. JOHN CI. S1IATTO, Surgeon Dentist, New Bloomlleld, Perry Co., Pa. tistry All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den urlees.done In tlie best manner, nnd at reasonable ta-Olllce over Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly Dw. I. N. Shatio & W. 1). Louder, SEWl'OH'f, 1A. ALL operations In connection with Dentistry, skillfully iierformed at moderate charges. 4Satlsfaclioii guaranteed 111 all possible cases, or no charge. . Olllce ou Fourth Street, Newport, Pa., op. posile tlie Reformed Church. 4 52tf l)aily Express nnd Freight Line 15ETWHEX BLOOMFIELD& NEWPORT! THEsubscrllier wishes to notify the citizens of Bloonilleld and Newport that he Is running a Dally Llue between these two places. and will haul Freight of any kliul, or promptly deliver packages er messages entrusted to his care. -Orders may be left for him nt tlie stores of F. Mortimers Co., New Bloomlleld, or Mlllignu& Musser, Newport, Pa. .1. S. W1UTMORE. Blwimfleld. J'ySM9- Two Valuable Farms LOCATED IN JUNIATA COUNTY, PA., -Vt lrlvnto Halo. ONE of the farms contains SIIO ACHHS of well-Improved land, with good buildings, and good water near tlie door, with llue fruit, and many other Improvements. Stores, MUL and Churches within sight. The other contains 1 SO ACHK.S of well-Improved land, good buildings, line Spring of wuter near the door, and excellent fruit of many varie ties. The land is In a high state of cultivation, and of the best quality. '1 liesearedeslruble farms and will lie sold. For further particulars cull ou or address " TIM Ml OFFICK," Hit New Bloomlleld, Perry co., Pa.