The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, February 28, 1871, Page 5, Image 5

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    ljc imc0, Ncu Bloomficlir, JJa.
Tuesday, February 2S, 1S71
LOCAL 1) 12 PA li T ilf E JV 2'.
lre One Dollar a Year in Advance
CORRESPONDENTS will please bear In
miiul dial Idlers received later than Sat nrday eve
ning, or the down iiiailiin Monday morning have
to lay over until the following week.
The editor of tlio Lcwistown Democrat
seems to think " no person who docs not
wear fine clothes has any business ivt the
Bingham House," in Philadelphia. lie
judges from his own reception.
W. It. Klilin, a clerk in a store at State
Line, was killed a few evenings ago by a
gun which ho had placed to shoot any per
son who attempted to enter the store, bur
glariously. 0. Mi Wc think your complaint regarding
tlio county commissioners is entirely un
called for, as wo think they endeavor to do
tlio best they can with tlio peoples money.
Wo shall therefore, decline to publish your
Correction. Last week wo published a
communication regarding tlio Good Tem
plar Lodge, No. 402, which was by mistako
headed Now Dloomlield. It should have
been New Buffalo. Among tlio list of
officers for that lodge, wo omitted to men
tion tho W. V. T., Lizzio A. Tritlo.
The Democrat and llegitter of Milllintown
"Phoenix like" has risen from tho ashes of
the lato fire, beautified and improved. With
their new typo and new power press they
present their readers with a paper which
compares favorably with any of our ex
changes. Presbyterian Service will bo held on next
Sunday evening in tho Court House at 7
o'clock. Subject, "Docs tho Biblo teach
total abstinenco?" Text, Proverbs, 31st
chapter, Cth and 7th verses : "Givo strong
drink unto him that is ready to perish, and
wine unto tlioso that bo of heavy hearts.
Let him drink and forget bis poverty, and
remember his misery no moro."
At the Itepiiblican Convention held iuthis
borough, last week, on Monday afternoon,
Maj. Geo. A. Shuman, of Landisburg, was
elected Representative) Delegate. Tlio oth
er candidates were John II. Shcibley and J.
AV. Gantt.
Wo know of ono person who did not
seem pleased with tho result, but tho ma
jority of tho Republican voters of tho coun
ty will bo well satisfied with the choice
Isaac Wright, John D. Crco and John A.
Shearer were elected Senatorial Conferees.
Washington's Birth Day. In this bor
ough the 22d, of Feb., was celebrated with
considerable spirit. A joint parado was
mado by tho Odd Follows, tho " Knights of
Pythias,"aud tho Senior and Jr. O. U. A. M.
Tho societies mado a very good display, and
most excellent music was furnished by tlio
Duncannon Band. After a parado through
tho town tho procession passed into tho
court room, whero quite a number of ladies
and gentleman wore in waiting to hear tho
remarks which woro to be mado on behalf
of tho dill'eront societies.
Tho Jr. O. U. A. M., was represented by
Mr.T. P. Clegg. Tho "Knights of Pythi.iB
by Mr. I. G. Black. Tho O. U. A. M., by
Win. M. Sutch Esq., and tho I. O. of O. F.
by Prof. W. II. Dill.
Each of these gentlemen in a short ad
dress, set forth the merits of thoir respect
ive ordors, and appropriately rcforred to
tho "Father of our Country," whoso birth
day thoy wcro celebrating. Tho eulogy on
Washington, by Professor Dill, was re
markably fine. At tho conclusion of tho
addresses, tho members of tho societies
proceeded to their respective lodgo-rooms.
The closing event of the day was a supper,
which was furnislred by the ' Mite Society,'
of the Presbyterian Church. Tho baso
ment of the church edifico was filled with
tables and arranged so as to comfortably
seat 210 poisons. Provisions in abundance
for twice that number was sot on the tables,
which were so arrange, that a most
tempting display was made. In every re
spect tho supper was a credit to tho ladies
who provided it. If the men of that
church would show the samo liberality and
energy that is displayed by tho ladies, that
society would not bo long in raising tlio
funds to complete thoir now building.
Photographs t We are, pleased to in.
form our readers that Mr. Jerome Brinor
has erected a Photograph Gallery on Car
lisle street, in this borough, whero ho is
now prepared to take photographs. Thoso
whodesiro to have good picluret should call
upon him. He claims that ho can take
photographs which cannot be excelled this
side of Philadelphia,
Clothing. Persons wanting clothing
mado in a superior manner should leave
their orders with F. Mortimer k Co., who
having secured the services of a very supe
rior workman from New York, are pre
pared to execute orders promptly, and in
the best stylo. They also have the best as.
sortniuut of cassimorea and cloths in the
county. tf.
Who has Lost ft Little Girl ? The Ful
ton (Pa.) " Democrat" asks its exchanges
to givo publicity to tlio following :
" Last summer a party of Gypsies, con
sisting of two women and a girl aged about
eleven years, passed through tho villago of
Belmore, Crawford county, going west.
Shortly after passing through tho place, a
man engaged at hauling logs came across a
little girl aged about four years, who had
been left in tho road about a milo cast of
tlio village, on tho rottto tho Gypsies had
just passed over. Tho man who was haul
ing logs picked up tho child and took it to
his homo. Tho littlo thing could givo no
account of itself, nor has ever yet convey
ed any idea who its parents are. Tho gen
eral impression is that tlio child did not
belong to tho Gypsies, and that they stolo
it from somo family and bocoming tired of
it left it in tho road as abovo stated.
There may bo somewhere a mourning
father and mother whom tho publication of
this item may lead to the discovery of their
lost child.
A Warning. The danger of calling upon
God in a blasphemous manner was illustra
ted yestorday morning, in a caso peculiar
in its character, in which divino wrath is
plainly disccrnablo. A man residing in
this city has long been suspected by his
wife as guilty of infidelity to his marriago
vows, and cohabiting with another woman.
Meanwhile sho was neglected by him, and
compelled to earn a livelihood by obtaining
work away from homo. Information
reached her of tlio criminal intimacy, and
ho was accused of it, when ho protested his
innocence in most emphatic language, call
ing upon God to paralyzo him if ho was
guilty. Scarcely half an hour had elapsed
when ho was deprived of tho faculty of
speech, and has not since been ablo to ar
ticulate a word. This visitation of God has
a peculiar significance, and should prove
a warning. Harrisburg Mate Journal.
Thoso who have not trimmed their grapo
vines should do so without delay.
Wo call attention to the advertisement of
tho Waltham Watch Company in another
A National Saluto was fired from Capitol
Hill at Harrisburg, at noon, on tho 22nd
It is expected thatanothor R. R. meeting
will bo called as soon as action has been
taken on tho extension of the charter.
Mr. Walter Appono of tho Commissioners
of Juniata county died at his residenco in
Susquehanna twp., on tho 18th inst.
A patent for a stave cutting machino has
been granted to A. J. Howell and James
Murphy of Juniata Co. Tho machino is said
to cut yO complete staves of any sizo per
A. Dutchman in this town on Wednesday
last when told that thoy were celebrating
tho lll'Jth birth day of Washington, replied:
" Meiu Got ! but bo's an old fellow don't
On Tuesday afternoon last, somo person
entered tho store of Mr. David Kolp at
Harrisburg and stole quite a sum of money.
Tho next day tho stolen money was return
ed him.
Ono night last week a few articles bo-
onging to an Israelito named Oppenheimcr,
who has a storo at Blain, wcro stolen from a
wagon which had boon loaded and left in a
stable at Newport.
A lad named Laird, about eight years
old, whoso parents live in Patterson, Juni
ata county, was killed at that placo on
Tuesday last by being run over by a loaded
Wo beard several farmers last week dis
cussing tho propriety of having eggs sold
by weight. Tho only ono who did not seem
to think it tho fairest way, was a man who
always has very small eggs to sell.
A new bell for tho M. E. Church at New-
K..A..f -a ....f l.r. l,'..i, 1.,.. 1 Tl.
weighed 522 pounds, and was presented by
Capt. Wm. Lowtbor. Thoso who have
heard it ring, say it speaks for the Captain's
liberality, in far sounding tones.
Vwhilo Robert Gibson, Esq., of Spring
township, was riding along on horseback
on last tuesday night, tlie trout legs ot lus
horse sank in tho mud of a rivulet crossing
tho road, so suddenly as to throw his rider
over his head, the horse turning a summer
set, almost falling on Mr. G. Ho escaped
with a few slight bruises on tho head and
(.On Wcdnosday ovonlng last, tho breaking
oi an axie raiuer uosiroyeu tno pleasure ot
a buggy-rido which our worthy District
Attorney was taking with a lady compan
ion, i ortunatoly the injury to tho occu
pants of tho vehicle was only trilling,
though it was rather unpleasant to return
to town on foot leading tho torso.
A lad in Lewistown was considerably
scared last week, from tho explosion of
some black substance which he Lad fou nil in
a bottle, which bo was thawing out at a
stove, supposing it to bo frozen ink. Ho
found that powder did not thaw worth a
For Tltt Bloomfleld Timet.
Liverpool, Feb., 23d, 1871.
Mr. Editor, Dear Sir. A grand anniver
sary ball was held in this town ball, O. F.
building of our town,' on tho 22d, inst.
Twenty-livo couplo was in attendance,
every thing passed off pleasantly, and all
seemed to havo a lolly time. Ouito an el
egant hall gaily festooned, and also a splen
did band of musicians. Quito a number
were present from our neighboring towns.
An elegant supper was sorved by tho pro-
Iiriotor of tho Susquehanna House, who
mows how to uecornmodate tho public.
. W. F.
Nulo Bills. All ordors for salo bills by
mail, will be promptly attended to.
For tin Bloomfleld Timet.
Ai.toona, Feb., 24th,1871.
Mr. Editor : A very sad accident hap
pened lioro on tho 22d. A young man by
tho nnmo of McClellan, and a very lino
young man 22 years of ago, ho was caught
on tho cow catcher of an engino and drag
ged near lifty yards, bis feet under and bis
head and shoulders above, and ho calling.
His ono foot caught in a frng in tho track
and was pulled under, both legs wcro mang
led and one arm. Ho lived from evening un
til 12 o'clock, p.m., when ho expired. Ho was
sensible to tho last.
In the t'ily Hall John B. Gongh lectured
on 'Peculiar Peoplo' and proved himself to
a very good lecturer exceeding others who
had gono before him ; there was about fif
teen hundred of an audience according to
our computing.
Tho lire engino companies had a grand
parado and a dedication of a new engino
house which is largo and very beautiful, with
illuminated clock on tho tower. A
Company was hero from Lock Haven, also
a delegation liom Philadelphia.
In the evening many young men in the
primo of life exhibited themselves asdrunk
ardt. OnSERVEH.
lieyislry of Salcn.
Bills for tho following sales havo been print
ed lit this olllco t
On Tuesday, Feb. 28, tlio Administrators of
John Itccdcr, deceased, lato of Spring town
ship, will sell personal property, consisting of
live stock, farming implements, and household
On Wednesday, Mnrrh 1st, Lewis Llckel,
from his residence In Whcntflcld township, 5
miles from Duuciinnon, will sell live-stock,
farm Implements, household furniture, and of
fer nt public sale his farm of 110 acres.
On Wednesday March 1st. J. M. Etunihangh
nt his residence near Green Park will sell a
lino lot ol'plgsund a sow,of pure Chester breed,
besides horses, cattle, harness, and a variety
of farming implements. .
On Friday March 3d Messrs Sheaflcr fi Co.,
In Uyc twp., 4)i miles west of Duneunnoii will
sell 0 head of mules, horses, cows, wagon gears,
tools, a largo quantity of lumber and many
other articles. W. V. llouser, Auctioneer.
On Thursday, March 2d, David Edwards at
Ms residence in Millcrstown, will sell one. maro
and harness, and a lot of household and kitch
en furniture.
On Saturday, March 4, Samuel R. Lady,
from his residence near lllgler post-ollice, Ad
ams county, will sell a largo quantity of farm
ing Implements, stock, etc.
On Monday. March 0, A. L. Bowninn, from
his residence near Oiler's 1'oint, will sell live
stock, meat by tho pound, potatoes by the bush
el, and a largo lot of farming implements.
On March 17th, Wm. Rough it Sons will sell
on the premises in Juniata township, 3 horses,
1 mule, 3 milcli cows, 4 head of young cattle,
2 good wagons and a lot of fanning Imple
ments. Also 1 spring wagon, gears, &c. Also,
a lot of household and kitchen furniture will
bootrcred for sale.
Npn Wednesday, the 22nd of March, 1871,
j-iaviu vtcnizci win ecu ai ins residence, i;;
miles South of Blain, 4 horses, two 2-year old
colts, 4 cows, 5 steers, hogs, 1 largo wagon,
farming implements, household and kitchen
furniture, &c.
On Friday, the 24th day of March, lf71,
Robert Gibson, Ksq., will oner for salo at his
residenco at Falling Springs, Spring township,
thrco tine Horses, thrco Cows, ono springing,
a lot of Young Cattle, 1 Sow and Tigs, 15 heud
of Sheep, 2 Wagons, Household and Kitchen
Furniture mid many other articles.
Church Notiectt.
Presbyterian preaching in the Court
room next Sunday at 11 in tho morning,
and at 7 in'tbo evening. Prayer meeting
will bo held on Wednesday evening in the
same placo.
In tho M. E. Church, prayor-mceting on
Thursday evening. Preaching on Sunday
evening by Rev. G. W. Bouse.
Fresh Garden, Flower, Fruit Herb, Treo
& Shrub, and Evergreen Seeds, prepaid by
mail with directions for culture. Twonty
fivo different packets for $1.00. Tho six
classes $5.00.
20,000 lbs. Evergreen and Tree Seeds j Apple,
Pear, Cherry, ifcc. Gruss Seeds j Beet, C'ub
bngo, Carrot, Onion, Squash, Turnip, and all
Vegctablo and Flower Seeds, lu small or largo
quantities j also Small .Fruits, Stocks. Bulbs,
Shrubs, Roses, Verbenas, etc., by mail, prepaid.
Now Golden Banded Jupan Lily, 50c. Priced
Descriptive Catalogues scut to any plain address,
gratis. Agents wanted. Wholesale List to
Agents, Clubs and the Trade. Seeds on com
mission B. M. WATSON, Old Colony, Nurseries and
Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established
In 1842. 5 5 2m.
One HuNmiKD run Cent. Since tlio en
largement of Oak Hall tho largest clothing
house lu Philadelphia tho business has In
creased nearly a hundred per cent. It scorns
Impossiblo to build a house too largo for a
IiuhIiichb conducted on tho principle of fair
dealing and small prolits.
fr My hair was falling oil", I used two bot
tles of Nature's Haiii Rkstohativb and It
checked It at once. It is clean, sal'o and clll
eient. If your druggUt has not got It, send di
rect to PitocToii Buos., Gloucester, Muss. See
Why Keep That Cough?
When a bottle of Rohrer's Lung Hulsani will
.:e it. It is pleasant to take, and more cllec
llvo than any other cough medicine. Try it.
For sale by F. Mortimer Si Co.,JNcw Bloom
lleld,and most other stores In the county, tf.
To the Ladies!
A Clrrular fur married or sIiikIh Indies, contain
ing desirable informal Ion upon matters never be
fore liiailc public, mailed free. Thuxu who wish to
ulva It a eiuelnl pcmial may address,
U3n W illiamsburg, N. Y.
Atcui.ev Landsiuiioii On tho 23rd of
Feb ruary, ut tlio Lutheran Parsonage lu this
borough, by Rev. S. A. Hedges, Isaac N. Atch
ley of Cumberland county, to Miss Anna B.
Landsbaugh, of Perry county.
BrcTZMAN HosTKTTKii At tho Lutheran
parsonage, lu Nowport, Pa., ou tho Kith of
February, 1871, by Rev. G. F. Schaeller, D. P.
BtiiUmaii, of Hiirrlsburg, to Mis Lizzio K.
Hostetter, of Centre tp., Perry co.
Kisti.eii On the 27th lust., In tills
borough, by Rev. John Kdgnr, Mr. Llovd K.
Klstlur, of KansttB, to Miss Bella A. Binlley.of
this borough.
Gaiii.e In Nowport, Pa., ou the 24th lust.,
Mr. Levi Guble, in the lillrd year of lils'Bge.
County Trice Current.
Hloomkiei.d, February 28, 1871.
Flax-Meed 12 00
Potatoes, or, cents.
nutter -ifl pound, 2.') "
Eggs 1 dozen, 22 "
Dried Apples pound, 6 a 0 "
Dried reaches 8 lOcts.yit.
1'enlcd Peaches IS 22 cts. "
Cherries n 0 cts. "
" Fitted 15 13 cts. "
Itlackberries, 8S10cts. "
Onions ) bushel, 75
Corrected Weekly by Wm. Koayh it ion.
Newpoht, February 27, 1871.
Hour, Extra fa hi
Red Wheat 1000115
Rye . 75
Corn r;o 00
Oats 3(1 ,12 pounds, 45
Clover Heed 6 00 0 00
Timothy Seed 3 50
Flax Seed 1 75
I'otatoes 70 8 5
Ground Allium Halt 2 25
l.lineburiior's Coal 2 40
Stovo Coal 5 (5 0 00
l'ea Coal 3 40
Smith Coal 25 cts. ft bus.
Cross Ties,S! rcct long -15 45 45 cents.
Dressed Hogs Sets, fl ft
Philadelphia Price Current.
Corrected Week ly by Janney it Andrews,
No. 123 MA1IKET STltl'F.T.
rillLADEM'lllA, February 25, 1S70.
White Wheat $ 1 40 tS 1 57
Red Wheat 1 40 1 50
Rye 10flfjl(
Corn, 77(79
Oats 58 00
Clover Seed lligllViiperlb.
Timothy Seed, 5 (10 0 25
Flax Seed 2 00 2 00
Country Lard, 11 12
Eggs, 28 U 30
llutter, solid In bbls.' 2 lii
Washed Wool 51 cents per lb.
Dressed Hugs' palO cts. per 11).
For the Farm and Garden!
pi; hk (iitoi'Mi noNi:, -PHOSPHATE IF I.I.MI!,
Manufactured by the Harrisburg Fertilizer Com
pany, llariiburg, l'a. 1'or sale by
5 0, 13 Newport, l'a.
J Journcd Court, commencing March loth,
Centre Meredith Darlington, John Ho
stetter, William Aspcr, Georgo BUteline,
Samuel Withrow.
Watts Alexander McAllister.
Tyrone Sterret Sheaflcr, Georgo Weaver.
Toboyne A. B. Grosli, Daniel Gutshall,
George W. Garbcr, Daniel Wentz.
Newport Wm. T. Flckcs.
Penn Irwin Clilsliolm, John Esslck.
Liverpool Benj. Aumillcr, Levi Wilt.
Toboyne E. A. McLaughlin, James Adams.
Millcrstowu Robert Catlieint, Collins E.
Carroll Oliver Brown, Carson Lnckey.
Tuscarora John Yohu, Thomas Kerr, John
Whcatflcld Christian Rnthfon, C. Ifeiscly.
Madison A. L. Hcucu, John Crist, Tliomus
Greenwood W. B. Leas, Jonathan Wert.
Savllle Solomon Kopcnhcll'er, Alex. Barnes.
Howe Michael M. Miller.
Duncanuon Amos Hunter.
Juniata Jerome B. Toomcy.
Liverpool boro Levi. W Hamilton.
Marysvllle William B. JWlet.
Blooinllcld David P. Sliefffley,
Oliver John A. Super.
Miller David Harper.
Bull'alo Henry Dceknrd.
Spring Simon B. Shcibley, Abraham Bower,
John M. Fooso, Daniel Foose.
Collins E. Patterson, In tlio above list Is dead,
and John Esslck has moved to tlio West.
riMUAL LIST for Adjourned Court of Com-
inou Pleas, to be held tho 13th of Miircb,
Jos. Eisley, vs. James Flndlcy, ct al.
Isaac Stokes, vs. James Woods.
H. H. Weirick vs. Henry Wugner.
Way, Foster it Co., vs. Joseph Eby.
C. Helshlcy vs. Heury Bridge et al.
Win. HuyB vs. Georgo W. Trostlo.
Jacob Tyson vs. Nathan Colyer.
Levi Mease vs. Francis Smedley ct al.
('. Heishley vs. Heury Bridges.
W. U. 8. Cook vs. A. A. Murray.
Andrew Peunel vs W. B. Irvin et al.
Jacob Yohn vs. Greenwood School Dial.
Lewis Gllllllcn vs. Same.
Perry Kreamer vs. Same.
yew Advert iitenicnta.
The olilcst and best conducted Mercantile Collego
lu tho Ooiuitrv. For circulars, w rite lo
1". DlW&soNN, Pittsburgh, l'a.
-IIAHriiltS' KlUTIiiN OK DltFF'fi 1IOOK
KlilCl'ING. 4il pp. Contains National Dank,
Rail ltuad HOok keepIng, &u.
A Portfulla of first-class Wit and Humor, contain
ing the Richest Comical (Stories, Cruel Hells, Hldo.
Splitting Jokes, Humorous Poetry, Oualnt Pino
(lies. Ilurlcsiniu Sermons, Mew Conundrums ami
Mirth l'ioviikiiiK Speeches over published. Inter
spersed wllh Curious Puzzles, Amusing Card
'1 ricks. Feats of Parlor Muulv, ami nearly am Fun
ny F.ngraviiigs. Illustrated Cover. Price 15 cts.
Kent by mall, poslage paid, to any part of the Cul
led States, on receipt of price. HICK & FITZ
GERALD. Publishers, l(f Ann-st., N. Y.
DH. . H. FTI'dl'M Family Physician: 00
pages; sent by mall free. Teaches liow lo
cure all diseases of the person! skin, lialr, oves,
complexion. Write to 7H Broadway, Now York.
loth Year. (WO Acres. PI Greenhouses. Largest
Assortment all sizes. Best Stock I Low Prices!
Would you know What, When, How to plant I
Fruit, Shade, Evergreen Trees, Root Grafts, Seed
lings, Osage Plants, Apple Seed, Early Rose Pola-
timtf Kliriilm Iti.Mi.u I J i't...iiliitiiu. it . 1 1 .1 1....
ics, Shrubs, Roses, (Jreculiouso and Garden
i-iaius, sc., &e. (ujivmi apu V EG ETA Hi. IS
SEEDS! Finest, Best Collection Sorts and iiiutll
ly. Send Ulcents for Now, Illustrated, Descrip
tive Catalogue !) pages. Send stamp, each, for
CiilaloB(ies of Seeds, with plain directions til
pages: bedding and Garden Plants nates
and Wholesale Price List 2i pages. Address
F. K. PIKEMX, lllooinlngtou, Illinois,
A fll'f'flt. fiffW Horace Waters,
Ulf(t UJJVI 4K1 Broadway, N.Y.
will dispose of Ono Hundred Pianos, Jllelodoons,
anil Gleans of six llrst-elnss makers, Including
VV liters', at extremely low prices, for Cash, during
this month, or will take a part cash and balance lu
monthly or ijuarlcrly Instalment.
The extensive use of these watches for the last
fifteen years by Hallway Conductors, Engineers
and Expressmen, tho most exacting of watch
wearers, has thoroughly demonstrated the strength
steadiness, durability nnd accuracy or tho Wal
tham Watch. To satisfy that class In all theso
reipects, Is to decide the question as to tho real
value of these tlmc kecncrs.
More than 000,000 of these watches are now
speaking for themselves In tho pockets of tho
people a proof and a guarantee of their superior
lty over all others.
The superior organization and great extent of
the Company's Works at Waltham, enables them
to produce watches at a price which renders com
petition futile, and those who buy any other watch '
merely pay from 25 to Co per cent, more for their
watches than Is necessary.
These time pieces comblno every improvement
that a long experience has proved of real practi
cal use. Having had tho refusal of nearly every
invention In watch-making originating In this
country or in Europe, only tlioso wero finally
adopted which severe test lug by the most skilful
artisans In our works, and long use on tho part
public, demonstrated to be essential to correct ami
enduring time-keeping.
Among the manv luiiirovoinpiita u n-nni.t ......
tlcularlzc :
I he Invention and use of a centre pinion of pe
cuhar construction, to prevent damage to thetraln
L'in ,"h ,ki"--"I '""'""I'ri'iBs. is original Willi
.'"ericau Satch ( (.nipany, who, having had
the refusal of all other contrivances, adopted
I-ogg s patent pinion as being the best, and fault-
Hardened and tempered halr-sprlnrs now nn!
vcrsally admitted by 'watchmakers o be t" ebes
alT,Vf";1. '!!;'" K"J'!',!"'f Waltham Watches. '
All Waltham Watches have dust-proof cans
protecting ' the movement from dust, and lessflnimJ
inol'luu-'w-Uches!110 tWmM elt',l""'B
Onr new palent stem-winder, or keyless watch
Is already a decided success, and a great Improve.
ment on any slein-wiiuling watch In tho American
......... i, .in i.v iiw ii, eiieapcsi, Walcllof Its (liri .
lty now ollercd lo the public. To those livli ur I n
1 in uons oi ino C illicit Slates where watchmakers
do not abound, watches Willi tho above nicnlloncd
................. . , ..m .. , ensure acciuacv.
cli'anliiiess,(lurabilllyandc(mvenicnce,iiuist prove
The trademarks of the various styles made bv
the Company are as follows:
American Wahli Co., Waltliatn, Mitt.
Amn. Watch Co.. Waltham, Mast.
American Watch CO., Crescent St., W-iltham
Appktan, Tracy ,t Oi., Waltham, Mass.
Waltham Watch Co., Waltham, Mass.
J'. S. llartlett, Waltham, Mass.
Wm. lCllenj, Waltham, Mass.
Ifiime Watch (b., Itoston, Mass.
Examine tho spelling of theso names carefully
before buying. Any variation even of a single
letter. Indicates a counterfeit.
For sale by all leading jewelers. No watches re
tailed by the Company.
An Illustrated history of watch-making, con
taining much useful information to watch-wearers
sent to any address on application.
Genehal Agents foii American Watch Co., 18SS
Biioadwav, New Yohk.
We will Insert an advertisement
In Ono Hundred and Flfty-flvo First-class
Pennsylvania Newspapers,
Including Eleven Dallies.
We refer to the publisher of this paper, to whom
our responsibility Is well known.
TItST1 HliJN'T 1'"117I0.
Address GKO. 1'. 1IOWELI. fc CO.,
Auveutibinq Agents,
Xos. 40aiid 41 l'ark Bow, New York.
HOY 8 and U I HI. SI who engage In our new busl
ncss make from 5 to Slo per day In their own lo
calltics. Full particulars and Instructions sent
free by mall. Those 111 need of permanent, profit
able work, should address at once, GEOKGli
STI N'SON & CO., Portland Maine.
An Independent Fortune
('an bcinadelnanuietwayby men that are ca
J'.'iw'I."..''''!'1" 'cret. Address .JAMliS
UOOinviN, 07 Jixchantie l'lace, A'ew York.
1 QOn , HE T,,K VEOTAI1M5 "J Qrrt
J lie old standard remedy for C'ouglis.Colds.or Con
sumption Xothing better. Cutueu linos. & Co.,
lioston, Mass.
?????? 4 ?
TO Till! WORKING 'LASH. Wo are now pro
pared to furnish all classes with constant employ,
ment at liome, tlio whole of tho time or for tho
spare moments, llusiness new, light, and prollta
ble. Persons of cither sex easily earn from 50c. to
5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting
their whole time to tho business. Hoys and girls
earn nearly as much as men. That all who see
this notice may send their address, and test the
business, we make the unparalleled offer! To such
as are not well satisllud, wo will pay 91 for
the trouble ot writing. Full particulars, a valuable
sample which will do to commence work on, and a
copy of The J'eojilv's Jjtcrary (Jom)ianion onn ot
the largest and best family newspaperever publish
ed all sent free by mail. Reader, If you wunt
liermaueut, prolltabln work, address
V. ALLKN A; CO., Augusta, Maine, r
8A1.ARY PF.a WKKK, and ex- peases pain iKcni", lo sen new anil use.
fill discoveries. Address 11. SWEET it CO., Alarslw
all, Michigan, r
AVOID QUAC KS. A victim of carlylndis
ere! Inn, causing nervous debility, premature
decay, &c, having tried lu vain every udvertiscd
remedy, has a simple means of self-cure, w hich ho
will scud free to Ills fcllow-sullercrs. Address j.
II. TDTTLE, 78 Nassau St., New York. r
T SECRETS for Ladles and Gents. Sent free
r 2 stamps. Dr. Bonaparte & Co., Cincinnati, (J.r
Usothe Kod Horse Powders.
Snyder, V. S. Assistant Assessor, Mount
Aetna, Pa, C. llacon, Livery Stable, Suiibury, Pa,
Horses Cured of Founder. Wolf ft Wilhclm,
Danville, Pa. A. Ellis, Merchant, Washington,
villo, l'a. A. Hlonaker, Jersey.
Horso Cured of Lung Fever. Hess & Urother,
Lewlsburg, l'u.
Horse Cured of Colic Thomas Cllngan. Union
County, l'a. Hogs Cured of cholera. II. llarr,
II. (c A. Cadwallader. Cows Cured. Dr. J. M.
M'Cleeiy, 11. McCorinlck, Milton, l'a.
Chickens Cured of Cholera and fiapos. Dr. U.
O. Davis. Dr. D. T.Krebs, 0. W. sticker, Job u and
James t'iuuey.
M. Hundreds more could be cited whoso Block
was saved.
German and English Directions. Prepared I
Druggist, Chemist and Horsemai,
4 41 Milton, Pa., Northumberland oo Ta.
Neatly executed at Hut lllowailleld Tin
bleam J Ouko.