5 Tuesday, February 21, 1871, LOCAIj department. OUR TERMS Arc One Dollar a Year in Advance I CORRESPONDENTS will please War In niiiiil tlia t tellers received Inter than Saturc'.ayeve. nlng, or the down mail on Monday morning have to lay ovur until the following week. Hubscribcrs whoso subscriptions nro nbnut out will please remember that all papers nro stopped iittlio expiration ol the time for which they nro paid. As many who wish to renew, or subscribe, may prefer to pay somo person In their vicinity, rather than remit by mall, we give notice that tho following persons arc authorized torccelvo money for 27io Times: II. M. KRY, Newport. JAMES L. 1)1 VLN, Landlsbnrg. WM. JACKSON, I'. M.. New P.iilla'o. WM. A. RODKN.P.M., lckesburg. S. W. ITCKKS, 1'. M.. .lunlalii. HI A YOUNG, P. M.. Dcllville. SAMUEL RKItEltT, Kliorinnnsdnlo. A. H. Willi EKETTLH, Mnrkolvillo. THOMAS KICAGAH, P.M., Main. ((. W. l.oitAl (ill, iiomially's Jlllls. W. 1. KIl'P, Millerstown. KA Ml' 10 L SI lOKM A K Hit, Loysvllic. .1. L. EVI.NGKR, Centre. gKoroh CRIST, Green Park. .lollN B1XLEU Sandy Hill. PICT Jilt A. BAJvlCIt, Keystone,!'. (). Children's Church Scrrico in tho court house, next Sabliath evening, at 0 o'clock, by tho Sabbath School of tho Presbyterian Church. Subject : " Early Seekers." lie punctual so as not to interrupt tho scrvico of tho little ones. rnnlis ! AVo nro pleased to in form our readers that Mr. Jcromo Brinor has oroctctl a Photograph Gallery on Car lisle street, in thin borough, whero lio is now prepared to talco photographs. Thoso whodeslro to havo good pictures should call upon him. IIo claims that ho can ,talco photographs which cannot bo excelled this siilo of Philadelphia. Cumulative Yotin; appears to find con sidorablo favor in tho Stato Senate. Be sides passing tho bill applying that system of voting to school directors, they liavo passed a bill authorizing tho system in tho election of town councils. Should tho House approvo tho action of tho Sonata, it would mako uuito a chango in tho ofliccs of a borough when ono party has a doci dod majority, and in our own borough would givo tho Democrats a chance for two mtmbors of tho council. Accident from Cortl Oil. On Friday evening of last wcok, a daughter of Mr. John Hoffman, residing at tho cast end of Harrisburg, had noarly all tho hair burn ed off hor head, by tho ignition of Rose oil, while, filling a lamp. Tho flames woro jiut extinguished in time to Bavo tho girl from being seriously burned. None of thoso accidonts would occur if persons would uso Carson's Stellar Oil, or if using common oil, would uso Porlcius & House's Non-explosive Lamp. Warning to Shoemakers. Heretofore Uiero has been no remedy for tho suffering caused by shoemakers lying to peoplo about when they would havo a pair of boots dono and thousands of peoplo havo gone down to thoir graves with ono groat sorrow proy iug upon thoir minds, that tho lying shoe maker still lived. But a man in Jackson Miss., has inaugurated a now era. Tho ' Shoemaker lied to him for a year or so about a pair of boots, and ho blowcd tho upper story of his hoad ofT. Now if this should bo catching, wo think wo know of some shoemakers who would bo in great danger. Lot thorn tako warning from this terriblo example A Ihillroud In Perry Comity. Mr. Josiah Espy, has had an article published in tho State Journal in which he suggests to tho legislature tho propriety of appropriating $300,000 towards tho construction of tho railroad to Broad Top via Sherman's Creek. This would bo a foolish wasto of money for with $100,000 less, a better and thorter road to Broadtop could bo built. Tho Duncnnnon Bloomfleld & B. T. It. It., reaches the samo point as tho other route with a saving of nino miles in distance, and over a routo of such easy grade that tho cost of tho first ten miles will bo no greater than a single mile near Shorniansdalo on tho other proposed routo. This fact is worthy tho consideration of tho friends of both routes. Tour Duty. If you desire an Interesting paper, subscribe for it pay in advance read it attentively writo for it occasional ly and procure all the now subscribers you cau. If you havo a family and wish to in terest your son or dau'ghtor in reading a paper, and furnish them tho means of be coming a subscriber, then you will havo tho double pleasure of reading tho paper and hearing it read. If your neighbor borrows your paper and don't return it, by all means get him to subscribe for one of his own. If you havo a brother In tho church and ho says he is too poor to tako a country paper tell him to dnfik more cold water, and less " whiskey." He will thereby add much to his own comfort and lose no friends. If you havo never taken a county paper you can give tho publkhor nn agreeable sur prise by forwarding your subscription by the next post. Look out for Impostors. Wo copy tho following from tho Boston " Congregntion alist, of Feb. 2, 1871 : Wo aro requested by tho Lamoillo Asso ciation to publish tho following exposure, that other denominations as woll as our own .may bowaro of Impostors : Ono C. E. Kider, calling himself C. E. Itivors, form erly laboring as a Congregational minister in Illinois, last August, an ombozzler and deserter of his wife and family, has recent ly been lecturing and preaching in Ver mont. Hero ho represented that ho was nn unmarried man, a convortod Jew ; that ho had just returned from London, Paris, and tho Holy Laud ; and that ho was about to publish n book of travels. Ho is a Jew by birth, a play actor by profession, nn im postor in truth ; Is small, nervous, with black hair and whiskers, small, light, bluo eyes ; wears spoctaclcs, shows forged cre dentials and a letter of dismission from an association in London. Ho has now left for parts unknown. Ministors and church es nro warned that ho is a person unworthy of confidence." Tho Dnuvillo American of February 2d says : On Saturday evening a despcralo character call at tho residonco of Mr. Isaac Amorman ordered a supper at once, and ns only a daughter of Mr. A. was at home, tho villian drew a revolver to enforco bis de mands. Tho lady with remarkable pres ence of mind, apparently complied, and in so doing slipped tho chain from a savngo bull dog at tho back door. The dog at once sprang upon tho intruder, before ' ho had timo to shoot, and seized him with a yell and tho foreo of a lion, hurled him to tho floor, and there they had it rough and tumble, through tho door and out into tho street, until tho scoundrel was released from the dog. Torn, wounded and bleed ing, tho villian no doubt rose from that ter riblo encounter, fully satisiied with tho kind of supper ho got through the heroism of a brave girl and tho fangs of n savage bull dog. Dr. Schtt'ppe's Cnsc Last Wednesday morning was set apart by ministors,lawyois and other citizens of Carlisle, to await on tho Governor, in company with Keprcsen tativo Leidig, of Cumberland, and other legislators, and present sundry papers in Dr. Schocppo's case, including somo nfter discovorcd ovidenco and a petition for par don, on tho ground mainly of ill health, signed by sevoral thousand citizens of Cumberland, including tho best peoplo and many who onco believed him guilty. Mr. Leidig waited on tho Governor and inform ed him of tho contemplated intcrviow, when tho hitter said ho would of course bo pleased to' sto them, but that ho would hear no more speeches In tho matter, and that anything in regard to it must bo com municated in writing. Tho rosidt was that tho supplicants for Schojppo's pardon did not como, but tho papers will bo prcsontod as soon as received. y icvt'port Items. On last Thursday about ono o clock, wnon tno wind was blowing terrific, wo almost had a firo in our town. A house occupied by Mr. Sanderson, back of Mr. Wolever's residonco, on socond street caught fire from somo unknown cause, on tho roof and by tho timely assis tance of somo men in tho vicinity saved tho greater part of our town. , JBii Friday night tho 10th Inst., Jones & Soli Forwarding & Commission IIouso was entered by porsons who took flour, Pork, corn meal, buckwheat nioal and chops to tho amount of about $25. Entranoe was mado by breaking in a part of tho tran som when they reached down onlho insido and unbolted tho door. No arrests but strong suspicions rest on certain parties. For the BloomjkUl Timet. Altoona, Feb. 17th, 1871. Mr. Editor A sad accident occurred hero on tho railroad. A man by tho namo of Brady, from Harrisburg, who was break ing on a train. Whilo making up a train he was caught between tho cars and was killed. There Is considerable down grado, and ho not being perhaps familiar with tho yard or placo of making up a train, was tho cause this being his first trip to this placo. Ho leaves a wife, wo understand. There is a most intorosting revival of re ligion in progress in tho Lutheran church. Many havo been added to tho church, and many more aro presenting thomselvos as seckors from thirty to forty in nn evening aro coming out. Some minister from abroad is assisting the pastor, Kov. Baker. Tho church is crowded every night. To-day wo had snow and wind. Tho weather Is not so very cold, however, and seems as If tho snow might turn to rain yet. Buildings nro springing up rapidly, con sidering the season of tho year. Most of the houses aro of wood, and many of them are small, though somo fino ones aro built. Tho Presbyterian Chapel Is rapidly ap proaching completion. It is a neat build ing, about 1)0 x 8:1. It will bo handsomo in the interior as well as tho exterior. OllSKIlVEll. Church NotlceH. Presbyterian preaching in the Court room next Sunday at 11 in tho morning, and at (H iutho evening. Prayer meeting will bo held on Thursday evening in tho samo placo. In the Methodist church, prayer-mooting on Thursday eveuing. Preaching on Bun day morning at 10$ o'clock, by ltov. U. W. Bouse. In the Lutheran Church, prayer-mooting on Wednesday evening, Preaching next Sabbath at 10 o'clock p. m. Answer to Kiilwiiii n Timet of the 7th lllKt., JtoUKMT JULWN." ' For The Bloomfield Timet. Now Bloomflold, Feb., 18, 1871. Mr Editor. Permit mo to occupy a placo in your columns, to inform our friends that Lodgo No. 402 I. O. of Q. T. is still striving to keep her place in tho ranks of tho Grand Army of Temperance. Our olTlcors for tho present term are : W. O. T. Jno. S. Banghman! W. S. N. U. Mo wry : W. F. 8. .1. U. Jackson : W. T. Lizzio Banghman : AV. C. Wm. E. Jones: W. M. Geo. Lesher : O. Lizzio Koush : S. Alex Druminond : D. M. Mag gie Drummond : It. S. Ella Frank : l. S. Emma Drummond P. AV. C. T. W. II. Jackson : Itev. AV. C. ITcndiickson, Stato Loci uror, G. T. of Pa., delivered a lecture here on tho subject of Temperance, on tho cvo of tho 14 inst. After tho lecture several per sons presented their names, and wero initi ntcd at tho lodgo room tho samo evening. As a result of tho lecture, wo expect au in crease of Membership. On tho evening of tho loth Mr. II. spoko at Liverpool, to a largo and nttontivo audience, anil after tho close of tho meeting, initiated several per sons into tho order. At Marysvillo on tho evening of tho 10, ho preached a Temper ance sermon in connection with tho revi val efi'orts under tho Pastoral chnrgo of AV. E. Detwilcr. After tho closo of the regular religious sorvlcos, Mr. II. Instituted a lodgo of Good Templars, with !10 charter members, among whom nro somo of tho in fluential citizens of tho placo, may tho re sults of tho labors of Mr. II. in tho Tein peranco causo continue as they havo be gun. A. J. Looril Uriel". Tho passenger rooms at tho Newport de pot havo been re-painted, and look as neat ns a new pin. AVhilo under tho chargo of tho gentlemanly agent, Sir. J. J. Barkley, tho comfort of tho passengers and thoso having business at that station aro sure to bo well cared for. David Black, of Huntingdon, met with an accident last week whilo working in tho planing mill at that place. Ho lost his t!n,inib and fore-finger. Vlltn (VIm,l.n,l " ! H... i. v mini, in Ull LlllJ I1VU -pieces. It is well that wo can havo somo ono to trust, as tho Government has made no provision to redeem them, and they nro fast becoming a nuisance. James Brady, a brakeman on Pennsylva nia Eaihoad Company, was killed at Al toona last week, by being caught between tho cars. A citizen of Montrose had to pay ?24 tho other day for purchasing a boltlo of whisky for a young man of intoinperato habits. A lesson of that kind is needed to somo persons in this vicinity. Tho stock and fixtures of tho Carlislo Shoo Co. wero recently sold at auction. Tho business, wo learn, will bo continued by tho purchaser. A series of religious meetings havo late ly been held in tho village of Milford, Ju niata township, undor the auspices of tho Evangelical Church. Tho meetings were conducted by Hev. 8. W. Soibort. A great deal of interest was manifested in theso meetings, and seventeen persons were ad mitted to full membership in tho Evan gelical Church. Temperance lectures will bo delivered by Kov. AV. C. Hendricson, at Blain on this (Tuesday) evoning ; at New Germantown on AVeduesday evening ; nt Loysvillo on Thursday evoning ; at Elliottslmrg on Fri day evening; at Nowport on Sunday even ing ; ut Millerstown on Monday evening. Jacob Schneider, of nopowell towhship, York county, died very suddenly last week, Monday, of heart disease. Ho had just boon thrashing, and camo in, and sat down a few moments and dropped dead. Tho Colored peoplo of Harrisburg in dulged in a ball last AVeduesday evening. It was quite a successful affair. On Friday last, Jacob Hoffman, of Centre "twp., had his anklo knocked out of joint whilo hauling logs. Digging for coal will bo resumed on Loy's farm to-day, and will bo continued day and night, on account of tho water coming in to tho shaft. About $0.10 has been sub scribed. A meeting of thoso who havo subscribed to the stock will bo held at Lit tle Gormany on Saturday afternoon next. It is hoped that all favorablo to tho enter prise will bo present. An A.ct Granting Petition to OJjicen, Sohlicrt, Sail ort and their )Vidow of tie War of 1812. Tho following aro substantially Its provis ions : Tho First Section authorizes the placing on tho ponslon roll all surviving otllcers, enlisted and drafted men, militia and volunteers, of the Naval or Military service of the Unltod States, who sorvcdli period of Bixtt Days in tho war of 1S1D, and were honorably discharged. Also that other olllcon, personally named In any resolution of Congress, although their term ol service may havo been lent than sixty day, shall bo placed npon tho pension rolls., Soldiers and others who, at any time during tho luto rebel lion, adhered to tho causo of tho enemies of tho government, forfeit their pensions. All applicants for pension aro required to take nn oath to support the Constitution of tho United States. The surviving widows of all such of ficers and enlisted unci drafted men aro enti tled to pensions, provided that such widows shall have been married prior to tin treaty of jmicc which terminated tho war of lbTJ, und till ALL NOT HAVE KE-MARRIF.D. (The treaty of jwaco was concluded on the 17(A of February, 1S15.) Tho Second section provides that tho Act hull not apply to uny person who Is receiving a pension at the ruto of f per month, nor to any person receiving a loss pension than tU per month, except for the dill'ercnco between tho pension received and $Spcr mouth. This sec tion also provides that pensions under this act shall be 8s per month, to bo paid from and after the passage of tho act, and during tho tcrinof the pensioner's natural life. Tho Third section provides thut, before tho namo of any person shall be placed upon the pension rolls under tho act, tho proof shall bo made under such rules as tho Sccretury of the Interior may prescribe, and thut any person who shall falsely tuko au oath required to be taken shall be deemed guilty of porjnry, aud his name strlckeu from tho rolls. Also, thut tho loss of tho soldier's diBehurgo shull uot dejirivt any person of tha beuetlt of the pro visions of tho act. For further luforuiutlou rogurdlng this act, call on or address LEWIS POTTER, Licensed Claim Agent, , New Bloouilleld, Fa, Reylslry of Sales, Bills for tho following sales hnvo been print ed at this oillco t On Thursday Feb., 2ii AV. II. Hum nt' his residonco near Elllottsbur? will sell horses, cows, Chester pigs, and farming Implements In great variety. On Friday Feb., 24, Flekes & Smith at Mlllford will sell one good mare, buggy, spring wagon, sleigh etc. On Monday, Feb. 27, tho Admlnietrntors'of John Heeder, deceased, lato of Spring town ship, will sell personal property, consisting of live stock, farming implements , and household furniture. On AVeduesday, March 1st, Lewis LIckoI, from his residence In AVheatlleld township, 8 miles from Duueannon, will sell live-stock, farm Implements, household furniture, and of fer at public sulo his farm of 110 acres. On AA'cdnesday March 1st. J. M. Stambnugh nt his resilience near Green Park will sell a lino lot of pigsnnd a sow,ol pure Chester breed, besides horses, cattle, harness, nud a variety of farming implements. On Friday March 3d Messrs Shcaffcr & Co., In Kye twp., miles west of Duueannon will sell U head of mules, horses, eows.wagon gears, tools, a largo quantity of lumber nud many other ni ticks. AV. C. Ilouscr, Auctioneer. On Thursday, March 2d, David Edwards nt his residence in Millerstown, will sell ono mare and harness, and a lot of household and kitch en furniture. On Saturday, March 4, Samuel R. Lndv, from his residence near liiglcr post-olllce, Ad ntns county, will sell u largo quantity of farm ing Implements, stock, etc. On Monday, March 0, A. L. Bowman, from his residence near Crier's Point, will sell live, stock, meat by the pound, potatoes by the bush el, and a huge lot of fanning Implements. On March 17th, AA'm. Rough & Sons will sell on tho premises in Juniata township, 8 horses, 1 mule, 2 milch cows, 4 head of young cattle, 2 good w agons nud a lot of farming Imple ments. Also 1 spring wagon, gears, Ac. Also, a lot of household and kitchen furniture will bo oll'ered for sale. Ballou's Maoazinr roit Maiich. The March number of Halloa's Mairuzinc is issued, ns sprightly, us fresh nnd good ns ever. Tho contents are varied and are ns follows : Pub lic Soup-Houses ; Chinese Scenes nnd Things j Miakspeare's Seven Ages j A Sleighing Song ; A leap in the Dark ; Fide ct Amoic by Faith nnd Love ; A Stall' Ollleer's Story j A Night's Adventure in Chill j AVitehernft ; Mrs. Dacre's Tactics; Haunted ; Bravo Miss Urquhart; AVhat Man don't Know, by B. 1. Shillabci-j A Day's Shooting in California, nnd what eunio of it; Our Young People's Story-Teller Guess: or, Tho Son of a Politician, by C. A. Stephens; Maid Hrimlle's Debt ; A AVhiie-Fnced Bear, by Kit Carson, jr. ; Curious Matters ; The House keeper; Facts and Fancies ; The Snow Slide Humorous Illustrations. Tho terms for this excellent magazine are only $1 GO per year, or 15 cents single copies. For sulo nt all the pe riodical depots in tho country. Tliomcs it Tal bot, 1)3 Congress St., Boston, ure the publishers. Don't Sctfhh your hair to fall oft" when a bottle or two of Nature s Hair Restorative will check It. Splendidly perfumed nnd us clear ns crystal. All wide uwuke druggists sell It. Sec advertisement. The EAiiTinji-AKE. It has been thought that tho recent curtuquako did not visit Philadel phia, but either It or somebody very liko It must have hit Oak Hull, if wo may judge from tho upheaving of mountains Of flno clothing there, und the swallowing up of low prices, which hus been noticed at AVanamukcr fc Brown's. County Trico Current. IliJOMriEi.n, February 20, 1871. Flax-Rced J2 00 Potatoes, (15 cents. Butter V pound 25 " l'-t!KS f dozen 22 " Dried Apples ! pound, 8 a 6 " Dried Peaches 8 10 cts.nih. Pealed Peaches, 1822cts. " Cherries, 0 0 cts. " " Pitted,... 15 0 18 cts. " Blackberries, . . .' 8 10 cts. " Onions 1 bushel 75 CbrrecteI Weekly by Wm. Kough it .Voiw. Kewpokt, February 20, 1S7L Flour, Extra 80 00 Red AV heat 100 115 ltye 75 Corn CO ffl 00 Oats V 82 pounds, 45 Clover Seed 8 00 0000 Timothy Seed 3 50 Flax Seed 1 75 Potatoes 70 85 Ground Allium Halt 2 25 Llniebiirner's Coal, 2 40 Stovo Coal, 6 6 00 Pea Coal 3 40 Smith Coal '. 25 cts. bus. Cross Ties.SJ-S feet long 45 0 45 cents. Dressed 1 logs, 8 cts. lb Philadelphia Price Current. Corrected Weekly by Janney A Andrews, No. 123 Mahkbt Htheet. I'iiii.adeu'Iiia, February 17, 1870. AVhlto AVheat, $ 1 40 1 67 Red AVheat 1 40 01 60 Rye 1000103 Corn, 7779 Oats 58 CO Clover Seed ieil54porlb. Timothy Heed 6 000 0 25 Flax Seed 2 00 0 2 00 Country Lard, 110 12 Ekks 28 0 30 Butter, solid In buls.' 12 0 10 Washed AVool 51 cents per lb. Dressed IIoks HalO cts. per lb. MAnrniVGEis. Black RonnocK On tho 14th lust., at res idence of Rev. Rodrock, by tho sumo, Mr. John Black to Miss Ida May Rodrock, eldest daugh ter of tho olllelutlug clergyman, all of Duu cunnon. M nxKii Bealoii On the lflth Inst., by Rev. 8. AV. Selbcrt, nt tho residence of the bride's mother In Juniata township, Mr. John Miller and Miss Margaret M. Bculor, both of Perry County. Beastok Ai.i.en At the M. E. parsonngo, Concord, on tho 0th Inst., by tho Rev. B. A. ('reveling, Mr. Samuel P. Beaston aud Miss Jennie P. Allen, boih of Perry county. Cloiibeu Toi.ani) On the 13tU lust., In Bloomfleld, by Rev. John Edgar, Mr. Jacob B. Clousor, near Newport, to Miss Mary E. To lund, of Miller township, this county. 33EA.TIIH. Allison On tho lfilh inst., In Bprlng town ship, Mary, wlfo ol Robert Gibson. PowBLb On tho 20th ult., Mary Elizabeth Powell, aged 8 years, 1 mouth and 4 days. We cuuu4 call her to us, but we can go to her. New Advertisements. TO TUK AVORK1NO CLASS.-Wn are now pro. pared to furnish all classes with constant emiilov inent ut home, tho wholo of the time or for tho "I,""'" 111 mis. Business new, ll(jht, and prollta- ble. 1 ersons of either sex easily earn from ie. to per evening, mid a prnorUonnlsuui by ilevotlnir their wholet line to tho business. Buys' nud clrls earn nearly as much as men. That all who seo this notice may send their mldress, nnd test the business, we mako the unparalleled oiler: To such as nro not well satisiied, wn will pay 1 or the troub o of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample) which will do to eomniciico work on, nnd a ropy of The Veniile' IMornry 0)i;otho,i-oii of the largest and best family newspaperever publish ed all sent free by mall. Reader, If you want permanent, profitable work, address J:. c. AhLliN ti CO., Augusta, Maine, r TIIKNUW VOUIv DAY IIOOIC.-TIIK CHAMPION OK WHITE Sl'l'lilMTUY AGAINST Till! AVOKLD.-A FlItST CLASH KRHIT PAGE JjliMtlCKATIU AVKIiKLV, esUili! lished In lH.,n. ftj per year; ?1 for six months. Sub. scribe for It. for tieriwencoplcs, nddress " DAV BOOK, New Aurk City." Dlt. H. S. KITCH'S Family Phvslclant !) pages; sent by mall free. Teaches how to cure all diseases of the person; skin, hair, eyes complexion. Write to 7lJ Broadway, NewXork. pJlli J ADVEHTlNKUs. l'rlco 20cts. Geo. V. Rowell & Co., 40 l'ark Row, N. V. BRICCS & KRO'S Illustrated nnd Descriptive Catalogue Of Flower and Vegetable Seeds, AMI !S CM MICH FLOWEIIIO I1TJL1IS. FOIt 18T1. AVill be ready for inalllngby tho middle of January notwithstanding our great loss or type, naner engraving Se. , by lire, which destroyed ihi j0B' I rlnttng oillco of Urn Rochester jx woerut and ChronMe. 2.lh December. 1S70. It will be printed with ne'irly "ew"U"tea lWr, and Illustrated FIVlillUNDRliD ORIGINAL KNU HAVINGS. And two finely executed Colored liates speci mens for all of which were grown by ourselves tho past season from our own stock of Seeds, fn tho originality, execution anil extent of the engrav ings it is uiiliko ami eminently superior to unv other Catulogiio or "Floral Guiile" extant. The Catalogue will consist of 1 1 '& Pages nnd as soon as published will he sent freo to lill who ordered Seeds from us by mail the last season. To others a chargo id '15 cents per enpv will bo made w hich Is not the value ol the Colored Plates. Wo ii'iim; win II irons uiuv 1110 1 1 1 1 1 11 r 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s wo olfer to purchasers of Seeds, as to imalltv and extent of Strti'lf I II uern 1 nt u i in I Ii,iiimiii ., T... .1 ' ' nmiiuin, tut! II until IlilJSSfU. 1 lwiso wmuI nrik't-s lor CuUIokucs without tk'Uiy. iv... t u 'OI'iitti r mtoMo vow mi W It lil !''l(1v t.i uoiwl ,...( I.. I ri 1... wi ,,.7,;.;; ok,;;,: ",'.','. J. ,c.V"'"m" popular J'tov(TM of natural size aim color. We le- oiH" w 1 m.wvu it inn ni-ni i i;in; vi IMOWt'l'S CVC!' IS- siit'i . MzivP.ixiil inches. Tho retail valuo would lie ill. Ii.'imI. Tiv.t lii.ll'ii-u. .... ..1. ..11 1 . 1 1. . -i.., ,j i-ii.ui, num-vcr, lur- V ' 1 ,'.'! customers at "0 cents per copy, nud otter ......... ..inn, uivu uiuvis mr ceeos. neo Luta- lojjue when out. Jiituxiii.;it. Ilochcstor, N. Y. 1ft()f VHK TIIR VKGTABt.K T orrri JLOiU PULMONARY BALSAM. lOlO Hie old standard remedy for Couglis,('oliis,or (Jon sumption . Xotldnv better. Cltleii linos. & Co., Boston, Mass. Ul'HAMS DFPILATORY POAVDEK. Removes siiperlluous hair in jiy. mlmitcs without Injury to the sliin. Sent by mail for 1.25. UPIIAM'S ASTHMA CURE Relieves most violent paroxysms In fli t minutes and effects a spoedy euro . Price 82 by mail . The Japanese Jfatr Stain Colors the whiskers and hair a beautiful BLACK or Buown, It consists of only ONH pmieraUnn I.) cents by mail Address H. C. L'PIIAM. No. 721 Jayno Street Philadelphia, ya. circulars sent tree, bold by all Driuojists. $5 TO $10 PER DAY. MSMES HOY 8 imd (; I It LS who engage In our new busi ness make from S3 to MO per day In their own lo calities. ImiU particulars and Instructions sent freo by mull. Those ill need of permanent, nroflt i! x.5"J'.kl should nddress at onco, GliORGJJ BT1NSON & CO., Portland Maine. EMPLOYMENT FOIl ALL. 8ALAKY PKll AYEEK, and ex JiJOVJ peases liald Agents, to sell new and use u'1'"ycrles. Address B. SWJiET &CO., Marsh all, Michigan, r Agents ! Head This ! WI.LV1' VAY, AKS A SALARY T of W.IO per week and expenses, or allow a argo commission, to sell our new and wonderful Inventions. Address M. WAGNKR & CO., Mar shall, Mich. JiS CTIO.VANCr.-Any lady or gentleman can make 91.000 a month, secure their own hanpl 'mil Independence by obtaining 1'NYUO MA NCY FAHVlNA TJON OH So OL ClfAJiA AfU. 400 pages: cloth. Full Instructions to uft this power over men or any aninal, at will, how to Mesmerise become Trance, or WrltingMedlums Divination, Spiritualism Aleheinv, Philosophy ot aniens nud Dreams,. Brlghani Young's Jlureiu, Ouldo to Marrlage.&c., nil contained In this book 100,1100 sold ; price by mall .l.iifl, In cloth 81 in nuner coyer. NoricB.-Any person willing to act as agent will receive a sample copy free. As no capital Is required, all desirous of genteel employment should send for the book, enclosing 10 cents fop LI"".'!??, t(,' .TV.W- 1-VAN3 & CO., No 41 Bo lilglUU bt. Philadelphia. CURIOUS HOW STRANCE ! Tm Married Iullet JUrnte Chm nanon contains theMesired Information . Sent free for two stamps Address Mrs. II. MKTZGLR, Hanover, Pa. Porry County Bank!; Kponslcr, J1111I1I11 ..'. THE nnderslftned, Imvllif- formed a Banking As sociation under the above name and style, ara now ready to do a General Banking business at their new Banking IIouso, on Centre Square, orrosiTE rim court no cue, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. AVe receive money on deposit nnd pay back on demand. AVe discount notes for a period of not over 00 days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and New York. On time Deposits, five per cent, for any time over four months; nnd for four months four per cent. AVe aro well provided with nil nnd every facility for doing a Banklmr Uniii. mui iin.im. im for some yenrs, feeling the great Inconvenience un. uer which me people 01 this County labored lortli want of a Bank of Discount and Deposit, we havo have determined to supply the want ;und this being the first Bank ever established In Porry county, wo hoiie we will be sustained In our efforts, by all th business men, fanners and mechanics. This Bunking Association Is composed of th fol lowing named partners: W. A. Bponsleb, Bloomfleld, Ferry oouuty. Pa. B. V. Junkin, " " A. G. Mii.i-kk, Hhlpnensburg, Cumberland eo.,P. John Woniikiujcu, " llKNitr Ri nir, " Wn. H. Miu-KU, Carlisle, orricKHs: W. A.'BPON8LER, Pretidtni. William Willis, Cashier. Now Bloouilleld, 8 8 ly A lili KINPH OF JOB PHINTIXO . Netl executed at tho lilovatuild TiSMi iMia Jk Oulc,