The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, February 07, 1871, Page 4, Image 4

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    l)c SimcG, Nctu Bloomftclfc, JJa.
Transient 8 Cents perlluo for one Insertion.
13 " " two Insertions
15 " " "three Insertions.
Business Notices in Local Column 10 Cents
per lino.
Notices of Marriages or Deaths Inserted frco.
Tributes of llcspcct, &c, Ten cents per lino.
Obituary notices over live lines, 5 cents per
Ono Squnre per year, Including paper, $ 8 00
Two Squares per year, including paper, 13 00
Three Squares " " ' 10 00
Four Squares " " " 20 00
lull Lines Nonpareil or ono Inch, Is one square.
Tuesday, February 7, 1S71.
The Governor lias appointed lion. W.
31. Hall, ns l'resident Judge of tlio IJed
ford and Somerset district, iu pluco of
Judge Kinjr, lately deceased.
The Public Phut according to the
statement, of tlio Secretary of tlio Treas
ury on tlio 1st of February, was $2,4ol,
921,090 29. Tho decrcaso during the
past month lias been a littlo over four
millions of dollars. The decrease since
tho 1st of 3Iarch, 1870, has been over
ono hundred and ten millions.
As Oitm.VANCE recently passed in
San Francisco, prohibits " tho carrying
of baskets upon any Btrect or alley, sus
pended from a polo." A Chinaman ar
rested for breach of tho ordinance,
escaped fine by pleading that there " was
uo street or alley in the city which was
suspended from a pole."
The rumoii which was in circulation
in the early part of last week saying that
Paris had surrendered to the Prussians,
lias proved true. Tho forts around the
city are now garrisoned by the Germans.
King William has been sending provis
ion?! to the inhabitants of tho cily.
An armistice of three weeks has been
arranged and it is earnestly hoped that
a final peace will bo agreed upon du
ring that time.
The citizens of Brooklyn, New York,
havo now a first class sensation on hand.
During a couple of weeks past there have
been several cases whoro women and
girls mostly young girls havo. been
stabbed while passing along tlio street.
Tho nttack has in every instanco been
committed by a boy, or as some suppose,
by a girl disguised ns a boy, and has
been dono early in the evening whilo the
streets were filled with people. So far,
all attempts to arrest tho perpetrator of
these outrages have failed. Fortunately
nono of the wounds havo proved fatal,
but such a terror exists among tlio girls
of that city, that few now venturo out
alono after dark. Tho object of these
nttaeks and who commits them, is at pres
ent a mystery though tho police are using
every exertion to unravel it.
The State Senate havo by a very
large majority passed Mr. Buckalcw's
favorite system of cumulative voting, ap
plying tho plan to the selection of school
directors throughout tho Commonwealth,
and tho bill will doubtless pass tho House.
This bill provides that whenever two or
moro persons aro to be chosen in a dis
trict for the same term of scrvieo each
voter inay give his voto to ono or more
candidates; that is, when two directors
aro to bo chosen, ho may give one vote to
each or two votes to ono ; when three aro
to be chosen ho may give one voto to
each, or two votes to ono and ono to
another ; in tho case of four bo may give
ono vote to each, two votes to each of
two, or four votes to ono ; in caso of six,
one voto to each, two to each of three,
threo to each of two, or six to one. If
passed by the House it will inaugurate an
entirely new system in tho formation of
school bonrds throughout tho State.
BQ?" Congressman C. C. IJowcn. of
South Carolina, will be tried for bigamy
at the current term of tho Criminal Court
of tho District of Columbia. Mrs. Frances
liowen hag commenced a suit against hi m
for alimony in tho Common Pleas Court
of Charleston S. C, alleging that sho
married him on Oct. 31, 1852, in Au
gusta, Ga., and that she lived in wedlock
with him until January, 1858, when ho
abandoned her. Sho alleges that her
marriago with him has never been dis
solved, but that nevertheless sho believes
he has sinco contracted two marriages
one in Florida, in 1800, aud the second
at Washington, in 1870. She further
alleges that he has real estate worth
$10,000, besides his salary of $5.,000 as
a member of Congress, and asks that a
portion of his estate bo sequestered for
her benefit.
Bf Tho beef roots sugar works at
verado, Culiforuiu, have proved on a prac
tical working completely successful iu
every particular. Tho sugar, just as it
is taken from tho centrifugals, is fino dry,
dclicutely flavored, perfectly clean, and
fit for immediate use. It is almost us
white as tho best loaf sugar, and the
grain is about as fino us ordinary tublo
salt. The success of tho establishment is
so decided that the company will bo able
to declare ft dividend from the profits of
tho tirtt season's work.
Smothered to Death Sad Termination of a
Sleigh Hide.
On Friday evening last a babe, whoso
parents resido near Irwin's station, West
moreland county, was smothered to death
under tho most distressing circumstances.
Tho father and mother, it appears, ac
companied by their child, aged about two
months, started for a sloigh rido, with tho
intention of Tisiting a friend residing n
few miles distant from their own homo.
The littlo thing had boon bundled up in
tho most careful manner, to protect it
against the cold. Tho parents left homo
in the highest spirits, and as tho sleighing
was excellent, tho ride was an exceeding
ly pleasant one.
The weather was cold, however, and
fearing that tho child might tako cold,
the mother thought sho would not rc
movo the wrappings until sho reached
their destination. When they arrived
at tho house tho child was carried in,
and when the wrappings were taken off
tho mother was horrified by the sight
which proscntcd itself. Tke child was
(juito dead, although the body was still
warm, and the face was discolored, show
ing that, it had been smothered. The
grief of tho parents was overwhelming
over tho death of "their child, and their
journey homeward with tho corpse of the
little ono was one of peculiar sadness.
A Little Farm Well Tilled.
Jlr. Wm. Hubcr is tho owner of six
teen acres of ground on tho edge of
Chambcrsburg, Franklin county, Pa.
Tho Chambcrsburg Public Opinion says:
" In the last year ho has not only
proven himself a right successful tiller
of the soil, but demonstrated that a little
ground well farmed will yield as much as
many of the neglected ono hundred and
fifty acre farms in our county. He had
in this sixteen acres some grain, potatoes,
pumpkins, etc. Well, the grain was a tol
erable fair turn out, but nothing to brag
of. From the ten acres in grain he got
180 bushels which he sold at 1 25 re
alizing him $225. Tho potatoes turned
out better. lie had four or five acres iu
potatoes, raising as the product of this
seed about 800 bushels, making the nice
little sum of $700. We had almost
omitted to mention that he sold the wheat
straw at $120. So that what was already
sold as the product of his sixteen acres of
ground amounts to $1,045. Adding tho
value of the other 100 bushels of potatoes
and vegetables tho income from it would
probably run up to $1,200.
KCSu'Pwo singular divorce cases wcro
heard by Justice Sutherland in the Su
premo Court, of New York, recently.
Some time last fall a Mr. George Gross,
who was a married man, eloped from that
city with a Mrs. Elizabeth Miller. The
deserted husband and wife commenced
their respective suits for divorces, which
on motion of John N. Shorter, their coun
sel were granted at Chambers. As both
cases depended upon tho same evidence,
the deserted plaintiffs were thrown ne
cessarily often together. Acquaintance,
sympathy, and friendship, ripened rapidly
into a stronger attachment, aud as they
havo been relieved of their matrimonial
engagements, they happily terminate the
wholo affair by entering into a contract
to sail tho matrimonial sea together at an
early day.
ItSyThe steamer Georgia has arrivod
at Paltimoro from New Yolk, aud brings
tho crew of the steamer Kensington, of
Savannah, from Boston. The Kensing
ton collided with the bark Templo of
Baltimore, for Bio, 00 miles northeast of
Hatteras. The Kensington sunk, and tho
bark is supposed to havo sunk and all but
ono of tho bark's crew is supposed to be
lost. All tho Kensington's passengers
and crew arrived safe iu the steamer
tsii- Several men havo very myste
riously disappeared from their houses
lately in New York. Tho Inst caso re
ported is that of a Mr. Fitzputrick who
was a clerk iu Kceley & CuV bank in
Wall street. He left homo at his usual
timo for business and has never been seen
sineo. There is no reason known why ho
should have gone away, and fours arc en
tertained of foul piny. This is tho third
caso of the kind which has happened iu
that city recently and which still remain
in mystery.
t&" A newly arrived contraband from
South Carolina, who asked fur lodgings
at tho New Haven station house tlio
other night, wore no loss than six coats,
and'iu the pocket of one, a bottle con
taining u tusto of "Jersey lightning" was
found. When it was produced the men
dicant with an air of indignation,
exclaimed, " Who put dut ar bottle
in my pocket? Do mau that did dut
ar am no iron of mine."
CSy By a deed lately iu a Now Hamp
shire village, tho buyer bound himself to
give a nuitablo muiiitciiaiico to tho seller
through his nutural lif'o, to puy him $2.50
uuuually outho 1st of September, to keep
him in tobacco "and tho other necessaries
of life," to give him u decent burial at his
fl5uJohn llaulou, tho murderer of
little Mary Mohruian. was executed on
Wednesday last. The execution took
, i :,i. , ,
place in the prison and was witnessed by
only a very few persons. Although ho
iniiiln i... .... ('..:.,., i. ,i: i ' ,
muiio no coniesion liodidnot assert lint
CStf Octararo, Chester county, has a
fighting parson. A short timo since,
whilo holding a revival meeting, ho was
seriously annoyed by the roughs who con
gregated around tho church doors. Par
son Gregg gave them notice that a repe
tition of tho disturbance would causo
him to take souio muscular exercise.
The noise being repeated the parson
stopped his sermon, took oil his coat,
and descended from tho pulpit, nnd in
a few moments had given ono of tho
ring-leaders as pretty a pounding llf! 0
low ever got. This stopped the trouble,
and the parson quietly continued the service.
JC",? An ingenious wile in Pes Moines
cured her husband of snoring thus: She
has a gutta-percha tuba with two cup
shaped ends ; one she puts over his nose
and mouth, and the other over his car.
Ho consumes his own noise, as a stove
does its smoke, and wakes up instantcr.
Below wo publish an act which has been
introduced into tlio Legislature for tho jmr
poso of allowing every town or borough to
determine, whether or not liquor selling
shall bo licensed in their locality. Whether
it will bo an improvement upon the present
manner of settling tho license question can
only bo told by giving this method a trial :
To permit tlio voters of every Ward, Borough, nnd
Ton nshlp in this Commonwealth to voto every
three years on tlio question of granting Llc-en-sen
to sell intoxicating liquors.
Sue. 1. Be it enacted, flr., That at tho
next annual municipal election in every
ward, borough, and township in tho Com
monwealth, and nt the annual municipal
election every third year thereafter, in every
such ward, borough and township, it shall
bo tho duly of tho inspectors and judges of
election in said ward, boroughs, and town
ships, to receive tickets, either written or
printed from the legal voters of said ward,
borough, and township, labelled on tho out
side, " license," and on tho inside, "for li
cense," or " against license," and to deposit
said tickets in a box provided for that pur
pose by said inspectors and judges, as is
required by law in caso of other tickets re
ceived at said election, and tho tickets so
received shall bo counted and iv return of
the samo mado to tho clerk of tho Court of
Quarter Sessions of tho county in which
such wards, boroughs, nnd townships aro
situated, duly certified as is required by
law, which certificates shall bo laid before
tho judges of tho said court at tho first
mooting of said court after such election
shall bo held, and shall bo tiled with tho
other records of the said court ; and it shall
bo tho duty of tho mayors of cities and of
too constables ot boroughs and townships,
or of any olliccr whoso duty shall bo to per
form such service, to give duo public notico
of such special election abovo provided for,
threo weeks previous to holding tho next
annual muncipal election in every such
ward, borough, or township, and also threo
weeks beforo the annual municipal election
every third year thereafter.
Buc. 2. That in reviewing and counting,
and in making returns of tho votes cast,
tho inspectors, judges, and clerks of said
election shall bo governed by tho laws of
this Commonwealth regulating general elec
tions, and all tho penalties of said election
laws are hereby extended to nnd shall apply
to the voters, inspectors, judges, and clerks
voting at and attending upon tho election
held under the provisions of this act.
Sec. 3. Wherever, by tho returns of elec
tion in any ward, borough, or township
aforesaid, it shall appear that thero is a ma
jority against license it shall not bo lawful
for any license to issue for tho salo of
spirituous, vinous, malt, or other intoxica
ting liquors in said ward, borough, or town
ship at any timo thereafter, until at an elec
tion as abovo provided a majority shall voto
in favor of license.
Skc. 4. Any pcison who shall hereafter
bo convicted of selling or offering for salo
in this Commonwealth any intoxicating liq
uors, spirituous, vinous, or malt, without ft
license, shall bo sentenced to pay a lino of
fifty dollars, and confinement iu tho work-.
house or county jail for six months for tho
Urst oll'oncc ; for tho second and each subse
quent offence a fino of ono hundred dollars,
and confinement in tho work-house or coun
ty jail ono year: I'rnvUeil, that it shall
not bo unlawful for tho owners of vino
yards to sell, on their own premises, wino
of tl(mr own manufacture, in quantities not
less than ono gallon, to bo removed aud not
drank on tho premises.
Ei.i.iottsiiuho, Pa., Feb. 1, 1971.
Great Excitement Discovery of Coal in
Spring Township.
Mr. Editor : Sir, the coal excitement iu
this place is greater now than ever known.
AVm. Loy, who commenced tw weeks ago
to sink a shaft for the purposo of hunting
coal lias already found something, which, if
it bo not real coal is so near it that tho dif
ference is but very littlo. Tho mineral
found has all tho appearance of coal, and
when placed iu tho firo burns just liko gen
uine coal, mid gives a strong sulphur smell.
The shaft has been sunk only ;15 feet, and
Mr. Loy states that lie is quite confident of
getting coal, plenty at about 50 feet. Ho
says that 21 years ago ho has Been somo of
as genuine coal in this place, as ho ever
saw which had been found by digging iron
oro. There a number of persons in Littlo
Germany, who think they have coal, and
aro now engaged in forming a company to
boro as soon as possible. I am not ono of
tlioso who feel certain or coal iu this placo,
Hut 1 do think it would be well to iaise a
company, nnd have, the thing fairly tested.
Thero are somo who have no faith iu this
movement, and I should liko to havo all
such give us their reasons why there is no
coal hero. Wo do not wish to make fools of
ourselves if it ' can bo avoided. If tho
geological formation of our county is im
probable for coal let us know it, before wo
make a " blind shot." J H.
I A great many persons in this county aro
I IIOW ttm' complaining of tho hard
I Jjmofc Nothing but a railroad to develop
' tho mineral treasures will make t lues bet-
! ',, , , ,,
I ho new hummer in the Bessemer stoel
'..i,,. nf m.,,.,.1 i, ,
..v.... .ww a... ........ , j HVIgliq U';,VUU
pounds, and cost $lij,C0O..
Fresh Garden, Flower, Fruit Herb, Treo
& Shrub, and Evergreen Seeds, prepaid by
mail with directions for culture. Twcnty
fivo different packets for $1.00. The six
classes $5.00.
20,000 lbs. Evergreen ami Tree Seeds i Apple,
Pear, Cherry, .fee. ( (irass Seeds Hcct, Cab
lingo, Cnrrot, Onion, Squash, Turnip, and nil
Vegetable and Flower Seeds, In small or largo
quantities) nlso Small Fruits, Stocks. Bulbs,
Shrubs, Uoses, Verbenas, &c, by mall, prepaid.
Now Golden Handed Japan Lily, 50c. Priced
Descriptive Catalogues sent to any plain address,
gratis. Agents wanted. Wliolesnlo List to
Agents, Clubs nnd tlio Tratlo. Seeds on com
mission B. M. WATSON, Old Colony, Nurseries nnd
Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Muss. Established
In 18-13. 5 Q 2m.
R7 The Five Dollar Sewing Machine pur
chased by me, January, lHOO.'from tlio Family
Sewing mnchino Company, 80 Nassau-Street,
N. Y., has been In almost constant uso ever
since. It has not been out of order onco. Das
cost nothing for repairs, and I find It simple
nnd reliable in operation, nnd always ready to
sew. Tlioso friends of mino who use them with
the new improvements aro very much pleased.
The one I bnvo I would not part with.
4.41.3m. 438 West lifith-Strcct, New-York
Hon.ii.ns Wir.n Ciir.iniY Tonic Is tho best
medicine In the world. They aro ondorscd by
thousands who havo tried it. Jt Is for
sale either wholesale or retail by F. Mortimer
it Co., nnd by most all tho stores In tho
county. 4 1.
TiiuCahdiff Giant Wananinkcr & Brown
havo a " big mens' room" on which they keep
a full assortment of garments of extra sizes,
for men so big that they have usually had to
have their clothes made to order.
Xcw Advertisements,
V. iJ
pared to furnish nil classes with constant employ
ment at lioim-, the whole ot Hie, timo or for the
spare moments, lliisiness new. light, mid prollta
bio. Persons of either sex easily earn from fine, to
ft per evening, and a proporlionnlsimi by devoting
llieir whole time to tho business. Iloys'aud girls
earn nearly as much ns men. That all w ho see
tills notice may send their address, and test the
business, we make, the unparalleled oiler: To stieh
ns are not well satlslled, we will pay SI for
the trouble of writing, lull particulars, a valuable
sample which will do to commence work on, and a
copy of The J'cnilc'H XAtorurii im)inn'mnyw of
the largest nnd best family ncwspnpcrcycr publish,
ed all sent free by mail. Jieader, If you want
permanent, profitable work, nchli-ess
Jv. v.. ALLliN iV.-. CO., Augusta, Maine, r
lished In liU. Si! per year; SI for six mouths. Sub.
sorihefor it. ! wninwncojiies, address " DA Y
HOOK, New York City."
DK. s. s. 1-ITCH'S Family Physicians 00
panes: sent by mail free. Teaches how to
eurcall diseases o the person: skin, hair, eyes,
complexion. Write to 711 Broadway, New Xork.
litis, l'ricii m.
GKO. 1'. liowmx & Co., -10 Park How, N. Y.
Illustrated nnd Descriptive Catalogue
Of Flower Und Vegetable Seeds,
roil 1871.
Will be ready fonualllnnbythe middle ot January.
notwIthslandliiK our isivat loss or type, paper.
eiii;iavini;s, c, by lire, which destroyed thij ,!)
i'nntiniiollleeof the lfochester Jteuiovrttt nnd
CirimulP, i'-lli December, IsTil. It will be printed
on a most elegant now-tinted paper, and illustrated
Willi nearly
And two finely executed Colored l'lnles speel
mens for all of which were grown by ourselves the
past season from our own stock of Heeds. In the
originality, execution and extent of tlio engrav
ings It Is unliko and eminently superior to anv
oilier Catalogue or "Khual Guiile." extant.
The Catalogue w ill consist of 11 Pages, nnd
as soon iis published will hu sent free to all who
ordered Seeds from us by mail the last season. To
others a charge of cents per copy will be made,
which Is not tho value of the Colored Plates. Wo
assure our friends that tho iudiiei its wo oiler
to purchasers of Seeds, as to quality anil extent of
Stock, Discounts anil Premiums, are unsurpassed.
Please send orders for Catalogues without delay.
W II bo ready to s I out In January. The Cliromo
will represent l-'urty-two Varieties of Kliowv and
popular ! lowers of mil oral size and color. We de
sign to mako It the best Plato of l-'lowers ever Is.
sued. Size, l!ix2t Inches. The retail value would
be at least Two Dollars; wo shall, however, fur
nish It to customers at 7c cents per ropy, and oiler
t as a I'leiuin upon orders for Seeds. Seo Cata
logue when out.
JtlUUUS tfc DKOTIIEU. liochester, N. Y.
1 lie old standard rei Iy for Couglis.Oolds.or Con.
sumption Kotltlnu better. Cutlkii Duos. & Co.,
Boston, .Muss.
K.iiiioves suiierlluous Imir In Jire minutes
without injury to the skin. Kent by mall for St. 33.
Itelleves most violent paroxysms In Irs minutes
undellcctsaspdodyciiio. 1'rlee S3 by mail .
The Japanese llalr Slain
Colors tho whiskers and hair a lx-autiful BLACK
or Biiown, It consists of only o.VW iirc; vi(oii
i.) cents by mail. Address S. C. L' I'll AM. No. 731
.layno Street Philadelphia, pa. circulars sent
lice. Sold by ull Druggists.
$5 TO $10 PER DAY. M?XmES
HO H and ; I II I,H who engage In our new biisl.
ness make from to SKI per day in their own In
callties. lull iiailieulais anil lust ructions scut
five by mail. 1 hose In need of permanent, prollt
ublo work, should address at once, GKOitGK
ST1NSON &CQ., Portland Maine.
COO HA LA It Y JT.It "WRICK, and ex
O J pensus paid Agents, to sell new mi. I use.
fid dlscyerles. Address B. KWUKT &C(., Marsh,
all, Michigan, r
" AgontellloiTIiis f
of MO iH-r week and expenses, or allow a
urge commission, to sell our new and wonderful
inventions. Address M. WAG Milt & CO., Mar
shall, Mich.
T.V1 CirotfAXry.-Any holy or gentleman can
-- make 81.(ki a month, secure their own happi
ness and iiidcpcnilcnco by obtaining J'.SlCiJ
JXU.Ui) pages: cloth. Pull Instructions to t;
this power over men or nnyuniiuil. ut will, how
to Mesmerise become Trance, or Writing Medium
Divination, Spiritualism Alchemy, Philosophy of
omens Hint Dreams,. llrlghiini Vonug's llaiein,
Guide to litrrluge.&c., u 11 contained in this book
lon.uou sold; price by mail 81,3'i, ill cloth H in puper
cover. Norn K.-Any person willing to act as agent
will receive a suinple copy free. As no capital Is
required, nil desirous of genteel employment
should send for flu-book, enclosing In ceiils for
nosliigBto T. W. KVANH & CO., No 41 So KighUl
fet. Philadelphia.
The. Mnrrletl 1utles I'rlrntn 0-nionoii contains
llie'desired Information. Sent free for two slumps
Address Mrs. a. MliTZUICH, Hanover, l'u.
Professional Cards.
iWio IVmmlMil, J'errn Count ii, Venn'a.
3-Special nttcntlon given to Collections of nil
Kinds, to fho settlement of estates, Ice., nnd all
other legal business prosecuted with fidelity nnd
dispatch. Also, Depositions, Allldavlts anil Ac
knowledgments taken.
-Ofliee II vo doors West of Sutch's hotel. 321y.
I McINTIItE Attorney nt Law. nnd Tits.
trlet Attorney of Perry count v. Olllcn with
J. T. Mctntirc, New Blooinlleld, I'enn'a.
"TTJI. N. SI-nilEUT, Attorney.nt-Law,
T V New Bloomlleld, Perry co., Pa.
Blooinlleld, 3 33 ly.
TTM. M. HUTCH., nnd Mill.
V tary Claim Agent.
New Illonmlleld, Terry oo.. Pa.
3-OIlco Two doors West of I1'. Mortimer's
Store 3 7 ly
TTJI. A. RroNSLKlt, Aftornev-at-Law.
y Olilcc ndfoinlng bis residence, on Kast
Main street, New Bluoiulleld, l'erry co., Pa. 32 ly
New filoouilleld, Perry co., Yn.
UrT Tensions, Bounties, Back Pay, and all
Claims against the Government, promptly collect
ed. Olllee with Wm. A. Spousler, Esq. 3 2 ly.
CI.l-H M I'PliAY, Attorncy-at-Law, and Iteal
Estate Agent,
New nioomlleld. Terry co., Ta.
3-Olllee with lion. 11. K Jiinkin, South Car
lisle street. New Blomlleld, Pa. 3 2 ly.
CIIAS. A. UAltNKTT. Attornev-at-Law,
New Bloomlleld, Perry co., Ta.
VS-Olllce adjoining Mortimer's Store. a 2 ly
CIIAS. J. T, McINTIItE, Attorney-nt-Law,
New Bloomlleld, Perry co.. Pa.
flu- All professional business promptly andfalth
fully attended to. 3 2 ly.
JOHN ti. SHATTO, Surgeon Dentist.
New Bloomlleld, Perry co., Tn.
Iistry All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den
rices.donc In the best manner, and nt reasonablo
2-011icc over Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly
Ileal Estate, Insurance,
oivim: agkiscy.
Jieul IZtlute, linkers, insurance, it Ctuim Ayenls
New 1 Jloouiticl!, l?u.
WE1NVITK theatfentlon of buyers and sell
ers to the advantages we oiler them in pur
chasing or disposing of real estate through our of
flee. We have a very large list of desirable property,
consisting of farm's, town property, mills, sloro
and tavern stands, aid real estate of any descrip
tion which we are prepared to oiler at great bar
gains. We advertise- our property very extensive
ly, nnd use all our ellorts, skill, and dilligenco to
effect a sale. We make no charges unless tlio
property Is sold while registered with ns. Wo also
draw up deeds, bonds, mortgages, nudall legal pa
pers at moderate rates.
Some of tlio best, cheapest, nnd most reliable
lire, life, and eattlo Insurance companies In the
I'nited States aro represented at this agency.
Property Insured cither on tho cash or mutual
plan, nnd perpetually utS-1 nnd lwr thousand.
Pensions, bounties, and nil kinds of war claims
collected. There aro thousands of soldiers anil
heirs of soldiers w ho nre entitled to pensions nnd
bounty, who have never made application. Sol
diers. If you were wounded, ruptured, oreontract
ed a disease In the service from which you are dis
abled, yon arc entitled to a pension.
When w blows of soldiers die or marry, the minor
children are entitled to the pension.
Parties having any business to transact In our
line, are respectfully invited to give us a call, as
w e nre coulldcut we can lender satisfaction in any
branch of our business.
- No charge for information.
4 2U ly LEWIS l'OTTEH & CO.
Ferry County Bank!
ftpouslcir, JTtiiiliiu & Co.
THE undersigned, having formed a BanklngAs
sociatioii under the above name and style, ura
now ready to do a General Banking business at
their new Banking House, on Centre Square,
We recelvo money on deposit and pay back on
demand. We discount notes for a period of not
over CO days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia anil
New York.
On time Deposits, live per cent fornny time over
four mouths; and for four months four per cent.
We aro well provided with all and every facility
for doing a Banking Business; and knowing, and
for some years, feeling tho great Inconvenience un
der which the people of this County labored forthe
want ot a Bunk of Discount and Deposit, we have
have determined to supply the want tnnd this being
the first Bank ever established in Terry county, w o
hopo wo will he sustained in our efforts, by all th
business men, farmers nnd mechanics.
This Banking Association Is composed ot the fol
lowing named partners:
W. A., lllooinllcld, Terry county, Ta.
II. K Jiinkin, " " "
A. G. Mii.i.kii, Shlppensburg, Cumberland co.,Ta.
John, " 11 "
IlKNUY lfl'BV, " " "
Wm. II., Carlisle, " "
W. A. STONSLKIC. Prttidtnt.
William Willis, Cashier.
New Blooinlleld, 3 5 ly
New Carriage Manufactory,
On IIiuii Stueet, Eist or Caulisli St..
New Bloomlleld, Pcnn'a.
THK subscriber has built a large and commodi
ous Shop on High St., East of Carlisle Street,
New Bloomlleld, Pa., where lie Is prepared to uiai
ufueture to order
Civ rriagos
Of every description, out of the best material.
Sleighs of every Style,
built to order, nnd tlulshed in the most artistle and
durable manner.
tu Having superior workmen, be Is prepared
to furnish wink (hat will compare favorably with
(lie best City Work, and much more durable, mid
at much more reasonable rates.
0-llETAlltlNG of ull kinds neatly and prompt
ly done. A cull Is solicited, i
I if
vm house,
New Illooinflcld, Pa.
THU subscriber having purchased tho property
on the corner of Maine ami Carlisle streets,
opposite the Court House, Invites nil bis friends
nnd fonner oustomers to give lilm a call us ho is
determined tt furnish first class accommodations.
t ltf. Proprietor.