8 ljc mcs, Ntu) Bloomficlii, $)n. Miscellaneous News Hems. t3?" Tlio 'Missouri Democrat very truly remarks that the day of party organs is over, anil that people want independent newspapers. t1 Gloves are now made in Knjlniiil with a pocket on the inside of the palm, to suit the habit indulged in by the fair sex of carrying money in that position. W The choir sang "Come, yo Discon solate," at a recent wedding in Lafayette, Ind. The bride, who is thirty-two, says nho isn't near so disconsolate as she was. MTOntho 12th nit., the Southern Ex press Company wns robbed near l'ensacola of 13,000 in currency, including fl!.',000 irom the Kavy Department, probably in tended for the l'ensacola navy yard. tW Wisconsin has a dog, which willtako money to the market and bring homo meat in exchange. Being recently unable ,lo get money, and very hungry, lie stole a sash, mid pawned it for meat. IS?" Two years each in the Ptato Prison, or 500 (ino with two weeks' graco to raise the money,, was the sentence imposed by the California Court upon four Chinamen who had beaten a Chinese, woman nearly to death, and then built a tire about her. tff The State of New Hampshire bor dcis on Canada for a distance of thirty or forty miles, and yet thero is not a road of liny kind across tlie line. It is a wild re gion on both sides, little frequented except by hunters. t?T"A facetious young gentleman from Cincinnati, received the charge of a shot gun in return for bis courtesy in callingan Indiana farmer up in the night, to advise him to take in his chimney as it was freez ing weather. tT'In Michigan, in a case against an ac cident insurance company, the plaint ill' lost his suit because the Judge decided that a man's feet were not a private conveyance. Well, if a man's feet are public, what can be called a private conveyance? CSP'Tlio Central Pacific Railroad rob bers, tried at Washoe City, were sentenced as follows : Chapman to eighteen years' imprisonment, I'arsonsto twenty, Cockerell twenty-two, and Squires twenty-three years and six months. t" A Cincinnati paper states that sever al thousand barrels of swine's blood is used in that city every year for the manufacture of sweet wine. "fiicret vine," forsooth I may it not more properly be called toic or wine or, if you please, what a Dutch man would call hock (hog.) t2TW. II. Wisner, son of the late Radi cal candidate for Congress in Tciuiesce, shot and killed Mr. Stahlman, age.it of the Southern Kxpress Company in Shclbyville, recently in a quarrel over Shililinan's refusal to give Wisner a receipt for money paid on a 0. O. 1). package. t3TMr. Isaac Mimee, an old resident of Prince's liny, Slaten Island, Rut lire to his house on S l unlay night, and was bin ned to death in '.he tinmen. Mr. Mance, who was 77 years of age, was an eccentric butcher, and lived alone. At times he was partially deranged, and had previously at tempted both arson and suicide. tW A man was recently engaged in planking u sidewalk in a certain city, when a woman in gorgeous apparel stopped near the scene of his labors to chat with a friend. Iler train hung over the edge of the last plank he had puL in position, and he qui etly slid another one alongside of it, and securely spiked it down. The liend then went away todiniici. tSTThey tell a good story in Milwaukee of a lawyer who came back, afler some years' absence from the city, and went al most immediately into the trial of a jury case. " 1 believe," said he to his opponent, ns ho glanced at the occupants of the jury box, "I know more than half these fel lows if 1 hunt been away so long." "I should think it strange," was the encoura ging reply, "if you didn't knout t,nre than all of them." EST The steamer " Al ien" went ashoro st lleuford liur at 0 a. in., on the Slid nil. A boat which was launched to take sound ings was upset at short distance from the steamer, and the mate and four sea men were lost. Three were drowned, and the other two got on the bottom of the boat, whero they were frozen to death. Two of the bodies lloateil ashore at Capo May, next day. tST A fine-looking couple who bud lecn spending their "honey-moon," to all ap pcuiance at a Jersey City hotel, were about to part a lew days ago, when a strange wo man, in an elegant attire, appeared, and pretty nearly stripped the clothes from tlio supposed bride. The man quietly looked on, iiml when the performar.ee had elided, turned to the strange woman, with the woids, "Come, Amy, let's go home." The couple in this charming scene were a well known New York merchant and a ' blond' of the N. V. stage, mid the interloper was tlio merchant's wife. liy" Some interest has been c.itatcil in Sussex county, New Jersey, during the cx--cuvatioii of the Midland railroad, by tlie discovery of some relics of former times in .thoifwrm of two silver Masonic badges, or namented with square and eompuss, moon iid sun, in accordance with the masonic emblems of the present day, w tiieh. weie fottlld live feet below the bard earth exeava lions of the Midland railroad. How the badges ever got there is it mystery, as no human remains were connected with them, sud the soil - ' slate. r" "lieneed thieves - following taken i" ws how skill- in that city : II sneak thief method by 'liter were ' shop for Is. They ithoiized f a jew m ploy ; mid U of ings 7 lMoomficld Academy! i lUitllnli and ('lonnir)il School KO!t LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Young Men Prepared For College, .Xnmt .$' IiihiI !'' .'' ir-l ft' Art. PALI, TKttM COMMENCES On Monthly, thf LHh uf Aifjiif'. VHIhe above school has recently Iwen r.- organ l.eil, stuilcnls enncuter anv time. I'rnf. VM. II. DILL, a graduate ul KuU'.cr's Col lege , N. J., Principal. Miss ANNA K Al'liKI'l'lI'lLI!, 11 graduate of Kslher Institute. 'dIihiiIhih. Illiin. teacher of Mu sic. Painting, Drawum. French unit Ocrinau. Every facility lor the training of the youth of both sexes ill all that constitutes a liberal ami thorough education. The Collegiate Depart nieiit embraces nil the higher branches, Includim; Ihc Lillin anil (ireek Languages. Knginceriiig, Practi cal Surveying. Literature, Natural .Science ami ad vaneeil MathcinalicH. Vacations: .Inly ami August, anil one week at Christ mas. Terms: For ltoiinlini!. Furnished linoin, Wash Ing, Tuition in Latin, Creek, Kuglish Bl anches and Mathematics, for the scholast ic vear, (Hsu. in vacations. j-.'im.iHi. The Hoarding Department Is at the Institution, inuler the supervision of Wiliani Uriel. Ksi-., bv whom good ami substantial hoard will lie fur nished : anil the pupils will lie under the strict care oi i lie i rineipai. Aiiiuess W. II. DILL. A. M. Principal. Perry county. 1'a. WILLIAM CKIKl! New llloo'iilield. 4 Ltri Northern Central llailwiiy. w in tk u aTmu n ; i: m i: n t. 't'if'onilt aivt !(( Until' to mill nun H'u.ifOif tun, Itftlthnnrt', Minim, Krir, tlt'jl'tilo, liacliutterawl Xitujura Ftiim. SV AND A IT Lit SI N DAY. DKC. llll. J lS70,t the trains on Ihe Northern Central linib way will run as follows : xoirriiVi'Min. MAIL 'I ISA IV Leaves ISalllmnrc, s.:n n.iu. I HamshuiK, L.Vip. m Williaiusporl 7Jiu p. in., and a it. at Llmira, lu.:a) iu'itai.o i:i'i;i:ss. Leaves naltimnrc.lli.'iiip.iu. Ibirrishurg. i.'.'.'" a.m. YVilliuius'Hrt, t)..Vi a. m. Fliuira. 11. :'." noon. Arrives at Caiiandaigiia at :i.in p.m. FAST LINK. Leaves Baltimore 1'!. Ill p. m. llaiTlshurg :.'! p.m. Air. ul Willlainspui I s.lup.m.. anil Lrie in 7.40 a. in. CINCINNATI FXPKFSS. Leaves Haltinnrc7. Ilip.in. ar. I la.) rl.sburgllUiIa.in. voitii and HAi:i;ism;i:(i accommodation leaves York at (i.lua. in., arr. at llarrisburg 7.45 a. Kinic.raht Train with pass leavinj; llarrisbiirK at V. . ;t.' a bury at. 11.15 a. in. 'ligcr ear attached, in., arrives at Sun- souriiUMU). MAIL TK A I . Leaves I'lmlra (i.no a. m. I Williainsport AS) a. III. ll.inisliuiK 1.27 p. in. I Ar.lialtiiuore atti.l'i p.ln HI Fi'ALU I.XIT;i. Leavi s CanaiulaiKiia 4.."i p. in.. ICIinira SIM p.m. VYilliaiusport U'.-ju a. til.. Ilarrlsbiirg at f.:'-ja. m. Arrives at baltiiuoie at !i. in. CINCINNATI LXI'liFSS. Leaves I lai'risbui'H 10.45 p.m., Ar. Iiaitiiiiiiix-'.'.'iiia.in FltllC LXI'liFSS. I.vs. Suubury ln.'.'oa. tit., Ar.llurrisluiri; 1.00 p.m. pacific i:xi'i:i:ss. I.vs. Il.ii lislnui! lL.'toa.iu., Ar.llaltimoic :.i)'p.m. YoltK AM) 1 1 AUHISIIl li All OM MOD T10V. Lvs. Hai rislMir O.''i p. in.. Ai r. at. ork 7.1ep. m. if Mall Train north andsouih. Fast l.ineiiiiitli, and York and llarrisburi: Aeeoiumoilalion nortli and south, and Lric Kxpress. J-iric Mail south. Cin cinnati Kxpress north, racitie Kxiircss .soiilli, mid Kiniriiiil north daily except Sunday. Ilitllalo Kxpress north and south daily. Cincinnati Kxpress south dally except Saturday. For further information apply at tlie Ticket otliee, Pennsylvania Kailroad Depot. AI.FKKD It. ITShi:. lieiieral Su)ierinleiidi'ut. I j V I) IMS, Th let l ill or Ladies' (iem is Ihe itrcat invention lunfi and itirai'stlit wished for by your juj. We de sire smart and eneruelie lady agents to Introduce our popular and Justly celebrated artiele iiue, rii YUlittir, 'tbtm, anil I'if.n In the Woii'l, II Is bi:hly approved of, endorsed and adopted by all Ladies of taste and reliiieiueut, and is now A ;LFAT FA Volfli'K WITH Til KM; It Is what vvcnj ttvia has wished tor, (lives perfect, 1 UKLDON OF ACTION, AND I'HKVKNTS C A TflllSli COLD AT A (Tii lTCAL PKHIOD. Kudorscd and ree.eoniiuendi") by all eminent PHYSICIANS AND DIVINES Kvc.y Lady ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES and will purchase ONE at sight ; its merits are apparent at a GLANCE. TUwulsts, milNm'rs, tr makers, wul those vhiy krt'p fancy storH ti i j 1 1 (Mir rxorllcut iitvt'Mtinii i;iv(H iM'i'ffi't Mtixfttrtiitn, ami sH!s wry rapidly, and nrttiiiK t'Mi'nimis profits Ut iiwuH and deal fin. Town and nminty rlulds uivi'iiiv to all ho dirr t-iiuiiirinj In nn lonnrul'lt; rt xiri'titbh: and jrlihth!ft lutsiiicyt, and at tin' saints tnno, doiu yinni lo (Ih'sc stillfi'inj; roinpamoiiH tu Mr. Sam pirn scut fri'ii t-y until on rctuMpi, of j-tice. N-nd lor wltol-salc I'iicuUirs. Address, VKTOKI A M A'l'KA(VniINt- CO.. 1 I'aikriuoo, NirwYurk. rlb.-rs cm; Xff CDiiilaiit ly nft lijiitl, A.-MlliT.MKNT OI'' . ::.x c it tj .1 , .v A' . s . uxxas j,- i. ..v .v . Jflt HOCt'OS. s tit n: Titi:t:i, i-:; .. i wls, anil a coa-.uUusiirlinmt til article nu by Mine makcis. K M 0 It'll M Kit. CO. Dailv Kxiiress aud KrclKht Linn IM'.TWKHN BLOOMFIELD& NEWPORT! rpitlt snlmcrllicr wishes tn notify tli cltlcnsof JL BlllsnillieiU UIIU ni Y(niii in.ii hi- in i uiiiiiiiK liaily Line, beluc'ii tliexe tno pluce-i.nnil will haul VreiKlitol ny kind, cr iiromptly iWlvcr luiukancs or niiuukKKAUlilrnstiHl to liis care. .OnlBrs may lir left fur him at tlie stores til F.Murtliaar&L'u., Now lUoomUifUl, or MIlliKiiiKfc MUSWr'WeW,m,M'"- ... H. WIIITHUUK. liluoululd, Juniiary 23, Ibid. For llanrl-bil'D,, or job work of any kind, go to the Timet UJflct. Cur "Steam I'ower rrcss," will jirni. a larger bill thuu any nrcu In the county. GIGANTIC SALE! TILE LATENESS M ENORMOUS OverstOCK Whicli wa tire caiTving necessitates our commencing A T ONCE, OUR GRAND CLEARING SALE I We Offer Stock of Mfffjuicenf Goods, (15)' iiir the largest we 1(,(MM) III SINKSS (OATS, ir,M)0 1IKVS I'W'IS, l",(MM MKX'S VKNTN. .5M OVKIMDATS. 2,(MM Fine ( lit'Mci IU'ltls. 4,(KM I'.ins' Jiickcls, i,r00 Hoys' I'nnts, :,000 ( liiltliTit's Suits. All kinds of Clothing, and of every desirable color, cut and (nudi ty filling our immense Six-story Buildings from basement' to loft at IJIICJ:S UXM1STAKA I1LY LO WKU Than any we have over before offered UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. We will sell so as to dispose oi 8500,000 WORTH OF F 18 C i. 0 T S I 8 fi , If we have to let. every garment go at the bare cost of manidiie tnre, and to make this a W I irr I I j A I M 0 IS A. I j W'e will cut closer than ever, and give tin? people Unprecedented Bargains ! Our Mii-k is iniineiiJi' (f0 " r ce.nt. linger ihiin l;i.-l xenr's) ami nil Kresli. lis thoe Great Aim mil Salvx Clear hn Out, l!UT WK WILL N'OT CAUltY IT, IT M US'i' It V. KO !.,!. The Mile will ciiinliieliec Monday Morning, November 21, 1870, Aid be I'ull'iwi il iii. tuirp, until Every Man and Boy in Philadelphia UIIU Wll.l. ITIU'IIAM. M ANV fit II 1. I-. St I II. Oil IKl.M HI In hl'OCK. l'or this occasicn e Imve iari' . I 'orps of tSulesineii, uml will reiiilinee frmn nir i'ltltinj; I V i,n tmeiit. Sture will open lit (' nml keei npeii in tlie cvcniii tn S.. tn iifl'i irii wnrkiiien mi opportunity ; Sntiiriluy niglits until 10. A visit solicited, whether wi-hinv; to purchase or not. AVANAMvMCEK & IWIOAYN, A IV 11 A la la , AVHOLE HliOCK Ol' UU1LD1NOS, South East Corner of 6th and Market Streets, Xliiltilolpliiu, OF THE SEASON Till: Our Entire have ever had) embracing VATiUAHLE Farm at Public Sale, t pilK niiilcrsli'iicd elvers nt 'public sale, a farm X In Kyi!UivHiliip.l'erry county, l'a., coiilaininu Tim In nil is tlie best In the nigliborlioixl. with run -nhm wntcr In every llelil. Is under yowl fence, uml has thereon enxitcrt a new Kranit'! DweUiiig House. There is aim) a tlii ifly Vountr OHf'II AliO on th iilacc. This laml lle aloni! two public mails llin l'lslilnit Creek mail ami tlie l.nnili's (ia mail s the latt nanieii iih lilcs tlie land In two parts 'My, on the one side unit i!ii', on the other: on the ipfi aire piece is a New I ianic Dv.clliiiKllousc, find mi Ihc other a FRAME 22 x 28, erected fur a house, with a never falllns Sprlntr of water. This la ml will lie sold as a whole, or in two TracH, to suit purchasers. i f If not olil at private sale before the t.AST Oh' DKCKMlil'lt. this property v.ill be sold at pub lic sale, at the Court Mouse, ill lUooinllcid, on tlio JTltHTTIU'llSD.W IN I ICWtCAltV, 1871, at one o'clock p. in., of said day. when terms will be made known. V Persons ilcs'rhw to purclinnc a farm will da well to examine this one bclnre Investing cKo where. as U lies w ithin lour miles of Marysvlllc. and the IVniisvlvaniu liallroad one of the best markets in the county. 1'urlher Information en n be had by ad dressing Dr. JOHN CSAW, Jcnner X Itoads, 4 in Somerset county, l'a. Al.r.M'.I.K I'KOI'KHTV A 1 Private Sale. T1IK siibsel'lbcr oilers at private sale his prop erly In Savllle towiililp, IViry couiily, l'a., coicisliii); of n i A ii i-j w of l.und, S." Acres of vlileh are cleared, and well improved having thereon a One ami Half Story loir House, LOG BARN, and other riiil-biiilillns, with a line YolINO (IKCIIAKD. The balance of the land Is well tim bered. Tor further Information atlliv.-s or apply to IIKNItY Kl.i:CKKM:it, H" l"l-'csbiiri;, Perry enmity, I'll. A Desirable Farm for Sale. i Wll.l. be sold at a bnrpiln, a KAIIM situated in Centre township, about 2 miles North j West of lllooinlield boroui.'h, eontaiiiini; lO'-i I Al l! l-'.S, :i7 well tiiiiberi'd, and tlie balance clear ; ed, and under a hijth state of cultivation. There i arc on Ihe premises a Loo IK H'SK. plastered, eon tiiinliiK 7 moms in i.'ood HANK liAUN. a good j SAW .Mil, Land 2 LI.MK QUAHItlKS. ir Tor further information apply In j C. A. IIAUSKTT. AtCy at-Law. rsew iiiooinuchi, ra.. Oron the premises tn Mi s. ltHiiiici'A inoi-K.J4.H H . M . E 15 Y Wholesale and Kctail Dealer In o n u g s A.l MEDICINES, CONCKXTli AT E 1) HEM. E1U ES, ESSENTIA. OILS, Patent Medicines, PURE AM) LIQUORS, I-'or Medicinal and Sacramental Purposes. A Splendid Assortment of P E II F U M K It Y t HAIR OILS, n n u s ir e s , AND FANCY ARTICLES, Always on hand, which w 111 be suhl at low prh-. IW Orders from riiyslclnns prnniptlr nttendeil to with (rreat pure. 13. 3VE- EBY, . Newport, Perry County, Penn'a. PIIOTOGltAPIIS! IMiologrniihs ! Photographs! JA COli VOllLK, riiotograpliic A rtist, XKwronr, ri.xx'A. T1IH subscriber would respectfully call the in tention of the citiens of this county to tie fact that he is prepared to take I'lHiTtitlliA fllfi in tlie best style of the art. Ills loin; experience enables him to produce riLTUUKH WHICH VAS.XOT Jtli MX vi:lu:i. All persons are requested to call at his rooms mid examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses uf deceased persons, and great care will bo taken tu furnish Good Pictures of Children. i I'ranilng material and a good assortment nf frame ulways uu hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COIILIS, Artist, Newport, Perry Co., P Usotho Red Horse Powders. nOKSKS CT KIl) OP OLANDi:i:.S. Aaron rinyder, U. N. Assistant Assessor, Mount Aciua, Pa. ('. liacon, Livery SI able, buiibiiry, Pa. Horses Cured of Founder. Wolf Hi Wilbelin, Danville, Pa. A. Kills, Merchant, Washington ville, l'a. A. Kluuuker, Jersey. Horse Cured of I.ung Fever. Hum & llrothtir. IwiHliurg, Pa. Horse Cured of Colic Thomas Cliiigiiu, Union Couiily, Pa. Hog Cured ot Cholera. II, Parr, II. i A. Cudwalladcr. Ciiivh Cured. Dr. J. M.' M'Cleery, 11. McCorinlck, Milton, Pa. Chickens Cured of Cholera and Capes. Dr. V, 0. Davis. Dr. 1). T.Krebs, C, W. titlckcr. Job u and James 1'lniiey. VHundrcda more could bo cited whole Block was saved. Gcrin.Mi and Kngllsli lUrectiims. Prepared by OYltl'S llHOWN.I ! Druggist, Chemist and Horseman, I 4 41 Milton, Pa., Northumberland co Pa.