CAllSON'S STELLAR Oil- in ho US) J- lor SAFK! I'd ItlULLlANT ! 1 ECONOMICAL!!! M'ANCKACTI'HHl) ly n peculiar process known only tu tlm Inventor, anil thusres). deied Perfectly Safe I being "0 degrees above the flic tost required by th law of Pennsylvania. The most BRILLIANT 01 L ever ottered to Hie public, giving more lif-lit for less money, than any oilier oil. livery package contains exactly what th purchaser pays tor, viz : Five Gallons of Pure Oil. To cITect this, It is sold by weight, the only cor rcet standard. Haeli I'ackaee Is can full v sealed w ith the Traris mark of the I'loprielor, thus preventing lis being Titmprirtl villi ami Athiffrrated. between the producer and consumer. The proprietors will liyorioit; 81000. OO, If on proper trial, it Is not proved that STELLAlt OIL WILL NOT .3 :x: x j.u o x xa , I'vlded that the seal of the can has been u it ched, and ihe oil nut mixed with tin inferior i!ll. A III) EN cfc CO., SOI.H AO K NTS, 136 South. Front St., PHILADELPHIA. Office, 720 mcoK&OiVb Chestnut Silent Street, n EWNB MACHINE!-! u (Philadelphia, I give my hearty preference to tlie lcox & Gibbs Silent Sewing Machine." Fanny Fern. The weight of reliable evidence being rwhclming for tliat of the Willcox oi Gibbs nt Sewing Machine, I decided upon it. cured it, and am wore than tatixfied." UltAl'K tillKfcNWOOD. I have the Wheeler & Wilson, the Orovcr IuaKer, aiui ine wiiicox a uiura oewing icliiiu in my family. 1 use the Willcox (iibb.s most frequently, thinking it far perior to either of tlie others." Mas, Henry Ward Brkcueh. My wife would not accept a Sewing chine of any other patent at a yijt, if she st receive it on condition of giving up the lleox UHibs." Rr.v, Olivkr Crank. t'srUnidsls, Ft. ' The Willcox & Gibbs is the only Sewing chine whoso working is ho sure and simple t I could venture to introduce it into Rrtv. A. T. Pratt, Ml.uloimiy Anjericau iioftrd. ' We have used various Hewing Machine Inn our family, but it is the unanimous mon of the household, that the Willcox !ibbs in the liest of them all. ltKV, J. 8., Brooklyn, N.Y. For simplicity and mechanical accuracy onstruclion, I have Keen no Sewing iiine equal to the Willcox & (iibhg." Enoch J-kwih, Of the I'enniylvsuUi Ontrel R. H. correspondence on the subject. Sewing Machines is respectful' solicited. J). S. SWING, 720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. i i!t I. N. ShaUo & IV. I). Louder. Kurtfcoii I'ii1 1m(h, XKWPOUT, 1 operations In connection with Dentistry, killfnllv ik'I formed at moderate charm's. satisfaction guaranteed In all possible cants. iiurgc. (itlUe on fourth Street, NewiNirt, I'll., oit the lieformed Church. i bll Tli Vlvn Hollar Hi-wliiir M,.p1,I,, il liv me. .liiiilnirv. IHfirt. frnm thA Vntnllw ig machine Company, HQ Nussiui-btrect, , has been in almost constant use ever It ban not been out of order once. Hua lothing for repairs, ami I Hud It simple ullablo in operation, and always ready to Those friends of mluo w ho use them with i:w Improvements aro very much pleased 'im t nave i wouio uoi pan wiin. MHB. ANN W. CUTUBURT. in. 42H West SOtb-Htreet, New-York pnr- KliKOItS OK YOUTH. gentleman who Buffered for years from ous Uchlllty, rrcmuluru Decay, and all Ifbcls of youthful Indiscretion will, for the of ufferlng humanity, send free toull who It, the roelpe and direction for making and r the slimdo remedy bv which Iia wuh m,. YNulforers wishing to profit by the advortls- xpenenco cau 00 so by addressing, in per ouidence, JOHN II. OtJDF.N. 4 41, a. No, 4 Cedar Ht., N.Y.