,lt, Ida. SUNDAY HEADING. Prayer In t lie Morning. her licr Tlic umJ Wliilo a mother was sittin;' ut licr work n licr parlor, flic overheard Jicr child, wlioiu mi older sister was dressing in tin idjoiiiMit; b( d-rooin, say repeatedly, as if u answer to his sister, " No, 1 don't waul i) cay my prayers." I low many believers, in gooil stand ' thought tho mother to herself, " of- l;u say tho same tiling in heart, though ley conceal, even Irom themselves, tho Idin;;!" " ;lotlior," said tho child, appearing in ,i uinuto or two, at tho parlor door; the tiiio n ixl the look implied that it was only liitmnriiin; salutation. '(Jood morning, my child." ''I am going to get my breakfast." "Stop a miniito ; I want you to conic here and see inc first ." The mother laid her work down in the next chair, us tho boy ran toward her. She tnok him up. lie kneeled in i) and laid hi face down upon shoulder, his cheek against her ear. mother rocked her chair backward forward. " Are you pretty well this morning!"' said she, in a kind' gentle tone. " les, mother, I am very well. L am very glad you are- well. 1 am very well, too; and when 1 awoko up this morning, and found that 1 was well, I thanked (iod for taking care of inc." 1 Did you '!" said the boy, in a low tone, half a whisper. He paused after it conscience was at work. " Did you ever i'eel my pulse ?" ic-kod his mother, after a minute of silence, at. the same time taking the hoy down, and setting him in her lap. and pl-ieintr his fingers on her wrist. " No. hut, lliavo fi.lt mine." " Well, don'i you feel mine now? how it goes beating'" ' Yes," fiii'l he child. ;i If it shouk slop beating, 1 should die at once.' ', " Should you " " Yes, I eaniu keep it boating". " Who :an?" A silent paus.i " You have a ilse. loo, which beats in your bosom heV, and in your arms and all over you, and V annot keep it h. ating, nor can you. Nhody can but God. If he should not tfco care of you. who could V "So when I awidj up this morning, I thought I would asktiod to lake care of me; I hope ho will ike care of me, and all the rest of us." ,:Did you ask hinto take care of me?'' " No." "Why not?'' ' I5eeau.se I thouJr you would ask hiui yourself. Clod lils to have us all ask lor ourselves." A long pause en-led. Tho deeply thoughtful and the uii.-ious expression of countenance showed tint the heart was reached. j " Don't you think vol had better ask for yourself '(" ' lie kneeled again in lis mother's lap. aud uttered, in bis owii simple, broken language, a prayer for tlr protection and blessing of Heaven. Offlca of J. B. D0BBIU3, -23 North Eighth St., Phllada. Dobbins IT & VegetableiMI1 A color mid il rowing that will not burn tins liuir or injure the head. It dooa not iiroduce n color meehiinio.illy, i.a tho jkhhoiiouh preparations do. It "jriiduiilly restores the hair to its ori;jfmnl color and luiitre, by supplying new life and vigor. It caust'u a luxuriant growth of sort, lino hair. Tho beat and aafost article ever offered. Clean and Pure. No Rod'nnont. Sold everywhere. A.SK FOR DOBBINS'. NATUHirS lid (! JUstoratira ! Pi Mik A Word Fitly tyoken. The following iiifident-diows tho im portance of speaking a Wird in season for Christ. " a Word filly spoken how good it is!" How it ('astern itself upon the conscience and heart an! brings forth fruit in duo season ! ! More than fifteen years ngt when call ed to watch with an old gentleman eighty-two year. of age, who had been a devo ted Christian lor more than (illy years, who was totally blind, and suH'ured con stantly wilb intense pain, I found hint patiently hearing all, leaning on Christ. I was about sixteen years old, and as 1 entered the room, the ladv introducing mo, be said : " I want to take your baud in mind. ud so you have come to sit up with me ? 1 should think by your hand (hut you were a young man. I want to talk with you some more by and by." U lien the lainily had retired, lie aked me to place my baud anniu in his, and said : " I want to usk you it few questions. Aro you a Christian?" I thought 1 must answer honestly, and I said, No." ' Do you mean to bo some tiuiu?" "Yes!" " Well, then, what are veu wiiiiin" for?" I wan speechless. l!ut the iiuestions were daily in my mind until I yuvu my heart to Christ." Itcautirul Tliouh'litx. lleyond aH credulity id the credulous- ness ot tlio utliuist, who believes that chiince could make a world when it cun- liot build u ham. lio not proud of riches, but ufraid id' them, lest they be a silver bar to cross the way to heaven. You must answer lor riches, but riches cannot answer for you. There in hidden thunder in tho stores of heaven ready to burst with burning wrath, and blast tho man who owes bis grcutnecs to the ruin of his neighbor. THE HOUSEHOLD DELIGHT! ikT II EWEED" FAMILY FAVORITE. - ;. it m sruoM v i?iiy, MANL'KACTUItKllS or I DOORS, I SUimIh, Mo a I d i n g s , Balusters, Newel Posts, Scroll, Sawing, CIKC'ULAK WOItK, &c, &o., 'arrunteil rrnm tit all common sizes Made und Warranted from dry inutcriul, unit DOORS AND SASH, Kept on band and tor Kilo liy tliu undersigned. -SchU (or J.lst ot 1'rlc.c.sto BI'HOUT di K1)1Y, 1'ICTUKH JWCKS, i'H. l.ycomliiK county, IV Contains NO t.A(" SIM-IIl'lt No SUC Alt OK I.KAII No MTIIAIKiK No KI'lKATIi OK .sll.VKK.and Is i iiliii-ly free nmi Hie I'olsonons ami lli allh cli'stiiiyliit! Krims used In other llalr rrcpaiations. Traii'jp.'u pnt ami dear as crystal. It will not soil ,'!'.,! "e-'t. fabric peifeclly slAI'IC. CI. KAN. and l;.lll( I KM desideratum l.oNti SOUIJliT Kolt AND.KOI M( AT LAST ! II restores and prevents tlio Hair from liecom" Inc (.ray. Imparts a soft, flossy appearance, re moves Damliiill, is cool iMli refiesliinij to the head, cheeks the Hair from railing oil. amrrostores ittoaprcat cxlent wIkoi preinatnrcly lost, pre vents lleada'lies, cure all Humors, Cutaneous Kruplinns. ami unnatural Ileal. AS A KUKSS- v .'''.'! E " A,lt ll' wi'iin 1'ixr akticlk IN i HI. iVI AJtl K I'. I)r. t:. Smith, Patentee, (i rot on .lunctlon, JIass. rre)aied only liy I'roctcr linilliers, tlloiieester. Mass. I he (iennlne Is pel up In a panel bottle, made expressly for it, Willi tin; name of the arliele blown in the glass. Ask yo nr lirnuuist Tor Na ture s Hair licstorative, and lake no other. Send a three cent stamp to rrnctnr llros. for a Treatise on tin, Human Hair. The Information it contains is worth i-'M W to any person, It i the. llrkt awl mnsl ilmlroUf. tim(ly Seviint Mitcliine. num in use. It makes thu eel. liraled LOCK STITCH alike on bolh sides of (he (aline. Sewing oipially well on Unlit or heavy coods, rc (luirhiK NO ( II AMI H IN TUB TKNSION. USING SILK, COTTON, Olt LINEN TIIKKADS WITH KASE. This Maehlnn Is bullion what Is called the Kn fiinn Print lilt or iiioveiuenl. and ill many particu lars diltct's from all oilier iiiiudiiues. It has new and novel devices for taking up the slaek thread, feeding Hie go. ls. and peileeliug the slili li. nolli lug can surpass this luai hini) in execution, rapidi ty, or delicacy of operation. ITS SIMPLICITY I.S CIIAKMINO, (or llii'ie is no INTKKJACY AHOUT IT. "I'll. 10 WKH1) lias only to be seen and tried, to bo (idly appreci ated. It. will recommend itself In all Inquirers and Is furnishcil Willi all Hie usual ciiilpuii;nts of li llrst-class niarliliie. uithout extra charge. Call and set; llieiu In operation. Kor sale In l'cn v (.'oiinty by WM. ICK'KS, Newport, Pa. AND V. MOUTIMKH A CO., New Iiloomfleld, Pu. V i