8 Northern Central Itaihviijv SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Through and Iilrcet Ilovtp to and .from Wnnhlnff ton, JlHllhnorc, Elmira, Erie. Buffalo, Moeliester and Niayara Eallx. ON AM), AFTUK KCNPAY. I I'A '. (111. 1870, the trains on the Northern Central ltall way will run as follow : NORTHWARD. 51 A II, THA1X. leaves Baltimore, s.ii.in. J llarrislimn. Loop, in WUlianisport 7.00 p. in., and ai r. at lilmira,10.;io lUlTAI.OKXl'ltKHS. Leaves Ba1tiiiinrc.ln.2np.iu. IlarrislMirp. ''.2"i a.m. WUlianisport, fi..V a. in. lilmira. ll.:H nnoii. Arrives at CanandalKiia at 3.10 p.m. FAST LINK. Leave Baltimore 12.40 p. in. ilarrlsburft V.V p.m. Arr.at WilliainspoiiJ'.lop.ni., ami Kno ut 7.10 a. m. CINCINNATI KXI'KKSS. Leaves Haltimoie7.40p.in. nr. Harrislmrp 12.01 a.m. YORK AND HAUKISHUltU ACCOMMODATION leaves York at 6.10a. m., arr. at Harrlsliurt; 7.45 a. Emigrant Train with pnssciiRcr ear attached, leaving liarrislmrK at 7.:)0 a. in., arrives at Sun Imrv at 11.15 a. in. SOVTJnVAIil). MAIL Til AIM. l-oavcs Klmirafl.no a. in. I Williainspoi t P.:t0 a. m. Ilarrisburg 1.27 p. in. Ar. Baltimore alt p.m 1U FFALO EXriiKSS. Leaves CanandalKiia 4.45 . in., Klinlra R.40 p. m. WilliuiiisjHirt 12.20 a. m., Ilarrisbiu t? at S.H5 a. in. . Arrives at Baltimore at 0.15 a. in. CINCINNATI liXl'ltKNK. leaves llarrislmrjiio. 45 p.m. , Ar. lialtimorc 2.30a. m KKIE EXI'UKSS. Lvs. Sunlmry 10.20 a. m., Ar.llarrisburg 1.00 p.m. PACIFIC KXrUKSH. Lvs. Harrisburis ll.o5 a.m., Ar.lSaltimore 3.05p.m. YOMK ANT) lUUItlSnriiO A'COMMOlATION Lvs. Ilarrisburg 5.25 p. m., Arr. at York 7.1Up. m. -Mail Train north anil south, Fast Line, north, and York and llarnsburis Accommodation north and south, and Erie Express, Erie Mail south, Cin cinnati Express north, Pacific Express south, and Emigrant north dally except Sunday. Builalo Express north and south daily. Cincinnati Express south daily except Saturday. For further information apply at the Ticket niee, Pennsylvania Uailroad Depot. ALl'MtKD U. 11SKE, Cieneral Superintendent. is a. i I us, The Victoria or Ladies' Gem is the. ureal invention lono and eurnestlif wished for by your km. We de sire smart and enernolic lady agents to introduce our popular and justly celebrated article inniv.ru Village, 'J'oien, and Viin in the World, It Is highly approved of, endorsed and adopted by all Ladies of taste and refinement, and is now A (iltEAT FAVOHli'E WITH THEM ; it is what every Lady has wished for, gives perfect FUKED'ON OF ACTION. AND 1'ItUVENTS CATCHING COLD AT A C1UT1CAL 1'EKIOD. Endorsed and reccommended by ail eniinenl PHYSICIANS AND DIVINES Every Lady ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES nud will purchase- ORE sit sight ; its merits are apparent at a GLANCE.' Drupttists, milliners, dressmakers, and those who keep lanc.y stores will tiud our excellent invention pives perfect satisfaction, and sells very rapidly, and netting enormous prolits to agents and deal ers. Town and-county rights givenrec to all who desire engaging in an honorable, resjieetaOle, and Itrojitahli; business, and at the same time, doing good to these suffering companions In life. Sam ples J2, sent free by mail on receiptor price. Send for wholesale circulars. Address, YICTOIil.V MAMKACTllUNO CO., 17 l'ark Place, New York . CHEAP GOODS! riHIU subscriber having opened a new Store, one L door East of Swegcr's llotel, solicits a share of the public patronage. lie has Just received a lull supply ot w O- o o 1 s , nud will constantly keep m band, a complete as Kortmciit of juiy-uoous, queexswah1-: OltOCERIES IIAIWWAKE, BOOTH .t SHOES, II A TS & CAPS. - And Everything cine usually kept in Stores. Call and see my stock. KOIVT. X. WILLIS, 42 New liloomlleld. Pa. ' .J)aily Express and Freight Line BETWEEN BLGOWiFIELD & NEWPORTJ Til K subscriber wishes to notify the citizensof Blooiiilield and Newport that he is running a Daily Line between these two places. ami will haul FrelgliLof any kind, or promptly deliver packages or messages entrusted to his c ue. -Orders may be left fur lilm at the stores of F. Mortimers Co., New liloomlicld, or Milligan& Musser. i(,wport, pa. .1. S. AVIIlTMOltE. Bloomliuld, January 25, 1870. Uso the Red Horso Powders. H OHSES I'I KED OF (iLANDEItS. Aaron , Snyder, I'. S. Assistant Assessor, Mount Aetna, Pa. C. liacon. Livery Stable, Snnbtiry, P;w Horses Cured of Founder. Wolf & Willieliu, Danville, Pa. A. Ellis, Merchant, Washington ville. Pa. . A. Slouaker, Jersey. Horse' Cured of Lung Fever. IIcss & Brother, lewislurg, Pa. Horse Cured of Colic Tiiomas Cllngan, Vnlon County, Pa. Hogs Cured of Cholera. it. liarr, H. ; A. Cudwallader. Cows Cured. Dr. J. 11. M'Cleery, 11. McCorinick, Milton, l'a. Chickens Cured of Cholera and Capes, Dr. U. U Davis Dr. D. T.Krebs, C. W. Sticker, Joh ii and .fumes Finney. . Hundreds more could be cited whose Stock wan saved. , , ' Germ.-.n and English Directions. Trepared by ' ' CYKUS BUOWN.1 , t Druggist, Chemist and Horseman, i 4 41 Milton, Pa., Northumberland co r. rrofessional Cards. LEWIS POTTKIt, Attohnp,v-at-Law & Notahy I'miuo, New Jiloomlleltl, l'erry f?ifi, Penn'a. f Special attention given to Collections of fill kinds, to the settlement of estates, &c., and all other legal business prosecuted w'ith fidelity anil dispatch. Also, Depositions, Allidavlts and Ac knowledgments taken. J-Olllee llvedoors West of Hutch's hotel. 321y. B P. McINTIHE Attorney at Law, and DIs , trlct Attornevof Perrv countv. Oflice with J. T. Mclntire, New liloomlleld, Penn'u. M. N. KEIREKT, Attorney-at-Law, Now Bloonilield. Perrv Co.. Pa. liloomlleld, 3 33 ly. -1T7-M. M. HUTCH, Attorney-at-Law, and Mill V tary Claim Agent, New Bloonilield, Perry eo., Pa. -On!ce Two doors West of F. Mortimer's Store 3 7 ly M. A. HPONHLKK, Attorney at-lAW. Ollice adioininn liis residence, on East Main street, New llloointleld, l'erry co., I'a. 3 2 ly S1I. GALB11A1TH, Attornev-at Law, New Bloonilield, Perry co., Pa. ' -Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay, and all Claim against the Government, promptly collect ed. Ollice witli Will. A. Sponslur, Esq. 3 2 ly. CLEE Mil UK AY, Attorney-at -Law, and Ileal Estate Agent, New Bloomlleld, Perry co., Ta. W OHlce with Hon. 11. F. Junkin, South Car lisle street, New Bloinlleld, Pa. 3 2 ly. CHAS. A. BAKNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloonilield, Perry co.. Pa. S. Ofllee adjoining Mortimer's Store. 3 2 ly CIIAS. J. T, McINTIHE, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloonilield, Perry co.. Pa. f All professional business promptly and faith fully attended to. 3 2 ly. JOHN (!. HHATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New Bloonilield, Perry eo., Pa. tistry All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den orices.done in the best manner, and at reasonable WjkOllice over Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly Ileal Estate, Insurance, LEWIS POTTER . & CO., lieal Estate Brokers, Insurance, it Claim Ayente Icv lJlooiiili"ll, WE INVITE the attention of buyers ami sell ers to the advantages we otl'er them in pur chasing or disposing of real estate through our of lice. We have a very large list of desirable property, consisting of farms, town property, mills, store and tavern stands, and real estate of any descrip tion which we are jnepared to oiler at great bar gains. Wo advertise our property very extensive ly, and use all our efforts, skill, and dilligeuce to effect a sale. We make no charges unless thd property is sold while registered witli us. We also draw up deeds, bonds, mortgages, audall legal pa pers at moderate rates. Some of the best, cheapest, and most reliable tire, life, and cattlo Insurance companies in the United States are represented at this agency. Property insured either on the cash or mutual plan, and perpetually at Stand S5 per thousand. Pensions, bounties, and all kinds of war claims collected. There are thousands of soldiers and heirs of soldiers who are entitled to pensions and bounty, who havu never made application. Sol diers, if you were wounded, ruptured, orenntract ed a disease in the service from which you are dis abled, you are entitled to a pension. When widows of soldiers die or marry, the minor children are entitled to the pension. Parties having any business to transact in our lino, are respectfully Invited to give us a call, as we are conlldent we can render satisfaction in any branch of our business. tf-No charge for information. 4 201y LEWIS POTTER & CO. Perry County Eank! Sponslt'r, J ii ii kin & Co. MnilE undersigned, having formed a Hanking As J 8oeiatlon under the above name and style, are now ready to do a General Hanking business at their new lianking House, on Centre Square, OPPOSITE THE CO I'lt T HO I WA'. j NEW, BLOOMPIELD, PA. ! We receive money on deposit anil pay back on demand.' We discount notes for a period of not over CO days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and New York. - On time Deposits, live per cent, forany lime over four months; and for four months four per cent. We are well provided with all and every facility for doing a lianking liiislness; and knowing, and for some years, feeling the great Inconvenience un der which the people of this County labored forthe want of a P.ank of Discount and Deposit, we have have determined to supply the w ant ;and tills being the lirst Hank ever established in Perry county, wo hope wo will be sustained in our efforts, by all th business men, farmers and mechanics. . This lianking Association Is composed of the fol lowing named partners: ' W. A. Si-onhi.kk, liloomlleld. Perry county. Pis. II. F. .ll'NKIN, " " A. J. Mii.i.ku, Shlppc.nsbur;;, Cumberland eo., Pa. .Ioiin Wo.Mr.iu.i.n, " " " IlKNUY lil'HV, " " " Vi. J(. M im.br, Carlisle, " ' ' OKKH KK.',: ' W. A. HPONNLKK. President. Wii.i.iau WiM.m, Cashier. New liloomlleld, 3 5 ly T 11 II CLOSING Ht ENKUY PHOFESSOR SMALNIKEH. ContniuB a variety of startling declarations In reference to the coming; " New Era" commonly called the Millineuui, but which according to the Professor will be a Universal Republic of Truth nnd Justice, Harmony and Peace on the whole Globe and the time for it is now near at hand. For sale by the undersigned. Price 8 cents, or 10 cents by mall. Address 441) J.KICE, ElllotUburgru. G I G ANT I THE LATENESS AX1 ENORMOUS OVERSTOCK Which we arc carrying necessitates our commencing. A T ONCE, OUR GRAND CLEARING SALE! Wo Offer Our Entire . Stock of Maynijicent Goods, (By far the largest wc have ever had) embracing 10,000 IJUSIXESS COATS, 15,000 MEN'S PANTS, 15,000 MEN'S TESTS. ' 3,500 OYEIiCOATS, 2,000 Fine Chesterfields, 4,000 Hoys' Jackets, 0,500 Hoys' Pants, 3,000 Children's Suits. All kinds of Clothing, and of every desirable color, cut and quali ty filling our immense Six-story Buildings from basement to loft at PlilCES UNMISTAKABLY L OWE II Than any we have ever before offered UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. We will sell so as to dispose of $500,000 WORTH OF If we have to let every garment go at the bare cost of manufac ture, and to make this a SWI.FT VTVX IV I ; 1; H.lIi2, We will cut closer than ever, and give the people Unprecedented Bargains ! Our stock is humonse (fl) jer cent, larger tlian last year's) and till Fresh. ;is these Great Annual Sales Clear its Out, HUT WE WILL 'NOT CAKKV IT, I rV 31 ITS T J i J'Z S 1 1 . Tlie tale Moiitlav Moriiinir, Aii'l be followed up fcliarp until Every SYian and Boy in Philadelphia WHO WILL J'tlK'liASi: AT A.W Pit 1 OK IS t-U'i'l.l l.ll PKOM THIS h'itiCK. Fur this ficcasiuii we have ;i laryo Voxs of Salesmen, uinl will leinlluee front our ( 'lifting lerjrtiiieiit. Store will open at (i and keep ojieti in the cvcnin;z tn S J. to iiironl workmen an ojijiortunity Saturday nights until in. A visit snlieiled, whether wishing to purchase or not. AVANAMAKER & BROWN, , O .t.TdJEX V. 1 1 , ' U O t E "I) ' O CK Of BUILDINGS, Hf j VS6utla ,HEast Corner of 6th and Market Streets, 1 'liiliKltlpliiii, X'onii'n- OS-A LE! OF, THE SEASON THE J will coniiiu'tiee Novcinber 21, VALUA1L.E Farm at jHvate Satci T HE undersigned offf at private stile, a farm innyeiowiisiiip,l'tf J coiioiy, m, uuiii.inmiK The land Is the best llie nlghborhood, with run- . ning water In every f' is under goon ieuce, nnu has thereon erected new Frame Kellinp; House.' There Is also a th'y Young OKCHAKDon the place. This land s along two public roads th Fishing Creek rot ami the Lamb's Cap road : the last named dividthe land in two parts !S04 on the one side anipi' tlm other : on the 2l';-4 acre piece is a fd l'lame jiweliing House, ami on the other a FRVME 22 x 28, erected for a luse, with a never falling Spring of water. This lid will be sold as a w hole, or in two Tracts, to sulotirchasers.. -If not sfd at. privab sale before the LAST OF DECKMIlK, this propirty will be sold at pub lic sale, at theCourt House, in Wooinlleld, on the FIItHT THUDAY IN F13UUAKY, 1R71, atone o'clock p. ni.of said day, wien terms will be madt known. ( V Persols desiring to pfrchasc a farm will do well to examine this one. Jeforo investing else where as lilies within foul miles of tlarysville. and tie Pennsylvania ltaifoad one of the best markds in the county. f further .information can be had by ad drcssirg lr. .IQIN VSAW, Jener X ltoads, 4 40 omcrset county, Ta. VALUAULK HIOPERTV: , ' A t 'P r i v at e Sal e . THE subscriber offers atprivate sale his prop erty in Savillo townslii( Perry county, Pa., consisting of ; :r i yvcac low of Land, 35 Acres of whlehire cleared, and well improved havinlhereon a One nnd - Half Star Log House, . LOG B I R N , and other oul-biiildines, lib a fine YOVN0 Olt('HAHl). The balance (the land is well tim bered, i - For further Inforiuatn address or apply to HENKY KltKENEll, 4 4o Jckeslun Perry comity, Pa. A Desirable Frm for Sale. - I "Trir'L 1)0 S(;lt1 a bar,in. a FARM situated TV in Centre townshipaliout li miles Korth West of Itloomlleld buro?li, containing lO'i ACHF.S, sfi well timlwrediud the balance ehsar ed, and under a high state f cultivation. There are on the premises a LOG.OVSU, ilastcred,con.' tabling 7 rooms ; a. good iXK 1SA1JN, a good SAW MILL and 2 LIME OAKItlliS. For further informant apply to C. A. ISAliSTT, Att'y-at-Law, . New liloomlleld. Pa., Or on the premises to Mi s-Kuui la uuoit. jiaoSt E . M . E 15 Y,, Wholesale and tall Dealer In ORUC.ej MDICINES', C0XCEXT1UTI) ih:medies, ESSENTIAL ULS, Patent Medicines, puue nixfri - -. I LIQUORS, i . for .Medicinal ai Sacramental I'urposes. i A Splenrf Assortment of PEKElTMEIIY, HAIR OILi jll U S II E S,." j I AND I FANCY' ARTICLES, i f ... j AHays on liamll'leh will be wild at low price ; Orders vm riiysieiaiis in'oiiiptly I attended to wit great euro. J 33.M:. eb--, -; Newport, ,'erry County, Penn'a. ; lWX)GitAlHSI- riiotograifi ! riiotograiihsJ jjvon vom.i:, Pliotorapliic Artist, 1 NhVP0n 7', I'JJXN 'A . . " Till! subs.P'er would resiieetfully ea!l the at-, teationl the eltlzens of thin fount v to tho fact tint he Juejiared to take PHOTOGRAPJIH , In the liest sje of the art. His lonji experleneo ' enabled hlmio produeo pictcueI which cassqt he ' ex" ' f CELLED. , All pursoiaie requested to call at his rooms nnd examine Hillineim. 1'itrtieuu' attention given to copying likenesses of decean-perilous, and ereat care will 1)9 takes i , ( , to furulsli (.,tj ; ' G Pictures' ' of Children. ' ' t'luiniiiJaterlHl and n good assortment ot frame always Jiaiid, and for sale at low prices. I I JACOB COB IJi, Artist, I I Kewport, ferry Co., Pa 4 Si ( -