QTljc Giimcs, New Dloomftel fJou ' PliUadelplil Advertisements. Philadelphia Advertisements. Philadelphia Advertisement!. ! Philadelphia Advertisements. BOOKSELLER! A, STATIONERS. MILLEIl ELDER, Bookseller. aid stationers, BLASK BOOK MA L4 CTUHKKS, Ami DealeAin WINDOW CURTAINS AND No. 430, Market Siset, 31 PIOLADEliiIA, I'A. CHARLES MARUK& CO., Wholes;!- Dealers in' I3 ; i per, Jnx, Sc Nos. 30, 32, and J , South Sixth Street PHI LAD Will A, J'J. . Paper any Size Velght, Color and iualily made to order, a't shoriiolice. lOlj-41 SOWER, RAINES & POTTS, Booksellers And 0 URTA1 & St at loners. filers in LL-PAPERS, Nos. 530 Market irai Minor Streets, . PI11LADJL vm a, pa. OS. Publishers of sl lers' New Headers, and isrooks' Arithmetics, the United States, Felt Iso, Robert's History ot s Outline Maps, &o. BLASI ItOOKS Always on hand, l made to Order. 3H LOCItl AX'S Wi'itin lliilcl ! THIS FLUID Is warrai-d EQUAL to Aunoi.d's, and is sold at lnueiess price. Tim money will be refunded to thosc'lying it, if it does not prove entirely satisfactory VI. For safe by F. iMoriier, New ISloomlleld. MILLER & EnEIl, . hole Vnts, ) Market Street, 23031 Philadelphia. Glass and teensware. A. L. Kaub I J. E. Fkeymike. KALIS & FtYMIItK, iMPOltTEKS AKD&DIiKRS OP Chin si , x 1 n h s AND QUEENSYA11E, 301 and 303, Cherry St., betn Arch & Race, PIIILADELl'lA. ID" Constantly on hand, tiglnal Assorted Packages. 1 13. U. ly 10 MISCELLANEiUS. PUMPS! 1 PUMPS! FOR PURE WTER, USE THE CKt.ETED CLCUMiJife rum Made of wild Cudihcr nwl i-n. tlrely tastelex, dimAaml rellaHe; the good old-fashionuwoodcn pump, made by machinentand thereloro perfect and accurate)) all its parts, raising an equal aiiimt of wiiter, and costing less than lf the money. Easily arranged so to bo ton freezing, and in consletion soum ple that any one canht it vp nnil keep it in repair. ,Alr thorough trial it is acknowledgtfho Best and Clapest ' CHARLES G. BLATcAlCY, Mani.Vjtuhkr. B. Olllce and Ware-room, i j Nos. 624 and Bint Filbert (Vet. 4 15 61116I I P1IILADELIJA, pA. "These Pumps can be ordered oftie Itanu Ucturcr, or F. Mortimer & Co., New lkimeld. Hardware, Cc. LLOID, SUPPLEE, & WALtX, WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOtSE, 623 Market Street, l riiUadelpra. 1 I DRUGS, MEDICINES AND PAINTS. John Lucas & Co., Solo and THE ONLY MANUFACTURERS OF THE IMPERIAL FRENCH, AND PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Pure White lieart ami Color MANUFACTURERS, N'os, 141 and 143 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. WRIGHT & SIDDALL, Wholesale Druggists AND DEALERS IN Patent Medicines, 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FRONT, Philadelphia, Pa. Al'CLL STOCK, of everlhiiiR connected with the business, of the best quality, and at very low prices. A good location for business, with a ow rent and light expenses, enables us to oiTer in ducements to buyers, and .makes it worth their while to give us a trial. Philadelphia, 3. Stf. SAVES L1BOK ! Saves Time ! ' SAVES 3IOXI2Y ! -yy-AiNKiGirr & co s Labor-Saving Soap Will bo found tho best In use. With this Soap washing may be done with half the labor required when any other Is used, and tho saving in wear to clothes is really astonishing. It will cost only Fif teen Cents to try it, and after that you will use no other. BFor sale by all Grocers, and by F. Mortimer, New Hlooinlleld. Pa. 317 WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. Wholesale Dealers In Carpets, Oil Cloths, J Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c, And a line assortment of Wood and IVillou Ware, No. 343, North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. January 1, 1S69. " OUR FATHER'S HOUSE ;" on, Tlio Unwritten "Wove I. l!y Daniel March, D. !., author of tho pop "Nmht Scenes." This master in thought and mlar lan- gmiKO, shows us untold riches and beauties In the Great House, with its Blooming (lowers. Singing birds. Waving palms. Rolling clouds, Rcaiitilul bow. Sacred mountains. Delightful rivers. Mighty oceans. Thundering voices. Blazing heavens and vast universe with countless beings In millions of worlds, nod reads to us in each the Unwritten Word. Rose-tinted paper, ornate engravings ami superb binding. "Rich and varied In thought." "Chaste." "Easy and graceful In style." "Cor roct, pure and elevating in Its tendency." "Beau tiful and good." "A household treasure." Com mendations like the alKive from College Presidents and Professors, ministers ot all denominations, and the religious and secular press all over the country, lis freshness, purity of language, with clear open type, fln steel engravings, substantial biiulingand low price, making it the Ixxilc fur the tnnHieii, Agents are selling from 50 to 100 per ween. We want Clergymen, School Teachers, smart ac tive young men and ladies to Introduce 1 lie work for us in every township, and wo will nay literally. No intelligent man or woman need be without a paying business. Send for circular, full description, and terms. Address ZIKGLKR & McCURDY, 16 8. Sixth Street, Phila delphia, Pa. ; or, 13'.) Race Street, Clncinnati.Ohio; t Monroe nireei, i;mcago, in. ; atu ii.imxiiim., St. Louis. Mo.; or, Wi Main St., Springlield, DRY GOODS HOSIERY A. NOTIONS John StialTncr, Jr. E. S. Zieglcr. Theo. Runiel SHAFFXER, ZIEOLER & CO., Successors to SHAFFNER, ZIKGLEK V CO., Importers and 1-e.iiers in Hosiery, tA loves, millions, Suspenders, run e a d s, u o m i: s, and every variety of TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, No. 3d, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Lancaster Combs. BANCROFT & CO., Importers nml Jobber Ot Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, Hosiery, &c, Nos. m and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) IMiiladelpliia. Jioofs, Shoes, Hats and Caps. F.D.Miller. T. Rickert. c. II. Miller. MILLER, RICKE11T & CO., SUCCF.WOHS TO GRAYBIU. & NEWCOMER, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, FUKS, STKAW-UOGUN, Ve., No. 349 North Third Street, 2d Floor, PHILADELPHIA. 4 11 ly 10 w. i Eioisi,s;n. JOBBEIi IN Hats, Caps, Etirs, , A Ml JS 1 1 L W - Cor il f-i , 153 XOP.TI1 THIRD STREET, 3'JlylO PHILADELPHIA . W. W. Paul. D. J. Hoar. II. L. Hood. A. Trimble. WM. W. PAUL & CO. WUOLESALI! BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 623 Market St. and Gli Commerce Street, Philadelphia, Pcnn'a. MISCELLANEOUS. G. W. IiVSSFLL, No. 22 North Sixth Street, opposite Commerce, PHILADELPHIA, Importer and Healer lit FINE WATCHES, French and American Clocks, GOLD JEWELRY AND SILVER-WARE. t1-Particular attention paid to Fino Watch and Clock Repairing. Agent for STEVENS' PATENT TURRET CLOCK, the best and cheapest Turret Clock iu the United Stales. - Inquiries by mail for information regarding Clocks or Watches will be cheerfully answered. Philadelphia, 43101 y W. 11. FlI'Klt. W. A. OlllllSON. W. TI. PIl101l V CO., MANUrACTUnUIIS OF Trunks, Valisos, Travolling Bags, UMBRELLAS, &C, No. 40 North Fourth Street, (In Merchants Hotel Building) nilLADKLFHIA . n SOLID SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS A SPE CIAITY. 4181yl0 WHOLESALE January 1, 1809. TOBACCO SUGARS AC. WM, H. KENNEDY, WITH Hemphill A Chandler, DEALEltS IN Tobacco, Scgars, &c. No. 222 MARKET STREET, rillLADELnilA, 1A. A full Stock of the Celebrated Monitor Na vy, always on hand. 4 32 lylo W. E. METCALFE, WITH James llusscl & Co., Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco and Cigars, Xo. 11, South. Front Street, . Philadelphia. Agents for Celebrated Star Navy. 4 221y Thomas Robb. A. J. McConkey. ROBB & McCONKEY, Commission Merelianls, And Wholesale Dealers in f.EAF AND M AN UFACT U RED TOBACCOS, SEGABS, SC. No. .') North Fifth Street, (Between Market and Arch,) PII1LA DEL I'll I A , PA. lOUtf A. B. Cunnluglmm. J. II. Lcwars. J. S.Gleim Cunningham, Gleini & Co., "Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco, Segars, &c, 4 NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH STREET, IJ B E 1H E . 32310 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. . I. EiM;iET & JtlCO 'S, Wliolcsiilo Dealers in FISH, Clioeso AND Provisions 114 South Delaware Avennp, Below ChcstnntSt., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Collins, Ucddes & C'o's Canned Fralts. 1041tf S. 15. TAYJ.OIS, win WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and' Arch Street?, Philadelphia Pa W. A. Atwoop. Isaac W. Hanck. ATWOOD, RANCK & CO., (oiiiiuissiou SIcrelianlN, AND 1 Wholesale Dealers In all kinds of Pickled and Salt I?1 I II , No. 210 North Wharves, above Race Street, 3 40 Cni6 PIIILA DELPHI A , PA. PATTERSON & NEWLIN, Wholesale Oroecrs, AND COMMISSION MEHCIIANTS No. 120 ARCH STREET, Philadelphia. - The sale of Eggs, Seeds, Grain and Wool a specialty. si Please send for a Circular. 48 ' HUMOROUS ITEMS. tier ' Necessity knows no law." Well necessity is like a great many lawyers. iaT" Advice to an editor is like wit to a millionaire, or modesty in a ballot dancer, a httlo ot it coes a great way. t&" " 'Tis Athe." as the girl said when a gentleman told her she had beautiful hair. i&" " Are you the mate of tho ship?" asking an emigrant of the cook, who was an Irishman. " No sir," was the answer. I'm the in a n that cooks the matt." WS What is the difference between an uncleanly servant and a chicken. Why none, because one is a foul domestic the otiier a domestic lowl. J"" To hide money from a loafer you must put it in his pocket that would be the last place ho would think of looking for it. A lad who had borrowed a dic tionary to read, relumed it after having got through, with tho remark: "It was wery nice reading, but itsoiuehow changed , the bubject werry often." JJST A lady was urged by some friends to marry u widower, and as an argument they hjk kc of his two beautiful children. " Children, replied the lady, " are like toothpicks a person wants her own." JJAt) exchange says: "It is not good tm-te lor a gentleman to stay after 10 o'clock when visiting a young lady." We never noticed any d.Ucienec it) the taste. It tasted good all the time. 55"" A man made application for an in surance on a building in a small village, whcie (here was no fire engine. In an swer to the question, "What are the fa cilities lor extinguishing fires," he wrote, " it i(u')ih fonif'fii'ex..' J5ar" A gentleman seeing an Irishman removing an embankment from a dwell ing, inquired : " J atric-k, what are you doing '(" " I am opening (he cellar win dow, to be sure." " .! nd what are you doing that for ?" "May it plaise your honor." said Patrick, "to let out the dark." Jteaty-One of the German clothing deal ere in I'ullai-t. ie., recently sold a man a pair of boots A few days ultcrwaids tho man returned with them, and said that ho went i.ut into the barn-yard lo woik where it was a little wet. and the soles came oil". " Mine Got, mine friend, you didn't ought to walk round to dem. Day ish cavalry boots, made to ride mit !" a&Tlicv. Mr. II of L tells the following good story: During tho late war, the Dutch Surgeon of a Pennsylvania regiment, became exasper ated against Geueral S- and vented his angry feelings in these words: "Gott im llimuiel! I don't vant tersay any- dings against Shcneral S but I vish der Lord vanted 'im." Bap Just as a traveller was writing his name on the register of a Leavenworth, Kansas hotel, a bed-bug appeared, and took its way across the page. The man paused, and remarked : " I've been bled by St. Joe fleas, bitten by Kansas City spiders, aud interviewed by Fort Scott graybacks, but I'll be d d if I was ever in a place before, where the bed-bugs looked over the hotel register to find out where your room was. SST A jealous New Orleans lover, who is captain of a schooner, arrived iu port early the other morning, and hastened to find his lady love. On the way ho thought he saw her talking to ' another fellow. His first impulse was to kill him on the spot, but ho ouly rushed up frantically and tore them asunder, and was soou pro ceeding to rend his rival piecemeal, when he discovered his mistake. It was some body else's lover and somebody else. Ilis apology to a policeman wouldn't do, and ho had to tell his love story the next morning very pathetically in order to get away from the Recorder. As a matter of duty, and at the same time with a feeling of pleasure, we welcome to the Drawer a merchant of Boston, who, visiting tho city, took oc casion to make inquiry in regard to the standing of a person, who applied to him, for credit, and he was assured that the party was doing a . good business, was a member ot tho Common Council, etc. " Hut," said the persevering Dostonian, " Is ho honest ?" " Honest !" exclaimed the interrogated. " Why, his honesty has been proved better than that of any man in New York, for he has been twice tried for siealing, and escaped both times "Hotjn'.