The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, December 27, 1870, Page 5, Image 5

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    ftlic ftimcs, New Dloomfictt; Ipn.
I2t f komMtt fmrs.
. Tuesday, December 27, 1S70.
LOCAJj D K 1'A 11 T M K X T.
Are OneDollara Year in Advance;
Persons who receive a paper with tills nrtlelo
marked, may know that they should mail oroth
erwise send the subscription price, if they wish to
CORRESPONDENTS will ploase bear lit
mind that, letters received later than Sattudayeve
nhig, or the down mall on Monday morning havo
tu lily uvei mini uiti louowiug tteeK.
Subscribers whose subscriptions are about out
will please remember that all papers arc stopped
at the expiration of the time for which they are
paid. As many who wish to renew, or subscribe,
may prefer to pay some person In their vicinity,
rather than remit by mall, we give notice that tho
following persons are authorized to receive money
for The Times:
W M. F.IVV, Newport.
.IAMEN ,. HI VEX, J.andlslnirg.
WiM. JACKSON, 1'. JI.. New lSutTalo.
AV.M. A. liODKN. r. M lckesburg.
S. W. I'ICKKK. P. M., Juniata.
KM YOUNG. P. M.. Dcllville.
SAMUEL liEKEItT. Sheimansdale.
A. S. W1IITEKKTTLK, fllarkclvlllc.
THOMAS SEAGAK. 1'. M.. Wain.
G. V. LOISAIGH. Dunually's Mills.
W. I. KUT. Millerstown.
.1. L. EVINGEH. Centre.
GEOltGE OKIST, Green Park.
JOHN IS1XLEK Sandy Hill.
llavinjr mailo great improvements in our
office, adding a Steam Power Press and a
good Engine, which will cnablo us to print
a larger paper and with great case and ra
pidity, we lmvo determined to again add to
the sizo of tho paper wo use. This
change will go into effect with tho com
mencement of our next volume, which
begins next week.
The paper will bo enlarged, but tho prico
will bo unchanged. "Wo shall continuo to
publish an Independent Family Journal, de
voted to the interest of no party or faction.
Wo shall always givo a complete record of
local and miscellaneous news, and such a va
riety of other reading matter that tho Times
will bo a welcome visitor in every family.
No namo will bo placed in our list except
tho subscription is prepaid.
Improvements! The Perry County Dem
ocrat lias just placed a new Campbell Press
-in its ofliee, and tho proprietor proposes to
enlarge on tho 1st of January. "Wo aro glad
to boo these evidences of prosperity on tho
part of our neighbor, and it affords us
great pleasure to bo able so soon to return
tho congratulations extended to us when
wo made our improvements a few months
Ann Broken. Wo aro sorry to learn that
Hon. C. J. T. Mclntirc, slipped on tlio ico
on Friday last, and fell in such a manner
us to break his arm near tho shoulder.
Tho accident occurred in front of tho
residence of Sammucl Wiggins, in this
borough. Persons should bo careful to keep
their walks cleaned of the snow and inn
or elso mako them safo by putting on
ashes. '
J)r. Berkley, formerly a resident of this
borough, died a few days sinco quite sud
denly, at Altoona. His death is supposed
to havo resulted from too free use of Mor
phine. At tho time of his death, the Dr.
was in poor circumstances," but sufficient
means were found among his effects to pay
his funeral expenses. His wifo, who was
telegraphed to, declined to como for his
body, as sho said she was not ablo to bear
the exponses, and had leen divorced from
A Bold Robbery and Attempt at Murder."
Early on Saturday morning the 17th Mr.
T. Tunnis, a coal dealer in Harrisburg, was
found in his coal shed, in an unconscious
condition, and with foarful cuts in different
parts of his head. Ho was taken up and
doctors immediately summouod, who pro
nounced him in a very clangorous condition.
But a short timo had intervened between
his being soon by other partios and his
being found in his helploss condition. He
has had lucid intervals since his attack,
and it is lcarnod from him that ho was at
tacked by two men, but his weakness has
not pormittod him to givo any particu lars.
He was robbed of a gold watch and about
iifty dollars in money. He is yet in a crit
ical condition. The place whore tho as
sault was committed is a publio one, and
the robbery and attempt at murder are re
garded as ono of tho boldest crimes on re
cord. Telegraph.
Dedication. Tho new M. E. Church in
Newport will bo dedicated by Bishop Simp
son, on tho Cth of January, 1871. Pro
gramme of exercises is as follows :
Services during tho preceding week com
mencing January l.1 Pleaching Jan! 4, at
0 p. m., by J. P. Steward, of Tyrono ;
Thursday, Jan. 5, at 2J p. m., by llcv. A.
M. Barnitz, of Mifflin, and nt 0 p. m., by
J. S. McMurry, Presiding Elder of tho Al
toona District ; Friday, Jan. C, at 11 o'clock
a m., by tho vcncrablo Bishop Simpson.
After tho Bishop's sermon tho dedicatory
services will tako place ; preaching on Fri
day evening at CJ p. m., by President Dash
icl, of Dickinson College. The Bishop
will also be present in the evening. Prcach
ing Jan. 7, at 10 a. ni., by Dr. Mitchell,
Presiding Elde'r ; at 0 p. m., by Bcv. Jno.
D. Steward ; Sunday, Jan. 8, at 10 a. m.,
and at 0 p. m., preaching by Dr. Dashiell,
of Dickinson College, and at 8 p. m.-, by
Dr. Mitchell. Tho whole of tho services
will bo enlivened with excellent singing, by
Rev. J. D. Steward. Tho Presiding Elder
will be present during tho cntiro services.
Tho public, generally, and neighboring
ministers of all denominations nro cordially
invited to attend.
A. It. Miller, Pastor.
The Counterfeit Money Circulars. Tho
recent arrest of tho scamps who flooded
the country with circulars offering to fur
nish counterfeits of U. S. bills, has devel
oped tho fact that it was ono of tho mo st
extensivo swindles ever attempted. In
searching the premises occupied by tho ras
cals, over ten thousand letters were found
coming from every section of tho U. S.
Tho If. Y. Sun has been publishing somo
of tho letters found, and among tho would
bo scoundrels desiring to circulate counter
feit money, was ono member of Congress.
Perry county is also represented among tho
fools, one of the letters found being from
Montgomery's Ferry, Pa. Tho magnitudo
of tho business dono by these fellows may
bo imagined when wo state that their books
showed tho receipts for a single clay to bo
over $7,000. They were discharged after a
hearing, there being no charge upon which
tho justico could them, as they had never
sent anything in answer to their corre
spondents except wood or sawdust. Of
course, they will still continuo to send their
circulars as long as thero aro fools enough
in tho world to mako it profitable, and wo
again warn our readers against remitting
any money in answer to theso circulars.
They aro sent out over several different
names, and they uso various styles of cir
culars, to suit tho locality.
A Scoundrel Caged. Tho Lancaster In
telligencer says that tlus barn of Thos. A.
Clark Drumoro township, was set on firo
on Sunday night last and destroyed, to
gether with all its contents, consisting of
two mules, ono horse, ono heifer, tho cntiro
crop of grain and hay and many farming
implements. It appears that shortly after
the fire was discovered, it was ascertained
that ono of tho horses had been stolen and
riddon off by tho incendiary. Parties at
once started in pursuit and succeed in cap
turing tho thief near tho Maryland lino. Ho
was taken to Lancaster and after a hearing
beforo the Alderman, was confined in tho
county jail. When placed In his cell, the
kecpor noticed tho prisoner vigorously
chewing something and upon examination,
it was found to bo almost a yard of safety
fuse, which ho was endeavoring to swallow
to conceal his guilt. A six shooting revol
ver, fivo of tho chambers loaded, and sever
al boxos of matches were also found on his
Barn Burned by a " Tramp." On Sun
day morning between 7 and 8 o'clock as
tho hired girl, living with Samuel Sharp, on
tho farm of his father, S. W. Sharp, about
a milo above Nowvillo, was going to tho
barn to milk, a man jumped from a door
into a barnyard and caught her by tho arm
when her cries attracted tho attention of
Mr. S., who came to her assistance, when
they noticed that tho largo and commodi
ous brick barn was on fire. Tho scoundrel
ran off. Soon tho flame and smoke were
seen by tho peoplo of Nowvillo, somo of
whom wont up on horseback, and aftor
having received a description of th e man
started in pursuit. Ho was captured in tho
vicinity of Stoughstown, iu the afternoon
taken to Newvillo and had a hearing be
fore a justico of tho peace, and lodged in
tho lock-up until tho next morning, when
he was taken to the county jail.
Mr. 8., lost 18 head of cattle, 8 horses,
75 bushols of wheat, 800 bushels of oats,
hay and farming utensils. Total loss about
two thousand dollars, with slight insurance.
Escape from Jail. Two of tho desper
adocs confined in our jail the .Wrigbts
villo burglar and ono of tho villain who is
charged with making tho assault . upon
Jacob Billingcr mado their escnpo. from
jail, on 'Friday afternoon last, i As Henry
Brandt, the turn-key opened tho door lead
ing into tho corridor of tho prison, ho was
knocked down by tho prisoners, when- thoy
passed out of tho door and ran in tho di
rection of Louck's mill. Albert Kcach and
Emanuel Bear, teamsters at tho almshouse,
happening to sco them, procured a doublo
barrelled gun and pursued them. . Thoy
overtook tlicm just as they wero about
to cross tho creek near' Louck's mill.
They would doubtless havo swam the
stream, had they not been afraid of ' re
ceiving tho contents of tho gun, which had
already been drawn up to fire upon them,
in caso they had not submitted. With tho
nssistanco of a number of other persons in
the vicinity, who had gone in pursuit of
them they were brought back and safely
lodged in jail. York Frets. '' .''..
Sad Accident. On Monday morning last,
Mr. John Harris, a young man about 23
years of age, residing in Bcalo township
met with an accident which resulted m his
death. Ho had been throwing hay from
tho mow on to tho barn floor, and then
threw tho fork into tho pile of hay. In jump
ing from tho mow on tho hay ho struck tho
fork handle, which penetrated his person
from the effects of which ho died on tho
evening of the same day. Juniata Sentinel.
Pretty Good for au Editor. Oliver Stuck,
Esq., of tho York P-m, recently killed a
hog weighing 5G0 pounds. This rather
beats the brag hogs of our farmers.
Tho Perry county teachers are instituting j
hero tins week.
Excursion tickets arc now for sale on tho
Pennsylvania Kail Koad.
Burglars appear to bo paying particular
attention to Harrisburg. Several robberies
have been reported within a week past.
Tho timo for dedicating tho Methodist
Church at Newport is the Gth of January,
not the 8tll as urovinnslv fmiiniincrwl
PSomo new dwellings aro badly needed in
una uorougu, ami would reacuiy rent at a
good price. Already several families arc
quito anxious to know whero they aro to
Wo call attention to tho Dental advertise-
nient of Drs. Shatto is Louder, of Newport
which will bo found in another coulumn.
Both of tho' gentlemen aro well and favora
bly known in this borough.
A Cumberland county man is reported
to havo raised over $1000 worth tho past
year from less than twenty acres. "What
ho knows about farming" might be worth
writing about.
JMr. A. S. Whitekcttlo at Marklevillo
wno lias several times missed somo small
change from tho drawer recently found that
tho mico wcro tho depredators, a nest with
somo of tho money badly mutilated having
been discovered.
Carlisle- is no longer to be tho principal
recruiting station for tho cavalry service ; ;
tho war department having decided to
mako St. Louis head quarters, keeping tho
barracks at Carlisle only as a sub station.
Perhaps tho department has good reason
for the change, but wo fail to seo what it
can be.
SAlmost a firo resulted at Turbctts hotel
inltbis borough, on Friday evening last,
by ono. of the girls carrying a hot iron up to
her room to warm tho bed. Tho iron being
too hot to uso at once tho girl wrapped it in
a paper and laid it on a window, where
the paper soon burst into a blaze, tho girl
meanwhile having left tho room. Fortu
nately tho light was seen from tho outsido
and extinguished in timo to prevent a seri
ous fire.
Church Notices.
In tho Reformed Church prayer meeting
on Thursday evening. Preaching next Bab
bath at S p. m.
In tho Lutheran Church, prayer-meeting
on Wednesday evening. Preaching next
Sabbath at 3 o'clock p. m.
Presbyterian preaching in the Court
room next Sunday at 11 in tho morning,
and at 0 in the ovoning. Prayer meeting
will bo held on AVedncsday ovoning in the
same place. .
In the Methodist church, prayer-mcoting
i Thursday evening. Preaching on Sun-
on 'ihursuay evening. Preachinc
day morning at 10 o'clock, by Rov,
v . isouse
Woods At Terrysvillej Juniata county ,Pa.,
ou Sunday, the 18th inst., Mr, John Woods,
formerly of Blain, this county, aged 20 years
and 15 days.
He was it good eitlzeu, au honest man, and
leaves many friends to mourn his departure
from this world, Justin tho prima of life.
Bonsall. On tho 19th Inst., In flanover,
Pa., Mrs. Sarah boneall, consort of the lato
Benjamin Bonsall, Esq., deceased, In tho 63rd
year of her age.
IVo-w AxlvortlHomontN.
I)rs. I. N. Shatto & W. I). Londer,
. Hnrffoon lentitH,: ,
SKWl'ORT, l'A.
A1'V.?.l;n'!lUon connection wllh Dentistry,
skillfully performed at moderate charges.
tf-Sali,sfuctioii guaranteed In all possible eases,
or no charge
tin. onieo on Fourth Street.
Newport, I'n., op-
posito the ltefoimcd Church. 4 5:
Office, 730
illcox & GiW
" I give my hearty preference to the
Willcox & Gibos Silent Sewing Machine."
Fanny Feisx.
" The weight of reliable evidence being
overwhelming for that of theWillcox&Gibbs
.Silent Sewing Machine, 1 decided upon it,
procured it, (md am more than satisfied."
" I have the Wheeler & Wilson, the Grover
& Bilker, and the Willcox & tiihbs Sewing
Machines in my family. I use the Willcox
& ifiMw most frequently, thinking it far
.;.iericT to cither ot the others."
Mrs. JTk.nky Waiid 1kk tiki:.
'' ?-fy wife would not accept a Sewing
".r.ichisiu th' any other patent as a rift, if j-ho
i.i:-t receive ii on condition of giving up the
WilU ,:i i'i Gihbrf." ri "
Ui:v. Oi.ivrn Chan;:,
Cftrttondal?, l'a.
" T!ie AVillcox & Gihbs is the o;ii Sewing
:.I-.eliine whoso working is so sure and simple
iliii. I tould venture to introduce it into
';y-i1-" ItKV. A. T. PnATT,
Miionary Ainerirnii l!o:ud.
' Vve have used various. Sewing Macliihi.'i
-.v'tUi'i on' family, but it is the vnanivwvis
'pininn of the household, that tho Willeo::
k (libbs is the best of them ail."
Kev. J. S. ITOI.MK,
' iirooklyn, ".V.
'' 3r';r simplicity and mechanical accuracy
-.1' iTii:-'truction, I have seen no H;:ving
Machine equal to the AVillcox & (libbs."
Kxocu Lkwik,
()f tho Pennsylvania Central U. It.
A correspondence on the subject
of S iihif Machines- i.t rcitpcctJ'Kl
(j nttlir.ited.
1). S. J2WIXG.
720 Chestnut Street, PliilaiiEij:;,!
4 52 12L
Tho ahovo amount wllllin refoiinded tn nil ani-
diers who wero drafted while in the service, and
who paid $300 commutation moneys and also to all
persons who paid commutation money who were
not legally liable to draft. Claims must bo tilled
before the 1st or March, 1S71 . Call on. or address,
J.KW1S l'OT'J'KU. Attorney for Claimants.
New llloumlleld, l'a.
The Best Paper.
Best Inducements!
This Quarter's 13 Xiunbcrs SENT FREE to
all subscribing beforo Dec. 25, 1870,for
next year's Fifty-Two Numbers of
The Ritual, now in its 21st year, is not
only tho Largest Best and Cheapest, but
the Largest Circulating Journal in the
World 1 National in Character, Ably Edi
ted, Superbly Illustrated and Printed, it is
The Best American Weekly!
It is the standard AUTnomTY on all branches
kakt ani) family rArEit It is a favoi lto in many of
tho best families all over tho Union and Canada.
Indeed Moore's Kuiial has nolttval in its Sphere
and is tho Largest Illustrated Journal on tho
Continent each number containing Sixteen JVre
Oihimn Panes, (double the size of most papers of
Its class.) It Is tho paper for tho East, West,
North and South. .
TERMS $3 a year of 53 numbers and
only $2.50 in clubs often. This Quarter's
13 numbers sent FREE as otl'ered above.
Our Club Inducements for 1871 are unpre
cedented. Specimens, Premium lists, &c.,
sent free to all forming Clubs, and wo
want a live Club Agent in every town.
Address D. D. T. MOORE,
' 41 Park Row, New York.
Now in Its Kleventh Year, publishes Hennons, a
berial htory for the Family, a new Children's Htory
every week, Chats with the Little Folks, Edltorf-
als by the best Methodist writers and otdees. For
ei(!n and Douiestio Correspondence, full Uepaat
iiicnui in jieugious aim tsecular Intelligence.
J'rlce 12.60 a year. Liberal premiums or Cash
commissions to canvassers. Subscriptions com
liienee at any time. For specimen enclose a two
cent stiiiiip to pay postage. Address
TUB METllduwr, 114 Kassau Street N.Y
IlinU Li M
Xew Advertisements.
COMPANY, of Hartford, Conn. Cash
Assets. tM.fiOamin. ;r:infs 1.1 KK mill
KN'liOWMKXT I'olleics of all ap
, proved forms. Ample security, low
rates. Also Insures against A(''I
1 MONTH causing death or total disabll-
ily. I'olleics written by the year or ,
month. Has paid ; per ittni (or Six a
Icurs in bcnelits to policy-holder's. r
'a iT"J "'.'V0'1 ", ,,,':'1 al travelling salesmen.
rroiVV' vmr .l'1 'iironmilloi. furnished
(.I.OMjL ll'JIA.M, Providence, 1!. I. r
A C A 11 lb .
A Clergyman, while residing in .South America
as a missionary, discovered a sale IS,
.ecu cured l,y ,his noble remedy. V r "i ted v a
w se, d tfe'!.'? ,in"cUia '"'K m e. I
I V Vl v' i.Cfi 'tf,J-Address . OKIiPH T
IN MAN, Mation D, Hibic House, X. Y. City' r
lfrfvtl) nnn-exjjoslre. The liirlir Is Let
,,7,wa",SI";,!,ll,,'t''1 hi' " 1 lcr ai p "Jir s
h.Ii'.V' ls, perfectly non-explosive, elves a lielter
Jont Waste Time and Labor
lay lost in grinding will thus be saved-
30 A DAY, Sure. Lota tc o, 1'iltxhurg, Fa.
ontains i: Vltrlxlmnx
SrU nriid I'tcyn.
, "' u-c; 48 pages. Illustrated Sfw
.pel week and expenses, or allow -i Pmr
i He o d siandard remedy for Coughs ('.TiTi sor 'oif
lS,,,'.IU,r " "'J OU"'1S fl"' Coughs, Colds Asth-
inn. llroneh'al and Lung dinicullkw am Ii
M ki ,! V( I y s'l'' 'MK alll,aet like a cl arm"
Ministeis, Singers, and I'ubOe Speakers wil iin.l
they are especially adapted f tho' Voiec So d br
uscnoother ' ""'"'l'0" '""1 Scrofula;
Agents Watw. Send for CircuhTr." Ad
dress Masonic Pub. Co. 433 Broome St. N.T.
A CHRISTMAS GIFT to all Yearly Sub
J scribcrs to Api-lkton's Jouhnal, publish-
Thn Vri i MonthB SuhBcrlption' GRATIS.
1110 Months of November aud December 1870.
piven gratis to all subscribers remitting 84. for
1671. Anyone desirous of making a trial of
the Jotthnal to sco whether they like It can
have it for TWO MONTHS on rLiuing us 50
cents. 1'icTuiiEso.uE America, consisting of
COIlinifinrpn in VnvnmU. r J
Publishers, New York.
i iV.T.'.f wfLfcE' bv, ?"",n is,e Co,,le, author of
It A HUT urpnu ... .i .
i uunsners, New York.
SHORT HAND ir, ?'ortls a "iutem four
forTlreulu- r cTi 7v?; Si',l,, two H''P
lor cm.ui,u. J. GIIAY, P.O. Ilox 4817, New York.
h 'i"?ve" !rHiiua hair In tlie minute
without Injury to tW skin. Sent by niail for $i 25
?AVV?.YS ?")st vlo'ent paroxysms In tire minute
and ellects a spjedy cure. Price 82 by mall
The Japanese Hair Stain
'''.TJ'1" wl''skers and half a beautiful BLACK
VTAGIOKGGS.-nig thing. Send forflren