8 Professional Cnrd LKWIS POTTKIt, Attohnet-at-Law & Notaut Prnr.rn, New Bloomllcld, Perry Count u, JVnn'ct. - KiH-'elal attention given to Collections of nil kinds, (u the m-t t lonn-nt of estates, &c. unci nil other legal business prosecuted with fidelity nnd dispatch. Also, Depositions, Affidavits unit Ac knowledgments taken. -OUIce live doors West of 8utch'slvtcl. 321y. T P. McINTIKK Attorney tit, Law. sunt lls- it v. Ollli n v. llll JD trlet. Attorney of Perry county. J. T. Mclntire, New bloomtleld.'Fenn'a. WM. N. 8KIBF.RT. Attorney-at-f.aw, New Woomlleld, Perry eo.. Pa. Uloomflehl, 3 33 ly. TTTM. M- NCTCII, Attornoy-at-Law, and Mill- t:irv Cla in Aeent. iew nioomneiu, j erry eo., i a. W Olllee Two doors West of P. Mortimer's Store-3 71y "XTTM. A. KPONSLEll, Attorneyal-Luw, ofllre n 1 1 1 1 ) i i i lt his residence, on East Main street, New Ulooinlleld, Perry eo., Pa. 3 2 ly S1I. GALP.HAITH. Attorncv-nt-Law, New rlloomllcid, Perry co., Pa. Pensions. Bounties, Hack Pay, and all Claims against the Government, promptly collect ed. Olllee witli Win. A. Nponsler, Esq. 3 2 ly. CLEK MURRAY, Attorney-at-Law, and Real Kstate Agent, New Woomlleld, Terry eo., Pa. nr Omee w ith Hon. H. F. Junkin, South Car lisle street, New lilomlleld, Pa. 3 2 ly. CHA9. A. BAKNKTT, Attorney-at-Law, New Uloomlleld, Perry eo., Pa. DS-Oftlee adjoining Mortimer's Store. 3 1 ly CHAS. J. T, McINTIRE, Attorncy-at-Law, New Ulooinlleld, Perry Co.. Pa. All professional business promptly andfailh fully attended to. 3 2 ly. JOHN G. S1IATTO, Surgeon Dentist, New JHoomflcld, Perry co Pa. tlstry All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den orices.done in the best manner, and at reasonable tB-Oflice over Mortimer's store. 3 2 Jy Meal Estate, Insurance, AND CIVEM AGENCY. LEWIS POTTER & CO., Ileal Estate Broker, Insurance, it Claim Agents 3Nev Ulooinlieltl, X; 'a. WE INVITE the attention of buyers and sell ers to the advantages we offer them in pur chasing or disposing of real estate through our of tlee. We have a very large listof desirable property, consisting of farms, town property, mills, store and tavern stands, and real estate of any descrip tion which we are prepared to oiler at great bar gains. We advertise our property very extensive ly, and use all our efforts, skill, and diiligenco to effect a sale. We make no charges unless the property is sold while registered with us. We also draw up deeds, bonds, mortgages, andall legal pa pers at moderate rates. Some of the best, cheapest, and most reliable fire, life, and cattle insurance companies In the United States are represented at this agency. Property insured cither on the cash or mutual plan, and perpetually at $4 and 85 tier thousand. Pensions, bounties, and all kinds of war claims collected. There are thousands of soldiers and heirs of soldiers who arc entitled to pensions and . bounty, who have never made application. Sol diers, If you were wounded, ruptured, orcontruct ed a disease In the service from which you are dis abled, you are entitled to a pension. When widows of soldiers die or marry, the minor children are entitled to the pension. Parties having any business to transact in our line, are resoeet full v invited to give us a call, as we are confident we can render satisfaction in any branch of our business. No charge for Information. 4 2Uly LEWIS POTTER & CO. Perry County Bank! Spongier, Junkin fc Co. THE undersigned, having formed a BanklngAs Boclation under the above name and style, are now ready to do a General Banking business at their new Banking House, on Centre Square, OPPOSITE THlil COURT HOUSE, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. We receive money on deposit and pay back on demand. We discount notes for a period of not , over 60 days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia ami New York. On time Deposits, live per cent, forany time over (our months ; and for four months four per cent. . We arc well provided with all and every facility ' for doing a Banking Business; and knowing, and for somo years, feeling the great Inconvenience un , der which the people of this County labored for the want of a Bank of Discount and Deposit, we have have determined to supply the want ;nnd this being the first Bank ever established In Perry county, we hope we will be sustained In our efforts, by all th business men, farmers and mechanics. This Banking Association Is composed of the fal lowing named partners: W. A. Sponblek, Bloomllcld, Perry county, Pa. li. F. JUNKIN, " , ," , , " . A. O. Miu.nu, Khlppensburg, Cumberland eo.,Pa. John WoNiiu.itu, " ' ' ' Hbnky Ruby, " Wm. IL Millkk, Carlisle, OFFICERS: . ' W. A. SPONSLElt, President. William Willis, Cashier. New Bloomllcld, 3 5 ly rplIK CLOSING HCKNK BY PROFESSOR SMALNI2ER. ,' Contains a variety or startling declarations In " reference to the coming " New Era" commonly ' called tho MUUneum, but which according to ; the Professor, will be a Universal Republic of ' Truth and Justice, Harmony and Peaco ou tho ,,; whole Globo and the tlmo for it is now tioar ut liand. For lale by the undersigned Price 8 cents, or 10 cent by mnll. Address 44U J.UICE, Elliottsburg Va. " VALUABLE Farm at Private Sale. THE undersigned offers at private sale, a farm in Rye towushlp.Perry county. Pa., containing 57 A C It E H . The land Is the best In the nighborhnod, with run ning water In every Held, Is under good fence, and has thereon erected a new Frame Dwelling House. There is also a thrifty Young ORCHARD on the place. This land lies along two public roads the Fishing Creek road and the Lamb's Gap road s the last named divides the land in two parts vWU on the one side and on the other : on the 20J4 acre piece Is a New Frame Dwelling House, and on the other a FRAME 22 a: 28, erected for a bouse, with a never fulling Spring of w ater. This land will be sold as a w hole, or in two Tracts, to suit purchaser. -If not sold at private sale before the LAST OF DECEMBER, this property will be sold at putt Resale, at the Court House, In Uloomlleld, oil the FIRST THURSDAY IN FEBRUARY, 1H71, atone o'clock p. in., of said day, when terms will bemad known. . , , Persons desiring to purchase a farm will no well to exainlno this one before Investing else where, as it lies within four miles of Marysvlllo, and the Pennsylvania Railroad one of the best markets in the county. 4-Further information can be had by ad dressing Dr. JOHN USAW, Jenner X Roads, 4 40 Somerset county, Pa. VALUABLE PROPERTY At Private Sale . THE subscriber offers at private sale his prop erty in Saville township, Perry county, Pa., consisting of ii 71 A. C It M fS of Land, 35 Acres of which are cleared, and well improved having thereon u One nnd Half Story Log House, LOG BARN, and other out buildings, with a fine YOUNG ORCHARD. The balance of the land Is well tim bered. Jti- For further Information address or apply to HENRY KLECKENEU, 4 43 Ickesburg, Perry county, Pa. A Desirable Farm for Sale. ILL be sold at a bargain, a FARM situated in Centre township, about 2 miles North West of Bioomtlcld borough, containing lO'J ACKKS, 37 well timbered, and the balance clear ed, and under a high stale of cultivation. There are on the premises a LOG HOT'SE. plastered, con taining 7 rooms ;a good BANK BARN, a good SAW MILL and 2 LIME QUARRIES. S- For further Information apply to C. A. BARXETT, A tl'y-at-La w. New Uloomlleld, Pa.. Or on the premises to M i s. 1! eiiecca G hoff. j l 3o 8t E. M. EBT, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In DBUGS AMI MEDICINES, CONCENTRATED REMEDIES, ESSENTIAL OILS, Patent Medicines, PURE VNES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal and Sacramental Purposes. A Splendid Assortment of PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, B 11 U S II E S , ' ' " ' AND '" FANCY ARTICLES, Always on hand, which will be sold at low prices tST Orders from Physicians promptly attended to with great care. B. 3C. EBY, ' Newport, Perry County, Penn'a. PHOTOGRAPHS ! Photographs ! t Photographs! i 1 T ' JACOB COBLli, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, VENN 'A. Til K subscriber would respectfully call the at tention of tho1 citizens of this county to the fact that he Is prepared to tako PJIOTOUIIAP1JH in the best style of tho art. ills long experience euables him to produce PICTURES WHICH CANNOT BM EX CELLED. , Ail persons are reuuented to cull at his rooms and examine specimens. . ., .,j Partlculur attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great care will be taken .' ' '.to furnish ' . . Good.. Pictures . of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames alwttjs on liand, and for sale at low prices. ' I i , JACOB COBLE, Artist, I . ; Newport, Perry Do., Pa GIGANTIC SAL-m THE LATENESS AND TIIK ENORMOUS Which wo arc carrying A T OUR GRAND Wc Offer Stock of Magnificent Goods, (By far the largest we 10,000 BUSINESS COATS, 15,000 MEN'S PANTS, 15,000 MEN'S TESTS. 3,500 OVERCOATS, 2,000 Fine Chesterfields, 4,())l lioys' Jackets, 0,500 Doys' Tants, 3,000 Children's All kinds of Clothing, and of every desirable color, cut and quali ty rilling our immense Six-story Buildings from basement to loft at PllICES JJNMISTAiK.AIi L Y LO WEll Than any wc have ever before offered UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Wc will sell so as to dispose ol $500,000 WOltTIl OF FliS ltfll If we have to let every garment go at the bare cost of manufac ture, and to make this a SWIFT VTV1 J1,VTC313 JSVTXiJ, ; "We will cut closer than ever, and give the people Unprecedented Bargains! Our stock is immense. (50 per cent, larger than last year's) nnd all Fresh, as these Great Annual Sales. Clear us Out, BUT WE WILL NOT CARltY IT, IT MUST it 1 : HOI-.1J. , The Palo will commenco ! Monday Morning, Novemher 21, 1870, And be follovrud up sharp, until Every Man and Boy in Philadelphia WHO WIU, PUUaiAWK AT ANY PHICK 18 SUl'l'MED' I'tlOM THIS STOCK. For this occasion wo have a largo Corps of Suleniuen, and will reinforce from our Cutting Department. Store will open at Gi aud keep open in the evening to 8, to afford workmen an opportunity ; Saturday nights until 10. A visit solicited, whether wishing to purchase . . or not. WANAMAKER & BROWN, O A K IX .A.' JL, I- W'JI O L K V L O C lv J'J' .South lEasbbrner, of OF THE SEASON OVERSTOCK necessitates our commencing ONCE, CLEARING SALE! Our Entire have ever had) embracing Suits OF BUILDINGS 6th and Market Streets, 11, , .IC31111.'jl,. Bloomficld 'Academy ! i. :-,'i School An KnulMi and CIushIchI ; ; " FOR ' ; , ; , ! i' ' LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ! Young Men Prepared For College. A Normal firhrml ami a SVAW o f Art. FALL TERM COMMENCES i On Monday, th 2'.)th of Auyusl, 1870 AB the above school has recently been re-organ-Ized. students can enter an v time. Prof. WM. H. )ll,j, UKraduateot Kulner's Col lege, N. .1., Principal. Miss ANNA K. At'OSPPRfiKU, a cradnato of Ksther Institute, Columbus, Ohio, teacher of Mu sic, Painting. Drawing. French and (icrman. Every facility for the training of the youth of both sexes in all that constitutes a lilterul and thorough education. The Collegiate Department embraces all the higher branches, including the Latin and (ircek Languages, Engineering, Practi cal Surveying, Literature, Natural Science and ad vanced Mathematics. Vacations: July and August, and one week at Christmas. Terms: For Hoarding. Furnished Koom. Wash ing, Tuition in Latin, Greek, English Branches and Mathematics, for tho scholastic year, $180. in vacations. $200,(10. The Hoarding Department Is at the institution, under the supervision of Williim Grier, Esij., by whom good and substantial board will be fur nished: and t he pupils will bd under the strict care of the Principal. Address V. If. DILI A. M. Principal, or WILLIAM GltlKK. 4itfl f New Uloomlleld, Perry county, Pa. SEWING MACHINES. . THE BEST IN USE THE PAR II AM NEW FAMILY Sewing Machine ITcomhlncsall the licst features of other good machinus, wltli New and Valuable Improvements, which make lt TIIK KAS1EST AND MOST QV1KT KUNNlN(t as well as the Most Simple Machine In Usp. IT WILL HEM IT WILL BRAID, IT WILL TUCK, IT WILL GATHER, IT WILL QUILT, and will use either Silk, Cotton, or Linen Thread with equal ease. . . , - lt uses a straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON BOTH SIDKS. The niincinal olllee of the company is at t No, 7W Chestnut Street, t ' PHILADELPHIA. These machines are for sale la Perry County by JAMES L DIVEN, , . Landisburg. ' F. MORTIMER & CO., New Bloomfield. f The public are invited to call at either of the above places and see a Machine in operation. l a. i i i o h ,; The Victoria or Ijidles' Gem is the great invention long and earnestly wished for by your sax. We de sire Kmart and energetic lady agents to Introduce our popular and Justly celebrated article in every VillaueToum, and City in the World, It is highly approved of, endorsed and adopted by nil Ladies ol taste and relinenient, and is now A GKKAT FAVORITE WITH THEM ; it is what every iMdy has wished for, gives perfect FKEEDON OF ACTION, AND PREVENTS. CATCHING COLD . AT A CRITICAL PERIOD. , Endorsed and recconimcnded by all eminent PHYSICIANS AND . DIVINES Every Lady ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES . and will purchase ONE at sight ; its merits arc apparent at a GLANCE. Druggists, milliners, dressmakers, and those who keep fancy stores will Hud our excellent invention gives perfect satisfaction, and sells very rapidly, and netting enormous protlts to agents nnd deal ers. Town and county rights givenree to all who desire engaging in ail honorulUt', resjiecttiMe, nnd, profitable oiisiness, and at the same time, doing good to these sulferlng companions in life. Sam ples ti, sent free by mail ou receipt of pricu . Send for wholesale circulars. Address, VICTORIA MANUFACTURING CO., 17 Park Place, New York . ClocksAuotliei now lot of 80 hour and 8 day Clocks fust received by F. Mon TiMKfl & Co.New iiloomikld. linage: