The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, December 20, 1870, Page 5, Image 5

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    Gtljc mcs, New JBloomftcliJ, flay
s- I ' " t f- ? " ' f - 'J
Tuesday, December 20, 1870.
Are One Dollar a Year in, Advance J
Persons who receive a paper with this article
marked, may know tliattfiey hIioiiM mail orotli
rrwiso send Hie subscription price. If they wish to
contiuuo to receive The Timet.
CORRESPONDENTS will please hear in
mind that letters received later than Saturday eve
ning, or the down mail on Monday morning have
to lay over until the following week.
Subscribers whose subscriptions are about out
will please remember (hat all papers are stopped
at the expiration of the time for which they ore
paid. As many who w Mi to renew, or subscribe,
may prefer to pay some person In their vicinity,
rather than remit tiy mall, we give notice that lhe
following persons are authorized to receive money
for The Times:
R M. FRY, Newport.
.1 AM ICS I,. 1)1 YEN, Landlsburg.
V M. ,1 ACKHffl, 1. M.. New Buiralo.
WM. A. ROUEN, l M., Ickeslmrs.
S W KICK ICS. P. M., Juniaia.
ELI YOUNG, p. w.. JcllviHe.
SAMUEL REBK1IT, Sheiniansdalc.
A. S. WiUTKKETTLU. Markclvillo.
THOMAS SEAOAK. 1. M., Blaln.
O W. LOltAUGH. Donnally's Mills.
W. I. KIl'P, Millerstown.
SAMUEL SIK) KM AK Kit, Loysvilie.
.1. L. EVING Kit, Centre.
GEORGE CRIST, (ireen Park.
JOHN B1XLER Sandy Hill.
Knlcrtalnniciit. The scholars of the
Newport Union Sunday School will give a
tfrand exhibition in Iho Union Church in
Newport on Thursday ftndFridaycvcnings,
tho 22d and 2Gd inst. Exercisos will con
sist of Music, Dialogues, Tableaux, &c.
Admission 15 cents for adults. Children
under 12 years 10 cents. Don't forget the
Sudden Death. On Friday morning labt,
Albert Soudcr a son of Henry Souder of
Fishing Creek, died very suddenly at his
sisters in Marysvillo. From what we lealn
ho had made the firo about 4 o'clock and
called his sister up to get breakfast intend
intr to !T0 awav. When breakfast-, wns
ready ho did not make his appearance and
going to call him his sister found that Al
bert had fallen over on the side of tho bed
and was dead. IIo had not been -in very
good health for sometime past, though tho
night previous, ho seemed as well as usual.
Tho deceased was a young man about 20
years of age.
Country Merchants who have tried tho
Patent Measuring Pumps, could hardly
be hired to again uso the old stylo of mo
lasses gates. There are two styles of these
pumps made, but those manufactured by
tho Drawbaugh Company, at Eberly's
Mills, Cumberland county, Pa., aro much
the best.
Both kinds can bo seen in uso at the store
of F. Mortimer & Co., New Bloomflold,but
they aro replacing tho Enterpriso pattern,
with tho Dr.AWBArjon Rotary Pomp,
that after thorough trial, being found much
the best, more easily worked, and tho loast
liable to get out of order. AVo advise every
merchant who Iiilh not: nlrondv um-kYilinl
' molasses ban-els with this improvement to
do so at once.
The Pennsylvania railroad company re
cently introduced water troughs at ono or
two places on tho lino of their road near
Derry and Johnstown, similar to those in
use on sevoral of the principal railroads in
England. These troughs are eighteen
inches wide, six inohos deep, llftcen hun
dred feet long and are kept full of water.
When tho locomotive reaches the trough,
tho fireman quickly lowers a spout commu
nicating with the water tank in the tender.
the water is forced through by tho speed of
the train, and ero the trough is passed
there is enough water shipped for the. use
of the boiler to last several hours. It is
calculated that 2,200 gallons of water can
be drawn up at each trough. The object
. is to save time, tho intention being to run
the fastest train from Harrisburg to Pitts
bnrg with but one stop at Altoona, and
no on tho return.
Man Killed. An unknown man was lit
erally cut to pieces at tho East End of the
Tunnel, on Monday last, by being knocked
down and run over by one of the pushers
running between this place Galitzin. His
body was brought to the "dead house," at
this place, and a coroner's inquest held on
Tuesday morning, rendering a verdict in
accordance with the above facts. From
what we can learn, there was nothincr what
ever found upon his person by means of
wuicn no could DO identified, tlis remains
were properly cared for by tho Pennsylva
nia Railroad Company. Alloona' Tribune.
Arrested for Murder and Forgery.--On
Monday of last week, the following chargo
was made against Thos. J. Boycr :
PERKY COUNTY, 83.' ' ; '
Personally appeared boforo me, this
12th day of December, 1870, B. P. McLs
tip.e, Esq., ot Bloomflcld borough, Perry
county, Pennsylvania, who aflor being duly
Bwom according to law, saith that on Sat
urday morning about threo o'clock, tho 3rd
day of December, A. D., 1870, the house
belonging to John P. Boyer, of Juniata
township, Perry county, Pa., was burnt
down by fire, and consumed tho bodies of
tho said John P. Boycr, and Jano Ann'
Boyer his wife, and two children Elizabeth
Boycr and John Boycr. The report of the
Coroner's Inquest, says that their death
was caused by Chloroform, or somo other
poisonous substance being administered
unto them, and the dwelling houso set on
fire by some person or persons to them un
known. From all the circumstances there
with connected, and from tho facts mado
known to deponent, of tho calamity, ho
has good reason to believe that Thomas J.
Boycr, of Perry county, Pa., (a son of tho
said John P. Boycr,) caused tho death as
aforesaid, of tho said John P. Boyer, Jano
Ann Boyer, Elizabeth Boyer, and John
Boyer, and then set lire to tho aforesaid
dwelling house, and consumed their bodies
so as to conceal tho heinous crime of mur
der. And further, tho deponent believes that
tho said Thomas J. Boyer committed For
gery by signing the namo of Wilson Dar
lington to a Promissory Judgment Note,
dated tho 15th day of August, A. D., 1870,
for the sum of forty-iivo dollars. Tho said
note was mado payablo to A. L. White
kettle. The deponent further believes that
tho said Thomas J. Boycr signed tho namo
of John P. Boycr to two notes given to
"Tho Perry County Bank," ono for tho
sum of two hundred dollars, tho other for
tho sum of ono hundred dollars, also, that
the said Thomas J. Boycr signed tho namo
oi jonn i: uoycr to a note given to Wilson
Darlington and A. B. Clouser, for one hun
dred and twenty-flvo dollars. Tho depo
nent believes that tho signatures of John P.
Boycr to tho aforesaid notes are not genu
ine, but that Thomas J. Boycr committed
Forgery by signing tho namo of John P.
Boyer to those notes, and further saith
Sworn and subscribed before me, this 12th
day of December, A. D., 1870.
JonN R. Siici.l.n, J. P.
A warrant for Boycr's arrest was issued
by J. R. Shuler, Esq., and placed in tho
hands of tho Sheriff and on Tuesday fore
noon tho accused was loc",ged in jail to
await his trial on tho charges of murder,
arson and forgery.
We hopo for tho credit of humanity that
Boycr will bo enabled to prove his inno
cence of the chargos of murder and arson,
for if all tho crimes should prove truo, it
will bo tho worst criminal caso on record.
A Good Speculation. Tho Lewislowu
Democrat says : Sheriff Joucs a few years
ago bought a farm in Perry county, near
the Millerstown Station, for $14,000. Sev
eral rich veins of iron ore having been dis
covered upon tho farm, he was lately offered
$11,000 for his bargain ; but this ho de
clined. IIo has lately entered into an agree
ment with an eastern firm, who obligate
themselves to work tho ore banks, and pay
him fifty cents per ton for the ore taken
away ; and, morever, to take away at least
100 tons per month. A pretty good farm,
that, yielding $50 in cash per month, be
sides the usual crops. However, tho sher
iff is a clever fellow, and everybody who
knows him will be glad to hear of his good
Acquitted. The chargo mado against
Dr. J. II. Case, of this county, which was
tried last week in tho Juniata county
Court, was shown to ho only a baso at
tempt to " black mail." Tho woman who
brought tho chargo was proved to be en
tirely unworthy of belief and the failure to
make out the charge was so plain that ac
cording to tho Independent, Judgo Graham
used tho following language in his chargo
to tho Jury : ,
"We might as 'well investigate the
amours of a pig-sty, or detormino the pa
tornity of n litter of pigs, as ascertain who
is tho father of this child." Tho defend
ant was acquitted.
For Sale. Tho houso and lot on Carlisle
St. in this borough occupied by Jacob
Fonstcmakcr will be sold on reasonable
terms. For further particulars address
or apply to George Snyder New Bloomflcld.
Duncannon Items. Tho Revival at tho
M. E. Church closed on Wednesday night.
The one at the Lutheran is still going on,
with great success.
A citizen of this borough, paid $03 85
for a small box of shavings, at the Express
office, one evening lost week, i Ho got thorn
from a Mr. Boaty of New Tor don't for
got the name
Mr. Jacob Younjr killed two fine porkors
last Tuesday. Tho two weighed over a
thousand pounds.
The hands at the Nail Works, ' expect a
few weeks rest, after the holidays.
The new Methodist Church,' at Newport,
win ue ueaieaieu on me am or. January, t -VOno
of the ' hogs' killed "by ' Frederick
T) : 1 , . 1 .
jjuiueib, - just ween WOlglieu 40. H 1V0
weighed otbb-1800. .' J . .
Xon Thursday a week William ' NWble ' of
Hf:ul:.. i' -l l . . ,, . .
j'liimu iuu mm u wen ai inincannon in
which no was repairing a pump. Ho fell
about 15 feet and was somewhat injured.
Tho Carlisle Volunteer says that a man
livinsr a short lintnr f
havincr killed seven liners liarl a!v nf i,om
stolen between dark and bed time. '.
Twenty extra jurors have been called
or tho Jamiarv term of nnnrt- on.
that there will bo no difficulty in gotting
"juijr jui uiu iwjVT trial.
' ' ' ' ' '
Another man has got scared by a Tom
Cat in Tyrone twp., and reports having seen
a wild cat. Poor fellow ho ought to stay
in after dark.
'A. debate on "Wnm'm'a " i'jU
takO nlaCO at Omen P.nrlr nn nnvi Tl,..
" - 1 . wvy . juuio
(lay night. Wo have not heard .what - dis
tinguished speakers are to bo present.
t-Pork is Kollillf in Dnnefinnnn nf Onftj nn
Son Saturday last tho house and lot in
this boron eh owned bv Willinm 1.
sold at Sheriff's sale to Georgo Snyder for
$1,705. .
For Sale. Che.m A firnt.vntn ol
Stove, with or without heater. Tho Stove
is Warranted nerfnet in avpw wimnnt Pm.
further particulars call at this office.
Church Xotlces.
In the Methodist church. Tiraver-mnctino'
on Thursday evening. Preaching on Sun
evening, at 0 odock by Rev. W. Shribcr.
Presbyterian preaching in tho Court
room next Sunday at 11 in tho morning,
and at 0 in the evening. Prayer meeting
will bo held on AVcdncsday evening in tho
samo place.
WnMKTJSTinHlT MlT.T Pl) n fTirt 11M, 1c
by r.ev. W. D. C. Rodroek nt tho residenco of
the Ttridpn'rnniri K"nvctr.n Pii.i. rn nc-
, ..VJI..UMV) VIIJ VU., JTll.
Georgo C. Womclsdorf, to Mrs. Caroliue Miller
ui vuiuueiuiuu iounty.
Rfedeii III Spring twp on the 15th inst.,
Mr. John Kccdcr nged 78 years, 4 months and
7 days.
List of Jurors. Tho following is tho list
of Jurors for January Term, 1871.
Tnsearora leo. W. Lobausli. foreman.
Wheallleld Silas Potior, Andrew H. oy.
(i reen wood Abraham Lone, Ueorgo Mitchell,
James U. Jiiandt.
Srln;; Samuel Spoils,
.laekson (Jeoriie Wentz, David Tiradlleld.
Penn Joseph II. llawlev, Jlavid Laekev.
Ituttalo ltoucrt Fritz, Jacob Hugging. Frederick
Liverpool ! Oeorge K. Seholl.
. Saville Samuel tteed, John Kochendcrfer. '
Centre David Fry.
Liverpool T-Joel' Wagner, Daniel MeKinzie. .
Woomlleld Henry ftiee. Sr.
Marysvil'e ;. W. Morley.
Itye IJ. F. I(inanl.
New ltiiltalo Jacob D. Steel.
New Buiralo Jaeob S. Arnold.
Madison Peter Stronp, David reek. E. Hull.
Penn (ieor;;e Uariuin, James J). Willis.
Greenwood John Ward, Jr.. 1?, Kinehari.
Liverpool T. William A. Weuner, Daniel Tines,
Caleb (irubb. Michael Lebkieher.!'!"1"8"1", ,)UI"' llun,'y Koiter, Jeremiah
buiulay, John lteiber,
Newport August PJnpman, John l'lelshnr.
Juseaiora-John If. iinter, Win. A. lilain.
SavMc-Daniel 1 M.ivkcl, Nicholas Heiich, hamuel
blmman, Henry Plelslier.
MaryHville .Jesse Waggoner.
Howe Abraham lloit'iig.
Carroll William Hhearer, John W. Huston.
Samuel Zeigler.
Walla John Hompoily, Jaeob Steel, Robert V.
iidlHbiirg-,Iosse Meddah, Joslah Kennedy,
James L. Divon, John Hui 'uiei t.
Hutralo T. .labob Charles, Jr.
Toboyno Thomas Campbell, George Zeisler.
Centre John Market,
laekson Henry Ha, It ossor.
LSIoomlleid A. U. Ciousur.
Tyrone (inorgu Waggoner.
Liverpool J!. Wm- liyrum, Robert Wallls, John
Duneannon William R, Swartz.
Juniaia Kinauuel'i'ooiucy.
Extra Traverse Jurors drawn for Janua
ry term, 1871 :
Newjmrt A. V. Hnmhaugh, J. C. Frank.
Soring W. H. Dum, John Hagar.
Livei'iiool twp. Morgan Hoover.
Liverpool bor. .loseiili Shuler.
Penn William liossfer. Carles Godeharlos.
JaekRou Isaac Ktokes.
HuHalo John W. Ktflvens.
Madison Simon Snyder, John M. Evorill, Wil
son D. Messlmer.
Landlsburg David Charters.
Tusearora Emanuel Smith.
Toboyne S. A. Johnson.
Oliver J. B. Harbuvkur.
" liloomtleld Thomas Clark. -i . .
Saville Richard liaken
New liunalo Win. Jackson.
rjUUAl-i 11 ST, For January Term, 1871.
Joseiih Elsley vh. James Flndley. etal
Stephen IjmIi vs. Sarah Uptlgraph.
Henry Wagoner vs. J. W. Williamson.
Isaac Stokes vs. James Woods.
David Fry vs. John It. MeClinlock.
Way Fostor&Co. vs. Dr. Joseph Ehy, owner.etal.
Sarah Ann W ber, et al. v. the Penn'a It. R. Co.
John Sbott vs. Allii-lglitit Trout man.
Clii lNtlan llelshley v. Henry Krldge& Henry Ayle.
William Hays vs. George W. Trostle.
Jacob Tyson vs. Nathan Colyer.
1-evl J. Mease vs. Francis J . Smedley, et Hi.
Wilson Shrawder vs. Charles Trout man et al.
Christian Hnibliley vs. Henry llrldge.
Andrew Pauucll vs. Wm. H Irvln. ' " '
CIIAH. SMILEY, Prolhonotm y.
' Prothonotarv'n (Hllc L ;
I Riuonilleld, Nov. S 1H70 "
Loonl IJriefH. ,
rennsylvnnla R. R. Timo Table.
.;. HEM
On And nftr ifi. ia-n n .
will run as follows: " ""ins
Wayra-ssenger, 9.30 a. M dally eJcept Mo dfty
MW,;AiW "-'I't.midaJ
. ... . EAST.
ast L nn ,.. 4.18 a. m., dally except Mondav.
larrlsburgAccom. U.3(i.A. m., Vlally ' Stiiidav
7.48 P. M., dally except Sunday
J. J. I1AUCLAV, Agent.
and after Sunday, Dec, 4th, 1870, trains will
Duncannon, as follows :
V A ST W A 1)11
Line, (Flag) 4.44 A. M., daily except Monday
lsburg Aecom. 12.09 v. m., dally Sunday
Passenger. 3.55 a.m., daily except Monday
l.fiS l m .i..ii, ....... u
' Freight, l'ass. ( 'ar a'ttnehe'd, ao.l v. m.
WM. C. KING, Agent
County Trice Current.
Hloomfielu, December 19. 1870.
Klax-Sccd $2 00
Potatoes 75 cents.
Butter 1 pound so "
Eggs V dozen, s "
Dried Apples ?! pound 0 "
Dried Poaches 8 10 cfs. V tt.
Pealed Peaches, 1518ets. "
Cherries , n0 cts. "
' ritted 15 Q 18 cts. "
Blackberries, 8 10 cts. "
Onions V bushel, 75
Oii-rcefccf Weekly by Wm. Kough A kom.
NewpHUT Dnnttmlioi 1(1 1H70
Flour, Extra, $5,50 ' '
Red Wheat 1 lOiffll ir
"ye 75
Corn 53 05
Oats 32 pounds, 40
Clover Seed 6 00 6 GO
Timothy Seed, 3 00
Flax Seed, 1 75
Potatoes, 70
Ground Alunm Salt, ". 2 25
Limeburner's Coal, 2 40
Stovo Coal 5 6 00
Pea Coal, 3 40
Smith Coal 25 cts. V has.
Cross Ties,8V feet long 32 42 cents.
Philadelphia Price Current.
Corrected Weekly by Janncy & Andreics,
No. 123 Mauket Stueet.
Philadelphia, December 17. 1870.
While Wheat, S 1 40 Q 1 45
Red V heat 1 35 1 38
Kye 9093
Corn 704) 71
Outs 63 55
Clover Seed 10.5010.75
Timothy Seed 4 25 5 00
Flax Seed, 2 00 2 00 '
Country Lard 12 14
EgK 30 35
Bulter, solid In bbls.' io 17
Washed Wool Slcents per lb
New -.Vclvei'tiHeiiieiitw.
Thoabovoamount will be refounded to all sol
diers who were drafted while in tho service, and
who paid 100 commutation money; and also to all
persons who paid commutation money who were
not legally liable to draft. Claims must bo tilled
before I he 1st of March, 1871 . Call on, or address,
LEWIS POTTER. Attorney for Claimants.
New Woomlleld, Pa.
The Eest Paper.
Best Inducements!
This Quarter's 13 Numbers SENT FREE to
all subscribing before Dee. 25, 1870,for
next year's Fifty-Two Numbers of
TnE RniAL, now in its 21st year, is not
only tho Largest Best and Cheapest, but
the Largest Circulating Journal in the
World I National in Character, Ably Edi
ted, Superbly Illustrated and Printed, it is
The Best American Weekly I
It Is the standauu authority on all branches
of Agkicui.tuhk, Hoiiticui.tuhk,&c. As a Litk
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the best families all over the Union and O.mada.
Indeed Moore's Rural has no Rival in its Sphere
and Is the Largest Illustrated Journal on the
Continent each number containing Sixteen Five
Column Pages, (double the size of most papers of
Its class.) It Is the paper for tho East, West,
North and South.
TERMS $3 a year of C2 numbers and
only $3.50 in clubs of ten. This Quarter's
13 numbers sent FREE as offered above.
Our Club Inducements for 1871 aro unpre
cedented. Specimens, Premium lists, &c,
sent.freo to all forming Clubs, and wo
want a livo Club Agent in every town.
Address D. I). T. MOORE,
41 Park Row, New York.
w fUIl'l' ''AUK AVKEKLY.
JJts ?leY,V,,th Yp,,r Piil'Hsheg Kermons, a
berlal Story for tho Family, a new Children's Htory
every weeft, Chats with the Utile Folks, Edltorf
als by the best Methodist writers and otheen. For
eign and Domesllo Correspondence, full llepaat
l"""" KuliK'ous and Kecular Intelligence.
lrice J2.50 a year. Liberal premiums or Cash
commissions to canvassers. Subscriptions com
mence at any time. For specimen enclose a two
cent stamp to pay postage. Address
1HK MKT'IOWsr, 114 Nassau Street N.Y
Xcw Advert inementH.
a 1 I U 5 Ml ANY, of Hartford, Conn. Cash
Assets 1, si.wn.Oiio. Grants 11FK and
llMIOWMKN'T I'nllnlna nt all on.
proved forms. Ample security, low
i'HVirA'"" Insures against ACC1-
lhNTS causing death or total disabil
ity, lolicics written by the year or
month. 1 as paid 0);t (In; for Six
lears In bcnctlts to policy-holders. r
OP? A AVKKK SAI.AItYf-Young men
Y,,-9 V0'1 .as 1"!a., a"'1 travelling salesmen.
Address (with stamp) R. II. WALKER, 34 I'ark
Row Jew Vork.
r,;i.(Tp,MaSi!'5'.!. An.(1 .hifornmtlon furnished by
CLORtiii t I'HAJl, 1'rovJdence, R. I. r
A A It I .
A Clergyman, while residing in South America
as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple rem
edy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Karly be
cay. llisi.ascsof the Urinary and Seminal Organs,
and the whole train of disorders brought 011 by
baneful and vie hus habits, tireat numbers have
been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a
iln-S, '! tm'nt, t,,(; allll,,''l unfortunate, 1
will send the recipe for preparing and using this
lowil 'i! 11 "''i'10'.1 cnv-''iw. any one who
'!. rcc " Vlmrge. Address .IOSKPH T.
IN AlAiN, Station 1), Bible House, N. Y. City. r
- - " - - ........ j e ,
Is Ansoi.UTEi.Y k!AFE from explosion or breaking
burns any Coal Oil, good or bad; gives mors light."
no odor, and uses less oil.
"t in irrfceUH non.r plosive. The light Is bet
ter than is produced by any other lamp." y n
Uaiteiie s"'cnt ! Mehuitts Agricultural
ii7tL1V1)01'fcct,y """"'Plosive, gives a better
Igbt. and is mure, economical than any other lamp
i"JV7H; Wi.WKU l"le "ajK'-intcnttent $
l'uhltc Sellouts, Chicago.
The ('wiling deal lis and tires from glass lamps
exploding and breaking create a great demand for
tins lamp, it 1'ays to sell it. Hukl by Canvassers
i,5.'".nTi,.WANTFu i;vliKYwnKRK- Semi for a clrcu
. k.,. ! .,t,V'J,"s '? Mwtyoyiery d- Co., Cleveland, O.
i liarelay Street, .New York.
Don't Jtatitc Time and Labor
V?,U?i." "P an 0,(1 axo- si CO to LI1-1IN-
VO'lT .t; ISA KKWF.LL, PitUmrg Pa., aiid they
will sen. a tip-top axe, expressage pa d. Ha I a
day lost in grinding will tlms be saved-
S30 A DAY, Sure. Ixta& Co., Pittsburg, Pa.
mhh on receipt of one stamp for oostai'e
Address AUAMSS CO. 1'ubllshors, lioston.
agjwi's, head this:
"WJ'i 51 rAX A(:kjts a ha lary of m
t V per week und expenses, or allow a large
commission to sell our new and wonderful Inven
Jl'!ch. AU(IreS!,M WAGNER & CO., Marshall,
s, ',?'' i ,n FmTY tor ''Khs,Coldiv)r Coif-
I osto Si A0"'i"l U Ucr- 'UTI-liK BROS. & CO..
...ll0 .",eri,",r ! alJ Vlh,lrs for '"Khs, Colds, Asth
miJ !!i '.m "i"' ''"neVJiniculties,' aro exceed
ingly palatable, have not that nauseating, horrible
l ulieb taste , are very soothing and act likeacharm :
Jl blisters. Singers, and Public Speakers will llnd
they arc especially adapted fo the voice So d by
1 l'CS? li in S" ful;r11TON,'s V.) COJi
use no other Consumption and Scrofula;
Agents Wantku. fiend for Circular. Ad
dress Masonic Pun. Co. 432 Broomo St. N.T.
A CHRISTMAS GIFT to all Yearly Sub
scribers to Appleton's Journal, publish
ed weekly. Two Months Subscription Gratis.
Tho Mouths of November and December 1870,
given gratis to all subscribers remitting $4. for
1871. Any ono desirous of making a trial of
the Journal to seo whether they like it, can
have it for TWO MONTHS on remitting us 60
cents. Picturesqub America, consisting of
splendidly executed views of American Scenery
commenced in November. D. Appleton & Co.
Publishers, New York.
VX ready for publication, the Biouratoy of Gen.
'. VVfT- h.hvR' '7. J,,lln Htcn 'oke, author of
'Life of Stonewall Jackson'" "Wearing the Grev"
et!!i . 1 V"! - 8 V"- 600 PaK'sl Tl I USTUATKl). To ht
sold by subscription. A(iENTS WANTED.
1. Appleton & Co, Publishers, Kew York.
SHORT HAND lso WHrds a mlnuteln four
. . , weeks. Send two stamps
for circular. J. GRAY, P.O. Box 417, New York.
Romoves siiM!rtluous hair In rive minutes
without Injury to tho skin. Bent by mail for l.ii&
Keneves most violent paroxysms In fi
and effects a spocdy cure, l'rlee 2 bv
re minutes
J. lie Japanese Hair Stain
Colors tho whiskers and hair a beautiful BLACK
or Brown, It .consists of only ONM preixrration
75 cents by mall. Address a fc. UPHAm: No. 7a
Jayne Street Phlladolpliia. Pa. Circulars seut
Free. Sold by all Druggists.
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