ljc Simcs, Htm Bloomficlir, Jo; 7 Philadelphia Advertisements. BOOKSELLERS A STATIONERS. MILLER & ELDER, Booksellers and Stationers, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, And Dealers lu WINDOW CURTAINS AND WALL PAPER, No. 430, Market Street, 81 PHILADELPHIA, PA. CHARLES MAGARGE & CO., Wholesale Dealers In Nos. 30, 32, and 34, South Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. . Paper any Size, Weight, Color and Quality, made to order, at short notice. SOWER, BARNES & POTTS, Booksellers A Stationers, And Dealers in CURTAIN AND WALL-PAPERS, . Nos. 530 Market and 523 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. . Publishers of Sanders' New Headers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Kobert's History ol the United States, Kelton's Outline Maps, &c. IS I, AX It BOOKS Always on hand, and made to Order. 31t LOOOIAX'S Writing- JFlnicl ! THIS FLUID Is warranted EQUAL to Abnold's, and is sold at much loss price. The money will be refunded to those buying it, If it does not prove entirely satisfactory. KSUKor sale by F. Mortimer, New Bloomlteld. MILLER & ELDER, Sole Agents, 430 Market Street, 23031 Philadelphia. Glass and Queenatvare. A. L. Kaub J. E. Frbtmirb. KAUB & FRYMIRE, Impoktbrb asd Jobbers or C li i u u , O 1 s i, s s AND QUEEN S WARE, 01 and 303, Cherry St., between Arch & Race, PHILADELPHIA. ID" Constantly on hand, Original Assorted Packages. 3. 8. ly 10 MISCELLANEOUS. PUMPS! riMrs j FOlt PUKE WATER, USE THB CELEBRATED CUCUMBER PUMP Made of wild Cucumber wood, on tlrely tMMrM, dtiralAe and reliable; the uood old-fashioned wooden pump, made by machinery, and therefore perfect and accurate In all its parts, raising an equal amount of water, and costing less than half the money. Easily arranged so as to be non freezlnc, and in construction sosim nle that any one can nut it up and keep it in repair. After thorough trial it is acknowledged the Best and Cheapest. 1 3 HP I CIIAKI.ES O. BLATC1ILEY, mi " H T' i Manufacturer. ; t M. Ofllee and Ware-room, ' Nos. 624 and 626 Filbert Street, 4i5 6m61 PHILADELPHIA, PA. WThese Pumps can be ordered of the Manu facturer, or F. Mortimer & Co., New Bloomneld. Hardware, Jte. v IXOO), SUPPLEE, A , WALTON, , ,WH01E8ALH t .. . . , n HARDWARE HOUSE, JU. fa Market Street, ' 1 Philadelphia. Philadelphia AdTortisements. DRUGS, MEDICINES AND PAINTS. John Lucas & Co., Sore and THE ONLY MANUFACTUKEHS OF THB IMPERIAL FRENCH, AND PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Pure While jLctul and Color MANUFA CTURERS, Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. WRIGHT & SIDDALL, Wholesale Druggists AND DEALERS IN Patent Medicines, 110 MARKET STREET, NEAR FRONT, Philadelphia, Pa. A PULL STOCK of cverthlng connected with the business, of the best quality, and at very low prices. A good location for business, with a ow rent and light expenses, enables us to offer in ducements to buyers, and makes It worth their while to give us a trial. Philadelphia, 3. 8tf. SAVES LIBOR ! Saves Time ! SAVES MONEY! "YyAINKIGHT & CO'S Labor-Saving Soap Will be found the best In use. With this Soap washing may be done with half the labor required when any other is used, and the saving In wear to clothes Is really astonishing. It will cost only Fif teen Cents to try it, and after that you will use no other. a. For sale by all Grocers, and by F. Mortimer, New Bloomneld, Pa. 317 Worth its Weight in Gold! rjMIIS Is what everybody who has used it says of NESHITII'S LINIMENT. For Rheumatic Pains it will give instant relief and effect a iicrmanent cure in a short time. It is also the best remedy In the World for Cuts, Sprains, Bruises and Burns, and not only giving prompt relief from pain, but heals without leaving any scar. All who have tried it, say no family should be without it, for it is worth its weight in gold. . Try a bottle of it 1 No cure, No Pay. 317 9- For sale by F. Mortimer & Co. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. ORAYBIIJT, & CO., Wholesale Dealers in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c, And a line assortment of Wood and Willow Ware, No. 343, North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. January 1, 1869. W. II. PlPBtt. 3 i, W. A. Obdjson. ' w: ii. piper &c co.; MAKUFACTPHKRS OF t J Trunks, Valises, Travelling Bags, UMDRELLAS, &C.; i No. 40 North Fourth Street, (In Merchants' Jlotel Building) ' thilahelfhia. V SOLID SOLK LEATJIElt TRUJf K8 A 8PK CI ALT Y. . 4 18 1 J 18 if Philadelphia Advertisements. DRY COODS HOSIERY & NOTIONS John ShafTner, Jr. K. 8. Zicgler. Thco. Rumel SHAFFNER, ZIEGLER & CO., Successors to 81IAFFNEK, ZIKGLEIl & CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Suspenders, T II READS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Lancaster Combs. BARCROFT & CO., Importers and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, Hosiery, &c, Nos. 405 and 407 MAHKET STKEET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) Philadelphia. Boots, Shoes, Hats ami Caps, F. D. Miller. T. Kickert. C. H. Miller. MILLER, RICKERT & CO., SUCCESSORS TO GBAYBILL & NEWCOMEK, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, FURS, stimw-(;oois, Ac, No. 349 North Third Street, 2d Floor, PHILADELPHIA. 4 11 ly 10 , W. F. KOIILER, JOBBER IN Hats, Caps, Furs, AMD Straw - G- o o tlH t 153 NORTH THIRD STREET, 3 9 ly .10 PHILADELPHIA. W. W. Paul. D. J. Hoar. H. L. Hood. A. Trimblo. WM. W. PAUL & CO. WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, C23 Market St. and 614 Commerce Street, Philadelphia, Penn'a. MISCELLANEOUS. JRADBUKY'8 AND OTIIEB PIASfOS. laylor 4 Farley and E. P. Ncedham & Son' ORGANS AND MELODEONS. WM. G. FISCHER, General Wholesale Agent, 1018 Arch Street and 21 North Eleventh Street, 8 42 6m. ' PHILADELPHIA G. W. ltUSSELL, No. 22 North Sixth Street, opposite Commerce, PHILADELPHIA, Importer and Dealer in FINE WATCHES, French and American Clocks, GOLD JEWELRY AMD SILVER-WARE. .Particular attention paid to FIno Watch and Clock HepulrluK. - -A(fent for STEVENS' PATENT TURRET CLOCK, the best aud cheapest Turret Clock in the UllimU bUbCEl, " Inquiries by mall for information regardin BE vi Tt win tv us u uuuuriuiiy u ii swore Mltllfwlultthln illnlu WHOLESALE ..tC V. . . GROCERS Jaauary 1, 1869. Philadelphia Advertisements. TOBACCO SECARS AC. WM. H. KENNEDY, WITH Hemphill & Chandler, SKALEKS IN Tobacco, Scgars, &c, No. 222 MARKET STREET, rnii,AD:KL,riiiA, ta, S- A full Stock of the relehr.ited Monitor N i. tt, always on hand. 4 32 lylo W. B. METCALFE, WITH. James Mussel & Co., Wholksalb Dealers in Tobacco and Cigars, No. 11, South Front Street, Philadelphia. ARonts for Celebrated Star Navy. 4 22 ly Thomas Robb. A. J. McConkkt. ROBB & McCONKEY, Commission Jlorehants, And Wholesale Dealers in LEAF AND MANUFACTURED tobaccos, mm, sc No. 13 North Fifth Street, (Between Market and Arch,) PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1041tf A. B. Cunningham. J. n. Lewarg. J. 8. Gleim. Cunningham, Gleim & Co., Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco, Segars, &c, NO. i, NORTH FIFTH STREET, 1IIII,AIEI.PIIIA. 83310 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. C. I KXIGIIT & BRO'S, Wholesale Dealers in FISH, Cheese AND Provisions, 114 South Delaware Avenne, Below Chestnnt St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Collins, Geddcs & Co's Canned Fruits. 1041tf S. B. TATIOB, f WITH WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and Arch StreetT, Philadelphia Pa W. A. Atwood. IflAAO W. KANCK. ATWOOD, RANCK & CO., Commission Merchants, AND Wholesale Dealers In all kinds of Pickled and Salt F I S H , No. 210 North Wharves, above Race Street, 840 6m6 PHILADELPHIA, PA. PATTERSON & NEWLIN, Wholesale CJrocers, AND ' ,. . COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 120 ARCH STREET, ' ' ' i FMladelphial .' . kw Beed- Grln "a wool - "j-s r'' ... . . w ' fleai tend for Circular. HUII0B0US ITEMS. 'IbVAs a Rnpnimon nf cVinrf Inttora tha following are hard to beat : "Lear son, como home a rolling stone gathers no moss. Your affectionate mother." " Dear mother. T won't inmo home a setting "hen never gets fat. jcour aucctionato son." 16?" John was thoucht to be verr stupid. lie was sent to a mill one day. and tho miller said " John, some people sny vou,re a fool I Now,.tell me what you do know, and what you don't know." " Well," replied John, " I know that the miller's hogs are fat." " Yes, that's well, John I JNow, what don't you know ?" " I don't know whose corn fattens 'em." t&" A eoodstorv is told of a nhvsicinn t t j who was called upon to visit a sick man. aucr ne nau nimselt taken a drop or two too much. Arrived at the bedside ha fumbled over his patient a little, and at nist got noia ot his own pulse which he icic ior a minute or two, and then, with customary medical gravity remarked, " Well, there's nothinsr much matter wi' you only a little drunk 1 Jist got' bed n sleep little'n you'll be all right 1" l A lawyer who was some times for getful, having been engaged to plead the cause ot an offender, began by saying : "I know the prisoner at tho bar, and he bears tho character of being a most con summate and impudent scoundrel. Here somebody whispered to him that the prisoner was his client when he immedi ately continued : " But what great and good man ever lived who was not calum niated by many of his. contemporaries ?" 1ST" An inquisitively inclined gentle man, of Chester. Conn., was. thn nthnp day walking over the Valley railroad at TT.JJ - I I . . ... nauueni, ana oDservea a singular-looking flask lying, under a tree. To satisfy his curiosity, he picked it up and looked at it; held it up and smelled it; and finally shook it. and asked a have charge, " What is it?" " Only Ni- iro-uriycenne r xne nask was noticed to be VerV CGDtlv laid down. And a man vena also seen vanishing in the distance. JJ A voung married couple in a west ern town lately began housekeping, and the first purchases of the head of the fam ly at a grocery were : Five cents' worth of soda, five cents' worth of salt, two cents' worth of pepper, one cent's worth of chewing-gum and twelve cents' worth of soap. Tbe bill amounted to twenty-five cents, and was paid by the young Benedict in specie, and as ho left the store he re marked to the clerk that " keeping house was cheaper than boarding." OSf "Wall," the old lady began, "my dear, some people have Very curious no tions about gettin' religion. There's my neighbor, Deacon Jake Sniffin, who's ma kin' a fortune a tradin' horses. Wall, he thought he'd 'sperienced a change of heart, but he didn't want to 'sperience a change of business. That was touchiu' a tender p'int might interfere with pro fits, you know. So he thought he'd con- suit with Deacon Aminidab Tweedle.who kept store and did up the sugar and whis ky over night. 'Now look a here; you don' s'pose Brother Tweedle,' he began drawling the words through his nose ' you don' B'pose them little stories, sort o' lies like, that you and I tell in the way of trade, will be reckoned up again us at the day o' Judgement? Sarcumstanced as we air, we can't help it, you know. I don't s'pose it'll make no difference at all in the sight o' the Lord, long's the heart's all right; now does it, brother m ii on ' j. weecuer Odd Scene at a Funeral. At the funeral of a young man in, Des Moines, recently, the' services for the dead took place at the dwelling of the . parents. After a most pathetio address, which brought tears from the eyes of all the young ladies present, the minister inquired if any of the dear friends of the deceased wished to say anything ou ; this solemn occasion. A stranger here " stepped forward, and after expressing ' sympathy with the friends of the deceas ed, remarked that the ways of Providence were insorutable, and in this connection" he wished to mention that he was the agent for a first-rate article of hair vigor for the State of Jowa. The corpse had. used it for some years with great ad van-' tage, and he confidently reoommended it, especially to the minister and undertaker j present, as he perceived they were botb painfully bald. " Shake the bottle, gen-1 tlemen, and rub the matter well with a . stiff brush," Baid he. At this stage of the proceedings a slight disturbance oo ourredandthe hair vigor man - disapl peared. I