Philadelphia Advertisements. BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. MILLER & ELDER, ISookscIIcra niil N(aioiick-, JJLAX1C JIOOJC MAiVCVA CTUllERfj, And 1)j:i'o.s In WINDOW CURTAINS AND WAVjC PAPKK,. No. 430, Marlcct Street, 1 PHILADELPHIA, PA. CHAttLES MAOAIiaE & CO., Wholesale Dea'e.-i In ' Nos. 30, 32, and 31, South 3ixiJi .T.cet, PHILADELPHIA, PA. made to order, a't short notice.' a- Paper any Size, Weifrhi, Co o.' and Quality, iuiy4i SOWER, BARNES & POTTS, ISooltsellcr & Stationers, And Dealers in CUR T A I N AM) wall-papers, Nos. 530 Market and 523 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. . Publishers of Sanders' New leaders, and lironks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of !. nioiisncrs oi nanaers' yew leader list ,&e, viiuvu jmn., i tiiuu a wumiiiu maps, Ovt III., A Alt UOOKS Always on hand, and nwdo to Order. 31t IOOIJIAX'S Wi-iting- Xlnidl THIS FU'II) Is warranted EQUAL to Ahnom8, and Is sold at nmeli less price. The money will be refunded to those buying it. If It does not prove entirely satisfactory. 03-For sale by F. Mortimer, New Bloomlleld. 311 L LEU & ELDER, Sole Agents, 430 Market Street, "W31 Philadelphia. Glass and Queens ware. A. L. Kauu - N J. E. FltEVMIKE. KALIS fc FUYJIIKE, Impohtehs akd Jobueks of C li i n a , Or 1 ii, s s AND QUEENSWAltE, 801 and 300, Cherry St., between Arch & Knee, PHILADELPHIA. IE?" Constantly on hand, Original Ansorted Packages. 8. 0. ly 10 MISCELLANEOUS. rumps i PUMPS I FOIt PURE WATER, UKE THE CKI.KHKATKB CUCUJIKKU PUSH Mado of wild Cucumber wood, en tirely tartele, iluralteanil rellnHe; t lie good old-fashioned wooden pump, made by machinery, and therefore perfect and accurate in all its parts, raising an equal amount of water, and costing lessthan half the money. Easily arranged so as to lie non, and In construct ion sosim. 1 pie that any one van pntititii anil 4 keep it in rewYc After thorough I trial it is acknowledged the "1 D nu a Dual OIIU OIIUdJJL'Sl. CHARLES 0. 1H.ATCIII.KV, MA.NU KACTt'ltKII. onico and Ware-room, Nos. 024 and i2)l Fillieit Si reel, 4 15 6mG1 PHILADELPHIA, PA. These Pumps can be ordered of t he Mann fu 'turer, or F. Mortimer & Co., New liloomlii-ld. Hardware, fc. LLOYD, 8UITLEE, & WALTOX, WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSli No. 02 Market Ktrefl, PlilluloIxliiu. Jrf-:if.t,.--..jj Philadelphia Advertisements. DRUCS, M2DICINES AND PAINTS. John Lucas & Co., Solo and THE ONLY -MANUFACTURERS " ' OP TUB , IMPERIAL FRENCH,' AN!) PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Pure Wiiite fin! mul Colo? 3 TASUFA CTURKRX, Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. WRICNf & SIDDALL, Wholesale Druggists AND DEALERS IN Patent Medicines, 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FRONT, Philadelphia, Pa. A FULL STOCK of everthlng connected with tlie business, of tho best quality, and at very low prices. A good location for business with a ow rent and !!s;ii expenses, e.iables us to offer In ducements to buyera, and makes it worth their while to give us a trial. Philadelphia, 3. Stf. SAVES LABOR ! Saves Time ! SAVES 3IOXKY! AINRItiHT & CO'S Labor-Saving Soap Will lie found tho best In tise. With this Soap washing may be done with half the labor required when any other Is used, and tho saving in wear to clothes Is really astonishing. It will cost only Fif teen Cents to try It, and after that you will iiso no oilier. B-For sale by all Grocers, and by F. Mortimer, New Bloomlleld, Pa. 317 Worth its Weight in Gold! rjiius Is what everybody who has used Itsays of XESJIITJI'S IjIXI3II2XT. For Khcumatle Pains it will give instant relief and enect a permanent cure In a short time. It is also the best remedy in the World for Cuts, Ktimlns. llriliapu nml Itiirna niwl ... . I i . -., --- ; . .....-.....-, ...... ma urn, uivniu j prompt relief from pain, but heals without leaving . J . "'"" 1UHO mru 11, Buy bo FAMILY i should be wllliout It, for it Is worth its weight in Try a bottle of it 1 No cure, No Pay. 317 3- For sale by F. Mortimer & Co. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. I ; Wholesale Dealers in I Carpets, j Oil Cloths, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c, And a tine assortment of Wood mid Willow Ware, No, K43, North Third Sircet, Philadelphia, Pa. January 1, 1809. W. H. Pii-wi. w. A. OitmsON. ir. Si, co., MAM-KACTl'llKUS Of Trunks, Valises, Travelling Bags, UMBRELLAS, f:C, Xo. 40 North Fourth Street, (In Merchants' Hotel Building) rjriLADELrjiiA . SOIJD SOI.K LEATHER TltUNKH A SPE CJAi TV. 4181ylU Philadelphia A dvertiseincnts DRY GOODS HOSIERY A. NOTIONS John Slmffncr, Jr. E. S. Zleglo,'. Theo. Itumel SHAFFNER, ZIEGLER & CO., SHAFFNER, ZIECI.KR & COw Importers and Dealers in , ' ' Hosiery, CSIcve:;, ISiFKowN, SiiNiciilev.Sj T II It E A I) S , V O M Ii ,S , nnd every variety of TRIHMIKCS Ai-FAKCT C00DS, No. 30, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Lancaster Combs. BAItCHOlTT & CO., Importers and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DltY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, Hosiery, &c, Nos. 405 and 407 M A It K ET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) Philadelphia. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Cajts. F. D. Miller. T. Rickert. (!. II. Miller. MILLER, RICKERT & CO., SfCC'KSSOItS TO CiRAYBILL & NEWCOMER, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW-GOODS, Ac, No. 349 North Third Street, 2d Floor, PHILADELPHIA. 4 11 ly 10 W. F. ( LIHt, JOBBER IN Hats, Caps, Furs, AND Strii av - Ctt oodn. 153N0RTI1 T11I1U STREET, S91yl0 PHILADELPHIA. W. W. Paul. D. J. Hoar. H. L. Hood. A. Trimble. WI. W. l'AUli & CO. WIIOI.ESAI.B BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 023 Market St. and 014 Commerce Street, Philadelphia, Peim'a. MISCELLANEOUS JRADIHTRY'S AND OTHER P 1 A A O S . yaylor A- J-Vrley't ami E. J'. XeeiUtam, A Son't ORGANS AND MELODEONS. V3L U. FISCHEK, General Wholesale Agent, 1018 Arch Street and 21 North Eleventh Street, 3 42 0m. PHILADELPHIA G. 11". It L'SSELL, No. 22 North Sixth Street, opposite Commerce, PHILADELPHIA, Importer and Healer in FINE WATCHES, French and American Clocks, . GOLD JEWELRY AM) SILVER-WARE. -Particular attention paid to Fine Watch and Clock Repairing. Agent for STEVENS' PATENT TURRET CLOCK, I he best and cIh'iijh'hI Turret Clock In the United States. Inquiries by mall for Informal Ion regarding Clocks or Watches will be cheerfully answered. Philadelphia, 4:U()ly WHOLESALE ..tC GROCERS January 1, 1SC0. Philadelph ia Ad vciliccmcnl s. TOBACCO SECARS A.C. WM. M. KENNEDY, WITH IIipjifll A CTiKlIei, VEAI.F.K3-I Tobacco, Sefjaro, ctc., No. 222 MARKET STREET, 1'IiIJADUI.l'IIIA, 1A. -Afi!ll,r :ocko:t;eCe'el)ratcdMoKlTOB Ni vr, always 0.1 nantl. i 82 Jjiu YJ. E. ME7CAE.FE, WITH Jar.ico llizcGel tfc Co., Wholesale Deai.rrs in Tobacco and Cigars, No. 11, Satth Z. Sircet, Philr.cle?pLir. Akcihs for Celebrated Slar Navy. 4 221y Thomas Home. A. J. McCosxaY. PcOBB IIcCOIsTKEY, Coiiiinissiou Jci'lians, And Yv'liolcsalc Dealers in LEAF AND MANUFACT tRED TOBACCOS, SEGARS, SC. No. 13 North Fifth Street, (Del ween Market and Arch,) PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1041tf A. B. Cunningham. J. II. Lewars. J. S.Glcim. Cunningham, Gleini & Co., "WnOLESALB Dealeks in Tobacco, Segars, &c, NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH STREET, PHII.AIUSI.PB IIA . 32310 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. . P. KNIOIIT & ISKO'S, Wholcsnlo Dealers in FISH, AND Provisions, 114 South L'cluwuro Avcnne, Below Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Colllus, Ueddcs & Co's Cunned Fruits. 1041tf S. 15. TAYJ.OII, wnn WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and Arch Street?, Philadelphia Pa W. A. Atwood. Isaac W. Ranch. ATWOOD, ItANCK & CO., CoiumiInnIoii 7Ier'Iiuii!4, AM) Wholesale Dealers In all kinds of Pickled and Salt F I S II , No. 210 North Wharves, above Race Street, 8 40 61116 PHILADELPHIA, PA. PATTERSON & NCWLIN, Wholesale CirocorN, AND C 0 M M 1 8 8 1 0 N M E It C II A N T S No. 120 ARCH STREKT, Philadelphia. 49-The sale ol Eggs, Seeds, Grain and Wool a specially. 44- Vieur.e send tor a Circular. 4 138 HUMOROUS ITEMS.' - A brother lawyer once tolJ John u. saxe tliat a beard was unprofessional " lUght," said haxe, " a lawyer caunot be too ' barefaced. ' . , JSfaTThe last book issued 111 Toiiclon 13 entitled, "What Shall My Son lie?" One would naturally suppono it would be a boy. ' .v S&" AVheu a umn and a woman are made one, tho question is. Which one ? Sometimes there is' a long struggle be tween them before the matter is settled. ; Mff" A young man in Ohio .recently opened a clothing store, and was sent to jail for it. Ueason : The clothing store belonged to another man. HQS- Old Moneybags says that it girl with an income of three thousand dol lars a year or more, is always an objectbf interest;, because she has so much principal- ..." JST" A Newbuin paper says that Mrs. Alice Day, of that city, was lately deliv ered of four sturdy boys. We know not what a day may oving orlh. aST"A colored lyceum in Illinois is prepared to debate ; " ltesolved, that a dog is a biped wheu his tail curls so tight that it lifts its hind legs off the ground." fli " My son," said an anxious father, " what makes you use that nasty tobac co '(" The boy declining to consider the question in the spirit in which it was asked replied, "To get the juice." JB3 Two loveis couitcd Miss Grubb. One named Gnrct was successful. The other left the country because ho detest ed a garret and couldn't live without grub. Hcf" " John," asked a physic'an of the apothecary's apprentice, "Did Mrs. Tine get the medicine I ordered !"' " I guess so," replied John, "for I saw a crape hanging on the door-knob this morning." AST A young lady in New Oilcans, while playing croquet one scorching af ternoon, was son struck. It was a rich man's son. The marriage is believed to be a happy one. JOS?" Horace Grecly, in his essays on farming, says that the only way to effect ually deetroy "widows' weeds," which seem to thrive in some kinds of soil, is for the husbandman to say, ' Wilt thou V That makes them wilt. 2? A young lady was asked at a ball by a lover of serious poetry whether she had ever seen Crabbe's Tales " Why, no," she answered, " I didn't know that crabs had tails." "I beg your pardon, miss ," said he, " I mean have you read Crabbe's Tales V " And I assure you, sir, I did not know that red crabs or any other kind of crabs had tails." S" A genial rector of a villago par ish in Minnesota found it difficult to get his salary promptly. LaUerly it was much behind. Going to one of his de linquent parishoners in the hardware trade, he looked over all his stock of cork screws very fastidiously, uuitl seeing a large one of peculiar strength and size. To the inquiry, " Wrhat do you want of such a thing, anyhow ?" the answer came, " My dear sir, I want a cork-screw that can draw my salary !" The payments are coming more promptly. A Dutchman, the other day, read ing an account of a meeting, came to the words, " The meeting then dissolved." He could not define the meaning of the latter, so ho referred to his dictionary, and felt satisfied. In c few minutes a friend came in, when llouty said, " Hey must have very hot wedder dere in ftew York ; 1 ret an agount of a meeting vere all de peoples had melted avay." HSf A laughable mistake is shown in the following mixture of two article! one concerning a preacher, tho other con cerning the freaks of a mad dog which occurred in a hurr;ed " make up," in a printing office. " Kev James Thompson, Rector of St. Andrew's Chureh, preached to a large I concour-e of people on Sunday last. j This was his lust sermon. In a few ! weeks lie will bid farewell to his congre gation, os his physician advises him to cross tho Atlantic. He exhorted his brethren unci sisters, and after the con clusion of a short prayer, took a whim to cut up some frantic i'cuts. He ran up Trinity street to the College. At this stage of the proceedings a coupIo-of boys seized him and tied a tin kettlo to his tail, and he again started. A great crowd collected and for a long time there was n grand hecne ot running and con I fusion. After a long race he was finally : sht by a policeman.