The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, November 22, 1870, Page 5, Image 5

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    til)t tms, New Bloomfittir, )o.
lloomfitlb Minus.
Tuesday, November 22, 1870,
CORRESPONDENTS will please bear In
mindthat letters recohred later than Saturday eve
iilng, or the down mail on Monday morning have
to lay over until the following week.
Subscribers whose subscriptions are about out
will please remember that all papers are stopped
at the expiration ol the time for which they are
paid. As many who wish to renew, or subscribe,
may prefer to pay some person In their vicinity,
rather than remit by mall, we give notice that the
following persons are authorized to receive money
for Tlie Timet!
B. M. EBY. Newport. '
JAMES L. DIVEN, Landlsburg.
WM. JACKSON. P. M.. New Buffalo.
WM. A. BODEN. P. M., Ickesburg.
S. W. F1CKES, P. M., Juniata.
ELI YOUNU, I. M.. Dellvllle.
SAMUEL REBERT, Slicrmansdalo.
A. 8. WHITEKETTLE, Markelvillo.
Closed. The stores and tho bank in this
borough will be closed next Thursday ; that
being Thanks-giving Day.
Tatcnt Wo are sorry to see so
many of our Exchanges adopting the
" Patent Outsidcs." It is rather provoking
to havo a lot of Exchanges of one week
contain exactly the same matter which was
in papers from other localities the week
"Xost His Fingers. On Saturday, the
12th instant, AVm. Kcpncr, engineer at
Kendig's Steam Saw Mill, 3 miles west of
Ickesburg, while operating ono of tho
small saws, accidentally brought his left
hand in contact with the saw. Two fingers
were cut off, and the thumb and remaining
finrmfs sadlv man cried. Ho was taken to
Ickesburg and his hand dressed by Dr.
"Wm. It. Cisna.
Arrested. The parties who have flood
ed this vicinity with their counterfeit mon-
cv circulars, and who would in return for
remittances received, send a box of saw
dust, or something else as worthloss, havo
boon arrested by the police, and their es
tablishment broken up. This will be grat
ifying news to several we know of in this
countv. who were creen and covetous
enough to invest $5, and in two cases $10,
irymswer to these circulars.
Wanted. Josh Billings thus advertises :
" Wanted, several fust class young men,
with moustash, to hang around the vesti
bules of the diffcrnt churches in Amoriky
and stare at tho females as they pass out.
No yung man accepted who can't stare the
brass buttons onh f torn a military coat at
twenty paces."
There are lots of them to be found in
this town, at most any of the church doors
after evening service.
"Weather Proplicts. It is quite amusing
to road the different prophecies regarding
the coming winter. Some say the winter
' will be remarkably cold, and give as a
reason for this belief the fact that tho au
rora borealis has been remarkably brilliant
this fall ; while others, with equal positive-
. ncss, say we shall have a warm one, as tho
corn husks were thinner than usual. We
believe we know as much about the
weather this coming winter, as any of these
prophets, and honestly confess we know
nothing about it. ,'
Too Mauy Studies. .When we see chil
dren going to school with nearly as many
books as they can carry, wo think of tho
following story :
" How is it, my dear," inquired a school
mistress of a little girl, "how is it you do
not understand this simple thing?" " I do
not know indeed," she answered with a
perplexed look, " but I sometimes think
I've so many things to learn that I have no
time to understand.
Speedy Justice. Tho Lebanon Courier
i says : The horso thief Jones, who stole the
horse and buggy of Meilly, Walmer &
Seltzer on Saturday night a week, was nr-
tested and brought hero on the following
Monday, was indicted and brought into
Court on Tuesday, was found guilty and
sentenced, and is now on his term in the
Eastern Penitentiary. Horse thieves had
better pass Lebanon County by.
Vllls Reason. There is a man in this bor
ough, who, when asked why he did not
fence' his cemetery lot, replied, "There is
no danger of any one there getting out,
and I don't know of any ono who will try
to cet in. and therefore sec no need of a
Accident. The York Press says : Mr.
Leib, an aged and highly respected citizen
of Paradise township, met with an accident
on Monday afternoon last, which resulted
in his doath. Ho was on his way homo
accompanied by his daughter, when his
horso becamo frightened and not being
ablo to manago him, started and ran away
throwing both of them out of tho buggy,
almost instantly killing Mr. Leib and injur
ing tho young lady to such a degree that
poor hopes of her recovory are entertained.
Tho sad occurrence took placo on tho Get
tysburg turnpike, about six miles west of
this Borough. Tho deceased and his
daughter were on a visit to Lancaster county
and, we are told, that his horse also ran off
in tho vicinity of Wrightsvillo, and that ho
was thrown from tho buggy and received
a compound fracturo of tho arm. This took
placo only a few hours previous to tho
abovo sad occurrence, which deprived him
of his life. Ho was a man highly estcemod
for his virtues and his untimely end is uni
versally lamented by tho wholo community
in which he resided.
The "State Journal," tho now Harris-
burg daily, is rapidly increasing its circula
tion. It is, without doubt, tho best daily
paper in tho interior of tho state, and well
deserves the patronage of tho public. Wo
find its summary of telegraphic news fully
as complete as that of any of tho Philadel
phia Dalies, while it is well printed on good
The Mite Society. The ladies of the
Mite Society,' of tho Presbyterian Church,
will do any kind of plain or fancy sewing.
Orders for their society may bo left with
Mrs. Sponsler and will receive prompt at
tention. Must Settle. Mr. Geo. n. Martin of
Blain gives notice to all who havo accounts
on his books, that such accounts must bo
settled cither by noto or otherwise before
January 1st. If not settled by that dato
they will be placed in tho hands of an
officer for collection. 3t
Clothing. Persons wanting clothing
mado in a superior manner should leave
their orders with F. Mortimer & Co., who
having secured the services of a very supe
rior workman from New York, aro pre
pared to execute orders promptly, and in
tho best stylo. They also havo the best as
sortment of cassimercs and cloths in the
county. tf.
Church Notices.
A union meeting will bo held in tho Lu
theran Church, on Thanksgiving Day,
(Thursday next), at 10J o'clock a. in.
Presbyterian preaching in the Court
room next Sunday at 11 in tho morning,
and at CJ in tho evening. Prayer meeting
will be held on Wednesday evening in the
samo place.
In the Methodist church, prayer-meeting
on Thursday evening. Preaching on Sun
day evening by Rev. W. Shriber.
Locnl XSrici'w.
Horse thievos aro " raiding" through Ad
ams county.
A chango in the railroad timo table went
into effect yesterday.
The hog cholera is still troubling the far
mors in the vicinity ot Ickesburg.
Aj. It. McCliutock has sold his house and
lot in this borough to Wm. Tressler for
During tho past week the Tuscarora
mountains havo been burned over in
number of places.
Bob Aker who is so well known in this
county, is now boarding in tho Mifflin Co.,
Jail, for breaking into a store at Atkinsons
Mill. . ,
The Presbyterian church in this borough,
is now under roof. Wo understand that
further work in tho tower will be postponed
until next spring.
rTA party of seven gentlemen left here yester-
' , ... : t ...... i. 1 )1 1 T nr..
Uiiy IIllHllllJg 1U1 IV llltlll ah XMilUK. XiUg, Y
expect that doer meat will be cheap in this
borough by next week.
Schools in this borough begin late this fall,
in consequence of the building not being
ready. It is now expected to bo ready by
tlie urst or second week ot uecember.
The cold weather must make tho horses
feel frisky, for no Jess than three runaways
nave nappenea in this vicinity the past
week. Fortunately nouo of them resulted
bSomo few nights since somo thieves who
prooauiy "ioveu sweei tilings," stole a
scape of bees, from the yard of John Soule
in Carroll twp. The scape was fillod with
honey and was worth f 12 or $15.
For Sale, Cheap A first-rate Oriental
Stove, with or without heater. The Stove
is Warranted perfect in every respect. For
further particulars call at this office.
Clocks. Another new lot of 80 hour
and 8 day Clocks just received by F. Mon-
timeu os UO..N0W liloointlold.
The Continental Life Insurance Companj
of New York.
This institution is one of those that mark
tho highest progress we have attained in
science and art. It is a perfect system
founded on the harmony of divine ordor
and adapted to the conditions and wants of
our daily existence.
It has met a great publio need in fairness,
fulness and liberality, and the American
pooplo havo shown their ready appreciation
of excellence in bestowing thoir patronage
upon it to an extent that has placed it in a
few years side by side with companies that
have been a qw'arter of a century or moro
in attaining to their present position. Tho
Continental Life commenced to issue poli
cies on the 10th of May, 1860, and on the
80th of September last it had 21,502 policies
in force, insuring $51,730,575,20. It has
never been our duty to record a more bril
liant and beneficent success.
This rapid progress, wonderful and almost
incredible as it may appear, is tho genuine
natural and healthful result of a superior
system and healthful equitable administra
tion of life insurance. The plans of tho
Continental Life of Now York, although
marked by a judicious regard for economy
and safety, aro framed in the most liberal
spirit. The insured find in this truly mutual
company none of those oppressive incum
brances and drawbacks which impair the
value and usefulness of the policies of other
life corporations. A policy in tho Conti
nental Life has many cardinal advantages
over others. It has an intrinsic, specific
value, being non forfeitable and incontesta
ble. It entitles its holder to participate
fully in the entire profits of tho company
distributed annually on tho contribution
dividend plan to a voice in the elections
and management to thirty days' graco in
tho payment of premium, to a liberal loan of
33J per cent, if required, and to a total ex
emption from any chargo for permission to
travel. Those aro a few of the attractive
features among many othors that havo
brought this organization into general favor.
Its popularity is still increasing. It issued
during the year ending September 30, 1870,
no less than 5,582 now policies insuring
$18,084,298. Notwithstanding this im
mense accession of new business and tho
payment of handsome dividends to tho in
sured, tho most judicious care appears in
the selection of the Continental Life's risks,
and tho strictest economy in tho conduct
of its affairs, and its percentage of expendi
tures, including losses, is far below the av
erage of other companies.
Those great triumphs of management aro
attributable to a perfect system, and to its
masterly administration by tho company's
experienced and highly gifted president,
Justus Lawrence, ably seconded by its
worthy vice-president, M. B. Wynkoop,
its faithful and talented secretary, J. P.
Rogers, and a board of directors distinguish
ed alike for thoir eminent standing and
practical business ability.
Ave cannot conclude this brief notice of
tho Continental Life-of New York without
adverting to the primal excellence it pos
sesses of immutable stability. No mountain
is founded on a firmer basis. Whoever en
tors tho ranks of its policy holders may not
only rest assured that he and his heirs will
be most equitably and liberally dealt with,
but may also dismiss all misgiving from his
mind as to the company's perpetuity and
tho perfect safety of tho funds intrusted
to its keeping. Its present assets, continu
ally and rapidly augmenting ana invested
securely and profitably in National, State
and in other securities worth double tho
amount for which they aro held, now ex
ceed four million five hundred thousand
dollars sufficient to pay all present, pros
pective and possiblo liabilities, and loave
half a million earned surplus to bo returned
as clear profit to the insured.
Placing such incontrovertible facts and
figures before him, we ask any husband or
father can he entrust his savings for those
ho loves best and is most bound to protect,
to any institution more worthy of his confi
dence or moro certain to repay it many fold
than tho Continental Life of Now York.
We copy tho abovo from tho Insurance
Times, published at New York, a journal
edited by tho most talented underwriters in
tho world. The notico is quito a compli
mont to the officers who havo so skillfully
managed tho Continental of New York
since its organizaton. Any company might
bo envious of the success that has attended
the Continental of Now York since its ex
istence. Mr. J. F. Eaton, College Block,
Ilarrisburg, is tho general agent for this
excellent company.
For Hand-bills,, or job work of'any kind,
go to the Times Office. Onr "Steam Power
rress, win . print a jargor bill than any
press iu tlie county.
For The Lloomfleld Times.
Onr Railroad.
Mr. Editor Sir, if you please. I desire
to state in my opinion, your suggestion of
Dunuing a two-ieet guage railroad on our
route is worthy of consideration, and that
if tho present commissioners will not take
some action or try to urge on the road, let
them be expelled and others who have an
interest in the work he appointed in their
place. If we cannot have a wide railroad,
lot us have a narrow ono, until we aro ablo
to make it wider. It is high timo for us to
do something in the way of work. We
have been talking long enough about this
road. Let us have it made.
The Upper End.
Gone to the Bottom. This Fall the
prices at Oak Hall do beat all. Fine Suits
from ten to twenty-five dollars ; Overcoats,
heavy and strong, from eight to thirty dol
lars ; and all other things in proportion.
Pennsylvania R. R. Time Table.
On and after Nov, 20, 180,
will run as follows:
Passenger trains
Plttsb'c Exnr's. (Flac)5.45 a. m. dallv exe't Sunday.
Way Passenger, 9.07 A. m., daily except Monday,
Mail, 2.26 P. m. daily except Sunday.
A mixed train with passenger car attached, will
leave Ilarrisburg at 5 o'clock p. m., and Newport
ttb 0.4O l. 111.
Fast Line 4.18 a. m dally except Monday,
Ilarrisburg Accom. 11.48 a. m.. daily " Sunday.
Mall, 7.48 P. m., daily except Sunday
f T H A 1Nt A V A,.Ai,t
Stage Line Between Newport and New
QTAGES leave New Germantown dally at four
KJ ociock a. m. jjanuitiDiirgai I. in) a. in. urcen
nark at 8 a. m. New Bloomltcld at 9V a. m.
Arriving at Newport to connect with the Ac
commodation train East.
Returning leaves Newport on the arrival of the
Mail Traill from Philadelphia, at 2.30 p. m.
Z. RICE, Proprietor.
County Trice Current.
Bloomfield, November 22, 1870,
Flax-Seed 52 00
Potatoes, 75 cents.
Butter p pound ' 30 "
Eggs p dozen, 22 "
Dried Apples V pound, 6 "
Dried Peaches 8 10cts.?1Ib.
Pealed Peaches 1518cts. "
Cherries ; 0 0 cts. "
Tilted 15 18 cts. "
Blackberries, 8 10 cts. "
Unions 1 bushel, 75"
Corrected Weekly by Wm. Kough fc tons.
Newpoiit. November 22. l7u.
Flour, Extra, 85 60
Red Wheat 110 115
Kye 75
Corn, 55 ffl 05
Oats ft 32 pounds, 40
Clover Seed, 0 00 6 00
Timothy Seed 3 00
Flax Seed 1 75
Potatoes, 70
Ground Alumn Salt 2 25
Llinebumer's Coal, 2 40
Stovo Coal 5 6 00
Pea Coal '3 40
Smith Coal, 25 cts. V bus.
Cross Ties,8 feet long, .32 42 cents.
Philadelphia Price Current.
Corrected Weekly by Janney k Andrews,
No. 123 Market Street.
Philadelphia, November 19, 1870.
White Wheat, 8 1 40 1 45
Red Wheat 1 30 1 38
Rye 9093
Corn, 8090
Oats 49 65
Clover Seed 6 250 50
Timothy Seed, 4 00 4 75
Flax Seed 2 10 2 15
Country Lard 14 10
Eggs 38 40
Butter, solid in bbls.' 19 20.
Washed Wool, 50ceuts per lb.
Crist' Clouser On the evening of the 17tu
Inst., at the M. E. Parsonage, by the Rev. (i
W. Bouse, Mr. Willis Crist to Miss Annie E.,
eldest daughter of A. B. Clouser, Esq., all of
this place.
Fur Evinger On the 11th Inst., at the
samo place, bv the same, Mr. Abraham Fry to
Miss M. A. Evinger, both of Spring township,
this county.
Byeks Jones On the 17th Inst., by Ecv. 8
W. Selbcrt, Mr. George W. Byors to Miss Jemi
ma Jones, both of Buckwheat Valley, Perry
county. Pa.
IIcmes Preisler At tho Lutheran Par
sonage in Carlisle, by Kcv. J. 8. Foulk, Mr,
Wm. W. Humes of that place. to Miss Minnie
J. Preisler of Lovsvillo.
Aukek BuitKHOLDEH On the 3rd of No
vember, at the Lutheran Pursouage, In Bloser
vlllo, by the Kov. E. Dutt, Mr. Isaiuh B. Aukcr
of Millerstown, this county, to Miss Anna
Burkholder, of Frankford township, Cumber
land county. Pa.
Siiuman Sheaffer At the Lutheran Par-
Bonge iu this borough, on tho 15th Inst., by the
Kcv. 8. A. Hedges, Mr. John Bhuman to MIsb
D. Jennie Shealfor, both of Savillo township,
Perry county, Pa.
Meredith. In Tuscarora township, on the
2i)th ult.. Mairerlo A., and on the 10th Inst.,
Llzzlo 8., Infant daughters of Noble and Eliz
abeth Meredith, aged nuouiji monius. inoy
rest beside their mother.
A Hotel Stand having a GOOD RUN OF CUSTOM
for tale. Apply to
4 41 tf Now Bloomlleld, Fa,
Stop Chewing Tobacco
AVE YOUR MONEY and restore vour health.
7 by using Dr. Ryrn's Antidote for Tobacco.
lis Is not a substituta but a cure for Sinokinor.
Chewing, and Snuff-taklng. Few persons are
aware of the terrible effects of the noxious weed
on tlie nuniau system.
Disease of tlie Liver, Sallow Complexion,
m. Costive-
ness of the Bowels. Loss of Memory and other
diseases are the atll ctions broiiirlit on bv Its use.
The Antidote Is purely vegetable and harmless.
It acts as a tonic on the svstem, purities the blood,
and enables a person to digest the heartiest food.
samples sent iree nir bo cents S3 per d07.en.
Address M. J. Yarnell, 86 Cannon St. N. Y. 4473m
I WILL MAIL FREE TO ALL who wish It, a
Hcceipe that will immediately remove Tan,
1' reckles, Pimples, Blotches, aim all eruptions and
Impurities of the Skin leaving the same soft,
clear, smooth, and beautiful.
I will also send (free) instructions for producing,
by very simple means, a luxuriant grow th of hair
on a bald head or smooth face.
Address THOS. F. CHAPMAN. Chemist,
195 Broadway, New York.
P. O. Box 5,128. 4 47 3m
Meal Estate, Insurance,
OHiA.IVE agency.
Seal Estate Brokers, Insurance, & Claim Agents
New Oloomlicltl, I a,.
"ITTE INVITE the attention ot buyers and sell
T V ers to tho advantages we offer them in pur
chasing or disposing of real estate through our of
fice. We have a very large list of desirable property,
consisting of farms, town property, mills, store
and tavern stands, and real estate of any descrip
tion which we are prepared to oiler at great bar
gains. We advertise our property very extensive
ly, and use all our efforts, skill, and ullligence to
effect a sale. We mako no charges unless tho
property is sold while registered witli us. We also
draw up deeds, bonds, mortgages, andall legal pa
pers at moderate rates.
Some of tho best, cheapest, and most reliable
lire, life, and cattle insurance companies in the
United States aro represented at fills agency.
Property insured either on the cash or mutual
plan, and perpetually at?4 and So per thousand.
Pensions, bounties, and all kinds of war claims
collected. There are thousands of soldiers and
heirs of soldiers who are entitled to pensions and
bounty, who have never made anulication. Sol.
diers, If you were wounded, ruptured, or contract
ed a disease In the service from which you are dis
abled, you are entitled to a pension.
When widows of soldiers die or marry, the minor
children are entitled to the pension.
Parties Having any misinessto transact in our
line, are respectfully invited to give us a call, as
we are contldent we can render satisfaction In any
branch of our business.
OT-ao charge lor information.
Farm at Private Sale,
THE undersigned offers at private sale, a farm
In Rye towuship,Pci ry county, Pa., containing
The land is the best In the nighborhood, with run
ning water In every held, is under good fence, and
hits thereon erected a new
Frame Dwelling House.
There Is also a thrifty Young ORCHARD on the
place. Tliis land lies along two public roads the
Fishing Creek road and the Lamb's Gap road j the
last named divides tlie land in two parts 30K on
the one side and 2(i!4 on tlie other: on the 20J
acre piece is a New Frame Dwelling House, and on
the other a
FRAME 22 x 28,
erected for a house, with a never falling Spring of
water. This land will bo sold as a whole, or in two
Tracts, to suit purchasers.
tf-ir not sold at urivato sale before the LAST
OF DECEMBER, this property will be sold at nub
ile sale, at the Court House, in Bloomlleld, on the
o'clock p. in., of said day, when terms will be inada
W5, Persons desiring to purchase a farm will do
well to examine this one before investing else
where, as it lies within four miles of Marysville,
and tho Pennsylvania Railroad one of the best
markets in the county.
3- Further information can bo had bv ad-
dressing Dr. JOHN USAW,
uenner a noaus,
4 40 Somerset county, Fa.
At Private Sale,
THE subscriber offers at private sale his prop
erty in Saville township, Perry county, Pa.,
consisting of
of Laud, 35 Acres of which are cleared, and well
improved having thereon a
One and Half Story Log House,
and other out-buildings, with a fine YOUNO
ORCHARD. Tlie balance of the land is well tim
bered. Air For further Information address or apply to
4 43 ' Ickesburg, Perry county, Pa.
A Desirable Farm for Sale.
"ITTILL bo sold at a bargain, a FARM situated
V lu Centre township, about 2 miles North
West of Bloomlleld borough, containing lOtt
ACHES, 37 well timbered, and the balance clear
ed, and under a high state of cultivation. Ther
are on the premises a LOG HOUSE, plastered, con
taining 7 rooms ; a good BANK BARN, a good
JW For further information apply to
C. A. BARNETT, Att'y-aNLaw,
New Bloomlleld, Pa.,
Or on the premises to Mrs. Rebecca Guoff. 4 35 8t
rnoviDE ron your families!
New York Life Benefit Association.
Capital iWOO.OOO !
ORGANIZED under the Laws of the State of
New York, Insures the lives of Its patrons at
One-t'ijth. the Chartie of other Life Insurance Com
panies. All wishing to insure their lives should
send for our descriptive pamphlets, which we mail
Free. Agents, Local and Travelling Wanted.
Rev. Francis C. Hiix, J. Andhew, Pres't.
4 42,lma Vleo Pres't. No. 61 Broadway, N. Y.
X 17 in. Ono roar fur 60 cuiti.
AdJrnt, ECHO, Port Keyal, Pa,