( 6 jkt fHnomfitlti lintts. Tuesday, Wovember IS, 1870. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Weinvlte communications from all personswho are interested in matters properly belonging to this department. FccdlriR Tigs. A writer in the Rural Nero Yorker gives advice in regard to feeding pigs as follows : In case you do not have milk enough for the sows and pigs both, give it to the latter by all means. Begin with good sweet milk gradually getting them used to that which is a little sour, until they will drink one about as well as they do the other, at the same time commence giving them Indian meal not cob and corn meal made into a hasty "pudding" alternately with boiled potatoes, ground peas, rye, or buckwheat if you have them, and give them all they will eat three or four times a day. Add from time to time a little salt with their food, they will thrive the better for it. Cure for Klieumalism. One of the old and approved physicians who has a very large practice, has for several years used with marked success a remedy for rheumatism, which we will publish for the reason that the article used can be obtained now, not alone at the drug shops but abroad in the fields. It is the berry of the common scoke-weed, or scoke-root often called "poke-root." These berries (now ripening) are put into spirits gin is the best at the rate of two ounces to the piut. Of the tinc ture thus made, a tablespoonful is given three times a day. We are told that this simple remedy, persisted in for a week or more, has effected some remarkablo cures of this common and distressing com plaint. Farm Products. Farm products of all kinks should be prepared for the market in a neat and attractive manner. There is no time lost in picking over beans, sorting apples and potatoes or putting up butter in a neat and taking way. The market gardeners who supply our large cities with vegeta bles, understand this business of market ing better than most people. Their let tuce, beets, turnips, &c, must be washed and the tomatoes must be clean and care fully assorted. It don't pay in the long run, to mix inferior fruit with good, to put rocks iu your oatsor harrow teeth in wool, when preparing these articles for the consumer. A horse is never vicious or in tractable without a direct cause. If a hor3e is restless or timorous, you may bo sure these faults arise from defects in his education. He has been treated either awkardly or brutally. Commpnco the . education of the horse at his birth ; ac custom him to the presence, voice and sight of man ; speak and act gently ; caress him; and do not startle him. All chastisement or cruelty confuses the animal and makc3 him wild. They are good men who make good horses. MS" In Lower California there aro now 7,000 orange trees iu bearing. They yield from COO to 1,500 oranges to the tree, depending on the size of the tree. About 70 trees'stand on an acre. The tree commences bearing from eight years from the seed. For good oranges tho price is about $20 per 1,000. California is also cultivating extensively, grape vines, limes, lemons, citrons, figs, and walnuts. Lemons, limes, and cit rons yield crops averaging $1,000 per acre. B& Soap suds may be used with great advantage for manuring grapo vines. Downing says he has seen an Isabella grapo vine produce 3,000 fine clusters of well-ripened friuit iu a season, by tho liberal use of manure, and soapsuds from tho weekly wash. The effect of soap suds on other plants is remarkablo. A cypress vine that had remained sta tionary for a fortnight, when about two inches high, immediately began growing, after being watered with soap suds, and grew about six inches in five days. J5S? Every year's experience goos to show that brilliant success may not be expected in pear culturo except on deep clay soils. t&" At nearly all the gtato Fairs this Fall especially those in the West, the Berkshire has taken creams of pig prizes. Harks of Difference of Sex In Eggs It ia stated that the eggs of tho com mon hen, as well as those of many other birds, present certain external character istics, by means of which it is possible to determine beforehand the sex to be hatched from them. Thus, the " male" egg has at his pointed end small folds and wrinkles, while the " female" egg is en tirely smooth and well rounded off at both ends. B If 15 bushels of corn are wisely fed to a hog so as to increase it from 200 to 300, the farmer may get from $1.50 to $1.75 for the corn thus converted into pork. JBSf Tile are always to bo preferred for draining but four-inch hemlock boards nailed in V-shane cost little but sled ding work in winter, and will last always 19 years and often 25. Bitx? A man in Maine has a cow that in a twelve-month has made as many pounds of butter as there arc days in the year, beside fattening a calf to 110. BSF A little sound knowledge, with a great deal of care, goes further on a farm, than great knowledge half applied. BQyTho word of hope and cheer for labor in our days -is " Cooperation." UNTEW YOBK CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK, STRICTLY 31 UTUAL ! A.HSetH, l,r00,000 ! ISSUES all the now forms of Policies, nnd pre sent as fa vorable terms as any company iu tho United States. The Company will make temporary loans on Its Policies. Thirty days' grace allowed on each payment, and the policy held good during that time. Policies issued by this Company aro nou-forfeit-uro. No extra charges are made for traveling iernitts. Policy-holders share iu the annual prolltsof the Company, and have a voice in the elections and management of the Company. No policy or medical fee charged. Justus Lawrence, Pres't. M. 15. W'YNUoor, Vice Pres't. J. P.ltOGiius, Scc'y. J. F. KATON. General Agent, No. G North Third Street, 4.2'Jyl Collego Block, Ilarrlsburg, Pa. HOTELS. PERKY HOUSE, NcivBlooinfleld, Pa. THK subscriber having purchased the proporty on the corner of Maine and Carlisle streets, opposite the Court House, invites all his friends and former customers to give him a call as he is determined to furnish Hist class accommodations. THOMAS SUTV1I, 3 ltf. Proprietor. JjAGLE HOTEL NEW BLOOMFIELD, Perry County, Peuu'a. HAVITW purchased the hotel formerly occu pied by David 11. Lunfer, situated on North Carlisle Street adjoining the Court House, I am prepared to receive transient guests or regular boarders. To nil who favor mo with their custom, I shall endeavor to furnish llrst class accommodations. A call is solicited. GEORGE DERRICK. Bloomtleld, March 9, 1869. 13 10 ly 6 Thomas Moore. S. 8. Webek. kkatj,y im'iiovii) AND HE -FITTED! 'THE union; Tills lino Hotel is located on Arch Street, Between Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MOOltK & WEHKIt Proprietors. January 1, 1869. OTICE TO LAND OWNERS! After the 12th day of August of this year, (1870) suits will be liable to bo brought in the Court of Dauphin County for money due on lands in Perry County, unpatented. 4 For information relative to the Patenting ot lands, call on or address B. H. UALBKA1TH, Attorney-ut-Law & County Surveyor. Bloomtleld, March S, 1870. it. . Philadelphia Advertisements. Banking and Stocks. BANKING HOUSE OF Jay Cooko & Co., 113 AND 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Philadelphia, DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Old 5-20s Wan led IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW. A LIBERAL DIFFERENCE ALLOWED. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. INTERE8T ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. KSCOLECTIONS mado j STOCKS bought and sold on Commission. t5f SPECIAL business accommodations re served for LADIES. 8191 KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP. HOUSEKEEPERS will llnd tho KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP A great help in cleaning their houses. It Is th Original mid Only Genuine Paint Cleaner and Itestorer, and will clean more paint and do it better than any other Soap Ever M a d! It will clean and polish Marble. It will clean and Drighten Fine Brass, Copper and all Metalic Ware, and will remove all Paint, Pitch, Tar, Grease, Ink, Varnish or any other dirt from the hands. It is the only Soap Tor cleaning Windows or any kind of EAKTliEKN WAltE. All other Soaps that aro advertised to do the same are IMITATIONS ot our Soap, and will not compare with THE GREAT LABOR-SAVING KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP I WB-Tryit and you will like it. Ask for tho "Kitchen Crystal Soap," and tako no other. All Grocers sell It. EASTMAN & MtOOKE, 4:il North Third Street, Philadelphia, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers. 3Tho above is for sale by F. Mortimer & Co. New Bloomileld, Pa. 3313m. LEB A 3T O IST Mutual Fire Insurance Company, OF Toiiesitcvii, Peim'ti. POLICIES PERPETUAL at Low Kates. No Steam risks taken. .This is one of the best conducted and must reliable Companies in the State. Country property insured Perpetually at H 00 per thousand, ami Town property at ti 00 per thousand. TIec i'ciiiiKylrunia Cattle Insurance Company, OF rOTTSVILXK, PESVA., INSURES IIOltSES AND CATTLE AGAINST Death, Theft, or Accident, at very Low ltates. Call on or address LEWIS POTTER, NEW 1SLOOMF1ELD, PA., Agent for Perry County. From the Dally Miners' Journal of July 22, 1870. Yesterday James IT. Grler, Agent of the Leb anon Mutual Fire Insurance Company, promptly paid Lewis Harris 8150, his insurance policy iu lull, which lie lost by tire on Uailroad Street, last Fri day. Mr. Grler also paid John Pettingcr J80, his In surance iMilley In full, which was on a horse that died last Saturday, and was insured iu the Penn sylvania Cuttle insurance Company, of Potts ville. 416 FAliMKHS! KXAMLNK ANUUlTv THE ORIGINAL. BAUGH'S BEING Tlio First Kaw Hone Phonphato Made. All Others are Imitation. HA UGII'S RAW-BONE Super Phosphate oi'IJuic! MARK FALL, 1870. This Manure is made of Kaw or Unburned Hones, rich in Nitrogenous matter, dissolved In Oil of Vitriol, presenting the Bono Phosphate in a highly soluble and quickly available form, and the Ammonia in such proportion as to insure a prompt and vigorous action upon the crops. Where Baugh's Phosphate was applied the past season, tho indications, wlthoutcxception, are Hint it will maintain its well earned reputation. We re quest all in need of a Fertilizer to give this article a trial. BAUCH & SONS, MANlTAGTUllKllS, Office No. 20 S. Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. 4 29 Out TRADE WW Ip33 33IIVS' ELECTRIC SOAP, The Best in the World ! STRICTLY PURE! NO SAND I NO ROSIN 1 NO CLAY I NO ADULTERATION OF ANY KIND ! OiUdren Can Do The Washing. No Washboard Required. No Boiling Needed. By the use of the Uncqualed and Unapproachable Dobbins9 Electric Soap, Clothes, Money, Fuel, Labor, Time and Temper, ALL ARE SAVED! Try It once, and nse It ever afterward. Every Grocer Sells It. Every Family Uses It. NO ONE CAN DO WITHOUT IT ! Be sure that the wrapper lias on It the cut of Mrs. Fogy and Mr. Enterprise, and that each bar is stumped with the name of the inventor and originator, J. 1!. Doiuiins, as none other is genuine. Like everything of great value. It Is extensively couiiterieiieu. aim 1110 marxec nueu wuu false and worthless Electric Soaps, not worth house-room, and dear even if given away. The Finest American Toilet Soap, fully equal to luei'rencii maue oy a rrcnen soapmaKer in the same manner as the French soaps are made, and sold at ouu-fourlh their price, Is ' TRIPLE SCENTED Dobbins9 Toilet Soap! NO TOILET IS COMPLETE WITIIOUT IT ! The Best Emollient in the Market! It is given the preference at every watering place 111 me country, ana is ior sale every wncre. J?ltmHO A.h1c IToi It Don't be put off with any cheap common soap. iry 11, anu see now inucn jstiit-n it is than we say. The only Hoot Polish that will produce a Brilliant and LaslingShine, and, at the same time preserve the Leather, is Dobbins' Electric Boot Polish, Makes Old Boots Look Like New Ones, And Calf-Skin Like Patent Leather. It is put up In a Patent box, the greatest novolty 01 1110 age, 1 ne nox aione is worm more 10 keep than the price of Box and Pol ish combined. KHUGHAT, " Tho Genuine Turkish Bath compound, used in all Oriental countries, in the bath, and manufactured by us 011 a license and royalty, iu exact stylo, odor anu quality ironi mo original receipt, as mat made in Constantinople, and import duties, prelum on gold, etc., saved, thus enabling us to sell it at a verv low nrice. Bv its use a bath becomes indeed a luxury. Very highly scented, and producing miraculous effects upon the skin. It Is really worth a triui. If you want to enjoy life and drive away dull care, use ior youi uiotues i o 15 b i ar s ' ELECTRIC SOAP! Use for your person DOBBINS' TRIPLE SCENTED Toilet Soap ! use for your boots Dobbins' Electric Boot Polish. Use In tho ButU "KRUailAT." And Subscribo for tho " Electric Messenger," a Beautiful Fashion Taper, sent FREE to all who win seiiu uioir names 10 tne eoiu rroprieiors, I. L. CItAGIN & CO., 119 South Fourth Street, PurLADELPUiA. 103 Barclay Street, New Tobk. 141 State Street, "Boston, t-ThiB ISoap Is for Sale by F. Mortimer & Co., New uoomtield, fa. 1 U7 ly THE KIDNEYS. THE Kidneys ire two In number, situated at the upper part of the loin, surrounded by mi., nnu i:uijBiDi.iiii vi i. ill CD mi in, T i& i Lliu li ter I Or, the Interior and tho Exterior. The Anterior absorbs. Interior consists or tissues or velus, which serve as a deposit for the nrlne and convey It to the Exterior. The Exterior is a conductor also, terminating in a single tube, and called the Ureter. The Ureters are connected with the bladder. The bladder is composed of various cover ings or tissues, divided Into parts, viz. : the Upper, the Lower, the Nervous, and tho Mucous. The upper expels, the lower retains. Many have a desire to urinate without the ability; others urinate without the ability to retain. This frequently occurs in children. To cure these affections, we must brinir Into action the muscles, which are engaged in their various functions. If tlicy arc neglected, Gravel or uropsy may ensue. The reader must also bo mado aware, tlint however slight may be the attack, It 1b sure to affect the bodily health and mental powers, as onr flesh and blood are supported from these sources. Gout, on Rheumatism. Pain occurring In the loius are indicative of the above diseases. They occur In persons disposed to acid stomach and chalkv concretions. The Gbavel. The gravel ensues from neg lect or improper treatment of the kidneys. These organs being weak, tho water Is not ex pelled from the bladder, but allowed to remain ; it becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It is from this deposit that the stone Is formed and gravel ensues. v Dhopsy Is a collection of water In some parts of the body, and bears different names, accord ing to the parts affected, viz. : when general- ly diffused over the body, it is called Anasarca : V when of the abdomen, Ascites ; when of the chest, Hydrotliorax. Treatment. Hclmbold's highly couccntra cd compound Extract Buchu Is decidedly one of the best remedies for diseases of the blad der, kidneys, bladder, dropsical swellings, rheumatism and gouty affections. Under this head we have arranged Dysuria, or difficulty and pain in passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small and frequent discharges of water j Struu gury, or stopping of water j Hematuria, or bloody urine j Gout and Rheumatism of the kidneys, without any change in quantity, but Increase in color, or dark water. It was al ways highly recommend by the late Dr. Phys lck, In these affectious. This medicine increases tho power of diges tion, end excites the absorbents into healthy exercise by which tho watery or calcareous de positions, and nil unnatural enlargements, as well aB pain and intlamation, are reduced, and it is taken by men, women, and children. Di rectlons for use and diet accompany. . ' ; Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 25, 1807. n. T. Helmbold, Druggifct : Dear Sib I have been a sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravil, bladder, and kid ney affections, during which time I have used various medicinal preparations, and been under the treatment of the most eminent Physicians, experiencing but little relief. lluvlng seen your preparations extensively advertised, I consulted with my family physi cian in regard to using your Extract Buchu. I did this because I bad used all kinds of ad vertised remedies, and had found them worth less, and, some quite injurious ; in fact, I de spaired of evorgcttiug well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you. advertised that it was composed of buchu, cubebs, aud juniper berries, it occurred to mo and my physician ns nn excellent combination, nnd, with his advice, after an examination of tho article, and con sulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I commenced its use about eight mouths ago, at which time I was confined to my room. From the first bottle I was ustonlshed aud grat ified at the bcueticial effect, and after using it three weeks, was able to walk out. I felt much like writing you a full statement of my caso at tho time, but thought my Improvement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer nnd see if It would effec t a perfect cure, knowing then it would be of inoro value to you, and more satisfactory to me. I am now ablo to report that a cure is effect ed after using tho remedy for flvo months. I have not used any now for three months, and feel ns well iu all respects as I ever did. Your Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant tasto and odor, a nico tonic and invigorntor of the system, I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may require its uso in such affections. M. McCORMICK. Should any doubt Mr. McCormick's state ment, ho refers to the following gentlemen j Hou. Wm. Bigi.eh, ex-Govcrnor, Pensylvnnia. " Tuos. B. Flobence, Philadelphia. " J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. " J. S. Black, Judge, Philadelphia. " D. R.Pobteu, ex-Governor, Pennsylva nia. " Ellis Levis, Judge, Philadelphia. " R. C.Guiek, Judge, United States Court. " G. W. Woodward, Judge, Philadelphia. " W. A. Pobteb, City Solicitor, Philad'u. " John Bici.ek, ex-Governor, California. " E. Banks, Auditor General, WuBhlng- ton, D. C. And many others, If necessary. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. Beware of counterfeits. ABk for Hclmbold's. Take no other. Pbice $1.25 per bottle, or six bottles for $6.50. Delivered to. any address. Describe symptoms in all communications. ' Address, II. T. HELMBOLD, Drug and Chomical Warehouse, 5U4 Broadway, N. Y. "VfONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE JJ UP 1 steel-engraved wrapper, with fae simile of my Chemical Warehouse and signed n. T. HELMBOLD. 843 ly i