Stye mcs, Nero Bloomftclu, Ja. 5 llt flltromftcfti pints. Tuesday, November 1, 1870. L O V A L 1 K 1'A 11 T M E X T. OUR TERMS Are One Dollar a Year in Advance I Persons who receive a paper with this artlelo marked, may know that t hoy should mail or oth erwise send the subscription price, it they wish to continue to receive The Timet. CORRESPONDENTS "ill please hear In mind Hut letters received later than Saturdayeve niiiK, or the down mail on Monday morning have to lay over until the following week. Postponed. The salo of tho Klino estate in Juniata twp., which was advertised to take place on the 29th ult., has Lccn post poned until Saturday tho 19th inst., sco ad vertisement next week. Coiiflrinei!. At a meeting of tho di rectors of tho P. 11. 1. Company, held on tho 3rd, tho appointment of Charles E. Pugh, of Philadelphia, as General Agent, cicc Mr. Franciscus, deceased, was cou llrined. Exhibition. Tho Students at tho Acade my in this borough, proposo to give an Ex hibition in that building on Thursday and 1 Friday evenings of this week. No doubt all who arc present will bo agreeably enter tained, as tho youug men have been at con siderable expeuso and troublo to mako tho nfl'air a success. A Scientific Puper. Wo have received several copies of tho American Engineer, a paper published by McCalla & Stavely, Philadelphia, which is always filled with reading of much interest, not only to me chanics, but to all thinking persons. It is' mailed to subscribers for $2,50 per year. J. Sluiltz Splclman, a sou of J. D. Spiel man, esq., of Altoona, and train master at Dcrry station, whilo coupling cars on Sat urday morning a week was caught between tho bumpers and thrown down, several cars passing over him, killing him almost in stantly. Installation. Tho Rev. John Edgar will bo installed as Pastor of the Presbyte rian church in this place, on "Wednesday of next week, Nov, 9th, at 7 o'clock in tho evening. Services in tho court house. Tho sermon will bo preached by tho Rev. Mr. Downing of Newport, tho charge to tho pastor by Rev. Mr. McPherson of Landis burg, chargo to tho pooplo by Rev. Mr. Hamilton of Ickesburg, and tho constitu tional questions proposed by Rev. M. Thompson of Duncanuon. A Man Killed. A man named Ely, em ployed at Watson's stone quarry, near Hollidaysburg, met with a fatal accident ou Tuesday afternoon. Two boys were blast ing in tho quarry, and ono of them neglec ted to give proper warning in time. Ely raised up just as tho blast went olF, a rock striking him on tho head, crushing in tho skull, and forcing his brains out at tho cars and mouth. Strange to say, he lived about three hours after being injured. Exchange. Nearly Suffocated. Mr. Joshua Bcale, of Tuscarora township, Juniata county, a few weeks ago was on a visit to Carlisle. In stopping at a hotel, he was placed in a win niiuiv f"a nils uwu iui uiuuuiiaLiuu. The light was extingusshed but tho gas n,oo :..i ,i ,. i Jt i 1 was not entirely turned off, and it escaped into tho room. Mr. Bcalo was found in tho morning almost suffocated. By aid of a galvanic battery ho was rostored to con sciousness. He has been removed to his homo in Tuscarora, but is still in a critical condition. v.. Runaway Accident. On Friday a week a runaway accident occurred in Whoatfield twp., which nearly proved fatal to two lads who were in tho wagon. A young horso belonging to Mr. Kirk of that township, was hitched to a spring wagon, in which a son and brother-in-law of Mr. Mayers, two boys about 12, and 15, years of ago, and when near C: Roup 's the wheel went into a rut so deep as to upset tho wagon throw ing out and injuring both boys. Tho horso took fright and ran away with only tho shafts attached, which he soon kicked loose. Diligent search was inado for tho animal but no trace of him was found un til near night tho next day when ho was found in tho woods, by a son of Mr. Sea brights. Supervisors who allow such ruts to remain in tho road ought to bo held personly responsible for any damage which may occur. Serious Accident. On tho 23id ult., Mr. Adam Losh while driving just beyond Ster rctt's Gap, was thrown from his wagon and badly inj ured. Tho accident was caused by the front wheel breaking, which threw Mr. L. out in such a position that ho was kick ed by tho horse, inflicting a terriblo wound in his head and was otherwise hurt by being dragged a distance Ho was so badly in jured that it was impossiblo to tako him home, and ho was therefore carried to tho hotel at tho Gap, and his family sent for, as it was supposed impossiblo for him to live. At tho last accounts wo received, ho was still alive, though no hopes wero entertained that ho would recover. Inothcr Accident. On Thursday night, a man named Rice, who carries tho mail be tween Loysvillo and Sandy Hill, was some what hurt by being thrown from his buggy, tho accident being caused by his vehiclo coming into collision with another, the night being so dark, neither driver could see tho other's buggy until theycamo togeth er. Ono of tho vehicles was considerably damaged, but tho horses remaining quiet,, prevented tho accident from resulting in consequences moro serious. Killed. Tho body of a young man was found on Wednesday morning last, badly mutilated, on tho ralroad track ncaro Westchester intersection. It proved VTva tho body of Clayton Courson, a young man who had left Altoona, whero ho had been employed, on Monday night with the inten tion of going to Philadelphia. It is sup posed ho fell from tho train and was run over. Fire. About 3 o'clock on Sunday morn ing John Barnitz was aroused from sleep by tho falling of burning timbers upon his face. Ho found himself all alone and his house enveloped in flames. lie hastily re moved some half-dozen articles but the balanco of his goods and house wero burned. Assistance arrived too late to save anything else. John is a native of Ireland, and had, by hard labor and economy, built a snug ltttlo houso about two years ago, near tho Big Spring, and says that had $130 in the house, laid up for plastering and painting it. Ilia children wero fortunately absent at tho tiino othcrwiso somo lives might havo been lost. Ho had an insurance of $800 in York. No account of the origin of tho flro can bo given other than that an incendiary went for tho cash and then applied tho torch to cover his tracks. Shippensburg Hcntinel. A Curiosity. Mr. John II. Wise, an em ployee on tho Reading railroad, on tho Leesport oro cars, brought to this oilico yesterday afternoon, a small turtle that had two well formed and distinct heads. Each had two eyes in it, in tho proper places, and tho turtle othcrwiso was well formed. It would pull in its head if teased and although very small, would open both its mouths to bite. This curiosity was picked up by - Mr. Wiso near a creek at Hanover Junction, York county, and it is his intention to try and raise it, but should it die, he will presorvc it in alcohol. Head ing Eagle. T-iOml HvIei'H. Now is the time to plant Strawberry and Grape Vines. Capt. Samuel Rico has tho best varitie8 cultivated. I lo also has a new variety of Potato. XA " Oalathumpian" sorenade is a relic of barbarism which is unfortunately oc casionally allowed to disgrace this borough. Sucli an incident occurred last Tuesday night. It is doubtful which is tho most rep prehensiblo, tho authorities who permit such outrages, or tho boys who commit them. On Monday of last week a scaffold erect ted near tho peak of tho gablo end of tho Presbyterian church in this borough foil. There were on it at tho time throe hundred bricks and threo men. Fortunately tho men saved themselves by holding to some of tho timbers and tho wall. Burglars paid a vory unwelcome visit to Mcchanicsburg on Sunday night a weok, breaking into about twenty houses, taking tho overcoats of many clergyman who were thero attending synod. The silverware also received their attention. Among the premiums offered at a county fair in Kentucky is ono of $10 for tho neat est patch put on an old garment by an un married woman. That is certainly, more sensiblo than offering premiums for raco horses, in an agricultural community. A lad 10 years of ago, a son of Isaao Hum mel of Snyder Co., was last week kicked in tho neck, by a colt and so badly hurt that ho died in a few hours. An Oriental Stovo with or without Heat er for salo. Used only part of one season. Warranted perfect in every respect, ('all at this ofllce. wild gcoso fly low this year, and only a few days since a flock passing over New port, got so low that tho game loving por tion of tho town went on a wild gooso chase and succeeded in shooting threo of tho flock. Tho Sherman House in Shipnensburg was sold last week for $12,025. A cow in Juniata twp. ,i ast week from lock jaw. an animal. An up-iii complaint for . J. C. Kunkcl who ecently died at Har risburg left property valued at half a mil lion. Two flno colts belonging to a Mr. Davis near Shippensburg wero run over by tho cars near that plaeo last week. Both wero hurt, one so badly that it had to bo killed. A horse attached to a buggy recently at tempted to pass a railroad train on tho samo track, near Huntingdon, resulting in a promiscuous scattering of horso and bug gy, but no damago to the train. A few days ago a child in Cameron coun ty fell into tho machinery of a flouring mill and was literally ground to pieces. 15?" The Five Dollar Sewing Machine pur chased by me, January, 1SGG, from the Family Sewing machine Company, bO Nassau-Street, N. Y., has been in almost constant tiso ever since. It lins not been out of order ouee. Has cost nothing for repairs, and I llud it simple and reliable In operation, and nlways ready to sew. Those friends of miuo who use them with tho new Improvements are very much pleased. Tho one I havo 1 would not part with. MRS. ANN W. CUTIIIiURT. 4.41.3m. 428 West SiGth-Strcet, New-York Tub People's Literary Companion, for November, comes to us as bright and as fresh looking as the green holds alter a gentle rain. It is published by E. C. Allen & Co., Augusta, Maine. Terms 75 cents per year. A line Steel Engraving; entitled " From Shore to Shore," Is presented to every new subscriber. It is really one of the most, pleasing engravings ever beforo the public. Tho Companion is printed on flue, heavy paper ; its columns are tilled to the brim with good things by talented authors, and withal is ono of tho largest and finest illustrated family papers published. I'll ROUS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will, for tho sake of suffering humanity, Bend free to all who need it, tho recipe and direction for making and using the simplo remedy by which ho was cur ed. Sufferers wishing to profit by tho advertis er's experience can do sobv addressing, in per fect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, ly 4 41, n. No i'i Cedar St., N. Y. Church Xoticcs. In tho Methodist church, praycr-mccting on Thursday evening. Preaching on Sun day morning at 10i o'clock, by Rev. G. W. Bouse. In tho Lutheran Church, prayer-meeting on Wednesday evening. Preaching next Sabbath at 2J o'clock p. in. Presbyterian Preaching in tho Court House next Sabbath. Young Men's prayer meeting at tho houso of B. Mclntire, Esq., on Satuiday evening next. Stage Lino Between Newport and New Gcrniantown. QTAOES leave New Clerinantown dally at four O o'clock a. m. Landisbiirgat 7. 30 a. m. Grccu park at 8 a. in. Now llloonitleld at VA a. in. Arriving at Newport to connect with tho Ac commodation train Kast. Returning leaves Newport on the arrival of tha Mail Train from Philadelphia, at 2.30 p. m. Z. RICE, 2'roprletor. County Trice Current. Bloomfield, November 1, 1370. Flax-Seed 82 00 Potatoes, 75 cents. Butter 1 pound, 28 " Eggs dozen, 22 " Dried Apples 1 pound, 6 " Dried Peaches 8 10 cts. ft. Pealed Peaches 15 18 cts. ." Cherries n 0 cts. " " Pitted, 15 18 cts. " Blackberries 8 10 cts. " Onions ) bushel, 75" Corrected Weekly ly Win. Kough t ions. Newport, November 1, 1870. Flour, Extra ja 00 Bed Wheat 1 25 1 25 Rye 75 Corn '. 75.75 Oats V 32 pounds, 40 Clover Seed 6 00 6 00 Timotliy Seed, 3 00 Flax Seed, 1 75 Potatoes 70 Ground Alumn Salt 2 25 Llinchurner's Coal, 2 40 Stovo Coal, 6 6 00 Pea Coal 3 25 Smith Coal 25 cts. p bus. Cross Tles.8 feet long 32 42 cents. Philadelphia Price Current. Corrected Weekly by Jannty t Andrews, No. 123 Market Street. 1'uiladeli'uia, October 29, 1870. White Wheat, $ 1 45 1 65 Bed Wheat 1 35 1 38 Bye 90a? Corn 87'J0 Oats 49 62 Clover Heed 0 256 75 Timothy Seed 4 25 5 00 Flax Seed, V? 2 15 2 15 Country Lard, 1Q 17 Eljgs 1 29 31 Butter, solid iu bbls.' 19 2J Washed Wool fiOcents per lb. Pennsylvania R. R. Time Table. 3 NEWPORT STATION. On and after May 29, 1870, Passenger trains will run as follows: WEST. Pittsb'g Expr's. (Flag)4.41 A. M. dally exe't Sunday. Way Passenger, 9.13 A. M., dally except Monday, Mall 2.11 P. v. ihiifv exi'l-tlt Km,, l ... A mixed train with nnsseiiL'cr car nt.tnrlioil wtii leavo Harrisburg at 5 o'clock p. 111., und Newport at 6.40 p. 111. . . EAST. Fast Line 4.10 A. m., daily except Monday. Harrisburg Accom. 11.31 A. at., daily Sunday. Mail 7.53 p. m., daily except Sunday J. J. BARCLAY, Agent. DUNCANNON STATION. On and afterSuuday, June 12th, 1870, trains will leato Duncanuon, as follows : EASTWARD. Fast Lino, (Flag) 4.35 A. M., daily except Monday Harrisburg Accoin. 12.04 1'. M., daily " Sunday Wail 8.23 P.M.. daily " Sunday WESTWARD. Way Passenger, 8.33 A. M., daily except Monday Mail, 1.40 l. M dailyexcept Sunday Thro' Freight, Pass. Car attached, H.oo p. m. WM. C. KING, Agent Odell Woiiley On the 115th ult., at Ncw villo, by the Rev. If. B. Hartzler, John A. Odell, of Terry county, and Mary C. Worley, of Cum berland county, Pa. Mokrow Williams On tho 12th tilt., at the Lutheran Parsonage in Carlisle, bytho Rev. Dr. Swartz, Mr. Samuel Morrow to Miss Rosa E. Williams, both of this county. , FitiTZ Toland In this borough ou the 2oth ult., nt the residence of the bride's mother, by tho Rev. G. W. House, Mr. G. W. Fritz, to Miss Addu M. Tolaud, both of this place. Xcw Advertisements. J. &. P.COATS' BEST SIX-CORD, IS NOW THE O IV 3Li Y Thread put up for tho American market which is SIX-CORD IN ALL NUMBERS, From No. 8 to No. 100 inclusive. For 3amt ami laclamc. THE PRACTICAL F'AltM Kit. The lead ing Agricultural Monthly of tho United States; containing 24 quarto pages ; is recommended to Farmers everywhere, as a thoroughly reliable and well Illustrated Agricultural and Horticultural Journal, li is largely made up of original matter, and devoted to Stock Raising, Grain Growing, tho Dairy, Orchard, Vegetable and Market Gardening, Grazing, Rearing.and FatteningAniinals.a Veter inary Department, &e. Price SI ) per annum, iu advance. Sample copies supplied on application. Liberal terms to Agents and Canvassers, with show-bills, furnished on application to PASCHALL MORRIS, Editor and Proprietor, IS North Thir teenth Street, Philadelphia. HOMES, HEALTH, HAPPINESS. How to be obtained for Five Doi.laus I Planta tions, Farms, Villa Sites and Town Lots, at Tho Great Premium Land Sale, Aiken, S. C. Tho "Sar atoga ot tho South." 48 hours from N. Y. The most delightful climate In the world. Free from tho Rigors of Northern winters, exempt from Throat Diseases. ' Vineyards and Orchards In full bearing. Fur descriptive pamphlet, address, with stamp, J. C. DERBY, Augusta, Ga. FJ A WEEK SALAUYI Young men 320 wanted as local and travelling salesmen. Address (witli stamp) It. H. WALKER, 3-1 Park Row' New York. Tliin in no IIiiHilmg? I BY sending 35 cents, with age, height, color of eyes and hair, you will return mail, a correct picture of your future husband or wife, with name and dafo of marriage. Address W. FOX, P. O. Drawer No. 18, Fultonville, N. Y. HOUMBLE. I suffered with Catarrh thirty years, and was cured In six weeks by a simplo remedy, and will send the receipt, postage free, to all a'llleted. T. J. Mead, Drawer 170, Sy racuse, New York. A MYSTERY SOLVKI.-Eifteen Minutes' Private Conversation with Married Ladies by one of their number. Sent free for two stamps. Address Mrs. II. METZGEK, Hanover, Pa. A C A It I . A Clergyman, whilo residing In South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple rem edy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early De cay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. (Jrcat numbers have been cured by tills noblo remedy. Prom ted by a desire to benellt the afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, free of Charge. Address JOSEPH T. 1NMAN, Station D, Bible House, N. Y. City. r VALUABLE PROPERTY" At Private Sale, THE subscriber offers at private salo his prop, erty in Savillo township, Perry county. Pa,, consisting of H71 AClt K s of Land, 35 Acres of which are cleared, and well Improved having thereon a Ono and Half Story Log House, LOG BARN, f.,)!l,t!1?r. oi't bulldlngs. with a flno YOUNG ORCHARD. Hie balance of the land is well tim bered. " For further Information address or apply to HENRY KLECKENER, 4 3 Ickesburg, Perry county, Pa. PROVIDE FOR YOUR FAMILIES! New York Life Benefit Association. Cupltul Hoo,ooo ! ORGANIZED under tho Laws of tho State of ,"-w Vork, Insures the lives of Its patrons at One-tyth the Charge of other Llfo Insurance Com panies. All wishing to Insure their lives should send lor our descriptive pamphlets, which we mull free. Agents, Local and Travelling Wanted, lley. FliANtis C. Hill, J. Anokkw, Pres't. 4 42,lma Vlco-Pres't. No. 01 Uroadway, N. Y. Bloomflold - Academy! An Eiiflish and Classical Schoot FOll LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Young Men Prepared For College. A Kormal Sihrtu and a Srlinol o f Art. FALL TERM COMMENCES On Moiuhnj, tho 20t nf Amjml, 1870. AStlie above school has recently been re-orgaii-l.ed, students can enter any time. Prof. WM. II. DILL, a graduate or Rutger's Col lege, N. J., Principal. The ( olleglale Dt pnrdneiit embraces all the higher blanches, Including the Latin and Greek Languages, Engineering, Practi cal Surveying, Literature, Natural Science and ad vanced Mathematics. Vacations: .luly and August, and one week at Christmas. Terms: For Hoarding. Furnished Room. Wash ing, Tuition iu Lat in, Greek, English ISranchcsand Mathematics, for the scholastic year, S1S0. in vacations. J-jno.OO. The Hoarding Department Is at the Institution, under the supervision of Wiliam Grier. Esq., by whom good and substantia! board will be fur nished : and the pupils will be under the strict caro of the Principal. Address W. H. DILL. A. M. Principal, or WILLIAM GKIEU. Utfl fNew liloo-nlield. Perry county, Ta. REAL ESTATE NOTICES. HOTEL STAND FOR SALE. A Hotel Stand having a GOOD RUN OF CUSTOM for sale. Apply to S. H. OALP.RATTH New llloomlleld, Pa. 4 41 tf VALUABLE . Farm at Private Sale, THE undersigned otters at private sale, a farm in Rye lowuship.Perry county, Pa., containing n i' a. o Tt it ss . The land is the best in the nighhorliood, with run ning water in every Held. Is under good fence, and has thereon erected a new Frame Dwelling House. There is also a thrifty Young ORCHARD on the place. This land lies along two public roads tlio Fishing Creek road and the Lamb's Gap road : tho last named divides the laud in two parts 3u'km the one sido and 'irM ou the other : on tho 20J; acre piece is a New Frame Dwelling House, und on the other a FRAME 22 x 28, erected for a house, w ith a never failing Spring of water. Tills land will be sold as a whole, or in two Tracts, to suit iiiirchasers. ijr-ir not sold at private sale before the LAST OF DECEMBER, this property will be sold at pub lic sale, at the Court House, in llloomlleld, on tho FIRST THURSDAY IN FEBRUARY, 1K71, at ono o'clock p. 111., of said day, when terms will bemads known. Persons desiring to purchase a farm will do well to examine this one before investing else- ' where, as it lies within four miles of Marysville, and the Pennsylvania Railroad one of the best markets in the county. -Further Information can bo had by ad dressing Dr. JOHN USAW, Jenner X Roads, 4 40 Somerset county, Fa. Ileal Estate, Insurance, AND CL-A.I3X AGENCY. LEWIS POTTER & CO., Heal Estate Brokers, Insurance, & Claim Agents Now JJloomlioll, Pn.( WE INVITE the attention of buyers and sell ers to the advantages we offer them iu pur chasing or disposing of real estate through our of llce. We have a very large list of desirable property, consisting of farms, town property, mills, store and tavern stands, and real estate of any descrip tion which we are prepared to oiler at great bar- fiains. We advertise our property very extensive y. and use all our efforts, skill, and dllligeuce to effect a sale. We make no charges unless tho property is sold while registered with us. We also draw up deeds, bonds, mortgages, andall legal pa pers at moderate rates. Some of the best, cheapest, and most reliable tire, life, and cattlo insuranco companies In the United States are represented at tills agency. Property insured either on the cash or mutual plan, and perietually at 84 and 5 per thousand. " Pensions, bounties, and ail kinds of war claims collected. There are thousands of soldiers and heirs of soldiers who are entitled to pensions and bounty, who have never made application. Sol diers, If you were wounded, ruptured, or contract ed a disease in the service from which you are dis abled, you are entitled to a pension. When widows of soldiers die or marry, the minor children are entitled to the pension. Parties having any business to transact In our line, are respectfully Invited to give us a call, as we are conlident we can render satisfaction in any branch of our business. -No charge for information. 4 2Uly LEWIS POTTER & CO. A Desirable Farm for Sale. "ITriLL be sold at o bargain, a FARM situated y In Centre township, about 2 miles North West of Uloomneld borough, containing lO ACRES, 37 well timbered, and the balance clear ed, and under a high state of cultivation. There are on the premises a LOG HOUSE, plastered, con taining 7 rooms j a good HANK BARN, a good SAW MILL and 2 LIME QUARRIES. 4T For further inl'orinatiou apply to C. A. BARNETT, Att'y-at-Law, New liloomtleld, Pa., Or on the premises to Mi s. Reukcca GuoK.j4368t WITH llliAUTIFUL ENGRAVING, 13 X 17 in. Ono year for 60 cent. Addrtu, ECHO, I'ort Kcyal, Pa, Clocks. Another new lot of 80 hour and 8 day Clocks just received by F. Mor timer & Co.New illooinflold. jmiss AiNNA AKISITRGER, a graduate or Esther Institute, Columbus, Ohio, teacher of Mu sic, Painting. Drawing, French and German. Every facility for the training of the youth of both sexes in all that constitutes a liberal and thorough