t l)c SEimes, Hew Bloomficto, JjJo. 7 Philadelphia Advertisements. Philadelphia Advertisements. Philadelphia Advertisements. Philadelphia Advertisements. BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. MILLER & ELDER, ISooIlscIIci's aisd Hlutioneirs, islaxk nuoc maxufa cturers. And Dealers in WINDOW CURTAINS AND No. Market Street, :!1 PHILADELPHIA, J'A. CHARLES 3IAGAHGE & CO., Wholesale Dealers 111 Paper, A&sxjg"!-. .&co.., Km. .TO, 32, ami 31, South Sixth Street, 111) LAB KLVIIIA, PA. ttU- Paper any Size, Weight, Color and Quality, made to order, at short notice. Kilyi'l SOWEil, BARNES & POTTS, ISiPoIi..sclici & ftintioasei'M, And Dealers in C U R TAIN AND WALL-PAPERS, Nos. 530 Market and 523 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 5- Publishers of Sanders' New Headers, and Drunks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of the United States, Felton's Outline Maps, &c. Always on hand, and made to Order. Sit rpiIIS FLUID is warranted EQUAL to Ahnold'b, L and is sold at iniieli less price. Tlie money w ill be refunded to those buying it, if it does nut prove entirely satisfactory. CO. For sale by F. Mortimer, New ll'.'joinlleld. MILLER Si ELDER, Sole Agents, 430 Market Street, -'3031 Philadelphia. Glass ami Quccnsioarc. A. L. Kauii J. E, FitEYSimis. 1AUSS & FiaYMIKE, iMfOllTEUS AND JOHHEKS OF China, G2- 1 n s AND QUEENSWA11E, 301 and 303, Cherry St., between Arch & Race, PHILADELPHIA. JD" Constantly on hand, Original Assorted Packages. 3. 9. ly 10 MISCELLANEOUS. PUMPS ! FU'II'S ! FOR PURE WATER, USE THE OKUIlUtATEI) Made of wild Cucumber wood, on .tirely tailflcsx, ilnrabic and ivIitViln; the j;ood old-fashioned wooden pump, made by machinery, and therefore . . ..f .....1 t.. ..II t I raising an e.pial amount of water, Wsbmb ViS ""d costing lesstlian half thi) nionev. W-JbH Uasily arranged so as to be noii ij M' ;! f!iiyl;j freene;, mid in construction sosiiu- ''I "J mm I' I I' li I1MII lil.V III til" ill ,111 111 Hill L-l. 'TiVtofcfefra i.i,. ti. mi ,,,. ...... i a .... i'r JfvH ' -in ri'imli: Afler thoroutii y f- I' f ""' il lr!al It Is aeknowleded tho Vf Best and Cheapest. jcTT ft : Vvl VIl.Mki'i'..5 li. iil.A H lll'I'Y, MANUl'ACTlllKli. C3-O!l'eo and Wiire-roum, N o. C24 and H-.M Filbert Street, I 1" tiinfll I'JIILAJJEJ'JUA, J'A. JBS-Tlnne Pumps can be ordered of tlin Manu facturer, or K. Mortimer & Co., New lllooiutleld. 'Hardware, A'c, 3j LL01D, KUITLEE, & WALTOX, WHOLESALE II A JU)WAIlEHOUS No. (!2") Market Street, Philadelphia. DRUGS, MEDICINES AND PAINTS. John Lucas & Co., Solo and Tin: only MANUFACTURERS OP THE IMPERIAL FRENCH, AND PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Pure White IiOl ami Colon MANUFACTURERS, Nos, 111 and in North Fourth St., Philadelphia. VRIGHT & SIDDALL, Wholesale Druggists AND UTCAbEHS IX Patent Medicines, 110 MARKET STREET, NEAR FRONT, Philadelphia, Pa. A FULL STOCK of everthing connected with tho business, of the best ipiality, and at very low prices. A good location for business, with a ow rent and light expenses, enables us to offer in ducements to buyers, and makes it worth their while to give us a trial. Philadelphia, 3. 8tf. KATES ItAEIOES 2 Saves Time I SAVES JZOKJBY! Ty-AINIMGHT it CO'S Labor-Saving Soap Will be found the best in use. AVith this Soap washing may bo done with half the labor reipiired when any other is used, and tho saving in wear to clothes is really astonishing. It will cost only Fif teen Cents to try it, and after that you will use no other. US. For sale by ail Grocers, and by F. Mortimer, New Rloonilleld, Pa. 317 "Worth its Weight in Gold! rjVIltt is what everybody who lias used it says of NliJillTSI!,M I.irvj'SJUEST. For liheumatic Pains It will give Instant relief and cllecta permanent cure in a short time. It Is also tho best remedy in the World for Cut -,, Sprains, Praises and Hums, and not only giving prompt relief from jtuln, but heals without leaviie; any scar. AH who have tried il, say no family should bo without it, for it is worth its weight iir Bold. C'A. Try a bottle of It ! No cure, No Pay. 317 ti. For sale by F. Mortimer & Co. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. WmA Wholesale ea!era In Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c, And a line assort ment of WoskI mad VVMlinv V'&pr, No. "I", North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Jiiiiimry 1, ISM. W. 11. I'irr.i:. W. A. Oiuhson. W. IT. J'll'IOIC OO.. MANUrACTl'ltKUS 01 Trunks, tVallcos, Travelling Bagc, UMQRCLLAS, kC, No. 10 North Fourth Street, (In Merchants' Hotel Ilulldlnt') 1 'HI LA I) EL 111 1 A . KOLII) SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS A SPE CIA1TV. 41lylU DRY COODS HOSIERY & NOTIONS John Shalnicr, Jr. K, S. Zlegler. Theo. liuinel SHAFFNEIl, Z1E0LEK & CO., Successors to SHAFFNER, Z1EGEER & CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, CSloves, Wuspt'iHies's, r nn e a b s, o o m n ,s, and every variety "of TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, Xo. North Fourth Street, PHI LAB EL PHI A, PA . Afentsfor Lancaster Combs. " BANCROFT "&Ca, Importers and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy BUY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimcres, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, Hosiery, &c, Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) B5iiI;E"4Ip55i;i. Hoots, Shoes, Hats and (Japs. F. I). Miller. T. ltickert. C. It. Miller. MILLER, ItlCKERT & CO., SUCCESSORS TO G UAYllILL & NKWCOMI-II, Manufacturers and "Wholesale Healers in HATS, CAPS, FURS, No. 33 ITorth Third Street, 2d Floor, PHILADELPHIA. 4 U ly 10 Y. F. KOIIIEES, JOBBEK IX Hats, Caps, Furs, AND o o 3. t 1 i 153 XOKTIl THIRD STREET, i 0 ly 10 PHILADELPHIA. W. W. Paul. I). J. Hoar. II. L. Hood. A. Trimble. WM. W. PAUL & CO. WHOLESALE BOOT A IT D SHOE WAREHOUSE, 0:)3 Market St. and C14 Commerce Street, Philadelphia, Pcnn'a. MtSCELLAMEOUS. JJKADHURY'H AND OTHER 'jniiior tt Farley's tuvl E. P. XeiiViaui 0 S!h' OmAm AND MBL0DE0ST0. WM. a. FISCHER, (li'nvml iiViotonc Arcnt, lulS Arch Street and 21 North Eleventh Street, 3 42Cm. PHILADELPHIA G. IF. It VSSELL, No. 22 North Sixth Street, opposite Commerce, PHILADELPHIA, Importer and Dealer in, FINE WATCHES, French and American Clocks, COLD JEV7ELHY AM) S I L V E E5 - W ARE. ).. Particular attention paid to Fine Watch and Clock Repairing. o-Ap;eiit for KT EVENS' PATENT TURRET CUK'K. the best and cheapest Turret Clock in the United States. )- iinpiiries by mail for information regardim? Clocks or Watches will bo cheerfully answered. Philadelphia, 101y WHOLESALE GROCERS TOBACCO SECARS &C. WIYI. H. KENNEDY, WITH Io3itiIiiII & Chandler, DEALERS I.N Tobacco, Segars, &c.9 No. 222 MARKET STREET, i'iiir.Aiiji,riiiA, i'A. 3" A full Stock of the Celebrated MoMTOit N'A vv, always on band. 1 32 lylo W. 13. METCALFE, "WITH James llusscl cV Co., Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco and Cigars, No. 11, South Frontifiircct, Philadelphia. 6Tr Agents for Celebrated Star Navy. 4 221y Thomas Eonn. A. J. McConkey. ROBB & IiicCONKEY, CoasaiCiiisslon ?le'elsniit$i, And 'Wholesale Dealers in LEAF AND MANUFACT UP.KD T08flOC08t8EOAB8tr$C No. l'J North Fifth Street, (lletwcen Market and Arch,) PHILADELPHIA, PA. lOlltf A. B. Cunningham. J. II. Lcwars. J. S.Glcim. Cunningham, Gleim & Co., Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco, Sogars, &c, NO. 4, NOKTII FIFTH STKEET, 32310 GROCERIES AMD PROVISIONS. Wliolesale )ealcrs in FISH, ClaOfriO AND Jrrovisions, 11-1 South Delaware Avenue, Below Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Collins, Ucddea & t'o's Cnnued Fruit t). lOlltf ti. B. HWEOK, WAINWniGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and Arch Street?, Philadelphia Pa W. A. At wood. Isaac W. Ranch. ATV00D, I1ANCK k CO., AND Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Pickled and Salt 1? I 3HL No. 210 North Wliarves, above Race Street, 3 10 OniG PHILADELPHIA, PA. PATTERSOM i NTLYJUW, AND C O M M I S S I O N M 12 K C II A N T S No. 120 ARCH STREET, Philadelphia. Jt'ir Tho sale of El'L'. Seeds, Grain and Wool, a specialty. u- Please send for a Circular. 4 138 HUM0B0US ITEMS. JC" To euro dcafnesss Tell a man you've come to pay him money. It beats ucoustic oil all hollow. JCST" They tell of a man out west whoso hair is fo red that ho has to wear fly-nets over his head to keep tho can dle moths from flying in. JC'-tf" Somebody having advertised that fluting would be nicely done, another somebody is out with a notice that filing will be executed at short notice. JJSJ"" A person in prison was asked by a friend what it was for. " For tolling lies! how is that?" demanded the other. " Why, telling people I would pay 'em, and not keepiug my word." 5?" " Conic, don't be proud," said a couple of silly young roystcrcrs to two gentlemen, ait down and make your selves our equals." "Vethould have to blow our brains out to do that," said one of them. Jt2 Boarding house- chicken-soup can bo made, it is 'said by hanging up a hen in the sun so that her shadow shall fall into a pot of salt and water. The only trouble is that on a cloudy day tho soup is liable to be weak. 53 In speaking of a l'riend who pos sesses a very rubicund countenance, soino one said the other day: " I don't think he drinks in fact, I know ho docs not for ho told rue so ; but ho probably sleeps in a bed with red curtains. Ifey" Two men by tho name of Beans were lately hung in the north of England. A countryman passing near and seeing the crowd, inquired what they were doing. 11 Only stringing a few lieans, was the reply. " Why," said Bob Pit tines to William Swipes, when he caught him kintr, "i thought you had signed the pledge." " So 1 have," said Swipes, " but all signs, you know, fail in dry weather." PST" A western editor accused another of having stolen his report at a meeting which was recognised by certain ear marks. The retort courteous is that the first editor "should tic his ears over the top of his head while writing, to keep them out of the ink-bottle." CSJrTho English is said to bo one of the most difficult languages for a foreign er to learn. Becently a foreign lady went to see a fine boy baby, and, in cu deavoiing to express her admiration, said : " Oh, my, what a nice fat babce '. How fat is he, don't he!"' JGSJ A new minister at New Bedford took a stroll before breakfast on tho first Sunday he was there, and after walking a dozen blocks was accosted by a shabby looking individual with : You needn't look any further ; there ain't a plaguey sa loon open." JCS5 l' Mother," said a little shaver, the other day " I know what I could do if I was at sea and the men were all starv ing, and they should draw lots to see who should bo killed and eaten, and it should be me I'd jump into tho water." "But," said tho mother, "they would fish you up." " No they wouldn't says tho boy, " I wouldu t bite. J5 A cabiu-boy on board a ship, the captain of which was a religious man, was culled up to be whipped for somo misde meanor. Little Jack went crying aud trembling, and said to the captain " Tray, sir, will you wait until I say my prayers t" " Yes," was the stern reply. " Well, then," replied Jack, looking up and smiling , triumphantly, " I'll say them when I get on shore." X-.vJ' Muggina was passing up tho street or.o day, with a friend, when ho observed a poor dog that bad been killed, lying in the gutter. Muggins paused, gazed intently at the defunct animal, and at last said : 'Here is another shipwreck." ' Shipwreck; where?" " There's a bark that's lost forever." His companion growled and passed on. tZST An old (.icrinan firmer, named Peter Mock, at a late court day at Gray son, Ky., was a party in a suit in which a jury had been impaneled. Tho judge asked Peter if he objected to any ono ou the jury. " Yes," said Peter earnestly " I object tor Pill l'ranklin." " Why Bill l'ranklin is not on tho jury," said tho judgo. "Veil, I don't care a taut chudgo ; I object tcr Pill Franklin on princiblo all der time." His objection couldn't bo considered under the circumstances. January 1, lSli'J.