43 Tuesday, October 2,5, JSITO. i OVAL JJ B VA It T M IS NT. OUR TERMS A rc One Dollar a Year in Advance I Persons who receive a paper with tills article marked, may know that they should mall or oth erwise send the subscription price. If they wish to eontiiiuo to receive Tie Tunes. CORRESPONDENTS will please hear in mind that, Idlers received laler than Saturdaycve ning, or the down mail on Monday morning have to lay over until the following week. Double Funeral. Oa Tuesday last Samuel MClintook, of Carroll twp., died juito suddenly from a paralytic stroke, and in half an hour afterwards his daughter Mrs. Btoner, died, both being buried to gether the day following. ew Tannery. Messrs. John A. Dcchlcl & Son, ol Philadelphia, havo bought land near the upper part of Newport, for tho pm-poso of erecting a largo Stcain Tannery. Tho buildings arc to be of stone with slate roof, ami of sufficient sizo to employ from thirty to forty men. Troublesome. We are asked for space to complain of tho conduct of tho boys, (some of them pretty largo boys too) around the church doors at tho closo of evcnijig meetings. YVo think tho better way to emedy the evil complained of, would bo to le t the law take hold of somo of them. One example of that kind, would stop all further trouble. Sad Accident. Early on Saturday morn ing, David Miller, a former resident of Duncannon, was injured so badly by being struck on the head with a picco of ma chinery at the Ilarrisburg Nail Works, that ho died in about an hour. His body was brought to Duncannon, and buried on Sun day. Tho funeral was attended by tho Odd Fellows and Masons, of which societies tho deceased was a member. Tho turnout was one of tho largest ever seen at a fu neral in this county, it being estimated that nearly threo thousand persons were pres ent, a special train consisting of nino well loaded cars having come up from Harris burg. . . . Yesterdity morning a married woman, named Bridget Madden, died suddenly at her residenco near the Loehiel Iron Works, , and under singular circumstances. It ap pears that for years she had been under medical treatment for a complaint with which sho suffered, but it was thought late ly sho was regaining her health. Monday night sho retired with her husband to bed, apparently well. During tho night ho awoke, and not finding her at his side, be came alarmed. Going to another room, he discovered her seated in a rocking chair, but cold and dead. Ilarrisburg Tel., of the lOft inst. Registered Letters. Tho Postmastcr Genoral has issued an order requiring tho naino and address of tho sender of a regis toretl letter or package to bo affixed to tho same, and in case of non-delivery, the regis tered letter or packago will bo returned di rect to tho office from which it is sent for delivery to tho sender, without, as now, being returned through tho Dead Letter Office. In case tho sender of a letter or packago thus returned cannot be found, it will then go to tho Dead Letter Office, and bo rated as otffiR.' mail matter. Jicwnort Items. Tho new M. E. Church was opened for services on Sunday quito a number of ministers from a distance par ticipating. Tho present Town Council descrvo much praise for the commendablo manner with which they havo pushed forward tho grading and paving of streets and side walks. Through their onergy, almost tho whole length of 2nd street has been paved on both sides, as well as extensive improve ments on all tho other streets. The P. . It. Co., have put new lloors in and new platform steps, etc., around their build ings. An Eastern firm havo purchased two acres of ground from Uolit. Taylor, at the west end of town, for the snug littles sum of $2300. Tho said firm intend starting an exten sive Tannery and Shoo and Hoot manufac tory. Tho buildings will bo constructed liro-proof and mostly of cut stone and briok. The sickly season has now passed, plenty and thrift aro seen cverywhoro, nil aro cheerful, and sickly countenances aro tho exception. Spkciat. Officers Elected at the October Election. Below wo give a list of officers elected in a portion of tho boroughs and townships of this county : Duncaknon. Burgess, Samuel Shcllcr ; Constable, John A. Shearer ; Council, Jas. Smith, Oliver Cummings, Adam Ilcckcrnel, P. F. Michencr.GcorgoPannell; Assessors, Sampson 8. King, Samuel II. Moses, Judgo of Election Andrew J. Jones ; In spectors Hobcrt Jones, liar. Kogcrs School Directors John A. CromlciRh, O. B. Ellis, A. Vanfosscn, John Jones, Joseph Swartz. Supervisors John Spahr. NEwroitT Burgess, John Sheets ; Coun cil IJ. F. Carpenter, I). W. Gantt, Win. M. llorting, John Fleisher ; Constable, Jonathan Allen ; Judgo of Election John S. Demarco ; Inspectors Wm. M. Wallace, M. L. ) lartzcll ; Assessor, Jackson Hhoads ; School Directors, E. B. Wise, P. B. Bcalor, John W. Kough, Solomon Low ; Justice of the Peace, Geo. W. Zinn. Lanjhsiiuro Burgess, Samuel Murray; Council, Wm. Power, Jas. A. Diven, Geo. Elickcr, Peter Bower; Constable, David Eaton ; Assessor, Lewis B. Kerr ; Judge of Elections, Henry Preisler; Inspectors, Peter Sheiblcy, Geo. S. Drexlcr; School Direc tors, Win. B. Linn, and between John A. Wilson and James Murray thero was a tie vote and tho board will havo to appoint. Bloomfi eld Burgess, F. B. Clouser; Council, J. 11. Shuler, Jacob Wagner, Jcssio L. Clouser, Conard Both, Hugh Campbell ; Constable, Lemuel Messimer ; A ssessor, Win. McKeo ; Judgo of Election, James Mcllhency ; Inspectors, Lemuel T. Sutch, James B. Clark ; School Directors, Wm. Bice ly, Wilson McKeo 3y, and thero being a tio voto between Thomas Sutch and J. G. Shatto, tho board will have to ap point one more director. Centre Constable, Gcorgo Eckert ; Supervisors, Jcssio Powell, Robert C. Clark ; Assessor, Joseph AV. Gantt ; Assis tants, Henry Myers, Richard L. Mageo ; Clerk, David Holmes ; Judgo of Election, Samuel Brown ; Inspectors, Philip Roth, John A. Fisher ; School Directors, John Ayle, Robert Neilsou. Carroll Constable, Bryan Gibney ; Supervisors David Fair, A. P. Smith ; As sessor, John McCord ; Assistants, AV. T. Dcwalt, Samuel Zcigler ; Clerk Jacob Zoigler ; Judgo of Election Carson Lackey ; Inspectors, A. S. Smith, Daniel Fuget ; School Directors, Joseph Stairs, Samuel B. Smith, J. P. Donley. Pknn Constable, Jacob Miller; Super visors, Win. Bosler, James Moore ; Asses sor, Henry Snyder, Assistants, Win. Taylor, David McCoy; Clerk, Andrew Boyd; Judgo of Eluctions, Jonathan Michener ; Inspectors, George Brunei-, Jacob Mutza baugh ; School Directors, James Morrison, Lewis Boycr, Joseph Discnger. Tho above aro copied from returns in the Prothonolary's Office, and if not cor rect is owing to errors of tho Election officers. Loesil Uriel". A small boy, named Lcsh, was badly in jured atMarysville on AVednesdnv last, bv bejng run over by a horse. XSpring township has in its limits, 288 Tamilies, 282 dwellings. 143 farms. 17estab lishments of productive industry, and 14U3 inhabitants. Tho deaths in tho township last year were only seventeen. Tho Gettysburg Railroad with all its fix tures has been sold to Jas. A. Townsend, of New Haven for $181,000. John Soulo, of Carroll twp., has raised a tomato vino this season which measures over fourteen feet in length. For Hand-bills,, or job work of any kind, go to tho Times Office. Our "Steam Power Press," will print a larger bill than any press in tho county. Six or seven persons boarding in the Blair county jail recently undertook to leave without observing tho proper formalities, which tho keeper discovered in timo to pre vent. Tho October term of Court for this coun ty, will commence next Monday. beveral of our correspondents havo not been heard lrom for somo weeks, we hope wiin mo cooi weainer tncy will recover their lost energies. Tho Steam saw mill of Bixler & Co., at Ilarrisburg, was burnt on Saturday night last. KCoi. ntrains 'ur Devil" enters up a conimtuut gainst cats, one Jiavmar tried to suck his breath a few nights since. AVo think ho is safe however as no ono cat could take all his breath. Carroll township has a felino curiosity. it being n cat having three spots tho sizo of a ciniiis Hand which aro of a dark red color The Engineer who was injured in tho re cent collision near York has since died of his injuries. Iwo Ilamsburgors had an election bet tho loser to wheel tho other tho length of Alarket stroet. AVhen the timo to nav tho bet came, his courage failed him and they i i .. -ii. i i . i - euiiiprouiiscu wmi two Kegs oi oeer. A man named Varley who has been be fore the court of Quarter Sessions on other occasions, shot and seriously wounded a uoatman, near tno Aqueduct, in tins coun ty, from Wilkosbarre, on, tho 15th inst, Tho cause was, that tho boatman was gath, ering nuts from a tree which Varloy claim ed ns his property. Varley is now in jail awaiting ins trial. For The Bloomfiehl Time). The Davenport Brothers in Carlisle. Mn. Editor Sir Having learned that tho Davenport Brothers were to give one of their remarkable seances in Carlisle, on Monday night, tho 17th inst., I mado it my business to go over, a distanco of twenty miles, to see what was to bo seen. Rhecm's Hall was filled with tho most intelligent citizens of Carlisle. Cols. Parker and Pax ton, both well-known gentlemen in Carlisle, wcro chosen by tho audience as a commit tee to tio the performers and watch their proceedings upon tho stage. Tho Brothers havo what they call a cabinet m which they perform most of the scenes. This cabinet was examined closely by tho committee, who reported that it was mado tight all around and had no machinery about it,, or place to enter except, at the doors in front. They found nothing in it but two violins, a rope, brass horn, and two lit tle bells, and tho audience could also sco in from their seats. Tho Brothers wcro then tied firnfly, both hands and feet, so that they could not get oil' their seats. Tho duors wcro closetl by the committee, tho gas turned down a little, and tho musical instruments began to trivo music, the brans horn flew out of tho win dow on to tho lloor, a hand was seen at tho window. Upon tho doors being opened, tho Brothers were found tied as before. One of the committee then entered the cab inet, and sat between tho Brothers with ono hand on each one, tho doors wcro closed. and immediately music was heard, bells raiiff, and a ijrent noiso went on in tho cab inet, but ns soon as light appeared, the doors new open, and tiio committco man camo out, and stated that ho had his hands on tho Brothers all the time and was surc,they did not move. He also stated that ho had been hit on tho head and face, and that his pockets had been fumbled". 1 ho doors were nsain closed, and in about one-and-a-half minutes, tho Brothers were untied, although tho committco had been engaged about live minutes at tieing them. Tho ropes were examined and found to bo just as before. They then entered tho cab- met again, and in about ten minutes after tho doors were closed, they Hew open, and tho Brothers wcro found to be tied as tight as before. A spoonful of flour was now placed in tho hands of each one, the gas turned down, and in less time than any person could ini tio them, the doors opened and tho Broth ers stepped out loose, with the Hour in their hands. They then gavo a dark seance. Tho committco tied ono of tho men in front of tho cabinet on a chair, with his hands behind his back, and then told him to tako oil his coat, which was done m an instant, with his hands remaining tied, tho coat was seen flying up in the air near tho ceil ing, and dropping down on tho floor. An other was then put on him,in an instantwith hands tied behind his back. Tho violins flew around over their heads giving music and other unexplainablo things. The cabinet was mado very much like a wardrobe. It would require too much space to give an account of all tho wonderful things performed by invisible agency, or as I presume spirit power. If tho committee or any others, who witnessed this seance, think they can tell how it was done by any other than spiritual or invisible power, I should like to havo them do it. AVill the committee pleaso give us a brief report of their opinion for tho Times t Note. AA'o give the letter of our cor respondent who evidently has "faith," but ns this class of performers have been proved on several occasions to bo perfect humbugs, and tho performers forced to leavo sudden ly, we givo them credit for being only too smart for the committee. Ed. For The Bloomfield Times. The Dedication or Trinity Reformed Church at Mnrysvillc, On Sunday, October lCth, took placo under auspicious circumstances. Tho day was delightful, tho attendance largo, and the services interesting and solemn. Hoavon smiled on tho occasion. Tho ministers present were, tho Pastor, Rev's. AV. D. C. Rodrock, AV. F. Collillower, S. E. Herring, H. Detwiler and G. Lightner. The church is neat, chasto and beautiful, located in tho centre of tho town, and is quite an orna ment, its dimensions aro 40 by 00 feet, wiin a ku loot coning, surmounted by a Gothic steeple 80 feet high. It will scat 380 persons, cost $4,000, which, with tho $750 raised at dedication, is nearly provided for. Nobly dono. God bless all who contributed to this good work. A. Church Notices, Presbyterian preaching in tho Court room next Mmday. rrayor-moeting will bo held on AVcdnesday evening in tho samo place. In tho Methodist church, prayer-meeting on Thursday evening. Preaching on Sun day evening at 7 o'clock, by Rev. AViii Shriber. In tho Reformed Church prayer meeting on Thursday evening. Preaching next Sab- uaui at iu a. in. Ballou's Maoazinb fob November. Wo nave received tho November number of Ballou'i Magazine, and have read it with Interest, as wo always do every month that iSallou is Issued. It Mas tho best variety ol contents of any niatr- azino In tho country. Its romances are always well written, Its Bca-storics such ns only truo- heartcd sailors can write, and all tho rcadlngls original and of the best quality. Thorenro 100 pages, 16 of thorn with Illustrated sublects,and ull for tho small sum of 15 cents, or tfl 50 per year. Great improvements are promised for tho coming ycur. All periodical depots sell llullou's. Thomes ifc Talbot, 03 Congress street, Boston, are tho publishers. I- 1ST OF PETIT JURORS drawn for October J Term, 1870. Tnscarora William Kreamcr, David White. Toboyne Robert JI. Campbell. Albert Wilhldc. Buffalo Jacob Crow, .lohn l'ottcr. Centre chas. (1. Vandcrau, John F. Avlo. W. K. Shnalt, Simon S. Clouser. Spring David W. Billnian. Liverpool township George E. Reaver, .lames "Whinners David Zarlng, John Hitting, Daniel Zarlng, Jonu Mengle, John L. Kline. Carroll Joseph Ensmlngcr, Samuel MeClintock. New Buffalo borough John Sheaflcr. Saville Philip Jacobs, George B. Hlicafler, Benl. F. Coller. J Madison Henry II. Bair, "William I.. Reale, John Arnold. Juniata William Arnold, Jacob S. Super, Henry Fickcs. Duncannon E. O. Irvine, John Harper. Rye Jacob Fortcnbaugh. I'enn Samuel Shull, Joseph Smith, Joseph Dels Inner, William Colcstock. Jackson Jacob Smith, 'William Knslow. Bloomticld Frederick Harnett. Landisburg Alexander Adams. Newport Andrew Fickes. Liverpool borough John C. "Wclrlck. ( ! rcc n wood William 1 1 a r ter . Millcrstown Jerome Laihr, Samuel Debray. Tyrone John Minieh, Jeremiah Keek. I' 1ST OF (iRAND JURORS drawn for October J Term, 1S70. Greenwood Simon H. Fry. George Wright, Jo seph Lelter, A brum AV. Long, Jackson Abraham Kinder, J. W. Shuman. J'cnn David Hrooks. Juniata Henry Zcigler. Liverpool borough Samuel M. Kinder. Saville Jeremiah Trestle, Roger Harklson. ISunalo James O. MeClintock, David Deekard, Henry Dunkle. David A. Zeigler. Spring W. It. Duin, Win. Sheiblcy. 'I uscarora John Yolin. Landisburg George S. Drexlcr. Rye Henry Seller. Liverpool townsliin .Tames O. Lindsnv. Kmnuel Haines. Madison Mathcw Dalton. Marysvlllc Wllliain R. AVctzler. Pennsylvania K. It. Time Table. NEAVPORT STATION. On and niter May 20. 1870. rasscmror trains will run as follows: WEST. JMttsb'R Expr's. (Flag)1.41 a. M. daily exe't Sunday. Way Passenger, 9.1: a. m., dailv except Monday, Mail 2.11 l'. m. daily except Sunday. A mixed t rain witli passenger car attached, will leave Ilarrisburg at 5 o'clock p. m., and Newport in u.4u p. in. EAST. Fast Line 4.10 A. M., daily except Monday. Ilarrisburg Aecoin. 11.31 A. M., daily ' Sunday. Mail, 7.D3 P. M., dailv except Sunday J. J. BARCLAY, Agent. DUNCANNON STATION. On and afterSunday, June 12th, 1870, trains will leave Duncannon, ns follows : EASTWARD. Fast Lino, (Flag) 4.35 a. m., dailv except Monday Ilarrisburg Accom. 12.04 v. M., daily " Sunday Mail 8.28 1. m.. daily " Sunday AVKSTWARD. Way Passenger, 8.33 a.m., daily except Monday Mail, 1.40 p. m dailyexccpt Sunday Thro' 1'ieiglit, l'ass. Car attached, 0.00 p. m. wm. c. iviMi, Agent County Price Current. I5I.00M field, October 2-3, 1870. Flax-Seed $2 00 Potatoes, 75 cents. Butter -tft pound, 28 " Eggs fl dozen, 22 " Dried Apples t pound 0 " Dried Peaches, 810ets.flft, Pealed Peaches 15 18 cts. " Cherries 0 0 cts. " " Pitted, 15 18 cts. " Blackberries, 8 10 cts. " Onions ?! bushel 75 " Corrected Weekly by Wm. Kough .Sous. Newpoht, October 25, 1S7U. Flour, Extra SO 00 Red Wheat 1 25 1 25 Ryo 75 Corn 75 75 Outs V 32 pounds 40 Clover Seed C 00 0 00 Timothy Seed 3 00 Flax Seed 1 75 Potatoes, 70 Ground Alumn Salt 2 25 Limeburncr's Coal, 2 40 Stovo Coal 5 0 00 Pea Coal 3 25 Smith Coal 25 cts. V bus. Cross Tics,8J4 feet long, 32 42 cents, Hackett In Altoona, on the 22d inst.. Mrs Sallio A. wife of Mr. George Haekett, formerly a resilient or tins oorougn. VALUABLE PROPERTY At Private Sale. rriHE subscriber offers at private sale his prop. . eny in nuvinu lowiisiiip, xerry eouniy, j'a., euiiuisiuig oi 71 ACltKS of Land, 35 Acres of which aro cleared, and well unproved Having ineruou a One and Half Story Log House, LOG BARN, and other out buildings, with a fins YOUNG vmuiiAiuj. xne uuuince oi me lamt is well tlm bored. Mir ror further Information address or apply to HENRY KLECKENER, i M Ickesburg, Perry county, Pa l'KOVIJDR FOll VOUU FAMILIES! Now York Lifo Benefit Association Onpitnl iMO(),000 I ORGANIZED under the Laws of the State of New York, Insures the lives of Its patrons at One-h'tJUi the Viorre of other Life Insurance Com panies, ah winning to insure their lives should send for our descriptive pamphlets, which we mail j' ice. Agenis, iooai nnu iiaveiung wanted. Rev. FkanoisC. Hill, J. Andkkw, Pres't. 4 42,lnui Vice-Pres't. ( No. 01 Broadway, N. Y. Clocks. Another now lot of 80 hour and 8 day Clocks just received by F. Moit timer & Co.New Illoomfleld. REAL ESTATE NOTICES. HOTEL STAND FOR SALE. Hotel Stand having a GOOD RUN OF CUSTOM for sale. Apply to S. H. GALBRAITH New Bloomticld, Ta. 4 41tf VALUABLE Farm at Private Sale. T HE undersigned oilers at private sale, a farm hi ije iimnsiiip.i eny eouiii v, l a., eoniaiuuig f T A. O 15 10 fS . The land Is the best In the nlgliborhood, with run- mk ,iu-r 1 1 1 every iiciii, is uimcr goon icnce, anil as thereon erected a new Friune IhveHins House. There Is also a thrifty Young ORCHARD on tho place. This land lies along two public roads the Mshing Creek road and the Lamb's Gup road : tho last, nanieil illvt.h.o tlw, l.niil .. .....,tu i,iy.. the one side and WS2 on the other: on the acre piece is a New Frame Dwelling House, and on the other it FRAME 22 x 28. erected for a house, w ith a never failing Spring of aiei. j in-, i.iiim win ne soni asawnoie, or uuwo raets, to suit purchasers. T r ii not sold at private sale before the LAST l." lii.ci-M m i; ii, fu ,v..i., i ;n i, .,,.1.1 i. OF 1 . ....... . ., , ., i i ,Hli mini ill if 1 1 u- icsale, at the Court House, in Ulnomlleld. on tho KIRST Tfll RSUAY IN 1-Ll'.liUARY, 1S71, at ono I'clock 11. 111., of Slltll dllV. ulieli li,m,uivlll l.'.i.wwl.i known. . Persons desiring to purchase a farm w ill do I'll til nv.miitm llilti .ii. 1...I..I-.. I.. I where, as it lies within -four miles of Marysvilie, nnu me j eiinsj ivaniii juuuoau one oi me uess markets in the county. MA- 1,'lirl linr iiifiit'MinlwiM n-iii ln l.ml 1... ml dressing Dr. JOHN VSAW, Jenner X Roads, 4 40 Somerset county, Pa. VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE THE undersigned, widow and heirs of John Kline, late of Junlmta twp., Perry County, Pa,, deceased, will ';ell at public sale.on the premises, on Saturday the 2iHh day o October. 1870. at 1 o'clock 11. m., of said day, the following described real es tate, late of the said John Kline deceased, to wit : Purpart No. 1, situated in Juniata two.. Perry coutnv. Pa.. hound. ed by lands of George Tilze!, William Kough, nev. jj. w. miner, ana others, and con til in nit 91 ACRES & 21 PL INCHES. The iinnrnvenienU nre n hvn stm-v frnmn wnfiilinp. boarded house, A LARGE BANK BARN, and completely of the most substantial eliaractei furnished. There Is also an APPLE ORCHARD on said farm, and a variety of other fruit trees. About 15 acres of the property is woodland. Well set in witli timber. Thei e is also a spring of good water, covenient to the house. Purpart No. 2, A Farm in Juniata Township, Perry County, Pa., adjoining lands of James B. Ramsey, Henry Fickes, Purpart No 1, and others, and containing 70 acres anil 12ii perches. About 10 acres of this property is good woodland. Tho laud is lu a high state of cultivation, is divided iu convenient fields, and under good fences, and Is well adapted to raising all klntla of rrttin. This property is located in one of the best neigh borhoods in Perry eouniy. and convenient to mar ket, places of public worship of all denominations, schools, stores, mills, Sc., and will be sold as a whole, or in parts to suit purchasers. WB. Conditions made known at sale by SAMUEL KLINE, HENRY KLINE, JACOB KLINE, MARTHA YOUN, ELIZABETH SHORTESS, CATHARINE KLINE, JANE KLINE. SARAH KEPNER. September 20, 1870. Ileal Estate, Insurance, AND LEVIS POTTER & CO., Heal Estate Brokers, Insurance, 4 Claim Agents TVew liloomliel!, J?n. "ITTE INVITE the attention of buyers and sell TT ers to the advantages we oiler them in pur chasing or disposing of real estate through our of fice. We have a very largo list of desirable property, consisting of farms, town property, mills, store and tavern stands, and real estate of any descrip tion which we are prepared to oiler ut great bar gains. We advertise our property very extensive ly, and use all our efforts, skill, and dilligenee to ellcct a sale. We niako no charges unless tho property is sold while registered with us. We also draw up deeds, bonds, mortgages, umlall legal pa pers at moderate rates. Some of tho best, cheapest, and most reliable fire, life, and cattle insurance companies Iu tho United States are represented at this agency. Property insured either on the cash or mutual plan, and perpetually at $4 and S.'i per thousand. Pensions, bounties, and all kinds of war claims collected. There aro thousands of soldiers and heirs of soldiers who are entitled to pensions and bounty, who havo never made application. Sol diers, if you were wounded, ruptured, or contract ed a disease In the service from which you are dis abled, you are entitled to a pension. When widows of soldiers dio or marry, the minor children are entitled to tho pension. Parties having any business to transact in our line, aro respectfully Invited to givo us a call, as we are eonllclent we can render satisfaction in any branch of our business. No charge for information. 4 201y LEWIS POTTER & CO. A Desirable Farm for Sale. ILL bo sold at a bargain, a FARM situated iu Centre townsliin. nbout 2 miles North West of Bloonitleld borough, containing; 104 ACH KM, 117 well timbered, and the balance clear ed, and under a high state of cultivation. There are on the premises a LOG HOUSE, plastered, con taining 7 rooms i a good BANK BARN, a good SAW MILL and 2 LIME QUARRIES. -For further information apply to. 0. A. BARNETT, Att'Slt-Law, New Blo()iiilild, Pa., Or on the premises to Mrs. Rebecca Giiofk. J4358t WITH heautiful engraving. 8 j 13X17 in. One year for W conti. AiMrest, ECHO, Port Royal, Fa,