4 & Ioomficlir imts. ADVERTISING! KATES I Transient 8 Cents per lino for one lnscrtlou. 13 " " two insertions 15 " " "three insertions. BubIucss Notices in Local Column 10 Cents per lino. ' Notices of Marriages or Deaths inserted free. Tributes of Itcspcct, &c, Ten cents per line. Obituary notices over live lines, 5 cents per line. YEARLY ADVETtTISEMKNTH. nc Square per year, including paper, $ 8 00 Two Squares per year, including paper, 12 00 Three Squares " " " 18 00 Four Squares " " " 20 00 Ten Lines Nonpareil or one Inch, is one square. NEW UL00MFIELD, I'ENN'A. Tuesday, October 2o, 1S70. Lancaster N. II., was treated to a snow storm on Wednesday last. Pardons have been gr.iuted to all the Fenian prisoners recently confined in the Auburn Prison except Gen. O'Neil, and it is expected that he will soon be liberated. Hon. Simon Cameron was stricken with paralysis on Friday last, at Balti more while on his way home from "Wash ington. A special train conveyed him l'roin Baltimore to Ilarrisburg. On Thursday Last quite a severe shock of an earthquake was felt in Ohio and extending fiom there in a north east erly course as fur us Quebec. At that city houses were rocked and chimneys Jell, while at other points between Cincin nati and Quebec, a similar effect was pro duced. The inhabitants in most of the towns along its course were much alarm ed and hastily ran to the streets. The shock lasted from 20 to oO seconds. Many business houses have been in the habit of having stamps printed upon (heir blanks for receipts, as well as upon their bank checks. The new law, upon going into effect, finds many firms with large stocks of these stamped receipts on hand. Application having been made to Commissioner Delano to know how these can bo used, he ordered that such stamp ed receipts may be exchanged for equal value in any denomination of internal stamps. The importance of every voter doing his duty ou election day is proved by tho close vote between the parties in several congressional districts. In the Six teenth District Cessna was beaten by thir teen votes; in tho Seventeenth, Morrill was defeated by eleven votes, and in the Eighteenth District Sherwood had only twenty-oHC majority; so that forty-five votes was tho total majority of three members of Congress. To bring the mat ter nearer home we find that in four in stances in this county there was no elec tion, owing to the candidates receiving a ' tie vote." Let uo man, hereafter, who has tho right to vote, neglect to peforni his duty, thinking one vote of no conse quence. Secretary Cox has resigned his position in the Cabinent. In his re tirement the Government loses a faith ful officer, whose only fault has been, a refusal to allow the department control led by him, to be prostituted to partizau uses, regardless of principles. lie refused to allow the clerks under his control to be assessed (only another expression for rolled) by tho party leaders, leaving tho matter optional with theui to give what they felt they could afford. This with the politicians was a mortal offence and nothing would satisfy them but placing some more pliable gentleman in charge of that department. In allowing a faithful office, to be crowded out for any such reason the President has sadly disappoin ted many who heretofore believed that he would regard the services of a faith ful officer as of more value than the good will of partisan politicians. flSrThe Miner's Journal states that on Friday last George Ilichmond, of Mount Carbon, a brakenian on tho shifting en gine " Shamokin," became engaged in an altercation with his mother about a gun, and after some words had been passed, George took tho piece across his knee and broke tho stock, after which ho took tho barrel and struck it over a stone for the purpose of further destroying the gun. Tho stroke caused the piece to discharge, the load taking effect in his person in such a way as to cause his death on Sat urday night. Terrible Scene In a Circus. Tho vicinity of Kingston, on the Hud son river, was lately visited by one of the most terrific thunderstorms on record. At the time 0. F. Bailey's & Co.'s circus was performing to a crowded audience. Outside were a largo number of people listening to the music. One squad of colored people were stationed under a tree near tho tent, as tho rain commenced to descend. They were making quite niciry, one especially, who was silting in his wagon, the horse being tied to the tree, lie shouted to passers-by, " Save vcr moncv, I'll irib yer ushow afore uiorn- in" Suddenly, one blinding sheet of flame lit up the entire scene, followed by a shriek of mmlal terror. The scene which then occurred inside the circus tent, bailies description. Pallid faces were everywhere, and a fearful panic was imminent, but the great presence of mind of Mr. Bailey, the proprietor of the cir cus, saved hundreds of lives. He shouted with all his might and main to tho audi ence, " Keep your seats" and called loud ly on the bund to play, while at the same time he urged the performing horses about the ring through the lakes of water, hoping thereby to attract the attention of the audience so as to save a rush and a consequent trampling to death, and well he succeeded. While all this was going on inside, the fatal shaft had done its work outside. The bolt appeared to come from the west or southwest, cutting a hole abxmt 12 feet through the top of tho main canvas, thence across an open space to the willow tree spoken of above, forty yards distant, shattering the tree, killing the horse which was tied to it, and knocking senseless tho driver, tear ing the soles from his boots, and singing his clothing. From thence it descended to the group of colored persons near the tree. Five were instantly killed struck down with smiles and jokes upon their lips. All were talking together. Jane Montayne was leaning against the tree, with her arms folded, listening to tho others. She fell with her arms folded, and they could hardly be pried apart. Elizabeth Newkiik was laughing and there was a smile upon her lips when she was picked up. Arthur Scot had one arm partially raised, and after death it was hard work to straighten it. Hun dreds in the tent were more or less in jured, many of them being paralyzed, and remaining so for several hours. The ani mals were terribly frightened, and made desperate efforts to get out of their cages. Editors mid Polities. Says the Louisville Courier-Journal : " The journalist who wants office mistakes his calling. An editor is himself an of ficial, occupying a very enviable position ; and his consequence is to be measured by that of his journal, great or small, as it may be. lie should require preferment only in his profession, which is a branch of the public service. But in order to bo a good journalist he must eschew cau cuses, committcesand conveutions,hc must hold himself aloof from cliques, he must beware of intrigue. His road lies straight before him. He must not become a party to personal local and nurty struggles only to be advised ns to what is going on ; and the more isolated he keeps himself, aud the moro disinterested he is, the better will he fulfil his mission as a faithful ser vant of the people. All the editors who have gone into politics have made mis takes, because journalism and office are at odds and a man must violate the one or the other, if he attempts to join the two." Accident anil Jutrrow Escape. On Friday evening last, Carrie B., daughter of Andrew Davenport, aged about three years, narrowly escaped seri ous injury, if not sudden death, iu Mon ioursvillo. She was going to tho pump when ono of the boards covering tho well tilted and Carrie fell to the bottom, a dis tance of about twenty-five feet. Mr. Jacob Schriner, who was but a short dis tance from tho pump, saw the child dis appear, and hastened to the spot, when ho immediately descended into the well and found the child had crept up tho wall several feet, and that she was very muchexfcausted. lie brought her out at once, and on examination she was found to bo somewhat bruised, but her injuries are very slight. Mlltonlav. JC2r A letter from Cleveland dated tho 18th inst., says: Tho storm of last uight was the most severe of the season, the wind blowing a huricano from N. W. Several vessels went ashore, aud the " Em ma Blake" went down with all on board. Tho " Many," of Detroit, was also lost with all on. board. Not less than six lives were lost by these disasters. Srft" About 4 o'clock on the 17th inst., as tho Pacific Express train which left New York on Saturday night, over tho Pennsylvania Central and Pittsburg and Chicago railways, reached a crossing about ten miles cast of Valparaiso, Indi ana, it was suddenly thrown from tho track by tho displacement of a rail, and the locomotive and a second-class passen ger car were precipitated down an em bankment about fifteen feet. The engineer, Samuel Schagle, and tho fireman, L. Hancock, were both buried under the engine. ' The engineer died in a few minutes after being rescued, and Hancock is so badly injured that ho can survive but a few hours at the most. The passengers in the second-class car were all more or less hurt, but none se riously. No one was injured in the first class or sleeping coaches. It is pretty certain that the accident was cause by the removal of a rail from tho track by a man living near, in revengo for the loss of a cow which had been killed by a train, aud for which the railroad company declined to pay. Frightful Affray IM ween Fire Men. A terrible and fatal affray occurred at Columbus, Ivy., ou the Dth inst. It ap pears that five men, who had a difficulty two weeks ago, met in the town and pro ceeded to settle matters in a free fight the result beiiii; as follows: Smith Gib' son stabbed twice and died instantly; Geo. Gibson stabbed dangerously ; Austin had his skull fractured by a club and will die ; Conrad shot and no hope of recov cry: Broeknian stabbed and terribly beaten, but taken home. The nature of the fight is shown by tho fact that all those engaged were horn dn combat in three minutes after the commencement of the affray. Cftir" 1 lie JJellelontc aliliman says that Mr. John H. Jacobs, of Snow Shoe, gunsmith, having repaired a gun that was ieit with linn, started to take it home to the owner, and thinking that he might see something to shoot on the way, took his own gun with him, loading them both. Ou the way he saw a squirrel run up a tree, and niacin" ono cuti on tho ground, with the muzzle leaning against his breast, fired at the squirrel, but while in the act the otlicr gun was accidentally discharged also, the contents entering the thick part of his left arm, from the effects ot which the untortunato man bled to death. He was buried on Saturday last Miscellaneous Ncays Items. ErSTHek Jones, of Northumberland, was killed iu the Nail Factory of that place last week. H3T"0n Monday morning last Mr. II Black shot and instantly killed W. V Mc Kary, Jr., in Cumberland, Md., for the seduction ot the iormer s sister. J3?John Miller, a farmer living near New Albany, Ind., is sufloring lrom a pc- culiar disease of tho throat that prevents liim from swallowing and ho is slowly star vingto death. US?" An Indiana young man, out hunting lately, fired into tho bushes and brought down his mother-in-law, who was seeking a stray clncken. 1 hat was making game ot the old lady. t3Tho Oakland, Michigan, county Sunday School association discussed and decided in the negative. " Is tho person fit to bo a Sunday school teacher who man ufactures and sells tobacco? " tW The bridge across the Mississippi, at Keokuk, will be completed in jNovembe It is of iron and is a,200 feet long. The 11 liuois, approach is 750 feet long, and tho Iowa approach COO. Ejs?" Williams, tho forger, while in jail at Pontiac, Michigan, altered a $1 bill into a $50, mado a $100 bill by altering a bill of a smaller denomination, and then tried to bnbo the jailor to let linn escape. ED' The oldest individual does not re member another year in Illinois like this for apples. Tho crop is abundant, and hence the price is low. Cider is also dirt cheap. Empty barrels aro in demand. 5? A terrific hurricane visited Cuba, on FViilnv l;iut.. wlupli w!i itnvf-.ieiiln.rltf knvoro in the neighborhood of Jlavana, by which iwn thousand nnlo urn l't'iinrtod Inst. many vessels, and an immense amount of other property. WOn Thursday last Mr. Biehard Web ster, an aged citizen of Downington, while attempting to cross tho railroad bridgo over tho Brandywino, foil through, striking his head on the stones below, from tho effects ot which lie died a lew hours alter. tW" A young man from the rural districts near San Francisco, last November, paid a visit to tho city to sco tho elephant, tot bo wildercd, fell into tho debris of tho sewers. was taken to tho lock up, mistaken for another, man aud sent to the Insane Asy lum at Stockton, where ho remained six months despite his protestations, when tho right man was discovered anil ho was re leased. tW On Sunday evening-, last, Mrs. Hall, of Selinsgrove, died suddenly of dropsy of tho heart. On Monday, Mr. Isaac Boyer, an aged citizen of Frccburg, and long a partner of Mr. Edward Bassler iu the mer cantile business, died suddenly on tho street. 1F John C. Nolen, who was shot, tho day following tho recent election in Phila delphia by ono ot tho return judges, lias since died. Wm. B. Mann, late District Attorney, has since been nrrcstod as acces sory on tho dying declaration of Nolen, and discharged after investigation. ZW John Koch, for several years past bar-tender at tho Mortimer House, Potts villo, went out gunning on Friday last, and in the evening came homo in a delirious state. Ho linsrcred and raved until Satur day night, when ho died, but tho cause of his death is a mystery. ZW Pottsville can bo set, down as the wickedest town in Pennsylvania. In that place they have had one man murdered, lour shot and wounded, one wile heating, ono suicide, an elopement, a woman out raged, and any quantity ol minor crimes to record within a week. IW Advices from China state that tho uneasiness among loronrnors is increasing. Mr. Hart and family have withdrawn from Pekin, and others arc likely to follow. Tho conduct of Minister Low, who has resided in tho hills since the massacre, and of Mr. Wade, who has never been at l'ekin more than forty-eight hours at a time, is severely commented on. EST A party of United States revenue of ficers made a descent on John, Gorman's still, in Dickinson's alley, Brooklyn, and began to demolish it, when they were set upon by a gang of roughs, who assaulted them with bricks and stones. The ollicers retaliated by firing their revolvers into the crowd, seriously wounding one of tho ring leaders, named John Kane. Ho was borne to his residence in York street, and the trouble ceased. tW Alady living in the suburbs of Fhila. near Cohocksink creek, mado the following curious statement to tho authorities last week. "I saw a man about five feet and ten inches high, light complexion and sandy whiskers drive by my house in what looked like a doctor's carriage Ho drove down to the creek bank and threw something in. After he left 1 proceeded to the spot, and fished out a cigar box which ou being opened contained a new born infant. I placed tho child in the hands of Ollicer Knoor, of the Twclvth District Police, who took it to the station house, wlicro it died about nine o'clock." The whole affair is involved in mystery. Cl?As a blood cleanser and purifier nothing equals Dr. Pierces Alterativo Ex tract or Golden Medical Discovery. It cures Pimples on tho face, Eruptions, Blotches, Scrofulous Diseases and all sores arising from impure blood. Sold by drug gists or send thrco dollars and twenty-live cents to Dr. K. V . Pierce, lsultalo, jn l ., and get three bottles freo of express charges. JSTM. W. Jacobus, D. D., Commen tator and Professor in Theological Seminary, Pa., says of "Our Father's House :" The topics are fresh and suggestive : tho stylo is highly cultivated and ornate: the oooic is laseiiiatnig, instructive and elevating., Sec advertisement in another column And as for beauty, there is nothing to compare with Wanamakcr & Brown's Summer Suits. Tho prices rango from $4.00 up, and aro all warranted tho very lowest in the market. To Blacksmiths. Thoso wanting tho best Quality of Too and Blister Steel, can purchase it at low prices of F. Mortimer & Co. EltltOltS OIi" YOUTH. A gentleman who Buffered1 for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will, for tho sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, tho recipe and direction for making and using tho simple remedy by which lie was cur ed. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertis er's experience can do bo by nil dressing, in per fect confidence, JOHN H. OGDKN, ' ly 4 41, a. No. -PJ Cedar St., N. V. SIM'X'IAI, NOTICE TO CAltPENTEItS. Proposals sealed or otherwise, will bo received up to Nov. 1st, 1S7II. forthe const ruction of a Frame Church 10 by W feet, for tho Reformed Congre gation at Ickcsburg. For further particulars call on or address PETER SWARTZ, Chairman of building Committee, k'KESllCllU,4'A. 12?" The Five Dollar Sewing Machine pur chased by me, January, lSufi, from tho Family Hewing niachlno Company, 80 Nussan-Strcct, N. Y., has been in almost constant uso ever since. It has not been out of order once, lias cost nothing for repairs, and 1 find it simple and reliable in operation, and always ready to sew. Those friends of niiuo who use them with the new Improvements aro very much pleased.. The ono I have I would not part with. MRS. ANN W. CUT1IBUKT. 4.41.3m. 421 West DGth-Strcet, New-York TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tho advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make-known to liis fellow Butl'ercrs the means of cure. To all who desiro it, ho will send a copy of tho pre scription used, (free of charge), with tho di rections for preparing and using tlicsanio,wliicli they will find a Biiro euro for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, ovc. Parties wishing the prescription will please address ltcv. EDWARD A. WILSON, No. 4'S Cedar W., Now York. Iy4 41,n. $5 FIRST PREMIUM IMPHOVED FAMILY $5 SEWING MACHINE. S12.50 clear profit per day. 875 per week. !300 per month made easy by unv lady or gentleman introducing this Genuine mid Original Old Favor ite. With its many new and practical addition, making the most eoniplcto combination of valua ble and useful Improvement!) ever effected in any one machine. The embodiment of extreme sim plicity, elliblcncy and utility, entirely different in model and design from any low priced machine. It In the most serviceable, elegant and reliable Family Hewing Machine ever invented, gives per fect satisfaction wherever Introduced, lias re ceived Premium. Wood flic test of ten years, and Is fulls approved of by every family who nave them In use. Is noiseless, makes tho strong and beauti ful Elastic Lock Mitch, with wonderful rapidity and certain tv. Hews anything a needle will go through, from the lincst, to the thickest fabric.llrin ami neat, with ease. Uses all kinds of silk or thread direct from the spool; is improved with new anil self-acting feed, spring tension, sell-gulder, and uses tho adjustable straight needle, perpen dicular motion, with powerful lever action, l'os scsses all tile good qualities of 1 lie best high-priced machines condensed, without their complications or faults, Nil tuples of sewing sent free on receipt of stamp. For certificate, "&c., sco Descriptive j ainiiiuers, maiieti nee. a inorougu practical sewing machine for family use Trihitnc A very st rong.rellable machine, at a low price. Standard. This beautiful sewing machine is one of the most ingenious pieces oi mechanism ever invented. Democrat, (ia. Worth many times Its cost to any family. JV. '. H'ecW. Jt is quite a new machine with Its many late Improvements, and sews with astonishing case, rapidity and neatness. rpnl- t, N- . Mingle machines, as samples selected Willi care, lor lampy use, wnii every tiling com plete, sent to any part of the country per express, packed in strong wooden box, free, on receipt of irice, .iuu. roue ueiivery oi goons guavaiuccti. It'iit-wnril cash bv registered letter, or 1. O. moncv order, at our risk. Agents wanted, male or female everywhere, itew panipeitus containing extra liberal inducements, sent free. Address Family Sewing Machine Co., OIllco S Nassau Street, Mew York. $? JI "5 "9 9 lil f $ f i gyo October i gyo A Splendid Assortment of RY- GOODS, Suitable for the Season arc now for Sale by tho Subscribers, A.r.r LOW PltlCKS! OVK stock or F L A N N E L S Will be found the most com plete of any in the County. Also, A Splendid Assortment of Cloths, FOR FALL AND WINTER. F. MORTIMER & CO., XEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. Use the Eed Horse Powders. HOltSKS CUltKD OK GLANDERS. Aaron Hnviler. I'. S. Assistant Assessor, Mount Aetna, Pa. C. Haeon, Livery Stable, iSunbury, Pa. Horses Cured of Founder. Wolf & Wilhchn, Danvillo, l'a. A. Hills, Merchant, Washington ville, Pa. A. Slonaker, Jersey. torso Cured of Lung Fever. Hess & Brother, Lewisburg, Pa. Horse Cured of Colic Thomas Cllngan, Union County, Pa. Hogs Cured of Cholera. II. Hair, II. & A. Citdwallader. Cows Cured. Dr. J. M. M'Clccry, II. MoCorinlck, Milton, Pa. Chickens Cured of Cholera and finpes. Dr. V. (. Davis, Dr. D. T.Krcbs, C. W. Sticker, John ami James Finney. Hundreds more could be cited whose Stock was saved. German and English Directions. Prepared by CYRUS HUOWN.I Druggist, Chemist and Horseman, 4 41 Jilltou, Pa., Northumberland eo Pa. .. . Use Dr. Frederick's L i (j lit n 1 n (j lie I i ef, THE tVSEDEGAL WONDER ! Cures all Pains and Aches In from 1 to 10 Minutes. Hold bv Druggists and Country Store Keep ers, and F. MORTIMER &t!0.. New liloomlleltl. Pa. .1. L. SINGER & CO., Wholesale Agents, Newport, Perry County, Pa. PKIC'E 50 CENTS PEH HOTTLE. 4 11 JAMES 33. CLASK, MANTTAt TrUKlt AND WSA.I.E11 IN Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron "Ware New Blooiufleld, Perry co., Pa., K EEPS constantly ou hand every article usually . kept In a first-class establishment. All the latest styles and most Improved Parlor imf Ulliilien N4ovis, TO 11URN EITHER COAL OR WOOD! Ms, Spouting and Roofing put up In tho most durable manlier and at reasonable prices. Call and examine his stock. 3 1 Tailoring. Having engaged the services of a competent man, the undersigned are now prepared to furnish suits to order, or make and trim any work which may be sent in. F. Mor timer & Co.