7 Ph'Jartel oti i a A1 vci-t i-ciucn : s. PIiil.Mictyliia Advertisements. IIU MO ROUS IT EMC. BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. M .' LI. .Gft- & ELDER, I2utMljk'.t mid Sintiouevti9 ULAXiC r.OOK MA .V 0 f'ACTUPER. And Dc.'c s in WINDOW ;UfITAIMS ' AND Xo. -l;'t), J.irl:ct SU'cci, "I PHILADELPHIA, I'A. CimiL!'-S 3LVAnG!3 & 0., WlioU- ;,ile Dc:ik-,s in No-'. 83. 32, and .",!. rioti.li !v.,h Street, "i'Hj. i d:.lj';ii.) pa. It 'A. T':no.- stiiy Ki..e. Wei'-hlt Color and Ojinliiv. made to order, :il hIk. t notice. i'Jlyl'l f SOWER, UABXJ-JS & POTTS, BoatotpSlero & Hiatlonens, Anil Dealers in CURTAIN AND iVAhL-lAPr:n- -Noi. o.'!0 .Uar'.et a-ni oil M'lior Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 5- Publishers in" .S.iiidcs' New Headers, and l.roo s' Arithmetics. Also, liobert's Jlistorv of n I, A 7i E IS O IC Always ; hand, .hid ai.ido to Order. Clt JLttttfSMA'tf rp.Ils . ,l i n is wan-anted EQUAL to Aknold'h, JL and is sold at niiteli less price. The money will bo refunded to Hi. .so buying it, ir it does not prove entirely satisfactory. K.. l or sale by F. Aloriiincr, New Kloonilield. M1LLEII &. ELDKll, Hole Agents, MO .Market Street, Philadelphia. CI lass and Quecnsirare. A. L. Kalb ,T. E. Fkevmire. KAl'B & ESlfiEJK, iMl'OKTEItS AND JOlillEUS OF O Hi i ii si , tj3- J a s s AND QUEENSWA11E, '501 and 303, Cherry St., between Arch & Race, PHILADELPHIA. ID"Coti8tantly on hand, Original Assorted Packages. a. 9. ly 10 MISCELLANEOUS. PUMPS ! PUMPS ! FOlt I'l'lilS WATFU, USK THE CELEBRATED Made of wiM (Mieniiiber wood, on- P"'--'.T i ........ -io ..,... irituHK , t he good old-fashioned wooden pump. iiiioiu oy iinieiiiiieiy, alio i nereiorci ixn-leet and iieenrato In all its parts, I'.iiuiiw. .in .w.ii-.i ....I. .....i ... ......... ..I, i .i,ti niiiiiiiiii. in mtit'i, i'i;l i, pSi'M I'-"'"'?' arranged so as to he non- .-f IllJa iieeIng, and in (ronstrnetion sosnn- ifti l i Pieinaioi.voiifl ; wf unit 'f"t: i"Ut- 'pe'' H '""'. After thorougli 41' j 'il il'iul il ls iicltiiwUtl;sfl the ItwX'J est anc' Cheapest. CIIAUI.KS G. 1JI.ATCHLKY. i i'itf AlANUEACTUUF.lt. TS-Olllce and Wai'e-rooin, Nos. 04 and (iJii Filheit Street, 1 15 Hindi I'UlLADKLl'JllA, PA. STliesf rumps ean ho ordered of the Maim laeturer, or F. Mortimer & Co.. New ISlooinlleld. Hardware, dc. LL0TD, SUPPLEE, & WALT0X, WHOLESALE ii i u f Aivu uv.;i.-jrj No. C2" Market Ktreet. IMiiliulolpIiia. DRUC3, MEDICINES AND PAINTS. John Lucas & ""Co., Sole and Till: ONLY f MANCFACTntF.PS OF Tin: IMPERIAL FRENCH, PURE S Y I S 5 G R E E N , A1.no, Pure MAycrAcrrjucnx, No.-i, Ill and J I;! North Fourth S?.. Philadelphia. WRIGHT & SIDDALL, Wholcula Druggists AM) llJi.M, lilts IN Patent Medicine? 110 JlAHKET STIJEET, InEAR FKOXT, Philadelphia, Pa. AFFIX STOCK of everliiinn eonneeted wiih the business, of the best quality, and at very low prices. A good ineaiion fo,' b;is;ness, vvitli a ov rent a-ul !'!it eienes, enables ns jo offer In- dneenieiiis to buyers, and makes it worth their while to give ns a t ria'. riii'adeb.ihia, 3. Sif. HAVIM IjAHOJft I SJsevca Tissi I HAYES 3IOSFA' j "Y7-aNi:k;ht & cxrs LaTjor-Saving Soap AVill be found the best in use. AVitli this Soap washing may be done with half the labor required when any oilier is used, and the saving in wear to elotlies is really astonishing. It will eost only Fif teen Cents to try it, and after that yon will use no other. 0?U For sale by all (,'roeers, and by X'. Mortimer, New ISlooinlleld, Fa. ,"17 Worth its Weight in Gold! rrillis is what everybody who has used it says of For lilienmatic Fains It will give instant relief and etleeta permanent enre in a short time. It Is also the best remedy in I lie World for Cuts, Sprains, ISrnlses and ISnrns, and not only giving prompt relief from pain, but heals without leaving any sear. All who have tried it, say no family should be without it, for it is worth its weight In gold. 8- Try a bottle of it ! No cure, No Fay. SI" Bit. For sale by F. Mortimer & Co. VOOD AND WILLOW WARE. OEMYlSBIil. & CO., AVholesalc Dealers in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c, And a line assortment of Wood anil Willow Wave, No. 343, North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. January 1, 180(1. W. 11. IMi'Eii. -W. a. OnmsoN. w. ii. iiiit:ifc co., MANUFACTl'HEltS OF Trunks, Valises, Travelling Bags, UMBRELLAS, &C, Xo. 40 North Fourth Street, (In Merchants' Hotel Building) rUILAniSLl'IIIA . 4. SOLID SOI.K I.KATIIKlt TKKVKS A KPif. CIA1TY. 4181V 10 4 mm PIi Had el nlu a A d ve rt i: cm c it s. DRY COODS HOSIERY & NOTIONS John Shaffner, Jr. E. S. Zicyler. Theo. Itmnel SIIAFFNUn, zflXJLEIl & CO., SlUCC-sors fo SIIAFKXKK, 7AV.VAAAI & CO., Importers anil Healers in r i? A'.i ; a-, r o m-h s, and every variety oi TRinMIKGS A "fancy goods, No. North Fonrtli Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Atcuts for .Lancaster Combs. BARCROFT & CO., Importers una Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DI1Y - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Blankets, Linens, White Good;, Hosiery,., Nos. 405 and 407 M A It Iv FT STI! F.ET, (Ahovo ror.rlli, North Side,) Hoots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. V. D. MiMer. T. Itickert. C. If. Miller. MILLER, RICHER1? Zz CO., SUCCESSORS TO (UtAVnilJ. & N i:y,com Elt, Sraiiufi'.utit',ei-s and Wuolesale Deads in HATS, CAPS, FURS, ITo. 340 North. Third Street, 2i Floor, PHILADELPHIA. 4 Illy 10 J013BEU IN J 4Ti -IJ S "r a B 1 n T n Li' -rt im ci A N I) tJ t 1 I I W G- O O Cl !S lo:; NO.ITIi T1IIUD STKEET, SOlylO PtIILADELPIlIA. W. W. Paul. I). J. Hoar. II. I,. Hood. A. Trimble. WM. W. PAUL & CO. WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 023 Market St. and C14 Commerces Street, Philadelphia, Pcnn'tf . MISCELLANEOUS. JJUAimUiVS AND OTHER SL I A S OS. ?( 'lor .0 K .-ley's and l. P. At'2',i;i .i- Son's OSGANS AND MEL0DS0SI5. (Jmwrul Wi ' olenalo Aicnl, 1018 A L'tu Si.eet and 21 No. th Eleventh Street, 2 41S. PDtLAOiiL PUJA a. w. irtssFLL, No. 22 North bl.vh Street, opjio'oc Commerce, PHI L ADELPUTA , Importer and Healer in FINE WATCHES, French and American Clocks, GOLD JEW3LRY AM) SILVER-WARE. TO.rnraruhf attention jiaid to Fine AVateli and Clock iiupuli'iii.'i. W- Agent for HTKVENS' PATENT Tl'HUKT Cl.CMJK. the best and cheapest. Turiei Clock in the United Slates. i- Inquiries by mail for Information regarding Clocks or Watches will be cheerfully answered. Philadelphia, .ilOly GROCERS PJiMi'(1c'i't.i AdvevlLenieiits. TOBACCO SECARS &.C. WM, I!. KENNEDY, VJTII Tobacco, Scfjars, tVc.? No. 2"2 MAKKKT STliKKT, PIMI.ADr.I.PlIIA, I'A. IT-A full Sloel; of Hie Celebrated Monitor N .v VY, always on hand.. 4 ,o2 lylu W. B. METCALFE, V.ITII . Jamcu liusscl $; Co., WilOLESALB De.U.KIJS IN Tobacco and' Cigars, -."o. 11 , Houih Front Street, Philadelphia. HJi- Agents for Celebrated Star Navy. 4 22 1 y Thomas I!or,i;. A. J. SrcCoNKKY. SOBB & T-IcCONEEY, And AVholesule Dealers in I.EAf AND MANFI'ACTUPKI) T0BAGG0StEGfln8tC Xo. Xoi-tli Filth Street, ("ctween Market and Artli,) I'JlILA DELPHI A , PA. lontt A. B. C'unningliaii). ,T. II. Lewar. J. S.Gleim. Cunningham, Gleim & Co., "Wholesale Deai.eks iv Tobacco, Scgars, &c, NO. 4, NOltTIt IT1-TII OTItlCET, PSffH.A3PSIA. CKOCSRIES AND PROVISIONS. Wholesale Dealers iii F I Sli, AND 114 South I'ehuviiie Avenue, ttelow Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Collins, (Wiles & Co's Canned Fruits. loiur W. IE. TAYIjOK, with WAINWIIIGIIT & CO. VH0LESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North E'ast Corner of 2nd and Arch Street?, Philadelphia Pa W. A. Atwood.- Isaac W. Kanck. ATWOOD, KANCK & CO., 4'oiiiiiiissioii Ivrcliaiijs, AND Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Pickled and Salt 'F i sh, No. 210 North Wharves, above ltaee Street, 3 40 Cms PHILADELPHIA, PA. PATTERSON & NEWLIN, Wliolosailc rot'4rs, AND C O M M 1 S S I O N M E R C II A N T S No. 120 AliCH ST11EET, ritiladelphia. V The sale of Efgs, Seeds, Grain and Wool, a specialty. l'lea- send for a ClrcnUr. i 138 i teuT" 1j.Y a singular coincidence, young j George Wusliinpton's unwillingiicfs to ! lie, !ind old lien's readiness to lay both Imvc hoincdiing to do with a little hatch it. ; Tlio following was found posted on ! (ho wall of it countrv nost nffieo : " Lost i - - - a red knt. lie liud a white epot on one of his behind leggs. lie was a she kat. I will give three nhillings to everiboddi to bring him hotn." Wi,?" A Sun Frnnci.sco paper fay a thnt a cat got into George i'raucis Train's bedroom, and tried to suck his breath not knowing who he was." It was the last of that cat. It died blown up with wind like a balloon ; and Train didn't miss it at all. .'" A young gentleman having called in his physician, said, " Nov,-, sir, I wish no move trifling. My desire is, that you at once strike at the root of my disease !" -It shall be done," replied the doctor; and lifting his cane, he smashed the decanter, which stood on the b-ble. '2"ATti KR wkak "Sir," said the as t:iiislicd landlady to a traveler, who had j.ust sent his cup forward the seventh time, '. you must be very fond of coU'ee." " Yes, madam, I am," he replied, "or I never should have drauk so nutch water to get a little." KV" " How is it my dear, that you have never kindled a Hume in the bosom 1 it-man said tin old ladv to her nvet. ':y niece, who was portionless. ' 1 lie reason near, replied the young ly, " is as you well know, that f uin not a good match." r..-l)"A party of belated gentlemen, about a certain hour, began to think of home, and their wives' displeasure and urge a departure. "Xever mind," said one of the guest, ' fifteen minutes will make no diili:icnce ; my wife is as mad now as she can bo." tO1 At a vet-cut wedding the bride groom, being an officer, wore his side arms at the nuptials. A little wide awake brother of the bride, was attracted by the display of weapons, and as ho has another sister, whose true love" is a car penter, he boldly inquired, " Jlay, when Jenkins comes to marry JJilly, will he wear his saw by his side V A Quaker, traveling 6n one of Augusta's bad roads, a hort time ago, and hearing a man swear at a particular ly bad piece of road said ; li IVieud I am under great obligation to thee. I would myself have done what thou has dono but my religion forbids me. Don't let my conscience, however bridle thee; give thy indignation wings, and suiTcr uot the prejudice of others to paralyze the tongue of justice and long suffering yea, verily." KS At a station on the overland route the keeper got rather short of provisions in fact, had nothing left but a bottle of mustard and some bacon. As the stage stopped there one day to chango horses the passengers seated themselves at tho table, and the host said " Shall I help you to a piece of ba con " iSro, thank you ; I never eat bacon," said one traveller. " Well, then," said the station keeper "help yourself to the mustard!" JCSy-A gentleman driving up to a country inn, accosted a youth thusly : :i My lad, extricate my quadruped from the vehicle, stabulate him, donato to him a sufficient supply of nutritious aliment, and when the aurora of morn shall again illuminate tho oriental horizon, I "will award you a pecuniary compensation for your ainiable hospitality." The boy becoming puzzled, and not comprehending the gentleman's high sounding effusion, ran to tho house and exclaimed : " Daddy, there is a Dutchman out here who wants lager beer." BQT" Will you do me a favor '(" says young Drooks to his wealthy friend, Simon Hanson. " What is it George V says Hanson. " I wish you would lend 1110 a hundred dollars, sir." "Call at my counting house" rejoined Hanson. George was not long in paying his respects. " What security can you give me, young geutlcman V " iMy personal security, sir." " Very well, get in hero," says Ilansou lifting up the lid of a large iron chest. " Get in hero 1" exclaimed George, in astonishment; "what for?" " Why, this is where I always keep my personal securities."