The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, October 18, 1870, Page 5, Image 5

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    ftljc times, New Bloomficfo, pn.
Tuesday, October 18, 1870.
L O CA L DEI' A It T M 11 2? T.
Are One Dollar a Year in Advance!
Persons who receive a paper with this article,
marked, may know that they should mail nrolh
erwise send the subscription price, if they wish to
continue to receive Tlie Times.
CORRESPONDENTS will please bear in
mind that letters received later than Satuidaycve
ning, or the down mail on Monday morning have
to lay over until the following week.
Having made great improvements in our
office, adding a Steam Power Press and a
S'ood Engine, which will enable, ns to print
a larger paper and with great ease and ra
pidity, we have determined to again add to
tho size of tlio paper wo use. This
change will go into effect with tho com
mencement of our next volumes, and tho
nioomfield Timet will thon ho tho largest
paper published in tho county. Wo have
not yet decided upon the subscription price,
but whether that is raised or not, wo make
tho following liberal offer. To call new sub
scribers who get their names on our sub
scription list, and all old subscribers who
renew their subscription before tho change
in size, is made, wo agree to send the Times
In making this offer it may bo proper for
us to state that wo shall continue to pub
lish au Independent Family Journal, devo
ted to tho interest of no party or faction.
We shall always give a complete record of
local and miscellaneous news, and such a va
riety of other reading matter that the Times
will be a welcome visitor in every family.
No name will bo placed in our list except
the subscription is prepaid.
Robert Doidge, has an English letter
awaiting him at this Post Oflice.
A Surprise. It is hard to tell which
party was tho most surprised at tho result
of tho Election in this county.
lobbery. On Wednesday night last, wo
learn that some person entered tho store
of Wm. Baker, at Donnelly's Mills and
robbed it of some articles.
Drowned. Henry Kcaner who has a wife
and three childron residing in Harrisburg,
was found drowned in tho canal near
Dauphin, on Wednesday last.
Hiitid Hurt. Charles Clark, a young
man employed in this office, got his hand
badly hurt on Saturday last, by having it
caught in our power press. Though a very
ugly and painful wound, Dr. Sweeney who
dressed it, thinks no bones were broken.
Tie Totes. In this borough Thos. Sutch,
and John G. Shatto, candidates for School
Directors had a ti3 vote.
In Spring Twp., John Kistler and Wm.
Kerne also "tied" on tho voto for Super
visor. Tlio Factory of Messrs. Stevens & Co.,
of Boston, makers of the town clock in this
borough, was totally destroyed by firo one
night last week. Two clocks packed ready
to ship and all their tools machinery and
patterns were burned, inflicting a very se
rious loss.
Suicide. Andrew Knurr, miller, com
mitted suieido at Boyd's mill, in Rush
tp., Northumberland Co., on tho 21st tilt.
When no person was near ho went into the
mill and procured a gun and placing tho
muzzlo to his forehead, touched oil' tho
trigger with a stick ho had prepared for
tho purpose, aud the whole load passod
through his head, killing him instantly.
Frccburg Courier.
yCA. Narrow Escape. On Monday night
of last week, tho brick building occupied
by Capt. B. F. Miller, in Newport, had a
narrow escape from destruction by lire,
owing to a lamp exploding and setting lire
to tho carpet. No person was in the room at
tho time, but tho great light attracted tho
attention of some boys in the street who at
once gavo the alarm and prompt assistance
being rendered, tho flames wero smothered
by cushions, with a loss of only a few yards of
carpet, and tho blackening and blistering of
tho paint in that part of tho room. Tho
stuff in tho lamp was "Darforth's uon ex
plosive oil."
Elf Oak Hall never did such a business
U8 this season. No other Clothing House
in Philadelphia could hold half tho cus
tomers that have bought of Wananiaker
& Brown. Some days the sales havo
amounted to over $15,000 a day.
Toting Men's Christian Association.
Tho third annual convention of tho Young
Men's Christian association of the Stato of
Pennsylvania, will conveno at Scranton,
Liucrao county, on Tuesday, November 8,
1870, closing its scssti on Thursday even
ing. Delegates are expected from all asso
ciations in tho Stato, among whom will be
many- of our most prominent ministers and
Christian workers. A most cordial invita
tion is extended to ministers and Christian
laymen in town and country districts where
there are no Associations to como to tho
Convention. A most hearty Christian wel
como is assured to all who come, and ar
rangements will bo made for their enter
tainment, as well as for reduced faro on
i railroads.
All who design attending, are requested
to address Thomas K. Crce, Chairman
Stato Executive Committee, Pittsburg, that
they may avail themselves of these privile
ges. Daring Robbery of the Altoona Post-Of-flee.
Sometime during Saturday night the
Altoona Post Ollico was entered by bur
glars who, so far as postal stamps were con
cerned, made a clean thing of it. As near
as can bo ascertained the amount of stamps
on hand were valued at about fourteen hun
dred dollars, which were all taken. As
good luck would havo it there were only
six registered letters in tho oflice at tho
time, tho contents of three of which wero
taken, one said to contain thirty dollars,
another a small amount of stamps for Pop
lar Run, and tho contents of the other not
known. Tho burglars entered through tho
door at tho rear end of tho hall, by using a
jimmy, or some sharp instrument, forcing
tho door by breaking and bending the lock,
bolt, &c. So far as is known no letters or
mail matter was disturbed. Colonel Stew
art, the Postmaster, immediately notified
tho Department of tho loss, and took other
steps for the detection of the thieves. Sun
of Oct, 10.
Badly Burned. Wo learn that Mrs. Ba
tram, of Frankford twp., was terribly burn
ed by her clothes taking firo, on Tuesday
of this week. Tho distressing occurrence
took place at tho residence of Mrs. Fickcs,
where, we believe Mrs. B. is living. From
a weak condition of Mrs. B.'s mind it has
never been considered safo for her to bo
left alone, but on this occasion Mrs. F. for
a moment had stepped to tho well to draw
some water, and it was during this short in
terval that tho distressing accident occur
red. Her clothes by some means took lire
from tho stove. Sho is badly burned in
several parts of her body and her hands
to such an extent that her finger nails have
como off. Dr. Brehm, who was called to
attend her, is of tho opinion that sho will
not recover. Thero seems to be no relief
for her extreme agony. Neioville Star.
Railroad Accident. A serious accident
occurred on tho railroad, in North Water
street, near Witt's coal yard, by tho collid
ing of two trains on Wednesday morning.
As tho 7.15 Baltimore Accommodation train
had proceeded on its way to tho above point
it was met by a freight train coming North,
and before tho engineers could check the
speed of their trains they collided, doing
considerable damage to tho engines and
cars, and seriously injuring one of the engi
neers, Mr. Kinter. Ho had both his legs
badly lacerated, but no bones wero broken.
Although ho is lying in a precarious condi
tion, Dr. Pentz, his physician, is of the
opinion that it will not ho necessary to am
putate his limbs. Wo havo not heard of
any other person or any of tho trains being
seriously injured. York rresn.
(Suicide. A rather singular suieido
occurred in Deny township, Mifllin coun
ty ou tho 12 th inst. Joseph Kearns, a
man generally esteemed and of excellent
character, asked his wife, to whom ho had
been married only a few months, to tako a
walk, aud after strolling up a by-lane,
jumped over a fence, and suddenly drawing
a razor from his pocket cut his throat from
car to ear. Ho died in a few moments.
No known causo existed for tho rash act,
and it is thereforo supposed ho labored un
der temporary insanity.
Fur The Bloomfeld Times.
Mr. Editor Sir, if you please, through
tho 'Times wo desires to thank tho Supervi
sors of roads in Centro township for hav
ing repaired tho rough turnpike at Pow er's
sc hool-house, which has long been a scandal
to Centro township, and tho whole county.
If ho will now repair tho road leading
from Darlington's across Mahony Hill to
the Perry Furnace we will treat him to a
drink of old whisky, providing ho has not
joined tho Good Templars.
BriuNu TowNRinr.
Diincanuou Items.
On Sunday morning last tho 9th Inst., a
valuable cow belonging to Mr. Thomas
Miller, was found at tho bottom of an un
covered culbert, below Columbia Avenue,
along tho P. R. R., badly crippled. Mr.
M. had her taken home, and has sinco
been trying to doctor her up, but without
any apparant success, as sho is not yet ablo
to stand. It is not known whether sho was
thrown there by a train, or driven there by
some unknown boys who were seen driving
her in that direction the evening previous.
Tho old Brewery, on Columbia Avenue,
has resumed operations, "under tho man
agement of its owner, Dr. Boatler.
Tho revival nt tho United Brcthern
Church, closed on Monday evening tho 10th
inst., resulting in ten accessions to the
Brick, and curbing, is on hand, for a
new pavement, in front of the M. E. church,'
and will bo put down this week.
Parlor croquet, bids fair to tako tho lead
in evening pastimes, hero this season.
The sale of small nails, by thoDuncannon
Iron Co., has been so great, that all
machines below seven penny, has worked
thirteen hours per day, for tho last threo
weeks, in order to supply tho demand.
Church Notices.
Presbyterian preaching in tho Court
room next Sunday. Prayer-meeting will
bo held on Wednesday evening in tho same
In tho Lutheran Church, prayer-meeting
on Wednesday evening Preaching next
Sabbath at 10 o'clock a. in.
In the Methodist church, prayer-meeting
on Thursday evening. Preaching on Sun
day morning at 10 o'clock, by Rev. Win.
Margaret Graham's use vs. Jane Loner.
Joseph Lcbkichlcr's use vs. Joseph Lebkiehler's
William McClintoek vs. William Smee.
Lloyd, 8upplec& Walton vs. Jacob M. Miller.
J. II. Weeks vs. Jacob M. Miller ct al.
James AVoods vs. Isaac Stokes.
Henry Warner vs. J. W. Williamson.
Thomas Gibncy vs. William Smee.
Isaac Stokes vs. James Woods.
Mary Miller's use vs. Jeremiah Rinchnrt.
Tho Lyken's Valley Bank vs. S. 8. Charles,
David Fry vs. John R. McClintoek.
Shoemaker vs. Major's use vs. Samuel Smith.
John Shott vs. Albright and Troutman.
Christian Heishlcy vs. Henry Bridge and Henry
William Hays vs. George W. Trostlc.
Jacob Tyson vs. Nathan Colyer.
Thomas McCoy, Jr., vs. John C. Loy.
Albert C. Richmond vs. Kendig & Co.
Levi Mease vs. Francis J. Smedley ct al.
Albert K. Richmond vs. John Kendig.
Wilson Shrnwder vs. Charles Troutman ct al.
Christian Hcislcy vs. Heury Bridge.
William Berricr vs. Samuel Gutshall.
Cathrinc Kineheart's use vs. John Bower.
Andrew Pannol vs. Wm. B Irvine, ct al.
CHAS. H. SMILEY. Prothonotarv.
rroiuys urnce, rJioomnclu,
Oct. 5th. 1870
LIST OF PETIT JURORS drawn for October
Term, 1870.
Tuscarora William Kreamer, David White.
Toboync Robert II. Campbell, Albert Wilhide.
Ruicili" Jacob Crow, John Potter.
Centre ('has. O. Vandcrau, John F. Ayle, W.
K. Shoatf, Simon S. Clouser.
Spring David W. llillman.
Liverpool township George E. Beaver, James
Whitnicr: David Karl lift John Bitting, Daniel
Earing. .Tumi Mengle, John l Kline.
Carroll Joseph Ensininger, Samuel McClintoek.
New Buffalo borough John Sheaffer.
Saville Philip Jacobs, eorge B. Sheaffer, Bcui.
F. Coller.
Madison Henry II. Balr, William L. Bcale,
John Arnold.
Juniata William Arnold, Jacob S. Super, Henry
Duncannon H. C. Irvine, John Harper.
Bye Jacob Forteiibaugh.
Penu Samuel shall, Joseph Smith, Joseph Dels
inger, William Colestock.
Jackson Jacob smith, William Enslow.
Bloomlield Frederick Burnett.
I.audisburg Alexander Adams.
Newport Andrew Fickes.
Liverpool borough John O. Wcirick.
Green wood William Darter.
Millerstown Jerome Laihr, Samuel Debray.
Tyrone John Minieli, Jeremiah Keck.
I- 1ST OF GRAND JURORS drawn for October
J Term, 1H70.
Greenwood Simon H. Fry, George Wright, Jo
seph Leiter, A brain W. Lung,
Jackson Abraham Kisller, J. W. Shuinan.
Penn David Ibooks.
Juniata Usury Zeigler.
Liverpool borough Samuel M. Slmler.
Saville Jeremiah Trostle, Roger llarklson.
Buffalo James O. McClintoek, David Deckard,
Henry Diinkle, David A. Zeigler.
Spring W. It. Hum, Win. Sheibley.
'1 uscarora John Voiin.
Lnndishurg George S. Drexler.
Rye Henry Seller.
Liverpool township James (). Lindsay. Samuel
Madison Mat hew Daltou.
Marysvillc William li. Wetzlcr.
Rice Hajitman On the Sth Inst., nt tho
residence of tho bride's mother, in BuvUle'twp.,
Mr. Win. J Rice to Miss Caroliuo Hartmau.
Kline In Centro twp., on the ICtli Inst.,
Mrs. Kline In tho fiUth year of her ago.
McClukr In Tyrone twp,, on Saturday tho
15th inst., Mrs. Nancy J. wife of Wm. MeClnro.
Huston In Carroll twp., on tho Pith inst.,
David Brandt, eon of Philip and Sarah Huston
.igcd 4 ycare 8 months and 4 days.
Free from sorrow frco from pain
Ceaso to weep for tears are vain
Calm tho tumult of thy breast
Ho who suU'ercd is at rest.
Pennsylvania II. 11. Time Table.
On and after May 20, 1870, Passenger trains
will run as follows:
Plttsb'g Expr's. (Flag)4.41 A. sr. dally exet Sunday.
Way Passenger, 9.1:1 A. m., daily except Monday,
Mail, '2.11 P. M. daily except Sundav
A mixed train with passenger ear attached, will
leave Harrisburg at 5 o'clock p. in., and Newport
at 6.46 p. m.
Fast Lino 4.10 A. M., dally except Monday.
Harrisburg Accom. 11.31 a. si., daily Sunday.
Mail 7.53 r. M., dailv except Sunday
J. J. BARCLAY, Agent.
On and afterSmiday, June 12th. 1S70, trains will
leave Duncannon, as follows :
Fast Line, (Flag) 4.3f A. M., daily except Monday
Harrisburg Acconi. 12.04 p. M., dailv Sunday
Mail 8.28 p. m.. daily ' Sunday
Way Passenger, 8.33 a.m., dailv except Monday
Mail, 1.40 p. m dailvexccpt Sunday
Thro' Freight, Pass. Car attached, 'ti.oo p. m.
WM. C. KINO, Agent
Stage Line Ilclween Xctvnort ami New
STAGES leave New Oermantown daily at four
o'clock a. m. Landlsburgat 7. .10 a. in. Grccii
park at 8 a. m. New Bloomlield at 0 a. in.
Arriving nt Newport to connect with tho Ac
commodation train East.
Retiunimr leaves Newport on the arrival of the
Mail Train "from Philadelphia, at 2.:so p. m.
Z. RICE, 1'mprietor.
County Price Current.
Bloomfiei.i, October 1, 1870.
Flax seed ?2 00
Potatoes, 75 cents.
Butter il pound 25 "
Eggs il dozen 22 "
Dried Apples $1 pound 6 "
Dried Peaches 8 10 cts.lft.
Pealed Peaches 15 18 cts. "
Cherries 0 0 ets. "
" Pitied is IS cts. "
Blackberries, 8 10 cts. "
Onions ?1 bushel 75 "
Corrected Weekly by Win. Koitrli & ions.
Newpout, October 18, l7o.
Flour. Extra, SO 00
Red Wheat 1 25 1 25
Rye 75
Corn 75 75
Oats fl 32 pounds, 40
Clover Seed, 6 00 6 00
Timothy Seed 3 00
Flax Seed, 1 75
Potatoes, 70
Ground Allium Halt 2 25
Liineburner's Coal, 2 40
Stovo Coal 5 0 00
Pea Coal 3 25
Smith Coal 25 cts. fl bv.s.
Cross Tles,8Vi feet long, 32 42 cents.
Philadelphia Price Current.
Corrected Weekly by Janney tfc Andrews,
No. 123 Mauket Stheet.
Philadelphia, October 15, 1870.
White Wheal S 1 45 1 55
Red Wheat 1 35 1 33
Rye, 9003
Corn 8790
Oats 49 52
Clover Seed, 0 250 75
Timothy Seed, 4 25 5 00
Flax Seed 2 15 2 15
Country Lard 16 17
Fggs 29 31
Butter, solid in bbK' 19 20
Washed Wool, SOcents per lb.
New York Lifo Benefit Association.
Otipitui i?ioo,ooo :
OltOANIZEI) under the Laws of tho State of
New York, Insures the lives of its patrons at
One-Fifth the Cliarre of other Life Insurance Com
panies. All wishing to insure their lives should
send for our descriptive pamphlets, which we mail
Free. Agents. Local and Travelling Wanted.
Rev. FiiANois (!. Hill, J. Andrew, Fres't.
4 42,lma Ylce-Fres't. ( No. 01 Broadway, N. Y.
J12.50 clear protlt per day. J75 per week. :i00
per month made easy by any lady or gentleman
introducing this Genuine aud Original Old Favor
ite, with its many new and practical additions,
making the most complete combination of valua
ble and useful Improvements ever effected in any
one machine. The embodiment of extreme sim
plicity, elhblency and utility, entirely dill'oient in
model and design from any low priced machine.
It is the most serviceable, elegant and reliable
Family Sewing Machine ever invented, gives per
fect satisfaction wherever introduced. Has re
ceived Premiums. Stood the test of ten years, and
Is fulls approved of by every family who have lliem
in use. Is noiseless, makes tho strong and bcauti
lul Elastic Lock Stitch, with wonderful rapidity
and certainty. Hewn anything a needle will go
through, from the finest to the thickest fabricllrin
and neat, with ease. Uses all kinds of silk or
thread direct from tho spool; is improved with now
and self-acting feed, spring tension, seli'-guuler,
and uses tho adjustable straight needle, perpen
dicular motion, with powerful lever action. Pos
sesses all the good iualities of the best high-priced
machine!) condensed, without their complications
or limits. Samples of sewing sent free on receipt
of stamp. For certlllcate, &v., see Descriptive
Paimllilets, mailed free. A thorough practical
sewing machine tor family use. Tribune. A very
strong.reliable machine, at a low price. Standard.
I his beautiful sewing machine is one of the most
ingenious pieces of mechanism ever invented.
lK-iiaicrid, Ga. Worth many times its cost to any
family. Ar. Y. Weekly. It Is quite a new machine
w ith its many late Improvements, and sews with
astonishing case, rapidity and neatness. Jtvimb-li-iin,
N V . Single machines, as samples selected
with care, for family use, with every tiling com
Iiletc. sent to anv nart of tlm iwnmtrv iur nvi,v...
packed In strong wooden box, free, on receipt of
ju ice, sfioo. Safe delivery of goods guaranteed.
Forward cash by registered letter, or 1'. O. money
order, at our risk. Agents wanted, male or female,
everywhere. New panipelets containing extra
liberal Inducements, scut free.
Address Family Sewing Machine Co., Office 80
Nassau Street, New York.
A Hotel Stand having a GOOD RUN OF CUSTOM
for sale. Apply to
1 It New Bloomlield, Pa.
Farm at Private Sale.
THE undersigned offers at private sale, a farm
in Rye tow nshlp,l'erry county, Fa., containing
7 j.C It 10 .
The land is the best In the nighborhood, with run
ning water In every Held. Is under good fence, and
lias thereon erected a new
Frame Dwelling House.
There Is also a thrifty Young ORCHARD on the
place, l Ids land lies along two public roads the
I' ishing ( reck road and the Lamb's Gap road ; the
last named divides the land In two parts 30U on
the one Hide and 20'i on the other; on the iiliU
acre piece is a New Frame Dwelling House, ami on
the other a
FRAME 22 x 28,
erected for a house, with a never failing Spring of
water. 1 his land will be sold as a whole, or Intwo
lracts, to suit purchasers.
" If not sold at private sale before the LAST
Ob DECEMBER, this property will be sold at pub
lic sale, at the Court House, in Bloomlield, on tho
o clock p. in., of said day, w hen terms will bemado
Persons desiring to purchase a farm will do
well to examine this one before investing else
where, as It lies within four miles of Marvsville,
and tho Pennsylvania Railroad ono of tile best
markets in the county.
- Further information can be had bv ad
dressing Dr. JOHN USAW,
Jenner X Roads.
4 40 Somerset county, Pa.
TIM', undersigned, widow and heirs of John
Kline, late of Juniata twp., Perry County, Pa.,
deceased, will sell at, public sale.on the premises. on
Saturday the th day of October. 1870. at 1 o'clock
p. m.. of said day. the following described real es
tate, late of tho said John Kline deceased, to wit ;
Purpart No. 1,
situated in Juniata twp.. Ferry coutnv, Pabound
ed by lands of George Titzel, William Rough,
Lev. D. W. Miller, and others, and containing
The Improvements are a two story frame weather
boarded house,
of tho most substantial character and completely
There is also an APPLE ORCHARD 'on said farm,
and a variety of oilier fruit trees.
About 15 acres of the property Is woodland. Well
set in with timber. There is also a spring of good
water, covenient to the house.
Purpart No. 2,
A Farm in Juniata Township,
Perry County, Pa., adjoining lands of James B.
Ramsey, Henry Fickes, Purpart No 1, and others,
anil containing 70 acres and 120 perches. About
10 acres of this property is good woodland. Tho
laud is in a high state of cultivation, is divided in
convenient lields, and under good fences, and is
well adapted to raising all kinds of grain.
Tills property Is located in one ot the best neigh
borhoods in Perry county, and convenient to mar
ket, places of public worship of all denominations,
schools, stores, mills, &c, and will be sold as a
whole, or in parts to suit purchasers.
V2U Conditions made known at sale bv
September 20, 1870.
Ileal Estate, Insurance,
Ileal Estate Brokers, Insurance, it Claim Agents
New liloomiiclcl, .
TtT'E INVITE the attention of buyers and sell
? V ers to the advantages we offer them in pur
chasing or disposing of real estate through our of
lice. We have a very large list of desirable property,
consisting of farms, town property, mills, store
and tavern stands, and real estate of any descrip
tion which we are prepared to oiler at great bar
gains. We advertise our property very extensive
ly, and use all our efforts, skill, and dilligence to
effect a sale. We make no charges unless the
property is sold while registered Willi us. We also
draw up deeds, bonds, mortgages, andall legal pa
pers at moderate rates.
Some of the best, cheapest, and most reliable
lire, life, ami cattle insurance companies in the
United states are represented at tills agency.
Property insured either on the cash or mutual
plan, aud perpetually at$4 and n per thousand.
Pensions, bounties, and all kinds of war claims
collected. Thero are thousands of soldiers and
heirs of soldiers wlio are entitled to pensions and
bounty, who have never mado application. Sol
diers, if you were wounded, ruptured, or contract
ed a disease in the service from which you are dis
abled, you are entitled to a pension.
When widows of soldiers die or marry, the minor
children are entitled to the pension.
Parties having any business to transact In our
Hue, are respectfully Invited to give us a call, as
wo are confident we can lender tatisfaction in any
branch of our business.
if-No charge for information.
A Desirable Farm for Sale.
T7"ILL bo sold at a bargain, a FARM situated
V in Centre township, about 2 miles North
West of Bloomlield borough, containing K):i
AC'H KS, ;i7 well timbered, and the balance clear
ed, and under a high state of cultivation. Thero
lire on the premises a LOO HOUSE, plastered, con
taining 7 rooms ;a good BANK BARN, a good
For further Information apply to
C. A. BARNETT, Att'y-at-Law,
New Blooifllleld, Pa.,
Or on tho premises to Mi s. Riium cA Gitoi'r.43o8t
13 X It iu. Ono yeur fur 60 cents.
Addrnt, ECHO, i'ort Royal, 'a.