8 Xew Advertisement). SAXON GKEEN7 Is ISrlghtor, will not Kudo, Costs Loss tlinii nuv other because It will Paint twice as much surface. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS IX X .A. I IV rF JS . J. H. WEEKS & CO., Manufacturers, 122 North 4th Street, Philadelphia. AVOID QUACKS. A victim of curly hulls eretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, &c, having tried in vain everV advertised remedy, has a simple, means of wit-cure, which ho will send free, to his fellow-sufferers. Address J. 11. TUTTLE, 78 Nassau st.. New York. 1 32 it JiSlXlIOMAXCl'. FASCIXA TIOX OR SO UL CHARM1XU. UN) pages: cloth, 'fids won derful book has full instructions ti enable the reader to fascinate eitlicr sex, or any uuiinal, at will. Mesmerism, Spiritualism, mid hundreds of oilier curious experiments. It can be obtained by sending address, with ID cents postage, lo T. W. EVANS & CO.. No. 41 So. Eighth St., Philadelphia. PRICE REDTTOEId" THE BEST IN THE COUNTRY. New York Observer. $3 PEll ASXCM. OXE MONTH FREE ON TKIAL. SIDNEY li. MORSE, JK., & CO., 39 1'AltK ltOW, NEW VOHK. "IT7"A'TEJ Lands in I'ennsylvania for cash y and good stocks. TOWNSKND BROS., South Third Street, l'liiladclphla, AC1IAXCK SELDOM OFFERK1)!-1 own interest In one of the best Silver Mines of the day. developing, &c, near Georgetown, Col. Can satisfy you of its undoubted value as a good invesiincni ami a paying one. nesi in reierenccs given. 1 wisli to sell one-half of it rerti client) for v.asli. Address my alt'ys. TOWNSEN1 iND lilt Itos., lol South Third street, Philadelphia. r 100 ftOfi 1N srx MONTHS can be made iU J,UUU by a shrewd and reliable man in a sure, safe business. An investment of $25 will re turn a clear prollt of $175. For particulars call on or address the NOltTH AMERICAN PICTURE CO., No. 85 Nassau Street, New York. r NFAV8PAP.EB ADVEKTISI NO. A New Hook of 128 pages. Price so cents by mail, AMEUICAN NEWS CO., New York. r THE HOUSEHOLD DELIGHT ! a THE AYE ED" FAMILY PAVOBITE. It is the Aest and most desirable Family Sewing Machine now in use. It makes the celebrated LOCK STITCH alike on both Hides of the fabric. Sewing equally well on light or heavy goods, re quiring NO CHANGE IN THE TENSION. USING SILK, COTTON, OR LINEN THREADS WITH EASE. This Machine is built on what is called the En .''lie Prineljite or movement, and In many particu lars (Hirers from all other machines. It has new and novel devices for taking up the slack thread, feeding the goods, and peiiectfng the stitch, noth ing can surpass this machine, in execution, rapidi ty, or delicacy of operation. ITS SIMPLICITY IS CHARMING, for there Is no INTRICACY ABOUT IT. "TIIK AV ICS 13 1) ' lias only to be seen and tried, to be fully appreci ated. It w ill recommend itself to all inquirers and is furnished with nil the usual equipments of a llrst -class machine, without extra charge. Call and sec them In operation. For sale in Perrv Count v by WM. ICtfES, Newport, Pu. AND F. MORTIMER & CO., New Bloomtleld, Pa. PHOTOGRAPHS ! Photographs ! Photographs! JACOB COBLE, Photographic Artist, XE WPOll T, PEXX 'A . THE subscriber would respectfully call the at tention of the citizens of this county to the fact that he is prepared to take PHOTOORAP1IS in the best style of tho art. His long experience enables him to produce PICTURES WHICH CAKKOT HE EX CELLED. All persons are requested to call at Ills rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great care will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Cnildren. Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COllLE, AHM, Newport, Perry Co., Pa. Professional Cards. LJiWIS POTTER, Attohnev-at-Law Ik Notauv Priu.tr, Ken Jilonmtlrlil, I'erri Onmtil, J'cnn'a. r Special attention given to Collections of all kinds, to the settlement of estates, &'., and all other legal business prosecuted with tldclitv and dispatch. Also, Depositions, Allldavits and Ac knowledgments taken. -Ollice live doors West of Stitch's hotel. 321y. B r. McINTIRK Attorney at Law, and Dis trict Attorney of Perry county. Olllce with J. T. Mclntire, New llloomlleld, Pcnn'a. SI. N. SEIUKliT, Attorney-at-Law, New liloonilleld, Perry co., Pa. liloonilleld, 3 33 ly. TTTTM. M. SCTCII, Attorney-at-Law, and MM- tary Claim Agent. New llloomlleld. Perrv co., Pa. -OITlce Two doors West of F. Mortimer's Store 3 7 ly WM. A. SPONSLEIE, Attorney-at-Law. OHicc adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New llloomlleld. Perry co., Pa. 3 2 ly Sll. CtALlUiAITH, Attorney-at-Law, New liloomtlcfd, Perry co.. Pa. - Pensions, llounties, Hack Pay, and all Claims against the Government, promptly collect ed. Olllce with Win. A. Spousler, Esq. 3 2 ly. CLEE MURRAY, Attorney-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent, New llloomlleld, Perrv co., Ta. X9- Olllce with Hon. 1$. F. .lunkin, South Car lisle street, New Itlomlleld, Pa. 3 2 ly. CHAS. A. HARNETT. Attorney-at-Law, New liloonilleld, Perry co., Pa. 3, Olllce adjoining Mortimer's Store. 3 2 ly EC. LONG, Attorney-at-Law. New I'.looinlleid, Perry co.. Pa. Ollice one door West of Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly. CHAS. J. T, McINTII'E, Attorney-at-Law, New llloomlleld, l'erry co., Ta. -IfS All professional business promptly and faith fully attended to. 3 2 ly. JOHN 0. SHATTO, Surgeon Dentist, New llloomlleld, Perrv co.. Pa. tr. All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den tistry done in the best manner, and at reasonable nrices. Ollice over Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly REMOVAL! I HAVE REMOVEDmy Law Olllce to tho build ings on Market Square, opposite tho Court House, and immediately back of the Hank. and I ask the business public for a share of its patron- "ge" S. 11. GA LI1I AITH, Att'y at Law. Hloomllehl. April 12. ls7U t THE BEST IN USE THE PAEHAM NEW FAMILY S e w I n g Ma c h i n e IT combines all the best features of other good machines, with New and Valuable Improvements, which make it THE EASIEST AND MOST Ol'lET RUNNING as well as tho Most Simple Machine In Use. IT WILL HEM IT WILL 111! AW, IT WILL TUCK, IT WILL OATHEIl, IT WILL QUILT, and will use cither Silk, Cotton, or Linen Thread with equal ease. It uses a straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON HOTH SIDES, The principal ollice of the company Is at Ko, 7D4 Chestnut Street, I'll I LA DELPHI A. These machines are for sale in Perry County by JAMES L, DIVEN, Landisburg. P. M0ETIME3 & CO., How Bloomfleld. S"7'ie jmlitic are. inriteil to cull at either of the utiove pVices and see, a Machine In ojieratlon. BELLS. ( ESTABLISHED IN 1837. BUCKEYE BELL FtyUSDKY! c Hl'ltCH. Academy, Factory, Farm, Fire Alarm Hells, &c, &c, made of PURE BELL METAL, (Copper and Tin,) warranted in quality, tone, du rability, &c, and mounted wltli our Patent IM PROVED ROTATING HANGINGS. Illustrated Catalogues sent Free. VANli VZEN C TIFT, Nos. 103 and 104 E. 2nd St., 41101ypd C1NCINNATI,0. ALL. KINDS OF JOH PRINTING Neatly executed at the liloonilleld Times Steam Job Olllce. rjlIIIS PARAGRAPH ALONE the Subscription l'rice OP THIS PAPER FOR A WHOLE YEAR. Save You Ten years of hard work and hard knocks, have organized in 1I IILAUKLPI II,Y, the largest and most complete Clothing House in America, if not in the W li o 1 o W o v I I . By constant endeavors, we have avoided all Ihe old ruts and antiquated methods of the trade, until now OAK HALT, is universally ac knowledged to be AN EXCEPTION THE REASONS AtiE: 1. Wo have built a house for our business, cov ering nearly half an acre. 2. Instead of wedging it in between other build ings, making it dark, and obscuring the goods, it is built on the aoruer of three streets, and any one may count in it 201 windows. 3. We employ skilled Workmen, One Hundred and Fifty ot whom may be seen under our roof by any one having the time and curiosity to visit our Establishment, and besides these, HUO to 1SUU sew ers are employed at their own homes. 4. We make no Imperfect goods. 5. We thoroughly sponge and shrink ALL our goods. C. We purchase our goods at llrst hands, in large lots sometimes in bills of over $1U0,JU0 at one time. We set our faces against every species of unfair dealing, and will dismiss any employee in any way guilty of it. 8. We have such enormous sales that we are con tent witli a prollt far below tho trade margin. 9. We warrant all our goods, and will give every possible guarantee to purchasers at OAK HALL. The above arc facts Hint no one can truthfully dispute, as the examination we so cordially in vite, will fully prove. , We ask the encouragement and support of all classes of people, feeling sure that in establishing IN PHILADELPHIA The Largest Clothing House In -tYnici'i'H, wc enlist the patronage of all who are interested In the prosperity of our Commonwealth. Waimiimker & Brown, Oak Hull nuilfltnos, S. E. Corner Sixth mid Market Bts., Nos. 532, 5!)4, CUO Market Street. Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 0, 11, 13 South Cth Street. The llaiTisburg Fertilizer Company OFFF.lt for sale at their miiniifactorv located at PKltDIX,-PF.HUY COt'STY, l'X., on tho Pennsylvania ltail lioad, 1'UltE GliOUXI) BONE, SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, .AND ' A. i i in ii 1 CompoHt, AT LOW PKK'F.8 ! , t r.rr y w..vtfJ.y, ... V; -., '' Ilarrisbitrg, Pa. llihest price paid for Hones. -& 4332m .sprout i:ii, MANl-FAC'TURKHS OF DOORS, BUCKETS, I li Mo u I d i n g s , Balusters, Newel Posts, Scroll, Sawing, CIRCULAR WORK, &c., &c., Made and Warranted from rlr; material, and all common sizes of DOORS AND SASH, Kept on hand and for sale by the undersigned. -Kcnd for List of Prices to SPHOL'T EDDY, PICTLPE HOCKS, Lycoming county, Pa. Perry County Bank! Spousler, J ii ii kin V Co. THE undersigned, having formed a llanklngAs sociation under the above name and style, are now ready to do a General Hanking business at their new Hanking House, on Centre Square, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. We receive money on deposit and pay back on demand. We discount notes for a period of not over CO days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and New Y'ork. On time Deposits, live per cent, for any time over four months; and for four months four per cent. We are well provided with all and every facility fordoing a Hanking Business; and knowing, and for some years, feeling the great inconvenience un der which the people of this County labored for the want of a Hank of Discount and Deposit, wc have have determined to supply the want sand this being the llrst Bank ever established in Terry county, we hope we w ill be sustained in our efforts, by all th business men, farmers and mechanics. This Banking Association is composed of the fol lowing named partners; W. A. Kfonsi.ek, Bloomtleld, Perrv count v, Pa. H. F. Jt'NKIN. " " " " A. (i. Miu.eii, Slilppensburg. Cumberland co.,Fa. John Wondkiiucii, " " " Henuy Itrnv, " ' " Wm. H. Milm:k, Carlisle, " " Ol'FICEUS: W. A. SPONSLEIi, President. William Willis, Cashier. New Hloomllehl, 3 5 ly B . M . Eli Y, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in AND MEDICINES J Oliomic filnt, CONCENTRATED REMEDIES, ESSENTIAL OILS, Patent Medicines, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal and Sacramental Purposes. A Splendid Assortment of PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, B It U S II E S , AND FANCY ARTICLES, Always on hand, which will be sold at low prices 135 Orders from Physicians promptly attended to lilt grout care. B. EBY, Newport, Perry County, Penn'a. rJ?o !Sll0011l(llc?l.H. rpilE subscribers keep constantly on hand, a X FINE ASSORTMENT OF FREXCJl CALF SK1XS, PJXK L IX I NO S, R O A N S , MOROCCOS, SHOE TURK AD, PEGS, ' AWLS, and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe makers. I MORTIMER dl CO. , ChhIi l?tiil ibi' Oi-uln. rpHU l)l''('A() IRON '(tlMl'ANV v,,, l)IUmt ,lm, v A. imvti reiueu ine iiiiini fllll.l, ol Mr. Orillltll Cirain to any amount for CASH . 4..-. ff..H i J I " . JOHN W1STEH. Treasurer. Duneaniion, July ai, 1S70. FAHMEUSI EXAMINE AND BVY THEE BAUGH'S BEING The Fiit llnw Hone l'liospbate Made. All Others are Imitation. ISA UGH'S RAW-BONE Super lioNilinlo of 52iiio! MARK t A - t This Mannre is made of Paw or t nburned Hones, rich in Nitrogenous matter, dissolved in Oil of Vitriol, presenting the Hone Phosphate in n highly soluble and qulcklv available form, and the Ammonia In such proportion as to insure a prompt ami vigorous action upon the crops. Where Haugh's Phosphate was applied the past season, the indications, without exception, are that it will maintain its well earned reputation. e re quest all in need of a Fertilizer to give this article 'l tllU D A UGH & SONS, MANfFACTl'HEBS, Office No. 20 S. Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. 4 29 fill! 9 G. W. 11 ISSELL, No. 22 North Sixth Street, opposite Commerce, PHILADELPHIA, lmimrter and Dealer in FINE WATCHES, French and American Clocks, GOLD JEWELHY asi SILVER-WARE. .Particular attention paid to Fine Watch and Clock ltepairlm;- . At . KTKVFNS' PATENT Tl ItltET CLOCK, the best and cheapest Turret Clock In the Iw-'lim'uiries by mail for information reuardini; Clocks or Watches w ill be cheeriuiiy answeieu. Philadelphia, i;uuiy THE NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. BOwliKY EMPIRE DOBV The extraordinary success of their new and im proved niaiiufaetiiring Machines for liyht or heavy work, has induced the EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. to manufacture a NEW family wai-iii the wiiue style and construction, with additional ornamentation, milking It eimal in beauty and lln ish witli other Family Machines, whereas in use fulness it far Out8triis All Comjietitors. The price of this now acknowledged necessary a r tide comes within reach of every class, and the Company is prepared to oiler the most liberal m ducemenls to buyers, dealers, and agents, l.vciy Machine warranted. Apply for circulars and samples to EM PIKE SEW1NU MACHINE CO., 4.15.-6m. No. 204 Bowery, New York. W. 11. PH'KK. W. A. OlllllSON. av. ii. co., MASUFACTl'KEKB OF Trunks, Valises, Travelling Bags, UMBRELLAS, &C, No. 40 North Fourth Street, (In Merchants' Hotel Puilding) rjIILABELl'JUA . -SOLID SOLE LEATHKK TRUNKS A Si'E CIAl.TY. W li' lu. THE JIINKLEY FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. PRICE $30. Every family in the country needs one. It knit everything from a mitten to a blanket. A child 12 years old can learn to work It in an hour. It is operated the same as a sewing machine by hand or foot. It uses but one needle, and is the perfection of beauty and usefulness. Circulars and cuts and full particulars free to ev erybody. Agents wanted In every county. Apply quickly. HINKLEY KNITTING! MACHINE CO., 17li Ilroadway, New York or. Path, Maine. 4.15-Cm. THE WORLD'S WONDER! 1'iualiziiBK Oil ! THIS Oil for Rheumatism In all its forms. Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds of all descrip tions, Cramp, etc., etc., etc., IS UNEQUALLED by any now ottered to the pub lic. It Is for sale at 50 cents per bottle, by NORTH F. 1!0 LINGER Millerstown, Perry comity, l'a. AND F. MORTIMER K CO., ' New llloomlleld, Pa. Relief given almost instantly, and pernianeii! cures effected. 4Woni ""CHEAP i'OK CASH. The umlersined gives notice that ho 1ms nilopteil the Cnsh Plan, and now sells rooiIs at very low rates for Casli or Country Produce only. No de viation will be made from this rule. R. CATIICART, ' Millerstown, Penn'a. May 3, 1870 12t. flocks. Anothor new lot of SO lion and 8 day Clocks just received by F. Moit TRADE timer it Co. .New lilooniliekl.