4 !ic Stints; New 8l00mficlir, Ja, ADVKUTISING KATES I , . . Transients Cents per line for one Insertion. 13 " " twolusertlons ' 15 " " "three Insertion. Business Notices (n Local Column 10 Cents per line. Notices of Marriages or Deaths Inserted free. Tributes of Respect, &c, Ten cents per line. Obituary Irotlecs over five lines, 5 rents per line. YEA.TU.Y ADVERTISEMENTS. One Square pw- year, Including paper, $ 8 00 Two Squares per year, Including paper, 12 00 Three Squares ' " 10 00 Four Squares ' " 20 00 Ten Lines Nonpareil or one Inch, Is one square. NEW BL00MFIEI1), l'ENN'A. 'Tuasday, September 20, 1870. 'Philadelphia Merchants lire in ex cellent spirits xrvcr the prospects of u 4500a fall trade. At the present time tnulc innll blanches is better than it has been thre at this time of year since 1805. 'The Political Campaign is now fairly open. Already candidates of both parties ure busily engaged in traveling Ovor their districts, seeking a personal ao quaiutanccwith the voters. The Repub lican candidates for Senators for this dis trict, Mews. Woods and Wilson visited this section of our county lust week. -Nearly all the large cities are dissat isfied witli the return made by the Census takers. Their populations falling short of the mumber so long claimed by them, make&tfiieni feel sure there is some mis take. -New York threatens to have the enumeration taken over by her police wen, 'in which case, they will probably take thoir bitters strong enough to enable tlicmito see double. This would be a sure way to make a large count. Philadelphia also claims to have injus- i tiee dne her by the assistant marshals, and Um city papers invite householders who'Jraow their premises have not been visiteS to report the fact to the mayor's office. Foreign News. i Yet the past week there has beeu a lull ;in theexcitement over the French and Pruswmiis war news. Affairs have been comparatively quiet, there beiup; no actual oonflici. between the armies. Th Prussians have gradually moved towawfc Paris, aud at the last aoeoauts were drawing the lines around the city so thafai-hc seige may be said to knvo actuaJfy commenced. The isiege of Strasbourg and Mz continwK though the capitulation of ike latter eHy is dailv expected. The com ma ndamtUjut of the former city refuses it surrender under any circumstances nod probiibTyTifore these liues meet the eye of the rcwJer, a desperate hand to Laud conflict fivXI tako place betwecu the he- .-iseiged aiid the beseiger's. Attemipts to negotiate a peace are till being .made, and hopes of success, before ;flny attaeltiiis made on the city of Paris, .continues to prevail. Italian affairs look threatening King Wictor .KuiiWttiel persists in occupying ffiouie and .Mue slight ekirniLshcfl have 'taien place libetweeu his forces aud the .1. 1 .Ml jxapai army. J.lie temporal power of the iPejie is evideody gone, and even mou- iiirchial soverniBent iu Italv is in Amuvr though the steps taken by the King, to mane ltome tnemapuoi or Italy, may for ,a time repress repablican tendencies. SriAlitili nolitiejil troubles nr Kt.ill m 1 . far as ever from a settlement, und it is impossible to tell wbether the advocates of ja-KinuSom or a Re-oublic will eventually .carry -tlH.il: ends, -though appearances at present seem 10 iavor sne monarchists. Jniportaii decision af Ulic Pennsylvania courts. The practice of the Courts bus hereto- lata been, wfiion an action for damages wm brought gainst a raibwad company mat tho ueleitants mightokiiin that they used duo diligejice and tar,e to avoid ac cident and the plaintiff was required to prove tliere was neglect. Tlte eonipnny controlling the evidence to a fxent ex tent, it is often next to impossible for the complaints to make out their case. The Pennsylvania Court now decide that the accident arises from defects of engines, cars, or rails, or from the act of the em ployees. The adoption of such a rule generally will be likely to lessen the cum ber of accidents by making the bill for JaniaC6 much larger. Two Widows After one Pension. A singular case is now pending before Commissioner Van Aernam, of the Pen sion Bureau. It involves a claim by two , widows to a pension due from the Gov ernment to the rightful representatives of a deceased officer of the army. The official records show a complicated train of romantic circumstances, and furnish the data for a sizeable novel of the sen sational order. The running facts are substantially as follows: It appears that a number of years ago there dwelt in New York a lad, who was the son of his father,, and he was an Irishman. The boy developed signs of uncommon ucnius, which his sire never did. The boy had ambition, and thirst ed for knowledge. The youth started on hi educational career, and the first thing he did was to strike a puce that would have astonished Dexter. He went through the academical course with a rush, and when he demanded more books to conquer, his friends proposed to send him to West Point. This arrangement corresponded witb the taste nnd ambition of the boy, Irat there was a slight obstacle in the way of carrying it out. During his school days lie had acquired not only " much reaming, but a wife ! This dis covery made it awkward, because his en dctship "had been procured, without the aid of those successful jobbers, Whit temore and Butler. The girl wife was equal to the emergency. She proposed to keep the marriage concealed until lie should graduate and t.5 this end she went quietly to the home of the young man's father, and with the help of' her friends, she kept thejsecret from the au thorities of the military school. In the reasonable and due course of time, the gentleman with whom she resided became grandfather. Asa military student the youth -ac quitted himself with eredit, Dually gradu ated with honors,. was commissioned a lieutenant and assigned to duty. Natur ally it would be supposed that the first thing he did was to rush to the humble cot that contained his wife and boy, but history tells us that he went just in a contrary direction. Shoulder straps had done "the business for him, and he turned with contempt from the girl lie had left behind him. And what is worse than all, ilie loved that ubiquitous and traublsouie ifemalc known in the unnals of romance as " Another." With remarkable expe dition lie consummated a second mar riage, ond number two was fair to look mpon, accomplished, and the descendant at a first family. :He was scot to a southern fortification und there he remained until, by an ucci ilent, he was suddenly killed. The cir cumstances of his death were published and came to the notice of number one, who was astonished to learn that he had left n afflicted widow besides herself. To satisfy herself that the deceased officer was iker husband, and the father of her dliild, she instituted an investigation, during the progress of whioh the wrong ed women mot. Their meeting was not uu. exceedingly cordial one, laut they did mot rqproaoh each other, ;nortlie memory of the Hate lamented ; they sought the best means iftr. adjusting the utleasantness amicably. .It vwas . agreed that number ttwo should Hflply for the pension, and tbt it should lois cqualKy divided between 'them as often of theipayiiieiits were made. In acoor danco wifih this arrangemeufc rtflte matter has run on to the present time, but now ithefirst wife, who is the legitimate cluhn- auit, is disposed to annul the :panUiership anrangemout, und has set up Siar claim verified by tha facta in the .case. 1P3? As compared with laat yeur the reeeiipts of Internal ReTcnue thus far in 1870 Iiow an increase of over si miTiions of doHam This augmentation i du to the inowsuso in the various industrial -pursuits of the .country, which, flianks to the enorgy of our people, are prosperous depite itllie groat leg of the Income tax. That theive is no need for this drag ehaiu 011 the bmwiness of tlw Nation is attested by the Lu-ge amounts of currency now lying idle in the Treasury, and the rapid manner iu which the public debt is being reduced. The present generation lias made sacrifices enough ftr the national credit, without being overtaxed to wipe out the war debt in a shorter space of time than erer such a debt was liquida ted before. fl Secretary Cox has yielded to the pressure brought nnon him bv the nnli. :. . . - - 1 ticiaris, and consented to permit the clerks in his Department to contribute toward certain elections expenses. The enthusi asm among the poor clerks, has not been tremendous in consequence of tlio Secre tary's decision. Land Titles to bo Hade More . Secure. The land office at . Ilarrisburg is now doing a good .. service to the owners of real estate, in insisting that all such shall have their titles. Thereby tho State is benefitted and the ; property owner is saved cost of litigation. There is many a prosperous, thrifty and honest farmer living to-day on land which he confident ly believes he owns, to which he has the titlo papers all regularly mado out and re corded, but when he comes to trace - the rpcord back to the source of all titlo to land in this State he discovers Vfith dismay that there never was a pat ent taksn out for his farm ; ' that where it bus been patented, the fees were never fully paid up, so that there ore do fects in his title which, if pushed at any time, would possibly deprive him of his homestead. Ample notice has been given to parties to come forward and remedy this defect and negligence. A large number of holders of land have already done it. but many have thus far treated the matter with indifference, from which they are to be aroused by suits which may be brought by the State, the result of which may be very disastrous, as the costs of course will be very heavy. Let every property holder see that he has a a patent for his land, and that all fees and costs on such patented land are fully paid. A Singular Case. A very curious case is enlisting the at tention of the New York detectives. For some time back a. man who professed to be a Parsee merchant has been in the lunatic asylum in that city. He came to this country with plenty of money, and put up at the Fifth Avenue hotel, where he made himself so prominent by his eccentric demeanor, that he was requested to leave. So he went to the Hoffman house, where he continued his antics, and one night, for disturbing the audience at Niblo's was arrested. It was found he was insaue, and so he was sent to the asylum. Mr. Nathaniel Jarvis, Jr , Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, was appoint ed committee of tho estate, and Mr. Jones of the Hoffman house, committee of per son. Mr. Jarvis took charge of the insane man's boxes, which contained a large sum of gold. This was sold, and brought about forty-three thousand dollars in cur rency. But it is now allege'd that the gold far exceeded the amount accounted for, and a suit has been instituted against the hotel proprietors, who are charged with having appropriated the missing amount to their own uses. The whole charge is based on the unexpected finding of a bill of lading for over eighteen thousand pounds in gold among the pa pers of the Parsee lunatic, whose brother is shortly expected to arrive and investi gate the matter. A Singular Wedding. A large number of persons collected at Christ Church, in Bedford avenue, Brook lyn, last week to witness a marriage be tween twa mutes. The ceremony was conducted according to the Episcopal ritual by the rector, tho Rev. A. Part ridge, which was interpreted to the mutes by Clarence P. Little, Steward of the Deaf and Dumb Institute, o Washington Heights. Antoinette A. Noyes was the bride, who has long been under the guar dian ship of a well-known Brooklyn citi zen, and the bridegroom was Geo. H. Bristol, son of a farmer in Washington county. fiJaJT Don't be humbuged with the fool ish idea that Catarrh c.innot be cured ! The world moves aud medical science is progressive. Tho proprietor of Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedy will pay $)00 reward for a. case of Cntarrh which he cannot cure. Sold by druggists ut fifty cents and each package makes a full pint of the medicine ready for use. Can get it by mail for sixty cents from Dr. R. V Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. tSr""W?ll, David," said a poor but worthy citizen to a rich acquaintance, "itiiQ world ios prospered with you and iliey say that you are immensely rich." "Well," replied David, "perhaps it is true, bat we caimot take our gold with us when wo go." " It would melt if you did," was the quick rctoit. tt&f Mo.V. I. A f!Wlnnl l,m(r,r nf Christ M. K. Church, Philadelphia, says of ' our father's house:" I take great pleas ure in cuMiuieiHiiiig mis instructive ana fascinating look to my friends, and as far as I may, to the general public. See advertisement in another column. Miscellaneous News Items. The San Francisco butchers use no ice for their meat, nnd need none. In that dry climate meat keeps a long time. ' t37 Minister Sickles had a narrow escape from outrage at the hands of an armed par ty, near Madrid, the other day. t35 Two children, residing in Brooklyn N. Y.J were poisoned one day last week by eating some weeds which they found grow ing on n lot near thoir homes. KIT" A scoundrel- in the guise of a Catho lic priest has been swindling unsuspecting people in New York city, to a very great extent, by making false representations. t3f The flow of tho tide is so great on tho const of Maine, that with suitablo wheels thevaler power can be used six teen hours out of tho twenty-four. tj" A vniiiirr wnmnti pirmlovcrt ill n. r.ot- ton mill in Mystic, Conn., eloped in her working dress, with a young man of means, a few days ago. t3g A young man named Zonor, in Clay county, Indiana, lost his entire scalp, two inches of skull, and an ounce of brain, in a recent conflict with a circular saw. Strange to say, he has recovered his health. At Osceola. Iowa, a few days ago, Colonel Lancdon was killed, and Samuel Roberts was suspected of killing him. Up on this suspicion a son 01 Liangaon snot Roberts, his brother-in-law. t3TThe publication of the names of rowdy students in me uosion papers iias a tAnrlonnv fr, innlrA fliA vnnnff infill Attending miviivj v l r r college in that vicinity a little more careful ol their reputation. EST At a meeting, of the St. Louis Bar recently resolutions were passed deploring the death of Miss Barkaloo, a young female attorney of that city. A very high tribute was paid to tho erudition, industry and en terprise ot the deceased lady. By James Stewart and James Cassady were attacked by three highwaymen at Bound Brook, N. J., the other night and robbed of $230 in money and some papers, The robbers escaned after felling their vic tims to the ground by blows with the butt or a revolver. B3ST A newspaper is edited and published by tho convicts in the New Jersey State Prison and although badly written and wretchedly printed, presents quite 1 unicme amioarance. and shows that the un fortunate men who conduct it are desirous of leading a better life when released from their connnement. BST Chain-in at tho defeat of the Imperial armies has aroused some of the journalists of France to a pitch of virulent malignity and malicious rage entirely incompatible with the press or the boasted centre 01 n.a ropcan civilization, mgarro shrieks "pro vide the Prussians with poisoned provis ions ;" tho Oaulois advises its readers to insult all women who do not wear mour ning. At Terre Haute, Indianna, one even ing last week, Miss Caroline Davis, a young lady residing in the southeast part of the city, while engaged in drawing water at a well, slipped and fell headforemost to the bottom of the well, some lorty ieet. Singular as it may appear, she was but slightly Injured. Her cries attracted the attention of a gentleman near by, who went down, and attaching a rope arouud her body, drew her to the surface, more fright ened than hurt by her sudden and involun tary bath. EST" On Tuesday a man named William Ooflio, employed in a sewer excavation in Hudson City, was instantly killed in a most singular manner. A blast covered with railroad ties was set off, and all tho men except Coflie left the same. The latter ran down the sewer about a hundred feet, and attempted to screen himself behind a "spirt" of rock, but its projection was in- suthclent to protect his person. Tho blast exploded, when a piece of rock shot out from under the logs and whizzed down the sewer like a cannon ball, carrying away the top of Coflle's head, and resulted in imme diate death. B3F The complaint is general from East ern Virginia and especially from the tide. water region of excessive drouth. Around Richmond the gardens are burned up, and .ball vegetables have almost disappeared 110111 market. 1 lie Richmond Whto, how ever, loams, that, notwithstanding the drouth the corn crop above tidewater is a pretty fair one, and the tobacco which re quires less rain, is very fine in some dis tricts. A heavy rain storm set in at Lynch burg on Saturday night. In consequence of the injui-y dono to vegetation by the drouth, the Virginia Horticultural Society will hold no exhibition this fall. By Dwollcra 011 the Hudson are horrified by a sensation story of the existence of or ganized bands of pirates along the banks of ine river, it is said that the outlaws have a confederation extending all along tho stream ; that accomplices are probably resi idonts at various towns ; that they go from place to place 011 pleasure yachts and nnd have secret rendezvous among the wild fastnesses of the mountains. River pilots on the night boats have remarked strange lights along tho Highlands, in lo calities altogether unfrequented by human beings. It is noticed that 0110 of the ves sels on tho river to which suspicion is at tached is commanded by a handsome blonde female of masculine and resolute appearance. PERRY COUNTY Ilea I Estate,1 in surance, ; V AS - '' lit" CLAIM AGKNCY. LEWIS POTTER & CO., Heal Kxtalc probers, Insurance, A Claim Apcntn 1 New IJlooiiilielcl, ' ' "VITE INVITE the attention of lwyers and sell T V ers to the advantage we ofTer them In pur chasing or disponing of real estate through our of fice. we have a tery large list of desirable proieitr, consisting of fiirms, town property, mills, store and tavern stands, and real estate of any descrlp- lon whioh we are prepared to oner at great imr lalns. We advertise our proiicrty very extensive v. and use all our efforts, skill, mid dilliizeace to effect a sale. We make no charges unless the property Is sold while registered with us. We also draw up deeds, bonds, mortgages, andall legal pa pers ai motierare rates. Some of the best, cheapest, and most reliable fire, life, and cattle Insurance companies In the United .States are represented at tills agency. Proerty Insured either on the cash or mutual plan, and perpetually at H and 95 per thousand. Pensions, bounties, and all kinds of war claims collected. There are thousands of soldiers and ' hell's of soldiers who are entitled to pensions and bounty, who have never made application. Sol diers. If you were wounded, ruptured, or contract ed a disease In the service from which you are dis abled, you are entitled to a pension. When widows of soldiers die or marry, the minor children are entitled to the pension. Parties having any business to transact In our line, urn rcsnec.tfullv Invited to irlve us a call. as. Ve are confident we can render satisfaction in auy uraiu-li ol our business. . . . 1 a-No charge for Information. 4 20 ly LEWIS POTTER & CO. " OUR FATHER'S HOUSE Olt, Tlie TJn-vwiiteii Wovcl. Hv Daniel March, D. 1)., author of the popular "Night Scenes." This master in thought and lan guage, shows us untold.riches and beauties in the Great House, with its Blooming flowers. Singing birds, Waving palms, Kolling clouds, Beautiful bow, Sacred mountains. Delightful rivers, Mighty oceans, Thundering voices, Blazing heavens and vast universe with countless beings in millions of worlds, and reads to us In each the Unwritten Word, liose-tluted paper, ornate, engravings and superb binding. "Klcli and varied in thought." "Chaste." "Easy and graceful in style." "Cor rect, pure and elevating iu its tendency." " Beau tiful and good." "A household treasure." Com mendations like the almve from College Presidents and Professors, ministers of all denominations, and the religious and secular press all over the country. Its freshness, purity of language, with clear open tvpe, line steel engravings, substantial binding, anil low price, making it the hook for the masset. Agents are selling from SO to 150 per week. We want Clergymen, School Teachers, smart ac. tive young men and ladies to introduce the work, for us in every township, and we will pay liberally. No Intelligent man or woman need be without u paying business. Rend for circular, full description, and terms. Address ZIEGLEB & McCURDY, 16 8. Sixth Street, Phila delphia, Pa, ; or, 139Kace Street, Cincinnatl.Ohio; 09 Monroe Street, Chicago, 111. -, 503 N. Sixth St., St. Louis. Mo. ; or, 102 Main St., Springfield, Mass. 4 35 4m. Bloomlield Academy! An English and Classical School FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! THE FALL TEKM of this Institution com mences August 29th. The course of study embraces Latin, Greek, English Branches, Mathematics, Natural Science, &c, and is designed to furnish a thorough English Education, or a complete Preparation for a Colle giate Course. Vacations: July and August, and one week at Christmas. Terms: For Boarding, Furnished Room, Wash ing. Tuition In Latin, Greek, English Branches and Mathematics, for the scolastlc year, except board in vacations. $200,00. The Ron nil 11 L' Detiartment Is at the institution. under the supervision of Wlliam Grler, Esq., by whom good and substantial board will be fur nished: and the pupils will be under the strict care of the Princliml. Address w. H. DILL, Principal, or Bltfl ML. l- 1 1 J JLi. A 1II1VI WILLIAM GRIElt. New Blooiitiuld, Ferry enmity, fa. Pennsylvania R. R. Time Table. NEWPORT STATION. On and after May 29, 1870, Passenger trains will run as follows: WEST. Plttsb'g Expr's. (Flag)4.41 a. m. dally exe't Sunday. Way Passenger, 9.13 A. M., daily except Monday. Mall 2.11 P. M. daily except Sundav. A mixed train with passenger car attached, will leave Harrisburg at 6 o'clock p. 111., and Newport at 6A6 p. m. EAST. Fast Line 4.10 A. M., dally except Monday. Harrisburg Aeconi. 11.31 A. M.. daily " Sunday. Mail, 7.53 v. M., dally except (Sunday J. J. BARCLAY, Agent. DUNCANNON STATION. On and afterSunday, June 12th, 1870, trains will leave Duncannon, as follows : EASTWARD. Fast Lino, (Flag) 4.35 a. m., dally except Monday Ilarrisburg Accom. 12.04 r. m., dally " Sunday Mall 8.28 p. m.. daily " Sunday WESTWARD. ' y Way Passenger, 8.33 a. m., daily except Monday Mall. 1.40 p. m daily except Sunday Thro' Freight, l'ass. Car attached, fi.00 p. m. WM. C. KING, Agent Ktnge Line Between Newport and Ken ucrmnniown. STAGES leave New Germantown dally at four o'clock a. 111. l.aiuliKliurirnt T. fill in crecii. park at 8 a, 111. New Bloomtield at 9!-4 a. m. Arrlviliu at Newimrt to connect with tlw Ai. coniinodation train East. Returning leaves Newimrt on the arrival of the Mail Traill troni Philadelphia, at 2.30 p. 111. . l. kii;js, rrvpricwr. To Blacksmiths. Those wantinu- tho Lest quality of Too and Blister Steel, can purchase it at low prices of F. Mortimer & Co. One of the most useful articles to have in: a family, is a Clothes Wringer. If you. have not already got one, you can get thesi uei anicie in use, 01 r . iuorunw & Co.