8 Professioir.i 1 Cards. 'mills PARAGRAPH ALONE SUMMER A RRA NGEMENT. ("1 li EAT TIIFNK .LINK l'IKiM Till! NOIiTll X" and North-W cs ior Philadelphia, New Yol k, heading. Fotlsvilie, Tiiniiiiiua. Asliluiifl. Slimuoklli, Lebanon. All' . ntown, Enstnn, Ephrala, Litlz, Lan caster, Columbia, iVC, &C. Trains leave llarrisburg for New York, as follows: At ; f..V. MO, ll.li a, M., mill 2."t P. M., connect ing Willi similar tiains on iltc i'l-iiiisylviinia Kail rnad, and arriving nt New Yolk at 12:10 noon, 3: Ci :'." anil Initio p. m.. ri's)ii'rtivrly. Sleeping ears accompany the f..V, and 11:25 A. M., trains williout. cli:: ujic. ncturning : Leave Now York nl 0 A. sr., 12 noon, iiml 5 i'. M. : Philadelphia at s.l .. m.. anil Jl.Dll I". M. Sleeping cars accompany the V A. M. ami 5 1'. M. trains from New York, withonl change. l.iv.o IlaiTishurg lor Leading. Potlsvillo, Tama pia. Miner-ivillo, Ashland, shamokin, Pine drove, Alloniov.il. I'liilaili'Ipliia. at8.lt, a.m., nnd2.5t, anil y.in, r. M., stopping ai Lebanon ami principnl way stations; tin' 4 ). m. train connecting lor Phila delphia, l'otisvilii' iiinl ulvinil'iii only. For I'otts v il If. Sehitvlkili Haven ami Auburn, via Schuylkill (mil Susinidiauna liailroad, leave llarrisburg at 4. l'i i. M. Wnv passcngcrtralii leaves Philadelphia ntT.HO A. i., 'connecting with similar trainon Ent renn'a liailroad, returning from Heading at (.:" v. M., stopping ai all .stations; leave l'otisvilii' at fl.40, iiml '.) a. m. ami 2. '0 v. m. : llerinlon at ami a. m. ; Shainokln at 0.4U anil In. -10 A. M. : Ashlaml, 7.05 A. M. ami I2.:l) noon ; Taimi'iua at S.."'! A. M. anil 2.201". M. for l'liihiileliihia ami New York. Leave l'ottsvtlle via Schuylkill ami Susquehanna liailroad at H.15 A. m.. for llarrisburg, and 12:ii5a. m for Pine (irove ami Tremotit. Keailiiigaceominoilatinn train: leaves Foltsvillo lit 5. HI A. m passing It'-adinj: at 7. :;oa. M., arriving lit l'liilatlelphia nt ln.20 a. m., reliirnini: leaves 1'hiladelphia at"), lip. M. passing Heading at 8.0U r. M., arriving at Pnttsviiloat !U0 P. M. l'oltstown Aeeommoilation train : Leaves Potts, town at (U" a. in., returning, leaves Philadelphia a 4.00 p. in. Columbia liailroad trains leave Heading at 7-20 a. in. and (i.l" p. in. for Eplir.ita, J.iti., Lancaster, Columbia. &t: Perkiimieu liailroad traiinleavePorkioineii.Tunc tiou at 9 a. m. and S.IW and 5.;io p. m. ltcluruing, leaves Schweuksvillo at 8 :H5 a. in. a nil 12.4") noon, and 4:15 p. in. connecting with similar trains on Heading road. ColebrooUdale liailroad train leaves Potlstownat 9.40 a. in. and (i.2o p. in., ret in ning leave .Mt. Pleas ant at 7, ami 11 :2." a. in., connecting w ith similar trains on Heading ii. l(. Chester Valley Kailroail trains leave Bridgeport at 8.:jn a. in., 2.0.) and 5.02 p. m. Hemming, leave Downingtown at 6.2o a. m., 12.1", noon, and S.15 p. in., connecting with trains on Heading liailroad. On Sundays: Leave New York at 5 p. in. j rhila. at S a. in. aiul:U5 p. m. ; the tin. in. train ni li lting only to Heading: Pottsviiles a. in.; llarris burg 5.:i-i a. m., and 4. lop. m. ; and Heading at 7:15 a. in., and 1(1:05 p. in., for HaiTisburg, at 7:2:i a. in. for New York at 4:45 p. in. for Allentown at 9:40 a. in., and at 4:25 j). m., for Philadelphia. Commutation, .Mileage. Season, Sehool anil Ex cursion Tickets to ami from all points at reduced rates. Baggage checked through, 100 pounds allowed each passenger. (;. A.N1COLLS, Gen'lSup't. Northern Central llnilway. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Ttrourli and Direct Route to and from Washing ton, Jloltimore, Elmira, Eric, Ilvtfulu, RoelieMer awl Niaaara JUln. ON AM) AFTEH SUNDAY. JUNE 12th, lsTO, the trains on the Northern Central liail way will run as follows : XOIITJIAYARD. MAIL TUAIX. Leaves r.all iniore, 7.55 a.m. HaiTisbui!i, 12. :Vp. m YVilliainspoi t 0.15 ). in., and hit. at hlmira.lO p.m. BUFFALO KXPIiKSS. Leaves P.altiniore, lli.nij Harrisburji, 3.20 a.m. YVilliainspoi t, 7..'S0 a. in. Flmira, 12 noon. Arrives at Canandaiiiua at 3.10 p. m. FAST LINE. . Loaves P.altiniore 12.15 p. m. Harrisburg 4.05 p.m. Arr. at WilliamsiiortS.OOp.in., and Erie at 7.25 a. in. CINCINNATI tfXPllESK. Leaves Haltimore 7.40 p.m. nr. llarrisburgll.,rp.iii. yoi; k and haiii;isi;ui;g accommodation leaves York at 6.30a. m., arr. nt llarrisburg 8 a.ni Emigrant Train witli passenger ear attached, leaving llarrisburg at 7.30 a. m., arrives at Sun bury at 11.15 a. in. houtJTyaiid. MAIL TKAIN. Leaves Elinlra 6.15 a. m. I YVilliainspoi t 9.45 a. ill. Jlarrisburg 2.50 p. m. Ar.llaltiiiioro at 7.15 p.m liUFFALO EXPltESS. Leaves Canaudaigua 4.45)1. in.. Elmira 8.40 p.m. Willianisport 12.25 a. in., llarrisburg at 5.15 a. m. Arrives nt lialtimore at 9 a. in. CINCINNATI EXPltESS. LeavesIIarrisburg 10.45 p.m., Ar. lialtimore 2.30a.m ElllE EXPIIESS. Lvs, Sunbury 10.10 a. in., Ar.llarrlsburg 12.25 a.m- PACIFIC EXPltESS. Lvs. llarrisburg 8.45. a.m., Ar.l)altnnorel2. 10 p.m. Y'okk and HAitmsniuo Accommodation. Lvs. llarrisburg 5.45 p. in., Arr. at York 7.20p. m. S-Mail Train north and south. Fast Lineiiorth, and York and llarrisburg Accommodation north and south, nud Erie Express, lirie Mail south, Cin cinnati Express north, Pacillc Express south, and Emigrant north daily except Siindav. Imitate Express north ami south daily. Cincinnati Express south daily except Saturday. For further Information apply at the Ticket oftice, Pennsylvania liailroad Depot. ALFliHD It. FISKE, Cieneral Superintendent. Daily Express and Freight line BETWEEN BLOOMFIELD& NEWPORT! THE subscriber wishes to notify the citizens of P.loomlleld and Newport that lie Is running a Daily Lino between these two places, and will haul Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver packages or messages entrusted to his care. . Orders may be left for him at the stores of F. Mortimer & Co., New Bloomlleld, or Milllgan & Musser, Newport, Pa. .1. S. YYIUTMOltE. Bloomlleld, January 25, 1870. QIIK8APEAKE XAIIj "VVOIIKS CHARLES L. BAILEY & BROTHER, Proprietors, HAllllISlimiG, renn'a, An assortment of these celeiibated kails always on baud, for sale at the lowest market price either at retail or by tlio Keg, at; T. MORTIMER & CO'S, Mew Bloomlleld. LEWIS roTTElt. Alliirney-at Law. Awl SYoturii 1'nhiir owl iiicin'i'r of t,.e U. . 7(1!" Axmci'dion and (tyifrtlmi Union. New Hloomlieid. Perry eo.. Pa., fl3-()llee live doors West of Suleh shotel. ;i21y. BP. MclNTIltE Attorney at Law, and Dis- trict Atloi nevof Perry enmity. Olilee w ith J. T. Mclntlre. New lilooinlleld, Penn'a. M. N. SEIllKltT, Attoiney-ntJ.aw, New lllooinlield, Perry eo.. Pa. llloomllehl, 3a'J ly. "V7"M. M. SUTCH, Attorney-at-Law, and Mill V tary Claim Agent. New Hloomtleld, Perry eo.. Pa. WOlllce Two doors West of F. Mortimer's Store 3 7 ly Wil. A. SPONSI.EIt, Attorney-at-Law, Otliee adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New lilooiuiicld, Perry eo., Pa. 3 2 ly Q 11. CALllltArni, Attornev-at-Law, O, New lilooinlieid. Perry eo., Pa. -Pensions, lloiinties, Hack Pay, and nil Claims against the Government, promptly collect ed. Olllce w ith Win. A. Sponsler, Esq. 3 2 ly. CLEE MUlMtAY, Attorney-at-Law, and Ileal Estate Agent, New llloomllelil. Perry eo., Pa. 3 Olllce with lion. P.. 1". .Itinkin, South Car lisle street. New llloinlield, Pa. 3 2 ly. CIIAS. A. llAltNETT. Attorney-at-Law, New Ulooinllelil, Perry co.. Pa. Olllce adjoining Mortimers Store 3 2 ly E i' Jil.,l, Jllliri lir.-ill'ljil ,t. li. New Wnomliold. Perry co.. Pa. 1 live 1 1 .......... n I T .. ... Oliiee one door West of Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly. CIIAS. ,1. T, MclNTIliH. Atlorney-at-Law, New lllooinlield, Perry eo.. Pa. '3" All professional business promptly and faith fully attended to. 3 2 ly. JOHN (i. SilATTO, Surgeon Dentist, New Hlooiulleld, Perry Co., Pa. ttU-All kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den tistry done in the best manner, and at reasonable nrices. Oiliee over Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly REMOVAL! I HAVE ltEMOVEDlny Law Olllce to the build ings on Market Sip. are. opposite the Court House, and immediately Im.'k of the Hank. and 1 ask the business public lor a share of iispatron- " S. II. O ALP.llAITH, AU'y at Law. lilooinlleld, April 12, lsfo :l Ileal Estate Ayviu-) f.-y I'erry Co. Lewis Potteh. S. II. fJ.M.nilAlTII. l'OTTKll .V (1ALJUA1TH, IS e 1 t n i c A g' c ii f , New JJIooiisii."Iii, iii., OFFEli at Private Sale over OVER ONE HUNDRED FAR Wi3 in Perry County, Pa., varying in size from 20 I'1 300 Aejes, and at prices ranging from S10 to S100 per acre. Allot the above Ileal Estate is located within 45 miles of the Capital of the State, and convenient to markets, none of it being more than 20, and much of it within 5 miles of the 1'enu'a. It. K. Perry County is among the tinest Agricultural Counties in the. Slate, Tim land being principally limestone, red shale and Hint gravel. Persons wishing to view any of the above prop, properties can do so, by calling at the oiliee of tlio Agents. ir- Persons having properties for sale, would do well in calling on the above. -Please send lor a Circular giving a full de scription of eacli property 1 20 ly THE BEST IN USE THE PARHAM NEW FAMILY Hewing Machine IT combines all the licst features of other good machines, with New and Valuable Improvements, which make it THE EASIEST AND MOST QUIET 11UNNINU as well ns tho Most Simple Machine iu Use. IT M'ILL HEM IT WILL BRAID, IT WILL TUCK, IT WILL GATHER, IT WILL QUILT, anil will use cither Silk, Cotton, or Linen Thread with equal ease. It uses a straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES. The principal ofllee .of tho company is at JVo, 704 Clicslnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. These machines are for sale In Perry County by JAMES L. DIVEN Landisburg, F. MORTIMER & CO., New Bloomfleld. IWThe jniblic are invited to call at either o the above placet anil me a Machine in operation. THE SiibsfHpiion Frice OF THIS PAPElt FOR A WHOLE YEATt. Ten yenrs of hard work and hard knocks, have organized in the largest and most complete Clothing House in America, if not In Hie TV J 1 O 1 O Ol'l I P.y constant endeavors, we have avoided all the old ruts and antiipiated methods of tho trade, until now OAK 1IALL, is universally ac knowledged to be A ?4 EXCEPTIO W . THE ItEASONS AllH 1. Wo have built a house for our business, cov ering nearly half an acre. 2. Instead of wedging it in between other build ings, making it dark, and obscuring the goods, it is built on the corner of three streets, anil any one may count in it 261 windows. 3. We employ skilled Workmen, Ono Hundred and Kilty ol whom may be seen under our roof by any one having the lime and curiosity to visit our Establishment, and besides these, 1100 to l.SOO sew ers arc employed at theirown homes. 4. Wo wake no imperfect goods. 5. We thoroughly sponge ami shrink ALL our goods. 6. We purchase our goods at first hands, in large lots sometimes in bills of over Sluo,WW at one time. We set our faces against every species of unfair dealing, and w ill dismiss any employee in any way guilty of it. R. We have such enormous sales that we arecon tcnt with a prollt far below tho trade margin. 9. We warrant all our goods, and will give every possible guarantee to purchasers at OAK HALL.. Tlio above are facts that no one can truthfully dispute, as the examination wo so cordially in vite, will fully prove. i We ask the encouragement and support of all classes of people, feeling sure that in establishing IN PHILADELPHIA The Largest Clothing House In .A-iii oi'ion , vc enlist the patronage of all who aro Interested in the prosperity of our Commonwealth. Wanamakcr & Brown, Oak Hall Buildings, S. E. Corner Sixth and Market Sts., Nos. C33, 534, 530 Market Street. Kos. 1, 8, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 South Cth Street. TO lAA-HAIldllM: Tlio llarrisburg Fertilizer Company OFKEU for sale at their manufactory located at PEKDIX, PEliKY COUNTV, PA., on the Pennsylvania Kail Itoad, rUUE GltOUND BONE, SUPER PHOSPHATE OP LIME, AND j. ii I in n 1 O o m i o h t ' AT LOW PRICES I - For Price Lists, Sc., address Ilarruburg Fertilizer Company, llarrisburg, Pa. 3r Highest prlco paid (or Eenes.-t 4332m MANUFACTritr.ItS OP ffTi DOORS, I 'i 2311llM, . 88ftCKETSt Mo Hiding a , Balusters, Newel Posts, Scroll, Sawing, CIRCULAR WORK, &c, &c, Made and Warranted from dri materia!, and all common sizes of DOORS AND SASH, Kept on hand ami for sale by the undersigned. 3-Send for List of Prices to KIMtOUT t KDDY, ril'TUlE ROCKS, 43!- Lycoming county, Pa. Perry County Bank! WlJOissSeir, Jtiiinlsm &. Co. rpiIE undersigned, having formed a Hanking As sociallon under the above name and style, are now ready to do a General Hanking business at their new Hanking House, on Centre Square, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, NEW BLOOMFISLD, PA. We receive money on deposit and pay back on demand. We discount notes for a period of not over 00 days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and New York. On time Deposits, live per cent, for any time over four months: and for four months four per cent. We are well provided with all and every facility tor doing a Hanking Business; and knowing, and for some years, feeling the great inconvenience un der which the people of this County labored for tho want of a Hank of Discount and Deposit, we have have determined to supplythe want : and this being the llrst Bank ever established in Perry county, we hope we will be sustained in our efforts, by all th business men, farmers and mechanics. Tills Hanking Association is composed of the fol lowing named partners: W. A. Kpoxsi.eu, lilooinlleld. Perry county. Pa. ' II. K. .Ii nkin, " " A. fi. flu.i.Kii, Sliipponsbui'g, Cumberland eo.,ra. .John Woniiuhi.hh, " " " liKMlV HriiY, " " " Wm. II. Mii.i.kh, Carlisle, " " officehs: W. A. SPON.SLEH, President. William Willis, Cashier. New Hloomtleld, 3 5 ly E. M. E 15 Y, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS AND MEDICINES J 01noiaai?s:il, CONCEM'llATEl) REMEDIES, ESSENTIAL OILS, Patent Medicines, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal and Sacramental Purposes. A Splendid Assortment of PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, BRUSHES, AND FANCY ARTICLES, Always on hand, which will be sold at low prices W Orders from riiyslcians promptly attcntlcd to with great care. Newport, Perry County, Penn'a. To J9lioeniilcoiH, THE subscribers keep constantly on hand, a FINE ASSOKTMEKT OF FRENCH CALF .SKINS, FINK LININGS, ROANS, MOROCCOS, SHOE THREAD, PEGS, A WLS, and a general assortment ot articles used by Shoe makers. F. MORTIMER Se CO. Cnnli Iaitl lbx Gi'ttiii. THE I)UCANON IKON COMPANY have rented the tilt 1ST MILL of Mr. OriMlth Jones, of that place, and aro prepared to buy Grain to any amount for CASH. . JOHN W1STF.K, Treasurer. Duncannon, July 26, 1870. FAltMEKS ! KXAMINE ANIJ HVY BAUGH'S BEING The Tirst Haw Bono rWpliate Made. All Others arc Imitation. BA UG JI 'S RAW-3QNE Kispci Flccyjjlnalo of Urn?! MARK FALL, 1S70. This Manure is made of Haw or I nbiirned Hones, rich In Nitrogenous mutter, dissolved in Oil of Vitriol, presenting the Hone Phosphate In a highly soluble and ipileklv available form, and the Ammonia in such proporiionas to insure a prompt and vigorous action upon the crops. Where Haugh's Phosphate was applied the past season, the indications, without exception, are that. It will maintain Its well earned reputation. Vie re (piest all in need of a Fertilizer to give tills article """'"B AilCH & SOfCS, mam:factihi;hs, Offico ITo. 20 S. Eehttara Avenua, PHILAT-ELP2L. 4 29 Om 9 c w. ii vnmuLL, No. 22 North Sixth Street, opposite Commerce, I'lllLADELL iilA, Importer and Dealer ii) FJNS WATCHES, French and Amsrican Clocks, GOLD JEWELEY AX1 SILVER - WARE. H3,Partioular attention paid to Fine Watch ami Clock liepairing. ?r Agent for STEVENS PATENT Tt'RKKT CLOCK, the best and cheapest Turret Clock in tho United States. - Inquiries lv mail for inrormation regarding Clocks or Watches will be clieerlmly answered. Philadelphia, llilOlv THE SEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. 2'ii miBiBu HOWlillY ....... . i: ., ...... ......a ,.r llw.li. iiiiu' !iml lilt. IOC C-MlilOMlllim J niuir.,.. im.. r... proved manufacturing Machines for light or heavy work, lias induced the EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. to manufacture a NEW FAMILY MACHINE or the same stylo and construction, with adtUtioJinl ornamentation, making it equal in beauty and lln Ish witli oilier Family Machines, whereas in use fulness it far Outstrips All Competitors. The price of this now acknowledged necessary sir tide comes within reach of every class, . and tin; Company is prepared to oiler the most liberal In ducemeiits to buyers, dealers, and agents, l.very Machine warranted. Apply for circulars and samples to EM PUt E SKW1NO MACHINE CO., 4.15.-G1H. No. 2i4 Howery, New Yolk. W. H. Pll'EU. "W. A. OlilllSON. w. ii. ni'rois co., MASUFACTUltEliS OF Trunks, Valises, Travelling Eags, UMBRELLAS, &C, No. 40 North Fourth Street, (In Merchants' Hotel Building) TIIILADELI'HIA . m, SOLID HOLE LEATHElt THUNKS A SPE CIALTY. 4181ylO THE 1IINKEEY FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. PRICE ?S0. Every family in tiie country needs one. It knitB everything from a mitten to a blanket. A child 12 years old can learn to work it in an hour. It is operated tho same as a sewing machine by hand or foot. It uses but one needle, and Is the perfection of beauty and usefulness. Circulars and cuts and full particulars free to ev erybody. Agents wanted In every county. Apply quickly. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE CO., 17 Broadway, New York or, Bath, Maine. 4.15-Cm. THE WORLD'S WONDER ! Kqualaxliii Oil ! THIS Oil for Klieuiiiatism in all Its forms, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds of all descrip tions. Cramp, etc., etc., etc.. IS UNEQUALLED by any now offered to the pub lie. It Is for salo at 60 cents per bottle, by NOKTH E. BOLlNGEIt, Millerstown, Perry county, Pa. AND F. MOUTIM Eli & CO., New Bloomlleld, Pa. ltellef given almost Instantly, and permanent cures etlected. 4 ltf am CHEAP fOH CASIl7Teuiukisirned pives notice that Iio lias adopted tlio tush l'lan, and now nells goods nt very low rates for Cash or Country Produce only. No de viation will bo niado from this rule. R. CATIICART, Millerstown, Penn'a. May 3, 1870 12t. Clocks. Another new lot of 80 hour and 8 day Clocks just received by F. Mon TlMEit & Co.New Bloomlleld. TRADE