Ijc imc0, New Bloomftcttr, )a. THE "Blees Patent" NOISELESS, LIKK MOTION, LOCK-STITCH Sowing Machine Challenges tho World la rerfectiou of Work, Strength and Eeauty of Stitch, Durability of Con struction and liapldity of Motion. Call and exam ine, aud for Agencies and Circulars, apply AT riilNCIFAL OFFICE, 623 Broadway, New York. 4 2Sly-a Iflio has a House to JPaint ? HEADY - MADE COLORS, Known as "KAILltOAD" Colors. Guaranteed to lie more economical, nioro durable and more con venient than any Faint ever before ollered. A book ent tied "I'lalu Talk with l'ractical Fainter.-!," with samples, sent free bv mall on aiiplica '" ,vlIt T , MASL'ltY & WJIITUN, Olobeilto Lead nnd Color Works, 111 Fulton K'!Aliwlor,Kstabll5ll(!d 136. lleware of Imitations. i 17 3m NOVELTY NEWTHIXO, forpentlemen's tlZilri seollly- Sent by return mail on weelpt of 30 ccnU Aw-nts wanted everywhere. 4 31 3m F. O. llox 32GI, N.Y. City. WATER WHEELS. THE DUPLEX TURBINE. "V?,r Equaled by any Wheel in existence. Groat economy of water. The only Wheel tunable to mrii streams. Adapted to all kinds of Mills. Illustrated Fauijihlet with Useful Tables sent free. j". E. STEVENSON, 4 17 3m 83 Liberty St., N. Y. HOW SHALL WE PAINT out HOUSES,' by mail, on receipt of price. Masury & Whitou fccw York. 417 3m. it HINTS ON HOUSE FAINTING," ByJ. W. Masury, CI. 4Sp., 40e. Free by mail on re- colpt of price. MASUK IIITON, N. Y.-41731U .77 4fi 1 Iow 1 ma(le !t ln 6 mos.with Stencils. y --- Samples mailed free. 4 17 3m A. J. Fl-LLAM, N. Y. TiATlTF.S Jlie Eugenie is the most Useful ar-L-ymJ tielo ever invented for your use. Circulars free. Mrs. Morgan, 1'. O. Box243!i,N.Y,3m GENTLEMEN Tlie GKANT C,GA tip is a VJUltxajriLirilX i,OVelty and a pleasure. Samples 30 cents. A. Graut,F.O.Uox43W,N.Y. 3m $1140 How I made it In 6 mos. with Stencils. Samples mailed free. A.J.Fullam,N.Y.6ih A GREAT OFFER. HORACE WATERS, No. 481 Broadway, Xetv York "T7"ILL dispose of One Hundred Fianos, Me W M)deon8 and Okoans, of six first class ma kers, Including Chiekering & Sons, at extkemely LOW FH1CES rem cash, duuing tuis month, or will take, from go to ?25 monthly until paid. 4 17 ly a LONGEST ROOF in tho United States is on ltipek's Sons' Factory Eastern, Fa., one third of a mile long, and Is cov ered with READY ROOFING, CHEAP, rUHABLE and easily applied. Send for circular and samples to the manufacturers. ItEADY UOOFINU CO., 4 23 lya No. 61 Courtland St. New York. IlinMey Knitter, For Family Use, prico 30, Knits everything, uses only one needle, simple, reliable. Circular nnd sample stocking sent free. Knits ton pairs per day. A child can operato It. . Agbsts Wast ed. Address Hinklet Ksirrrso Machine Co., Bath, Mo, 423 3ma or 176 IJKOADWAY, N. Y. JAMES IB. MAKPFACrrUKEll AND EEALEB IN Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware New Bloomlleld, Terry co., Ta., T7'EEPS constantly on hand every article usually -a. jii in a nisi-uiiiss usiauiisumcuu AH the latest styles and most Improved I'arlor and Kitchen Stoves, TO BUHN EITIIEK COAL Oil WOOD! S-Spouting and Roofing put up In the most durable manner, and at reasonable prices. Call uuu UAUJUiUU IlIU BlUCK. JJ X New Carriage Manufactory, On High Street, East op Carlisle St., New Bloomfleld, renn'a. THE subscriber has built a large and commodl oih Khnp on High St., East of Carlisle Street, New Uloomllehl, Fa., where he Is prepared toman- Cix r r i a c: c Of every description, out of tho best material. Slcigiis of every Style, built to order, and finished In tho most artistic and uuiauiu ui.uinur. rruiiavun? superior workmen, ho Is prepared to furnisli.woik that will compare favorably with tho best City Work, and much more durable, and ut much more reasonable rates, S-llEFAlltING of all kinds neatly and prompt ly done. A call Is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH 3 lit HOW TO BEGIN. A Story for Young Married Folks. ALL GREENVILLE knew Will Nor ton and Kato Sedley were going to marry. Indeed, the parties most inter ested made no secret of the matter. For months, piles of snowy linen had been steadily growing beneath Kate's nimble hngers, and as for V ill, he was equally busy. And, for a marvel, most people seem ed satisfied, and agreed in saying what a good match it was, and what a fine cou ple they would make. Kate was so neat and industrious j not strictly beautiful, but with that natural loveliness that youth health, and a sweet and cheerful temper give to every woman. And Will was a steady, sensible young man, with aj stout heart and broad shoulders, with which to push his way in the world. Ihcy both brought into this mutual partnership, together with the wealth of loving hearts and strong, helpful hands a little of worldly gear. Will's consisted ot a new and pretty cottage every stick of which was laid with his own hands for he was a house carpenter and every room constructed with an eye to the com fort and convenience of its expected mis tress. Kate's dowry consisted of a few hundred dollars, left her by an uncle, and which was to bo hers at the age of eigh teen, or on the eve of her marriage. Kate thought tho best use to put the money to would be to furnish the house, and so go at once to kousckeeping, and Will agreed with her. Then came the all-important subject of selections, for Kate had only a certain amount, and was anxious to lay it out to tho best advantage. She had neither mother nor sister, but fortunately, Aunt Sarah, a kind-hearted, sensible woman, with no little experience in such matters was on her annual visit to her brother's house, and she determined to avail herself of her counsel and assistance. Tho old lady had been but a few days in tho honsc, but her sharp, kindly eyes had been sufficiently observing; so she was not at all surprised when her ncice said, with a slight blush. " I'm going to be married next month aunty!" " So I judged, from the appearance of things, my dear. And unless my old eyes deceive me, you will have a good husband." " Will is one of the best and kindest of men," returned Kate, with a pleased and happy smile. " I only wish ho -was sure of as good a wife. You know tho money Uncle Eli left me ? Will has built a beautiful little cottage, and I think of furnishing it, so that then we can go di rectly to housekeeping. And as I ehall have to buy a good many articles, I Bhould like your advice in arranging and selecting them." " I think your plan a very good one niece, and shall be glad to give you any assistance in my power. It will bo less expensive than boarding, besides being much plcasauter." The next day Kato showed her aunt over the house, which had just been papered and blinded. The lower story contained four rooms parlor, sitting room, kitchen and wash-room and above threo chambers. They looked very pleasant and con venient, and Aunt Sarah duly admired them, to Kate's great satisfaction. " I shall have enough to furnish it very nicely," sho said, "and shall take so much pleasure in selecting and arrang ing it." " You will have enough to make you very comfortable, my dear," returned Aunt Sarah, " but you must not count on spending a great deal for outside show. "Oh, no aunt; I intend to do with things that are plain and inexpensive, un til we can afford to have better. I think we will go to Brown's first. I saw some nice carpeting aud curtains there, that will bo such a nice match for tho parlor ana paper, ana very reasonablo they are, too." .' As they were walking along, Aunt Sarah suggested that before purchasing she make an inventory of what sho in tended to get, together with tho price .loiuis ivato agreeu, though she was quito confident she hud ample means to carry out the plan sho had lain down, bo Kate began to select furuituro : first for the parlor, then tho siting room, then tho parlor chamber, jcdlng down tho price ot each article. They then went homo to dinner. Aunt Sarah had promised to make out a list of what kitchen furuituro sho would need, and after dinner sho sat dowu to rcaecui it. m the meantime, Kate at her suggestion, began to add up tho long row of figures that had been the result of her morning's work. Her cheeks flushed as she proceeded, and the result seemed very unsatisfactory, for she went over it twice. Aunt Sarah noticed her perplexity. " Ilow much will you have left for your kitchen furniture 1" " Three dollars nnd fifty cents !" Tho old lady smiled. " You will have enough to get a cou ple of tin plates and half a dozen knives and forks." " I don't understand it. I thought I had quite enough to furnish my house comfortably." " and so you have, my dear ; but in your selection you have had ' your eye more to show than to comfort. I con cluded to let you have your own way, but I knew very well how it would ter minate, for you did not begin at tho right end." " I don't know what you mean, aunt." " Why, you should have begun with the kitchon, and thus have secured the things you must have. Then, if thcro is anything left for the parlor, it could bo easily got." Kato looked aghast at the list of arti cles handed her. "Shall I need all those things, aunt?" " If you wish to do your work well and economically, you cannot get along with less. Never stint the kitchen and make a show in tho parlor." " i aon t see that l shall have an'- thing left for tlie parlor," said Kate, after a few minute's calculation of tho fig ures beforo her ; " the kitchen sitting- room and chambers will take the entire amount." " And supposing it should remain un furnished, at least for tho present? Ihoso who come to see you will not ob ject to be received in your sitting-room and those who come to sec your furni ture are not worth being received at all." " But then it will look so odd; so diff erent from what other people do. Mrs. Weston has her parlor very nicely fur nished." Mrs. Weston was an old schoolmate who had married a few weeks beforo. " les, and I happcu to know how it was paid for Mr. Weston mortgaged his house : l persumo your Husband can do the same." Kate s natural good sense recoiled at this suggestion. " I would rather never havo any parlor," she exclaimed. " Perhaps we can do with less sitting- room furniture," she suggested, as she ran her eye over the list of articles. " I suppose that the sitting-room wil' do the place wiicro you will spend your evenings and most ot your spare time I "Yes." " Then take the advice of an old mar ried woman, my dear, and make the room in which your husband spends his evca ing the pleasantcst room in the house. Kato followed Aunt Sarah's advice and never has had reason to regret it. rive years later, Mr. ueston s mort gaged house was sold under the hammer and all his fine furniture with it. Kate has now a very prettily furnished parlor, and enjoys it none the less that none of its ndornmcnts have been pur chased at the expense of tho happiness ot home and tho comlorts ot hie. A Deceived Family. A very pretty Oakland, Ilhodo Island girl not over eighteen years of age, orougnta suit ior breach ot promise against a young merchant who had changed his mind, and taken a richer bride. The trial came on, and the girl's mother, a lat, red iaced old dame, was present to give moral effect to the rccita of her daughter's wrongs. Tho counse! for the plaintiff, in summing up declaim ed at length, with moving pathos upon the enormity of tho defendant's guilt in creeping into tho bosom of this family here tho old lady pinned her shaw. closer , and deceivingaud disappointing this young girl. Here the venerablo mother could contain herself no lon: but with gushing tears, exclaimed " Ho deceived us all, gentlemen ! Me aud all the rest we ami all the rest! The effect was magical, but not just what tho old lady expected. W A story is told, illustrating how fast cities are built in tho West, to tho effect that a traveller laid down on a vacant lot in Chicago to sleep, and in tho morning found himself in tho collar, with a five story building built over him. Occasion ally you will (lud an old fogy who doubts that story. A Dutchman Attends nriculcaud Shooting "TTEN VE get out py dat garten bark Y you vouldn t pclicve vhero all dat beeples vas come from. Dar ish vomans, children and blcuty men beeples mitpoth; cverypouy snust iook asn napby und ash ight as a den cent paker s loat of pread. On der dhird tay, in do nfdernoon, I vas vatehen do mcmpers of dat Viladelfee llifle Company ven all of dhcin ish schcutzen at der darget porrd, trying to knockon the bulls eye out. V hile 1 ish a vatehen, I dinks it looks so easy to dako a nice asm und knock der eye out of dat darget, Do more I looks at desc fellers mit dat scheutzen, do more I vas sure dat could do dat. So I hunt ub dat Bresi- dent Kolb do head mcmpcr of dat rifle glub und I told him mine idoa. I dells him ven he vants to done a favor mit mo, ho vill allow me der briveilege of haben shust one shot mit a gun at de darget bull's eye poard. Ven he do dat I vould po sadisfied. Veil, he axen me vedder I pelongs mit any rillc clubs ; und ven dells him no, he scratch his head und plow his nose, und den dells mo I can haben a shot. I den porrowed a rifle- gun from one of der mempcrs, und puts in him a pig load ot bowder, und right on dop I dhrow in sieks musket palls. 1 do dat, so ven I schute off dat rifle gun, der palls vill spread out, und one of dhem must knock dat bull's eye out. Afder I ish all readic, I stands ub at a good vays from dat darget, und ven I gits a nice aim, I pulls der driggcr, und let fly. Mine gootness gracious ! dat rifle gun vent pack on me, und kick me vorscs den a shackasscs. I ish knocked over packvards apout atecn feet right on mine pack ; und ven I get3 ub, I find mine arm ish done mit mine hole pody. Und de vorst ding of it ish dat not a single one of dem palls go mitin den feet of dat darget poard. One shot liker dat vill last me for apout a year. Mine arm ish now tied up mit a sling, und bains me more vorse den der doothake. Badly Sold. OT many days ago there was a rath er " loud woman down here, says the Capo May Wave, rich and vulgar, swooping around with her daughter and putting on more airs than you could grind out of a hand organ. One man, who was disgusted at the aristocratic pretensions of the couple, thought he would have a little fun at their expense. So one day ho pointed out a good-looking fellow who was passing the hotel, and mentioned to the woman, in a sort of a careless off hand way that the good-looking fellow was a lord, who had just arrived in the country and was stopping for a while at Uape May. 1 his woman, you under stand, wanted an introduction, so that sho could set her daughter at work to rope in tins scion ot a noblo house. Ihe stran gcr was presented the next evening in tho parlor ; and this designing being ot o mamma, began to gush right over him She kept on exclaiming how much she had always admired tho English nobility, and how much sho longed to see them in their own beautiful homes ; and then she asked this man if ho did not sometimes long for his island home, and hate the society of the vulgar Americans, and sigh for his high-born campanions ! At last tho man turned around and said sho must have made a mistake ; he didn't care a red cent for aristocracy ; ho had no is land home, for he camo from Germany ; and he had no high-born companions, uu less somo of his friends were born in t garret. So this woman rose right up and pranced out to tho fellow who introduced her to tho aristocrat, and sho said : " Seo here ! I thought you said that man was a lord !" " So ho is was the reply ; "ho i3 the land-oT(l of tho Dutch hotel, round tho corner there. Nice man, isn't ho 1" Walk On ! A traveler bound to a certain village, passing by Aesop's, thus addressed him " Can you tell mo how long it will take mo to reach B 1 " Walk on," was tho laconio reply. The traveller, not comprehending this answer, repeated his question. Again the reply was : " Walk on." Disgusted with his manner, tho travel er did walk on, when suddenly Aesop ex claimed : "You will reach B in two hours." " And pray," retaliated the wanderer " why did you not tell me before I?" " How could I tell you beforo I had seen your rate of walking ?" returned Aesop. Anecdote of Old Ironsides FT! HE most brilliant naval action of the X last war undoubtedly was that of tha old American frigate Constitution, 4-4, commanded by Commodore Stewart, whea she captured the two British corvettes, Cyane and Levant, of greatly superior forco each of them being equal to tha old-fashioned 32 gun frigates. The hand ling of the A merican frigate was through out scientific and unexceptional, by no mancouvering could either of the British vessels obtain a position to rake tho Con stitution. Shift their ground as they would, Old Ironsidoa was between them, blazing away upon both vessels at tha same time. During the whole action Stewart, instead of mounting tho horse block, sat in a more exposed situation astride of the hammock nettings, the bet ter to observe the manoeuvcring of hi3 antagonist. Cyano was the first to strike to Brother Jonathan not an unusual thing with British vessels during that war. Tho first Lieutenant came in haste to the Commodore to announce the fact. " The starboard ship has struck, sir," said the officer. " I know it, sir," replied the Commr dorc. "The battle is just won." " Shall I order the band to strike ut Yankee Doodle, sir ?" inquired the lieu tenant. Hero the Commodore took a huge pinch of snuff and then answered quick- ly- " Had we not better whip the othe first, sir ?" " Ay, ay, sir," replied the lieutenant, taking the hint, and went to his quar ters. In a short time afterwards the Levant lowered the cross of Old England to the stars and stripes, and the battle was end ed. The lieutenant feeling somewhat re buked at his premature exultation upon the surrender of the first vessel, was rather shy of approaching his commaa der again ; but Stewert, beckoning to him said with a smile : " Don't you think tho band had better strike up Yankee Doodle now, sir ?" In an instant that spirit-stirring strain was floating in tho breeze, played as no other than a l'ankeo band can play it, and the gallant crew shouted forth their cheers ol victory, as no other than a Yankee crew can shout. Little and Nothing of it. Old Johnny McGill resided, during the war, in East Teunessco. Guerrillas-, representing both parties, kept it so warm in that forsaken region that it was dan gerous to belong to either side. McGill had, in trying to rido both horses, gotten several boot jackings from first the reb els and then the Yankees. As all gueril las dressed alike, ho made several mis takes in trying to pass for either Union or Southern, as he thonght would suit the crowd. At last ho was overtaken bj a party whoso politics ho couldn't even guess at, and tho following dialogue en sued : " Sir, arc you a Union man ?" " No sir," responded McGill. " Are you a rebel then ?" " No sir, I am not a rebel either." " Then what in tho devil's name, are you ?" roared the captain. " Well, sir," hesitated McGill, " to tell tho real truth, I'm nothing aud but d d little of that !" ltatlier Singular. A young man who lost an arm in the Eric City Pa. Iron works, a couplo of weeks ago, still insists that ho feels pain throughout the entire arm and fiugcra. Some twenty-four hours after tho acci dent, when the mutilated limb lay ia the cellar, nearly beneath the bed where he lay, he would tell when any one was handling it, by the painful sensation he felt. At one time a block was placed on the fingers to keep them straightened out and, although ho knew nothing of the transaction, ho at onco contended that something was pressing down his hand, and insisted that it should be removed nt once. After the block was removed ho said ho felt easier, and was contented. CW Thoro is an ccccntrio old man who frequently delivers religious discourses to the passengers on tho Jersey Ferry boats. His latest freak is walking tho streets and holding between tho linger and thumb of his right hand a silver dollar, and exclaim ing in stentorian toncH, "Oh, how we love it, this root of all evil." tA Couplo wcro recently married n Coventry, New Hampshire, the lady boing twelve years old and tho geutlomau four teen. They aro now keeping house.