8 Ije Stimcs, Htm Blaomftcfo, )cu KEAIUAG ItAIL-KOAl). SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, May 101 1 1 1870. 3.REAT TRUNK LINK FItOM THE NOItTH JUT and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Beading, Pottsvllle, Tamaqua, Ashland, Hhinuokin, Lebanon, Alleiitown, Fasten, Ephiala, Litiz, Lan caster, Columbia, &c, &o. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows : At 6.86, 8.10, 11.21) a. M., and 2.6(1, P. M connect ing with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Kail road, and arriving at New York at 12:lu noon, 11:50, C:0oand lOsuu p. in., respectively. Sleeping ems accompany the 6.35, and 11:25 A, M., trains without ohange. Iteturnlng : Leave New York at 9 a. m., 12 noon, and C p. m. i 1'hiladelphla at 8.16 a. m., and 3,30 P. M, Sleeping cars accompany the 9 a. m. and S P. M. trains from New York, without change. Leave llamshuig for lieading, Pottsvllle, Taina qna, Minersvllle, Ashland, Hhaiiiokin, Pine (irove, AJIentown. Philadelphia, at 8.10, A. M., and 2.50, and 3.10, p. m., stopping at Lebanon and pi Incipul way stations; the 4 p. in. train connecting for Phila delphia, Poltsville and Columbia only. For Potts vllle, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Nchiiylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 4.40r. m. . Way passenger tralji leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 x. M., connecting Willi similar traillou iiust Pcnn'a Kailroad, returning from Heading at 6.3o v. M., stopping at all Stations leave Fottsvilie at 6.40, and y a. m. and 2. 60 P. M. i lierndou at 0.30 A. M. ; Bhamokin at 5.40 and 10.40 A. m. ; Ashland, 7.05 a. m. and 12.30 noon; Tamaqua at8.33 a.m. and 2.20 v. M. for Philadelphia and New York. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Kailroad at 8. 15 a. m., for llarrisburg, and 12:05 a.m for Pine (June and Tremont. Heading accommodation train: loaves Pottsville at 6.40 a. m., passing Heading at 7. 30 a. m arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 A. M., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5. 16 p. M. passing liead.ng at 8.00 p. M., arnv ng at Pottsvllle at 9.40 P. M. Pottstowu Accommodation train : Leaves Potts town at 0.45 a. in., returning, leaves Philadelphia a 4.00 p. in. Columbia Kailroad trains leave Heading at 7.20 a. in. and 6.15 p. in, for Kplirata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia. &c. Perkionien Kailroad tralnsleavererkiomen Junc tion at 9 a. in. and 3.00 and 6.30 p. in. Keturnlng, leaves Schwenksville at 8:05 a. in. and 12.45 noon, and 4:15 p. m. connecting with similar trains on Koadingroad. Colebrookdale Railroad train leaves Pottstown at 0.40 a. m. and 6.20 p. m., returning leave Mt. Pleas ant at 7, and 11 :25 a. m., connecting with similar trains on Heading K. K. Chester V alley Railroad trains leave Bridgeport at 8.30 a. in., 2.05 and 6.02 p. m. Reluming, leave Downingtown at 6.20 a. in., 12.45, noon, and 6.15 p. in., connecting with trains on Heading Kailroad. . On Sundays; Leave New York at 5 p. m.; Phila. at 8 a. in. and 3.15 p. m. ; the 8a. in. tram mu lling only to Reading; Pottsville 8 a. in.; llarris burg 6.35 a. in., and 4.10p. in. ; and Reading at 7:15 a. in., and 10:05 p. m., for Harrisburg, at 7:23 a. m. tor New York at 4:45 p. m. for Allenlown at 0:40 a. m., and at 4:25 p. m., for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickets to and from all points at reduced rates. , Bagftage checked through, 100 pounds allowed each passenger. G. A.NICOLLS, GcnHSup't. Northern Central Railway. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Through and 'Direct Route to and from Washing ton, Baltimore, Elmira, Erie, Bujjalo, Rochester and Niagara Palls. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, JUNE 12th. 1870, the trains on the Northern Central Rail way will run as follows : NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN. Ieavcs Baltimore, 7.65 a.m. Harrisburg, 12.55p. m Williamsport 6.16 p. m., and arr. at Elmira, 10 p.m. BUFFALO EXPRESS. Leaves Baltimore, 11 p.m. Harrisburg,' 3.20 a.m. Williamsport, 7.30 a. m. Elmira, 12 noon. Arrive at L'anandaigua at 3.10 p. in. FAST LINE. - Leaves Baltimore 12.15 p. in. Harrisburg 4.05 p.m. " Arr. at Williamsport 8.00p.m., and Erie at 7.26 a. in. CINCINNATI EXPRESS. Leaves Bulttiuore7.40p.rn. ar. Harrisburgll.55 p.m. YORK AND HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION Leaves York at 6.30a. in., arr. at Harrisburg 8 a.m Emigrant Train with passenger car attached, leaving Harrisburg at 7.30 a. m., arrives at buu . bury at 11.16 a. in. , SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Elmira 6.15 a. ni, I Williamsport 9.45 a. m. Harrisburg 2.50 p. in. I Ar.Baltimore at 7.15 p. m BUFFALO EXPRESS. Leaves Canandalgua 4.46 p. in., Elmira 8.40 p. m. Williamsport 12.26 a. in., Harrisburg at 6.15 a. m. Arrives at Baltimore at 9 a. ui. CINCINNATI EXPRESS, leaves Harrisburg 10.45 p.m., Ar. Baltimore 2.30a.m. ERIE EXPRESS. Lvs. Sunbury 10.10 a. in., Ar.Hai rlsbuig 12.25 a.m- PACIF1C EXPRESS. . Lvs, Harrisburg 8.45. a.m., Ar.Baltnuorel2. 10 p.m. York and iLuiitisnuiui Accommodation. Lvs. Harrisburg 6.45 p. m., Arr. at York 7.20p. in. 49 Mall Train north and south, Fast Line north, and York and Harrisburg Accommodation north . and south, and Erie Express, Erie Mail south, Cin cinnati Express north. Pacific Express south, and Emigrant north daily except Sunday. Bunalo Express north and south daily. ' Cincinnati Express south daily except Saturday. For further Information apply at the Ticket olilce, Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. ALFRED It. FLSKE, General Superintendent. Dally Express and Freight Line BETWEEN BLOOM FIELD & NEWPORT J TJTIE subscriber wishes to notify the citizens of Bloomtleld and Newport that he is running a Dully Line between these two places, and will haul Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver packages or messages entrusted to his care. 4. Orders may be left tor him at the stores of - r. Mortimer iiuu,. New utoomneiu, or jmiiigauGc 1 Musser, Newport, Pa. J. 8. WHITMORE. . Bloomtleld, January 25, 1870. , QUEfc APEAKE NAIL WORKS t CHABLE3 L. UAILEY & BEOTHER, ., Proprietors, lIAJtlllSD VRG, Fenn'a, lui assortment of these ctlbdbated mails always on nana, lor sale at the lowest market . jifice either At retail or by the Keq, at, iE. MORTIMER & GO'S, New 31ocuflld. Professional Cards. LEWIS POTTER, Attormy-at-Law, And Notnru Puhliu and mcwihW of the V. a. imvj Jisnoctmusn anil wuecurm union. New llloomlteld, Pwry co., Pa., llvedoors West of Hutch's hotel. --321y. S-Oflce B P. MclNTtRE Attorney at Law, and DIs trict Attonicvsif Jrry county. Olilce with J. T. Mclntire, New BloomlleirJ, Penu'a, "tTM. N. SElfiERT, Attorncy-at-Law, V Nw liloonilleid, l'eny co,, Pa. jiioomiiciu, 3 33 iy. . WTM. M. 8UTCI1, Attorney-at-Law, and Mill TV tary Claim Agent, rew jiioomneia, l'crry co., ra. S-Ofllcc Two doors West of F. Mortimer's Store 3 7 ly WM. A. SPONSLKlt, Attorney at-Law. Olilce -adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New Blooiullcld, Perry co,, Pa. 3 2 ly SII. GALBKAITH, Attorney at-Law, New Bloomlield, Perry CO., Ta. A" Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay. and all Chums agallist the Government, promptly collect ed. 'Oillce with Win. A. bponsler, Esq. 3 2 ly. CLF.E MURRAY, Attorney-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent, New Bloomtleld. Perry co.. Pa. S-Olncewlth Hon. B. F. Junkin, South Car lisle street, New Bloiulleld, Pa. 3 2 ly, c HAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlield. l'crry co.. Pa. S- Ofllce adjoining Mortimer's Store. 3 2 ly EC. LONG, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlield, Perry po.. Pa. oihce one door West of Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly. CHAS. J. T, MclNTIRE, Attorney-at-Law, New Biooinlieid, Perry co.. Pa. Jif All iirifnaal.in.i 1 ltiiuimtaa tii'ituuit Iv nmlfnitli- fully attended to. 3 2 ly. JOHN G. SIIATTO. Surgeon Dentist, New Bloomlield, Perry co Pa. 3uAll kinds of .Mechanical and Surgical Den tistry done in the best manner, and at reasonable orices. Olilce over Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly REMOVAL! I HAVE REMOVED my Law Olilce to the build ings on Market Square, opposite the Court House, and Immcd. ate, y back of the Bank. audi ask the business public for a share of its palron- aK!' S. II. OA LBKAITH, Att'y at Law. Bloomlield, April 12, 1870 5t Heal Estate Agency for l'erry Co.' Lewis Potter. S. II. Galdraitu. POTTER & GALIiltAITH, Real 14 s t a t e Agents, New JJlooiiiIieltl, l?n.., OFFER at Private Sale over OVER ONE HUNDRED FARMS In Perry County, l a., varying in sie from 20 to 300 Acres, and at prices ranging from jflO to ilno jier acre. All of the above Heal Estate is located within 45 miles of the Capital of the State, and convenient to markets, none of it being more .than 2 t, and much of it within 5 miles of the Pcnn'a. It. R. Perry County is among the linest. Agricultural Count.es in I lie state, The land being principally limestone, red shale and Hint gravel. Persons wishing to view any of the above prep properties can do so, by calling at the olilce of the Agents. Persons having properties for sale, would do well In calling on the above. i Please send for a Circular giving a full de scription of each property i 20 ly THE BEST IN USE THE PAEHAM NEW FAMILY Seivi n g Ma c h i n e TT combines all the best features of other good JL macuines, wun New and Valuable Improvements, which make It THE EASIEST AND MOST QUIET RUNNING as well as the Most Simple Machine in Use. IT WILL 1IB3S IT WILL BRAID, IT WILL TUCK, IT WILL OA T1IF.R, IT WILL QUILT, and will use either Silk, Cotton, or Linen Thread with equal ease. It uses a straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES. The principal olilce of tho company is at Ho, 704 Cliutnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Tliese machines are for sale in Perry County by JAMES L. DIVEN, Landisburg. P. MORTIMER & CO., New Bloomfield. W The public are invited to call at either of the above placet and $et a Machine in ojieratlon. New Advertisements. TNVl?NTfiT?! addhkssedson mtos., Xil V Xiil 1 JSXO putciit Agents, .,69 Ninth St., Washington. D. C-( for advice, terms hnU refer entes. 4 32 4t HIOIITSTOWN CLASSICAL INSTI TUTE; for Young Men and itfux. M-nd loi circulars to Kev, J. E. Alkaakukm, Principal. Hightstowll, N, ae 4t SAXON GREEN. Is Brighter, will not Fade, Costs Ijss than aV other because it will Paint twice as much surface. BOLD BY ALL DEALERS IN J. H. WEEKS & CO., Manufacturers, 122 Xorth 4th Street, Philadelphia. Newspaper Advertising ! A BOOK of 12Ti closely printed pages, lately Is sued, contains a list of the best Aninnean Advertising Mediums, giving the names, circula tions, and lull paitleulars concerning the leading naiiv aoi HceKiy roniicai aim I'aintiy ivewspa pers, together with all those having large circula tions, published in the intciest of Religion, Agri culture, Literature, &e., &e. Every Advertiser, and every person whoeoiiteinplatesbeeoiiungsuch, will Mud this boi.k of great value. Mailed free to any address on the receipt of liftccn cents. O Mi. 1J. HOWKLh ia CO., Publishers, No. 40 Park Row, New York. The Pittsburg (Pa.) Leader. In Its issue of Mv 29, 1870, says: "Tlie firm of (J. P. Howell & Co.', which issues tins mieresiing ana vaiuaoie UooK, IS the largest, and best Advertising Agenev in the United States, and we can cheerfully recommend it to the attention of those who desire to advertise their business scientifically and systematically in such a ways that is, so to secure the largest amount of publicity for the least expenditure of money." 124 4w r X u. rV HZ IS -X1 JS . Inventors who wish to take out Letters Patent are advised to counsel with MUNN & Co., editors of the fivinntiflc American, who have prosecuted claims before the Patent Otllec for over Twenty Years. Their American and Eurojiean Patent Agency Is the most extensive In the world. Char ges less than any other reliable agency. A pamph let containing full instructions to inventors is sent gratis. MUNN & CO., 37 Park How, New oi k. AVOID QUACKS, A victim of early India cretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, &c. having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has asimple means of Kelf-curo, wlrich he will send f i ee to his fellow-suilercrs. Address J. II. TUTTLE, 78 Nassau St., New York. 4 32 4t PHOTOGllAPHS ! Photographs ! Photographs ! JACOB COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, VENN' A. THE subscriber would respectfully call tho at tention of the citizens of this county to the fact that he is prepared to take rilOTOURAlIiS in the best style of the art. His long experience enables him to produce PICTURES WHICH CANNOT BE EX CELLED. All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great care will he taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, Artist, Newport, Perry Co., Pa. CLOTHING MADE TO OltDER! A. CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF Always on hand, from which to select. Clothing MADE TO ORDERS l CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING of Superior Quality alwuys on hand. F. Mortimer 0 Co., March 10, '09. New Bloomlield, Pa. I. O. TT. LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO BUV aOIS, LOW; Then go to tlTo One Price Store, of F. MORTIMER, & CO., ' New Bloomtiold, Pa. PERRY HOUSE, New Blooiiifleld, Pa. THE subscriber having purchased the property on the jorner of Maine hud Carlisle streets, opposite the Court House, invites all his trletids and former oustniiiers to give him a call as he is ueteimiueu ii lunusu uisi ciuhm ueeoiuiuooniiuus. i lit. Proprietor. tM&SSty& Steady WVwl Vm y Made m KPJIOUT & i;iiy, MANlTACTUllUnS OF DOORS, BRACKETS, Mo uldinff8, Balusters, Newel Posts, Scroll, Sawing, CIRCULAR VORK, &c, &c, Made and Warranted from dry material, and 'arranted from rir all common sizes ( 01 DOORS AND SASH, Kept on hand ami for sale by the undersigned. S-Send for 1-ist of Prices to Sl'KOUT & K1)1Y, riCTl'KK KOCKS, WA. Lycoming county. T. Perry County Bank! Npoiisler, .fun kin & Co. THE undersigned, having formed a llaukingAs soclatlou under the above name and style, are now ready to do a Ceneral Hanking business nt their new Hanking House, on Centre Square, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. We receive money on deposit and pay back on demand. AVe discount notes for a period of not over CO days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and New York. On time Deposits, live per cent, for any time over four months; and for four months four per cent. AVc are well provided with all and every facility for doing a Hanking Business; and knowing, and for some years, feeling the gr.;at Inconvenience un der wh'ch the people of this County labored for tho want of a Bank of Discount and Deposit, wc have have determined to supply tho want : and this being the llrst Bank ever established in Perry county, we hope we will be sustained in our efforts, by all th business men, farmers and mechanics. Tills Banking Association Is composed of the fol lowing named partners: V. A. Sponsleu, Bloomlield, Perry county, Pa. U. F. Junkin, " " " A. (J. Mn.i.Kit. Sh'ppeiisburg, Cumberland co.J'a. lOHN WONDKKUCII, " " " HKNltT lil'llY, " ' " Wm. U. Millku, Carlisle, " " OFFICEltS: W. A. SPONSLER, President. William Willis, Cashier. New Bloomtleld, 3 5 ly B . M . EBT, Wholesale and Retail Dealer la DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Oliciiiicisxlssi CONCENTRATED REMEDIES, ESSENTIAL OILS, Patent Medicines, PURE WINES' AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal and Sacramental Purposes. A Splendid Assortment of PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, 13 RUSHES, AND FANCY ARTICLES, Always on hand, which will bo sold at low prices 15T Orders from rhytticiuns promptly attended to with grout cure. Newport, Perry County, Penn'a. rJ?o Shoemakers. THE subscribers keep constantly on hand, a FINK ASSOHTMliNT OF FRENCH CALF SKINS, PINK LININGS, ROANS, MOROCCOS, SHOE THREAD, PEGS, A WLS, and a (tcneral assortment of articles used by Shoe makers. f. MORTISIER it CO. CnMh l?uil lor Grain. THE DUNCAXNON IKON (IOMPANT have rented the CUIST MILL ol Mr. Grlmlh Jones, of that place, and are prepared to buy tiraiu to any amount, for (,'Aslt. JOHN WlbTF.lt, Treasirw. Duucauuon, July 20, 1670. FAllMfiRHt KXAM1NE AN1IBVY TlilE ORIGINAL. BAUGH'S BEING The First ltuw lSone Phosphate Mad. Atl Otticrn arc Imitation. BA UGWS RAW-BONE Super PlioN)liac of l.Imc! MARK FALL, mo.. - - . i. . ...... m TT,1.trJt1 Hones, rich in NHnr'imis mutter, dissolved in Oil of Vitriol, prewutiiii; the liniie Phosphate in u hifihly soluble and suh'k'v availab'.e form, and tlm Aminnina in surn uiiiuriiiuiuf t nmun; anil vigorous ai'lldii upon the crops. Where HanirU's I'hosphnte wns applied the past season, the Indications, without exception, are that it will niii'litaiil its well earned reputation. We re quest all in need ot a Fciti.i.ier to give this artrc.r atrial. E3AUCH a SONS, MANt'FACTt'KKKS, Office No. 20 S. Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. 4 29 6m 9 G. W. 1U8SELL, No. 22 North Sixth Street, opposite Commerce. PHILADELPHIA, Importer and Dealer in FINE WATCHES, French and American Clocks, GOLD JEWELRY ANO SILVER-WARE. t3,Particular attention paid to Fine W'ateh and Clock ltepairliiu. 3-ARC.it for STEVENS' PATENT Tt'lJKKT CLOCK, the best and cheapest Turret Clock iu tin. 'MnuuiiMes by mail tor Information regarding Clocks or W atches will be uheeiiuily answered. Philadelphia, 431uly THE NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. iAx EMPIHE bow4bt The extraordinary success of their new and im proved manufacturing Machines for light or heavy work, bus induced the EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. to manufacture a NEW FAMILY MACHINE ol the same style and construction, with additional ornamentation, making it equal in beauty and tln ish with other Family Machines, whereas in use fulness it far Outstrip All Competitors. The price of this now acknowledged necessary ar tide comes within reach of every class, and tlm Company Is prcpaied to oiler the most liberal iu (luceinciits to bus crs, dealers, and agents. Lvciy Machine warranted. Apply for circulars and samples to EMPlltE ShWING MACHINE CO., 4.15.-6in. No. 2W Bowery, New York. W. H. FU-EK. "W. A. OHHI90W. W. II. PIPKR c CO., MANVFACTUKEIl OF Trunks, Valines, Travelling Bags, UMBRELLAS, &CM No. dO North Fourth Street, (In Merchants' Hotel Building) FiriLA VELFJIIA . . SOLID BOLE LEATHElt TKUNKS I A SPK- CIA1 TY. M M.J V THE 11 INKLE Y FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. price $ao. Every family In the country needs one. It knits everything from a mitten to a blanket. a Kiiini 19 vars old can learn to worklt In an hour. It is operated tho game as a sewing machine by hand or foot. It uses but one needle, and Is the perfection of beauty and usefulness. Circulars and cuts and full particulars free to ev erybody. a irnnia wiintnil lii cverv county. Apply quickly. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE CO., 17U Broadway, New York or, liatu, Manic. 4.id-wu. THE WORLD'S WONDER! Equalizing Oil! THIS Oil for Rheumatism In all Its form. Sprains, Bruises. Cuts, Wounds of all descrip tions, Cramp, etc., etc., etc., IS UNEQUALLED by any now ottered to tha pub lic. It is for sale at U) cunts per bottle, by NOItTH E. BOL1NGER, MIUerstowD, Perry county, Pa. and F. MOItTlMEK CO- New Bloomtleld, Pa. ltelicf given almowt Instantly, aud rjeriiiaiicnt mires enuvuiu. CHEAP FOR CASH. The undcrsitfiKHl gives notioe that ho has adopted the Cush Plan, and now sells goods at very low ititc lor Cash or Country Produce only. No de viation will bo made from this rulo. R. CATIICART, Millorstown, Penu'a. May 3, 1870 12t. Clocks. Another now lot of 80 hour and 8 day Clocks just received by F. Moh TiMiiB & Co., New Bloomfield. -rRADt