The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, August 23, 1870, Page 5, Image 5

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    ljc imcs, New Sloomftcltr, Ja
Tuesday, August 23, 1870.
Are One Dollar a Year in Advance!
Persons who rccclvo a paper with tills article
marked, may know tliat they should mail orolli
erwlse send the subscription price, II they wish to
continue to receive The Times.
CORRESPONDENTS will plea se boar I n
mind that tellers received later t han Saturday eve
HtiiK, or the down mail on Monday morning have
to lay over until the following week.
vIIgh Corn. A man living near' Liver
pool claims to liavo some broom corn that
is 13 feet 3 inches high. In this case seeing
would bo necessary before bolieviii".
sltccriiHs to tho nunilier of 120 left Car
lisle for the fur west last veek and more
are to follow this week. They are to join
cavalry regiment which is operating
against the Indians. ,
Somc covetous rascal broke into the store
of II. Kopunhafer, at Sandy Hill, a few
nights since. Money appeared to be the
article most desired as nothing elso was
stolen, and two or three dollars in nickel
coin was all ho obtained for his trouble.
Bash Meeting. A bush meeting will bo
held in the grove near Millerstown. under
the auspices of tho African M. E. Church
commencingon 'Saturday September 8d con
tinuing three days. All are invited to at
tend. Suicide. Mr. Lewis Hummel, residing
near New Kingston, this county, commit
ted suicide on last Saturday, by hanging
, himself in the barn. No cause for tho
act has been assigned. As usual with
cases of this kind, bo was noticed to be
laboring under low spirits. Newville Star.
"Borrowing Newspapers. A person may
. as well expect to get to heaven on the
strength of bis neighbor's religion, as to
expect to keep his good opinion while con
tinually borrowing that neighbor's newspa
per. Those in the habit of borrowing the
Times ought to send their dollar for a year's
subscription. They will not regret tho in
vestment. A;
street Treadling seems to bo comiii"
into fashion again. On Thursday last, an
old man who appears to think tho days of
tho Apostles has not yet gone by, preached
three sermons on the street in this borough,
but unlike the Apostles be did not forgot to
pass the bat around for such donations of
the "filthy lucre," as those assembled were
willing to give.
Accident. On Monday the 8th inst Miss
Fannie Iciec, daughter of Henry Rice of
this borough, was thrown from a buggy
by the sudden starting of tho horso, falling
in such a manner as to break her leg just
above the ankle. Tho aecjdont happened
at Highland Park 111., at which place sho
is now residing. Wo. are; glad to be able to
state that she is however rapidly recover
ing. Fatal Accident. On Thursday last, Geo.
, Welker, eldest son of George C. Welkcr,
Esq., of Liverpool was killed on the Kail
Road near Columbia. The accident hap
pened by his stepping from one track to
allow a train to pass not noticing a train
coming on tho other, which struck him,
breaking his skull and cutting oil" one foot.
The I'unoral took place in Liverpool on
Splendid. Meteoric display was seen
in this vicinity on Thursday morning about
2 o'clock. A gentleman who was obliged
to bo up with a tick person describes it as
a large ball ot lire wilh a tail extending
for a long distance. It passed from north
cast to south west and when near tho ho
rison exploded with a noise as loud as
would bo made by the discharge of a mus
ket, scattering t paiks and streaks of firo in
every direction.
liaruBiinicd.--The barn of David Sny
der, of Union tp., was struck by lightning
luring tho thunder shower, on tho evening
f the 2d inst., . and entirely consumed with
tho contents of bis summer's toil. Mr.
. Snyder took in his in his last load of oats
about an hour previous to tho occurrence,
which together with the wagon was also
destroyed, as well as a threshing machine
and fanning mill. Loss $2,000. No insurance.
lit loojnfidtr (Jmfs.
Republican Convention. Yesterday lo
ing the day for tho mooting of the Repub
lican convention, delegates were to bo seen
coming in at an early hour. Tho Congres
sional lionination by the Republicans in
this district being only an empty honor,
there was no excitement over tho selection
of a candidate for that office Still there
was considerable "log rolling" and "wire
pulling" by other anxious aspirants to of
fice, until 1 o'clock, at which timo tho
convention was called to order, and organ
ized by tho election of lion. B. F Junkin,
President, Alex. B. Audorson and Silas
Wright, Secretaries.
For State Senator tho names of Col. L.
Wistcr and Kirk Haines were proposed.
Col. Wister receiving 81 votes, and Kirk
Haines 22.
Tho Senatorial conferees were John Wis
ter, Jesse L. Gantt, and George Hench.
Tho ticket nominated by tho Convention
is as follows :
For Congress,
C. A. BARNETT, Esq., of Bloomfleld.
For Assembly,
WM. FUSSELMAN, of Tusenrora twp.
For Prothonotarv,
For Commissioner,
Z. WILIIIDE, of Tolioyuo twp.
For Jury Commissioner,
J. W. GANTT, of Centre twp.
For Director of the Poor,
JOHN SOLE, of Curroll twp.
For Auditor,
D. P. WILLIAMS, of Greenwood twp.
For Coroner,
C. L. CLEMl'SON, of Oliver twp.
Singular Case. J. R. West, Esq., camo
to Lcwistown a week or two ago from
Pcrrysvillo. His carpet-bag, strapped to
a child's carriage, was checked to Lewis
town. On arriving here the baggage
master, Washington Power, demanded 25
cents freight for the carriage. This Mr.
West declined to pay, whereupon tho baggage-master
refused to deliver the goods.
The result was Mr. West had a writ of
trover and conversion issued against Mr.
Power, who was subsequently arrested and
brought before Esquire Waream, and com
pelled to pay $0 damages and the costs of
suit. There the matter stands at present
neither party having as yet indicated an
intention to appeal. Lewistown True Bern.
Iron Ore in York Co. Great interest has
naturally been felt in tho experiments being
made with tho peculiar iron ore discovered
near York, Pa., from which it is claimed
steel can bo made direct by a very simple
process. W. W. Welkcs, president of the
company, reports that "on tho 21st ult.,
the pig metal with tho ore was put in the
puddling furnaces. Tho latter being new
and not having the right kind of cinders, it
was not expected that tho results of the
first heat would be satisfactory. But con
trary to expectations, tho ball, when .put
under tho hammer, indicated that the oper
ation was a success. The bloom was re
heated and rolled into bar steel of a good
Narrow Escape. Tho Franklin fifposi
tory says, Capt. Calvin Gilbert, of this place
mad'o a miraculous escape on Saturday
afternoon last. While engaged in adjusting
a belt in his machine shop, on West Mar
ket street, his left foot was caught in tho
belting and drawn to tho ceiling, bis body
hanging down, the belting binding his leg
tight to tho shafting. In this position he
was whirled around some dozen times, but
had presence of mind enough, as he "swung
around the circle," to throw his head and
body out to prevent thein from coming in
contact with the joists above and somo ad
jacent pulleys on tho shafting, and thus
saved his life. As soon as bis critical situ
ation was discovered tho engine was stop
ped and tho Captain relieved by cutting
tho bolting. On examination it was found
that his leg was very much bruised but no
bones broken, lie is now doing well and
will bo about again in a few days.
The Stamp Tux. By tho new tax bill
it is .provided that on' and after October
first next, tho stamp tax imposed on prom
issory notes for a less sum than "one hun
dred dollars, and on receipts for any sum
of money, or for the payment of any debt
be and tho same are hereby repealed.
And no stamp shall bo required upon tho
transfer and assignment of a mortgage
where it or tho instrument it secures has
been onco duly stamped.
Tusearora Academy, Acadcmia, &.
More than three thousand young men have
gone forth from this school, so trained in
all tho branches of scholarship, as to enable
many of them to relloct honor upon them
selves, anil tho institution at which they
received their education.
Tho largo experience and earnestness of
tho Principals in tho cause of education,
will contribute much to tho successful train
ing of youth entrusted to their care.
Terms 1 200. Send for a circular. It
Loonl Uriel.
A rattlesnake with fifteen rattles, was
killed in Centre township, last week.
A camp meeting is now in progress at
New Kingstown, Cumberland county, and
will continue until next Saturday.
Petty thefts continue to trouble our
neighbors of Cumberland county, tho farm
eis, generally, being the sufferers.
The Franklin County Agricultural Fair
will be held at Chambersburg on tho 0th
aud 7th of October.
Tho Perry County Agricultural Fair will
be hold on tho fair-ground at Newport, on
the Cth, 0th, and ?tu of October.
The air for the past two days has been
very smoky, caused by lires on the Tusea
rora mountains.
A man in tho employ of John Gross,
near New Kingston, committed suicido last
week, by hanging himself in the corn-crib.
Every letter in the Alphabet is contained
in the following shout sentence : "John P.
Brady gave me a black walnut box, of quite
a size."
A new mail route has been established in
this county, running from Newport to Liv
erpool, via. Aukcr's store and Montgom
ery's Ferry, tho distance being 15 miles.
A basket picnic will bo held at Newport,
on the 27th inst., under tho auspices of the
several lodges of tho Jr. O. U. A. M. All
are invited.
A watchman darned Jacob Funk, was re
cently killed on Pennsylvania railroad, near
Lewistown Darn, by falling asleep on the
track, and being run over by a train.
Military companies in all parts of the
State, are calling on the Adjutant General
for accoutrements. Why can't Bloomfleld
do something in this line?
Miss Annie Folk, of Wheatfield twp., fell
on Saturday last, dislocating her shoulder.
The services of Dr. Sweeny wero called for,
and she is now doing well.
The bonds of the St. Joseph and Denver
City Railroad will be found a good invest
ment. Tho road is being rapidly pushed to
completion. Seo advertisement in another
A man named Erasmus Bush, was killed
on Wednesday last near Green Spring
school-house, in Cumberland county, by
falling under tho wheel of a loaded wagon,
while drawing tho rubber.
If the Tennessee law, which allows tho
wives of drunken people nn immediate di
vorce, was extended to this State, we think
the divorce courts would have a lively
time. '
A largo and enthusiastic meeting was
hold in Harrisburg last week, to express
sympathy for Prussia, and take steps to
raise funds for tho relief of the wounded,
and tho widows, and orphans of the killed.
Tho citizens of Fsirview are trying to
form a company to make tho Susquehanna
River navigable for small steamboats from
that place to Harrisburg. Th'ey say it can
easily bo done.
By tho recent adjustment of post-masters'
salaries, tho salary of the Gettysburg
post-office is iixed at $1,700 ; Bedford $1200;
Carlislo $2500 ; Chambersburg $2400 ; Han
over $1000; Harrisburg $3000; Lancaster
2800; Mechajiicsburg 1700 ; Philadelphia
f iouu ; nttsuurg "?4uuu ; Hearting $3500 ;
Shippensburg $1200 ; York $2000.
ES1" Pimples on the Faco, Eruptions.
Blotches Scrofulous diseases, and all sores
arising from impure blood, are cured by
Dr. Pierce's Alternative Extract or Golden
Medical Discovery. For Bronchits, .Laryn
gitis and all chronic, severe or lingering
coughs nothing cyu.ils it.
Sold by druggists, or send three and i
quarter dollars to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalc
N. Y., and get threo bottles free of Ex
press charges.
Ratio. Everybody knows that it is
cheaper to do a big business than a little
one. Tho man who does a million is under
far less expense, comparatively, than tin
one who does only a hundred thousand
One reason why Wauainaker & Brown
undersell everybody is that they do s
business so much 1 J. rgcr than any one clo
Church Notices.
In tho Methodist church, prayer-meeting
inursiiay eveniu'i. i reaeinng rnmriay
morning at iuj o ciock oy ltev. Win. JJ.
In tho Reformed Church prayer meeting
on iiiursuay evening. I'reacliing nextSab-
UilLll ill O ), III.
Ill tho Presbyterian basement, prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Preach
ing in tho Court Room next Sabbath at 11
o'clock a. m., by Rev. John Edgar.
In tho Lutheran Church, prayer-meeting
on Wednesday evening. Preaching next
Sabbath at 10 o'clock a. in..
Tailoring. Having engaged the sorvioes
of a competent man, tho undersigned are
now prepared to furnish suits to order, or
mako and trim any work which may be
sent in. ' F. Mortimer & Co.
Pennsylvania It. It. Time Table.
On anil after M.iv M. 1H7IV lgIs.nn. ..
will run as follows :
IttsVff KvnrV FlnrrU 41 a -w dnllvAvrtH o.,.in..
Way Passenger, .l:t a. m., dully except Monday,
: ; r1.1 rninuav.
A IlllYPfl T.rnln with li'inaniiinir unr ntt'inln..) ...fil
leave Harrisburg at 6 o'clock it. m., and Newport
at 6.4(1 p. in.
'list. I.llie 1 in A If .l'lllv nvnont
Harrisburg Accom. 11.31 a. m., daily " Sunday!
mini, i.oa p. m., uanv except miiuiuy
J. J. BARCLAY, Agent.
On and afterSundav. June 12th. 1870. trains will
leave Duncannon, as follows :
Fast bine. (Flag) 4.M A. M., daily except Monday
Harrisburg Accom. 12.04 p. M., cfaily " (Sunday
Wall 8.28 p.m.. daily " Sunday
Way Passenger, 8.33 A. m., daily except Monday
hl.l I 1 Jill. !..! 1. ... .
1 liro' Freight. Pass. Car attached, O.(H) p. m.
WM. C. KING, Agent
Stage Line Between Newport and New
CJTAtJKS leave New Ciermantown dally at four
Li nVlni'k n in Imiiliuln.pii.il7 yi, .. ... 11
1 2 .. .... 1. or. a. III. MlfCll-
park at 8 a. in. New llloomlleld at 9'A a. in.
Arriving at Newport to connect with the Ac
commodation train liast.
. '"'"'"l? leaves Newport, on the arrival of the
Mail train from Philadelphia, ut 2.30 p. in.
z.. itiuii, rroprietor.
THE subscriber Is now running a hack between
Dloomlleld and Newport, leaving liloointleld
at!) a m.. arriving at Newport in time to connect
witli the Express train East.
lieturning, leaves Newport at 2.30 p.m., or on
the arrival of the Mail train West.
- He has also opened a LIVERY In th.- Stables
belonging to Hinesniitli's Hotel, where he is pre
pared to furnish horses and buggies at, moderate
County Price Current.
Bloomfielu, August 23, 1870.
Flax-Seed J2 00
Potatoes, 00 cents.
Butter V pound, 22 "
Eggs V dozen, 15 "
Dried Apples 1 pound, 8 "
Dried Peaches 810cts.ty&.
Pealed Peaches 15 cts. "
Cherries 00 cts. "
" 1'lttcd 15 18 cts. "
Blackberries, ; 8 10 cts. "
Onions t bushel,
Corrected Weekly by Wm. Kmgh Sc Son).
Nbwpokt, August 23, 1870,
Flour. Extra I 5 50
Bed Wheat 1 25 1 35
Hye 90
Corn 80 85
Oats 32 pounds 40
Clover Seed 6 506660
Timothy Seed, 3 50
Flax Seed, 1 75
Potatoes, 40
C round Alunin Salt 2 25
blmeburner's Coal 2 25
Stove Coal 4 50 5 50
Pea Coal 3 05
Smith Coal, 25 cts. bxs.
Cross Ties,84 feet long 32 42 cents.
Philadelphia Price Current.
Corrected Weekly by Janney c Andretos,
No. 123 Mahket Stkeet.
Philadelphia, August 19. 1870.
AVhite Wheat, 51 50 1 55
Bed Wheat 1 35 1 45 95i)100
Corn i og 1 08
Oats 50 58
Clover Seed, 7 oo8 25
Timothy Seed 5 50 7 75
Flax Seed 2 25 & 2 25
Country bard, Uii 17
Ufc'Kf....: 25 2C
Butter, solid in bbls.' o 18
Washed Wool, 45 cents per lb,
fiiNCKKicn la Savlllo twp., on the 15th Inst.,
jinn, carmine iiiiigoni'ii, wne 01 Ja'WIS 1'. (jinger
ieh, lined 40 years and 10 lnonlli.s.
Klain On the 10th inst., William Lewis, son of
W 111. and Catherine Blam, aged 1 year and 11 mus.
Balusters, Newel Posts, Scroll, Sawing,
Made and Warranted from ilrv material, and
all common sizes of
Kept on hand and for sale by the undersigned.
-Send for l.lst of Prices to
4"4- Lycoming county, Pa.
ALL I'KIWdNH are forbid, under the penal
ty of the law. to trespass 011 my premises
in Hpring and Tyrone township;, for the purpose
of hunting . Itshing, gathering i. uit. or nuU, or fur
cutting timber, llio lien iitvof the law will bo
Hlri.'-tly enforced. llk'N'UY COOPIIR.
A'la 10, 18, 0.
Subscription Trice
Teu years of hard work and hard knocks, hav
organized In
the largest and most complete
Clothingj House
In America, If not la tho
Whole 'XV 0 1- a .
By constant endeavors, we have avoided all th
old ruts and antiquated methods of the trade,
until now OAK HALL is universally ac
knowledged to be
1. We have built a house for our business, ooi
eriug nearly half au acre.
2. Instead of wedging It in between other build
ings, making It dark, aud obscuring the goods, it
is built 011 the corner of three streets, and any one
may count in it 51 windows.
3. We employ skilled Workmen, One Hundred
and Fifty ot whom may be seen under our roof by
any one having the time and curiosity to visit our
Establishment, and besides these, 1400 to 1800 sew-.
ers are employed at their own homes.
4. We make no imperfect goods.
6. We thoroughly sponge and shrink ALL our
6. We purchase onr goods at first hands, In
large lots sometimes In bills of over Sliw.ouo at
one time.
We set our faces against every species of unfair
dealing, and will dismiss any employee in any way
guilty of it.
8. We have such enormous sales that we are con
tent with a prollt far below the trade margin.
9. We warrant all our goods, and will give every
possible guarantee to purchasers at
The above are facts that ne one can truthfully
dispute, as tho examination we sq cordially In
vite, will fully prove.
We ask the encouragement and support of all
classes of pooplc, feeling sure that In establishing
Th Largest Clothing Eouso.
In America,
we enlist the patronage of all who aro Interested
In the prosperity of our Commonwealth.
Wanamakor & Brown ,
Oak Hall Buildings,
S. E. Corner Sixth and Market Stu.,
Nos. 532, 534, C3G Market Street.
Noa. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 South Cth Street. :
to x-Aitanfinrefei:
The Harrisburg Fertiliser Company
OFFER for sale at their manufactory located at
Pennsylvania Rail Road,
Animal Co m. post,
9- For Price Lists, &c, address
Harrisburg Fertilizer Company,
Harrisburg, Pa.
-H'ghejt price ps!d for B)H5'.1 43U2'n