The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, August 16, 1870, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tuesday, August 10, 1870.
-4ro One Dollar a Year in Advance
Persons who receive a paper with this article
murkod, may know that they should mail ur oth
erwise send the subscription price, i they wish to
continue to recelvo The Times.
CORRESPONDENTS will please bear In
mind that letters received later than Saturday eve
ning, or the down mail on Monday morning have
to lay over until the following week.
Curious Eirtr. Mrs. Gallatin of this
borough, last week broke a largo egg in
which was found another perfect in every
respect, the inner bIioII being as strong as
usual and the contents about tho same in
quantity as though not surrounded in that
singular manner. The outer egg had also
tho ordinary amount of white and yolk.
Ilcury Ituln. In portions of Lancaster
ind Chester counties, the rain of Wednes
day morning amounted to almost a Hood.
80 much water fell, that along the Penn
sylvania railroad below Parksburg, the
duct) ditches fi.K'.ll aifln nf tlin t
insufficient to convey away the water, which
spread over tuo rails compollmg the trains
to proceed with much caution.
No Shad. The case of the Commonwealth
vs. tho Penn'a Cannl Company is well
known as tho " Susquehanna Shad case."
In the Dauphin court it was decided that
under tho then existing laws tho company
could not be compelled to alter its dams
for tho passage of fish, and this judgement
has been affirmed by the Supremo Court.
The fish steps made in tho Columbia dam
will bo permitted to remain as they now are
by which a stray shad may possibly ascend ;
but catching shad in "tho Blue Juniata"
is evidently played out.
5Jot Badly Hurt. We are glad to inform
the friends of Mr. Irviu Soudcrs that he is
not dead, as was reported by some. Tho
particulars of the accident with which he
met at the Shormansdalo Camp-meeting, so
far as we can learn, areas follows : lie was
returning from Camp on Monday night in
a spring wagon, in company with some
friends, and while, ascending a steep hill, a
suddeu start of the horse, or a jar of, the
wagon, caused tho seat to tilt up, and ho
and a young lady were precipitated to tho
ground, ho falling on his shoulder, and
breaking tho clavicle or collar-bone. The
.young lady was also hurt, but wc believe
not seriously.
Bitten by a Snake A few nights ago a
child -daughter of Rev. J. A. McGill, of
Tuscarora Valley feeling thirsty went
down stairs to get a drink. Tho water
being out on the porch the child went out
there and drank. On closing tho outsido
door on her return she noticed that it did
not close with its usual freedom. SI10 also
folt smnathiiig about her foot. After get-
vmg to oca one aiiKio paineil her so much
that she cried. Tho father examined her
....Uul,u.,cl , biiiguiar punctures
nuL-M mtil lu-.A.rA..r.,1 -! 1 . I
and a good deal of swelling. Thinkinrr
that the hurt was received at tho door, and
conjecturing tho cause, he immediately
went down stairs to the outsido door, under
which ho found a large copperhead snake.
Mr. McGill put his lips to tho wound and
sucked tho poison out, and thereby in all
probability saved the life of his child. The
child, wo have been informed is getting
vi Juniata Sentinel.
A Feminine Fight came olf in tho cars
of tho Peiiii.sylv.iuia railroad, at H.vrris
burg, on last Wednesday morning, just as
the Fast-Lino was leaving that depot. A
young woniau who had been occupying a
scat, loft the cars for refreshment and re
turned to find it oucnpiod by a woman
and a little girl. The woman refused to
relinquish the scat, at tho request of tho
former occupant, who at onco proceeded to
dispoKH'M her by force. Clothing suilbred
somewhat, and chignons were below par in
less timo than it takes to tell it, whon, a
gentleman sitting opposite interfered,
and slopped the fight, offering his seat.
The young woman would, however, take
uuue except the one which she formerly
had, aud the woman and littlo girl, by
tho advice of the passengers, took an
other wwit, leaving the amiable young
woman in possession of the coveted place.
For tho finest assortment of Cassimers,
and Cloths to be found in the county, go to
F. Mortimer & Co., New Bloomfield. .
Democratic County Convention. The
Democratic Convention mot in this borough
on Monday attcrnoon. The attendance
was quit largo, and much interest appeal
ed to be manifested by tho politicians the
forenoon being busily occupied by the
"wire-pullers." At 1 o'clook tho conven
tion was called to order and Chas. C. Brant
was elected President, and David Mickey,
of Bloomfield, and - Livingston, of
Watts township, Secretaries.
The total number of delegates present
was 63.
Tho following is a list of the nominations
made :
For Congress,
It. J. IIaldeman.
For Assembly,
Diu D. B. Milliken, of Landisburg.
For Prothonotary,
J. J. Spokenbuuoeu, of Liverpool.
For Commissioner,
Jorm A. Lineaweaveu, of Oliver twp.
For Director of. the Poor,
J. 8. liiTTEn, of Tyrono twp.
For Jury Commissioner,
Win. Wright, of Howe.
For Coroner,
Dr. O. II. Orris, of Newport.
For County Surveyor,
P. Huston, of Carroll twp.
Tho Senatorial Conferees are William
Beale, Henry Rinesmith, and C. E. Patter
son, who were instructed to vote for Dr.
Crawford of Juniata.
bKilkd by Lightning. On last Thursday
uuuu, uuring ine prevaienco of a severe
thunder storm, two organ grinders who had
been in our borough in tho morning, had
seated themselves under a tree in Adam
Smyser's orchard in West Manchester
township, probably to secure themselves
from the falling rain. Whilo in that posi
tion the lightning struck the tree pealing
oil' a portion of the bark, killing one of tho
men instantly and injuring the other to
such an extent that it was thought he
could not survive. They had with them
two organs and a small monkey under the
tree at the same time. Neither the monkey
nor the organs received any injury. An in
quest was held over the body of the deceas
ed organ grinder by Esquire John A. Metzel
of tho borough, and a verdict rendered in
accordance with the above facts. Both of
tho men were taken in the afternoon, to
the Alms House, tho 0110 for interment and
the other to receivo medical attendance.
The sum of $15 78 was found upon the
person of the deceased. On examination
of the body of the deceased, by tho inquest
it was found that one of tho limbs of the
tree, under which was sitting at tho timo
of tho electric stroke, had been photograph
ed by tho lightning upon his left bosom.
This is both curious and remarkable and
may lead to developcmcnts in science not
heretofore known. Tho deceased was eat
ing an applo, at the time tho bolt fell and
his open knife was found lyinjr alonir side
of him after his death. Tho survivor vm
unconscious when taken to tho Alms House
and we havo not since heard of his condi
tion. Both were foreigners utvni,m,.a
in a strange land, and their names could
not bo ascertained. York True Democrat.
a small child belonging to William Zinn
.... CT
residing on Chinch street, this borough, be
came 'est less m bed and in rollin" from
side to sido it fell from tho window, which
had carelessly been left open. Mrs. Zinn
hearing tho cry of her littlo ono from the
outsido of her bedroom, alarmed her hus
band. , They hastened down to tho yard
expecting to find their child in tho last
agonies of death, but were surprised to find
110 child there. They looked up toward
tho window from which she had fallen
and there discovered the missing one sus
pended a few feet below the sill of the win
dow, on a nail. The father soon hastened
tho rescue, and relieved tho child from its
perilous position. The child sustained no
injuries whatever. Sunbury Ouard.
IJulloti's Masrnzlno for September. We
welcome the September number of Bal
lod'b Magazine, for we always find some
tiling in it to interest us and our household.
It is filled with storios of love, of adven
ture, and the sea, and withal, has somo
dozen or more illustrated articles, scenes in
this or other countries. Tho prire of Bal,
lou's Magazine is so cheap that it should
bo in every family in the country. It is on
ly $t.nO per year, or 15 cents singlo copy,
and is for sale at every principal periodical
store in tho country. Address Thomcs fc
Talbot, 03 Congress St., Boston.
Tho " Young Folks Rural" is the title of
a now Rural and Literary Monthly de
signed for Young Mon and Young Women
which is to be issued by II. N. F. . Lewis,
tho publisher of the Western Rural, at
Chicago. Prizes are offered for stories and
contributions from young writers. $1,00
per year.
Road Proceedings at August Court.
Reports Confhimed. .
Road from A. V. Caldwell's field to Henry
Lightners house, in Madison township, re
quiring only a couple of alterations in the
present or old road.
Report of reviewers awarding $75 dam
ages to Jacob Kline by reason of the loca
tion of Henderson Harris private road in
Penn twp., to be paid before ordei to open
shall issue.
Report of re-viewers refusing to grant a
road from Oliver Rice's to Sboaf a mill, in
Centre township.
In the matter of the review of road, grant
ing a road from Col. Wister's land to end
of Bell's lane, in Penn twp, the confirma
tion of the same is continued, for the reason
that orders for reviewing damages occa
sioned by its location, have been issued j
and upon petitions of Lewis Smith and
Hugh Bell, Christian. Heishlip, Andrew
Pennel and Christian Rathfon are appoin
ted to review damages.
Report granting a road east end of John
Smith's garden to public road on land of
Ben. Cunningham, in Carroll township,
and awarding to John Smith $200 CO dam
ages, is confirmed.
Georgo Sphar, C. Roath and George
Swartz to re-view road from Duncannon to
Marysville. '
Approved Nisi.
Report proposing to annex lands of Sam
uel Earnest, Jonas Gutshall and Micheal
Gutshal of Madison township to Sandy
Hill district for school purposes.
Report granting road from between line
of II. J. Souderand Geo. Kitner's heirs to
road on land of Samuel Comp in Carrol
township, and awarding George Kitner's
heirs $40 damages.
Report of reviewers granting no road
from land between Abraham Trostie and
J. Q. A. Moreland to road between Thomas
Dobbs and Henry Bistline, in Jackson
Report of viewers altering portion of the
road on land of Furguson's heirs to R. C.
Clark's, on road from Centre church in
Madison township to James Everhart's in
Oliver township.
Report granting road from cross road
near Jonathan Wertz to land of Reuben
Grubb, in Greenwood township, and award
ing David Sarver $15 ; Wm. Pines $3 and
Reuben Grubb $8 damages.
Report granting a road from Benjamin
Aumiller's to Jacob Kline's heirs in Liver
pool township.
Ro-view granting no road from Ilananiah
Gantt's stone, quarry to Charles Swoezy's
barn, in Oliver township.
Report granting road from Kirk's store
to Klineneters. in Wlmat.Hrll t turmoil !n
Report glinting road from George Mo-
Millan s meadow to noar Andrew Loy's
in Madison township; and awarding $15
damages to John Bixler.
Report granting a road from, Ickesburg
to Newport, awarding damages as follows :
to Emanuel Smith $W, Andrew Comp $175,
John P. Buyer $3, Samuol Tressler $75,
Elizabeth Polk $G0, Henry Fickes $75,
Michael Smith $25, Henry L. Smith $i0,
John Ficke's heirs $100. Josiah Fickes $75,
Jesse L. Gantt $100 ; in all damages to
amount of $788.
Report vacating portion of road from
Milford to Donnelly's Mills.
Viewers Appointed.
Wm. Hall, Sainuol Spottsand Abraham
Bower to view road from Wagner's sawmill
to Droxlcr's cider press, in Tyrono town
ship. Private road from line of farm or" Wash
ington Fritz, to connect with road on land
of Diivid Cains, Sr., in Penn township ;
Samuel Shellor, John Wistor and Henry
Stevenson appointed viewers.
John Ilagur, Win. W. Snydor and John
Kell, Sr. to view road from Winobrouarian
church on road from Landisburg to Car
lisle to road from Warm Springs to Dun
cannon, noar tlm house of Joseph Bonder's
heirs. .
James Evorhart, Amos C. Clemson and
John 8. Demarco to view road from near
Henry Lewis' blacksmith shop to Juniata
canal in Miller twp.
John B. Seidel, David Fulton and Eman
uel Roisinger to view road near Duncannon,
in Penn township; and the same gentlemen
are also appointed to view another road in
tho same neighborhood.
James Woods, Esq., Wm. B. Srambaugh
and George Ilench to view road, near Dan
iel GutshaU's field in Toboyno twp.
Geo. L. Ickes, Henry Kepnor and John
Bixler to view road frogn near David Got
shall's tannory to road near John Baltoas
e'ra foundry, in Jackson twp.
Joseph Baily, John Freeland and Geo W.
Brctz, to view road from Abraham Good's
to James Barkey's in Buffalo twp.
J. R. Black, J. II. G. Kinter and Colum
bus W. Taylor to view road from Andrew
B. Pine's barn to Frederick Grubb's in Liv
erpool twp.
The report annexing Daniel Rider's land
in Miller township to Oliver township, for
school purposes, was set aside, because the
viewers did not give notice of the time of
their view, and a new order is directed to
issuo to John Withrow, John Sanderson
and S. H. Galbraith, Esq. returnable to next
For Tlte Bloomfield Times.
Mr. Editor : Sir As an item of import
ance, I wisli to state for the Times that the
Rev. Mr. Caruthers, (Presiding Elder) in
his sermon last Sunday week, at the Elliotts
burg Camp-meeting, stated before an audi
ence of about 2,000, that the Catholic and
French journals justify the present war
against Prussia, because the Prussians are
a Protestant Nation, and predicted that t he
Pope as the "Man of Sin and Sou of Per
dition" would now doubtless make a strong
effort to conquer and destroy all Protest
ants and Heretics.
This is the same prediction that was
made by Professor Smolnikar, ten years
years ago, and since the Dogma of Infalli
bility has been proclaimed by the Pope,
Protestants are beginning to apprehend its
truth. An Observer.
Tuscnrora Academy, Acadcnila, Pa.
More than three thousand young men have
gone forth from this school, so trained in
all tho branches of scholarship, as to enable
many of them to rellcct honor upon them
selves, and tho institution at which they
received their education.
Tho largo experience and earnestness of
the Principals in the cause of education,
will contribute much to the successful train
ing of youth entrusted to their care.
Terms $200. Send for a circular. 4t
Tailoring. Having engaged the services
of a competent man, the undersigned are
now prepared to furnish suits to order, or
make and trim any work which may be
scnt n- F. Mortimer & Co.
Camp-meetings this year have been well
attended, in all sections.
Mechanicsburg P. 0., has been made a
"money office," by the Postal department,
and commenced operations on the 1st inst.
Tho Presbyterian Congregation is to have
tho use of tho Court-room for Divine Ser
vice, while tho Church is being repaired.
Punctuality is a christian grace which is
not extensively practiced Sunday mornings,
unless it is supposed to bo 11 o'clock
until 12.
The fine rain which has fell hero during
the past few days, h:w been much needed
by the corn cron. and will nut tlm
!.: 1 1... i-'. . b.u..
1 ij'j;iiuu inner iur plowing
v ..... 0
uu largo ior a collar ami just a littlo too
small for a shawl. They call it a new style
of collar, however.
Catterpillars are unusually bad this sea
son, not only in this vicinity, but all over
the country. During a recent trip we saw
places where hundreds of trees were en
tirely stripped of foliage.
At the Delegate Election in this borough
on Saturday last, a lively contest was had
between tho friends of Hon. R. J. Halde
man, who wants a re-nomination, and the
friends of J. B. Bratton, Esq., of Carlisle,
who appears to bo tlu favorite in Cumber
land. Dick was, however, victorious.
An attack will bo mado on the grass
and briars in the grave-yard attached to tho
Lutheran and German Churches in this
borough, on Saturday morning next, at 9
o'clock. All who are interested in having
it present a neat appearance, will present
themselves, armed with scythe or rake.
Church Notices.
Tn the Methodist church, praycr-nieetin"
Thursday evening. Preaching Sunday
evening at 8 o'clock by Rev. Geo. W.
In tho Reformed Church prayer meeting
on Thursday evening. Communion next
Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock. Prepara
tory sorvicos on Saturday at 2 o'clock p. in.
In tho Presbyterian basement, prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Preach
ing in the Court Room next Sabbath at 11
o clock a. in., by Rev. John Edgar.
IS" If you havo a discharge from the
nose, offensive or otherwise, partial loss of
the senso of smell, taste or hearing, eyes
watering or weak, feol dull and stupid or
debilitated,- pain or pressure in tho hear!.
ly, wiinout inanitcsting half of tho above
symptoms, teuninatn in consumption and
cnu in mo grave. iNotiisoase is so com
mon, more deceptive 01 loss understood by
physicians. I. V. Pierce. M. D of Buf
falo, N. Y., is tho proprietor of Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy, a perfect Specilo forCa
turrh, "cold in the head," or catarrhal
headache which he sends to any address,
post-paid, for sixty cents, or four packages
for $2. Sold by most druggists everywhere.
County Price Current
Bloomfield. August M, 1670.
Flax-seed $2 00 .
Potatoes oq wnc
nutter V pound 23 M
Eggs V dozen j5 v
Dried Apples V pound
Dried Peaches 8 10 ots. V.
Pealed Peaches IS 0 18 Ots. "
Cherries 00 ots.
" I"ltku 15 18 eta.
Blackberries 8 0 10 eta. "
Unions busliol '
ICbrrected Weekly by Wm. Rough Son.
Nbwpout, August 18, 187U.
Flour, Extra, t 6 25
Ked Wheat 1250131
Bye g5
Corn 85 OW
Oats 1R 82 pounds 60
Clover Seed fl 60
Timothy Seed 3 00
Flax Seed, 75
rotatoes 15 K
Ground Alunui Salt, J 60
Llnicburner'g Coal, j 40
Stove Coal 4 606
Pea Coal 3 45
Smith Coal 25cts.?Us.
Cross Tles,!4 feet long 30 10 cents.
Philadelphia Price Cnrrcnt
Corrected Weekly by Janney ft Andmu,
No. 123 Mahkkt Street.,
Philadelphia, August 13, 1870.
White Wheat, S 1 53 1 6
Ked Wheat, 1 45 61 60
Kye 107108
Uorn 10GS106
ilts (S3 66.
Clover Seed 7 ooigs 35
Timothy Seed 5 607 T5
Flax Seed 3 25 2 26
Country Lard u q 17
EZS , 25 29
Butter, solid In bbls.' .. 10 18
Washed Wool 45 Mnt per lb-
Moork On the 9tU init., in Centre tcrirn,
ship, Harry, Infant son of John O.andDrnsilla.
Moore, oged 2 mouths and 7 days..
A-V1, ,pKKSOX9 are forbid, under the penaW
ty of the law, to trespass on my preuiisss.
m spring township,, for the purpose of bunting
tlsluiig gathering fruit, or nuts, or for cuttinatiuv
ler. iue penalty ol the law will be strictly en
fAugj6, 1870. MESBECtHttfaL-
Tho Harrisburg Fertilizer Company .
Of.f.&?, 8a.le at t,leir manufactory looatedot
PEHD1X PEKUV COUMx, pi,, on ttS
1 eiinsylvania Hail Hoad,
A. u i mi 11 1 Compost,
For Price Lists, Sc.. address
Harrisburg Fertilizer Company,
Harrishirg, Jto.
Highest price paid for Bones. -ea aaflnv
New Advertisements,
wo 11 . . lutein Agents, 409 Ninth s
Z?t,3lZP- C ,or advice, terms and Mfe
elites. 4 oi 4t
1 V 1 jor 1'oung Men and Bonis. Sent
to. circulars to Kev. J. L. Alisxasdjb. PrlnelDal
llightstown, N. J.-4 32 4t J"""SU'JU "MJWpni,
Is Brighter, will not Fade, Costa Less than ftlff
other because It will Paint twlc
as much surface.
X -A-1 IV 1? f .
J. H. WEEKS & CO., Manufacturer
122 North iih Street, Philadelphia.
Advertising t
A BOOK of 125 closely printed pagtss, UtaW to.
sued, contains a list of the Vestnexiono
Aml?l'tls,!lft f'e""!'"' BlvlDB th names, clronla
tu. saud lull naiticulais concerning the leadjna
l)a ly ami Weekly Political and Family NewspX
pels, together willialltlmse having large clroul
:',V.'.'!,.',,'l,lii'?l'e(l.lntlie ''it est of Itellfloru Al
cul tare. Literature, &e., &e. Every Adverttser
?.!! llv7y,f;ol;sowlloeoiileiiiplaiesbecoinlugsuoh!
will mid this look of great value. Walled Tree to
any address 011 the receiptor fifteen cents. GEO.
i.w'NewYwfe CO 1'ubllsl'ur8' No. 40 Park
ooTn'!kf"t!iil"'8 ra.) Leader In Its Issue of May
29 hit) says: -The linn of (J. P. Kowell & &T
which Issues till Interesting and valuable boolTjB
the largest ami best Advertising Agency In the
L' 111 ted States, and we can cheerfully recommend
it to the attention of those who desire to adrertlso
their business suientificallt and system atioallt
Insiicli ; way; that Is, ho to secure the largest
amount of publicity for the least expeudlturjf
money." 124 4w r w vi
Inventors who wish to take out Letters P&teii
are advised to counsel with MliNN it Co., editors
'iyf ''OloAmeHcan.ho have prWmted
claims before the J'atent Olllce for oer Twenty
"Vears. Their American and European Patent
Agency Is tlie most extensive in the world, Ota".
c!s less than any other reliable agency. Apflmpfc.
let containing fu 1 Instructions U. lnveiitors"i SeS
W kllltiS & CO.. 37 1'ark Itow, New VS"
AVOID quacks. a Tlctlm of early rnais".
,i ,crt')n ''ausll8 nervous debility, prematura
Iway &e.. having tried lu vain every advertised
remedy, has aslmple means of seAouVwhtrtTne
U. fUlTLlS, 78 Nassau st, New Yor-S Sl