I A. 1 FRANK MORTIMER, Editor and Proprietor. Vol. IV. Ia Published Weekly, At New Illoomfleld, renu'a. BY FRANK MORTIMER. fiCBJiCI'.irTIO.N" TERMS. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR ! THE UNTRIED GOVERNESS. A Step-Daughter's Experience. CONCLUDED. StiENTLY, Noddy. People don't like to see much of this sort of thing in any but the rich." " Then people are wrong, and must . be shown so. But what I want to say is this : if you have lost all your money, you may have expenses to meet, and one thing and another that may harass you, and prevent your beginning clear." Mr. Frank nodded. " Quite so," he said, nd shook his head gravely. " Well, would you mind that is, if I lent you twenty pounds of my property, would you be certain sure to pay it back to me again somewhere ? I can't spare more very well, as I want ton pounds of it to get myself ready for the situation I am looking for. But I thought it might come in handy." 'Just so," said Mr. Frank, and shook his head again gravely j " there's no doubt about it." "You see, I should not have proposed it, but I should charge you interest and that would do away with all obligation." "Entirely," Mr. Frank coincided; "that would be a regular commercial transaction. And the interest would be?" " Three per cent. the samo as the bank gives." "And you would require my note of hand for the amount?" "No," said Noddy, laughing at the idea as absurd ; " I can trust you for that." " What 1 for nearly all your property ?" " Yes ; because it would not ruin me if I lost it." " Well, I will take your money, Noddy It will bo very acceptable and I won't cheat you." "No," said Noddy ; " I hope you won't, for I look upon it as safo as tho bank." Mr. Frank laughed. So it was settled that Noddy should draw her money from the bank ou tho following day. " You are a good little friend, Noddy," Mr. Frank said, as they -walked homo. "No," Noddy said; "I hope I should have done as much for any one." Noddy meant to tell the truth. May bo she "hoped" she would; but I am not at all certain she would. However, she had nev er before felt so rich as at the prospect of helping Mr. Frank. Her twenty pounds seemed to her quite a largo property, and she almost jumped to the conclusion that it would go a good way towards making a prosperous man of Mr. Geogagan again. Mrs. Muciller and Julia returned from the picnic party rather bored. It was "awfully slow," Julia decided ; and "so many stuck up girls that it was quite horrid." Mr. Geogagan spent the evening listen ing to Julia's music with as much apparent appreciation and interest as though he had not been unsuccessful in his attempt to raise tho loan he wished from Mr. Sharing. One day passed two days three days, with little worthy of remark. Then Mrs. Muciller, bocoiuing impatient at receiving no replies to tho advertisement respecting Norah Cray, made a call on Mrs. Sharing who imparted tho bit of news sho had beon AN INDEPENDENT FAMILY burning to tell, but yet treasured un for her last communication namely, that on the most reliable authority her Indian nephew was not worth a dozen rupees ; and that ho had actually attempted to raise a loan on his prospects of marriage with Miss Mucil ler. " Quite absurd, you know," said Mrs. Sharing; "but it just shows what ho is worth." "But I know ho hajiioney," Mrs. Mu ciller protested indignantly. " I am certain of it. That Reclamation Company is a wonderfully good thing, and I know his money is in that. I have made every in quiry." "Exactly. But that is the very reason. The Anglo-Waddy Company has gone to entire ruin. My husband 6ays the shares are not worth a sixpence." This was a great blow for Mrs. Muciller, especially remembering that she had only herself to blame for promulgating the re port of Julia's engagement to this adven turer. Tho one little bit of comfort she had remaining was, that Mr. Geogagan had been as much deceived in thinking. Julia had expectations as she had been with him. But that did not mend tho matter, which presented itself to her mind in the light of a most atrocious take-in, and she said so. "Well, but," said Mrs. Sharing, "tho Company was prospering when ho left In dia, and there is no reason to suppose he has been guilty of intentional deception." "What has that to do with it? How does that make any reparation for the in jury it has caused to my daughter's pros pects .bveiybody knows of tho engage ment, and people will talk. O, how they will talk I It is abominable ! It will be most prejudicial to Julia to break it off now ; but it must bo done at any cost. And a most fortunate escape it will be." Mrs. Muciller returned to tea at Braith field Villa, outwardly calm and cool, but as may be imagined, in not the most placid se renity of mind. She made not the slight est alteration in her behavior to Mr. Geoga gan, who appeared in very fair spirits, and entirely unsuspicious of the coming storm. Mrs. Muciller was a woman of quick ac tion ; a course once resolved on with her was put into execution immediately. When tea was finished she blandly requested Nod dy and Julia to leave the room. Her man ner of doing this was so marked that had Mr. Frank not been deeply interested in a book he was reading on tho sofa, he might have had his suspicions aroused. When they were alone Mrs. Mucillor com menced : "Mr. Geogagan, will do me the fa vor to pay attontiou to a few words I have to say ?" "I am all attention," said Mr. Frank, dropping his book and drawing himself comfortably on the sofa-cushion. " When you invited yourself as my guest I had not tho slightest idea that you would place mo in a false position." " Nor I," said Mr. Frank resignedly, his hands languidly crossed, with the air of a martyr. " I had no idea that you would avail your self of my hospitality to betray tho confi dence naturally reposed in a visitor." Mrs. Muciller paused expecting an an swer; but Mr. Frank was silent. "Or," she continued, "I should not have extended towards you that hospitality. You will excuse my being plain, but it is my duty to be so." Mr. Frank extended his hands and bont his head, as deprecating such an anolotrv. "Your conduct towards my daughter Julia has been most heartily cruel." "Excuse me," said Mr. Frank. " Pardon mo ; I don't wish to bo inter rupted. Most heartlossl cruel. You havo paid her marked attentions at homo and abroad, and have given currency to a most undesirable report that you were engaged to her, without any reference whatever, to my wishes and feelings. I do not, of courso pretend to know the extent to which you have influenced her mind, or tho. hold vou may have succeeded in obtaining over her Ncw I31ooiulioll, T., -A-iig-nst 1G. 1870. affections ; but I must say you have no ght to promulgate a report that, in mv , vj ' t opinion, is injurious to my daughter's pros pects. "I have paid your daughter no more at tention than ordinary courtesy to a relative would dictate. As to an engagement, I have not thought it necccssary to make a reference to you on tho subject, Mrs. Mu ciller, not having had the slightest notion of such a thing, until I heard the renort von allude to, which certainly did not orignato irom me." It is most singular how such a rcnort could have obtained currency had vou civ- en no occasion for it," said Mrs. Muciller. There I agree with you : and sifrnifl. cant also' said Mi Frank. And significant also. Had vour atten tions to Julia been restricted to home cour tesies, it might have been less so. But hen you seek, on strength of such a re port, previously disseminated by you, to uso your rumored engagement as tho secu rity on which to borrow money, it becomes sun moro man significant; it becomes con clusive of something that is detestably dis graceful." Mrs. Muciller paused, wishing for an an swer to a shot that combined truth flnrl falsehood so deftly that she kuew it would tell; but there was only one answer Mr. 1 . r ranic coum Havo given at the moment. If it had been a man who had stung him like this, Mr. Frank would have knocked him down ; but as it was a lady, he was silent. "In entering my . household," she pro ceeded, "you led me tacitly to understand that you were at least in as prosperous a position as l liau reason to believe vou wore some years ago. It is useless to say you did not actually state this in so many words ; you led me to believe it, and took no pains to dissipate such a belief. Such conduct I can only characterize as the basest dunlio.itv. You then sought, by the cunning artifice of a hinted engagement with my daughter, to mortgage her expectations as well as to in jure her prospects. Such proceedings I can only stigmatize as contemptible and syste matic vimany. your future course whilst you remain in my house " But Frank just walked into the hall, took his hat, and scribbling a pencilled address on an envelope, gave it to tho servant for Miss Cray, and walked out, leaving his lug gage and personal effects to be sent after him." , Tho note contained only an acknowledg ment of the sum of twenty pounds borrow ed from Norah. Peoplodid talk; and the bitterness of it to Mrs. Muciller was that it was all her own doing. However, she was equal to the oc casion. She had made one attempt to bring Julia out at eighteen with indifferent suc cess. As a shop-keeper, whose goods have been exposed in his window for a few weeks, and becomo a triilo soiled, will re move them to the back of his shop, that they may come out fresh again by and by, so Mrs. Muciller, whoso daughter had bo come a trifle ily-blown by the exposure, re solved to send Julia to Franco to finish her education for the second time, to como out Iresli at eighteen in another twelvemonth It took a few weeks to completo the neces sary arrangements for Julia's departure, during which time Mrs. Mueiller's attention was distracted from Noddy's affairs. The only Mntiment of emotion at tho contri-te.m-n exhibited by Julia consisted in a renewed expression, in sonjj, of something like i gret that the " two leaves were parted in tne stream ;" but as to any feelino of emo tion, sho probably had about as much as the "other leaf," that "floated forward all alone." Towards the closo of September. few days after Miss Julia had become a pen- ttonnatre of a Parisian establishment, M: nr.. ...mi i i uiuuuim jjuuueuu upon an auvcrtisomeut in the local paper. "At last!" she exclaimed to Noddy; " here is tho very thing for you. It soonis like a providence, llore have we linnn trv ing tho London papers for weoks, and the NEWSPAPER. very identical thing turns up in our own little print. I'll read it : " 'Wanted, a Goveuness Tim nrivpr- tiscr wishes to obtain instruction for a child turned eight years old. Pnglish only re quired. Address W., Pinewood, Lynd hurst, Hants.' " "Just what you want, no accomplish ments whatever, mentioned ; so write di rectly." " Yes," said Noddy, " I will. I like the look of that advertisement. There is not too much said, and not too much required." Noddy wrote three or four notes before sho could manage one to suit the con ciseness of tho advertisement. The one sho sent was this : " To W. September 20, 18 "I think I am competent to undertake the situation. Nora Chay." Return of post brought the following re ply : September 20, 18. "To Miss Noka Cray. " If Miss Cray is of that opinion, she is requested to be at Lyndliurst Station at 7.15 r. m., to-morrow. Carriage will be sent. W." "P. M. ?" Mrs. Muciller remarked. "Not a very suitable time to engage a governess. However, this is not my affair." Noddy was so really anxious to secure a situation for which she thought herself qualified, that she would have gone had it been m. m., twelve o'clock at midnight." " You will not make any frivolous ob jections about accepting this situation," Mrs. Muciller said. "The family whoever they are seem evidently disposed to engage you, and you will understand I have no farther occasion for your services with me. Should you be engaged at once, I do not even see that it would be needful for you to return. You forgot yourself more than once in your demeanor to a visitor of mine ; it is not my wish you should have another opportunity of making a similar mistake. If you return at all, it will be your own fault ; and if you suffer for it, it will be a consequence of your own folly." "I will really try," returned Noddy; " for indeed, I am in earnest for employ ment. But you will not be angry if I re turn unsuccessfully ? You would not turn me away?" " If you return I do not think I could turn you away.. Peoplo might talk. I should not turn you out of doors ; but if, after Once showing you a separato path from my own, and you refuso it, there should bo a way I have not yet tried to make you feel my resentment, I will try to find that way. Until yon had the pros pect of a situation, I have restrained myself because to exhibit my feeling would be useless and purposeless. . Now, let me tell you that I know something of your deceit and treachery. Tlianks to your poisoning Mr. Geogagan's mind against my daughter Julia, he left in tho sudden and disgraceful manner he did. You need not pretend to innocence. You woro walking with him tho day he went to the picnic, and your lies havo brought all this disgrace about." " I assure you it was not so. I never said a word to " " You own you walked with him, then?" " I did," said Noddy, quietly ; " but" "O, you did! Vastly fine! You did 1 Mrs. Mueiller's upper-servant and parlor maid walked out for an airing with Mrs. Mueiller's guest ! Indeed. Cat 1" and Mrs. Muciller bent herself forward, the better to project her indignation. " Leave the room without a word, or I may forget my own interest, and, once out of the house, may be fool enough to forbid your return, even to such a reception as I can give yew Go I" Noddy was too angry to cry. Sho went. Mrs. Mueiller's words were too unjust to stab. No one knew their' injustice better than Noddy. The one bit of truth that she had taken a walk with Mr. Geogairan, she was not ashamed of. Mrs. Mueiller's deduc tion from it, about it's being the means of breaking oil Julia's expected match, noed Terms: IN ADVANCE. One Dollar per Year. ISTo. 33. ed no contradiction. Noddy knew that and what is more, that her step-mother, knew it too. Tho mistake of women's div putcs in their predilection for hanging a quarrel on any peg but the right one. Had Mrs. Muciller confined herself to saying sho hated Noddy, and always had done si, she would have been completely justified, and would have succeeded in making her victim cry. The 7.15 train set Noddy down at a liw tlo country station, in the middle of the New Forest, amid a wilderness of tree beauty, with no other habitation in sight, for miles than tho station-master's house and the long red roofs of Lyndliurst Union peering out from the distant green. The air was scented with flowers, and musical with bird-voices, and tho golden evening. haze lay on all the sombre trees, and burnr cd them into a red misty glory. A few minutes, and a shaggy pony became visible drawing a small phaeton out of tho forest shade. The man drove up, and asked for Miss Cray. " No luggage, mum, I think ? No. Per haps you won't mind sittin' by ' me. The road is roughish, and the front seat is more springy." 80 Noddy perched herself beside the coachman, and tho shaggy pony began shuffling sort of running trot, and the "car riage" began to glide and bump over the grassy forest-path. " How far is Pinewood ?" Noddy inquir ed. "A matter of five mile, mum, miss, I should say, "but the road Is a rum un." So it seemed. Over humps and bumps m the lawny way, and the forest-path twist ing and winding about among the majestic trees ; the wheels singing pleasantly on th grass, grating a stone here and there, Or going over a bougn yonder, but the pony shuffled along over everything with a hap py see-saw swaying of his head. " Are they at home ?" " Yes'm, leastways, miss." " Who did you say your master was?" Noddy wanted to know something of the folks she was going to.. .-.. V , , "I didn't say he was no one. did I? Ha thought this too sharp, however ; for- he added, "lie's tue govenor, that's whath is." . . .- "And the child?" asked Noddy, a lit tle rebuffed. " A girl, I suppose ?" . , The coachman looked at her severely. "No," he said, doggedly ;."it ain't a girl. Como up Peg, can't you 1" tho last re mark being addressed in a surly tone to the pony. It was getting dusk when Noddy ar rived. She was shown into a spacious room comfortably furnished, but plenty of room to walk about. - , Tho windows looked out on the billowy forest, now fading into purple gloom, all save the nearer trees, which stood in a silhouette of black lackwork against the twilight sky. Presently, an old lady in black silk entered the room. Not the lady of the house, Noddy judged, more like a motherly housekeeper than that ; but there was a comfortable smile on her face as she said, "Miss Cray, I beliove, iu answer to tho letter? Will you follow me, my dear?" Noddy followed her out of the room, and along a cool white hall, to a door. The old lady knocked. " My master is within ; please to enter." Master 1 thought Noddy, and trembled at tho prospect of the approaching ordeal ; but tho housekeeper had opened tho door,' and Noddy had to go in. The room was larger than tho other; it was also darker, inasmuch as tho blinds were half-way down and no lights to enliven tho gloom. ' Noddy could only distinguish dimly the figure of a man, in a great ' chintz-covered easy -chair at the far end of the room. She judged him to be elderly by his reclining as if with gout, his legs making two great bolster like parcels in front of him. Tho hair that strayed out beneath his velvet sk.ill-cap appeared white, and he addressed her in a slow voice of some firmness. " Be seated Miss Cray, if you please." 1 Nora took a seat. - ' " ' CONTINUED ON SECOND PAOS,