The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, August 09, 1870, Page 5, Image 5

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l)e tmc0, Nctu BloomftcUV flfl.
Tuesday, August , 1S10.
Are One Dollar a Year in Advance I
Persons who receive a paper with this article
marked, may know tuat tlu'y should mail or oth
erwise send the subscription price, if they wish to
Continue to receive Tue Times.
CORRESPONDENTS will please hear In
mind tuat iciiers received later than Saturday eve
ning, or tue down mail on Monday morning have
to lay over until tiie following week.
Burn Burned. On Tuesday evening a
large barn in Fishing Creek Valley, be
longing to J. Hill was destroyed by fire.
The barn was well lillud with bay and grain,
all of which was burned. The manner in
which it took liro we did not learn.
.An Upset. A buggy driven by a young
man named Ickes, having with him a Miss
Ernest was upset near the Elliottsburg
camp, on Sunday, in trying to drive around
another vehicle. The buggy top was badly
demoralized, and tho young lady was a lit
tle hurt 011 the hand.
A Serious Accident happened on Satur
day morning to Jacob Bender, of Millers
town. Mr. 13. was standing on the railroad
near the rope ferry looking at a freight
train coming on the other track, when the
Pacific Express came from tho opposite di
rection knocking him a considerable dis
tance, and injuring him so badly that bis
recovery will almost be a miracle.
Flue Melons. If the watermelon which
we received from Mr. J. A. Newcomer, of
Loysville, and for which ho lias our thanks,
was a fair sample of his load last week, he
certainly had a very fine lot.
Mr. Newcomer makos regular trips every
Monday to Baltimore, with his market car,
returning on Wednesday. Any orders for
marketing or for merchandise of any de
scription will bo carefully and promptly at-
-tendud to.
Jtiot at Landisburg. A riot, that for a
time threatened to be very serious, occurred
at Landisburg, on Tuesday last, between
sonio of tho citizens and tho men attached
to Dr. Thayer's circus. From all we can
learn, tho trouble originated by some fel
lows, who were operating under the com
mand of Captain Whisky, interfering with
horses in the stable set apart for tho use of
the show men. Words soon led to blows, and
in tho first skirmish the showmen came off
victorious. The defeated parly, however,
received reinforcement, and towards even
ing tho light was renewed, and this time
the actions of tho showmen wero outra
geous. Instead of confining their attacks
to those who were engaged in tho fight they
attacked tho citizens promiscuously, and
clubs and stones wero freely used. About
sundown tho excitement was so great that
tho stores wero compelled to cWso, and wo
men and children were afraid to bo on tho
street. In several instances peaceable citi
zens wero knocked down and abused, and
for an hour or two a reign of tenor prevail
ed. There was no performance by the com
pany in the evening, as originally intended
they taking down their canvass and pre
paring to depart for Carlisle which they
did about four o'clock the next morning.
The only citizen of the county whom we
bear of being scrioiihly hurt, was Levi
Stiucberger, who was cut on tli be bead
and injured so that bo had to bo taken
honfo. His injuries, however, are not sup
posed to bo dangerous. Several of tho cir
cus.nien wero considerably injured, though
not so badly but what they wero able to
leave with the company,.
Tho whole affair originated from whisky,
and shows tho impropriety of freely selling
liquor upon the occasion of such gather
ings. Latf.k. 'Since the above was in typo, we
learn that one of the showmen diod of bis
injuries at Carlisle.
Tuscnrora Academy, Acadcmin,. Pa-
More than three thousand young men have
gone forth from this school, so trained in
all the branches of scholarship, as to enable
many of thorn to reflect honor upon them-
solvea, and tire institution at which they
received their education.
The largo experience and earnestness of
the Principals in the cause of education,
will contribute much to tho successful train
ing of youth entrusted to their care.
Terms $200. Bend for a circular. 4t
Burned to Death. On Wednesday even
ing last, a young lady named Miss Susan
Miller residing in Ncwpoit, was seri
ously burned by the taking fire of the gas,
arising from gasoline oil. The facts of
the case as we learn them from her brother,
are, that Miss Miller had gono with a
bottle to purchase somo of the oil from Mr.
Ritner. While Mrs. H. was turning the
oil from the measure into the bottle, tho
gas took fire from the lamp Miss Miller was
holding, immediately cointnunicatiug to
the contents of the bottle. This, Mrs. Rit
ner thiew out of tho house, but in such a
manner that it passed over the head of Miss
Miller, who was instantly enveloped in
ilames. She at oneo ran into tho garden
and fell among tho tomato vines and cov
ered her face w ith her hands, w hich, in a
measure prevented her from inhaling the
tlanie. Some person came to herassistanco
and threw a blanket around her, and by
this means, and tearing oil' the clothing, tho
lire was soon extinguished. Miss Miller
was found to be badly burned, but still it
was hoped that her injuries would not prove
fatal. In this hope, however, her friends
were disappointed ; as death came to her
relief tho following evening.
It is but a short timo sinco wo recorded
an accident that happened in Perrysville
from this kind of oil, and with this fur
ther proof of its inllaniability, we should
think peoplo would refuse to use it. If no
other means will prevent its use, tho proper
authorities ought to prohibit its sale with
in borough or city limits.
Shooting Affair at Hoilidaysbiirg. A
travelling Indian show gave an exhibition
in Hollidaysburg on Friday night last, and
during its progress quite a number of young
men clambered upon ; wagon standing out
side, and from which they could peer over
tho top of tho canvas. One of the show
men requested the crowd to get out of the
wagon, when all complied with the request,
save Wm. Baker, Jr., a young man aged
about 23 years. The showman then at
tempted to put Baker out, when tho latter
knocked him down and kicked him. Ho
got up and when Baker again knocked him
down. The show man then got upon his
knees, and drawing a pistol, shot Baker,
the ball passing through his left lung, about
two inches above tho heart, and lodging
somewhere near the spinal column. An at
tempt was made to arrest the showman,
out, no succeeded m making ins escape.
Public sentiment in Hollidaysburg justifies
the act of the showman. Baker now lies in
a very critical condition, and has given up
all hopes of recovery. Exchange.
A Dastardly Outrage About 11 o'clock
on Saturday night a week, as Mr. Mooro
and Miss Ruth Robeson, daughter of Jas,
Robeson, wero passing tho point where Mr.
B. L. Hewitt was attacked but a few min
utes before, Miss Robeson was struck over
tho right eye by a large stono, cutting a
large gash in her forehead, badly mashing
and bruising her right cheek, and render
ing her insensible for several minutes. Mr.
Mooro at once drove rapidly into Hollidays
burg, where medical attendance was pro
cured, when it was found that Miss Robe,
son's injuries were of such a nature as com
pletely disfigure her for life. It is need less
to say that these repeated outrages have
greatly alarmed the quiet citizens of Holli
daysburg, and that a determined effort will
be made to ascertain who tho guilty parties
are and bring them to a speedy punish,
rnont. Altoona Daily Sun.
Duncannon, Aug. 6th, 1870.
Mk.Editoh On Saturday, July 30th,
tno Presbyterian sabuatu School and con
gregation held a "harvest home," in tho
woods belonging to J. T. Steel, about a
milo and one-fourth from town. The school
met in tho church at 8 o'clock ; all anxious
ly "waiting for the wagons to take a rule."
T he wagons finally came, and tho children
were placed on the seats and conveyed to
the woods others coming later, they ful
lowed. When all parties had collected, an d
wero seated, the school sung a piece of mu
sic, prayer was otcored, singing again by
tho audience, and Rev. Thomson addressed
tho assembly in a very pleasant, able and
entertaining mannor. After service a table
about one hundred feet long, was well
loaded with tho good things of this life.
The children wero placed around the table.
tho pastor taking one end, asked a blessing.
the teachers and parents attended to the
wants ot the "lambs," and all wero satis
fied. After all on tho ground were provi
ded, there still remained a number of bas
kets full. Everything passed off' pleasantly,
The school ot tho United Brethren "cele
brated" in Ex-Sheriff Bhoibley's woods.
They had singing and prayer also, and an
address from their pastor,, a very fine din
ner ana pleasant times.. Tom,
Tailoring. Having engaged the services
of a competent man, ' tho undersigned are
now prepared to furnish suits to order, or
make and trim any work which may bo
sent In. F. Mortimer & Co.
Church Notices.
In the Methodist church, nraver-meetinc
Thursday evening. Preaching Sunday
morning at 10J o'clock by Rev: G. W.
In the Reformed Church nravcr mcetinir
on Thursday evening. Preaching next Sab
bath at 3 p. m.
Prayer meeting will be held in the Pres
byterian basement on VVcdnosday evening,
when it will bo made known where preach
ing is to bo Held on next Sunday.
No Humbug. We do not wish to in
form you, reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or
any other man, has discovered a remedy
that cures nil diseases of nnnd, body or
estate, and is destined to make our eub-
luary sphere a blissful paradise, to which
heaven itself shall be but a side show,
but we do wisli to inform you that Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy has cured thou
sands of catarrh in its worst forms and
stages, and tho proprietor will pay $"00 for
a eat-.e of this loathsome disease tint he
cannot cure. It may bo procured by
mail for 60 cents, by addressing It. V.
Pierce. M. )., Buffalo, N. Y. Tor sale
almost drug stores, everywhere.
.. .
Hot! Nobody minds the heat when
clad in Wariamaker & Brown's Summer
Clothes. The thin garment) keep you
ool, and tho low prices are as refreshing
as ice cream and soda water.
Slimmer Dress-Goods in a variety of styles,
some as low as 1 2 J cents per yard, just re
ceived and for sale by F. Mortimer & Co.
Now is the time tor bargains.
A successful balloon ascension came off at
York on the 30th ult.
The Nail Factory nt Duncannon has not
been rininiug the pabt week, having stopped for
The Republican County Convention will meet
In this borough, 011 Monday the 2iid Inst., one
week later than the Democratic Convention.
The number of visitors to the Elliottsburg
Camp Meeting on Sunday lust, was very large.
At leatt two thousand persons were present.
Squirrels are lawful plunder from August
1st to December 1st. Those who like hunting,
will govern themselves accordingly.
Three barns In York county were dcFtroyed
by fire, week before last. In each case the lire
waB caused by lightning.
A valuable mare belonging to Jos. Martin, of
Millerf-town, had to be killed last week, In eon
sequence of having broken her leg.
The Presbyterian Church in this borough is
to be repaired and greatly improved. Men are
ulreudy engaged tit the work. The estimated
cost of the improvement is ?5000.
A Forest county Ceusus Marshal found an
old lady 107 years of age. When he made his
call she was taking her usual morning exercise
at tue wood pile, being accustomed to cutting
ncr own lire-wood.
On Wednesday of last week, Mr. Daniel
(Jleppenger living near Mowersville, In Frank
lin county, met with a severe accident by full
Ing from the top of a load of hay, the fall being
caused by the sudden ft irtingof the team. He
struck on his head and has been entirely par
alyzed ever slnee. '
An old tramper, about C5 years of age, was
picked up in Lancaster, and sent to the alms.
house. At the poor-house he was stripped for
the purpose ot cleaning him, when there was
discovered upon his person, tied np In little
bags, which wns enveloped in an old cotton
handkerchief, 8350 in gold, S85 In silver, and
o in paper currency in all, $480.
County Trice Current.
Bl.OOMPIBI.U, August 9, 1870.
$2 00
00 cents.
Butter l pound,
Eggs dozen
Dried Apples ft pound
Dried reaches
Pealed Teaches ,
20 "
6 "
8 lOets-Vft,
IS fi) 18 cts.
00 cts.
" l'ltted 15 18 cts. "
Blackberries, 8 10 cts. "
Onions H bushel, "
Corrected Weekly bit Wm. Knugh fous.
Newpout. August 0, lb7i.
Flour. Extra, S 5 25
Bed Wheat 1 25 1 25
Eye S5
Corn ' 85 90
Oats ! 32 pounds, CO
Clover Heed 6 50 6 50
Timothy Seed . 8 00
Flax Seed 1 75
Potatoes, 15 15
Ground Allium Salt 2 50
Llmoburncr's Coal, 2 40
Stovo Coal 4 50 65 50
1'ca Coal 3 40
Smith Coal 25 cts. V b.i.
Cross Tics.B feet long, 30 Q 40 cents.
Philadelphia Price Current.
Corrected Weekly by Janney fc Andrews,
No. 123 Mauket Stukkt.
Philadelphia,, August 6. 1870.
White Wheat 1 63 1 65
Bed Wheat 1 45 1 50
Ityo 1 071 08
Corn 1062108
Oats 63 0 65
Clover Seed t 00S 25
Timothy Seed 6 50 7 75
Flaxseed 2 25 0 2 25
Country Lard 14 17
Eggs, 25 26
Butter, solid In bbls.' 16 6 18
Washed Woo), 46 cents per lb.
Pennsylvania II. It. Time Table.
On and after May 29. 1870. Passenecr trains
will run as follows:
Pittsb'g Expr's. (Flag)4.41 A. M. dally exe't Sunday.
Way Passenger, 9.13 a. m., daily except Monday,
Mail, 2.11 r. M. daily except bundav.
A mixed train with passenger car attached, w ill
leave Harrisbuig at 5 o'clock p. 111., and Newport
at 6.46 p. m.
Fast, Line 4.10 A. M., daily except Monday.
Harrisbuig Acconi. 11.31 A. daily ' Sunday.
Mail, 7.53 p. M., daily except Sunday
J. J. 1SAKULA1, Agent.
On and arterSuiiday, June 12th, 1870, trains will
leave Duncannon, as follows :
Fast Line, (Flag) 4.3i'i A. m., daily except Monday
llarrisburir Accom. 12.U4 p. M.. d:i.!lv " Smuhiv
Mail, 8.28 P. M.. daily " bundav
V ay Passenger, 8.33 a.m., dally except Monday
Mail. 1.40 1-. M, daily except Sunday
Thro' Freight, Pass. (Jar attached, 0.00 '. M.
WM. U. Jxl.NU, Agent
Stage Line Between Jicwport and New
STAGES leave New Germantown daily at four
o'clock a. 111. Lamlislmi'tf :it 7. Son- in. Ci-ppii.
park at 8 a. m. New Dlooiulleid at 9$ iu m.
Arriving at Newport to connect with the Ac
coin modal Inn train East.
Ketui nine leaves Newport on the arrival of the
Mail Train from Philadelphia, at 2.3u p. in.
l. lite., rroprieior.
Habpkk In Ncwnort. on the 20Lli ult. Mr. John
Harper, aged 67 years.
ltoniNsON In this boromrh. on the 28th ntt... Wm.
Brooks, infant son of Amos and Annie llobinson.
aged lu mouths and 5 days.
SMiTn In Juniata townshln. on the 4th Inst.
John Smith, aged 57 years, 7 mouths and 1 day.
Mekkuitii On tho fitli Inst.. In Oliver tnwnsliln.
Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Noble Meredith, aged 7
years, 7 mouths and 6 days.
MII.LEK In Newnort. on the 4th Inst. f!.
Miller, aged 17 years, 1 month and 15 days.
Ilcmpliitl & Oinmllcr,
Tobacco, Seyars, &c,
4S- A full Stock of the Celebrated Monitor Na
vy, always on hand. 4 32 lylo
Bloomfiold Academy !
An English and Classical School
THE FALL TERM of this Institution coin
mences Aumist 20th.
The course of study embraces Latin, Greek,
English Branches. Mathematics, Natural Science,
e., and is desimied to furnish a thoromrh Knirlisli
Education, or a complete Preparation for a Colle
giate Cimrse.
Vacations: July and August, and one week at
Terms: For Boarding. Furnished Room. Wash
ing. 1 uition in Latin, Greek, English Branches and
Mathematics, for tho scolastic year, except board
in vacations. $200.00.
The Boarding Department Is at the Institution.
under the supervision of Wiliam Gricr, Esq., by
vTiiwiii gduu .tint niiuHuiiiuiii uoiiru win ne iur
nished: and the puivls will be under the strict care
oi uiu i-rincpai. yuwress
W. II. DILL, Principal,
51tfl New Blooinlleld, Perry county, Pa.
Pensions, Bounties, &c.
"VTTIDOWS. Minor Children. Mothers. Fathers.
tc. of Soldiers who were killed or died of
disease contracted in the Service or the United
Stales, can now make aiinlleation for I'eniinn.
Also Sold.ers who contracted disease or were
wounded, rupiureu, or in any way disabled in tho
war of lHfil.
When widows d e or re-marry, the child or
children under sixteen years of age are entitled to
a Pension.
The time for tiling claims for additional bounty
has been extended six mouths.
Particular attention given to old suspended cases
In the dillercnt departments at. Washington, 1). (!.
If you have, or think you have a ela'in against the
Government, call on or address tho undersigned.
Attorney for Claimants,
Cash Ibr Gruin.
JL have rented the GHIST MILL of Mr. Grilllth
Jones, of that place, and are prepared to buy
Gruin to any amount for :Air.
JOHN WISTEit, Treasurer.
Duncannon, July 20, 1870.
The " Jolly Young American,"
Is the tiftst, neatest and Jolllest paper out. Cha
full of Jolly Stories, Jokes, Sketches, Poetry, M; I a i,rl A ,1 ..nt it.... ....... n I.. ...
" "'n,., , vi biiiuiiiuius, miiu hi
airitrvllilni. 1 1. 1 nrwull .. .
everyiiung interesting,
Subscribe and sleep well nights. No humbug.
f J t "Vr OR " ' I " V l 1 U . X ' TP A , 1
........i.k. u.iii ..,.., iti.uiwauiin-iua, anu III Jitcv
Four Copies, and a Twenty Picture Photograph
Album as a Premium, for HI.
Address GEO. BENNETT, Publisher
4 30 6t Wadsworth, Oh
NT-WITT TV NEW THING, for gentlemen'
iiuiuii, use only. Sent by return mail
on receipt oi 31) cents. Agents wanted everywhere,
Aim i ess, i. munuon c 11.,
4 31 3m P. O. Box 301, N.Y. City,.
A Fine Assortment of spring stylos are now
for sl by the subscribers at low prions.
r.. mohtimeh A CO.,
Hew Bloointlel.t.
New Advertisements.
. l'atentA
Acrpnta AAQ Ninth nt
Washington. D. C-,
for advice, terms and refer-
entes. 1 32 4t
1 1 1 1 K lot Vfninn An nA i..
cimnar to Key. J. K Alexander. 1'rinr.ina.L
Ilightstown, N. J. 4 32 4t
Is Brighter, will not Fade, Costs Less than any
other because it will Paint twice
as niucii surface.
ai jn rr & .
J. II. WEEES& CO., Manufacturers,
122 North 4th street, Philadelphia.
Advertising !
A BOOK of 125 closely printed pages, lately is
sued, contains a list, ot the hest American
Advertising Mediums, giving the names, circula
tions, mid lull pallidum concerning the leading
Daily and Weekly Political and Family Kewspa
pers. together wnh all those having large circula
tions, published In the inteiest ot Beligion, Agri-
eultiiie, Literature, &c, .e. Every Advertiser
and every person whoconieiiiplatesbecomingsucn.
will lind this book of great value. Mailed free to
anyaddiesson the receipt of tiftcen cents. CJIiO.
1'. hOWJbLL , CO., Publishers, Wo. 40 Park
Itow, New York.
The Pittsburg (Fa.) Leader, In Its Issue of Ma?
2D, 1,0, says: "The linn of G. P. Howell & Co.".
which Issues this interesting and valuable hook. Is
the largest and best Advertising Agency in the
nuuc, uiu o cau cueeiiuiiy recommend
it to tlKl attention of tlmsewlm tn u .Ivor lie
their business suientificai.i.y and system aticajj.t
in such a way; that is, so to secure the largest
amount of publicity for the ieast expenditure of
money." 14 4wr
1 -A- rV 13 2V rJT .
....... ....,. ".m uionc iMib uKiims 1'a.ieni
!lrr !llUrNil hi fiiinnuA mil. T I T Xt XT f. Si,. -I,
..... ..... -r.. y w,,,,,,! yiiu ivri.n ck- ,u., tMiuor:
oi the iScwntific American, who have prosecuted
V. HI 111 lipfftrfi I ho I 'ft In nt i iinA f..- if a..
iears. Ihuir American and European tatent
Agency ia the most extensive in the world. Char-
r,. lncu tlt'ii, u .t (... i.t . ...
..... ....... j, yinu, , cmuie iigeiicy. A pampil-
et containing' lull irisii-ii,.i,.,,,u i.. i ... .
gratis. MUNN & CO., 37 Park Bow. Hew York.
AVOID QTJACKS.-A victim of early indls
cietion, causing nervous debility, premature
decay, 6.e., having tr.ed in vain every advertised
......j, ..iva uijimiNt: menus oi ten-cure, wmcn he
w'1 iMt;.'.'.,,lf',e,e-to l" fKl'ow-suiierers. Address J.
II. 1 U I ILL, 78 .Nassau St., Hew York. 4 32 4t .
H Liberanty. and the Hest Talent, have lor over
.twenty Hears been freely used upon
Moore's Rural New-Yorker,
Anrl !LS 9. rnuntf. H la nmw m'A a.nlAnM.. IV t
. ,. r fii-ciiiiuiii.ijf, uic long
est. Best and Cheapest Illustkatko Kukaa. Lir-
tlUXUV AMI. W I ,t im V A ........... .. . 1 II' .
.,u1Ainii.i f.civi.1 in uic norm. leni
ot thousands of wide-awake People, all over the
Continent, take and admiie the Kuhax. for its su
perior Ability, Value, JUustratiuns, Myle, tc.
Uic i'ress and People Praise It!
For Mltmi)! un Kvi'hntura oiim. tiTiin T.....
is the most Aiteyantly J'nntetL AoLy AUiteU, Wideht
uu-evtum ana Uv,arily Wtlcome JJoper. as a
whole, which now Jimis Us way among the eozle."
its- Vfl . Yll lui.rir.j IiiIif O l i fi.
$1 per voiunie of :oi numbers, or Zs per year.
4 28 4t r D. D. T. MOOHE. 41 Park ltow. N. Y.
K( r.rKi-4 o 'r the New York
ONE DOLLAR will pay for the SEMI-VVEEKLY
Si iv . iiiumu pays lor lllis DAILY
bUJN. Address,
a oa i ,i l- W' ENGLAND, Publisher,
4 " 4t rJ New York.
Prompt. Honorable. BcliablcV
AGENTS WANTED In every city, town and
iv'i,iit:.e.,f!'ll.t,,ie Jiireest and most succcsslul
1JULLAU HOCfaE in the country ONLY ONE en
dorsed by the leading Papers and Express Go's of
the IJ niled Mates. Our goods give universal satis
laction, our prciniuius to Agents cannot ub ex
ciiu.uu, and our checks are free. Having two
houses Bo.iton aud Chicago our facilities are UN
kqoaleu, and our business exceeds in amount all
otiier concur ns in this trade combined.
U SEND 1- OK CIRCULARS and Free Cldb to
IdO Federal Street, Boston, on
108 State Street, Chicago.
Blt.IDK AND BllIDJKGItOOM .-Essays for
Voung Men, free, in sealed envelopes, llow
AitD Assojution, Box P, Philadelphia, Pa,
.wonderful book; it shows how either sex c:wi
lasclnale any one they wish, instantly. (All pos
sess this power.) It teaches how to get rich, Alche
my, Sorceries, Incantations. Domonologv, Magie.
Mesmerism. Spiritualism, Marriage Guide, and i
y"V.lMV';I,w;L'llels- 'a'le for 25 cents. Address
1. WILLIAM 6i CO., Publishers, South 7th street,
IVoav Htrij-e Line
TIIE subscriber is now running a hack between
Bloomtleldand Newport, leaving BloomUeld
at 9 a in., arriving at Newport in time to oonnect
with the Express train East.
Iteturulug, leaves Newport at 2.30 a. m.. or on
the arrival of the Mail train Wast. ?
- lie has also opened aUVEUY In th.: Stables
belonging to Binesmith's Hotel, where he is pre
pared to furnish horses and buggies at modorate
Kcw Blaomfleld, Pa.
THE subrlber having purchased the property .
on the joruer of Maine and Carlisle streets,
opposite tho Court House, invitos U his friends
and former sustoiners to give him a call as he is
determined ;o furnish hrat class aocoinmodatiotis.
I 1". ?roprlel"f. ,